G'day Wow, Fascinating...! That Tri-Fuel/Trimotored Rocket-Launched Twin-Ramjet thing..., that was REALLY Wild.... All the Rocket-based tribulations of the Me.-163b...; but at least it landed on retractable Wheels..., very narrow (but LIGHT, and Streamlined...) The "Athodyd" goes a bit beyond my ken though, but I encountered them in an Arthur C. Clarke Novel, written shortly after his Paper to the British Interplanetary Society, by explaining how Orbital Satellites could function as Radio Relays ; thus constituted "Prior Art"..., And because Publication Prevents Patentability... Since 1947, nobody has been able to Patent Communications Satellites. Sputnik-1 was a Broadcaster, Telstar was a Relay... So, I hazard a guess that because a V-1's Argus is a Pulse-Jet, with Parallel Shutter-Vanes as an Aero-Mechanical Valve..., and becsuse the Tip-Jet-powered Tailless Heligoflopters burn Butane or Propane or Compressed/Liquified Natural Gas - but no Flappy Vane Venetian-Blind Valves, are called "Gas Jets"..., and the (Resonant Harmonic Cavity) "Valveless Pulse-Jets with which Eccentric Homdbuilders try not to hurt themselves, are "Pulse-Jets using internal Sonic Harmonics in a Chamber featuring Tuned Inlet Pipes, for "Timing"..., and the Red-Hot sheetmetal Stovepipes for ignition... The only way I can imagine that the "Athodyd" is intended to function, is by being a fancy way to say that they're, simple pure Ramjets, relying on Airspeed to forcibly ram Air into being Compressed but not accelerated as it transits the narrow Throat...- so, "Reverse Venturi Effect, achieved by finely tuning the Inlet Torus Diameter, Throat Diameter, Airspeed, and Inlet Wall Profile, Section, and how much constriction is applied WHERE...; Then "simply" spray atomised Fuel behind the Throat, at about 13 Parts Air to 1 part of Kerosene..., And ignite it. Throttle "Should" be able to be effected Via Fuel Volume pumped in... My understanding is that EVERYBODY who tried to make that concept function, quit - due to the fact that they could maximise Efficiency at Cruise, or Full Power..., OR they could build them to start and run RELIABLY, at the bottom 10% of their operational Airspeed Envelope... Unless I've guessed wrong about what an Athodyd might be, and How it's intended to work...(?) ; then my guess is that the Germans couldn't make it both start reliably..., and run efficiently at full power - either (?). And, then, Pod-mounted Twin Engines out a long way from the Centreline...; Generally causes an immediate Uncontrollable Spiral Dive - until the other Engine can be shut down, and Control may be Regained...(?) ! Or a Wing Falls off. But, IF they could have Coaxed the Athodyds to Behave, and Perform...; I would probably pay money to watch Someone try to levitate in such a Precarious Contrivance...! The other machines were all pretty conventional, really ; known to work, type of Technology. Such is life, Have a good one. ;-p Ciao !
That Tri-Fuel/Trimotored Rocket-Launched Twin-Ramjet thing..., that was
REALLY Wild....
All the Rocket-based tribulations of the Me.-163b...; but at least it landed on retractable Wheels..., very narrow (but LIGHT, and Streamlined...)
The "Athodyd" goes a bit beyond my ken though, but I encountered them in an Arthur C. Clarke Novel, written shortly after his Paper to the British Interplanetary Society, by explaining how Orbital Satellites could function as Radio Relays ; thus constituted
"Prior Art"...,
And because
Since 1947, nobody has been able to Patent Communications Satellites.
Sputnik-1 was a Broadcaster, Telstar was a Relay...
So, I hazard a guess that because a V-1's Argus is a Pulse-Jet, with Parallel Shutter-Vanes as an Aero-Mechanical Valve...,
and becsuse the Tip-Jet-powered Tailless Heligoflopters burn Butane or Propane or Compressed/Liquified Natural Gas - but no Flappy Vane Venetian-Blind Valves, are called "Gas Jets"..., and the (Resonant Harmonic Cavity) "Valveless Pulse-Jets with which Eccentric Homdbuilders try not to hurt themselves, are
"Pulse-Jets using internal Sonic Harmonics in a Chamber featuring Tuned Inlet Pipes, for "Timing"..., and the Red-Hot sheetmetal Stovepipes for ignition...
The only way I can imagine that the
"Athodyd" is intended to function, is by being a fancy way to say that they're, simple pure Ramjets, relying on Airspeed to forcibly ram Air into being Compressed but not accelerated as it transits the narrow Throat...- so, "Reverse Venturi Effect, achieved by finely tuning the Inlet Torus Diameter, Throat Diameter, Airspeed, and Inlet Wall Profile, Section, and how much constriction is applied WHERE...; Then "simply" spray atomised Fuel behind the Throat, at about 13 Parts Air to 1 part of Kerosene...,
And ignite it.
"Should" be able to be effected
Via Fuel Volume pumped in...
My understanding is that
EVERYBODY who tried to make that concept function, quit - due to the fact that they could maximise Efficiency at Cruise, or Full Power..., OR they could build them to start and run RELIABLY, at the bottom 10% of their operational Airspeed Envelope...
Unless I've guessed wrong about what an
Athodyd might be, and
How it's intended to work...(?) ; then my guess is that the Germans couldn't make it both start reliably..., and run efficiently at full power - either (?).
And, then,
Twin Engines out a long way from the
Generally causes an immediate
Spiral Dive - until the other Engine can be shut down, and
Control may be
Regained...(?) !
Or a Wing
Falls off.
IF they could have
Coaxed the
Athodyds to
Behave, and
I would probably pay money to watch
Someone try to levitate in such a
The other machines were all pretty conventional, really ; known to work, type of Technology.
Such is life,
Have a good one.
Ciao !
And some of them could be shown in a Star wars movie
All these proposals have kept somebody occupied but nothing to help the war effort so we shall be grateful they tried all these variants
I remember ;-)