How I look at bro after he says the most heart wrenching, diabolical, sinister, earth shattering, notorious, soul crushing thing I have ever heard in my life. 💀💀💀
Ahahhaahahahaahha yes and after he leaves they are like: "hey can i talk to you for a moment.... What did your buddy meant with your essay how to solve world overpopulation?
Me when I see a gay, a muslim, a huckstering jew, a blackie, a yellow fellow, a scraping for pennies or scratching for knickels 3x poor homeless CaseOh, latino, catholic, athiest, buddhist, crackhead, alcoholic, centrist, right winger, left winger, progressive, regressive, white, evil, good, neutral, child, elderly, woman, man, tranny, granny, mother, father, driver, worker, banker, instructor, singer, dancer, communist, anarchist, capitalist, the dead, the living, christian, russian, mexican, haitians who eat people, anime fan, lotr fan, shit smeared indian, furry, pro gun, anti gun, pro choice, pro life, rapist, non rapist, tief, honest man, japanese, korean, mongolian, swede, estonian, mfks from greenland, mfks from netherland where sex is appearently a human right, mfks from latvia, mfks from bosnia, mfks from africa, mfks from north pole:
The song 🗿 The singer 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener 🗿 The saver of the song 🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿 The comments 🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 TH-cam 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 Those who comment 🗿
When you say the most out of pocket, wildest, out of context, vile, diabolical soul crushing joke to your friends in class and feel teachers hand tap your shoudler:
The song 🗿 The singer 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener 🗿 The saver of the song 🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿 The comments 🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 TH-cam 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Krush 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 Those who comment 🗿
The song 🗿 The singer 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener 🗿 The saver of the song 🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿 The comments 🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 TH-cam 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 Those who comment 🗿
Щоб домашнє тісто вийшло піддатливим і тоненьким, потрібні лише вдалий рецепт та трохи практики. За класичною рецептурою вам знадобиться: борошно - 500 г; яйця - 2 шт; вода - 200 мл; сіль - 0,5 ч. л; рафінована рослинна олія - 1 ст. л. Борошно для тіста потрібно обов`язково просіяти. Так воно насититься киснем і рівномірно поєднається з іншими компонентами. Після цього викладіть борошно у вигляді гірки, зробіть у ньому невелике заглиблення й додайте в нього інші інгредієнти. Важливо, щоб яйця та вода були кімнатної температури. За бажанням замість води можна використати молоко або бульйон. Не забувайте про краплю рафінованої олії, вона надасть готовому тісту еластичності й міцності. Тісто для пельменів зручно вимішувати в одному напрямку по колу, обережно загортаючи борошно з боків до центру. Вважається, що тісто потрібно вимішувати якомога довше, щоб воно стало м`якшим. Щоб перевірити якість текстури просто натисніть на тісто пальцем. В ідеалі має залишитися заглибинка, яка не зникає. Коли досягнете бажаної консистенції, дайте тісту трохи відпочити. Покладіть його в глибоку посудину, накрийте рушником чи харчовою плівкою і залиште мінімум на 30 хвилин. Протягом цього часу клейковина з борошна набухне й не буде рватися в процесі формування пельменів. Так тісто буде міцним та пружним, а вироби з нього можна сміливо заморожувати.
The song 🗿 The singer 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener 🗿 The saver of the song 🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿 The comments 🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 TH-cam 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 Those who comment 🗿
Away from me, Satan, you deserve neither me nor God. Jesus died for me and for everyone, but not for you, Satan. You exist outside of time; your sin is infinite. You will not take me from God's hands. I will not forget what I serve for-I serve to praise God. I was born with sin, which I cannot stop. I truly wish I were a better person. I always make mistakes, even though I have learned what I should do. I am a weak man; I cannot endure without sinning. But I can try, as I always do. My God, Christ... What should I do when I have no hope? What should I do when I lack will? What should I do when I have nothing left? The truth to these questions is God. Always make time for God; don’t be like me. Even in your worst moments, remember that He is with you. God will not leave you. God loves you and everyone else. If you hear someone say, ‘God doesn’t love you!’ simply tell them they’re wrong. Just explain, briefly, and if they don’t accept your explanation, walk away and carry on with your day. The message of this text is that you are ALWAYS with God. Jesus loves you! May God have mercy on you... ❤️
"You're allowed to choose your own groups for this project"
How bro stares at me from across the classroom:
we choosin' and makin' groups 💀🔥
This is underrated get this man more likes
How I look at bro after he says the most heart wrenching, diabolical, sinister, earth shattering, notorious, soul crushing thing I have ever heard in my life. 💀💀💀
Ahahhaahahahaahha yes and after he leaves they are like: "hey can i talk to you for a moment.... What did your buddy meant with your essay how to solve world overpopulation?
"Group yourselves into 4."
The fifth bro:
@@TheOriginalManTrust Looks like u are the fifth bro
Toddlers whenever they see someone with a slight deformity
Me when I see a gay, a muslim, a huckstering jew, a blackie, a yellow fellow, a scraping for pennies or scratching for knickels 3x poor homeless CaseOh, latino, catholic, athiest, buddhist, crackhead, alcoholic, centrist, right winger, left winger, progressive, regressive, white, evil, good, neutral, child, elderly, woman, man, tranny, granny, mother, father, driver, worker, banker, instructor, singer, dancer, communist, anarchist, capitalist, the dead, the living, christian, russian, mexican, haitians who eat people, anime fan, lotr fan, shit smeared indian, furry, pro gun, anti gun, pro choice, pro life, rapist, non rapist, tief, honest man, japanese, korean, mongolian, swede, estonian, mfks from greenland, mfks from netherland where sex is appearently a human right, mfks from latvia, mfks from bosnia, mfks from africa, mfks from north pole:
@@DarkMark-cf1ec Give the cumskin some of that hawk tuah
I can't listen to this song without a weeping angel edit
Me looking at my hamster in the microwave (he bit my pizza)
Yo 😭😭😭😭😭 bet he was delicious
Yummers 😋
God bless
Made me hungry👹
0:32 Best part
The song 🗿
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The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿
The comments 🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
My hands while typing this 🗿
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Mahoraga looking at the first person to ever summon him.
They have mere seconds to live
mahoraga watching megumi summon him on a fucking vending machiene getting stuck (its the 87th time today):
Bro you know madness combat.
You've got my respect
Bro you know madness combat.
You've got my respect
When you say the most out of pocket, wildest, out of context, vile, diabolical soul crushing joke to your friends in class and feel teachers hand tap your shoudler:
So fucking real 😭😭
When I'm critizicing late capitalism and the communist thinks I'm on their side:
Real, God bless you
honestly im with the communist
me in ikea when the employees are trying to stop me from taking a shit in the display toilet:
So early to a Sonne video that Chud comments haven't started coming in? Truly a rare occurence
Lets fix that!
@blitzkrieg1941 billions must comment
Me after reading the first question on the math exam:
God bless
Please make a full version, this is perfect but I would love a full or extended version of this.
Because of this video my monetization was removed, I will rather reupload it to another channel
My lawyer watching me talk my way from a speeding ticket to the death penalty.
Death Any% speedrun
Bro this song fit for the aot transformation 🥶🥶
The airport security guard looking at me after i said "Don't be a Hero!" and started walking toward the gate with a large black bag
Old people when there's a gay couple in public
Estern europeans look same
@@yahont7096 As an Eastern European, I confirm
The song 🗿
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The instrumental 🗿
The viewers 🗿
The song listener 🗿
The saver of the song 🗿
The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿
The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿
The comments 🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
My hands while typing this 🗿
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Those who comment 🗿
THose who know: 🗿
Winter arc:🗿
balkan rage:🗿
Absolutely real 🗿
8 year old trying to mimic a fictional tv character :
Me after using the bathroom and seeing that there is no toilet paper:
Use water
@@ManFromIDN The toilet water?
@@Iovi_Magno any water in the bathroom
@@ManFromIDN ☠️
Me when i have homework but to day i’m not go to school
Me staring at my screen after bro suggested we play one more game (it’s 1 AM and I just want to sleep)
Debunked the sun nerds! 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
When the AI realized itself:
Good anime midjourey
How the class looks at me after I make the most flabbergasting, vile joke known to society:
Me looking At bro after he told He is gona lock in for the 99th time
God bless
CS exam in 32 minutes, we preppin 🫡
How I look at bro after he said "all bark no bite " to the cartel who was about to release us
Me looking at the officer about to shoot me: (im too Sigma to "resist arrest")
Everyone in class the moment you take out a pack of gum:
Dude, props to you for hearting each comment, just that small thing, goes a long way 👍 good luck with everything man
When my grandma tells me what a handsome young man I am
When you realise that Joan of arc was just 17 years young when "She" fought the English from a farmer family.
POV: you give your bully a look like I’m not afraid, I’ll fight 🗿👊🏻
corn ball
The tau infantry looking at a church town on legs (they're thought they were a myth)
dears when 2 tons of steel comes towards them at 60 mph
was feeling really low this gave me strenght thanks __/\__
God bless
This Song❤:)
The song 🗿
The singer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The viewers 🗿
The song listener 🗿
The saver of the song 🗿
The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿
The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿
The comments 🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
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Du kannst nicht alle besiegen aber du kannst mit einer niederlage stärker werden
Моё лицо когда я смотрю на то как варятся пельмени :
Щоб домашнє тісто вийшло піддатливим і тоненьким, потрібні лише вдалий рецепт та трохи практики. За класичною рецептурою вам знадобиться:
борошно - 500 г;
яйця - 2 шт;
вода - 200 мл;
сіль - 0,5 ч. л;
рафінована рослинна олія - 1 ст. л.
Борошно для тіста потрібно обов`язково просіяти. Так воно насититься киснем і рівномірно поєднається з іншими компонентами. Після цього викладіть борошно у вигляді гірки, зробіть у ньому невелике заглиблення й додайте в нього інші інгредієнти. Важливо, щоб яйця та вода були кімнатної температури. За бажанням замість води можна використати молоко або бульйон. Не забувайте про краплю рафінованої олії, вона надасть готовому тісту еластичності й міцності.
Тісто для пельменів зручно вимішувати в одному напрямку по колу, обережно загортаючи борошно з боків до центру. Вважається, що тісто потрібно вимішувати якомога довше, щоб воно стало м`якшим. Щоб перевірити якість текстури просто натисніть на тісто пальцем. В ідеалі має залишитися заглибинка, яка не зникає.
Коли досягнете бажаної консистенції, дайте тісту трохи відпочити. Покладіть його в глибоку посудину, накрийте рушником чи харчовою плівкою і залиште мінімум на 30 хвилин. Протягом цього часу клейковина з борошна набухне й не буде рватися в процесі формування пельменів. Так тісто буде міцним та пружним, а вироби з нього можна сміливо заморожувати.
Mark Felix 👹🦾
Me loking at my cat who poop on the floor😂
Me looking ať my dog and say where is my chese ( He eat thad)
People say, If you listen long enough to this Song, you will become Markus Rühl, 😂😅
My honest reaction after my teammates drop a ➡️➡️⬆️ on my location
if i wont be like him. then i dont want to be
❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Kamchatka Mia San Mia Germany🇩🇪 😍Rammstein🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
God bless
Literally me
The song 🗿
The singer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The viewers 🗿
The song listener 🗿
The saver of the song 🗿
The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿
The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿
The whole gym 🗿
All the gym equipments including the mats🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The one who play this at gym🗿
All who listens it 🗿
All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿
The nerves of the body 🗿
The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this 🗿
The comments 🗿
The thoughts while writing this 🗿
My hands while typing this 🗿
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How bro be looking at me as im going crazy with him (he fell asleep first)
How I look at my furry friend when he suggests taking a shower together
Bro what 💀
How i look at them after they snitched on me that i eat food before lunch:
How bro looks at me after I make a sus joke
When you finish the test and are about to turn it in, only for the kid next to you to ask for the answers to the back of the page:
Away from me, Satan, you deserve neither me nor God. Jesus died for me and for everyone, but not for you, Satan. You exist outside of time; your sin is infinite. You will not take me from God's hands. I will not forget what I serve for-I serve to praise God. I was born with sin, which I cannot stop. I truly wish I were a better person. I always make mistakes, even though I have learned what I should do.
I am a weak man; I cannot endure without sinning. But I can try, as I always do. My God, Christ...
What should I do when I have no hope? What should I do when I lack will? What should I do when I have nothing left? The truth to these questions is God. Always make time for God; don’t be like me. Even in your worst moments, remember that He is with you. God will not leave you. God loves you and everyone else. If you hear someone say, ‘God doesn’t love you!’ simply tell them they’re wrong. Just explain, briefly, and if they don’t accept your explanation, walk away and carry on with your day.
The message of this text is that you are ALWAYS with God. Jesus loves you! May God have mercy on you... ❤️
How i look at the arma3 group returning to base after leaving without me
(I will not be allowed to play AT Rifleman for several missions)
When teacher say we have homework and I forgot
How i turned around after i saw my clothes move 0.1 cm in the darkness
(I have schizophrenia)
زفر بن حارث 🗿امارة ايطاليا
نور بارق 🗿امارة شمال افريقيا و اسبانيا و فرنسا
Space Marines:
Me after I look at my door
Wait, isn't that a statue from Arena Breakout?
when green screen kids notice that green screen button is gone from youtube
I look at the strange behavior of the *pick me* girl in my class:
"lol u suck at this"
how i stare bro (i know i will lose the 1v1 anyways):
Europa Nazione, Nazione Sara!
Romans when they see a wallet
Nah brah you mean Romanians
Rome's full of gypsies
@@Ubermensch058 nah bro u mean gypsies
You Racist guy. Bro stop saying Romanians steal for Godnesses sake if i said something about your own Country you will be mad or??? Stupid Tourists.
Eddie “The Beast” Hall
Aug die knie. Blue lock
My classmate after the third time i said something i was not supposed to say during case presentation
Jesus loves you guys!
Isn't he a prophet?
@@keremtheakpli3006 no , actually he is our lord and savior
Name song🙏
Ramstein Sonne
Sonne by Rammstein.
little kids in DOHA by dj kammala
Darude Sandstorm
Pov: someone looks at your sister
Adult me pulling down my pants at the playground
Me looking at bro bc he makes stupid faces that makes me laugh (the teacher is talking abt a Loss in her family)
You just peed in your bed and mom is washing you
me when i see a random ahh conservative talk trash abt socialism (i dont give a sh_t)
Das ist das lid velhes ich habe gezuht
With this music i clearing Brazilian phonk (its not music cuz its shit) from my ears