A Rebetiko Symphony. Markos Vamvakaris "Bouzouki mou diplohordo". 54 Rebetes from around the world.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
  • 54 Rebetiko musicians from around the world perform Markos Vamvakaris' great song:
    Μπουζουκι μου διπλοχορδο, Μαρκος Βαμβακαρης
    Bouzouki mou diplohordo, Markos Vamvakaris
    Recorded remotely in July 2020, using mobile phones, and tablets.
    A collaboration between the Rebetiko Carnival and Rebetika in Melbourne who collectively brought 54 musicians together from Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, England, Scotland, France, Japan, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and Australia.
    Produced by Pavlos Carvalho
    Typography by Maria Tsirodimitri
    Translation by Noonie Minogue (See Below)
    Assisted by George Stamatis, Sarah Carvalho-Dubost and Con Kalamaras.
    With huge thanks, gratitude and admiration for all the musicians who gave their time, talent and enthusiasm to come together and help create this performance.
    My Double Stringed Bouzouki
    Music: Markos Vamvakaris
    Lyrics: Markos vamvakaris
    Translation: Noonie Minogue
    My old bouzouki, double-stringed,
    You are the only one that can
    Console me now for all the pain
    That tortures me, unlucky man.
    The pain that I have in my heart
    You know it and you share,
    Remember who I was before
    That hussy stripped me bare.
    Now people turn away from me
    I’m a bum, that’s what they say.
    Do I want this kind of life?
    No, Charos, come take me away!
    My double stringed bouzouki, you,
    Only you remain in place
    To sweeten my embittered life
    And put a smile on my face.
    Musicians in alphabetical order.
    Mutsumi Abe, violin, Japan
    Yiannis Andrianakis, guitar, Greece
    Niki Andronikou, baglama, Cyprus
    George Angelopoulos, bouzouki, Greece
    Andria Antoniou, voice, Cyprus/Finland
    Christos Antoniou, guitar, Greece
    Dunja Botic, voice, Greece/Serbia
    Utkan Cagri-Kocak, bouzouki, Turkey
    Pavlos Carvalho, voice/baglama/bouzouki/cello, Greece/England/Brazil
    Sarah Carvalho-Dubost, guitar, France
    Valandi Chatzikamaris, voice/dzoura, Greece
    Frans De Clercq, baglama, Netherlands
    George Delfas, bouzouki, Greece/England
    Marina Deligianni, voice, Greece
    Michalis Demetriou, bouzouki, Cyprus/England
    Peter Diepeveen, voice/bouzouki, Netherlands
    Alexis Dimitriadis, violin, Greece
    David Dix, harmonica, England
    Konstantinos Glynos, kanun, Greece
    Kyriakos Gouvendas, violin, Greece
    Dimi Dumo, koboloi, Belgium
    Dean Georgalas, bouzouki, Greece/Australia
    Dimitris Gionis, bouzouki, Greece
    Michalis Iskas, violin, Greece
    Con Kalamaras, baglama, Greece/Australia
    Stavros Kokkinos, baglama, Greece
    Nikos Kotsoglou, bouzouki, Greece
    Dimitris Koustas, voice/accordion, Greece
    Murat Kucukarslan, double bass, Turkey
    George Kyriakides, accordion/koboloi/potirakia, Greece/Australia
    Pavlos Melas, guitar, Greece
    Simon Mercouris, voice/bouzouki, Cyprus
    Noonie Minogue, voice/baglama, England
    Grigoris Mitropoulos, bouzouki, Greece
    Kalliopi Mitropoulou, voice/violin, Greece
    Paddy Montgomery, lyra, Australia
    Nicos Nicholas, dzoura, Cyprus/Englands
    Ismini Nicolaou, violin, Greece/USA
    Dario Papavassiliou, Greece/England/Italy
    Michailis Spyridakis, bouzouki, Cyprus
    George Stamatis, voice/guitar, Greece
    Manolis Taouxis, voice/bouzouki, Greece
    Leandros Toumpas, guitar, Greece
    Yiannis Tsagkalos, bouzouki, Greece
    Haroula Tsalpara, voice/accordion, Greece
    Maria Tsirodimitri, guitar, Greece
    Georsge Tsolakis, voice, Greece
    Fotis Vergopoulos, bouzouki, Greece
    Karsten De Vilder, guitar, Netherlands/Belgium/Germany
    Kostas Voros, guitar, Greece
    George Xenakis, bouzouki, Greece
    Stavros Zafeiras, bouzouki, Greece
    Yiannis Zarias, violin, Greece
    Thodoris Ziarkas, double bass, Greece

ความคิดเห็น • 56