Block Noodle Pose Thoracic spine openers are a great way to release tension in your shoulders and chest-areas that tend to hold stress for many of us. This pose allows your body to soften and your breath to fill the space, creating a deeply relaxing experience. Begin with a block, books, or cushions for support, and as you grow more comfortable, you can gently increase the arch of your backbend with a stool. Hold for 2 minutes, and let yourself unwind at your own pace.
Weighted squats are great for stabilizing and strengthening your lower body and core, but it's not a thoracic spine opening stretch. Still great to include it in your workout routine! -YOGABODY Team
Block Noodle Pose
Thoracic spine openers are a great way to release tension in your shoulders and chest-areas that tend to hold stress for many of us. This pose allows your body to soften and your breath to fill the space, creating a deeply relaxing experience.
Begin with a block, books, or cushions for support, and as you grow more comfortable, you can gently increase the arch of your backbend with a stool.
Hold for 2 minutes, and let yourself unwind at your own pace.
I do the same in the morning...viparita karani in the morning also...sooo beneficial for the body, our vertical posture. Thanks you yogabody
arms out to the side in this is a great way to get the crosswise front of the pecs to open, too.
For those of us who can, would light-weighted barbell full squats effectively accomplish this same stretch?
Weighted squats are great for stabilizing and strengthening your lower body and core, but it's not a thoracic spine opening stretch. Still great to include it in your workout routine!