Special Forces 18X: Army SCAM or legit program? A Green Beret’s experience.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ส.ค. 2023
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    The 18X pipeline often has had negative reputation with many criticisms regarding how realistic it actually is to complete for candidates. I weigh in on my experience and if I agree with the criticism.
    #specialforces #greenberet #dol #18x #sfas

ความคิดเห็น • 166

  • @ethanalexanderortiz7987

    Currently an 18x in AT at SWCS. Its not a scam in my opinion. Put in the work. Take the risk. Success is not guaranteed. Nor should it be.

  • @schweinhund7966

    I went through the Q-Course in 1982. There was no SFAS or SERE then. On my ODA we had one 18X (technically no such thing as 18 then) come on my team as an E-3 and another 18X in my company as an E-3. What stood out about both is they were fit (lean, not buff), intelligent, fast learners and most of all….. not afraid to ask 10,000 questions no matter how stupid. They were excellent soldiers on my team and in my company. In 1984 I had a team sergeant come on my ODA who entered the Army as an 18X a decade before me! He was fit, intelligent, a fast learner and never afraid to ask 1,000 questions (I had a year in the infantry in Korea before SF). He was an excellent team sergeant. In 1990, as Cadre I had a 18X on my instructor team for A-1-SWC. He too was fit, smart, a fast learner and not afraid to ask questions. I agree, the Q-Course is toughest for 18X-types because they have no Army experience in a TO&E unit. In my opinion, the only “serious challenge” for an 18X once they earn the beret is dealing with knuckleheads. They were too motivated and never dealt with drunks and AWOL as a leader. When training draftees in Central America in the 80s the 18X guys were often frustrated dealing with desertions, AWOL, lack of motivation and lack of brains of the students we taught where as guys who had TO&E unit time could often anticipate and readily deal with “slacker” students. 18X has been around a LONG time. It is not a scam. I cannot tell you how many soldiers I met who said they could have been Special Forces “BUT…………..”. Stories of SF on the street are stories. But if you have what it truly takes the 18X program is a proven venue.

  • @WarInHD
    @WarInHD  +48

    Good video man. It’s not a scam, my cousin was a 18x-ray and he made it. Majority of guys who don’t make it will go to the 82nd Airborne since you’re infantry and Airborne qualified. After a year they can try out again, also at SFAS, 18x-rays have the highest chance of being selected compared to others so overall I’d say it’s pretty good. Hell of a lot better then a “Bud/s contract”

  • @danstoye3902

    Retired Tmsgt 5th & 10th here. I believe one of the major reasons folks from other military units don't understand how fast you gain knowledge on an ODA (besides the deployment tempo), is unlike any other outfit you have 2 medics/engineers/weapons/commo + 1 intel/warrant/tmsgt and O-3. That is a huge reservoir of knowledge. If you're not down range then your on a range, if not in an Army school then you're in Team school. Example; Going on a run 1/2 through you designate a casualty, the worst sticker has to start the IV then carry the casuality while holding the IV and monitoring back to the TM rm. Engineers plant booby traps all over TM rm. Commo has you building expedient antennas. Wpns has you firing rpg-7, mark-19 and mortars on the same day on the rng. Etc etcetera

  • @terminatortrainingmethod8168

    From a fellow x-ray, great video. You briefly mentioned "personal responsibility" and that can't be emphasized enough. No x-ray who's ever accepted responsibility prepared properly, made it through the required training, and gone on to spend their career serving in SF has ever called the x-ray program a scam. It's only the guys who don't make it, and in their minds it's almost always someone else or something else's fault.

  • @nickbryan217

    Definitely not a scam because you know going in what’s the outcome if you don’t pass SFAS. The 18X program is tough because SF as a hole is designed to collect experienced operators and as an 18X you’re not experienced at all…. If people think 18x is a scam what do they think of off the street BUD/S contracts???? At least with 18X the worst case is you’re 11B, most likely Airborne qualified and you go to Infantry unit…. BUD/S, which has an even higher wash out rate, you’re needs of the Navy and most likely chippin paint on a boat trying to convince yourself to not set it on fire…..

  • @mitchellsteffen6203

    If you're a little older and a squared away individual, then it's solid. If you're a PT stud but a frat boy, then you'll be sent to Ranger Batt, lol. The majority of my OSUT company was 18x rays. Only 2 guys ended up at airborne units. Everyone else got selected or was sent to RASP/Civil Affairs and got selected. So, in total, 6 guys aren't in the Q right now out of basically an entire company. Definitely not a scam. Just don't be a POS when times get tough.

  • @bigcheeese9644

    I came in with a class of about 170 X rays from OSUT. Once it was all said and done 3 of us made it all the way through, and only one of that three made it all the way without having to recycle a segment or return to selection. My selection class rate was like 14 or 15 xrays out of 150. This was very recent. The whole process is very difficult, however, anyone who has made it through will tell you there is some luck involved, especially when you see the journeys that others have to endure and they still aren’t successful. It’s a very unforgiving process that I didn’t fully understand when I signed my contract.

  • @xjustinplaguex8603

    Pick a MOS you like. Make it through AIT. Go to an SFRE.

  • @HLGToys
    @HLGToys  +13

    Just a regular Infantry dude, but I like the 18x contract opening the pool for candidates to specifically groom them towards SF. I see SF as a very diverse group that specializes in unconventional warfare. Regular army guys are indoctrinated and have a fixed mindset that can be detrimental to the mission compared to a person who was groomed for unconventional warfare and open minded. I think I remember reading an article about during Robin Sage where the students conducted an ambush and there was a discussion between an 18x and a ranger batt about how to handle the bodies. 18x recommended hiding the bodies and disguising themselves while the ranger batt recommended clearing the bodies and continue mission; there is no wrong answer.

  • @tims6212
    @tims6212  +11

    Good positive video. My son is currently an 18X. It seems to be a common theme amongst those to his left and right if it's not the neg of a cadre (I was gonna go SF but I took an arrow to the knee BS.) Or the tarnish brass of yesteryears leadership. But with constant reassurance of positivity and those who are great positive role models his journey is coming around. With constant challenges to distract from the negativity. Thank you for sharing.

  • @88rollins

    Really interesting to hear your perspective on this subject. I also agree with what you said about "personal accountability"- there is precious little of that anymore.

  • @Sub7erminal

    This was a great video with tons of knowledge to take in. thank you for all the info Nate. Loving your channel, Keep up the great work!

  • @eSportsGamingOfficial

    Thank you for your content sir! Grateful.

  • @ismaelcortez4935

    Thanks brother, I’m a USMC infantry vet been out 4 years, I’m law enforcement now and I don’t like it I’m currently trying to receive an 18x contract and your channel has been a pot of knowledge for me thanks

  • @god-la-7wins-verdad-942

    Dude this was a really good video I appreciate the knowledge given.

  • @elmirmisir-zada8470

    Nate, thanks again for an awesome video. No unnecessary music, straight to the point. Sounds like if someone who's drug-free, doesn't make stupid things in civilian life, mentally strong and physically fit has a decent chance of earning the Green Beret.

  • @HeyMikeyLikesIt2

    I worked in the IODA committee, There’s also hundreds of regular Army Sergeants that get washed out. These kids are away from home for the first time in their life, then get in a Basic Training to Green Beret pipeline that’s 3 years maybe more if a bunch of Christmas’s are in the way and they go 18D. They finally get some freedom in Airborne school, and want to party. No one wants to be a trainee for 3 years. I don’t think E6 should be automatic. Let them get to the team as an E5, and after 12 months, promoted to SSG. Not everyone on the team needs to be an E7, they just need to do their job proficiently. I’ve seen a few 18X’s, just use this as a stepping stone. Regular Army guys that go SF use it as a career ending experience. I tell you what I should have done when I first joined the Army and knew I wanted 20 years…… invest! $200 a month for 25 years….I’d be sitting on Leprechauns

  • @Vindico0711

    Love this program, hope it doesn’t get taken down before I get a chance

  • @JK56782

    Based on your personal knowledge/experience, do you recommend going to Ranger School prior to attending SFAS for young active duty soldiers? I understand ranger school can take a toll on your body and delay your shot at SFAS but could that outweighs buy teaching you the “knowledge” to succeed at SUT during the Q course? Thank you for the amazing content🤙