A note about the roles: Support: There are two main ways of classifying the supports in it being main/off healer, and main/flex support (with the healer/support name being important). Main/off healer is used a lot more in lower ranks and is based off of the healing output of the characters. Main/flex support are used in higher ranks and in teamplay and is based more on the aim intensity of the hero because it lets the main support focus more on teamplay while the flex support locks in and focuses on mechanics more. Typically you don't want to have two off healers or two main supports because you will struggle a lot with healing in those cases, but sometimes (especially in poke comps) you will want to run double flex support. Main Healer: Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Moira, Lifeweaver Off Healer: Brig, Illiari, Lucio, Mercy, Zen Main Support: Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver Flex Support: Ana, Bap, Illiari, Kiriko, Moira, Zen DPS: While projectile/hitscan is a pretty good way of splitting up the dps role, what is typically used to describe the splitting up of dps is hitscan and flex with a few heroes that fall into the "both" category. Hitscan is mostly just your fairly simple dps characters who mostly just shoot people. Flex dps is mostly just projectile but there are a few hitscan characters (like sombra) who fit into this category. Hitscan DPS: Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Sojourn, Soldier, Widow Flex DPS: Echo, Genji, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Symm, Torb Both: Hanzo, Reaper, Tracer
I thought it was main/flex DPS. Main: Soldier, Ashe, Cassidy, Sojourn, Hanzo Flex: Echo, Genji, Pharah, Sombra, Mei, Torb, Junkrat Exceptions that don't fit in Flex: Bastion/Reaper/Sym (because of brawl comps with Mei), Widow (because of double sniper comps with Hanzo), Tracer (Because of dive comps with Sombra, Genji etc.) I do agree with the support part tho
I mostly agree with this but as a high rank player, there isn't really synergy for main/flex support. Its organized play that cares far more about those. Ranked is more about having atleast one main healer so that you don't die
I had the most perfectly placed, high ground overlooking a slope, Kiriko ult, whole team in it. Then Torbjorn blew his load all in it and everyone had to back up. I was like "Hah! Let the Kitsune guide yo- oh dammit! Torb just came all in my Kitsune! Fuckin' ruined it."
Bro didn’t mention bey blade, sojourn players egos (basically all hitscan player egos) break middle pillar, grav dragon, space jam, PVPX tire, god there is so much lore
Not being able to space jam because of the 1 tank limit is one of the main reasons I despise Overwatch 2 and the character of Brig for bringing about GOATs
to be fair about losers queue, it might happen not with the intent to make THIS SPECIFIC PLAYER suffer, its just a consequence of the matchmaking algorithm balancing the mmr of both teams. assuming you are in 'loser queue', it likely means your mmr spiked up recently. it may either be putting you in games you arent skilled enough for (usually quickplay, not having a ranking system), or pairing you with lower-mmr teammates to average out the mmr of the team, making you your team's 'carry'. because of supposed changes to the algorithm to match the mmr of opposing roles, this should mean your counter-role is also carrying their team. you can use this knowledge to focus down the other players on the team, basically carving around the fat like you do the tank, or to counter-swap, to deny a major win condition. and this basically what elo hell boils down to. these loser queue games are challenges by the algorithm to gauge your ability to take on larger responsibility, and to test your game sense. its like the math tests they have you do on the computer, they could start with addition and multiplication, but if it steps up to systems of equations, you know you're doing something right.
Good vid, but the distinction between flex/main support also has to do with mechanics required. Flex supports are typically more mechanical and moira is usually considered a flex support not due to classifications but since she is typically paired with lucio when played, resulting in the flex support playing her. They can also be distinguished as main supports typically are more likely to contest/support off angles with a dps and flex supports primarily assist the tank and dps paired there in the typical 3-2 split more, though this is much more fluid during games. Current categories: Flex: Kiriko, Zenyatta, Baptiste, Ana, Illari, Moira Main: Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver
Also hitscan/flex dps is a bit more divided by playstyle now than projectile type, hence why hanzo is typically played by a hitscan player (except when played with widow) and sombra is typically played by a flex player due to comms required since the flex dps player is a bit louder in comms and play a bit more fluidly positionally, and the characters can change in playstyle a lot from tracer to echo to mei for example
Also I saw this mentioned in another comment but I thought I'd mention it here too for conciseness but ana brig is typical for dive, and kiri lucio is played in dive/rush hybrid. Ana brig is very strong as brig can support tracer and your other dps easily with packs as well as keeping your ana alive through literally anything in the universe besides an emp that hits both of them
Thank you for this comment its very helpful but i wanted to clarify that when i said ana lucio is traditional for dive, i meant thats that what people used for use in ow1, not thats it a tradition today, but thats just because i didnt really know what people use today lol
i once saw all 5 of the opposing players have a 0-0-7 scoreboard and topk probably 500 screenshots and kept saying "Agent 007 James Bond "James bond" "Goldeneye 007" in all chat for a few games after
winners queue is smurf queue, when the algorithm artificially boosts you to an inflated rank because it thinks you are smurfing so trys to get you to rank up faster. This was very present early in OW2 if i recall where alot of people got inflated ranks.
This was very insightful. I'm new to OW, but have been gaming FPS since Halo CE(Nice ending music, btw) It is rare to see a game where one can sense the background of another via their play style and character. These terms have been all used before, but now refined via OW and very well explained by KellyGDH. Thx!
The gates of ello hell will open next month; currently 40-8 on tank this season and climbed from silver 3-gold 5. I ult track so I know who to pressure and when.
Nice video honestly. I only started playing and only casually when OW2 first became a thing. I had no idea what all these meanings were and honestly never bothered to learn team comps since I just okay for fun.
The proper meaning of a C9 is actually when you get off point to chase kills. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. It's about forgetting the objective to chase kills. C9's happen when the defending team is up in the attacker spawn "spawn killing" meanwhile someone is pushing the payload in the back without them realizing, or it can be the attacking team getting off of the point in OT to go kill a defender. It's not a C9 if you are killed, or removed/kept away from point (eg: Sig9-ing, Hog ult, a simple Lucio boop.) It's also not a /proper/ c6 if you just forget about the point, it has to be that you are prioritizing kills over the objective. Just like /proper/ Goats is Dva, Rein, Zarya, and Lucio, Moira, Brig. But "goats" expanded to 3tank3heal.
The video unraveling the intricacies of Overwatch terms is an invaluable resource for both seasoned players and newcomers seeking to deepen their understanding of the game's lexicon. With a meticulous approach, the content creator expertly breaks down the diverse terminology that populates the Overwatch universe, turning what might seem like a daunting jargon into an accessible and comprehensible language. The clarity of explanation, coupled with illustrative examples and in-game footage, fosters a conducive learning environment, making it an ideal companion for those looking to enhance their gameplay or appreciate professional matches with a more discerning eye. The video's pacing strikes a commendable balance, ensuring that each term is given due attention without overwhelming the viewer. Whether it's elucidating the nuances of hero abilities, map callouts, or strategic maneuvers, this video serves as an indispensable guide, empowering Overwatch enthusiasts to navigate the game with a newfound confidence and strategic insight. In essence, it stands as a testament to the content creator's dedication to fostering a knowledgeable and engaged Overwatch community.
Fyi mercy brig and lucio are the only ones considered main supports. Lifeweaver is kinda weird but by definition he’s flex. And kiri is absolutely not a main healer
The “gg” and “gr” section was the hardest facts spitting I’ve heard in a while. Saying either after rolling the enemy team is literally the most toxic thing you can do and no one can convince me otherwise. Just keep your mouth shut.
Tanks Dive: Winston doom dva Hammond Brawl: Jq mauga orisa zarya ram and sometimes sig Rush: Rein ram jq mauga Poke: sigma orisa and hog Supports Dive: Ana Brig zen mercy kiri Brawl: Lucio Ana kiri bap moira Rush: Lucio bap and sometimes moira Poke: bap zen illari brig mercy and sometimes lifeweaver
As a new Venture main, absolutely loving their playstyle and having great success with them and a lot of wins, my amount of final blows, let alone solo kills, is such abysmal dogshit that I am embarassed to ever bring it up. If anyone who actually cares about final blows looked at that stat they'd think I'm throwing. Literally Who stat, if anyone cares about final blows just dodge
As a Rein main (previously OTP) I have transcended past ego and will take any Rein dual until the bitter end, for even if I lose, at least I fought with honour. Then I’ll promptly type “gg” in chat at game’s end and leave come haste. To the next game for HONOUR and GLORY. This video covers so much but I reckon you missed out a few good ones like: mirroring/mirror comp, inting, peeling, nano-combos like “boostio/nanoblade”, pocketing, torb 1v1s, huge/fat/obese ult/res, mini/mega hp, pop-off, taxiing, and even more niche vocab. Also in console lobbies, you’ll typically hear “ximming”, a XIM is a device which grants KBM users controller inputs and thus aim assist options. The massive insurgence of xims have ruined high ELOs for console players sadly
I’m not sure if it’s fitting to call it losers queue but I do wholeheartedly believe blizzard matches you with lower skilled players on your team every other game if you start winning for too long
Dive support is usually run with Ana/Brig instead of Ana/Lucio. Also forgot to mention “marking” which means meeting or matching someone on an off angle/flank. Helpful video otherwise though.
Hate when players say I got no kills when I’m literally doing the most damage in the lobby and or most damage mitigated. I’d like a new stat. It’s called healing received. Sometimes I stand in front of the healers and they heal the other two, like yes they have healed a lot, but not me. And hate role complainers. NO HEALING they saying when I literally got the most healing in the lobby and most damage of the healers. Or NO KILLS when I literally got 40 k dmg mitigated, giving them their chance to kill while I protect. And so on. I have been playing since 2016, I know immediately, what the problem on the team is. Shut your free to play mouth up. You just got here. This is a team game, not COD.
Corrections : Main tank was typically the tank that could survive on their own, nothing to do with shields (ball was MT and sig was OT) Main support is the hero pool that the Lucio player plays, its that simple (Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver) sometimes a main support player will know 1 flex support like bap, ana or kiri Hitscan - Hanzo is both hitscan/main dps and proj again its just about hero pools and meta comps (hanzo mei is a common dps line) Compositions - There is realistically 4 or 5 types of comp, Dive, Poke, Brawl, Rush (based on picks rather than cds and more split than brawl), Split (ffa style like hog and ball torture meta) Dive is not played with lucio
Fantastic vid. I kind of disagree with the gr comments, but then again 80% of my time is in quick play. I also noticed when you gave the definition of "he's one", you forgot to mention that what is *should* mean is that the enemy in question is "one-shot", where any (non-negligible) amount of damage will kill them. Just for any truly new players.
“MTD” now stands for “Major Tank Diff” apparently and I’ve seen MSD a few times to refer to Supports as well. Also if you have zero kills and multiple deaths, as long as those deaths don’t add up to 7 you are now known as Owen because you’re “0 ‘n (insert number here)”
pretty good video but there was a few things that may not have been so coreect. first there’s only 3 main supports brig mercy lucio, kiri is fs and if you are playing her like a ms you’re probably playing her wrong. also for comps brawl is rein, orisa, mauga, JQ, ramatra, poke is sigma roadhog and zarya idk she’s kinda like kinda brawl and dive is doom ball monkey dva. pretty good video i’m just annoying and nitpick.
"He's one," when there full hp no truer words.
if i had a dollar for every time i say “HES ONE- oh not anymore never mind” i think id be rolling in money
A note about the roles:
There are two main ways of classifying the supports in it being main/off healer, and main/flex support (with the healer/support name being important). Main/off healer is used a lot more in lower ranks and is based off of the healing output of the characters. Main/flex support are used in higher ranks and in teamplay and is based more on the aim intensity of the hero because it lets the main support focus more on teamplay while the flex support locks in and focuses on mechanics more.
Typically you don't want to have two off healers or two main supports because you will struggle a lot with healing in those cases, but sometimes (especially in poke comps) you will want to run double flex support.
Main Healer: Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Moira, Lifeweaver
Off Healer: Brig, Illiari, Lucio, Mercy, Zen
Main Support: Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver
Flex Support: Ana, Bap, Illiari, Kiriko, Moira, Zen
While projectile/hitscan is a pretty good way of splitting up the dps role, what is typically used to describe the splitting up of dps is hitscan and flex with a few heroes that fall into the "both" category. Hitscan is mostly just your fairly simple dps characters who mostly just shoot people. Flex dps is mostly just projectile but there are a few hitscan characters (like sombra) who fit into this category.
Hitscan DPS: Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Sojourn, Soldier, Widow
Flex DPS: Echo, Genji, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Symm, Torb
Both: Hanzo, Reaper, Tracer
I thought it was main/flex DPS.
Main: Soldier, Ashe, Cassidy, Sojourn, Hanzo
Flex: Echo, Genji, Pharah, Sombra, Mei, Torb, Junkrat
Exceptions that don't fit in Flex: Bastion/Reaper/Sym (because of brawl comps with Mei), Widow (because of double sniper comps with Hanzo), Tracer (Because of dive comps with Sombra, Genji etc.)
I do agree with the support part tho
main and flex dps can also be described as constant damage output and high bursts of damage respectively
I mostly agree with this but as a high rank player, there isn't really synergy for main/flex support. Its organized play that cares far more about those. Ranked is more about having atleast one main healer so that you don't die
I had the most perfectly placed, high ground overlooking a slope, Kiriko ult, whole team in it. Then Torbjorn blew his load all in it and everyone had to back up.
I was like "Hah! Let the Kitsune guide yo- oh dammit! Torb just came all in my Kitsune! Fuckin' ruined it."
Bro didn’t mention bey blade, sojourn players egos (basically all hitscan player egos) break middle pillar, grav dragon, space jam, PVPX tire, god there is so much lore
Not being able to space jam because of the 1 tank limit is one of the main reasons I despise Overwatch 2 and the character of Brig for bringing about GOATs
I just spent 20 minutes searching for this video because if the intro
i'm sure my family is mildly concerned whenever they hear me enthusiastically say "kill the baby" or "kill the widow".
Kiri main support, Ana Lucio for dive, Hog and Ball as Brawl tanks what are you cooking bro
I said kiri depends on playstyle, ana lucio is traditional for dive and hog is kinda a brawl tank now but i messed up cuz hes kinda more pokey
@@kellyGDH I mean especially in pro play, dive is usually ana brig, and maybe kiri lucio, but good video anyways :D
@@aaro50 thank you
i needed this
@@aaro50they said traditional dive meaning before kiri really existed
to be fair about losers queue, it might happen not with the intent to make THIS SPECIFIC PLAYER suffer, its just a consequence of the matchmaking algorithm balancing the mmr of both teams.
assuming you are in 'loser queue', it likely means your mmr spiked up recently. it may either be putting you in games you arent skilled enough for (usually quickplay, not having a ranking system), or pairing you with lower-mmr teammates to average out the mmr of the team, making you your team's 'carry'.
because of supposed changes to the algorithm to match the mmr of opposing roles, this should mean your counter-role is also carrying their team. you can use this knowledge to focus down the other players on the team, basically carving around the fat like you do the tank, or to counter-swap, to deny a major win condition.
and this basically what elo hell boils down to. these loser queue games are challenges by the algorithm to gauge your ability to take on larger responsibility, and to test your game sense. its like the math tests they have you do on the computer, they could start with addition and multiplication, but if it steps up to systems of equations, you know you're doing something right.
0:23 I was like “huh? I dunno about that” until he explained it and I was like “oh yeah this makes sense”
instrumental beebadoobee.... good music choice.
Good vid, but the distinction between flex/main support also has to do with mechanics required. Flex supports are typically more mechanical and moira is usually considered a flex support not due to classifications but since she is typically paired with lucio when played, resulting in the flex support playing her. They can also be distinguished as main supports typically are more likely to contest/support off angles with a dps and flex supports primarily assist the tank and dps paired there in the typical 3-2 split more, though this is much more fluid during games.
Current categories:
Flex: Kiriko, Zenyatta, Baptiste, Ana, Illari, Moira
Main: Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver
Also hitscan/flex dps is a bit more divided by playstyle now than projectile type, hence why hanzo is typically played by a hitscan player (except when played with widow) and sombra is typically played by a flex player due to comms required since the flex dps player is a bit louder in comms and play a bit more fluidly positionally, and the characters can change in playstyle a lot from tracer to echo to mei for example
Also I saw this mentioned in another comment but I thought I'd mention it here too for conciseness but ana brig is typical for dive, and kiri lucio is played in dive/rush hybrid. Ana brig is very strong as brig can support tracer and your other dps easily with packs as well as keeping your ana alive through literally anything in the universe besides an emp that hits both of them
Thank you for this comment its very helpful but i wanted to clarify that when i said ana lucio is traditional for dive, i meant thats that what people used for use in ow1, not thats it a tradition today, but thats just because i didnt really know what people use today lol
@@kellyGDH ahh that makes sense, though I think OW1 dive was traditionally ana zen
@@kellyGDH and no problem, I have quite a bit of OW2 scrim experience so I thought I'd fill in some info on related topics
Winners queue is real and I ended up in top 500 after winning like 20 games in a row(I kept getting ball one tricks on the other team)
I had the same experience once. Playing support as ground Lucio made it to masters for no reason. Was low plat at the time.
this was a great watch, keep it up :D
i once saw all 5 of the opposing players have a 0-0-7 scoreboard and topk probably 500 screenshots and kept saying "Agent 007 James Bond "James bond" "Goldeneye 007" in all chat for a few games after
thank you for playing perfect pair in the video !! Great song
Your forgot about Ajax when a Lucio didn’t get his ult off
Inting, Peeling, off angling, front lining, target priority, self sustain, all types of health
winners queue is smurf queue, when the algorithm artificially boosts you to an inflated rank because it thinks you are smurfing so trys to get you to rank up faster. This was very present early in OW2 if i recall where alot of people got inflated ranks.
brawl isnt centered around lucio, if a brawl comp has a lucio then its actually called rush
I usually type gr if its actually a good round bruh
Same. I guess we have to become toxic now, damn.
1:15 that's so true my last game where my entire team died and I got pushed off the payload the enemy team called it a c9 somehow
This was very insightful. I'm new to OW, but have been gaming FPS since Halo CE(Nice ending music, btw) It is rare to see a game where one can sense the background of another via their play style and character. These terms have been all used before, but now refined via OW and very well explained by KellyGDH. Thx!
The gates of ello hell will open next month; currently 40-8 on tank this season and climbed from silver 3-gold 5. I ult track so I know who to pressure and when.
If a Moira says "You must respect me,you have no choice",troll the game.
If it isn't ranked ofc.
Omg I Love Omar Apollo
Nice video honestly. I only started playing and only casually when OW2 first became a thing. I had no idea what all these meanings were and honestly never bothered to learn team comps since I just okay for fun.
2900 bastion one trick volskaya industries
Winners que exists. Lost so many matches I went from plat 4- gold 1. Then won 9 straight without a challenge and went to plat 2
bro you lost all ur games bc plat 4 was too high for you
once you were in gold you looked like a superstar and hit plat 2
someone tried to ego swap me after first fight on widow when i had LITERALLY 0 damage, it was so funny 😭
Banger vid, keep going man your growing fast ❤
thank you
i learned most of these terms while watching ow youtubers, but this would've been very helpful when i started playing OW 2
The proper meaning of a C9 is actually when you get off point to chase kills. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. It's about forgetting the objective to chase kills.
C9's happen when the defending team is up in the attacker spawn "spawn killing" meanwhile someone is pushing the payload in the back without them realizing, or it can be the attacking team getting off of the point in OT to go kill a defender.
It's not a C9 if you are killed, or removed/kept away from point (eg: Sig9-ing, Hog ult, a simple Lucio boop.)
It's also not a /proper/ c6 if you just forget about the point, it has to be that you are prioritizing kills over the objective.
Just like /proper/ Goats is Dva, Rein, Zarya, and Lucio, Moira, Brig. But "goats" expanded to 3tank3heal.
The video unraveling the intricacies of Overwatch terms is an invaluable resource for both seasoned players and newcomers seeking to deepen their understanding of the game's lexicon. With a meticulous approach, the content creator expertly breaks down the diverse terminology that populates the Overwatch universe, turning what might seem like a daunting jargon into an accessible and comprehensible language. The clarity of explanation, coupled with illustrative examples and in-game footage, fosters a conducive learning environment, making it an ideal companion for those looking to enhance their gameplay or appreciate professional matches with a more discerning eye. The video's pacing strikes a commendable balance, ensuring that each term is given due attention without overwhelming the viewer. Whether it's elucidating the nuances of hero abilities, map callouts, or strategic maneuvers, this video serves as an indispensable guide, empowering Overwatch enthusiasts to navigate the game with a newfound confidence and strategic insight. In essence, it stands as a testament to the content creator's dedication to fostering a knowledgeable and engaged Overwatch community.
This feels ai generated.... or maybe you just really loved the video lol
this game is ass bruh calm down it ain’t that deep
Thank you so much.. i can now properly insult my incompetent teammates.
No offense, but if you're just now learning the terminology, that means you're decently new, right? So...
my brain has expanded much with the knowledge you have given me
Fyi mercy brig and lucio are the only ones considered main supports. Lifeweaver is kinda weird but by definition he’s flex. And kiri is absolutely not a main healer
The “gg” and “gr” section was the hardest facts spitting I’ve heard in a while. Saying either after rolling the enemy team is literally the most toxic thing you can do and no one can convince me otherwise. Just keep your mouth shut.
im the guy who always calls the rein duel im currently 9 wins 3 losses on the border
I agree that theres 3 major comps that are run in this game but I think you should've talked about the pretty significant subcomp of brawl - rush
Peak Content 🙏
This video is gonna blow up i can SENSE it
Guys if I kill 5 and we lose the fight I think something is wrong with our team
Dive: Winston doom dva Hammond
Brawl: Jq mauga orisa zarya ram and sometimes sig
Rush: Rein ram jq mauga
Poke: sigma orisa and hog
Dive: Ana Brig zen mercy kiri
Brawl: Lucio Ana kiri bap moira
Rush: Lucio bap and sometimes moira
Poke: bap zen illari brig mercy and sometimes lifeweaver
nice video brother i was expecting more subs keep up the grind
bro what is this fps on this video
As a new Venture main, absolutely loving their playstyle and having great success with them and a lot of wins, my amount of final blows, let alone solo kills, is such abysmal dogshit that I am embarassed to ever bring it up. If anyone who actually cares about final blows looked at that stat they'd think I'm throwing. Literally Who stat, if anyone cares about final blows just dodge
Dropping this link in every game I play so mfs know what I mean when I start flaming
As a Rein main (previously OTP) I have transcended past ego and will take any Rein dual until the bitter end, for even if I lose, at least I fought with honour. Then I’ll promptly type “gg” in chat at game’s end and leave come haste. To the next game for HONOUR and GLORY.
This video covers so much but I reckon you missed out a few good ones like: mirroring/mirror comp, inting, peeling, nano-combos like “boostio/nanoblade”, pocketing, torb 1v1s, huge/fat/obese ult/res, mini/mega hp, pop-off, taxiing, and even more niche vocab.
Also in console lobbies, you’ll typically hear “ximming”, a XIM is a device which grants KBM users controller inputs and thus aim assist options. The massive insurgence of xims have ruined high ELOs for console players sadly
Man I completely forgot about hog and ball torture that was so fun
No shot bro went over OW terminology and didn't cover the infamous AJAX
Does anyone know what “anchor” means in overwatch? Ive heard it used alongside dive brawl poke but i dont know what it means.
I’m not sure if it’s fitting to call it losers queue but I do wholeheartedly believe blizzard matches you with lower skilled players on your team every other game if you start winning for too long
4:10 whats the name of the song playing in the background
tamagotchi by omar apollo
my top song of 2023
Main and flex supports aren't even a ladder thing, it's purely for OWL players. Don't bother learning it.
actually please do learn it I don't want double main support comps in my ranked games!
@techykrypton9867 *if you are playing 6v6 and/or at least in Masters
@@techykrypton9867if you can't win games in silver like that you deserve bronze
I knew this video was serious when he said colloquialisms
danteh catching a stray 😭
haha i love danteh though but im sure he knows it
Doesn't "Bastion's 1" mean they have almost zero health, so your team should try to land any last blow?
Dive support is usually run with Ana/Brig instead of Ana/Lucio. Also forgot to mention “marking” which means meeting or matching someone on an off angle/flank. Helpful video otherwise though.
Hate when players say I got no kills when I’m literally doing the most damage in the lobby and or most damage mitigated. I’d like a new stat. It’s called healing received. Sometimes I stand in front of the healers and they heal the other two, like yes they have healed a lot, but not me. And hate role complainers. NO HEALING they saying when I literally got the most healing in the lobby and most damage of the healers. Or NO KILLS when I literally got 40 k dmg mitigated, giving them their chance to kill while I protect. And so on. I have been playing since 2016, I know immediately, what the problem on the team is. Shut your free to play mouth up. You just got here. This is a team game, not COD.
bro forget the ajax, great video my man
As a rein main I feel hard called out 😅😂
Corrections : Main tank was typically the tank that could survive on their own, nothing to do with shields (ball was MT and sig was OT)
Main support is the hero pool that the Lucio player plays, its that simple (Lucio, Brig, Mercy, Lifeweaver) sometimes a main support player will know 1 flex support like bap, ana or kiri
Hitscan - Hanzo is both hitscan/main dps and proj again its just about hero pools and meta comps (hanzo mei is a common dps line)
Compositions - There is realistically 4 or 5 types of comp, Dive, Poke, Brawl, Rush (based on picks rather than cds and more split than brawl), Split (ffa style like hog and ball torture meta)
Dive is not played with lucio
Very few people will ever admit they are in winners queue or Elo heaven because gamer ego
Why's bro playing trueno on the back
I'm sorry but if Lucio is considered a "main support" then so is Zen. Ain't no way.
Is your background music the back few minutes of a perfect pair??
Bedadobee song
Glad to see a fellow educated scholar
I miss the old days when "Hanzo main" was a slur
I meant gr though :(
yo did bastion main steal sniper smurf 29s bit or are they the same dude i never found out
Fantastic vid.
I kind of disagree with the gr comments, but then again 80% of my time is in quick play.
I also noticed when you gave the definition of "he's one", you forgot to mention that what is *should* mean is that the enemy in question is "one-shot", where any (non-negligible) amount of damage will kill them. Just for any truly new players.
Background music annoying with that random yelled line
Please do NOT play Ana Lucio in dive. Instead play Ana Brig or Ana Kiriko if you're not dive mirroring. Thank you.
You underestimate the reddit lucio.
Kiri as a main support? LUL
They said depending on playstyle
Finally someone who acknowledges that gg is toxic
“MTD” now stands for “Major Tank Diff” apparently and I’ve seen MSD a few times to refer to Supports as well. Also if you have zero kills and multiple deaths, as long as those deaths don’t add up to 7 you are now known as Owen because you’re “0 ‘n (insert number here)”
fuckimg banger great vid
This video is so funny 😂
Yo this vid is peak
pretty good video but there was a few things that may not have been so coreect. first there’s only 3 main supports brig mercy lucio, kiri is fs and if you are playing her like a ms you’re probably playing her wrong. also for comps brawl is rein, orisa, mauga, JQ, ramatra, poke is sigma roadhog and zarya idk she’s kinda like kinda brawl and dive is doom ball monkey dva. pretty good video i’m just annoying and nitpick.
Youre missing about 30min of explaining all the racial slurs
Nah but for real, you’re so boring if you play mauga or orisa
have to agree
10:38 Me (who is being genuine anytime I gg or compliment someone's playstyle): 🧍