Always exceptional reflections! However, we heared extensively about inflation but we heared nothing about what anticipated it, as the title astutely let us wonder… 😉
In the time interval from 10:49 to 10:54, Vilenkin says: "... and the space between them expands, so that the distance between them grows, there is no limit on how fast that can happen." Well, motion between any two objects is understood as the distance between the objects changing (other than circular or spherical motion). This means that the two objects are moving away one from the other at an accelerating rate, eventually reaching a speed even faster the speed of light. Doesn't this violate the insurmountability of the speed of light?
If every point in space is expanding at some speed less than the speed of light, the aggregate speed of their expansion will be faster than the speed of light.
The rapid expansion of the universe into a presumably endless void of space, which is not full of stuff or otherwise occupied already, taken in combination with the possibility of other universes, expanding likewise into the void, seems to imply the need for a change in nomenclature. The big bang,from this ultimate multi-universal scale, if there is one to be reckoned, is more aptly named “a small pop” among several small pops. Like a fizz in a soda. But in our case, the soda is the void of space. So where did the void come from? And what flavor is it?
@guillermocuadra8272 I was alluding to the remark originally made by Alan Guth that the " universe was the ultimate free lunch "....physicist tend to push the idea of a universe from nothing, something from nothing.....and, that can be difficult to accept , in any field, physics or economics....hence, Milton Friedman reference... ...just a bit of fun, whether the Universe is a free lunch or not, I guess, remains open....?
Like a top notch Russian physicist he has explained the theory clearly, preciously, comprehensively and leaving no doubt about either of theory and his deep understanding of it! Reminds one of the late great physicists Lev Landau. Such clarity! Thanks for this video.
Unfortunately Landau, at its peak was imprisoned by Stalin for suspicions of treason. He merely corresponded with physicists in Europe. A really sad story.
Job 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements-surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?"
The theory of eternal inflation isn't a scientific hypothesis because it's not falsifiable or testable. They said in the video we'd be forever disconnected from any of these other universes so there is no way to verify. It's speculation intended to explain the fine-tuning of the universe, which seems to vex most scientists who ponder it.
That is nonsense. We have our universe and physics to describe this universe. And this physics provides the horizon problem and the flatness problem. And even the inflation theory with the "false vacuum", it offers a precise solution to these problems. This theory then contains further consequences, almost inevitably, such as the "islands" with the collapse of inflation and the "false vacuum" and areas of "eternal inflation". Because it is physically impossible to obtain information about this, the demand for "falsification" is nonsense. In fact, the term "falsification" is nonsense for a physicist; it comes from a pompous philosopher named Karl Popper, who had no idea about physics. We can provide sufficient evidence of the early existence of the false vacuum in our own universe and enjoy the mathematics of "eternal inflation" outside of it.
The Big Bang did not start the universe. It’s only one corner of a block universe where the past, present and future all appeared at once. What’s needed is an explanation of how our block universe showed up. But people are so terrified of that issue that they keep saying things started with the Big Bang.
0:50 ... because Einstein had his original equations but he thought there was a static universe that was a steady state right AV: Einstein of course made first tremendous step he applied his theory to the universe as a whole 【It is static that universe the whole, known as to Nothing The Absolute Hegel proposed which is generated by God LORD, One (Deut 6.4) the infinite & evolved through mechanism the evolutionary, the contractional (tzimtzum; צמצום), the conformally cyclic in terms of biology, theology and cosmology. It's the background for the visible universies, briefly, all cosmoses are simply running over back of indeterminate form, 0×P∞, and driven by a perpetual machine, God The Triune, from whom every quantum fluctuation pops up, Parity: {1, 1/P∞} || {0, P∞}】
Quantum Theory has been amazing, but it also has had it's downside. It has allowed physicists to create other theories that are as nonsensical as QT. They have run up against a wall in explaining the creation of the universe and it's history, and have gone off the deep end with some of these theories. One example: "The universe was created from nothing by a 'quantum fluctuation.' " But if there was truly nothing there would have been no quantum "things" to "fluctuate". The quantum world would then have had to be created out of "nothing" and then we are back where we started. Then there is the "singularity". The universe does not always conform to the math we create.
😊 We must use our MATHEMATICS to measure our perceivable reality, as best we can.... and let it's possible indications to be clearly stated as 'predictions'.
(1:50) *RLK: **_"but that that sort of doesn't seem to make sense to infinite density and infinite temperature"_* ... Every discussion on Big Bang wants to stop at its singularity. As Robert points out, infinite gravity / density doesn't logically register within our minds, so we are forced to extrapolate whatever we can based on how the universe "behaved" afterward. *My "0 Theory:"* Your existence was spawned from a singularity: an ovum. Likewise, the complexity of the entire spectrum of life was spawned from a singularity: a single-celled prokaryote. The matter that spawned the complexity of life was spawned from yet another singularity: Big Bang. ... So, the big question, _"Is this where we stop with the singularities?_ ... _I say, "No!"_ Over and over the universe is showing us its default _"simplicity to complexity"_ evolutionary template. We mirror this same template in everything we invent (i.e., Model T to a Bugatti, V2 rocket to the Mars Rover, abacus to quantum computer, etc.) All we need to do is keep *regressing this same pattern* as far as logical conceivability will allow. Logical conceivability does allow for a layer of "Existence" residing below the layer of physical matter, and that is *"nonphysical information."* Once matter reaches a certain level of structural regression, it must convert to a simpler representation of "Existence:" *"mathematics."* ... But the singularity train doesn't stop there! Mathematics has its own singularity to deal with, which is the number *1.* ... This is as simple, regressive, and the least structural form of "Existence" that logical conceivability allows and thus serves as the *starting point for "Existence."*
Only a sophist denies his sources while dissembles does he his agenda. The fact is you never give citations and references to any genuine works in metaphysics or theology because you don't actually study. You think because you hang out of the fence, this renders you tenable, as you always fall back on dichotomies or aporias in self preserving your sophistry and pedantic style to back it. You're happy to remain in the revolving door; not entirely in one place or out, therefore slippery like a weasel fish.
You're afraid that people will see you as a plagiarist? Or sharing your sources people will preclude your book? In any genuine work a requisite is citations of sources. Not solicitous in helping people out in sharing the books that aided you is quite telling, is it not?
My view is that the so-called Big Band did not happen. Inflation probably did. Our known universe exists within the fundamental Universe, a substrate of energy.
To ask why also kinda assumes there is a reason why, and there may not be. That there has to be a reason may just be a human projection with no relevance to ultimate reality.
Ok I am giving you an scientific answer. The question you are asking is . we're is the starting point . If you think about it. There was no universe before the bang and all it's implications. So you can't find it's starting point.. every point in the centre . Because it is expanding in all directions from every point😊
“Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart? And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Surah 21:30
There is NOT sense show up Universe infinite because guys NOT explains what It is infinite though physic proceendings. This video is completely physic wortheless proceendings. In other words when guys keep out physic proceendings seriously guys are so rubbish pathetic.
...If I may, let us suppose that Einstein's Static Pre Big Bang was actually Real. No Past, Present, or Future, Eternal state of Perpetual Now. This is not so far fetched. I ask that we just consider this Reality. Science & GOD coexist very well, respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
@@Ekam-Sat I don't follow. What about the image of a heart has to do with my statement? I know why what? Why the Universe began to change and not exist?
My only hope is that you understand the atheist logical fallacy and you understand you are deceived, for real, for eternity. The better person you are is the better for you, for real, for eternity. Eternal hell is for bad people and eternal heaven is for good people, like you would like God to be, perfect. Spinoza and I are right and God is literally everything that exist, past present and future. When a molecule is divided God is literally divided. Are you interested in the truth if you are atheist and you haven't read Spinoza? Spinoza has a different concept of God, for Spinoza the universe was created from self, because from nothing can not be created something. Logically it is impossible the existence of the creation or finitude without the creator or infinitude. God is something eternal and infinite that created the universe from self. Your life is eternal and reality matters. Would you memorize and understand the atheist logical fallacy for future generations? My truth is atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. How many people have to rediscover pantheism is the truth for humanity to hear and listen? Still atheists that lie to protect religion laught at my face shamelessly. I am a psicologist, not a charlatan looking for attention and I can save many lives with my knowledge. I am censored and my knowledge saves your own children's lives, for real, for eternity. I know who I am and what I am doing. I want to end religion and atheism with a rational understanding of reality. Emergency! Trust me. Thank you.
How did the universe begin? We don’t know. Inflation is akin to a Bible story. It is a non falsifiable hypothesis with a model that has so many degrees of freedom that makes a mockery of the scientific method when it comes to predicting ability. Similarly, inflation and the theory of general relativity are truly a collection of ad hoc bits and pieces that arise when the simple theory can not explain problematic data. Having said that, many of the existing theories are locally useful. For example quantum mechanics helps with modern communications and general relativity allows us to put a spacecraft on the moon.
Allah says in the holy Quran: "And the sky I made and perfected its making with strength, and I am expanding its edges and expanding for My servants by increasing provision". (Al Thariyat - verse 47)
I would like to debate with you if God exists and atheism is false. The only question that matters is "was the universe created by an intelligent entity?". If God decided to create the universe atheism is false. I think eternal and infinite Time and Space created the universe from self because from nothing can not be created something. When a molecule is divided God is literally divided. We are literally an infinitesimal part of infinite God. God created self, life and also death are designed. Life and Death is the same thing, life and death is the same entity transforming. The mind is eternal, uncaused, infinite, God. We are literally God’s personality. How is God in planet Earth? Is God touchy? Is God angry?. We only have one life and it is forever. Reality is for everyone the same, whoever discovers the true God wins. At the end the only that matters is eternity because life is short, regardless of any finite number of years. God is not a joke because reality is eternal. Your life is the perfect present from God to God and to destroy and hurt reality is a sin, a real sin, a sin for eternity. I think when the body dies causes the mind to transform to know all to experience our perfect hell and heaven. God matters because it is mortal. Reality can die and our mission is to survive. Planet Earth has to survive. The universe has to survive. God is a life. It is just an idea that can not do harm to anyone and is censored. Pantheism is the truth. Thank you. I need to rest.
"How Did the Universe Begin?" Yes, the Universe has a beginning but its CREATOR has no beginning and no end.. In the beginning is the "WORD" which does not mean man's vocal chords but means the vibrations of spirits from a tiny portion of God's Spiritual World that FUSED to form this Physical Universe... ..but Atheists ruled out the Almighty Creator because they think it is just a fairy tale..... yet, instead, Atheists prefer to believe that there Consciousness came from EXPLOSION of Unconscious NOTHING ( BigBang ) worst than all the fairy tales in the world... .. Atheists' funny insane theory is more than enough reason why Faith in our Loving Creator is the only logical choice of belief to explain not only the beginning of Universe but also the origin of our Consciousness.. ... it is just amazing how demonic possession can turn Atheist's brain into vegetable... so sad and concerning.
Sorry but the big bang came from one of yours, a christian, not an atheist. So to be correct it would be yet another christian fairy tale. I love this obvious 'fairy tale' that you made up here. "In the beginning is the "WORD" which does not mean man's vocal chords but means the vibrations of spirits from a tiny portion of God's Spiritual World that FUSED to form this Physical Universe..." How is that nonsense logical at all? It's all just a fantasy.
@@anteodedi8937 racism, superiority, bigotry, et al, are inspired by the idea that superior species are naturally selected coming from Darwin's Evolution GARBAGE that you swallowed, hook line and sinker, without thinking... ...faithfuls believe that we have souls equal to all, no more no less, no superior nor inferior...
Assuming you’re speaking to the god of abraham, what was this god doing before then? Why create a big bang now? If i’ve assumed too much which god are you referring to?
I've learnt a lot today and it's mind boggling (again).
Always exceptional reflections! However, we heared extensively about inflation but we heared nothing about what anticipated it, as the title astutely let us wonder… 😉
In the time interval from 10:49 to 10:54, Vilenkin says:
"... and the space between them expands, so that the distance between them grows, there is no limit on how fast that can happen."
Well, motion between any two objects is understood as the distance between the objects changing (other than circular or spherical motion). This means that the two objects are moving away one from the other at an accelerating rate, eventually reaching a speed even faster the speed of light. Doesn't this violate the insurmountability of the speed of light?
Thank you for the very illuminating conversation.
After inflation comes higher interest rates 😃
Jokes aside. These videos are excellent. Food for thought. Thank you
Rubber thing blowed my mind and two galaxies on it😵💫. No speed limit...when space expands between them😮.
Did anyone find that exact point where bb started
The big bang has no location. Or point of origin. Every point is the centre. Hope this helps😊
@seanmckenna6122 sorry bro pls don't give philosophical answer give some scientific answer, what ur saying making no sense
I'm not really sure but in other video, someone said that in one hour the universo reach 10 light years away.
God's purpose is love.
In the beginning there was Eru, the One, who in Arda is named Illuvatar.
there was also Gumbo the Great from Ashermond
Also lalaidorr ieehwwne.
And lolsoee e leoodjenjeneb e e of course
How big was the singularity?
I'm still not clear on the point about inflation causing faster-than-light expansion of the universe.
If every point in space is expanding at some speed less than the speed of light, the aggregate speed of their expansion will be faster than the speed of light.
Perfect - thanks!
How does inflation exceed the gravitational pull of all the matter and energy in the universe packed into an infinitely dense point?
The cosmological constant.
dark energy is what is pushing everything apart. They call it dark because they don’t know what it is.
The rapid expansion of the universe into a presumably endless void of space, which is not full of stuff or otherwise occupied already, taken in combination with the possibility of other universes, expanding likewise into the void, seems to imply the need for a change in nomenclature. The big bang,from this ultimate multi-universal scale, if there is one to be reckoned, is more aptly named “a small pop” among several small pops. Like a fizz in a soda. But in our case, the soda is the void of space. So where did the void come from? And what flavor is it?
No Coke...Pepsi
Mountain Doo Doo.
I feel there would time would come when cosmic inflation would stop .
OK, then where did the "false vacuum" come from?
The die hard Monetarist , Milton Friedman also remarked that " there is no such thing as a free lunch...."....
He meant Alexander Friedmann’s equations
@guillermocuadra8272 I was alluding to the remark originally made by Alan Guth that the " universe was the ultimate free lunch "....physicist tend to push the idea of a universe from nothing, something from nothing.....and, that can be difficult to accept , in any field, physics or economics....hence, Milton Friedman reference...
...just a bit of fun, whether the Universe is a free lunch or not, I guess, remains open....?
interesting but they say the known universe. So that leaves a lot of speculation on the table.
Stretched out the heavens. Isaiah 42. 5. How did he know the heavens stretched out?
Very true. The Word became flesh. And the reason is Love.
Like a top notch Russian physicist he has explained the theory clearly, preciously, comprehensively and leaving no doubt about either of theory and his deep understanding of it! Reminds one of the late great physicists Lev Landau. Such clarity! Thanks for this video.
Unfortunately Landau, at its peak was imprisoned by Stalin for suspicions of treason. He merely corresponded with physicists in Europe. A really sad story.
He actually first gave the mathematical and physical description of the process of stellar collapse and supernova.
@@mariuszpopieluch7373 yes!
Job 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements-surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?"
He is not sure he has right or not. He explains the standard model, but is not sure is it true or not.
The theory of eternal inflation isn't a scientific hypothesis because it's not falsifiable or testable. They said in the video we'd be forever disconnected from any of these other universes so there is no way to verify. It's speculation intended to explain the fine-tuning of the universe, which seems to vex most scientists who ponder it.
That is nonsense.
We have our universe and physics to describe this universe. And this physics provides the horizon problem and the flatness problem.
And even the inflation theory with the "false vacuum", it offers a precise solution to these problems.
This theory then contains further consequences, almost inevitably, such as the "islands" with the collapse of inflation and the "false vacuum" and areas of "eternal inflation".
Because it is physically impossible to obtain information about this, the demand for "falsification" is nonsense. In fact, the term "falsification" is nonsense for a physicist; it comes from a pompous philosopher named Karl Popper, who had no idea about physics.
We can provide sufficient evidence of the early existence of the false vacuum in our own universe and enjoy the mathematics of "eternal inflation" outside of it.
It’s a creation myth. All Big Bang theories are
He should have just said I’ve no idea
The Big Bang did not start the universe. It’s only one corner of a block universe where the past, present and future all appeared at once. What’s needed is an explanation of how our block universe showed up. But people are so terrified of that issue that they keep saying things started with the Big Bang.
Why don’t you know?
My humble suggestion is to read the bible especially the teachings of Jesus as outlined in the NW which center around love.
Our Universe Begin from an invisibIe holy grail.
The Big Bang is an infinite series of events in an infinite universe. There was no creation infinity is forever.
0:50 ... because Einstein had his original equations but he thought there was a static universe that was a steady state right AV: Einstein of course made first tremendous step he applied his theory to the universe as a whole 【It is static that universe the whole, known as to Nothing The Absolute Hegel proposed which is generated by God LORD, One (Deut 6.4) the infinite & evolved through mechanism the evolutionary, the contractional (tzimtzum; צמצום), the conformally cyclic in terms of biology, theology and cosmology. It's the background for the visible universies, briefly, all cosmoses are simply running over back of indeterminate form, 0×P∞, and driven by a perpetual machine, God The Triune, from whom every quantum fluctuation pops up, Parity: {1, 1/P∞} || {0, P∞}】
Quantum Theory has been amazing, but it also has had it's downside. It has allowed physicists to create other theories that are as nonsensical as QT. They have run up against a wall in explaining the creation of the universe and it's history, and have gone off the deep end with some of these theories. One example: "The universe was created from nothing by a 'quantum fluctuation.' " But if there was truly nothing there would have been no quantum "things" to "fluctuate". The quantum world would then have had to be created out of "nothing" and then we are back where we started. Then there is the "singularity". The universe does not always conform to the math we create.
😊 We must use our MATHEMATICS to measure our perceivable reality, as best we can.... and let it's possible indications to be clearly stated as 'predictions'.
So, did cosmic inflation have a beginning?
If yes, they what began it?
Genesis 2:18.
If there is a god, I'm sure it itself doesn't know where it came from.
(1:50) *RLK: **_"but that that sort of doesn't seem to make sense to infinite density and infinite temperature"_* ... Every discussion on Big Bang wants to stop at its singularity. As Robert points out, infinite gravity / density doesn't logically register within our minds, so we are forced to extrapolate whatever we can based on how the universe "behaved" afterward.
*My "0 Theory:"* Your existence was spawned from a singularity: an ovum. Likewise, the complexity of the entire spectrum of life was spawned from a singularity: a single-celled prokaryote. The matter that spawned the complexity of life was spawned from yet another singularity: Big Bang.
... So, the big question, _"Is this where we stop with the singularities?_ ... _I say, "No!"_
Over and over the universe is showing us its default _"simplicity to complexity"_ evolutionary template. We mirror this same template in everything we invent (i.e., Model T to a Bugatti, V2 rocket to the Mars Rover, abacus to quantum computer, etc.) All we need to do is keep *regressing this same pattern* as far as logical conceivability will allow.
Logical conceivability does allow for a layer of "Existence" residing below the layer of physical matter, and that is *"nonphysical information."* Once matter reaches a certain level of structural regression, it must convert to a simpler representation of "Existence:" *"mathematics."* ... But the singularity train doesn't stop there! Mathematics has its own singularity to deal with, which is the number *1.*
... This is as simple, regressive, and the least structural form of "Existence" that logical conceivability allows and thus serves as the *starting point for "Existence."*
Only a sophist denies his sources while dissembles does he his agenda.
The fact is you never give citations and references to any genuine works in metaphysics or theology because you don't actually study. You think because you hang out of the fence, this renders you tenable, as you always fall back on dichotomies or aporias in self preserving your sophistry and pedantic style to back it. You're happy to remain in the revolving door; not entirely in one place or out, therefore slippery like a weasel fish.
You're afraid that people will see you as a plagiarist?
Or sharing your sources people will preclude your book?
In any genuine work a requisite is citations of sources.
Not solicitous in helping people out in sharing the books that aided you is quite telling, is it not?
I think there was a universe before ours. After it expanded into absolute nothingness a quantum event happened and things started all over again.
My view is that the so-called Big Band did not happen. Inflation probably did. Our known universe exists within the fundamental Universe, a substrate of energy.
Or better yet “why?”
Or why not? Lol
To ask why also kinda assumes there is a reason why, and there may not be. That there has to be a reason may just be a human projection with no relevance to ultimate reality.
The moment we find an answer to the question,we cease to exist
Genesis 2:18. It's all there but people think they know better then the holy book.
Ok I am giving you an scientific answer. The question you are asking is . we're is the starting point . If you think about it. There was no universe before the bang and all it's implications. So you can't find it's starting point.. every point in the centre . Because it is expanding in all directions from every point😊
“Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart? And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Surah 21:30
There was no begin
There is NOT sense show up Universe infinite because guys NOT explains what It is infinite though physic proceendings. This video is completely physic wortheless proceendings. In other words when guys keep out physic proceendings seriously guys are so rubbish pathetic.
Our local Universe, was born from natural parents.
...If I may, let us suppose that Einstein's Static Pre Big Bang was actually Real. No Past, Present, or Future, Eternal state of Perpetual Now. This is not so far fetched. I ask that we just consider this Reality. Science & GOD coexist very well, respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
The universe did not start, it has always been there, no beginning no end only change/. Just a thought/.
The Universe began to change, it did not begin to exist
You could say that. But looking at your image of the heart. I believe you also know why.
@@Ekam-Sat I don't follow. What about the image of a heart has to do with my statement? I know why what? Why the Universe began to change and not exist?
My only hope is that you understand the atheist logical fallacy and you understand you are deceived, for real, for eternity. The better person you are is the better for you, for real, for eternity. Eternal hell is for bad people and eternal heaven is for good people, like you would like God to be, perfect. Spinoza and I are right and God is literally everything that exist, past present and future. When a molecule is divided God is literally divided. Are you interested in the truth if you are atheist and you haven't read Spinoza? Spinoza has a different concept of God, for Spinoza the universe was created from self, because from nothing can not be created something. Logically it is impossible the existence of the creation or finitude without the creator or infinitude. God is something eternal and infinite that created the universe from self. Your life is eternal and reality matters. Would you memorize and understand the atheist logical fallacy for future generations? My truth is atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. How many people have to rediscover pantheism is the truth for humanity to hear and listen? Still atheists that lie to protect religion laught at my face shamelessly. I am a psicologist, not a charlatan looking for attention and I can save many lives with my knowledge. I am censored and my knowledge saves your own children's lives, for real, for eternity. I know who I am and what I am doing. I want to end religion and atheism with a rational understanding of reality. Emergency! Trust me. Thank you.
How did the universe begin? We don’t know. Inflation is akin to a Bible story. It is a non falsifiable hypothesis with a model that has so many degrees of freedom that makes a mockery of the scientific method when it comes to predicting ability. Similarly, inflation and the theory of general relativity are truly a collection of ad hoc bits and pieces that arise when the simple theory can not explain problematic data. Having said that, many of the existing theories are locally useful. For example quantum mechanics helps with modern communications and general relativity allows us to put a spacecraft on the moon.
The bible is actually one of the most scientific books around.
Allah says in the holy Quran: "And the sky I made and perfected its making with strength, and I am expanding its edges and expanding for My servants by increasing provision". (Al Thariyat - verse 47)
I would like to debate with you if God exists and atheism is false. The only question that matters is "was the universe created by an intelligent entity?". If God decided to create the universe atheism is false. I think eternal and infinite Time and Space created the universe from self because from nothing can not be created something. When a molecule is divided God is literally divided. We are literally an infinitesimal part of infinite God. God created self, life and also death are designed. Life and Death is the same thing, life and death is the same entity transforming. The mind is eternal, uncaused, infinite, God. We are literally God’s personality. How is God in planet Earth? Is God touchy? Is God angry?. We only have one life and it is forever. Reality is for everyone the same, whoever discovers the true God wins. At the end the only that matters is eternity because life is short, regardless of any finite number of years. God is not a joke because reality is eternal. Your life is the perfect present from God to God and to destroy and hurt reality is a sin, a real sin, a sin for eternity. I think when the body dies causes the mind to transform to know all to experience our perfect hell and heaven. God matters because it is mortal. Reality can die and our mission is to survive. Planet Earth has to survive. The universe has to survive. God is a life. It is just an idea that can not do harm to anyone and is censored. Pantheism is the truth. Thank you. I need to rest.
But you don’t know… all you have is a bunch of ideas in your head. And if you know, how do you know?
Had to be created. Had to be
Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere the universe started? Why do we assume that there even is one?
I can explain the big bang way way better than this scientist
Here is many religious opinions although religion does not even try to study things.
What’s your religion?
@@deanodebo The religion means to me only tradition (protestant) but not explanations. Thanks for question and being curious.
@@eensio you should read early church fathers. They were deeply studying very important things, much more important that trivial matters of science.
"How Did the Universe Begin?"
Yes, the Universe has a beginning but its CREATOR has no beginning and no end..
In the beginning is the "WORD" which does not mean man's vocal chords but means the vibrations of spirits from a tiny portion of God's Spiritual World that FUSED to form this Physical Universe...
..but Atheists ruled out the Almighty Creator because they think it is just a fairy tale..... yet, instead, Atheists prefer to believe that there Consciousness came from EXPLOSION of Unconscious NOTHING ( BigBang ) worst than all the fairy tales in the world...
.. Atheists' funny insane theory is more than enough reason why Faith in our Loving Creator is the only logical choice of belief to explain not only the beginning of Universe but also the origin of our Consciousness..
... it is just amazing how demonic possession can turn Atheist's brain into vegetable... so sad and concerning.
Sorry but the big bang came from one of yours, a christian, not an atheist. So to be correct it would be yet another christian fairy tale.
I love this obvious 'fairy tale' that you made up here. "In the beginning is the "WORD" which does not mean man's vocal chords but means the vibrations of spirits from a tiny portion of God's Spiritual World that FUSED to form this Physical Universe..." How is that nonsense logical at all? It's all just a fantasy.
Mind you my favorite diety did it not yours. 😂😂😂😂... And it's she. Not he.
Actually, what's really sad and concerning is the bigotry you express around here.
Hopefully, one day you will grow out of this erroneous mindset.
@@xtopher960 is your sincere faith in a loving God that can save your lost soul and NOT how you call GOD with what name you prefer...
@@anteodedi8937 racism, superiority, bigotry, et al, are inspired by the idea that superior species are naturally selected coming from Darwin's Evolution GARBAGE that you swallowed, hook line and sinker, without thinking...
...faithfuls believe that we have souls equal to all, no more no less, no superior nor inferior...
Humbug.. Allah created it all.
God spoke it into existence.
There are some questions science will never be able to answer.
Closer To Lie
Assuming you’re speaking to the god of abraham, what was this god doing before then? Why create a big bang now? If i’ve assumed too much which god are you referring to?
@@ericmoyer8538 The ancient Greks asked the same question because they falsely assumed that time always exited.
That's literally as satisfying of an answer as "idk"
There has never been a creation
How do you know?
Ah, how then genius??