This is such an important discussion. I dont think a lot of people and churches realize how spiritually unhealthy this charasmatic/pentacostal music is. And how emotionally manipulative it is. It is disgusting. There are so many theologically rich hymns out there that are so edifying.
I was in a recent deacon meeting that was very heated over this recently. Felt like I was talking to deaf ears. I was the musician in the room imagine that.
This is why I love Sovereign Grace Music. Their songs actually glorify God in his full nature. "All Hail the Glorious Christ" "Come Praise and Glorify" "Bless the Lord, O My Soul" "Jesus Thank You" "How Great" "How Vast the Love" "The Glories of Calvary" Sorry I could literally go on for hours.
And the same for Amazing Grace Worship (a Cantonese group formed in 2004) 神為我爭戰 (released in 2023) 祢是我唯一的倚靠 放下擔子 僕人敬聽 必得見光 感恩的祭 信心的宣告... All of these have lyrics extracted from Scripture
This is spot on! I grew up Pentecostal and what happens during worship services is you get caught up emotionally and then heretical doctrines are much more easily accepted overtime. So it feels good it must be right type of reasoning takes place, emotions over scripture. This is a very bad state of heart and mind to be.
It's exactly what I've been thinking about the songs sung/performed at churches nowadays. The problem is I can't find a single church around me that does not use their songs. And the church leadership says it's ok to use their songs. I didn't leave my church-home for this matter but surely it keeps bothering me.
I think most people are in the same boat. If I may share my "story". I came across a channel on youtube. "Brad from Carolina" now known as "Armor of Truth". (Their own channel started as Armor of Truth while YT was Brad from Carolina and they just changed YT to match their website making it easier for their watchers) They are very good. They offered a service to their listeners to help find them Biblically sound churches in their area. I took them up on it and asked for help. They gave me a list of 5 churches. I didnt provide my zip code so 2 of the 5 were too far away. 6 hours or so. But 2 were within a 15 to 30 minute drive. I checked out 1 and instantly knew, this is a Godly place. The pastor teaches from actually reading verse by verse in the Bible, we sing out of hymnals only, we have potlucks every Sunday to bond and be a family of believers as the Bible talks about being a body. The pastor hangs out at potlock time and actively engages with us. Unlike many pastors who just give a smile, say a word or or a few sentances and moves on. It has been such a blessing. Maybe check out "Armor of Truth" and after you check it out, you can email them asking for help. It takes them a while to help like 4 werks or so because they look into each church, listen to sermons, read their website statements, etc. To make sure of them before recommending and they also already have several people asking for their help, and each takes time. But I highly recommend going to "Armor of Truth" checking it out. Joining a live show and chatting (next one is Tues as in tomorrow) then they are taking some time off for a bit. But will be back. And if you think its something you would benefit from, keep coming to shows and ask for help! It worked for me and many others I know. I hope this helps and blesses you!! 🥰
100% Agree. I was in the pentecostal when I was a just born again and they play with the feelings and the music alot. I thing without the mystic music they just fall.
They are not Pentecostal! Any church that calls themselves Pentecostal and doesn't baptize in JESUS name or believe in the infilling of the holy ghost with the (EVIDENCE) of speaking in tongues or holiness, separation of the world! (IS NOT) Pentecostal it's that simple ...........
Time to turn that tv off and that televangelist! People are getting tired of these so called preachers not preaching the truth. The end is near, stop playing games with the word of God...........
@@evanbiter2138 Yeah if you dont want to you don't have to, God doesn't force himself on anyone! How hungry are you for God??? If your hungry enough for it just ask him and he will fill you with it! Dont try to figure it out, dont question it, just obey it, it's that simple. And turn that televangelist off! It's not so much what they preach.( Its what they dont preach)
Ive tried to tell my sister this but she wont listen. 😞 She says she loves their music and feels Gods prescence when she listens to it. I also have tried to warn her about Bill Johnson, but her pastor lived at Bethel for a year and was trained there. And if her pastor went there, then it must be Godly. Please pray my sisters eyes will be opened to the things talked about in this video. She will not listen to me.
I have an identical situation. - for myself. I continue to pray and watch for opportunities to engage in civil point to point Biblically Accurate discussion. Then Do My Best , by God's Grace & Mercy to leave This in His Hands. Not easy. Many Times
As with anything we view or listen to, ask "who is getting the glory? God or myself?" Deep down, if the answer is you, then it's not the best song, not the best movie/show or whatever it is. If you truly feel God is getting the glory and honor, then praise Him! God is a God of beauty, creativity, and boundless beyond what we can even imagine. Be careful that we aren't putting Him in a box and say absolutely what can and can not give him true glory. Let the holy spirit guide you, that's what He is for.
went to my small church in NZ and the guy leading worship had all these bethel and hillsong tunes...emotional, man-centred, hallmark-for-Jesus lyrics, and there was just no palpable involvement of God. I went out to my ute (pickup) and sang on my own with my little travel guitar...some simple biblical songs, heck, even kinda made up one of my own
There's a middle ground. Don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Yes the music often heavily evokes emotionalism in the flesh, but it also sometimes does the same in the Spirit. The lyrics need to be discerned and those who truly love the Lord will do so through HIs Word. All part of the challange of each individual finding the narrow path on their journey in this treacherous world. Weeding out bad theological songs played in services largely falls on on the Pastoral and Praise and Worship leaders and is where the focus would best be directed IMO.
This is a spot on breakdown of this charismatic/pentecostal music infiltrating our local churches and impacting how we worship. This music is focused on man and the emotional triggers it engenders. We need to get back to the Psalter or the old Hymn books many of us grew up with. Hymns that glorify Jehovah Shalom.
I grew up in a church which sings only traditional hymns in the main services, and I don't know a lot of contemporary worship songs until I started university. I was then able to have a clear mind to pick contemporary songs for a worship set as a leader, making sure that the lyrics are biblically correct. I have never chosen any songs from these groups, and also Raw Harmony and Joshua Band which seem quite dangerous. There are many Chinese groups which are great alternatives, such as Stream of Praise, 小羊詩歌 and Torch Music (Mandarin), as well as Milk&Honey, One Circle, HKACM and Amazing Grace Worship (Cantonese). I even led traditional hymns in my university twice before.
I was raised Pentecostal but I do not attend those kind of churches anymore. There was such a pressure to speak in tongues, it was like none of the other scriptures were relevant. God's Word has to be rightly divided, we can't pick a verse and make a religion out of it, we must study the whole counsel of God. I thank God, He made a way for me to realize how important this is. Speaking in tongues has its place and 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 Paul explains how tongues should be dealt with in church. Tongues is not an evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. The evidence of being filled is showing the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self control (Galatians 5:22-23). Unfortunately the word "tongues" was chosen instead of "languages" when the KJV was written. In acts chapter 2:4-11 the reason they spoke in other tongues was because people from other regions that spoke different languages came to the yearly celebration of pentecost which was commanded to the Jews in Leviticus.
I’m not sure of exactly some of the names of them, but all hymns aren’t super holy either. I was raised on looping Pentecostal hymns and it’s just weird and doesn’t seem right dragging certain phrases on and on and modulating a lot (modulating more so in the Pentecostal hymns). No matter what it is, it NEEDS to have sound doctrine!
So stay away from music that makes you "feel" God's presence and stay away from pentecostals? So after telling me to avoid both, can you tell me who to listen to or where to go to church? I feel there nothing safe anymore, I may as well go back to my old life.
We are called to worship God in spirit and truth John 4:24. Most of these worship groups lyrics do not line up with Gods word. Albeit, some of their songs are theologically correct, just use discernment in the songs we play and sing. I am the worship leader of a small reformed church in Florida so I take it very seriously. We don’t want the congregation singing songs that are not grounded in truth and possibly leading someone to a false view of the God of the Bible. Hope this helps, Blessings
Dont be discouraged friend. To answer your question, yes stay away from these pentacostal/charasmatic songs and such as best you can. As to what music to listen to on a personal level, there are many hymns that have been put out through the centuries. Most are sound theologically. Pretty much wont go wrong with hymns. There is also a modern band called The Corner Room that has started to put the book of Psalms to music. Cant go wrong there with singing scripture. As far as what church to go to, I cant specifically tell you where but I can hopefully give you some good guidance. Do some searching for a reformed church in your area would be a good start. You want to go to a church that preaches and teaches the whole counsel of God in scripture. On that goes through books of the bible verse by verse and esposits the text. They dont sugar coat the text, or skip anything they feel is uncomfortable. They love and teach the scriptures. And they have thriving community. That it isnt just being filled with head knowledge. But a church that shows true brotherly love to one another, has a heart to do good deeds, and has a heart to reach lost people. And just remember too that there is no perfect church because they are all comprised of fallen humans. But there are churches out there that are faithful to our Lord Jesus. It might be a challenge to find but dont give up. The christian life is a fight, it is not meant to be easy. But let the Lord strengthen you! Dont turn back to any old sinful lifestyles, that is the way that leads to ruin. I will leave you with this... "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be in dread or dismayed, for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 LSB
Try Keith and Kristen Getty, CityAlight, Sovereign Grace Music, or any of the wide variety found on this playlist:
I'm sorting through the same feelings that you have. Don't stop worshipping God though. I had to google bands that are theologically sound. They are just as good, and they are writing in truth and the music is great.
Yes and Amen. Lord’s True Churches will never sing and praise and worship Lord with all these bad songs! Hallelujah! They sing Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs and worship Lord in truth and spirit like Grace Community Church, Parkside Church, St Andrew Chapel, and Trinity Bible Church and St Paul’s Castle Hill Church. Hallelujah. Soli Deo Gloria.
total agree... you would get more out of hearing music by garth brooks and george strait....even the beach boys, four tops and temptations would be a step above hearing the stuff this video me you can take a walk on the galveston seawall and focus on the greatness of the setting sun and see Gods awesomeness and thats worship for sure.....most large churches these days major in music entertainment above even the sermon from the preacher.......most music in churches is also NOT written from biblical scripture.......but we should not get legalistic either by saying one can only have a piano and maybe a rhythm guitar only........whats sad is that there have been two churches that are mega type in size where one opened up with the full version of AC/DC's highway to hell....and the other did the same with led zepplin's stairway to heaven.......thats whats totally against God desire.....
Didn't know Elevation even had music. All of these organizations use their music as an avenue for their heresy. Ps. You said Furtick seems to reject 3 persons and only believe in 1 being. God is One being 3 Persons. Maybe you meant he rejects 3 Persons for 1 Person and that 1 Person manifests as 3 Persons, which is a crazy mess in itself. Furtick clearly and openly endorses modalist & prosperity heretic TD Jakes, so we can assume his puddle deep theology at least affirms the same heretical doctrines as Jakes.
The "ministries" named have, at best, questionable theologies which have been known about for a long time. I wonder how many of the people attached to these organizations (they're NOT churches!!) would fall away if/when persecution on account of the word comes (Matthew 13:21). When I'm singing a song of worship to God I don't want to be distracted by the immorality and/or wrong/shallow theology of the people who wrote it. So much of contemporary Christian music does not seem as though it's written by people with a close and genuine relationship with the LORD. The lyrics are often embarrassingly repetitive and some songs sound like cut-and-pastes of others. If you read the Psalms and compare the words and Spirit in them to a lot of today's worship music there are light years of difference between them. More modern songs like "How Deep the Father's Love For Us" and "In Christ Alone" are exceptions that prove the rule. I believe too much of today's "worship" music is about 3 loves Paul warns the last days church about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5: MONEY, PLEASURE and SELF. RATHER THAN LOVE FOR AND WORSHIP OF GOD. Oftentimes when my church sings these songs I just open the bible and read something, usually from Psalms. The source of these songs does matter.
I usually refrain from questioning the integrity of those who reject the reality of the work of the Holy Spirit today, but when one so blatantly and slanderously misrepresents fellow Christians, both what they mean and what they believe I am reminded of James 4:11, and 1John 4:20 You may be able to find reason to believe what you state here, but most of it is not true. You are just looking for what you want to hear. We are not saved by correct doctrine or theology. Perhaps it will be you to whom Jesus says you Pharisees. You worship your doctrine but never knew me. And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, You workers of lawlessness.(Iniquity, sin, disobedience to the Law?) Matthew 5:21-48
Thank you, heartbreaking to hear the damnation of Pentecostal faith, I have never experienced anything these Reformed people are speaking of. I do get emotional, God sent Jesus to save me from my own rebellion, when I was yet a sinner, as a prodigal he kept after me the lost sheep. I find others who are completely grateful for the salvation and redemptive message, to be truly emotional. My husband 74 year old, Jewish believer, just accepted Jesus as his Messiah. We go to a Pentecostal church that has just added 21 new countries to their already massive mission field. I am so grateful for the body of believer that follow our great commission, including to teach each member to follow the great commission. Yes I have been at churches that grieve the Holy Spirit by squelching his work. Yes they preach the bible, but judge other churches constantly, similar to this. It grieves me so to read this thread and see that the division still exists, in the church, the WHOLE church. We are the whole body of Christ, and He is the head. In some of the heartbreaking comments here, I just want to scream "pharisee". And others are so very compassionate. It would do us well to pray for each other, to build the body up. God knows we need unity now more than ever. God bless each of you. I got saved 42 years ago, and due to unfortunate life disappointments, I had fallen away for close to 25 years. I've been back 2 years, and if it were not for the Holy Spirit discernment, and the uncompromising love of God, I would walk away again. At every turn I hear division, I am so saddened by it.
@@JC-sj2pd No you are not Correct Doctrine didn't die on the cross for our sins, was not resurrected, and we do not have fellowship with it. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, (Not Correct Doctrine) these are sons of God. We are saved by the Living Word Jesus. Not the written Word, The Bible, or our Doctrine. The Bible is the Word of God in its unique written form. Doctrine is only our interpretation of it. The written word Is supposed to point us to the Living Word. The problem I have with Reformed/Calvinism is, it doesn't.
@@JC-sj2pd Read the rest of the chapter. Do not Judge. Ask and I will answer you. I, Jesus am the narrow gate. By their fruit you will know them (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) He was talking to Pharisees, not Pentecostals. Nor was He rejecting them because they prophesied in His name, and drove out demons and performed many miracles. He was rejecting them because of what was in their heart. Just emotions? Do you really understand? I think not.
Cessationism has no Biblical basis. While I agree we must be more grounded and rigorous and Biblical, denying supernatural gifts EVER manifest goes against the Bible and rigorous scientific evidence.
Hillsong, elevation, televangelist etc.... there (ALL) going to get exposed!!! You better start preaching and teaching the plan of salvation in Acts2:38 infilling of the holy ghost with the EVIDENCE of speaking in a HEAVENLY language (tongues) that only God can do, dont question it, don't fight it just let go let God! Holiness, separation from the world, and living a holy life as best as you can...........
Okay blah blah blahhh. But I have no proof. No video to show. No clip to show. No whatsoever. Just talkinggg and talkig and yeah stop singing hilsong, bethel, jesus culture, and elevation from now on.
This is such an important discussion. I dont think a lot of people and churches realize how spiritually unhealthy this charasmatic/pentacostal music is. And how emotionally manipulative it is. It is disgusting. There are so many theologically rich hymns out there that are so edifying.
I was in a recent deacon meeting that was very heated over this recently. Felt like I was talking to deaf ears. I was the musician in the room imagine that.
@@jetdriver26 That is really sad to hear about brother.
The music minister at my church continues to sing "What a Beautiful Name it is", "Isn't the Name".
I spent years leading contemporary worship and 100% agree with the author.
Hymns that glorify the True & Triune God...SO sadly lacking today in so many services. Regards from Indonesia.
This is why I love Sovereign Grace Music. Their songs actually glorify God in his full nature.
"All Hail the Glorious Christ"
"Come Praise and Glorify"
"Bless the Lord, O My Soul"
"Jesus Thank You"
"How Great"
"How Vast the Love"
"The Glories of Calvary"
Sorry I could literally go on for hours.
And the same for Amazing Grace Worship (a Cantonese group formed in 2004)
神為我爭戰 (released in 2023)
All of these have lyrics extracted from Scripture
This is spot on! I grew up Pentecostal and what happens during worship services is you get caught up emotionally and then heretical doctrines are much more easily accepted overtime. So it feels good it must be right type of reasoning takes place, emotions over scripture. This is a very bad state of heart and mind to be.
It's exactly what I've been thinking about the songs sung/performed at churches nowadays. The problem is I can't find a single church around me that does not use their songs. And the church leadership says it's ok to use their songs. I didn't leave my church-home for this matter but surely it keeps bothering me.
I think most people are in the same boat. If I may share my "story". I came across a channel on youtube. "Brad from Carolina" now known as "Armor of Truth". (Their own channel started as Armor of Truth while YT was Brad from Carolina and they just changed YT to match their website making it easier for their watchers) They are very good. They offered a service to their listeners to help find them Biblically sound churches in their area. I took them up on it and asked for help. They gave me a list of 5 churches. I didnt provide my zip code so 2 of the 5 were too far away. 6 hours or so. But 2 were within a 15 to 30 minute drive. I checked out 1 and instantly knew, this is a Godly place. The pastor teaches from actually reading verse by verse in the Bible, we sing out of hymnals only, we have potlucks every Sunday to bond and be a family of believers as the Bible talks about being a body. The pastor hangs out at potlock time and actively engages with us. Unlike many pastors who just give a smile, say a word or or a few sentances and moves on. It has been such a blessing. Maybe check out "Armor of Truth" and after you check it out, you can email them asking for help. It takes them a while to help like 4 werks or so because they look into each church, listen to sermons, read their website statements, etc. To make sure of them before recommending and they also already have several people asking for their help, and each takes time. But I highly recommend going to "Armor of Truth" checking it out. Joining a live show and chatting (next one is Tues as in tomorrow) then they are taking some time off for a bit. But will be back. And if you think its something you would benefit from, keep coming to shows and ask for help! It worked for me and many others I know. I hope this helps and blesses you!! 🥰
100% Agree. I was in the pentecostal when I was a just born again and they play with the feelings and the music alot. I thing without the mystic music they just fall.
They are not Pentecostal! Any church that calls themselves Pentecostal and doesn't baptize in JESUS name or believe in the infilling of the holy ghost with the (EVIDENCE) of speaking in tongues or holiness, separation of the world! (IS NOT) Pentecostal it's that simple ...........
Time to turn that tv off and that televangelist! People are getting tired of these so called preachers not preaching the truth. The end is near, stop playing games with the word of God...........
@@israeljuarez8830 Not everyone speaks in tongues. Scripture says it plainly.
@@evanbiter2138 Yeah if you dont want to you don't have to, God doesn't force himself on anyone! How hungry are you for God??? If your hungry enough for it just ask him and he will fill you with it! Dont try to figure it out, dont question it, just obey it, it's that simple. And turn that televangelist off! It's not so much what they preach.( Its what they dont preach)
@@israeljuarez8830 I've asked God multiple times, and believe in the gifts. You will be known by your love for one another.
Ive tried to tell my sister this but she wont listen. 😞 She says she loves their music and feels Gods prescence when she listens to it. I also have tried to warn her about Bill Johnson, but her pastor lived at Bethel for a year and was trained there. And if her pastor went there, then it must be Godly. Please pray my sisters eyes will be opened to the things talked about in this video. She will not listen to me.
May The Lord Jesus Christ open her eyes and give her Repentance
Praying for your sister, thankyou and God bless
I have an identical situation. - for myself. I continue to pray and watch for opportunities to engage in civil point to point Biblically Accurate discussion. Then Do My Best , by God's Grace & Mercy to leave This in His Hands. Not easy. Many Times
As with anything we view or listen to, ask "who is getting the glory? God or myself?" Deep down, if the answer is you, then it's not the best song, not the best movie/show or whatever it is. If you truly feel God is getting the glory and honor, then praise Him! God is a God of beauty, creativity, and boundless beyond what we can even imagine. Be careful that we aren't putting Him in a box and say absolutely what can and can not give him true glory. Let the holy spirit guide you, that's what He is for.
"the energy of Praise is toward what God does, while the energy of Worship is toward Who God Is.." - this is so enlightening.. 🙏
went to my small church in NZ and the guy leading worship had all these bethel and hillsong tunes...emotional, man-centred, hallmark-for-Jesus lyrics, and there was just no palpable involvement of God.
I went out to my ute (pickup) and sang on my own with my little travel guitar...some simple biblical songs, heck, even kinda made up one of my own
There's a middle ground. Don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Yes the music often heavily evokes emotionalism in the flesh, but it also sometimes does the same in the Spirit. The lyrics need to be discerned and those who truly love the Lord will do so through HIs Word. All part of the challange of each individual finding the narrow path on their journey in this treacherous world. Weeding out bad theological songs played in services largely falls on on the Pastoral and Praise and Worship leaders and is where the focus would best be directed IMO.
This is so good! Would love to get a written copy of the transcript!??
This is a spot on breakdown of this charismatic/pentecostal music infiltrating our local churches and impacting how we worship. This music is focused on man and the emotional triggers it engenders. We need to get back to the Psalter or the old Hymn books many of us grew up with. Hymns that glorify Jehovah Shalom.
Are we listening to music because of who's singing it or because of the message in the music?
I believe in the omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent God and I also believe He can use anyone He wishes to spread His Word.
I grew up in a church which sings only traditional hymns in the main services, and I don't know a lot of contemporary worship songs until I started university. I was then able to have a clear mind to pick contemporary songs for a worship set as a leader, making sure that the lyrics are biblically correct. I have never chosen any songs from these groups, and also Raw Harmony and Joshua Band which seem quite dangerous. There are many Chinese groups which are great alternatives, such as Stream of Praise, 小羊詩歌 and Torch Music (Mandarin), as well as Milk&Honey, One Circle, HKACM and Amazing Grace Worship (Cantonese). I even led traditional hymns in my university twice before.
Amen 🙏 l am finally realising the honest truth Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
I was raised Pentecostal but I do not attend those kind of churches anymore. There was such a pressure to speak in tongues, it was like none of the other scriptures were relevant.
God's Word has to be rightly divided, we can't pick a verse and make a religion out of it, we must study the whole counsel of God.
I thank God, He made a way for me to realize how important this is.
Speaking in tongues has its place and 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 Paul explains how tongues should be dealt with in church. Tongues is not an evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. The evidence of being filled is showing the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Unfortunately the word "tongues" was chosen instead of "languages" when the KJV was written. In acts chapter 2:4-11 the reason they spoke in other tongues was because people from other regions that spoke different languages came to the yearly celebration of pentecost which was commanded to the Jews in Leviticus.
God *is* one being. And three Persons
I’m not sure of exactly some of the names of them, but all hymns aren’t super holy either. I was raised on looping Pentecostal hymns and it’s just weird and doesn’t seem right dragging certain phrases on and on and modulating a lot (modulating more so in the Pentecostal hymns). No matter what it is, it NEEDS to have sound doctrine!
So stay away from music that makes you "feel" God's presence and stay away from pentecostals? So after telling me to avoid both, can you tell me who to listen to or where to go to church? I feel there nothing safe anymore, I may as well go back to my old life.
We are called to worship God in spirit and truth John 4:24. Most of these worship groups lyrics do not line up with Gods word. Albeit, some of their songs are theologically correct, just use discernment in the songs we play and sing. I am the worship leader of a small reformed church in Florida so I take it very seriously. We don’t want the congregation singing songs that are not grounded in truth and possibly leading someone to a false view of the God of the Bible.
Hope this helps,
Dont be discouraged friend. To answer your question, yes stay away from these pentacostal/charasmatic songs and such as best you can. As to what music to listen to on a personal level, there are many hymns that have been put out through the centuries. Most are sound theologically. Pretty much wont go wrong with hymns. There is also a modern band called The Corner Room that has started to put the book of Psalms to music. Cant go wrong there with singing scripture.
As far as what church to go to, I cant specifically tell you where but I can hopefully give you some good guidance. Do some searching for a reformed church in your area would be a good start. You want to go to a church that preaches and teaches the whole counsel of God in scripture. On that goes through books of the bible verse by verse and esposits the text. They dont sugar coat the text, or skip anything they feel is uncomfortable. They love and teach the scriptures. And they have thriving community. That it isnt just being filled with head knowledge. But a church that shows true brotherly love to one another, has a heart to do good deeds, and has a heart to reach lost people. And just remember too that there is no perfect church because they are all comprised of fallen humans. But there are churches out there that are faithful to our Lord Jesus. It might be a challenge to find but dont give up. The christian life is a fight, it is not meant to be easy. But let the Lord strengthen you! Dont turn back to any old sinful lifestyles, that is the way that leads to ruin. I will leave you with this...
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be in dread or dismayed, for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 LSB
Try Keith and Kristen Getty, CityAlight, Sovereign Grace Music, or any of the wide variety found on this playlist:
I'm sorting through the same feelings that you have. Don't stop worshipping God though. I had to google bands that are theologically sound. They are just as good, and they are writing in truth and the music is great.
@@christinehunt625 yes, that's right. Exactly right!
God bless you in French Paris 93🙏🏾
How do I find out what these music's are? Frankly, I don't know - its not like they advertise what music's playing or where it comes from!
I love all your songs. Proud Roman Catholic here. ☺️☺️
how's your marxist, One World religion, woke pope working out for ya.........?....
Recognized it a long time now
Yes and Amen. Lord’s True Churches will never sing and praise and worship Lord with all these bad songs! Hallelujah! They sing Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs and worship Lord in truth and spirit like Grace Community Church, Parkside Church, St Andrew Chapel, and Trinity Bible Church and St Paul’s Castle Hill Church. Hallelujah. Soli Deo Gloria.
total agree... you would get more out of hearing music by garth brooks and george strait....even the beach boys, four tops and temptations would be a step above hearing the stuff this video me you can take a walk on the galveston seawall and focus on the greatness of the setting sun and see Gods awesomeness and thats worship for sure.....most large churches these days major in music entertainment above even the sermon from the preacher.......most music in churches is also NOT written from biblical scripture.......but we should not get legalistic either by saying one can only have a piano and maybe a rhythm guitar only........whats sad is that there have been two churches that are mega type in size where one opened up with the full version of AC/DC's highway to hell....and the other did the same with led zepplin's stairway to heaven.......thats whats totally against God desire.....
Sorry who are G3???
Didn't know Elevation even had music. All of these organizations use their music as an avenue for their heresy.
Ps. You said Furtick seems to reject 3 persons and only believe in 1 being. God is One being 3 Persons. Maybe you meant he rejects 3 Persons for 1 Person and that 1 Person manifests as 3 Persons, which is a crazy mess in itself. Furtick clearly and openly endorses modalist & prosperity heretic TD Jakes, so we can assume his puddle deep theology at least affirms the same heretical doctrines as Jakes.
The "ministries" named have, at best, questionable theologies which have been known about for a long time. I wonder how many of the people attached to these organizations (they're NOT churches!!) would fall away if/when persecution on account of the word comes (Matthew 13:21). When I'm singing a song of worship to God I don't want to be distracted by the immorality and/or wrong/shallow theology of the people who wrote it. So much of contemporary Christian music does not seem as though it's written by people with a close and genuine relationship with the LORD. The lyrics are often embarrassingly repetitive and some songs sound like cut-and-pastes of others. If you read the Psalms and compare the words and Spirit in them to a lot of today's worship music there are light years of difference between them. More modern songs like "How Deep the Father's Love For Us" and "In Christ Alone" are exceptions that prove the rule. I believe too much of today's "worship" music is about 3 loves Paul warns the last days church about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5: MONEY, PLEASURE and SELF. RATHER THAN LOVE FOR AND WORSHIP OF GOD. Oftentimes when my church sings these songs I just open the bible and read something, usually from Psalms. The source of these songs does matter.
Maverick is another one to avoid.
I usually refrain from questioning the integrity of those who reject the reality of the work of the Holy Spirit today,
but when one so blatantly and slanderously misrepresents fellow Christians,
both what they mean and what they believe I am reminded of James 4:11, and 1John 4:20
You may be able to find reason to believe what you state here, but most of it is not true.
You are just looking for what you want to hear.
We are not saved by correct doctrine or theology.
Perhaps it will be you to whom Jesus says you Pharisees.
You worship your doctrine but never knew me.
And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me,
You workers of lawlessness.(Iniquity, sin, disobedience to the Law?) Matthew 5:21-48
They were 100% true.
Thank you, heartbreaking to hear the damnation of Pentecostal faith, I have never experienced anything these Reformed people are speaking of. I do get emotional, God sent Jesus to save me from my own rebellion, when I was yet a sinner, as a prodigal he kept after me the lost sheep. I find others who are completely grateful for the salvation and redemptive message, to be truly emotional. My husband 74 year old, Jewish believer, just accepted Jesus as his Messiah. We go to a Pentecostal church that has just added 21 new countries to their already massive mission field. I am so grateful for the body of believer that follow our great commission, including to teach each member to follow the great commission. Yes I have been at churches that grieve the Holy Spirit by squelching his work. Yes they preach the bible, but judge other churches constantly, similar to this. It grieves me so to read this thread and see that the division still exists, in the church, the WHOLE church. We are the whole body of Christ, and He is the head. In some of the heartbreaking comments here, I just want to scream "pharisee". And others are so very compassionate. It would do us well to pray for each other, to build the body up. God knows we need unity now more than ever. God bless each of you. I got saved 42 years ago, and due to unfortunate life disappointments, I had fallen away for close to 25 years. I've been back 2 years, and if it were not for the Holy Spirit discernment, and the uncompromising love of God, I would walk away again. At every turn I hear division, I am so saddened by it.
No you are not
Correct Doctrine didn't die on the cross for our sins, was not resurrected,
and we do not have fellowship with it.
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, (Not Correct Doctrine) these are sons of God.
We are saved by the Living Word Jesus.
Not the written Word, The Bible, or our Doctrine.
The Bible is the Word of God in its unique written form.
Doctrine is only our interpretation of it.
The written word Is supposed to point us to the Living Word.
The problem I have with Reformed/Calvinism is, it doesn't.
Read the rest of the chapter.
Do not Judge.
Ask and I will answer you.
I, Jesus am the narrow gate.
By their fruit you will know them (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control)
He was talking to Pharisees, not Pentecostals.
Nor was He rejecting them because they prophesied in His name, and drove out demons and performed many miracles.
He was rejecting them because of what was in their heart.
Just emotions?
Do you really understand?
I think not.
Cessationism has no Biblical basis. While I agree we must be more grounded and rigorous and Biblical, denying supernatural gifts EVER manifest goes against the Bible and rigorous scientific evidence.
Hillsong, elevation, televangelist etc.... there (ALL) going to get exposed!!! You better start preaching and teaching the plan of salvation in Acts2:38 infilling of the holy ghost with the EVIDENCE of speaking in a HEAVENLY language (tongues) that only God can do, dont question it, don't fight it just let go let God! Holiness, separation from the world, and living a holy life as best as you can...........
Let me help each and every one you! It's time to turn that tv off and that tickle me evangelist just make me feel good off...........
Okay blah blah blahhh. But I have no proof. No video to show. No clip to show. No whatsoever. Just talkinggg and talkig and yeah stop singing hilsong, bethel, jesus culture, and elevation from now on.
So you think Hillsong was faithfull? There were flags about them for a long time.