Tracklist: 00:00:00 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl, KV. 119 00:06:07 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, KV. 418 00:12:20 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Cara, se le mie pene, KV. deest 00:22:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Se tutti i mali miei, KV. 83 00:29:53 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Alcandro, lo confesso… Non sò d’onde viene, KV. 294 00:39:18 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Se ardire, e speranza, KV. 82 00:46:00 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, spiegarti, oh Dio, KV. 178 00:49:15 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ch’io mi scordi di te… Non temer, amato bene, KV. 505 00:59:20 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Alma grande e nobil core, KV. 578 01:04:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: A questo seno…Or che il cielo, KV. 374 01:12:06 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Basta vincesti…Ah, non lasciarmi KV. 486a (295a) 01:17:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Al desio, di chi t’adora, KV. 577 01:23:45 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Conservati fedele, KV. 23 01:30:45 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Voi avete un cor fedele, KV. 217 01:37:49 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Misero mi…Misero pargoletto, KV. 77 01:50:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Nehmt meinen Dank, KV. 383 01:54:03 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Va, dal furor portata, KV. 21 (19c) 02:00:01 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Or che il dover…Tali e cotanti sono, KV. 36 (33i) 02:08:44 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Si mostra la sorte, KV. 209 02:11:26 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Con ossequio, con rispetto, KV. 210 02:14:22 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Clarice cara mia sposa, KV. 256 02:16:08 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Se al labbro mio non credi, KV. 295 02:26:09 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Per pietà, non ricercate, KV. 420 02:31:52 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Misero! o sogno...Aura, che intorno spiri, KV. 431 02:41:14 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Io ti lascio, KV. Anh 245 02:44:13 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Così dunque tradisci…Aspri rimorsi atroci, KV. 432 (421a) 02:48:04 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Dite almeno in che mancai, KV. 479 02:54:25 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Mandina amabile, KV. 480 02:59:17 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Alcandro, lo confesso…Non sò, d’onde viene, KV. 512 03:06:18 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Mentre ti lascio, KV. 513 03:13:10 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Ich möchte wohl den Kaiser sein, KV. 539 03:15:51 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Un bacio di mano, KV. 541 03:18:01 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Per questa bella mano, KV. 612 03:25:05 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Popoli di Tessaglia KV. 316: Popoli di Tessaglia 03:28:30 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Popoli di Tessaglia KV. 316: Io non chiedo 03:35:09 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah se in ciel, benigne stelle, KV. 538 03:42:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, KV. 582 03:46:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Vado, ma dove? oh Dei! KV. 583 03:51:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ch’io mi scordi te? Non temer, amato bene, KV. 490 03:58:19 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Per pietà, bell’idol mio, KV. 78 (73b) 04:02:04 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Oh, temerario Arbace, KV. 79 (73d) 04:07:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Bella mia fiamma, addio!... Resta, oh cara, KV. 528 04:17:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, lo previdi!-Ah, t’invola-Deh, non varcar, KV. 272 04:31:37 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Misera, dove son! - Ah! non son’io che parlo, KV. 369 04:38:42 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Mia speranza adorata!- Ah, non sai, qual pena sia il doverti, KV. 416 04:48:07 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Non curo l’affetto, KV. 74b 04:53:25 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Fra cento affanni, KV. 88 05:03:38 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: A Berenice- Sol nascente, KV. 70 05:15:27 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ma, che vi fece, o stelle- Sperai vicino il lido, KV. 368 05:24:18 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: No, no, che non sei capace, KV. 419
Mozart was het grootste genie ooit, natuurlijk Beethoven was stokdoof toen hij de 9e componeerde en J.S. Bach is ‘n begrip. Mozart componeerde de meeste muziek. Klinkt eenvoudig maar juist die geweldige harmonie die wordt bereikt met veel minder noten dan de pianopartituur van Rachmaninov 3e pianoconcert, maar beslist niet minder lastig. Het eist veel meer studie om een werk van Wolfgang goed uit te voeren. Mijn complimenten voor de uitvoering van al de werken die deze lijst bevat. De opnames zijn ook 🥰
Si bien todas las arias de Mozart aquí presentadas son de extraordinaria belleza, las que más adoro son las siguientes: "Cara Se Le Mie Pene, Kv. deest" (00:12:20) y "Per Questa Bella Mano, Kv. 612" (03:18:01). Gracias a Brilliant Classics por publicarlas. Desde Bogotá - Colombia.
THE BEST! 04:07:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Bella mia fiamma, addio!... Resta, oh cara, KV. 04:17:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, lo previdi!-Ah, t’invola-Deh, non varcar, KV. 272
El Mozart más espléndido, con el aria final con un la sobre agudo, el sonido máximo de la voz humana, como hiciera con la Reina de la Noche en su Flauta Mágica. Gracias por ofrecerlo.
A lovely rendering of Mozart's arias - most exquisitely sung - aruond 30 mins is a gorgeously sung aria - Marriage of Figaro...? Caught my attention as it is sung in the film - " Le Maitre de Musique. " near the end in " Prince Scotti's grand competition ..... thanks greatly for such tasteful listening 😌
Hola Luis León acabo de leer tu mensaje desde Mendoza, Argentina, concuerdo con lo que has dicho te envío un saludo fuerte desde mi confinamiento coronavirus y lamento mucho lo que pasa en España con este tema. Si tu apellido es italiano tambien amento mucho lo de Italia. Los argentinos tenemos dos madres patrias España e ItaliaUn abrazo fuerte Dios tebendiga { Si no creees en Dios no hay problema, el te bendice igual}
Es inimaginable la vida sin la música de Mozart......Wagner, Handel, Bach, Puccini, R. Strauss, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Purcell, Orff, Weber, Albinoni, Vivaldi, Telemann, Haydn, Mahler, Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini...
Extraordinario, parece dirigir el mismo genio mientras crea con esa maestría celestial que lo hace único en la historia por el grado y la abundancia de su creación.
Великолепная ария, написанная молодым Моцартом для Элоизии, в которую он был влюблён (без взаимности, увы!). Позже Моцарт женился на её сестре Констанци, с которой обрёл счастье.
I really enjoyed it, because Mozart is one of my favorite composers; although, I would like to know the name of singers, ir could be more complete. Any way, is a great compilation. Thanks. 🌷
Tengo en diferentes cd estas arias por diferentes cantantes. Buscarlas individualmente por nombre del aria y elegir las cantantes. Esta soprano es agradable, pero esto mismo por otras sopranos suena completamente diferente.
To judge from the music that M. compos’d especially for Aloyisia Weber (he had met her when she was 16 years old in Mannheim in October 1777) what a tremendous voice she must have had ! To her (and her soprano-Sisters) the G-Natural in alt (a whole fifth ABOVE the dreaded top-C !!!) was apparently no trouble at all ... Oh to be a fly on the wall to hear Aloyisia competing for high notes in the glass ‘Orangerie’ concert hall with German-born Anna Gottlieb (=stage-name ‘Caterina Caviglieri’) in Feb of 1786-(when Salieri’s Prima la Musica e poi le parole (1-hour) was pitted against Mozart’s Der Schauspieldirektor (35-minutes) both short Singspielen being about 2 rival sopranos who go at each other with the vengeance of Tigresses !
In "Popoli di Tessaglia...Io non chiedo", K. 316, the soprano doesn't go up to the high G6. She stops directly before, and goes down two notes. I mean, talk about anti climactic. Horrible performance. By far the best version is Edita Gruberova's, with Hager and the Mozarteum.
00:00:00 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl, KV. 119
00:06:07 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, KV. 418
00:12:20 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Cara, se le mie pene, KV. deest
00:22:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Se tutti i mali miei, KV. 83
00:29:53 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Alcandro, lo confesso… Non sò d’onde viene, KV. 294
00:39:18 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Se ardire, e speranza, KV. 82
00:46:00 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, spiegarti, oh Dio, KV. 178
00:49:15 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ch’io mi scordi di te… Non temer, amato bene, KV. 505
00:59:20 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Alma grande e nobil core, KV. 578
01:04:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: A questo seno…Or che il cielo, KV. 374
01:12:06 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Basta vincesti…Ah, non lasciarmi KV. 486a (295a)
01:17:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Al desio, di chi t’adora, KV. 577
01:23:45 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Conservati fedele, KV. 23
01:30:45 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Voi avete un cor fedele, KV. 217
01:37:49 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Misero mi…Misero pargoletto, KV. 77
01:50:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Nehmt meinen Dank, KV. 383
01:54:03 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Va, dal furor portata, KV. 21 (19c)
02:00:01 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Or che il dover…Tali e cotanti sono, KV. 36 (33i)
02:08:44 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Si mostra la sorte, KV. 209
02:11:26 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Con ossequio, con rispetto, KV. 210
02:14:22 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Clarice cara mia sposa, KV. 256
02:16:08 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Se al labbro mio non credi, KV. 295
02:26:09 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Per pietà, non ricercate, KV. 420
02:31:52 Concert Arias for Tenor and Orchestra: Misero! o sogno...Aura, che intorno spiri, KV. 431
02:41:14 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Io ti lascio, KV. Anh 245
02:44:13 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Così dunque tradisci…Aspri rimorsi atroci, KV. 432 (421a)
02:48:04 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Dite almeno in che mancai, KV. 479
02:54:25 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Mandina amabile, KV. 480
02:59:17 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Alcandro, lo confesso…Non sò, d’onde viene, KV. 512
03:06:18 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Mentre ti lascio, KV. 513
03:13:10 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Ich möchte wohl den Kaiser sein, KV. 539
03:15:51 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Un bacio di mano, KV. 541
03:18:01 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Per questa bella mano, KV. 612
03:25:05 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Popoli di Tessaglia KV. 316: Popoli di Tessaglia
03:28:30 Concert Arias for Bass and Orchestra: Popoli di Tessaglia KV. 316: Io non chiedo
03:35:09 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah se in ciel, benigne stelle, KV. 538
03:42:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, KV. 582
03:46:50 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Vado, ma dove? oh Dei! KV. 583
03:51:02 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ch’io mi scordi te? Non temer, amato bene, KV. 490
03:58:19 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Per pietà, bell’idol mio, KV. 78 (73b)
04:02:04 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Oh, temerario Arbace, KV. 79 (73d)
04:07:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Bella mia fiamma, addio!... Resta, oh cara, KV. 528
04:17:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, lo previdi!-Ah, t’invola-Deh, non varcar, KV. 272
04:31:37 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Misera, dove son! - Ah! non son’io che parlo, KV. 369
04:38:42 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Mia speranza adorata!- Ah, non sai, qual pena sia il doverti, KV. 416
04:48:07 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Non curo l’affetto, KV. 74b
04:53:25 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Fra cento affanni, KV. 88
05:03:38 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: A Berenice- Sol nascente, KV. 70
05:15:27 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ma, che vi fece, o stelle- Sperai vicino il lido, KV. 368
05:24:18 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: No, no, che non sei capace, KV. 419
mozartilone - requiescat in pace!
who needs mezzi alti and baritoni anyways?
What a voice. Who is the singer?
Bach Kantaten
Love it. For Abe!!
in a world consumed by fear I find you Mozart's music the cure for for my unsettled peace of mind ...
Totally agree 👍
It’s all fake, dumbass.
What a tender remark!
I feel the same! His music is the cure.
theses arias are some of the most heavenly music yet composed Mozart was an unequivocal genius
Mozart was het grootste genie ooit, natuurlijk Beethoven was stokdoof toen hij de 9e componeerde en J.S. Bach is ‘n begrip. Mozart componeerde de meeste muziek. Klinkt eenvoudig maar juist die geweldige harmonie die wordt bereikt met veel minder noten dan de pianopartituur van Rachmaninov 3e pianoconcert, maar beslist niet minder lastig. Het eist veel meer studie om een werk van Wolfgang goed uit te voeren. Mijn complimenten voor de uitvoering van al de werken die deze lijst bevat. De opnames zijn ook 🥰
Il divino Mozart dona gioia , serenità e amore per la vita.
"Alcandro, lo confesso"... is BLISS to my ears! Those last ending phrases elevate me to heaven. 😌🥲
One of my favorite Mozart place, and Mozart IS definitely THE ONE in TH-cam (and elsewhere). Thanks GOD we had him.
Music from the heavens. Been listening to Aria at 6:08 once every few years for 40 years and it still sounds incredible.
Un grazie infinito per aver condiviso queste preziose gemme, questi tesori del genio assoluto
Si bien todas las arias de Mozart aquí presentadas son de extraordinaria belleza, las que más adoro son las siguientes: "Cara Se Le Mie Pene, Kv. deest" (00:12:20) y "Per Questa Bella Mano, Kv. 612" (03:18:01). Gracias a Brilliant Classics por publicarlas. Desde Bogotá - Colombia.
It's cute that his wife's portrait is displayed 😊
Constanze Weber Mozart, in point of fact.
I know it's a good idea since she was a singer :)
Extraordinario! Gracias al Creador por darnos a Mozart y gracias a los editores de este maravilloso tracking.
Hola,ya que es un fan de la musica de Mozart, me gustaria invtarlo a ver el siguiente enlace:
04:07:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Bella mia fiamma, addio!... Resta, oh cara, KV.
04:17:22 Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra: Ah, lo previdi!-Ah, t’invola-Deh, non varcar, KV. 272
1:23:45 is my favourite written when he was just 9 years old.
I do agree
you might like haydn then
@@Zimzamzoom95 Of couse.
No hay palabras es una delicia para el espiritu GRACIAS a quien hizo esto.
El Mozart más espléndido, con el aria final con un la sobre agudo, el sonido máximo de la voz humana, como hiciera con la Reina de la Noche en su Flauta Mágica. Gracias por ofrecerlo.
A lovely rendering of Mozart's arias - most exquisitely sung - aruond 30 mins is a gorgeously sung aria - Marriage of Figaro...? Caught my attention as it is sung in the film - " Le Maitre de Musique. " near the end in " Prince Scotti's grand competition ..... thanks greatly for such tasteful listening 😌
Thank you for posting this.♡
Maravillosas arias del grandísimo compositor. Saludos desde el confinamiento del coronavirus, desde Gran Canaria
Hola Luis León acabo de leer tu mensaje desde Mendoza, Argentina, concuerdo con lo que has dicho te envío un saludo fuerte desde mi confinamiento coronavirus y lamento mucho lo que pasa en España con este tema. Si tu apellido es italiano tambien amento mucho lo de Italia. Los argentinos tenemos dos madres patrias España e ItaliaUn abrazo fuerte Dios tebendiga { Si no creees en Dios no hay problema, el te bendice igual}
@@miguelcarlosportellcassoli1091 Muchas gracias, desde ese gran y querido país que pudimos visitar el año pasado abrazos
Mein herz, my heart, mio cuore, um coração todo apaixonado por vozes tão lindíssimas!
I didn't know this genre of Mozart's great versatility of music!
We had been waiting for him for some time!
Thank you!
That's right!
Have a nice day!
Merci beaucoup pour ce travail... et ce génie... bien à vous
listening to this is very moving.
A precious collection of wonderful music; thanks also for your comprehensive list! 👌👍🏻❤️😁👏
Nadie como tú.
Para Arias de otros mundos. Señor Mozart...
It would be wonderful to know the names of each singer in this collection and the other two collections you have divided into two volumes. Thanks 😊
Che meraviglioso dono ha fatto Dio a noi uomini inviando sulla Terra Mozart.
Excelente propuesta. La obra de nuestro amigo WAM es infinita...
God bless you for uploading this...
Extraordinaria compilación del más grande!!!
Es inimaginable la vida sin la música de Mozart......Wagner, Handel, Bach, Puccini, R. Strauss, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Purcell, Orff, Weber, Albinoni, Vivaldi, Telemann, Haydn, Mahler, Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini...
Te olvidaste de Rameau, de Scarlatti, Sibelius, Dvorak, Grieg y....tantos otros.
And legendary Tchaikovsy
Berlioz, Porpora, Vinci, Couperin, Schubert, Schumann, Debussy, Fauré...
Extraordinario, parece dirigir el mismo genio mientras crea con esa maestría celestial que lo hace único en la historia por el grado y la abundancia de su creación.
49.15 просто ЧУДО! Особенно ария (с 54 мин.) - движение, тепло и нежность..
Великолепная ария, написанная молодым Моцартом для Элоизии, в
которую он был влюблён (без взаимности, увы!).
Позже Моцарт женился на её сестре Констанци, с которой обрёл счастье.
Qué música tan bonita, tan lúcida, tan emocionante.
I really enjoyed it, because Mozart is one of my favorite composers; although, I would like to know the name of singers, ir could be more complete. Any way, is a great compilation. Thanks. 🌷
one thank you for every track....
Nádhermé.Karel Klatt,básník,Bratislava
Imagine Mozart... Tutto una maravilla
My last name is Arias
MOZART Magnifique Musique pour Toujours
Para el que está leyendo los comentarios 3:17:46
jajajjajajaj buenisimoooo
música inteligente, celestial, es como un bálsamo en estos tiempos de pandemia
this is nice :)
Fantastisk samling av det bästa.
My favourite is 1:23:45 by the 9 year old genius.
Tengo en diferentes cd estas arias por diferentes cantantes. Buscarlas individualmente por nombre del aria y elegir las cantantes. Esta soprano es agradable, pero esto mismo por otras sopranos suena completamente diferente.
Hermoso trabajo
quelle beauté😎🎶👏
My Mozart is good. Everyone is good.
Don't forget Edith Mathis and Leopold Hager's K.509 Ch'io mi scordi di te. Different label but worth searching for.
На 49:15 kv 505 супер крутая вещь
Amazing !!!!
Very good clip!
The orchestra and the singer has no name? Thank you for the upload, but remember that musicians exist as well.
Miranda van Kralingen. The link is there.
Can't say that the third on the tracklist is one I recognise....
To judge from the music that M. compos’d for Aloyisia Weber whom M.
Falta amor e música no mundo
Aqui sobra música, mas falta qualidade
No encuentro los nombres de la soprano y los músicos.
Wonderful ! Who’s singing please ? ❤
The soprano is Miranda van Kralingen
Never knew Mozart had a great rack. (I know.)
👏👏👏👍👍👍🎶🎶🎶🎶🎼🎼🎼What can I say but marvellous!!!
I can't find the work, so loved, for soprano and orchestra in two movements. Any help?
Who is the BASS ?
Leider kann ich nirgends die Namen der InterpretInnen finden.Schade
anyone here on exam week listening to this to calm ur raging anxiety
Who's singing?
@Richard Zimmerman
Omg!! Really you!?
What a beautiful voice!!
Thank you for sharing✨✨✨
To judge from the music that M. compos’d especially for Aloyisia Weber (he had met her when she was 16 years old in Mannheim in October 1777) what a tremendous voice she must have had ! To her (and her soprano-Sisters) the G-Natural in alt (a whole fifth ABOVE the dreaded top-C !!!) was apparently no trouble at all ... Oh to be a fly on the wall to hear Aloyisia competing for high notes in the glass ‘Orangerie’ concert hall with German-born Anna Gottlieb (=stage-name ‘Caterina Caviglieri’) in Feb of 1786-(when Salieri’s Prima la Musica e poi le parole (1-hour) was pitted against Mozart’s Der Schauspieldirektor (35-minutes) both short Singspielen being about 2 rival sopranos who go at each other with the vengeance of Tigresses !
who are the singers?
Hello, the artists are Miranda van Krakelingen (soprano), European Sinfonietta, and Ed Spanjaard (conductor)
@@BrilliantClassics thank you very much :)
Is it Composition by Costanze Mozart, or WOLFGANG MOZART?
Who are the performers? Tell me please. Thanks.
Beberes rumah sambil muter ini serasa jadi babu di istana eropa
Gua sambil bersih",,serasa jadi babu d kerajan Eropa
yah sepi
Yah kasian sepi
In "Popoli di Tessaglia...Io non chiedo", K. 316, the soprano doesn't go up to the high G6. She stops directly before, and goes down two notes. I mean, talk about anti climactic. Horrible performance. By far the best version is Edita Gruberova's, with Hager and the Mozarteum.
Too much notes :D
Who's singing?
Miranda van Krakelingen is the soprano singing!
Go above to J Carter Joseph, he writes :