The learning materials are very good indeed and it's a pleasure having the opportunity to study the language at home. But why THE HELL do they insist on having speakers with clearly thick foreign accents there for us to imitate? An absolutely stupid concept. I bought the book in Helsinki and unfortunately the DVD as well. I'll just stick to the book. At least the written Finnish they provide us with is perfect.
Finnish people think differently from so many people. They used foreigners just for inspiration. But there are lots of Finnish people speaking their ‘pure’ pronunciation as well.
The accent's not 'thick', and there's other material where you can hear native Finnish speakers' accents. Even in this series, there's both natives and non-natives. Mostly natives, actually. Calm the frak down.
very peaceful and calm narrator! Bravo!
finally I found something about finnish lang... thank you supisuomea :D
Supisuomea for me is the best way to learn finnish, quite difficult but well done.
Niinpa onkin!
Lähtekö juna Alavuselle?
Kiitos paljon!
kiitos paljon
Kiitos ❤🌼
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Hän on ulkomaalainen, niin virheitä on luonnollista.
The learning materials are very good indeed and it's a pleasure having the opportunity to study the language at home. But why THE HELL do they insist on having speakers with clearly thick foreign accents there for us to imitate? An absolutely stupid concept. I bought the book in Helsinki and unfortunately the DVD as well. I'll just stick to the book. At least the written Finnish they provide us with is perfect.
I don't think that they considered their accents, It's just that it's an inspiration to see foreigners speaking finnish.
BillN6801 ًز
Finnish people think differently from so many people. They used foreigners just for inspiration. But there are lots of Finnish people speaking their ‘pure’ pronunciation as well.
The accent's not 'thick', and there's other material where you can hear native Finnish speakers' accents. Even in this series, there's both natives and non-natives. Mostly natives, actually. Calm the frak down.
6.00 maskustaminen
translate dude
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