EpicCity used to main lucio but after all his nerfs is just dident get the same satisfaction if playing him...so now i main Tanks...as in...every single one of them
I did this. I am ~1600 on my main account, and my highest SR is ~2350 (season 2 I think). ELO hell dragged me down from there over time. So I did 25 levels of QP on an alt account, won 70% of those games, went 7 - 2- 1 in Qualifying, and got 2550 SR. :facepalm:
its really not hard to not be in bronze. I lost all but 2 of my placements in season 2 (the one that actually mattered) and I got put in mid gold. If you are doing well the game will put you at silver minimum.
don't give up, just work with it. On the rare occasion it work with it. I was in mid plat and we had 4-2 in Volkshei and we defended with only 5 on the second point
Adem Arik I dont but its really hard to rank up if you get 20 matches lost just because people leave. Sometimes you can carry with 5 people but its rare
Protatogaming No No No!!Im an ana main and when I'm the only healer with say a rein dva soldier useless genji mains and hanzo I think uh oh because it's really hard to solo heal it's not like I'm a lucio who can multiple heal his whole team at once which still isn't enough to win games so no always 2 healers
It is not possible because it is almost impossible to get a good team that won’t just auto lock and never switch. Nobody communicates. Everybody plays their own game in silver.
Top 5 tips for climbing from silver to diamond Instalock sombra Never get behind reins sheild it's the worst ability In the game It's always your teams foult The meta is 1 healer Rank doesn't matter
Actually there are times where 1 healer is not a bad decision. Even pros will implement it on occasion. It is indeed better to have at least 2 healers as the solo heal getting killed is incredibly detrimental, but sometimes you might need a bit more damage or a key counter pick to turn the tides.
A good tip is to block bad people. they can't come to your side, but they can get into your opponents side =) instantly very massive changer. And if you notice someone is very good, you can prefer him. then he has better change to come your side or something
Novarius it is indeed horrible, I try to always pick the reinhardt or support in general but if others keep over extrnding and im the only lucio with no rein to shield behind its really horrible
Try to realize it's likely that each person in your team is thinking just like you, and they likely have the biggest ego thinking that they're always the best person on the team. "my team is always bad I can't climb where are my heals god my team sucks"
lmao right? I'm normally the only healer or tank on my teams in comp, I haven't gotten to once be anything other than support or tank because people always inta-lock DPS and then proceed to feed ;c
well that obv means u were tilted asf, a tip is wen u lose 2 ina row take a break or if ur winning, just keep playing till you lose one then take a break #will help
Retracicle jeez try to focus on getting better at ur main and other chars try to search for some friend u just need 2 friends dont play with 5 friends or 4 the best is 3 or 2 cause when u play with 5 friends u r gonna go againt a whole enemy team and thats gonna be way too hard to play especially if ur team isnt balanced and u arent good with the strategy
i have lost 10 times in a row. nobody in my team wants to be a healer so i have to be the healer because no one listens and they keep going in by themselves then blame me for not healing them. im about to drop to bronze too ㅠㅠ
butterslap33 I feel ya as mercy main. people will spam I need healing and they'll be on the next point when we're still on point A (this is mostly capture point maps)
Yeah and what about doing all this stuff, even more, but still loosing much more games then you win because every game in your team there's a thrower, a dude that doesn't want to fill in ? I'm not a pro, far from it, i can't carry a comp game on my own, but still i do my job whatever i have to play and i'm not to bad at each type class. But still my SR is going down down and down, because i loose to many games. The SR is BS, i'm totally stuck to team performance, and what happens when you're so lucky to always fall into that team ? You get punished because other people don't give a damn about the game in comp.
OW noob here coming from LoL. when people are hardstuck in some elo in lol most people recommend playing carrying picks. idk how that translates into Overwatch heroes, but just try to pick something which can carry a game on its own and doesnt need much team help. i dont know if this is helpful or anything, but i thought i'd mention it just in case :)
I totally feel you, basically the same with me every time. Even if you're relatively new to the game and you do your best with filling in on the heroes nobody wants to play and do your goddamn job as a healer, how is one supposed to win a game if basically the whole team consists of DPS and Snipers? As a healer you can't just follow every hero if they decide to spread in all directions and take on the enemy. A team such as this will fall apart very quickly without a tank (the only healer can't cover the half map on his own either) and usually everybody starts hating on you because they were always dying almost instantly because you couldn't be there healing them. I mean how was I supposed to when you rushed into the enemies' attack line on your own? Come on, even when I'm barely silver level, I have this basic understanding of team compositioning and positioning :/
Was at 2297, dropped to 2108 in about an hour or two. Things that kill me? -Mercy pocketing a defensive Genji that goes 2-12 and has 0:02 objective time -People playing DPS because it's more fun than playing Ana or Lucio -Me playing Rein on the point as my team scatters for health packs instead of fighting -9 year olds playing Genji when we need defensive heroes and tanks -People playing fucking DPS and not once choosing healer or tank Fuck this game dude
Nazmi i mean defensive genji can work out if you're decent with him, i've done it before and it ended pretty well, thing is like 90% of genji players aren't good whatsoever.
DraKula First. I main Genji and i play defensive when need defense heros. BUT when i played in silver i saw Hanzo EVREYWHERE! and noot good ones. The ones that 10% Accuracy.
Dude I got lucky and climbed all the way to 3821 from 1999. I'm not even close to being in that high elo lmao, such a fail system that let me go there and I'm a bad player.
im currently sitting at around 2970 sr and comp has basically become a roll of the dice for me. Some games I get an actually good team and the games are close. (As Blizzard intended.) But like 75% of the other games I get teams who won't communicate, wont group up, and don't know the fundamentals of Overwatch. There is always a reason why people are being "toxic." Just remember that.
Will Sadowski lmao everytime i was close to Diamond i queued with 5man stacks lmao and stacks already Tilted af my solution was getting a friend to duo queue
DavrK yeah I may have lost that game but I got 13000 healing and got some good transcendences but I still loose SR because our rhienhartd charges into the enemy team and didn't help us hold the choke and that made us loose
Somebody seems salty? II'S a TEAM GAME. The skill rating may be seem unfair it some times. But it works like it should. Say may how they should do it differentley?
I mean of you have like good ass healers and baptiste immortality field Baptiste immortality field and moira olus reinghtheart does A LOT OF DAMAGE so a highly protected shield tank is with a giant ass hammer is amaing...... Notice how I said "protected"
My top 5 tips: 1) if you guys lost a fight group up and make a coordinated push. Sounds simple yet No one does it. 2) doesn't waste ultra thinking you can 1v4 or 1v5 3) if the enemy is poping 3-4 ults on one push, just accept your fate and regroup next time. Don't waste sound barrier or any other ults. 4) keep track of enemy ults the best you can 5) if something's not working, switch. Say you're a pro genji but the pharah or Zarya keeps fucking your team up, switch. Doesn't say but I have gold elims so why should I switch? No, you gotta step up and help your team. Also if you're not doing good and you know switch of to a healer or tank. TRUST me don't try to struggle through *PUSH THE PAYLOAD*
Chroma Kiwi my top 10 tips as a diamond player on Xbox is: 10: learn 2 heros in each category is great so is you need a tank you can play rein or healer ana. 9.play in large stacks with communication or be a flex player. 8.Dont waste any ults. 7.Dont be afraid to play of meta picks I have a 80% win ratio as reaper. 6.dont play with friends that get angry and are negative. 5.dont play junkrat torbjorn hanzo etc. 4.Ult combos like grav and sword , shatter and bomb. 3.Work together. 2.Be Positive take breaks when triggered. 1.Group up and push as a team don't overextend. Bonus. If you can watch your gameplay back do it , it will make you realise your mistakes.
Hugh Mungus all great tips except number 5. You say don't be afraid to play off meta heroes then you say do t play them. Gotten gold elims as torn plenty of times and still one. Some teams just don't know how to deal with a turret and it eliminates all the genji mains. Junkrat is amazing on maps like numbani and Anubis. On Anubis only 4 ways they can come from and 2 of them are small hallways that are perfect for bombs
Chroma Kiwi The group-up never works for me! There's always atleast one stupid fuck that completely ignores it. Or they DO group-up but think it's enough when we're like 4-5 people!... so damn annoying
SOLO QUEUE is hard as hell in silver............I heal....my team sucks at getting elims and cap points....I play offensive character they don't play tank or healer....lose lose.....
Ollie Gray IV it's the same for me! I do so much for my team but no one does anything. For example, I'm death spectating a soldier when the point is on overtime. There is one enemy on the point and the soldier runs away.
I feel for you, I bought the game last month and since season 3 was ending I didn't get time to leave silver. When this season started I ended up in Silver again because of this. Every game I tried to motivate people in my team, told them they could make mistakes, they just need to tell me and I can help them fix it... and for some reason it has worked. I'm currently at platinum, and have gotten almost a 1000 SR since this season started.
Playing with friends is a thing guys. I went from gold to platinum just duo queuing with a pharah main who I met in one of the games that I won. If you see a good player or even a decent one, add him as a friend and queue up.
A very good point, Stacking up is very effective. Back when I solo queue I had to learn how to play support and tanks cus no one played em in bronze but I end up being the only one with 5 DPS, I never left bronze. You enter a game and boom Insta lock Hanzo, Genji, Widow and I'm there on mercy screaming wtf!!! I stack now with friends I main Orisa, we have defined roles, know characters we can switch to if need be, I finished season 7 in Gold. Like sty said not a world of difference btw gold and bronze just better team comp. Another point is to communicate, the number of people in comp without mics in bronze to gold is appalling. You can't make call outs like Mcree top left, Tracer backline etc cus you dunno if they're listening and they can't say anything from their point of view to help you eg Orisa reaper is behind you, that one sentence can save an engagement and win the team fight.
I played with a couple of guys in a team a time ago. We were all silver. Then I didn't play Overwatch for a while and after 2-3 weeks they were all Platinum/Diamond. So I think that Stylosa should add a Nr.6 which is: FIND GOOD TEAMMATES AND ADD THEM AS FRIENDS. Cause when you found some nice guys who understand the game, who are flexible (they can play very much heroes) and maybe they are in voicechat too so you can order your attacks, then you really can go up to Diamond. In silver/gold there are very much players who don't even understand the game. And thats why so many players are still stuck in these ranks.
Agreed I was in bronze last season and got up to low-gold as I found a GREAT TEAM tho my placement matches weren't the best (Mainly I wasn't doing the best also) and ended up getting low-silver hopefully we can do the same as we did last season.
i agree but sometimes you can find that team that works together and helps out, then in that case you click stay as a team, you convince them to stay as a team
Axel Gustafsson, just shows you did not understand what you have to do to advance rankings. lets say you play 10 games in average you should win 2 games easily, win 3 games barely, lose 3 games barely, lose 2 games horribly. no all you have to do is tipp one of the barely lost games into a barely won game. so all you have to do is make the difference in 1/10 of your games, and you advance in rating. if your mentallity is, that you need to win every game, and if you lose "those tipps dont work, liar", i very much doubt you can achieve point 5, 3 or even 2
As Lucio would say... "You've gotta BELIEVE!" But yeah, find a team. An actual team of players that you play well with and can speak to. I'm sure it's way easier that way, especially if you guys are openly communicating.
I just created a whole team with my friends and we are basically unstoppable! If you want to move up the ranks, you need to have a team that you can communicate with because when I would play with random people, no joke there was a little kid who kept killing himself because I chose Genji and he wanted to be Genji 😕
An anonymous Person So funny how random the pool can be. Some days, you'll get people like you're talking about. Today, I managed to gain 300sr with a team that formed from Solo q and no mics 😂 sometimes magic happens
An anonymous Person I came across a player who wanted to be roadhog but I already picked him and I said lemme play him first and let's see how it goes. he picked rein and started throwing by running around in spawn.
Mr. Toasty I told 2 people who grouped with me to pick hanzo and zarya so we can kill them in one sweep. I choose sombra to EMP any barriers they have made it to plat
There is one thing that i think is annoying. When someone on your team leaves because we are getting steamrolled or they die all the time the mach continues and we lose, but if someone on the enemy team leaves because our team is steamrolling them the mach gets cancelled. That has cost me at least three wins this season.
ive only played like 3 seasons of comp so far (placements only... actual comp alone with no one to q up with is not fun). and i always place in low gold :( I know im definitely making mistakes but i still feel like i belong in at least plat
+Lyrica \/5PB\/ Nao i mostly lose my sr because of overextend as Sty just said in video or when they troll, i don't mind if someone is bad and changes heroes and talks to us on mic, i am annoyed when they just shut up and insta lock some hero that we don't need
Ivan Tomašević what region do you play in? im looking for someone to play with regularly and i can flexpick heroes(roadhog,junkrat,luciooo, mercy, and an moderate soldier 76
You see, there's always going to be those games where you have someone drag your team down. Or maybe a teammate leaves or something. It is very very hard to "carry" in overwatch, it's a team effort.
Narragetto Ya just had a game with an idiot that only played bastion on nepal and everyone in my team was tellin him to change but he didnt so we lost.
Before watching this video I just ranked up 200 points in one evening by doing one very simple thing: When pick phase starts, I'll just write in the chat: "Hi guys, let's pick 2 - 2 - 2. I can fill any role team needs." And 95% of the matches we really ended up with a balanced 2 - 2 - 2 setup, me mostly playing reinhardt as tank or some heal like Ana, and Lucio. And we were winning pretty easily. I suggest you do the same, really improves match experience by a lot, even if u end up losing the game, there are less rage quitting, or Caps lock blamming, and fullteam reports.
when you'll get better you'll see that 2-2-2 isn't always the best strategy, and sometimes it's just shitty ^^ counter picks are often better than just a stupid 2-2-2
222 is really really good man. counter picks can sometime be useless. dont fill too much exept if you think you have the time to master every single hero on this game. you should main something that you can play almost every game. and have some backups. Filling reinhardt vs Reinhardt main. you'll get crushed. caus even if your teamcomp is good. your Personal impact on your game is not high. If you main a hero. it means Your Impact with this hero is higher and it increase your winrate. but dont forget even if you main a hero you can still have losestreaks, Never blame the team even if its because your team sucks. cause when you blame your team.. it means that you are not trying to improve yourself. but instead of this you lose your time, blaming strangers you'll maybe never see again.
Heika, 2-2-2 is indeed great, but for attacking 3-1-2 and 3-2-1 can get the enemies confused and in maps like Hanamura, Volskaya and Eichenwalde I'm pretty sure is even better than just trying to go 2-2-2. My team once got crushed by a really good 4-1-1, and it was mainly because my teammates had never seen that before and were shocked. Specially at lower levels (Silver- low plat) running a weird composition with players you really know and can have a huge impact helps a lot. I don't fill regularly. But I've worked pretty hard in mastering at least 2-3 characters from each slot. And it has been working great. Attack: Pharah, Soldier, (Sombra, but it doesn't work in lower Elo, specially if you are great with the previous two). Defense: Mei, Bastion. Tank: Zarya, Winston (but can play any really). Support: Ana/ Zenyatta. But I can play all the supports, specially because I check how other people use them. I normally have a plan for each map and situation before even getting to the match. Depending on the map and if I'm on defense or offense I might pick a different heroe.
+Schism: How so? I've climbed from 2100 to 3500 over four seasons playing most of the tanks and all of the supports. I improved through time and despite many, many losses, I was able to help my team win more in games that could go both ways. I know about leavers/throwers/trolls/etc. and I get them at 3500+ too, it sucks and hopefully Blizzard will start cracking down on them harder going forward.
I went from low gold to diamond pretty easy. I would never play any comp games besides the placements and when I finally did, I went 24-9-2 and climbed pretty fast also when I lost I wouldn’t lose much and when I won I would get like 50 sr. The game might want me at master or something as that’s all I play against in quick play or arcade.. yesterday I had a game against two top 500’s and two gm’s with one top 500 and 3 gm’s on my team and won pretty easily. Not saying I’m the best by any means or that I belong in master, but climbing is stupid easy if you deserve something higher Edit: I enjoy watching pros play so I try to pick up their habits when it comes to positioning, plays and try to improve my map knowledge. ALSO, I’m a Hanzo main but I never play him in comp, as it is rare to get the perfect comp to fit him in.. I get that you guys have mains but learn to flex, I never knew how good of a soldier I was until I started playing him frequently
AquaFire 009 Sadly I think it’s difficult because the people in that rank are a little slow mentally, with no offense to anyone. But I believe that low gold to mid silver are the ranks where people lack game knowledge but have the basics like proper critical thinking skills or decent reflexes.. maybe this is what makes it difficult to climb because actual bronze players that aren’t smurfs (outside of the game) aren’t the brightest(not dumb by any means) so team work is a no go and carrying becomes impossible
There have been plenty of gm+ people doing a bronze to gm challenge, and most went like 50-0 during it. If you're good enough you'll not be stuck at that low level.
Never going to work. Overwatch is a teamwork based game right? You need your team to know what they are doing also. Many silver players are arrogant, and especially will not listen to tip #3. I agree, lets say everyone who is an Overwatch player watches this, then I believe everyone could be in diamond. Its just arrogant fucks that don't really care that messes the game up.
well what he did is also bm. but if you have someone who doesnt give 2 shits about the match and projects his mommy issues into the game there is nothing to talk about.
Maybe you could do something that LoneHawk does where the games that are sent in have to be losses, so people just don't send in their best footage to show off but rather the ones that they may not have done as well in, which is much more coachable?
On my main account I am in gold and have been slowly climbing but bad teams are holding me back. Then I finally hit lvl 25 on my smurf and in my first game, because of my mmr I get in a game with plats and diamonds and we roll the enemy. #SrSystemNeedsWork
"bad team are holding me back"?? so what about the entire enemy that have 6 players holding each other back? im not an expert but my math tells me 6 retards are worse then 5
When I was in silver I had a game on Hanamura where I was ana, and I got to high ground to see all of my teammates that are in the choke, only to find that our rein, junkrat, and hanzo were spawn camping. needless to say I lost that game
4 and 5 impossible in low ranks since A ppl do not change their role 95% of the time and B 8/10 games you sit in voice with 2 MAX 3 ppl... so no either you stack or you hard carry 5 morons outta there
OK! So I did some math and this season I can get 2 golden guns, I already got my McCree golden gun, and now I am at zero cp, all I have to do is win 180 games, AND reach Diamond, so roughly 18 and a half hours of winning game play, luckily, I have spring break coming up. Golden Zenyatta here I come!
Silver2909 You can solo que and still climb if your a good player. Also I don't see why people are coming at sty for full queing. I mean overwatch is a team game so obviously if you 6 man with people that you trust you'll get better results.
if u play with 6 you will be limited to the skill your teammates have. So u will never run into better players and will always be limited. For me a full 6 stack never worked out. I climbed 1200Sr in Soloq.
I went from Silver (1996) to Diamond (3098 is my high, current is 3024) on Xbox. I'm a support main. My profile is VlashTheothundr if you think I'm lying. My tips are this: If you are a support main pick zenyatta. Most people in silver or gold will instalock dps. Don't fight it. Help them kill things with Zenyatta's discord. If you lose 3 games stop before you lose 200 SR lol. Seriously, streaks in this game are a double edged sword. You win a lot you start to gain a bunch per win. You lose a lot RIP ELO per lose. Learn a carry hero like Roadhog or Reaper or 76. With proper positioning, you will wreck low ranks with these guys. If you watch a lot of high level Overwatch youtubers then try multi queuing. Because of all the things I learned from people like Unit Lost, Your Overwatch, Lone Hawk etc. It is actually easier to play in a 6 stack then solo queue at this ELO because of the understanding of the game you will have.
i'd like to mention that some of these channels, like your overwatch, have a discord with many great people from every skill level that are looking for teammates. just check it out, i've found a few friends in there
Vladhimir Theophile Does anyone want to team up? I play on Xbox and I'll do anything to rank up. DPS is my strong point, but I can also play Rein, Lúcio, Mercy and Zen if needed. I don't mind being flexible. My current Rank is 2505 but my Season High is 2583. Add me if you're interested - Breward Plays
Im a level 75 in silver. I think I understand the game as well as a plat player. I have friends that are around that area. But the game experience is just AWFUL I've never had a team go double support and very rarely have a team with two tanks, Its always one healer, one tank and DPS DPS DPS. I think I have the aiming and game sense of a high silver-low gold, but I truly believe I have the communication of at least a plat player. And voice chat, oh don't even get me started on that. No one ever listens to me when I recommend having another healer or tank, they're always just bitching around or being an idiot. I had a five game winning streak that got me to 1925ish sr. All thise games had good communication and planning. No superstar or carrying just a good team. Just when I was having a good experience the wheels fell apart. Everything that I just said earlier happened. I am now in hovering around 1600. I like this game a lot, but the comp experience right now is awful, I keep thinking about just quitting, but its so much fun actually having a good team and having fun. If anyone has any tips that would be much appreciated (:
That elo play soldier torb or sym, with soldier you can heal yourself, with torb the turret will destroy people because they have no aim and armour packs will make your guys invincible, with sym the turrets will destroy people because they will keep running into them and they have no aim, you can place shield gen and your guys will be invincible, you can run through the enemy holding left click because they have no aim (best if you use your shield as you run through them, but who cares, they have no aim) . You're welcome :)
ArIVIoR Music I went from low plat (2505) to diamond. I grinded the fuck out of comp with my friends and solo. I’m a Reinhardt and road hog main and i can play every hero so I can fill in every spot. I suggest you do the same it really works
there is nothing suck as get gud in ow..the team is made of 6 ppl what if im good and all of the team bad🤔 is it still my fault ..do i deserve to lose my sr because of the bad team
I'm not even being a cocky asshole here but seriously sometimes it's just some of the people on my team that's making us lose like when we're on attack and then sometime insta locks hanzo and other people ignore the fact that the game says no tank heroes so they just play genji or sombra and then we get stomped and I'm the only one on my team that got a card and it's for 3 gold meddles surprise surprise oh, and I'm fucking Lucio
No matter what, no matter who I play as, at least I can always count on having gold objective time. And yeah, everyone instalocks DPS, so I'm forced to fill as support or tank, even though I'm a Reaper main. And then I end up with 3 or 4 gold medals anyway, with gold elims as Lucio, or gold elims as Orisa. And it's like...yeah you can play DPS, but at least be good at it. I feel like I'm a much better DPS player than the other people on my team, but I can't play DPS because I always have to fill since I'm the only person who bothered to learn how to play a healer. And since I know how to play healer, I feel like it's my duty to fill when I see all the other people on my team pick DPS.
Sombra is good when you are skilled on playing it. Especially when there is whole enemy team, sombra's ultimate is extremely useful, when used right with pharah, mccree, ... Sombra just needs tank and healer on its team.
I'm amazed when it says too many snipers but the bumblefucks as widow, Hanzo and Ana are just sitting there with no problem in comp it's fuckin infuriating
Arlo Steiner you really shouldn’t count Ana as a sniper, yes, she is one, but she’s not like widow or Hanzo where she sits back on a roof staring at a corner waiting for someone
ive gone from 2000 to 1730 cos teammates and me not focusing on one/two heroes. I made it to 2450 last season. Solo queue is utterly terrible this season. I don't know why.
The best games I've had this season in Silver (shameful admittance) were when I played Zenyatta and called the Discord orbs. Focusing targets is such a key mechanic...
Dude solid Advice and great Delivery. I’m subscribed now, I was starting to get tilted at these toxic players but now I have a rejuvenated sense to be a team player and actually get on mic.
this video doesnt take into account if you're doing the right thing. taking the only tank in the team. if no one else does there job, you cant play effectively. not everyone watches video like this. without teamwork you'll lose even if individually you play very well.
way to make people who are stuck doing all the basics, playing their roles communicating with teams feel bad/worse. saying its easy is like rubbing salt in the wound. you can do everything right but if the rest of your team dont you'll lose. other peoples bad play or leaving/throwing has dropped me so far im having anxiety attacks every time I think about competitive atm.
I got placed in plat. I gained a small amount of SR then hovered around a rank do to on off (good and bad) teams. Then having 3 leavers during matches we were winning caused my rank to nose dive. Its been downhill since. Im getting matched with people who have no idea how to work as a team. I main d.va and played most of her. I do my roll but then have to compensate for others not doing theirs. I love overwatch but the rank other people have forced me down is causing too much stress and anxiety. Was playing alongside/against diamonds and occationally masters in S2. Right now, I want to quit because the matches im currently in are literally insulting me. Its not fun when you are the only one with a mic and other people blatantly ignore the most basic of teamwork requests. If people cant stay close and focus fire or signal before an ult so I can combo. Then whats the point in trying to explain choke points or high ground tactics. Also solo tanking vs triple or quad tank teams is always fun. Take Rien and I get left to be surrounded as I push forward. Playing d.va or any other tank I get hooked and focused. In my Opinion. The ranking system will NEVER work until we have an accurate individual ranking to go with the team based ranking we currently have.
This is why mostly play with a 4,5,6 person group then we all know who can play what and we always have a decent team composition. (Most us are low-mid diamond players) I suggest you play with friends or just team up with other players you know, it's makes comp much more fun and your most of the time you're going to have a solid team composition.
The Dreadinator I have been playing as much as I can. you CANT win even if you do everything right and the rest of the team dont. its a team game. I know how to play a good number of heroes. just happens im best with d.va. so i've been using my best and doing everything possible for other people to lose me matches for not understanding basic teamwork
The Dreadinator I have been playing as much as I can. you CANT win even if you do everything right and the rest of the team dont. its a team game. I know how to play a good number of heroes. just happens im best with d.va. so i've been using my best and doing everything possible for other people to lose me matches for not understanding basic teamwork
I lost my rank bad playing with some friends who I guess I wasn't in sync with well. So I'm solo queing my way back up atm. Something that helps me is once I have a huge win steak, soon as I lose once, I take a breather. Then play competitive again later in the day or a different day. Also using the new party system to pick up people you've met who are good in your games works too. Say your team wins and you jam well together pick them up and if they accept... well usually it spirals us into a 3+ win streak at least. Positivity works as well
Similar thing happened to me. I lost a lot of points after a bad losing streak. But now I'm kind of stuck. I had just about 60% wins, and the climb back up has been sooo slow. And I even think I'm a much better player at this point. But I gotta say, the positivity thing works like a charm. I've won games with other players in the brink of throwing. But this is not really easy to do, not everyone has the necessary soft skills for this.
Brianna Make friends, if you can, with people you can rely on to be slightly above average. Going in with a group at least guarantees that you got someone you could rely on Would however advise going in with more than 4 people unless everyone in the group knows what they're doing and can do it well, or else you'll find yourself queuing up against organized 6 stacks
I got into a match where we were all solo queueing agaisnt a 6 stack team.. (yeah, wtf Blizzard, right?) We were all shitting our pants, but we took up the challenge and won, because we were all so cooperative about doing our best and supporting each other because we knew it was a tough match. We then grouped up as a 6 stack ourselves and went on to win 5 or 6 matches in a row and gain 150ish sr, just from playing with people who are in tune and play the game how it is supposed, and most importantly, give each other mental support as well. I miss that group, wish I'd sent them friend requests, they were really nice and rare to come by. If any of you guys remember this, feel free to add me @ MisterSir
Don't blame your team. Yes there will be times when your team isn't helping but it's your responsibility to recognize your own mistakes. Try to look at the picture at a different perspective, and you might notice a few mistakes you've made along the way. Plus, it becomes more fun when you're more positive.
I started playing rather late, around season 10. I was placed silver and bobbled around between silver and bronze that season, 4 seasons later I finally reached platinum and I can’t even stress how important these strategies are. Working on your game sense is so so imperative if you want to climb, in addition to working on mechanical skills. Working towards diamond this season! Don’t get discouraged, elo friends!
I go on and on how it was the team's fault but you have to responsibility for yourself too, the things he listed in this video are spot on (I'm gold) and just my two cents if you wanna climb: 1) Never continue after losing 2 in a row 2) ALWAYS group up with people who have mics (COMMUNICATE) 3) Don't get players that are way over the team's overall skill level, for example: everyone is gold and one diamond. 4) TEAM COMP, if they have Pharah go soldier, if they use deathball use a dive comp strategy etc. 5) KEEP A FUCKING MELLOW ATTITUDE IT FUCKING HELPS 6) Play your mains but have other people you can play in different areas such as tanks, supports etc. All these tips and your know how should carry you to at least being a diamond. Also, no, I'm not at all a great player my highest this season was only 2100, again, as stated, only my two cents.
Well, I solo Q'd and got placed in silver for season 4 at the start but climbed up to platinum yesterday. The problem I see a lot of players have is they totally have no composure. I've seen people throwing games EVEN after we won a round because "player X is playing a shit hero". Like dude, we won, why throw the entire game? I play mainly DPS and tank, my main is soldier 76 though pharah's slowing replacing Soldier 76. I like to play support but I am shit at them so I rather stick to someone I can contribute with so I stick to DPS and tank. From my experience, pharah's always got a place no matter the map. Sure, soldier 76 can counter but when pharah's high above and firing rockets from halfway across the map, it's hard to take her out.
Omar Othman Azzam gotta blame it on the team not your fault the teams fault.... you probably should be in gm but it's your teams fault. Nothing to work on for you just your teams fault. I would climb if my team was good. I'm so good but it's my teams fault
+The TH-cam Ranter You weren't in his games, yet you pretend to know how his matches went better than he did? Were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it? You're also pretending that smurf teammates don't exist, teammates who disconnect don't exist, teammates who grief just to be assholes don't exist, teammates who get tilted and intentionally throw the match don't exist (this is extremely common in silver and gold), teammates who are so bad that, even if they stop playing, there's no noticeable change in how the match is going don't exist, matches where you play Lucio and get gold elims and silver or gold damage over 3 of your instalock DPS teammates don't exist (this happens in almost all silver matches and most gold ones), matches where there's only one healer and/or one tank (and you're one of them) don't exist (this is extremely common in silver and gold), etc, etc, etc. Do you really not think before you speak, or do you just find it amusing to say things that make you come off as retarded? t. Someone who smurfed to bronze in season 1 and later climbed to diamond. Ironically, silver and gold were the hardest to climb out of by a WIDE margin. Bronze and platinum were easy, but silver and gold are like a valley due to shitty team comps, your teammates not knowing how to deal with Pharmercys and refusing to use it themselves, and many other reasons. Bad teammates are what make it easier to climb in platinum than it is to climb in silver. Also, on alt accounts made after season 1 comp, it's far easier to climb for some reason. All of my season 1 accounts, smurfs and non-smurfs, are punished harder for losing and have an easier time climbing. Many master and grandmaster youtubers have also pointed this out, such as the Your Overwatch channel, Zylbrad, etc. Playing since season 1 is another thing that keeps people down, as has been proven countless times.
First Last I feel ya man. I won 1 placement match. Still ended up low silver. Gold elms 8/10 games playing tanks. Worst of all, 5/10 of the games someone left mid match.
The TH-cam Ranter What SR are you? Plat, diamond, master, or maybe even gm? Try playing in gold for one day and you'll want to kill all your teammates. You can't pretend to understand a situation you have never been in. I have an average of 50% accuracy with soldier. I also typically get POTG. I have gold elims and damage, and sometimes even have silver healing... when there's 2 actual healers like Mercy and Ana. I would be in Plat rn if it weren't for throwers, hackers, and all around douchebags. So you don't have any right to talk down to gold players unless you are one, in which case you'd be insulting yourself.
Im so frustrated because I do all of these things, I'm not saying "I'm amazing I should be top 100" I'm absolute shit and I don't know why, I do all of these things and I stay at 1500 SR the entire season.. I've decided I'm just trash and theres nothing I can do about it. I watch pro games, I watch tip videos, I practice with friends, then I do placements and lose 8 out of 10. I'm not blaming anyone else, I fully blame myself, but its frustrating to just be bad and have nothing to do about it.
Matthew Barr I never watched any of these videos until this one and I'm Diamond and in the top 8% of Rein players. I've been shit at games all my life so if I can get good at Overwatch, anyone can. Communication is key most of times. I find myself losing games when I get paired with incompetent people or people who just dont speak at all, but when I get reasonable decent human beings on my team, I almost always win. Solo q is hell, and I'd recommend avoiding it if at all possible.
finlay macbean it's based on who you were going up against in your placements, if you ended season 4 on Platinum you would go against platinums in placements for season 5
Matthew, use voice chat always, and when u find a nice player, that communicates and pick whatever the team needs, try to group up, maybe add as friend. This way u can start to build a circle to try to climb together, it's a lot easier. U have less chances of being teamed up with people that won't play in team. I did so when playing on pc, got ranked gold, now im diamond :)
Mr_T 03 No you don't. I have two golden weapons, genjis are barely noticeable unless you have the Oni skin. If you are playing ranked just for the gold skins then there is a problem.
Meeba Productions well if he or she wants genji gold weapons then yeah they can who cares if you can't see it well those weapons are only showing you have skill on that hero
The problem with communication is that this is a 12 plus game and most 12 year olds and younger cant go on the mic most likely because their parents will go ballistic if they find out they are talking to strangers. So never be toxic to people who are not talking on the mic. This comment was not related to the video it is actualy related to toxic comments saying that they hate people who dont talk on the mic
I usually say to type when respawning or its safe and always give encouraging words. I know the feeling of not being able to use mic bc my mic broke a few weeks ago and I kept getting yelled at. Really made me wanna rage quit but I have the thick skin to continue going, others may not.
But here's the problem: silver and gold teams are: Toxic Racist Annoying Complaining that they're not in masters Silent And my personal favorite... Fucking dead set on playing widow maker when they can't get a single headshot
Step 6: *KNOW WHEN TO STOP PLAYING COMP AND WARM UP/GIT GUD IN QUICK PLAY* its common sense. if you keep going down, stop playing comp and olay another game mode
I can attest to this. I started off as a silver player and have just reached diamond today by solo queuing only. It took a while, but having a better game sense definitely helped.
i got unlucky with my placement matches so now i get put with a bunch of throwers and i wreck the other team but my team sucks and dont care so my sr hasnt gone up and ive dropped 300+ in 3 days
*Tries to follow Stylosa's advice* *Keeps getting retards in solo q* *Confused as to why always losing while following Stylosa's advice* *Realise that fundamentally, the matchmaking is a shit luck lottery for solo q* *Laughs/cries at my hard work and effect going to waste as I try to get better, knowing it'll never fix the matchmaking*
Zac Roche Yeah solo q isn't very wise. Going with 2 other people has brought me great success. I might even like having my two partners alone better than having a 6 stack. You'll at least want one or two people who you know are competent and flexible though
Sty I do all of these things, I have good aim (was legendary eagle in CS:GO), communicate with my team, and I literally play anything that the team wants but I find it hard to rank up in Overwatch because of how it is a team based game, if even 1 person is not doing there job, that can cost the game, making your skill rating not a 100% accurate representation of your skill. Do you have any other tips on getting out of ranks? (specifically platinum)...
I was able to climb from silver(mid) to diamond(high) and stylosa definitely helped, I agree with lots of things in this video, and I also recommend watching vods, I was 1749 season 9 end, and now season 13 I’m 3399, peak 3466. Great video.
Just tick the stay as team after you win a game with good teammates. I was stuck there myself and I had a great game and the 4 of us continued to play together, no practice, same rank and I managed to climb 250 sr in a row. And yeah some days are just unplayable :D P.S. When in doubt, play Hog and tilt the enemies with bs hooks.
I've never been in silver, so I can't comment on that, but escaping gold is very easy. Escaping platinum is completely impossible for me. I see people overextend so much and there's nothing I can do. I've also noticed that pharahs never die. Everyone in plat knows to pick 76 or Mcree, but enemy pharah still doesn't die. I main support, but I fear I'll then have to change to dps myself, problem is I don't really trust others with support either. I'm beginning to think that they should get rid of placement and start everyone in bronze. That would eliminate the "lucky" people who got placed in platinum.
Guys this is how you rank up Step 1) start an overwatch youtube channel Step 2) have your subscribers carry you to the rank you want that's it, don't take any advice from overwatch youtuber's they think they know what they are doing, but in reality they are simply just being carried by the people who watch them
Mmmmmcmmmm, because "do your character's job", "don't overextend", "pick your heroes intelligently", "throw ultimates in combos", and "communicate positively with your team" AREN'T great pieces of advice? Really, dude? It sounds like *you* don't know what you're doing. Salty over some great pieces of advice, what is this?
Wonders youre new here.. he climbed up to gm on multiple accounts and some were solo. just cause youre trash doesnt mean you can say others were carried
I placed 2000 SR in season 3 (when I started playing comp) using mostly healers. At the end of the season I ended up at 3396 as my highest that season. Season 4 I finally reached masters and my highest was 3864. I was determined to get to each tier and believed in myself. Watching old gameplays I can pick up so many mistakes I've made. Learning from YOUR mistakes and trying to improve YOUR decisions rather than blaming the team will be the first steps to becoming a better player :)
The biggest part is getting good teammates to play with. Solo Queue is just Russian Roulette. Does anyone know any places to get teams together? A discord or an LFG community or something?
The Dreadinator A bunch of streamers that are better than average doesn't disprove anything. I've played Gold, Plat, Diamond, and Master and soon GM and the lower the rank to worse your team is BY FAR and if you're better than them there's only a certain amount of carrying you can do. solo queue is Russian Roulette at every rank but it's worse the lower you go. Congrats on smurfing your friends account but I could do that easily too. it doesn't prove anything except that you can kill people much less skilled than you. ELO hell exists in every ranked game because of teammates that have no clue how to do anything except shoot, which will only get you so far. it's pretty easy to tell when it's your teams fault and not yours
I think a lot of people just don't really think about what they are doing, and the thing about learning things in life in general, is that if you don't actively think about what you're doing, you can very easily end up ingraining your flaws even more, so even if you play a ton, it doesn't mean you'll necessarily get better if you don't review the fundamentals and start learning the right way.
I tried being flexible once, now I'm a healer main.
EpicCity me too. Now im a zarya main
EpicCity same
EpicCity used to main lucio but after all his nerfs is just dident get the same satisfaction if playing him...so now i main Tanks...as in...every single one of them
me too. Now i play sombra.
I'm sorry but in what situation should you switch to sombra
I want to redo the first ever placement matches that I did :(
That's the beauty of Xbox!
I did this. I am ~1600 on my main account, and my highest SR is ~2350 (season 2 I think). ELO hell dragged me down from there over time. So I did 25 levels of QP on an alt account, won 70% of those games, went 7 - 2- 1 in Qualifying, and got 2550 SR. :facepalm:
Beauty of console the free smurfs
Me to, I'm stuck in Silver because of throwers
Hayden Brower but you need gold for each account? Can you tell me what you mean? I’m curious
Now if only every single OW player had to watch this video.... what a change it would make...
He basically told the bronze players that they belong in that rank.
jm ong i think a lot of bronze players are the ones with not so good computers
its really not hard to not be in bronze. I lost all but 2 of my placements in season 2 (the one that actually mattered) and I got put in mid gold. If you are doing well the game will put you at silver minimum.
Harry Armes oh yes...
How would it change it for the worse? People'd understand what actual teamwork is and that, if you're doing bad, you should probably change.
Why are people in quick play so try hard while the people in (lower) comp run around the map and avoid the objective?
We may never know.
CJ the DJ bc they are scared of comp bc everyone actually tries in it
Because quickp play you need to win...comp u just mess around
Top 5 things science will never solve
They don’t want to win
Because they may be new or trying to get achievements. Or they are casual players
25% of my matches lost are simply due to the fact that people just fucking leave and we end up with 5vs 6 and 4vs6.
don't give up, just work with it. On the rare occasion it work with it. I was in mid plat and we had 4-2 in Volkshei and we defended with only 5 on the second point
Adem Arik I dont but its really hard to rank up if you get 20 matches lost just because people leave. Sometimes you can carry with 5 people but its rare
lol I got into a 6v2, also matchmaking fucked me us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20752649341#1
If your playing in American servers, switch to European servers if your ping isn't to bad.
People tend to not leave as much.
Ey b0ss Im from EU
You know what pisses me off? When we got an Ana on 1st healer but she sees the "too many snipers" card and swaps off healer completely
Are you the Hanzo?
expect nothing less :)
Squantle ana is the best solo healer so if no one goes another healers ana is good for that situation
Protatogaming No No No!!Im an ana main and when I'm the only healer with say a rein dva soldier useless genji mains and hanzo I think uh oh because it's really hard to solo heal it's not like I'm a lucio who can multiple heal his whole team at once which still isn't enough to win games so no always 2 healers
Darragh McMullen do u play on ps4?
you forgot the #1 tip, make a new account and play 50 games before placing.
It is not possible because it is almost impossible to get a good team that won’t just auto lock and never switch. Nobody communicates. Everybody plays their own game in silver.
My advice look for players before the match and stack.
Basicly this
if that's the case then the enemies will also be trash because it's silver, so easy climb.
Get a group to play with you will stomp the enemy because in silver its 5 dps and maybe a tank
Its true lol
just watched this and have gone from 2000 rating to 2126, tomorrow i plan to make it to grand master ^_^
+StoneMountain64 nice one!
StoneMountain64 dying channel
Not really he has a good amount of views. a dead channel is one with less than 1k with his amount of subs.
lol i played 10 hours and my rating is 2247
Thats still bad.
Top 5 tips for climbing from silver to diamond
Instalock sombra
Never get behind reins sheild it's the worst ability In the game
It's always your teams foult
The meta is 1 healer
Rank doesn't matter
Red Guy this hurt to read
The meta is Bastion, Torbjörn, Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Tracer!!!
1 healer is sometimes ok though if the enemy isn't really finishing off kills
Actually there are times where 1 healer is not a bad decision. Even pros will implement it on occasion. It is indeed better to have at least 2 healers as the solo heal getting killed is incredibly detrimental, but sometimes you might need a bit more damage or a key counter pick to turn the tides.
A good tip is to block bad people. they can't come to your side, but they can get into your opponents side =) instantly very massive changer. And if you notice someone is very good, you can prefer him. then he has better change to come your side or something
misikaro you can't block them anymore, blocking them now just mutes them and prevents them from friend requesting you
okay, but then i have good luck, because like maybe 4 of them in two days went to opposite side and none of blocked came to my side =)
misikaro that's just coincidence just wait.....
okay. and yesterday blocked some 4-premade, but our 4-premade in next game was way too bad so they won us XD
I was confused though because I blocked someone but I must've queued too quickly because he was on my team again and he was so cancerous
Hopefully all my teammates watch this
lol yeah
osQ Normac yeh
osQ Normac they probably said the same thing...dumbasses
osQ Normac yeah bud I'm sure you're a god at this game /s
osQ Normac ikr
It would be nice if my teammates could see this video
I'm not all the problem
AwkwardPanda same.
Then use your mic and tell them
4Shots I do and then they switch to attack Bastion and sht like that
half of this doesn't work because 90% of teammates break these rules so you're left in a 1v5 or 1v6 because they're stupid
Agreed. I've done pretty much all of these, and my aim is pretty good (pretty much always above 40% on most heroes) but my luck is just the worst.
Novarius it is indeed horrible, I try to always pick the reinhardt or support in general but if others keep over extrnding and im the only lucio with no rein to shield behind its really horrible
Try to realize it's likely that each person in your team is thinking just like you, and they likely have the biggest ego thinking that they're always the best person on the team. "my team is always bad I can't climb where are my heals god my team sucks"
Install Except when i make certain call outs they completely ignore me and its about 1 in 50 games i find anyone on voice comms
Adam Cole Agreed.
"You can get from silver to diamond, it is easy."
- Stylosa 2017
Sillylemon So far this season I went from 1844 to 2557 in Solo Q
I went from 1400 to 2401 and I only started this season
I went from 2300 - 2985, then I got a 13 losing streak, because I was matching up Vs High Diamonds. It was great fun...
Sillylemon this season I have gone from 1679 to 3174 so far
Went from 1896 to 2643
The Reinhardt gameplay behind was really bad in my opinion.
I agree.
Oh yeah yeah
I'm a gold Rein and do better than that Masters footage >.>
Those charges 😫
I wish all the mediocre dps mains in low gold would see this video...........
hazel chu i think mediocre is a compliment lol
The Force Tube excuse me
lmao right? I'm normally the only healer or tank on my teams in comp, I haven't gotten to once be anything other than support or tank because people always inta-lock DPS and then proceed to feed ;c
Ms. Marvel and then if i lock onto dps, they would just pick zen or ana and barely heals ... feelsbadman.
I hear you fellow Hanzo main
Yeah sure I can get to diamond
If hanzo will switch to mercy
Oh yeah yeah 😂
im not gonna pick mercyyyy
I began in low silver now in midplat. almost there!
BGN did you make it?
BGN same
how did you do it....
BGN same!
Im diamond, ooooh yeahh boyyy
Without looking at the bottom left I legitimately thought this was a bronze Reinhardt who he has already done an over analyzed on XD🙃
I do all of this while my team doesn't
I'm still stuck in silver
William Watts Hey, are you still in silver? if you are still silver and you live in Europe then maybe we could play together. I play mercy
Jungkookie Marcus yh I'm one win away from gold so it would be cool to play together my name on Xbox is R2 StraTz
William Watts You play on Xbox? I play on PC so unfortunately we can't play together. But good luck with your competitive games
Jungkookie Marcus thanks man I'm getting Overwatch on pc soon though so maybe in the future good luck
William Watts Oh that's awesome, if you get your PC then let me know. What's your battle tag?
I went from silver to rank 955 sr in a day, did I do it right?
Retracicle not quite, are you communicating with your team?
well that obv means u were tilted asf, a tip is wen u lose 2 ina row take a break or if ur winning, just keep playing till you lose one then take a break #will help
Retracicle yeah thats great
yeah, rank 1 is the best player in the world, ur doing great! Kappa
Retracicle jeez try to focus on getting better at ur main and other chars try to search for some friend u just need 2 friends dont play with 5 friends or 4 the best is 3 or 2 cause when u play with 5 friends u r gonna go againt a whole enemy team and thats gonna be way too hard to play especially if ur team isnt balanced and u arent good with the strategy
i have lost 10 times in a row. nobody in my team wants to be a healer so i have to be the healer because no one listens and they keep going in by themselves then blame me for not healing them. im about to drop to bronze too ㅠㅠ
butterslap33 I feel ya as mercy main. people will spam I need healing and they'll be on the next point when we're still on point A (this is mostly capture point maps)
butterslap33 ya I'm a Lucio or ana main but no one will ever play healers so I can never play anyone else
This happened to me in the current season placements and I started as bronze. Now, I'm struggling to get to gold 😭
Krys Kim are u on PC or console?
butterslap33 do u play on pc or console
Yeah and what about doing all this stuff, even more, but still loosing much more games then you win because every game in your team there's a thrower, a dude that doesn't want to fill in ? I'm not a pro, far from it, i can't carry a comp game on my own, but still i do my job whatever i have to play and i'm not to bad at each type class. But still my SR is going down down and down, because i loose to many games. The SR is BS, i'm totally stuck to team performance, and what happens when you're so lucky to always fall into that team ? You get punished because other people don't give a damn about the game in comp.
OW noob here coming from LoL. when people are hardstuck in some elo in lol most people recommend playing carrying picks. idk how that translates into Overwatch heroes, but just try to pick something which can carry a game on its own and doesnt need much team help.
i dont know if this is helpful or anything, but i thought i'd mention it just in case :)
I totally feel you, basically the same with me every time.
Even if you're relatively new to the game and you do your best with filling in on the heroes nobody wants to play and do your goddamn job as a healer, how is one supposed to win a game if basically the whole team consists of DPS and Snipers?
As a healer you can't just follow every hero if they decide to spread in all directions and take on the enemy. A team such as this will fall apart very quickly without a tank (the only healer can't cover the half map on his own either) and usually everybody starts hating on you because they were always dying almost instantly because you couldn't be there healing them.
I mean how was I supposed to when you rushed into the enemies' attack line on your own?
Come on, even when I'm barely silver level, I have this basic understanding of team compositioning and positioning :/
You probably dont deserve your rank then dont worry about sr only worry about improvement.
its not always your teams fault. You can't always blame them, try to improve yourself
That’s why you join groups that have a set 2,2,2 comp
Was at 2297, dropped to 2108 in about an hour or two.
Things that kill me?
-Mercy pocketing a defensive Genji that goes 2-12 and has 0:02 objective time
-People playing DPS because it's more fun than playing Ana or Lucio
-Me playing Rein on the point as my team scatters for health packs instead of fighting
-9 year olds playing Genji when we need defensive heroes and tanks
-People playing fucking DPS and not once choosing healer or tank
Fuck this game dude
Nazmi i mean defensive genji can work out if you're decent with him, i've done it before and it ended pretty well, thing is like 90% of genji players aren't good whatsoever.
DraKula you dont need a defensive hero on defense lol
and theyre probably playing what theyre good at hence why they picked it in the first place
DraKula First.
I main Genji and i play defensive when need defense heros.
BUT when i played in silver i saw Hanzo EVREYWHERE!
and noot good ones.
The ones that 10% Accuracy.
Basically my life
Yes!! Thanks you! I got to diamond...
From top 500
GG wp
He is lair
Oisin 17 who learned you how to spoke
lol 10:25 when sty talks about positive comms he gives the example "great charge" for a reinhardt just as he charges into the enemy and dies
ikr thats what i was literally thinking about xd
I don't think it's how his gameplay...
I don't think its how your english...
Genji MainbotOW if you meant "it's not his gameplay", it defenitly is because the name is stylosa
Garret Duo lol yeah
I am in elo hell. I think i am cursed with leavers and afkers.
Play more like grind it out chances are if you deserve a higher rank you will climb only playing a little bit wont help.
1 person leaves EVERY time the enemy team gets 2 or above
I’m sitting here as Reinhardt tryna be like we can do this then the toxic dude that didn’t get to leave is like just throw the match we already lost
Same... same....
Yesterday I had 6 games where people left
I got from 1900sr to 3089sr 6 man stack i played rein it took me 4 days i played couple hrs per day
Dude I got lucky and climbed all the way to 3821 from 1999. I'm not even close to being in that high elo lmao, such a fail system that let me go there and I'm a bad player.
Jesse Mccree who's tryna team up ?
im currently sitting at around 2970 sr and comp has basically become a roll of the dice for me. Some games I get an actually good team and the games are close. (As Blizzard intended.) But like 75% of the other games I get teams who won't communicate, wont group up, and don't know the fundamentals of Overwatch. There is always a reason why people are being "toxic." Just remember that.
Nvm! Just made it from sliver to diamond and im happy af!
I Got up to that now im at 2616 -_- i win 3sr per gameif i lose i lose 40,idk whats happening
Will Sadowski lmao everytime i was close to Diamond i queued with 5man stacks lmao and stacks already Tilted af my solution was getting a friend to duo queue
Will Sadowski same here except I have more lvl 100-300 on the enemy teams
Will Sadowski thats the reason why i hate OW community!
Hey! Hey! Wanna hear a joke?
Overwatch Skill Rating.
DavrK It's funny to me cause it's fixed
DavrK yeah I may have lost that game but I got 13000 healing and got some good transcendences but I still loose SR because our rhienhartd charges into the enemy team and didn't help us hold the choke and that made us loose
Somebody seems salty? II'S a TEAM GAME. The skill rating may be seem unfair it some times. But it works like it should. Say may how they should do it differentley?
DavrK Hey guys I found the silver
*"Don't go in swingin your hammer all crazy."* Best line of advice ever 😂😂😂
don't tell anyone, but i've done a lot of pentakills doing like that
I mean of you have like good ass healers and baptiste immortality field Baptiste immortality field and moira olus reinghtheart does A LOT OF DAMAGE so a highly protected shield tank is with a giant ass hammer is amaing......
Notice how I said "protected"
My top 5 tips:
1) if you guys lost a fight group up and make a coordinated push. Sounds simple yet No one does it.
2) doesn't waste ultra thinking you can 1v4 or 1v5
3) if the enemy is poping 3-4 ults on one push, just accept your fate and regroup next time. Don't waste sound barrier or any other ults.
4) keep track of enemy ults the best you can
5) if something's not working, switch. Say you're a pro genji but the pharah or Zarya keeps fucking your team up, switch. Doesn't say but I have gold elims so why should I switch? No, you gotta step up and help your team. Also if you're not doing good and you know switch of to a healer or tank. TRUST me don't try to struggle through
Chroma Kiwi do a vid
Chroma Kiwi my top 10 tips as a diamond player on Xbox is:
10: learn 2 heros in each category is great so is you need a tank you can play rein or healer ana.
9.play in large stacks with communication or be a flex player.
8.Dont waste any ults.
7.Dont be afraid to play of meta picks I have a 80% win ratio as reaper.
6.dont play with friends that get angry and are negative.
5.dont play junkrat torbjorn hanzo etc.
4.Ult combos like grav and sword , shatter and bomb.
3.Work together.
2.Be Positive take breaks when triggered.
1.Group up and push as a team don't overextend.
Bonus. If you can watch your gameplay back do it , it will make you realise your mistakes.
Hugh Mungus all great tips except number 5. You say don't be afraid to play off meta heroes then you say do t play them. Gotten gold elims as torn plenty of times and still one. Some teams just don't know how to deal with a turret and it eliminates all the genji mains. Junkrat is amazing on maps like numbani and Anubis. On Anubis only 4 ways they can come from and 2 of them are small hallways that are perfect for bombs
why do you struggle?
Chroma Kiwi The group-up never works for me! There's always atleast one stupid fuck that completely ignores it. Or they DO group-up but think it's enough when we're like 4-5 people!... so damn annoying
SOLO QUEUE is hard as hell in silver............I heal....my team sucks at getting elims and cap points....I play offensive character they don't play tank or healer....lose lose.....
Ollie Gray IV it's the same for me! I do so much for my team but no one does anything. For example, I'm death spectating a soldier when the point is on overtime. There is one enemy on the point and the soldier runs away.
Ollie Gray IV got out of silver but stuck in high gold
I feel for you, I bought the game last month and since season 3 was ending I didn't get time to leave silver. When this season started I ended up in Silver again because of this. Every game I tried to motivate people in my team, told them they could make mistakes, they just need to tell me and I can help them fix it... and for some reason it has worked. I'm currently at platinum, and have gotten almost a 1000 SR since this season started.
AlexDRKHVN 17 yea I placed gold but dropped so far
Playing with friends is a thing guys. I went from gold to platinum just duo queuing with a pharah main who I met in one of the games that I won. If you see a good player or even a decent one, add him as a friend and queue up.
switching to Winston to deal with reaper? I've never heard anyone give terrible advice like that.
Thats a idiotic advice
it can make sense... if you purposely just try to irritate him and and ruin his plans it can work. but not every time.
Ever heard of a pro Winston before? There's more to the game than advice in the chat of a gold/plat game
Install I've heard of one called Miro
The best counter to bastion is winston
Gosh, that rein gameplay is painfull to watch
he is terrible
Yeah, and that in masters
That footage is right after the game came out. Of course it's not as good.
This vid came out 3 years ago mate
One Major point is that you should play in a premade Team with people Who know How to play,there is then no space for Trolls or leavers. :)
A very good point, Stacking up is very effective. Back when I solo queue I had to learn how to play support and tanks cus no one played em in bronze but I end up being the only one with 5 DPS, I never left bronze. You enter a game and boom Insta lock Hanzo, Genji, Widow and I'm there on mercy screaming wtf!!! I stack now with friends I main Orisa, we have defined roles, know characters we can switch to if need be, I finished season 7 in Gold. Like sty said not a world of difference btw gold and bronze just better team comp.
Another point is to communicate, the number of people in comp without mics in bronze to gold is appalling. You can't make call outs like Mcree top left, Tracer backline etc cus you dunno if they're listening and they can't say anything from their point of view to help you eg Orisa reaper is behind you, that one sentence can save an engagement and win the team fight.
That’s what I did to get out of plat last season. I’m in mid diamond now
To stack you need friends
To get friends you need to be a decent replica of a human
That's the problem
Solo queue is the way to go for people who dont just want to go the easy way out
I played with a couple of guys in a team a time ago. We were all silver. Then I didn't play Overwatch for a while and after 2-3 weeks they were all Platinum/Diamond. So I think that Stylosa should add a Nr.6 which is: FIND GOOD TEAMMATES AND ADD THEM AS FRIENDS. Cause when you found some nice guys who understand the game, who are flexible (they can play very much heroes) and maybe they are in voicechat too so you can order your attacks, then you really can go up to Diamond. In silver/gold there are very much players who don't even understand the game. And thats why so many players are still stuck in these ranks.
Agreed I was in bronze last season and got up to low-gold as I found a GREAT TEAM tho my placement matches weren't the best (Mainly I wasn't doing the best also) and ended up getting low-silver hopefully we can do the same as we did last season.
sty you just keep forgeting that down in hell here noone plays like a team so thoose tips wont matter.
i agree but sometimes you can find that team that works together and helps out, then in that case you click stay as a team, you convince them to stay as a team
iUgand in like 20% of the matches, sure..
Axel Gustafsson,
just shows you did not understand what you have to do to advance rankings.
lets say you play 10 games
in average you should win 2 games easily, win 3 games barely, lose 3 games barely, lose 2 games horribly.
no all you have to do is tipp one of the barely lost games into a barely won game.
so all you have to do is make the difference in 1/10 of your games, and you advance in rating.
if your mentallity is, that you need to win every game, and if you lose "those tipps dont work, liar", i very much doubt you can achieve point 5, 3 or even 2
then find a team?
As Lucio would say...
"You've gotta BELIEVE!"
But yeah, find a team. An actual team of players that you play well with and can speak to. I'm sure it's way easier that way, especially if you guys are openly communicating.
play safe play standard
Play nice, Play pharah
i was silver
1. i watch dis
2. i try
3. i gold
4. i see another vid
5. BOOP and im platinum
saitama . he mean it as a joke
I'm sorry, in silver this means u were the problem, or everyone else became good at the same timw
Me too
I just created a whole team with my friends and we are basically unstoppable! If you want to move up the ranks, you need to have a team that you can communicate with because when I would play with random people, no joke there was a little kid who kept killing himself because I chose Genji and he wanted to be Genji 😕
An anonymous Person So funny how random the pool can be. Some days, you'll get people like you're talking about. Today, I managed to gain 300sr with a team that formed from Solo q and no mics 😂 sometimes magic happens
An anonymous Person can I join your group
An anonymous Person I came across a player who wanted to be roadhog but I already picked him and I said lemme play him first and let's see how it goes. he picked rein and started throwing by running around in spawn.
Mr. Toasty I told 2 people who grouped with me to pick hanzo and zarya so we can kill them in one sweep. I choose sombra to EMP any barriers they have made it to plat
Mr. Toasty when there are people like this i just give them the hero they want. it gives you a better chance of winning
There is one thing that i think is annoying. When someone on your team leaves because we are getting steamrolled or they die all the time the mach continues and we lose, but if someone on the enemy team leaves because our team is steamrolling them the mach gets cancelled. That has cost me at least three wins this season.
Ellen i fell with you (elo HELL)
Armandicus feelsbadman
Or, it almost immediately fills the gap while we are stuck with a 5v6 for the rest of the match.
I got placed 1965 and I lost every game since :(
same feels bad man
nothing but smurfs and rage quitting noobs
ive only played like 3 seasons of comp so far (placements only... actual comp alone with no one to q up with is not fun). and i always place in low gold :( I know im definitely making mistakes but i still feel like i belong in at least plat
I placed 1997 SR, and now i am in 1700 SR. I know the feeling. :(
I was 2076 to 1860 I no the feeling
I do all of this... if only my team did
Wolf cant blame everything on your team your probably at your peak.
Unknown watcher eh it is a joke not serious
Ivara the worst part is most of these kids aren’t kidding 😂
The one factor that stays the same in all of your games is you...
my name is jeff 21 THIS
i mostly play lucio and zenyatta and still do all this things and still i am platinum at only 2700...
Ivan Tomašević Ik how u feel, if I go healer nobody gets kills and if I go dps I get no heals
+alkolegasy 2 yeaaaa, and everybody just overextends, btw if u are on PC we can play together if u want lol, go dps i will heal ya😂
Ivan Tomašević I got so close to diamond today(I play Mercy), got to 2987 SR but then I got a losing streak ;(
+Lyrica \/5PB\/ Nao i mostly lose my sr because of overextend as Sty just said in video or when they troll, i don't mind if someone is bad and changes heroes and talks to us on mic, i am annoyed when they just shut up and insta lock some hero that we don't need
Ivan Tomašević what region do you play in? im looking for someone to play with regularly and i can flexpick heroes(roadhog,junkrat,luciooo, mercy, and an moderate soldier 76
"Do your job"
"Being Reinhardt, protecting your team"
Ahahahahaha, good joke. Herding cats is easier.
"Imma bout to end this man's whole career."
You see, there's always going to be those games where you have someone drag your team down. Or maybe a teammate leaves or something. It is very very hard to "carry" in overwatch, it's a team effort.
Maybe it's different on PC but 99% of winning teams play by the meta as far as i've seen, and i don't play pros.
Narragetto or maybe we get 4 dps, 1 reluctant tank, and 1 healer.
Narragetto Ya just had a game with an idiot that only played bastion on nepal and everyone in my team was tellin him to change but he didnt so we lost.
if you cant carry you don't belong in a higher tier. Simple
John Hilbert Good one.
Before watching this video I just ranked up 200 points in one evening by doing one very simple thing:
When pick phase starts, I'll just write in the chat:
"Hi guys, let's pick 2 - 2 - 2. I can fill any role team needs."
And 95% of the matches we really ended up with a balanced 2 - 2 - 2 setup, me mostly playing reinhardt as tank or some heal like Ana, and Lucio. And we were winning pretty easily.
I suggest you do the same, really improves match experience by a lot, even if u end up losing the game, there are less rage quitting, or Caps lock blamming, and fullteam reports.
when you'll get better you'll see that 2-2-2 isn't always the best strategy, and sometimes it's just shitty ^^
counter picks are often better than just a stupid 2-2-2
222 is really really good man. counter picks can sometime be useless. dont fill too much exept if you think you have the time to master every single hero on this game. you should main something that you can play almost every game. and have some backups. Filling reinhardt vs Reinhardt main. you'll get crushed. caus even if your teamcomp is good. your Personal impact on your game is not high. If you main a hero. it means Your Impact with this hero is higher and it increase your winrate. but dont forget even if you main a hero you can still have losestreaks, Never blame the team even if its because your team sucks. cause when you blame your team.. it means that you are not trying to improve yourself. but instead of this you lose your time, blaming strangers you'll maybe never see again.
Ion Ureche Then you got us console peasants where the only communication is the terrible voice chat that nobody ever uses...
Heika, 2-2-2 is indeed great, but for attacking 3-1-2 and 3-2-1 can get the enemies confused and in maps like Hanamura, Volskaya and Eichenwalde I'm pretty sure is even better than just trying to go 2-2-2. My team once got crushed by a really good 4-1-1, and it was mainly because my teammates had never seen that before and were shocked. Specially at lower levels (Silver- low plat) running a weird composition with players you really know and can have a huge impact helps a lot. I don't fill regularly. But I've worked pretty hard in mastering at least 2-3 characters from each slot. And it has been working great. Attack: Pharah, Soldier, (Sombra, but it doesn't work in lower Elo, specially if you are great with the previous two). Defense: Mei, Bastion. Tank: Zarya, Winston (but can play any really). Support: Ana/ Zenyatta. But I can play all the supports, specially because I check how other people use them. I normally have a plan for each map and situation before even getting to the match. Depending on the map and if I'm on defense or offense I might pick a different heroe.
Okay we gonna discuss how horrible this Gameplay is cause.....
Melaninneal SoulJah I am in silver and this Rein is worse than me!
Melaninneal SoulJah I'm in the top 8% of Reins... this cat sucks. I don't understand how they're master.
+Schism: You do realize that Masters play against Masters right? If you were better than this Rein you'd be Masters+ too.
C Note Well you dont seem to realise how broken competitive can be.
+Schism: How so? I've climbed from 2100 to 3500 over four seasons playing most of the tanks and all of the supports. I improved through time and despite many, many losses, I was able to help my team win more in games that could go both ways. I know about leavers/throwers/trolls/etc. and I get them at 3500+ too, it sucks and hopefully Blizzard will start cracking down on them harder going forward.
I went from low gold to diamond pretty easy. I would never play any comp games besides the placements and when I finally did, I went 24-9-2 and climbed pretty fast also when I lost I wouldn’t lose much and when I won I would get like 50 sr. The game might want me at master or something as that’s all I play against in quick play or arcade.. yesterday I had a game against two top 500’s and two gm’s with one top 500 and 3 gm’s on my team and won pretty easily. Not saying I’m the best by any means or that I belong in master, but climbing is stupid easy if you deserve something higher
Edit: I enjoy watching pros play so I try to pick up their habits when it comes to positioning, plays and try to improve my map knowledge. ALSO, I’m a Hanzo main but I never play him in comp, as it is rare to get the perfect comp to fit him in.. I get that you guys have mains but learn to flex, I never knew how good of a soldier I was until I started playing him frequently
AquaFire 009 Sadly I think it’s difficult because the people in that rank are a little slow mentally, with no offense to anyone. But I believe that low gold to mid silver are the ranks where people lack game knowledge but have the basics like proper critical thinking skills or decent reflexes.. maybe this is what makes it difficult to climb because actual bronze players that aren’t smurfs (outside of the game) aren’t the brightest(not dumb by any means) so team work is a no go and carrying becomes impossible
There have been plenty of gm+ people doing a bronze to gm challenge, and most went like 50-0 during it. If you're good enough you'll not be stuck at that low level.
its hard to climb out of bronze when everyone wants to play dps with no team composition
no it's not u can carry games by urself with no healers no tanks just have people on the payload lmao
Oblivious Tomato nope, they either aren't playing much or aren't trying to improve
Never going to work. Overwatch is a teamwork based game right? You need your team to know what they are doing also. Many silver players are arrogant, and especially will not listen to tip #3. I agree, lets say everyone who is an Overwatch player watches this, then I believe everyone could be in diamond. Its just arrogant fucks that don't really care that messes the game up.
I agree entirely
The Purge 2016 Then you are the problem
+Vel Erus how is zarya saying "no you'll get play of the match and i want it", valuing their own potg over victory, purge's fault?
Ana Amari He LEFT.
well what he did is also bm. but if you have someone who doesnt give 2 shits about the match and projects his mommy issues into the game there is nothing to talk about.
It's also easier when you got Valkia on the team lol.
AzureRoxe yep
Considering how bad his Rein play in this particular video was, and against most of the things in his list(1,2,4) , yeah a good carry helps ;p
AzureRoxe it's not only me this fuck gets carried so hard by valkia
The reinhardt play was pretty bad. :P
I agree I'm guessing Valkia carries him a lot for him to be that high of a level.
Maybe you could do something that LoneHawk does where the games that are sent in have to be losses, so people just don't send in their best footage to show off but rather the ones that they may not have done as well in, which is much more coachable?
lonehawk is a good youtuber
TheAptAssassin I'll be sure to send sty my loses now.
Thanks for the tips
After watching this I was in 900 sr in bronze but when I watched this I got right into 1600 with a crazy 20 win streak thank you!
Solo queue?
That never happened to me, I got a 20 win streak in bronze, I grouped with a gold player and I got like a 20 win streak up to 1800
What if I'm silver but I have bronze-level aim?
play healer. Duh.
But not Ana
Marvin Me I've been messing with my sensitivity for years now and I think I just need to do lots of drills/exercises to improve precision and speed.
Marvin Me - More like even Lucio. Zen takes great aim.
heavyweaponsgaming lol jus tokay quickplay man. You're not gonna get anywhere at those levels 😂😂
On my main account I am in gold and have been slowly climbing but bad teams are holding me back. Then I finally hit lvl 25 on my smurf and in my first game, because of my mmr I get in a game with plats and diamonds and we roll the enemy. #SrSystemNeedsWork
"bad team are holding me back"?? so what about the entire enemy that have 6 players holding each other back? im not an expert but my math tells me 6 retards are worse then 5
Morgen Beast you probably are toxic no matter what you reply you will probably sound toxic
Ughhhh...this doesn't make me feel hopeful at all
I was in the last over analyzed and I was silver during that time. Now I'm plat. :)
you gained 1000sr in a couple of days?
Jordan Emmett win streaks op
ah yeah i forgot mad win streaks give you loads of sr
How do you submit a video?
4 years on this gameplay really hasn't aged well. It hurts to watch him feed so bad
It's hard to see a 2016/17 low gm act as a silver, how times have changed.
what if diamond is my elo hell?
FlattenedRabbit then you are a diamond player
FlattenedRabbit then either your mechanical skill is lacking, or you still haven't got understanding of more niche game sense
Welp, drown your sorrows in watching bronze players play and teach them to not make the mistakes you made.
Uncharted Mat you are stuck in a tier
FlattenedRabbit IKR i went from 3.1 to 2.8 in 2 days.... wtf
When I was in silver I had a game on Hanamura where I was ana, and I got to high ground to see all of my teammates that are in the choke, only to find that our rein, junkrat, and hanzo were spawn camping. needless to say I lost that game
Another tip is don't get tilted cuz u keep dying by this one person instead change to counter that guy
kyle phon that's honestly Like a really good tip
Hugh Mungus what if youre The healer/tank tho.
you can always use comms to ask team to change up a bit, cause you're getting dominated, etc. (whatever)
4 and 5 impossible in low ranks since A ppl do not change their role 95% of the time and B 8/10 games you sit in voice with 2 MAX 3 ppl... so no either you stack or you hard carry 5 morons outta there
OK! So I did some math and this season I can get 2 golden guns, I already got my McCree golden gun, and now I am at zero cp, all I have to do is win 180 games, AND reach Diamond, so roughly 18 and a half hours of winning game play, luckily, I have spring break coming up. Golden Zenyatta here I come!
XxGreatswordxX 0 Have you gotten it?
I'm the other way around, I have my golden balls, looking forward to McCree revolver next
You forgot the most important step : Don't queue solo.
Better : do like Stylosa and queue in full team. You will get master in no time.
Silver2909 You can solo que and still climb if your a good player. Also I don't see why people are coming at sty for full queing. I mean overwatch is a team game so obviously if you 6 man with people that you trust you'll get better results.
do like stylosa queue with Valkia and get buusted
I'm solo que started gold now I'm 3400
I was 2500 and solo que to diamond. I'm currently 3200.
if u play with 6 you will be limited to the skill your teammates have. So u will never run into better players and will always be limited.
For me a full 6 stack never worked out. I climbed 1200Sr in Soloq.
I went from Silver (1996) to Diamond (3098 is my high, current is 3024) on Xbox. I'm a support main. My profile is VlashTheothundr if you think I'm lying. My tips are this:
If you are a support main pick zenyatta. Most people in silver or gold will instalock dps. Don't fight it. Help them kill things with Zenyatta's discord.
If you lose 3 games stop before you lose 200 SR lol. Seriously, streaks in this game are a double edged sword. You win a lot you start to gain a bunch per win. You lose a lot RIP ELO per lose.
Learn a carry hero like Roadhog or Reaper or 76. With proper positioning, you will wreck low ranks with these guys.
If you watch a lot of high level Overwatch youtubers then try multi queuing. Because of all the things I learned from people like Unit Lost, Your Overwatch, Lone Hawk etc. It is actually easier to play in a 6 stack then solo queue at this ELO because of the understanding of the game you will have.
i'd like to mention that some of these channels, like your overwatch, have a discord with many great people from every skill level that are looking for teammates. just check it out, i've found a few friends in there
Could we plz play together just asking
I need people who actually know how to play the game
Vladhimir Theophile Does anyone want to team up? I play on Xbox and I'll do anything to rank up. DPS is my strong point, but I can also play Rein, Lúcio, Mercy and Zen if needed. I don't mind being flexible. My current Rank is 2505 but my Season High is 2583. Add me if you're interested - Breward Plays
Im a level 75 in silver. I think I understand the game as well as a plat player. I have friends that are around that area. But the game experience is just AWFUL I've never had a team go double support and very rarely have a team with two tanks, Its always one healer, one tank and DPS DPS DPS. I think I have the aiming and game sense of a high silver-low gold, but I truly believe I have the communication of at least a plat player. And voice chat, oh don't even get me started on that. No one ever listens to me when I recommend having another healer or tank, they're always just bitching around or being an idiot. I had a five game winning streak that got me to 1925ish sr. All thise games had good communication and planning. No superstar or carrying just a good team. Just when I was having a good experience the wheels fell apart. Everything that I just said earlier happened. I am now in hovering around 1600. I like this game a lot, but the comp experience right now is awful, I keep thinking about just quitting, but its so much fun actually having a good team and having fun. If anyone has any tips that would be much appreciated (:
That elo play soldier torb or sym, with soldier you can heal yourself, with torb the turret will destroy people because they have no aim and armour packs will make your guys invincible, with sym the turrets will destroy people because they will keep running into them and they have no aim, you can place shield gen and your guys will be invincible, you can run through the enemy holding left click because they have no aim (best if you use your shield as you run through them, but who cares, they have no aim) . You're welcome :)
ArIVIoR Music I went from low plat (2505) to diamond. I grinded the fuck out of comp with my friends and solo.
I’m a Reinhardt and road hog main and i can play every hero so I can fill in every spot. I suggest you do the same it really works
Another tip is to look for friends before the game and stack.
ArIVIoR Music hmm... silver but meant to be plat at?
Xvariable 7 where have I heard this before🤔
How to go from silver to diamond: git gud or get carried
AquaFire 009 indeed. The probability of getting a good team is 50%. You're never going to climb out.
there is nothing suck as get gud in ow..the team is made of 6 ppl what if im good and all of the team bad🤔 is it still my fault ..do i deserve to lose my sr because of the bad team
saeed alkuwari If you're good, you will still gain SR when you go 50% on your winrate
Or get barried
I'm not even being a cocky asshole here but seriously sometimes it's just some of the people on my team that's making us lose like when we're on attack and then sometime insta locks hanzo and other people ignore the fact that the game says no tank heroes so they just play genji or sombra and then we get stomped and I'm the only one on my team that got a card and it's for 3 gold meddles surprise surprise oh, and I'm fucking Lucio
TallishOak sombras a support so play a tank
No matter what, no matter who I play as, at least I can always count on having gold objective time. And yeah, everyone instalocks DPS, so I'm forced to fill as support or tank, even though I'm a Reaper main. And then I end up with 3 or 4 gold medals anyway, with gold elims as Lucio, or gold elims as Orisa. And it's like...yeah you can play DPS, but at least be good at it. I feel like I'm a much better DPS player than the other people on my team, but I can't play DPS because I always have to fill since I'm the only person who bothered to learn how to play a healer. And since I know how to play healer, I feel like it's my duty to fill when I see all the other people on my team pick DPS.
Sombra is good when you are skilled on playing it. Especially when there is whole enemy team, sombra's ultimate is extremely useful, when used right with pharah, mccree, ...
Sombra just needs tank and healer on its team.
I'm amazed when it says too many snipers but the bumblefucks as widow, Hanzo and Ana are just sitting there with no problem in comp it's fuckin infuriating
Arlo Steiner you really shouldn’t count Ana as a sniper, yes, she is one, but she’s not like widow or Hanzo where she sits back on a roof staring at a corner waiting for someone
ive gone from 2000 to 1730 cos teammates and me not focusing on one/two heroes. I made it to 2450 last season. Solo queue is utterly terrible this season. I don't know why.
The best games I've had this season in Silver (shameful admittance) were when I played Zenyatta and called the Discord orbs. Focusing targets is such a key mechanic...
Smexy Juan i was placed at 2043 and then lost 20 games in a row....
Smexy Juan add me on my smurf MaybeFalco#1688 I'll help you get to high gold (my main is high diamond)
And do add me here as well. I like a loss with good communication way more than a win with idjits. Zblugg#1686
can you help me too? I have a problem with toxic teamates
Dude solid Advice and great Delivery. I’m subscribed now, I was starting to get tilted at these toxic players but now I have a rejuvenated sense to be a team player and actually get on mic.
this video doesnt take into account if you're doing the right thing. taking the only tank in the team.
if no one else does there job, you cant play effectively.
not everyone watches video like this. without teamwork you'll lose even if individually you play very well.
way to make people who are stuck doing all the basics, playing their roles communicating with teams feel bad/worse.
saying its easy is like rubbing salt in the wound. you can do everything right but if the rest of your team dont you'll lose.
other peoples bad play or leaving/throwing has dropped me so far im having anxiety attacks every time I think about competitive atm.
I got placed in plat. I gained a small amount of SR then hovered around a rank do to on off (good and bad) teams.
Then having 3 leavers during matches we were winning caused my rank to nose dive.
Its been downhill since. Im getting matched with people who have no idea how to work as a team. I main d.va and played most of her. I do my roll but then have to compensate for others not doing theirs.
I love overwatch but the rank other people have forced me down is causing too much stress and anxiety.
Was playing alongside/against diamonds and occationally masters in S2.
Right now, I want to quit because the matches im currently in are literally insulting me. Its not fun when you are the only one with a mic and other people blatantly ignore the most basic of teamwork requests.
If people cant stay close and focus fire or signal before an ult so I can combo. Then whats the point in trying to explain choke points or high ground tactics.
Also solo tanking vs triple or quad tank teams is always fun. Take Rien and I get left to be surrounded as I push forward. Playing d.va or any other tank I get hooked and focused.
In my Opinion. The ranking system will NEVER work until we have an accurate individual ranking to go with the team based ranking we currently have.
This is why mostly play with a 4,5,6 person group then we all know who can play what and we always have a decent team composition. (Most us are low-mid diamond players) I suggest you play with friends or just team up with other players you know, it's makes comp much more fun and your most of the time you're going to have a solid team composition.
The Dreadinator I have been playing as much as I can. you CANT win even if you do everything right and the rest of the team dont. its a team game.
I know how to play a good number of heroes. just happens im best with d.va. so i've been using my best and doing everything possible for other people to lose me matches for not understanding basic teamwork
The Dreadinator I have been playing as much as I can. you CANT win even if you do everything right and the rest of the team dont. its a team game.
I know how to play a good number of heroes. just happens im best with d.va. so i've been using my best and doing everything possible for other people to lose me matches for not understanding basic teamwork
I lost my rank bad playing with some friends who I guess I wasn't in sync with well. So I'm solo queing my way back up atm. Something that helps me is once I have a huge win steak, soon as I lose once, I take a breather. Then play competitive again later in the day or a different day. Also using the new party system to pick up people you've met who are good in your games works too. Say your team wins and you jam well together pick them up and if they accept... well usually it spirals us into a 3+ win streak at least. Positivity works as well
Similar thing happened to me. I lost a lot of points after a bad losing streak. But now I'm kind of stuck. I had just about 60% wins, and the climb back up has been sooo slow. And I even think I'm a much better player at this point.
But I gotta say, the positivity thing works like a charm. I've won games with other players in the brink of throwing. But this is not really easy to do, not everyone has the necessary soft skills for this.
Brianna Make friends, if you can, with people you can rely on to be slightly above average. Going in with a group at least guarantees that you got someone you could rely on
Would however advise going in with more than 4 people unless everyone in the group knows what they're doing and can do it well, or else you'll find yourself queuing up against organized 6 stacks
I got into a match where we were all solo queueing agaisnt a 6 stack team.. (yeah, wtf Blizzard, right?) We were all shitting our pants, but we took up the challenge and won, because we were all so cooperative about doing our best and supporting each other because we knew it was a tough match. We then grouped up as a 6 stack ourselves and went on to win 5 or 6 matches in a row and gain 150ish sr, just from playing with people who are in tune and play the game how it is supposed, and most importantly, give each other mental support as well. I miss that group, wish I'd sent them friend requests, they were really nice and rare to come by. If any of you guys remember this, feel free to add me @ MisterSir
Brianna Solo Queue is easier IMO once you break into gold. Never go above a 4 atack, it gets too sweaty.
ill help you with competitive
Aight sty.. Im in low gold and ive done all of those things since OW comp came out... So why am i still in low gold?
LeFoffer maybe you're not good at the game? lmao
M8 i carry my games.. People just wont switch, wont communicate, and wont do shit... Plz sae me im stuck in elo hell
I am currecly 2000 sr and my beat sr was 2499 ;(
Don't blame your team. Yes there will be times when your team isn't helping but it's your responsibility to recognize your own mistakes. Try to look at the picture at a different perspective, and you might notice a few mistakes you've made along the way. Plus, it becomes more fun when you're more positive.
LeFoffer you think if you just do these things you will get to Diamond. if you really think that, thats why you are in gold
I started playing rather late, around season 10. I was placed silver and bobbled around between silver and bronze that season, 4 seasons later I finally reached platinum and I can’t even stress how important these strategies are. Working on your game sense is so so imperative if you want to climb, in addition to working on mechanical skills. Working towards diamond this season! Don’t get discouraged, elo friends!
I go on and on how it was the team's fault but you have to responsibility for yourself too, the things he listed in this video are spot on (I'm gold) and just my two cents if you wanna climb:
1) Never continue after losing 2 in a row
2) ALWAYS group up with people who have mics (COMMUNICATE)
3) Don't get players that are way over the team's overall skill level, for example: everyone is gold and one diamond.
4) TEAM COMP, if they have Pharah go soldier, if they use deathball use a dive comp strategy etc.
6) Play your mains but have other people you can play in different areas such as tanks, supports etc.
All these tips and your know how should carry you to at least being a diamond. Also, no, I'm not at all a great player my highest this season was only 2100, again, as stated, only my two cents.
Well, I solo Q'd and got placed in silver for season 4 at the start but climbed up to platinum yesterday. The problem I see a lot of players have is they totally have no composure. I've seen people throwing games EVEN after we won a round because "player X is playing a shit hero". Like dude, we won, why throw the entire game?
I play mainly DPS and tank, my main is soldier 76 though pharah's slowing replacing Soldier 76. I like to play support but I am shit at them so I rather stick to someone I can contribute with so I stick to DPS and tank. From my experience, pharah's always got a place no matter the map. Sure, soldier 76 can counter but when pharah's high above and firing rockets from halfway across the map, it's hard to take her out.
Rob A. V
ok i do all this (im gold) but my team are the stupid ones
Omar Othman Azzam gotta blame it on the team not your fault the teams fault.... you probably should be in gm but it's your teams fault. Nothing to work on for you just your teams fault. I would climb if my team was good. I'm so good but it's my teams fault
+The TH-cam Ranter You weren't in his games, yet you pretend to know how his matches went better than he did? Were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it? You're also pretending that smurf teammates don't exist, teammates who disconnect don't exist, teammates who grief just to be assholes don't exist, teammates who get tilted and intentionally throw the match don't exist (this is extremely common in silver and gold), teammates who are so bad that, even if they stop playing, there's no noticeable change in how the match is going don't exist, matches where you play Lucio and get gold elims and silver or gold damage over 3 of your instalock DPS teammates don't exist (this happens in almost all silver matches and most gold ones), matches where there's only one healer and/or one tank (and you're one of them) don't exist (this is extremely common in silver and gold), etc, etc, etc.
Do you really not think before you speak, or do you just find it amusing to say things that make you come off as retarded?
t. Someone who smurfed to bronze in season 1 and later climbed to diamond. Ironically, silver and gold were the hardest to climb out of by a WIDE margin. Bronze and platinum were easy, but silver and gold are like a valley due to shitty team comps, your teammates not knowing how to deal with Pharmercys and refusing to use it themselves, and many other reasons. Bad teammates are what make it easier to climb in platinum than it is to climb in silver. Also, on alt accounts made after season 1 comp, it's far easier to climb for some reason. All of my season 1 accounts, smurfs and non-smurfs, are punished harder for losing and have an easier time climbing. Many master and grandmaster youtubers have also pointed this out, such as the Your Overwatch channel, Zylbrad, etc. Playing since season 1 is another thing that keeps people down, as has been proven countless times.
First Last I feel ya man. I won 1 placement match. Still ended up low silver. Gold elms 8/10 games playing tanks. Worst of all, 5/10 of the games someone left mid match.
The TH-cam Ranter What SR are you? Plat, diamond, master, or maybe even gm? Try playing in gold for one day and you'll want to kill all your teammates. You can't pretend to understand a situation you have never been in. I have an average of 50% accuracy with soldier. I also typically get POTG. I have gold elims and damage, and sometimes even have silver healing... when there's 2 actual healers like Mercy and Ana. I would be in Plat rn if it weren't for throwers, hackers, and all around douchebags. So you don't have any right to talk down to gold players unless you are one, in which case you'd be insulting yourself.
Omar Othman Azzam said every platinum player ever
Im so frustrated because I do all of these things, I'm not saying "I'm amazing I should be top 100" I'm absolute shit and I don't know why, I do all of these things and I stay at 1500 SR the entire season.. I've decided I'm just trash and theres nothing I can do about it. I watch pro games, I watch tip videos, I practice with friends, then I do placements and lose 8 out of 10. I'm not blaming anyone else, I fully blame myself, but its frustrating to just be bad and have nothing to do about it.
Matthew Barr I never watched any of these videos until this one and I'm Diamond and in the top 8% of Rein players. I've been shit at games all my life so if I can get good at Overwatch, anyone can. Communication is key most of times. I find myself losing games when I get paired with incompetent people or people who just dont speak at all, but when I get reasonable decent human beings on my team, I almost always win. Solo q is hell, and I'd recommend avoiding it if at all possible.
awe thanks
Matthew Barr I won 6 placements and I got in 1414. don't think that's accirate. my bro only won 3 and he's in mid gold.
finlay macbean it's based on who you were going up against in your placements, if you ended season 4 on Platinum you would go against platinums in placements for season 5
Matthew, use voice chat always, and when u find a nice player, that communicates and pick whatever the team needs, try to group up, maybe add as friend. This way u can start to build a circle to try to climb together, it's a lot easier. U have less chances of being teamed up with people that won't play in team. I did so when playing on pc, got ranked gold, now im diamond :)
Here are the dumb tips.
6. HELP ME 😑😑😑
I have been doing all these things for awhile :( still stuck in low plat
I just want my golden genji shurikens 😭
Mr_T 03 No you don't. I have two golden weapons, genjis are barely noticeable unless you have the Oni skin. If you are playing ranked just for the gold skins then there is a problem.
Meeba Productions I also play ranked to get better at the game
Meeba Productions well if he or she wants genji gold weapons then yeah they can who cares if you can't see it well those weapons are only showing you have skill on that hero
Better be in low Plat, then in high Gold.
dude u helped me so much gained 400 SR in 3 days
The problem with communication is that this is a 12 plus game and most 12 year olds and younger cant go on the mic most likely because their parents will go ballistic if they find out they are talking to strangers. So never be toxic to people who are not talking on the mic. This comment was not related to the video it is actualy related to toxic comments saying that they hate people who dont talk on the mic
Thomas Barraclough shouldn't play comp then
Knowledge King they bought the game so they deserve to play the game to its full potential
I usually say to type when respawning or its safe and always give encouraging words. I know the feeling of not being able to use mic bc my mic broke a few weeks ago and I kept getting yelled at. Really made me wanna rage quit but I have the thick skin to continue going, others may not.
This is absolutely the best tip video and everyone who plays overwatch needs to see this. It would change the game completely.
Hello! (Torbjörn voice)
Aardvark pays off!
Hehehe, if you build it... they will die.
Hiya ( tracer voice)
Ahoooy matey!
But here's the problem: silver and gold teams are:
Complaining that they're not in masters
And my personal favorite...
Fucking dead set on playing widow maker when they can't get a single headshot
late comment but attack torb :)
Man, I followed all these steps and I got all the way back to 1,650. I was 2,323.
Jordan Arbizo you went down dude
Step 6: *KNOW WHEN TO STOP PLAYING COMP AND WARM UP/GIT GUD IN QUICK PLAY* its common sense. if you keep going down, stop playing comp and olay another game mode
Yeah. When i play healer lucio I drop so much SR but when I go in DPS lucio I rank up.
I can attest to this. I started off as a silver player and have just reached diamond today by solo queuing only. It took a while, but having a better game sense definitely helped.
i got unlucky with my placement matches so now i get put with a bunch of throwers and i wreck the other team but my team sucks and dont care so my sr hasnt gone up and ive dropped 300+ in 3 days
Lucci Nah ur probably shit
You would be able to get the team to do shit if you were actually good at the game.
*Tries to follow Stylosa's advice*
*Keeps getting retards in solo q*
*Confused as to why always losing while following Stylosa's advice*
*Realise that fundamentally, the matchmaking is a shit luck lottery for solo q*
*Laughs/cries at my hard work and effect going to waste as I try to get better, knowing it'll never fix the matchmaking*
Zac Roche just try to add people you win with, trust me you'll progress more
Zac Roche Yeah solo q isn't very wise. Going with 2 other people has brought me great success. I might even like having my two partners alone better than having a 6 stack. You'll at least want one or two people who you know are competent and flexible though
Sty I do all of these things, I have good aim (was legendary eagle in CS:GO), communicate with my team, and I literally play anything that the team wants but I find it hard to rank up in Overwatch because of how it is a team based game, if even 1 person is not doing there job, that can cost the game, making your skill rating not a 100% accurate representation of your skill. Do you have any other tips on getting out of ranks? (specifically platinum)...
I was able to climb from silver(mid) to diamond(high) and stylosa definitely helped, I agree with lots of things in this video, and I also recommend watching vods, I was 1749 season 9 end, and now season 13 I’m 3399, peak 3466. Great video.
i have been stuck at 2500sr i win 2 loose 2 how can i go up? what character? solo q?
James Scerri what platform are u on
george ryan ps4
James Scerri crap I'm on xbox 1 , would help u if I had a ps4 , but I can try and help through the comments section , what heroes r u good at
Just tick the stay as team after you win a game with good teammates. I was stuck there myself and I had a great game and the 4 of us continued to play together, no practice, same rank and I managed to climb 250 sr in a row.
And yeah some days are just unplayable :D
P.S. When in doubt, play Hog and tilt the enemies with bs hooks.
Pijetlo91 thanks bro i hate when the team just gives up and troll picks tho
I've never been in silver, so I can't comment on that, but escaping gold is very easy. Escaping platinum is completely impossible for me. I see people overextend so much and there's nothing I can do. I've also noticed that pharahs never die. Everyone in plat knows to pick 76 or Mcree, but enemy pharah still doesn't die. I main support, but I fear I'll then have to change to dps myself, problem is I don't really trust others with support either.
I'm beginning to think that they should get rid of placement and start everyone in bronze. That would eliminate the "lucky" people who got placed in platinum.
Guys this is how you rank up
Step 1) start an overwatch youtube channel
Step 2) have your subscribers carry you to the rank you want
that's it, don't take any advice from overwatch youtuber's they think they know what they are doing, but in reality they are simply just being carried by the people who watch them
Wonders sssniperwolf
Mmmmmcmmmm, because "do your character's job", "don't overextend", "pick your heroes intelligently", "throw ultimates in combos", and "communicate positively with your team" AREN'T great pieces of advice? Really, dude?
It sounds like *you* don't know what you're doing. Salty over some great pieces of advice, what is this?
gg ez
Wonders youre new here.. he climbed up to gm on multiple accounts and some were solo. just cause youre trash doesnt mean you can say others were carried
I placed 2000 SR in season 3 (when I started playing comp) using mostly healers. At the end of the season I ended up at 3396 as my highest that season.
Season 4 I finally reached masters and my highest was 3864. I was determined to get to each tier and believed in myself. Watching old gameplays I can pick up so many mistakes I've made.
Learning from YOUR mistakes and trying to improve YOUR decisions rather than blaming the team will be the first steps to becoming a better player :)
well I went from 1600sr to 2400sr ;D thx planning to be stuck in plat tho >.
Best advice I saw yesterday from a silver was 'Please switch off Lucio, he isn't a good pick' hahaha.
The biggest part is getting good teammates to play with. Solo Queue is just Russian Roulette. Does anyone know any places to get teams together? A discord or an LFG community or something?
Yourinmyscope2 add me
the app gamerlink, overwatchlf com, findoverwatch com
The Dreadinator A bunch of streamers that are better than average doesn't disprove anything. I've played Gold, Plat, Diamond, and Master and soon GM and the lower the rank to worse your team is BY FAR and if you're better than them there's only a certain amount of carrying you can do. solo queue is Russian Roulette at every rank but it's worse the lower you go. Congrats on smurfing your friends account but I could do that easily too. it doesn't prove anything except that you can kill people much less skilled than you. ELO hell exists in every ranked game because of teammates that have no clue how to do anything except shoot, which will only get you so far. it's pretty easy to tell when it's your teams fault and not yours
I think a lot of people just don't really think about what they are doing, and the thing about learning things in life in general, is that if you don't actively think about what you're doing, you can very easily end up ingraining your flaws even more, so even if you play a ton, it doesn't mean you'll necessarily get better if you don't review the fundamentals and start learning the right way.