Silencers not only silence the gun, but the victim as well. No one ever screams in pain when shot with a silenced weapon, they die instantly, and fall into something soft.
b imagine if that happened in real life for everything. You pick up your phone, the screen lock sound, you pick up a pencil, a scratch sound, you pick up a shoe, a scrunch sound.
Also using the sound of a racking shotgun for EVERY TYPE OF GUN.... I cant remember the money but they used a shotgun sound for a bolt action rifle lol
Either that or absolutely no on-site weapon procurement, yet characters bitch about running out of ammo (ex.: Battle Royale 2). They just leave functional resources lying around. Movie logic is worse than video game logic.
Ironically, even though hollywood guns have infinite ammo, it dematerializes when they cock the weapon. Every time they pick up a firearm they cycle the action but the cartridge they chambered 4 minutes earlier doesnt come flying out.
@@apoiadordelobos7887 acctualy. Most airsoft magazines only hold accurate amounts of ammo or close to it. Only exceptions would most likely be lmg's & high-cap. Mags.
Yep. The Lone Ranger and Tonto each managed about 30 rounds out of a 6 shot revolver before reloading. And their ammo belts never had any empty spots. In the infamous Robocop Range Scene, he fired 141 rounds out of a pistol that holds 12 rounds in the clip without reloading, in less than two minutes.
A lot of that has to do with contact stresses and so forth. The stuff you see in these Terminator movies where people (well, machines actually) go flying through windows is just nonsense. If that was true/possible you'd break/dislocate your shoulder from firing a weapon.
@@stevensharpe1419 you can still hear the sound. I've experienced firing a gun and you can still hear it with ear protection on. I'm just 10 man! And I'm a girl. I learned firing for self defense.
@@izokido yeah it doesnt matter how long you do it if your have the right shit on ive shot gums for years and done demo work with explosives if you dont have shit equipment your ok but like i said he probably didnt considering he did it for 20 years and they had shit ear pro back when he forst started
Or when they guy pulls the hammer back on a semi automatic pistol, it's like " wait, you loaded a bullet into the chamber, and uncocked it just so you can look cool when you see the bad guy!?!"
LMAO, good one! And remember in the first episode of "The Walking Dead" how Rick tells his deputy to release the safety? The guy was holding a Glock.....and moved his thumb over the slide release....on the right side of the pistol. Can't make that shit up.
@@slopcrusher3482 well semi autos do have hammers it just depends on the pistol like some have hammers some dont glocks dont have hammer but a sig p226 does so its somewhat accurate on mpst pistols but you dont have to
lol... Yeah! Or someone who has been in a fire fight for a while and then a climactic scene happens and they cock the hammer back on an auto pistol.. you would literally have to have a rack it, and drop the hammer just to cock it again.
My favorite is the “endless magazine”. Hollywood always shows weapons with standard magazines shooting hundreds of rounds without the shooter ever having to reload.
Michael Mann was quite good at showing realistic gunplay in Miami Vice and movies like Collateral. You can count the rounds fired, and he has the actor change mags just when they should.
And most people don't understand it only takes like 2-3 second to dump a machine gun magazine. You always see these multiple automatic burst shots that go on for like 10 seconds.
GamerGuyWorld I forgot which movie or show but I saw when this guy went up to someone with a shotgun and pointed it at them and asked a question and when the person tried to walk away he pumped the why aim a non loaded gun at someone?
Some rocket launchers can be used indoors. The RPG has a two stage charge, the first stage is light and expels it from the tube, the main stage only ignites when the rocket is a few meters downrange - that way it doesn't blow the user's face off. The first stage is light enough that it doesn't cause excessive backblast indoors, although you still wouldn't want to stand directly behind one when it was fired. Now a US LAW, no, you would not want to be firing that indoors - the design is the opposite, the full charge is burned before the rocket leaves the tube so the blast is all behind the firer and not in his face.
@Oberstgreup,Well yes but you still have to check the blast zone which is when fireing from a window position the whole room. And whooting it from there I realy don't want to be the shooter or have enough water to drink afterwards. Its messy and you'll inhale a crap ton of shit.
how about 1-shot AT weapons made to penetrate and ignite ammo/fuel etc. with a bea of copper, that's being used several times within a few seconds to blow large holes in concrete structures? Just look at the AT-4 in Johnny Mnemonic that is aside from that also held backwards during one of the shots.
rai x Yes, unlimited ammunition, and the ever present people go flying when hit, the "magical" weapons that have no recoil whatsoever, the always lethal "one shot wonder", (AKA instant death), and the one they mentioned briefly, after a bazzilion rounds, everyone around can hear just fine, even so much as often times the actors & actresses actually whisper dialogue right after an intense firefight scene. So much BS...
Another myth based off the number one and that scene with the suppressed revolver. The vast majority of revolvers cannot be effectively silenced, since the mechanism is mostly open. If it has the gas sealing system of the Nagant revolver, where the cylinder Is being pushed forward upon cocking the hammer, it creates a gas seal and that revolver can be effectively suppressed. It's the basis for the revolvers in the Metro series, which was an intelligent move on 4A's part.
my favorite is how movies will lead you to believe that virtually anything is bullet proof. tables, upholstered furniture like chairs and sofas, walls, appliances, etc.
J Lee some other gun myths: 1. Criminals using high powered weapons, such as .50 hand guns. High powered guns with huge cartridges are heavy, large and expensive. Their ammo is expensive. The Barrett .50 for example is over 5 feet long. No criminal trying to look inconspicuous is going to carry a huge high powered firearm. Because of all of these, police actually like something like this because these guns are rare and cuts their list of potential suspects down tremendously. 2. Large capacity magazines do not make a gun "deadlier". It just holds more bullets, but it also makes the gun heavier and I believe can contribute to jamming. 3. If you shoot a person in front of someone else, the bullet most likely can pass through the target and hit the person on the other side.
Actually, with walls it depends on where you are. In US-style buildings you can shoot trough a wall, because in the US buildings are made of lighter materials, like sheetrock (that is why it is actually possible in Hollywood movis to punch your fist through a wall). In Europe you have concrete walls, mostly with steel matting inside. Most bullets aren't strong enough to go through 20 centimeters of concrete and steel. My favourite gun myth comes from westerns, the duel at high noon. Those old guns aren't accurate enough for something like a duel at high noon and also most cowboys were lousy shots. Bullets were expensive and rare, especially when you were out in the wild most of the time, so they simply couldn't afford buying enough bullets for training. Most of these duels or saloon shootouts were done at arm's length.
A couple things about silencers, that I'm sure someone in the other 4,000 comments has mentioned 1. Some bullets are subsonic, meaning they don't break the sound barrier. The .45 acp is a good example of this; it's a very large bullet, but it travels really slowly, about 200 fps or so less than the average 9mm. Subsonic bullets are much easier to suppress. 2. Suppressors simply don't work on revolvers. There is a gap between the cylinder and the barrel, and when the bullet is fired, burning gasses escape from the gap, so you will still hear the gunpowder exploding regardless of whether the gun has a suppressor or not.
Raziel Talos I'm aware of the Nagant revolver, hickock45 did a video on it awhile ago. However, it's not exactly a common gun, and it doesn't have a threaded barrel, so you can't put a suppressor on it anyways. Most of the revolvers used in movies with suppressors are S&W or Colt .38 specials, and in those cases, the revolvers would not be compatible with silencers.
A specifically made firearm like the Nagant M1895 are exceptions to a rule, but doesn't break it. The vast majority of revolvers can't be silenced. It's called research.
The easiest way to explain the difference to laypersons is as follows: "A clip is a device, other than a speedloader, used for loading a magazine or cylinder."
The silencer thing is more complicated than that. If you attach a modern, highly efficient silencer to a bolt action .357 rifle and shoot a subsonic bullet, it will be spooky quiet. They never make that "pew pew" noise from the movies, but if you can eliminate the sonic crack and the action noise, and if you are using a very good silencer, the sort of "whiff" sound of the bullet passing through the air and the "thud" of it impacting down range is all that's left.
My dad has a suppressed bolt action .308 and a few dozen sub sonic rounds, and the first time i heard it i was surprised at how quiet it actually is. You could easily cover up the sound of that with a sneeze
Doesn't have to be bolt action. Ads for silencers in the early 20th century show them mounted on lever action carbines chambered to revolver rounds. Also I have owned semi-auto handguns and while I would not call the action quiet I would not call them loud ether. You could use the silenced handgun in a room of a house with the door closed and unless someone was near the door they would hear it.
Yeah, I was just using bolt action as an example of a firearm that doesn't automatically make a lot of noise. You can actually hold the bolt closed with your thumb on a 10/22 and a spent .223 case fits perfectly in the ejection port between the rear of the receiver and the bolt handle. That makes my 10/22 with Outback II spooky quiet.
No, the head above the upper lip and below the nose when facing the target straight on is the best place to shoot. Any other shot has the possibility of a voluntary or involuntary reflex. Center of mass also does not mean the chest. Center of mass was a term by Jeff Cooper to aim at the center of whatever is the largest mass the target gives to you if you don't have a headshot. If all you can see is their foot, shoot the foot. This was demonstrated during the Hollywood Bank Robbery when an officer went into what is now known as "urban prone" to get the bad guy.
Again, that is a myth. Read Jeff Cooper's works, he is the guy who came up with the modern gunfighting principles. It doesn't even make sense for center of mass to be the torso either. The vitals we want to hit are in a triangle from the middle of the clavicles and the nipples. Center of mass means center of mass. Not center of torso.
I think when someone says center of the mass they're actually saying torso, because they're considering whole body and chosing it's center thus “Center of the mass" It's a little confusing but minor explanation can help.
If you roll around on the ground it makes you much harder to hit, even with a machine gun. Being hit by a pistol bullet will pick you up and hurl you bodily across the room. Most gunshot wounds to the torso are instantly incapacitating. No one ever bleeds to death or goes into shock from a wound that isn't instantly incapacitating. Most gun stores stock full auto weapons in a special room in the back. How many more can we think of?
1) You can use one of the gun store's own guns to rob it like Arnie did in the first Terminator film. The best of British luck to you on that: the vast majority of real gun stores' guns not only aren't loaded when you buy them (or if you steal them from the displays on the wall), but they don't have their firing pins installed, so they still won't shoot even if you load them. (Also: obviously, you're not an invincible cyborg assassin from the future like the Terminator.) 2) The "spray and pray" method makes sub-machine guns deadly weapons that can massacre whole crowds. Fat chance! You go blazing away in all directions like an action movie star, you'll waste all your ammunition in one burst and likely hit very few of your intended targets as the gun recoils up and sprays the bullets over the crowd's head. Trained shooters know to use short bursts and *aim* at individual targets. You want a crowd killer, you pretty much need a mounted belt-fed machine gun, and a lot of ammunition belts to go with it. You need to shoot a lot of people with a gun you can carry, a semi-automatic handgun with a large clip is likely to be far more effective, and a semi-automatic rifle even more so. 3) Nobody's going to care where the stray bullets go. Yeah, no: if they don't hit their intended targets, those bullets have to go *somewhere*, and no one can guarantee a total lack of innocent bystanders in that somewhere. 4) Related to 3, firing guns in the air is a great way to celebrate victory. Uh, no: what goes up has to come down, and will do so at nearly the same speed it went up (less a little air drag). A fair number of Kuwaitis got killed this way by bullets raining down on them from their "happy fire" when they were celebrating their liberation from Iraqi occupation in 1991. 5) If you get shot, you've got to dig that bullet out right now! No, you don't. In fact, if you don't try to dig it out right away, you stand a far better chance of surviving. Even if the bullet has hit something vital, it will usually take a lot longer to kill you if you don't go digging after it and thereby bleeding yourself out faster. Professional surgeons in the hospital have sterilized hands and instruments, will usually have access to blood transfusions as needed, and have experienced doctors to help them prioritize which bullets they need to remove right away and which ones they can afford to take their time retrieving.
You can actually hit something when you hold a pistol or submachine gun sideways like a gangsta. In addition, if you're stupid enough to hold a weapon this way, you can control it. Most likely, it's going to loop right around due to unrestricted muzzle climb. Best result: gun swings around viciously and smacks its wielder!
@@Riprake yeah, the old movies with the full auto mac-10's, mac-11's, tec-9's, micro uzis, and modified autopistols being accurate in full auto, even accurate out to beyond normal pistol range, and able to mow down dozens of people with a single magazine is pretty stupid. With most of those weapons, if you try to empty the magazine at a single target that is maybe 10 yards away you'd be lucky to hit it 2 or 3 times since those guns become damn near uncontrollable after the first few shots. Oh, and one more that goes back to westerns, let alone action movies: "Hero" characters picking off rifle armed bad guys at 50+ yards with revolvers or pistols. Even some old war movies try to act like the officer's pistol is somehow a better weapon than the infantry rifles, it's the same kind of thing that's led most people to thinking that the sword was the king of battle for thousands of years when it was clearly the spear, but just like with pistols vs rifles, swords are sexier onscreen than spears are, so movies feature entire armies of guys wielding swords instead of the spears that dominated real life battlefields until firearms came along.
Riprake - WRONG on the firing pin theory. LGS do NOT remove the firing pin from a factory pistol or rifle. This is why stores like Cabelas now require trigger locks on all their guns.
There's a myth you missed at the end, handling guns is easy. Either holding two guns in one hand, the recoil of sub-machineguns being able to be compensated with one hand, or the ever popular holding the gun sideways and still hitting a target.
Good example, Clint Eastwood wielding 2 mp40's in "where eagles dare", although he does it more to make coverfire, than to hit, but still hits several germans anyway
Now that you have said that, you should have said sound suppressor. There are 2 types of suppressors, Sound and Flash suppressors. This is why people say silencer as to not be confused.
What the pedants insist you call a "suppressor" was invented by Hiram Maxim himself, and he marketed it as a "silencer" even though it doesn't so much. There's a case for either term.
Trained police being unable to hit anything is actually pretty accurate. I mean it is a horrible situation and not trying to insult the cops. But When I went through the shooting part of my CCL(it was the same as the police requalification at the time). I literally could have emptied a full magazine into the ground and still qualified with the remaining shots. The skill/score requirement the police required was a hell of a lot lower than my father required of me.
Actually, I don't remember seeing that one. At least not in the same movie. Except maybe for 'Collateral', but that one doesn't count and it's pretty realistic.
When someone (Hollywood version) is firing a pistol, the magazine is emptied and, and the slide is locked in the rearward position, they pull the trigger several more times, and a double-action (dry-fire) sound is dubbed in. AAAAAAHHHHH !! Don't movie sets have weapons consultants ???
They do, but the reality stuff gets overruled by directors & producers who want extra sounds to delight the suckers viewing the movie; the movies are generally targeted to appeal to know - nothing fork & spoon operators....
I take it you don't know anything about body piercing? Ears are often pierced with a piercing "gun" which uses an ear stud to do the actual piercing, and leaves the stud in place. Most other body piercings are done with a needle (ears are sometimes done with a needle) so it is a legitimate question (although the answer is still "no" - a nose stud is different to an ear stud, and the shape of the gun wouldn't work for a nose piercing).
More movie gun myths that I hate: (1) Handguns are accurate at a distance, even on moving targets. (2) Bullets from handguns can actually push someone backwards. (3) 1 bullet = 1 kill EVERY TIME (except for the good guys, of course). (4) 10 rounds in a 5 shot revolver, 30 rounds in a 10 round semi-auto, 100 rounds in a small fully-auto.
Thomas Maresh yeah and when the bad guys can’t aim for shit and when the good guys get a head shot every time....hate it. and also when the gun seems to have unlimited amo.
.45 or 10mm will DEF knock you backward. All rounds depend on range x velocity x mass, but slower heavy round is Like a punch, fast light round like a laser.any mag cartridge like .44 .454 .460 they will stop something like a bear running in its tracks. 2 shot from .45 acp at 15 yards will throw you back and on your ass. Promise
That might actually be possible if the handgun is a .460 Magnum, .500 Magnum, or .45-70; the helicopter is an old civilian model; and the shooter aims for the base of the main rotor or tail rotor. For that to be feasible, both the helicopter and the shooter would have to be stationary.
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I'm so sick of this suppressors do not silence myth. There are suppressors for the muzzle flash, suppressors for sound (silencers,) and suppressors which can do a little of both. Silencers were actually made illegal by the Geneva convention, which is why they basically don't exist outside of top secret organizations such as the CIA. With an actual silencer, you can still see the muzzle flash a little bit and they are prone to breaking after having just a few dozen rounds fired through them (sometimes less than 20 rounds depending on the ammunition,) but they do reduce the sound signature quite a lot. A silenced .22 ruger for example would be almost inaudible, even though it would only be useful at extreme close range, most viable for an assassination.
Krypton Son False. You fall back if you're wearing bodr armor. If not you generaly don't unless it's a 12 gauge or something and even then you don't fly off. It's all about energy transfer. Flesh is soft so bullets go through it and bleed force over time. The more a bullet mushrooms the quicker it loses velocity the more force it emparts hence why hollow points have more stopping power. Most rifle rounds will deposit relativelt little of their force unless they hit dense bone as they'll usually pass through with little defirmation. Then you have to consider concentration of force - bullets concentrate all their force in a tiny area which is why they're so effective. Body armor works by dispersing said energy over a wider area making it easier to absorb. For a bullet to throw you back it must stop near instantaneously.
The Crimson Fucker, Lol, what? A typical bullet travels at 2,500 feet per second and typically has a force of over 300 Newtons. That kind of impact will push a human body back at a very hard rate. Sorry, but it's basic physics. It's not going to hurl them backwards through the air like they do in movies, but they sure as hell will push someone back.
did you forget the following five, or shall there be a sequel? 1 Unlimited ammunition 2 cops can't hit a shot 3 Guns are hard to shoot because of the power, and people with who have pistols never once get affected by backfire 4 Hero never gets shot even when everybody is shooting at them 5 Being throw back by a bulelt
Whitebeard The King that doesn’t happen, people simply drop to the floor it doesn’t actually fucking push them backward significantly and make them jump
I hate how every time someone aims a gun in a movie, you hear a click. Even though you can clearly see that they haven't cocked back the hammer, you still hear a click noise lol!
Not entirely true. Yes, that's good etiquette in a professional situation like a shooting range. But most are okay with the safety off as long as you keep your finger off the trigger until you're about to shoot.
Goat boat... it seems to me that the implication Groovy was making is that the only people getting shot at from helicopters these days are in the largely desert countries.
Tim Peters Im talking special operations people. Your average cop, soldier, or firearms enthusiast would struggle. I had the pleasure of getting to shoot with an man who was in Marine Recon before he died and he could peg steel with his 1911 like nothing youve ever seen.
lol, you keyboard warriors can say all you want. When you watch this guy do it you could see in his eyes that hes had to go through doing it to people. But what do you care? youre just some pricks on the internet, and so am I. We have no reason to believe or care about what the other person says. I bid this convo farewell since theres no point in furthering this debate.
lol you think police practice all the time? Not even remotely true. The vast majority of those guys hit the range a few times a year and that is just for their requal. A few practice monthly, a bare pittance weekly.
Drives me nuts whenever in a movie someone opens the cylinder of a revolver and spins it and you hear the ratcheting/clicking sound. Yeah revolvers don't do that when the cylinder is open. Also hearing the sound of hammers cocking when you can clearly see the people in the movie have Glocks like at the beginning of The Matrix.
@@Damian-cilr2 The only time you will hear that ratcheting sound from a revolver is if it is a single action revolver and you spin the cylinder with the hammer in the loading position or a modern day Ruger with the loading gate open. But you won't hear it on a double action revolver with a swing out cylinder.
I cant remember what it was but I remember seeing some movie or tv show where the guy was shooting a revolver and the camera cut to his feet all dramatically to show shell casings hitting the floor and I was just like 😂
@@jasonkent3658 Yeah I think I saw that in Django Unchained. I wish they fell out like that. It would be cool if they did but in most cases you have to eject them slowly one by one.
Doesn't happen, they tried it on mythbusters. You need an equivalent sized object to move somebody, it's mass not speed that determines it. A bullet will just go straight through or inside someone, for the physical knockback to happen you would need a much larger projectile. (Cannon ball should do it.)
I was going to say this until I saw your comment. Realized that the narrator has an aussie (I think) accent and their strict gun laws prevent them from knowing s#!7 about guns. Yeah bullets do not make small game fly back let alone 200lb humans
You dont need an equivalent mass to move something at all. A .50 cal will easily throw a body into the air even after penetrating a few inches of concrete
Yeah, really solid actually. Even down to little things like not letting excessive set safety get in the way! Everyone needs to be safe of course, but when you've got to shoot someone absolutely point blank, it just looks shit when you see a rubber prop gun chuck out a (realistic looking) CGI muzzle flash, zero recoil, zero smoke. I actually looked over a particular shot in John Wick, and they either used an airsoft gun with powder in the barrel, or did a really good (photo-realistic, even in freeze frame) CGI job of making the slide cycle. There's always a way round. It's plain lazy as an armorer to say "rules are rules, if 2 shots are needed, only load two rounds". Safer for sure, with the actor not having to pass a loaded gun to the armorer or clear it themselves... but it looks like total shite when someone fires a fully loaded pistol once and the slide locks open! Next cut, the slide is closed again... the best armorers don't just stand about and make sure people are safe (which to be fair, is seriously important), they think about these things. If you need an actor to fire 2 shot only, but in the film the gun still has 14 round left in it, just make the 3rd round a snap cap. Although there's the odd bit of dodgy editing (almost certainly accidental, and unfixable later with late 90's technology) The Matrix had pretty stellar work from the armorer. Instead of do the old "too much work, just use a rubber prop" for the "dodge this" rooftop scene, the armorer specially modified a Beretta 84 by totally obstructing the barrel, and using an extremely light, slow burning powder in the blank. That gun was safe to be placed against the head of the actor playing Agent Brown, and would cycle, with no danger of anything leaving the barrel at all (much like a top-venting blank pistol has absolutely nothing leave the muzzle). The result was the entire slow motion shot was flawlessly perfect, complete with slide cycling, smoke, ejected casing, and with very little risk to the actors. Takes bollocks to do something like that... most OSHA/HSE types would have a seizure!
A few more: 1. Sound suppressors ("silencers") slow down or make the bullet less effective. The only thing related to sound suppressors that could result in that is if one is used in conjunction with switching to subsonic ammo. The suppressor itself doesn't negatively affect the bullet's velocity. In fact, the suppressor actually acts as almost a barrel extension, allowing for a more complete burn of the powder, actually giving the bullet a very slight (but negligible) muzzle velocity INCREASE. But movies and games seem to make it seem that if all other factors remain the same (firearm, ammo, etc.) the moment you lock in a suppressor all of a sudden your range is shortened or the bullets do not impact with as much velocity. We're talking about modern suppressors as shown in movies and games and not the old-school contact disc type that basically isn't used anymore. 2. The gun makes the slide cocking sound everytime it's unholstered. Seriously, this annoys the bejeezuz out of me... 3. Calling a magazine a "clip." 4. Guns have almost no recoil so anyone can rapid fire accurately. Movies tend to go one of two routes. Use blanks or CGI the muzzle flash. Both of these do not give as much of recoil back to the shooter as the real thing. So you either get what looks like really obvious fake recoil action done by the actor or the gun doesn't seem to move at all despite the actor holding the gun all wrong... ugh... 5. All guns give off crazy muzzle flash. Shorter barrel firearms tend to give more muzzle flash, but typically if you're using the correct ammo for the type of gun you're using muzzle flash should be very minimal. Furthermore, most military-style rifles would have muzzle devices that are specifically designed to reduce muzzle flash. Aptly called flash hiders. For example, the Smith Enterprises Vortex Flash Hider I like to use virtually eliminates any visible muzzle flash when using a 16 inch barrel or longer, and in shorter barrels it greatly decreases it to almost not noticeable. Even the standard "birdcage" muzzle devices that are standard on standard-issue military rifles help to decrease muzzle flash. Muzzle flash looks cool in movies but is actually a bad thing in real life. First, it gives away your position. And secondly it destroys your night vision. I'm not talking about NVG's, but if your eyes are acclimated to low-light because it's night-time or something, if the gun really gives off that huge flaming muzzle flash when you shoot it, guess what, your eyes are no longer acclimated to the low-light, making you effectively blind for the remainder of the fight. 6. All headshots are fatal. Except for a few exceptions, it seems to be a common myth that anytime someone is shot in the head, he/she will die instantly. That's not true other than for the small area called the brainstem. There are a lot of circumstances where someone could be shot in the head and still survive, even if only for a little while. 7. The urgency to "get the bullet out" after someone is shot. Yes it's probably best not to leave a big chunk of lead in your body forever, but the movies make it seem like the bullet itself gives off some kind of "death" radiation or something. You see it all of the time where someone is shot and he looks like he's about to die, then they dig into his body and after what looks like all hope is lost they finally retrieve the bullet, and all of a sudden the person who was shot seems to immediately feel better... Actually if someone is shot, do what you can to control the bleeding, don't ever go digging for the bullet, that's the absolute worst thing to do. And even in a hospital setting, controlling the bleeding would be the number one priority. Removing the bullet would be something that would be done at a later time once the person's condition has stabilized... 8. This isn't really a gun myth but it's something done in a million movies that really shouldn't be done (which The Equalizer, Collateral, and the new Mission Impossible showed perfectly), and that is putting a gun right up against someone's head or body. Holding someone at gunpoint that way is actually really dumb, because that person can snatch that gun out of your hand or at least deflect it away quicker than your reflexes can realize it and decide to pull the trigger. 9. Hammers on semi-autos that need cocking even after a firearm has been fired before. This is done mainly for dramatic effect, but it irks me all the same. How many times have you seen a scene in a movie where a character is angry at another, or is threatening another character. He/she has a semi-auto handgun with an external hammer pointed at the other person. And somewhere in the middle of the conversation to "show he/she is serious" that individual reaches up with his/her thumb and cocks the hammer back... Firstly, if that gun has been used before, that hammer should already be back unless that individual is using a gun with a decocker and the character actually decocked the gun prior to that. Secondly, if it's a single-action handgun such as a 1911, what did that character expect to do with the gun before cocking the hammer? Because single-action handguns are basically useless if the hammer is in the forward position. So in those cases basically the person was pointing a firearm that wasn't even in a shootable state for the entire conversation right up until he/she decides to cock the hammer...
Myth #6: Bullets kill instantly, no matter where they hit you. 0:07 In most movies the bad guys get hit once with a pistol and are instantly dead on the ground, which is ridicoulous. Only a headshot can do that.
TheRealCarlos, I am no expert on the matter but I was watching a youtube video the other day and a gas station was being robbed and the young owner decided to confront the robber and got shot in the stomach and basically died shortly after even though he was still mobile and conscious for a good few minutes after the shot It seemed to be a fit young male who got shot somewhere in the stomach/lower torso and he couldnt gather himself to call 911 (its all recorded on video)
Only a shot through the spine area and brain regions such brain stem and cerebellum will stop a person instantly. If you shot somebody in the heart, he can still stay conscious for few seconds. So shooting lower head brain/head portion would drop a person from one shot most likely.
Lots of people ask, "Well whats the point of suppressors if they don't work?" Well, usually suppressed carbines are carried by sniper teams. The suppressor dampens and distributes the sound when outdoors. Yes, people will still know there's a shot but it makes it more difficult to locate with acoustics.
Also, pistol calibers tend to be close to the speed of sound and can be made to be sub-sonic to use in conjunction with a suppressor. Still not totally silent, but much closer.
They have racked it twice even and I'm like, uh.. dude, how do you not realize you obviously forgot to load it when after racking twice, no shells ever pop out. Then they fire it no problem. Or worse yet, it suddenly becomes semi auto and never gets racked again.
Well it makes sense to rack a shotgun if you pick it up off the ground, as you do not know if it is loaded. However, racking it after shooting, and then racking it again when you take aim, that is wasteful.
Wonder why the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for the killing tool uses by mass murderers?! 30 rounds in a magazine that can be quickly exchanged for another magazine in the rifle is very convenient in the mass shootings that occur in America monthly, weekly even daily.
The thing used to pierece people is called a gun Its not a bullet firing weapon but it still has the name gun its actually a question since their is still normal piercing and they want to know the difference
The obsession with 5.56 ammunition and the M4 being so lethal! Ever see a real sniper using anything smaller than 7.62? Also let's not forget how awesome 9mm pistols and submachine guns are at hundreds of metres.
The myths I think of are not exactly about the firearm itself. One is the person running across from one side to the other in front of a guy firing a machine gun and the machine gunner can't quite turn the weapon as fast as the other guy is running. Consequently the bullets strike surfaces right behind the running man. The other one is when two people point pistols at each other at point blank range at exactly the same time. Neither shoots as though it is a stand off. All either has to do is pull the trigger and the other guy, and his pistol, are no longer a threat.
That second one kind of reminds me of the James Bond thing where the bad guy always has to kill Bond in some tricky way like in a shark tank or by laser beam. Hey Goldfinger, just shoot him!
marcus10 Nah m8 test it with a friend ask him to put his head infront of your hand at point blank range. With your hand make that gun form with your thumbs up, ask him to move out of it and try to react before his head is out of the way. His head will be out of danger before your finger even starts moving. Same thing goes for standoffs the only way the guy who shoots second could react was if it was far away, first shots missed or he didnt die from the bullet or got crippled by it.
You should really give a shout out to DEMOLITION RANCH For about 1/4 of your footage. Demolition ranch is thier channel name for those who are wondering who want accurate, non biased information about all different types of weapons. Heck, he is so honest in one of his videos about the cheapest gun on the market (the high point) that he wanted to hate it. But apon a brutal trial from everything from durability, to accuracy, jamming and so on. The only thing he could say bad about it was it was heavy and ugly) if your curious about actually getting to know / understand firearms check them out.
I saw the same video. He shot the High Point with another gun and was still able to rack it and fire it. I bought a High Point 9mm once myself simply because it was $90 and it wound up being one of the most accurate hand guns I'd had. And to be honest, I didn't think it was any uglier than any other SA I have. I mean, it's not like a mugger's gonna laugh at you if he notices the gun you're about to put him down with isn't as pretty as a Kimber 1911. LOL
Dude I bought a hi-point and it was horrible. And very inaccurate. But maybe not every firearm gets the same attention? I returned it and ending up spending an additional $300 for a Glock but it was worth it.
Yeah, a lot of liberals have a pro gun approach. It is something I wish they would get off the platform, though I don't mind the restrictions Obama is pushing.
Technically, when people talk about "gun show loopholes" they're either completely ignorant and regurgitating the bullshit they heard Obama spouting on national television, or they're trying to be slick and they're actually referring to 'private sales'. If it's the latter then any movie or TV show where they imply that buying a gun is illegal but the character is still able to buy one "under the table" then all such shows are referring to the so-called loophole and people have been able to privately buy and sell guns for decades through newspapers, magazines, and online. There's nothing any more significant about gun shows than there is comic book conventions. Even still, that's not a loophole. Whether you're selling a baseball card or a gun, the private transactions between two individuals is not the purview of the Federal government. So, whether YOU personally have seen a gun show in a movie or not is completely irrelevant. Hollywood has been central in propagating the myth of the gun show loophole for decades.
Also, about the silencers, they don't make that "pew pew" high pitch sound, which Hollywood REAAAALY LOVE. Also, gun recoils almost never look realistic in Hollywood. This is understandable because it's probably hard to do this.
They fire blanks. They have crazy muzzle flares since it's all gunpowder and no bullet to stop it from exiting the barrel while still burning. So yes, there's a reason for it, but also, yes, it's definitely hollywood guns. :)
well it's against OSHA rules to fire a blank with an open barrel at someone (Brandon Lee kinda caused that) so it's a solid barrel and they CG the flash in, and most Hollywood dipshits over do it.
ya Even tho the gun has obviously flash hider.. every military holywood film ever.. A2 birdcage on the muzzle.. Flash like a 10inch .50 BMG without flash hider..
A lot of guns do have surprising muzzle flashes under the right circumstances. If anything, the muzzle flash of something like a .50AE Desert Eagle is understated in most films. If it's captured on camera if can be two foot wide and 5 foot long, there's a few videos on youtube that get it. Meanwhile in Hollywood, there are no .50AE blanks about, so armorers will custom make their own using brass that will cycle properly in the Desert Eagle. They do struggle getting it looking good though. The camera often won't pick up every flash (which is realistic in some ways), but 9mm blanks have to be massively hot to look impressive. As an example, the pulse rifles in Aliens were originally going to be based on a 9mm rifle for the working parts, but tests showed the 9mm blanks didn't have an impressive enough muzzle flash. They ended up using an SMG that fired .45ACP blanks to compensate!
WatchMojo really seem to despise the film Heat for some reason. First it is absent from their list of greatest films, and then the best films of the 90s, and finally from the best action films of the 90s. As if that wasn't enough, they then disrespect the best and most authentic shootout in movie history by displaying it on an unrealistic list lol.
Exactly, they even used live rounds in the street (not shooting at anyone of course). It is the most realistic gunfight in a movie because everything in it was real lol
1:47 ‘too much for a little bullet to make it through’ *shows video of demolition ranch shooting the engine with a .50 bmg* Yeah little bullet for sure
The one that pisses me off the most is the "click" sound you hear when the person keeps pulling the trigger but the slide/bolt of the handgun/rifle is back due to the gun being out of ammunition. In almost all cases either the hammer is held back and can't move forward or the striker is already in the forward position and most striker fired guns are SAO. There are a few exceptions, but they're rare. Oh yeah, I also lose it when a movie shows someone cocking a shotgun, not shoot it, and then cock it again for intimidation purposes but a shell doesn't come out. Annnnd another one... they're called magazines or mags. *NOT FUCKING CLIPS!!!!* Unless it's an M1 Garand in a WWII movie... Or a SKS... OK again there's a few exceptions but also again they're rare.
There is also the famed magazine-clip. Here in CA, people have ghost guns that has ability with a 30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. 30-magazine-clip in half a second!
Movies have actually got _less_ realistic with that now because video games now use that "click click click click..." to tell players they are out of ammo so they started using that in movies. Ugh, it's so annoying, sounds like gangsters are shooting each other with paintball guns.
my cousin did cqc training with a few different police departments, and the thing that drives him nuts is putting their backs against cover. Why would you turn your back to the threat? the corner is less useful the closer you are to it. Step back, slice the pie, FACE THE THREAT.
The tool used for ear and nose piercing is actually called a gun. It is not this kind of gun (with gun powder bullets) but it has a needle between two surfaces and it`s design looks like a gun (handle and trigger look the same). I guess some people heard it, but thought about it as regular gun.
Some bullets are sub-sonic, so they will be quieter with a "silencer", still not as quiet as in the movies. The biggest movie myth you missed is that getting shot blasts you across the room. Physics tells you the force of the bullet leaving the gun is applied equally and oppositely to the shooter and no more force than this is applied to the person getting hit, so if there was enough force to blast the victim across the room, the shooter would also have gone flying in the other direction. Apparently in adrenaline-fueled situations people sometimes don't even notice they've been shot until later.
the impulse is the same, but the force will be difference as the firing impulse is spread across the time it takes to accelerate the round down the barrel, while the impact impulse is very short
yay someone that paid attention in 8th grade physics! in the cases were someone got shot and went backwards its because they jumped back when getting shot.
+Jon Gaiser thank you Jon i don't how many times ive tried to explained this to people the amount of force that you absorb when being shot is the same force the shooter experiences with the recoil of the firearm (kick for the idiots out there) and its a magazine not a clip. its not slang either when you say clip you are referring to a small strip of metal kind of looks like a womans hair barrete. any way yes equal and opposite. vary good jon thank you again.
The myth I have always enjoyed comes from westerns. I think of two guys drawing six-shooters on each other in the street (actually a myth in its own right), and one guy shooting the gun out of the other guy's hand. And here in the Olympics the best shots in the world take their time, aim, and can still miss a target that is stationary.
Well, it's technically possible. A person *could* hit a gun and it would be very difficult to hold onto a gun that was struck by a bullet simply because of the pain. But it's not exactly a good plan.
MR.Chickennuget 360 I'm referring to the Colt 45 "slap leather", in the street quick draw where one gunslinger deliberately shoots the gun out of the hand of the other gunslinger at fifty feet. It's myth, I assure you.
Mike Jansen its a myth in that that kind of thing did not happen but it CAN happen. real shoot outs in the old west normally were not that different from modern shoot outs, a bunch of drunk ass holes.
Yep, and more so with the smaller calibers. The Mossad used 22LR Berettas with silencers and the only sound they made was the action cycling and the sound of brass hitting the floor.
DannyBoy32289 Not at any distance whatsoever, not with wind blowing, not with any background noise. Plus there are some suppressed gun with bolt actions (the British developed one during WWII). While firing it makes a very slight sound, and the loudest action, by far, is quietly working the bolt (which is the operator's choice when they choose to do that).
The "Saving Private Ryan" scenes are accurate. The gun placements were several hundred yards from the waters edge. The bullets will have slowed down to subsonic speeds before reaching the water's surface. Rifle bullets have a better ballistic profile then handgun cartridges so, less drag. Which would let them retain their energy longer.
So glad he did this video and he was right on all accounts as a shooter a gun owner people who believe this stuff irritate me especially when it gets to suppressors. I own 3 and let me tell you they are quieter but they do not silence anything especially with supersonic ammo breaking the sound Barrier
I love how he says that the engine is just too hard for any little bullet to go through at 1:47, in the video, matt was shooting a .50 cal😂 that’s no little bullet😂😂
Another myth ought to be that you can't cock the hammer back on a GLOCK. I see that happen sometimes. Also, guns sound like they're randomly being cycled just because they get raised to shooting level sometimes? What's that all about? Also, racking shotguns several seconds or minutes AFTER shooting it... why? You rack it IMMEDIATELY after. Also, the water one.... that's tricky. Using a 223/5.56, those are high-velocity and FRANGIBLE. 30-caliber FMJ from a long distance away will do a little better in water, so that scene from "Saving Private Ryan" is probably a touch more reasonable.
TROOPERfarcry Why not rack the shotgun immediately after firing? While I am not an expert on guns in all honesty, I think the reason is for safety reasons. In this way, in case if a possible accident happens where the trigger is pulled, the gun wouldn't fire. When it's time to fire, prepare for a situation, or other things that guns would be used, that's when you ready the gun. Another thing is that I heard that in home defense from a trespasser, the sound of the shotgun pump can scare off the guy. Then again, who am I to talk seeing as I am no expert on guns. Still, I thought I'd share my thoughts and give a possible explanation as to why shotguns aren't pumped immediately after firing.
Cade Thumann If you know enemies are in the immediate area you're supposed to assume the worst case senario, that being the enemy is armed and dangerous. Another reason is if someone jumps out in front of you and you haven't cycled a new round your dead. The final reason is the classic Ka-Chunk made when cycling a new round. This can intimidate your enemy but also tell them "Hey! I'm over here and i haven't reloaded yet!"
There is a far easier method of not accidentally firing your shotgun, it is called keeping your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire. Because in the heat of the moment, when you need it, you may bring up the firearm to shoot, and hear it go click, instead of bang, because you had forgotten to load/reload it. That can get you killed. More people have died because they forgot to load their gun or switch off a safety in the heat of the moment, thinking their gun would fire. So instead, become proficient with your firearm, train with it safely, practice loading and unloading a few minutes every day, safely. (there are dummy rounds to help with this.) And always keep it loaded and ready.
Vladimir Lenin Sorry I haven't replied. My notification failed to notify me until now. I know that generally, it is better to have the gun ready to fire in a very heated situation. However, in several situations where there is no action going on but you want the gun to be ready to fire but wish for some extra safety at the moment, leaving an empty shell in to rack could do the trick. Granted, I don't agree to this but I'm just giving a possible reason. And hey, even people in real life have different approaches to things, some more logical than others but still. As for that last scenario, I'm pretty sure that racking the shotgun wouldn't scream "I'm not loaded!" (there's already ammunition and the racking makes the gun ready to shoot). Instead, it means "I mean business and about to shoot you. Now surrender or die!"
Depends on what you're hit by and what you're wearing. Hard armor with a pad behind it, most pistol bullets aren't going to do more than hurt a bit. Soft armor and a 12 gauge slug, yeah, you'll probably live (although people have died from shots that didn't penetrate their armor), but you're going to the ER with broken ribs for sure.
Yeah; I forgot that last time. But luckily I ran into a guy that was robbing some tourists so I just asked him to shoot down the helicopter with his berretta .25acp. Unfortunately his tourists got away while he was changing magazines so he was pretty pissed at me.
Mutum dude, just to through it out there, the ak 47 has far more examples produced then the ak 74, from Hungry to China, millions of examples out there, i like the Romanian model, looks like a ak 74, cone shaped muzzle brake but chambered in 7.62x39 , the ak 47 wasn't patented in a way to prevent countless nations from copying the rifle, Russia had quite a few factories producing them, met a guy from the Ukraine who built these in a factory in his home town, he claimed he'd his hands over 100 thousand pieces while working there, great all round rifle
Kind of along those same lines; I like it when the guy being shot flies backwards 10 feet from the impact, meanwhile the guy who fired the gun has hardly any recoil. It defies the laws of physics.
I'm curious; how much stopping or piercing power does subsonic rounds have? Say if you do everything to keep a gun deathly quiet, how much damage can you actually still do with it?
Nathan unknown Alright, that's actually enough for my aims. Thank you. Though I suppose that body armor will actually do a lot in that instance? If anyone is curious, no I'm not planning to shoot anyone. I'm just trying to develop a character obsessed with stealth and have had trouble trying to do it "realistically."
Any standard ACP round is subsonic, so it will do the same amount of damage as it would unsuppressed. No special rounds would be needed. A 25 ACP wouldn't need much suppressor to be very quiet, but a 45 ACP needs a decent size can. A 380 ACP might be your best balance if your character is working up close and personal. If he's working from further away, consider subsonic 300 AAC. It's roughly equivalent to a 45 ACP, but the supersonics are similar to 7.62x39 (AK-47) rounds. The action is the loudest part of a well-silenced gun firing subsonic rounds. A single shot gun (bolt, break open, or disabled semi) is the quietest choice. You need to think about the particular situation(s) your character will need all this super stealth and match the tool, realizing everything is a trade-off of some sort.
Another myth that irritates me. If you watch older TV shows and movies. They always show someone holding a revolver with a suppressor on it. You cannot use a suppressor on a revolver!!!! It will not work because of the gases escaping the cylinder.
You can with the Nagant revolver. As far as I know, it's the only revolver ever made that had a sealed cylinder. But the fact that there was only one like it tells us all we need to know about how useful of a thing it was...
@Red. Not the cylinder was sealed but the round sealed it. You had to use a spesific round on which the casing was londer than the projectile and sealing barrel to the drum. This was "good" enough the run a surpressor on it. However this concept proved to be ineffective due to the high wear on the weapon itself.
I think it proved ineffective because the gain in fps was not worth the extra machining and special ammo it needed to work. It has been shown over the decades that at the end of the day a revolver doesn't need to seal the cylinder in order to be effective. But the Nagant was designed in the 1890's, so it was a good idea at the time, but it just didn't work out in the real world.
Myth #1. People (usually bad guys) die right away when shot. Unless it’s at a few exact spots, death from a gun is much more visceral. Usually there’s lots of screaming, bleeding, crying: you get the picture.
A militia is any non professional and non permanent military force. Militias are by definition incapable of owning anything on their own. However the I do believe you are getting that backward anyway the amendment specifically says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The militia is only mentioned in the opening explanation. You are right about it being possible to repeal it, but good luck on getting two thirds of the states to agree to it. Also remember, the second amendment is a great reminder that sometimes the cost of freedom is that those who are evil, are free to do evil things. A massive portion of the constitution protects only people who have criminal charges being leveled against them. Those should not be repeal either, and for the same reason.
The Bill of Rights were an afterthought because it didn't occur to them that the rights they protect might not have been obvious to some. Thanks for proving why they decided otherwise. Do you think "the people" means "only the militia" in the rest of the Constitution too?
I'm sorry to disappoint good thinking people, but as someone with shitloads of TNT and Dynamite hanging around my house just like that, (not even mine or anyone's property, really) i'd take out that mass murder thing too and murders as well.With one finger i can kill a man twice my body size in about a second and just let him die there with pretty much no chance to survive, and that in more than just a throat rip off. Knives, sticks, bars, tubes, glasses, plastic, rocks, cables, wires, shoelaces, needles, drugs, poison, cars, punch in the back of the neck, punch in the jaw, punch between shoulders, punch under ribs, punch on the back of the ear, on top of the ear, on top of the forehead, to hell, in the balls too. Can't even count the infinite amount of ways you can kill someone in infinite various conditions, so guns wouldn't be doing much after all. And yeah, i can personally make a gun, my grandfather made one or two when he was in school, my uncle from mom's side did one too, my friend made one too once a while back playing around but it did fire deadly shots. Like damn, is it really that hard to make a gun and kill people? Clearly not enough, so i agree it would help some but damn sure wouldn't be dong much, so absolutely not worth the cost of my ability to defend myself at any time, any place, independently from the need of any official support's need. With all due respect: A gun lover and and (amateur) ballistic's designer.
If you get your firearm education from movies, you probably believe that all you need to do to hit someone from long distance, is to put the crosshair on them, and pull the trigger. This is one of my favorites. Guy shoots someone at 100 yards, and another at 500 yards, with the same reticle placement.
Actually if you pair a silenced firearm with subsonic ammunition, all you'll be able to hear is the action of the gun. That's what makes them super quiet.
With most all you can manage is making it so that you don't need hearing protection, but I have seen a few that sounded like louder versions of BB guns when fired.
#6. Revolver cylinders (actually don’t) make a “zzzzzzzzz” sound when spun outside of the frame. They have to be closed in the frame and half-cocked, usually in a single-action cowboy-type revolver. And even then, it damaged the gun. But it sure sounds cool, doesn’t it? 🙄
You can spin any revolver with the cylinder closed if you hold the hammer back the right amount. Not very safe if it's loaded, obviously. The only damage you'll do is leaving drag marks on the cylinder, and on a properly timed single action on half cock you won't even do that. They're designed to have the cylinder rotated like that for loading (although slower, of course).
CyberJay, only the very old single actions require half cocking to unlock the cylinder. My dad's old Ruger .22 doesn't require half-cocking. I've fired several brands of single actions from Ruger to Colt and Freedom Arms. All worked the same way: just swing the loading door open and it unlocks the cylinder.
"But it sure sounds cool, doesn’t it?" That answers everything about your complaint: It's for the good looks, not the "realism". Big-budget movies are all about beng Fun, not "Educational".
Another Hollywood myth: taking a revolver with a swing-out cylinder, opening it, checking the load, and closing it by flipping the wrist. Looks "cool", but in REAL life that damages both the pivot pin and the cylinder latch. Nothing so much fun as having the cylinder of your trusty Smith-Wesson .38 snubby fall out in the middle of a firefight because the latch broke!
Silencers not only silence the gun, but the victim as well. No one ever screams in pain when shot with a silenced weapon, they die instantly, and fall into something soft.
well that's why you need to shot them in the head so they don't scream.
Jeff Albers do they?
Its not a silencer its a suppressor it dosent make the gun silent but it suppresses the sound
@@gabby6993 the terms silencer and suppressor are both correct, actually.
you know what drives me crazy about firearms in movies and tv? the random clicking noises they all make whenever they're aimed or even moved.
b for real
b imagine if that happened in real life for everything. You pick up your phone, the screen lock sound, you pick up a pencil, a scratch sound, you pick up a shoe, a scrunch sound.
u touch a girls butt, a fart sound
b Haha, exactly. The threatening sound of cocking the hammer on a Glock :-D
John Doe I like and is your name joker
#6 - CONSTANTLY pumping a shotgun without shooting it. Drives me crazy every time.
BaneofExistence and each time you pump it you eject an unfired cartridge and chamber another round.
Also using the sound of a racking shotgun for EVERY TYPE OF GUN.... I cant remember the money but they used a shotgun sound for a bolt action rifle lol
Slam fire maybe
Lol I was looking for that comment lol
Gun sounds in general when a gun gets swung around in a movie they put these stupid metal mechanical audio with it its ridiculous
unlimited ammo until you fight the big guy and randomly find another gun
Either that or absolutely no on-site weapon procurement, yet characters bitch about running out of ammo (ex.: Battle Royale 2). They just leave functional resources lying around. Movie logic is worse than video game logic.
Ironically, even though hollywood guns have infinite ammo, it dematerializes when they cock the weapon. Every time they pick up a firearm they cycle the action but the cartridge they chambered 4 minutes earlier doesnt come flying out.
Here's another gun myth:
Each magazine contains hundreds of rounds. You can spray bullets at full-auto, w/o having to reload.
or not having to reload period regaurdless of what gun it is unless the scene requires tension that having to reload provides
@@apoiadordelobos7887 acctualy. Most airsoft magazines only hold accurate amounts of ammo or close to it. Only exceptions would most likely be lmg's & high-cap. Mags.
Or without your barrel overheating
And you can about dual wield any weapon without a stock even and no recoil
Yep. The Lone Ranger and Tonto each managed about 30 rounds out of a 6 shot revolver before reloading. And their ammo belts never had any empty spots.
In the infamous Robocop Range Scene, he fired 141 rounds out of a pistol that holds 12 rounds in the clip without reloading, in less than two minutes.
The biggest myth is people flying 10 feet backwards from being hit by gunfire. Not that much force transfers.
09rja actually a lot of force transfers. That's how a bullet can pierce you and cause a large wound cavity
A lot of that has to do with contact stresses and so forth. The stuff you see in these Terminator movies where people (well, machines actually) go flying through windows is just nonsense. If that was true/possible you'd break/dislocate your shoulder from firing a weapon.
09rja I didn't day you'd go flying back. I said force transfers.
Sure some transfers.....but not that much. Somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10-15 lbs.
@@09rja exactly. If gunshots were so powerful then the shooter would fly back as well
- 6 rotary barrels machine gun: *misses every shot*
- 6-shots revolver: *kills 18 bad guys due to penetration*
Phúc Giang or when the dude shoots a 6 round revolver 20 times and still doesn’t reload. It really ticks me off
Nolan Green basically the infinite ammo thing the only time they ever reload is when they need tension
Phúc Giang *main Villain comes out*
*Runs out of bullets*
you mean magically having extra bullets.
Also, being able to hear individual shots from a rotary machinegun. They shoot so fast it sounds more like extra loud rally cars
"Headshots are easy" - Every character on The Walking Dead.
I guess they played a lot of COD before the apocalypse.
Headshots are easy
Like really easy you just practice your shooting skills
John wick
Oh yeah heads shots without aiming is easy
“Pillows can't make a gun silent” (puts a silencer and pillow on a pistol gun) silenced :)
Demolition ranch actually did a thing (think it was demolition ranch) where they tested it and it was noticeably quieter with a pillow
Steven Segal uses a 2 liter soda bottle as a silencer. Funny and stupid at the same time.
@@davidhomer78 Actually, I used a 16oz water bottle with wet paper towels taped to the end of a .22 pistol --- 2 shots quiet. Worked well.
Thank you, I need to remember that.
They use pillows to suck the blood
I was a police firearms instructor for 20 yrs. Even with the best hearing protection my hearing was damaged.
How were your ears damaged with ear protection like im not calling you a lier but that jist doesnt make sense
@@stevensharpe1419 you can still hear the sound. I've experienced firing a gun and you can still hear it with ear protection on. I'm just 10 man! And I'm a girl. I learned firing for self defense.
@@sheridancoronado7411 than your ear protection must not be that good I've shot dozens of guns and never had that problem
He said 'firearm instructor', you know what he did almost everyday for 20 years right?
@@izokido yeah it doesnt matter how long you do it if your have the right shit on ive shot gums for years and done demo work with explosives if you dont have shit equipment your ok but like i said he probably didnt considering he did it for 20 years and they had shit ear pro back when he forst started
The double action hammer noise when someone points a glock 17 drives me nuts
or when they cock the gun
Or when they guy pulls the hammer back on a semi automatic pistol, it's like " wait, you loaded a bullet into the chamber, and uncocked it just so you can look cool when you see the bad guy!?!"
LMAO, good one! And remember in the first episode of "The Walking Dead" how Rick tells his deputy to release the safety? The guy was holding a Glock.....and moved his thumb over the slide release....on the right side of the pistol.
Can't make that shit up.
@@slopcrusher3482 well semi autos do have hammers it just depends on the pistol like some have hammers some dont glocks dont have hammer but a sig p226 does so its somewhat accurate on mpst pistols but you dont have to
lol... Yeah! Or someone who has been in a fire fight for a while and then a climactic scene happens and they cock the hammer back on an auto pistol.. you would literally have to have a rack it, and drop the hammer just to cock it again.
My favorite is the “endless magazine”. Hollywood always shows weapons with standard magazines shooting hundreds of rounds without the shooter ever having to reload.
Michael Mann was quite good at showing realistic gunplay in Miami Vice and movies like Collateral. You can count the rounds fired, and he has the actor change mags just when they should.
And most people don't understand it only takes like 2-3 second to dump a machine gun magazine. You always see these multiple automatic burst shots that go on for like 10 seconds.
Pumping the shotgun at unnecessary times, rocket launchers having kick.
GamerGuyWorld I forgot which movie or show but I saw when this guy went up to someone with a shotgun and pointed it at them and asked a question and when the person tried to walk away he pumped the why aim a non loaded gun at someone?
Some rocket launchers can be used indoors. The RPG has a two stage charge, the first stage is light and expels it from the tube, the main stage only ignites when the rocket is a few meters downrange - that way it doesn't blow the user's face off. The first stage is light enough that it doesn't cause excessive backblast indoors, although you still wouldn't want to stand directly behind one when it was fired. Now a US LAW, no, you would not want to be firing that indoors - the design is the opposite, the full charge is burned before the rocket leaves the tube so the blast is all behind the firer and not in his face.
@Oberstgreup,Well yes but you still have to check the blast zone which is when fireing from a window position the whole room.
And whooting it from there I realy don't want to be the shooter or have enough water to drink afterwards. Its messy and you'll inhale a crap ton of shit.
@@chasesmith9398 because if he didnt do WHAT you want then pump it and he will shit his pants and do whatever you want
how about 1-shot AT weapons made to penetrate and ignite ammo/fuel etc. with a bea of copper, that's being used several times within a few seconds to blow large holes in concrete structures? Just look at the AT-4 in Johnny Mnemonic that is aside from that also held backwards during one of the shots.
Most of these are common sense if you have ever shot at all.
this dudes british
@@hairycheesefungus hes saying they are fake they dont always work so jes agreeing with the video
I haven't shot a single gun (because gun laws in Greece are complete BULLSHIT) and I know how guns work. It's simple physics and common sense
@@hairycheesefungus so? a lot of Brits have used firearms.
Unlimited Ammunition
rai x
More like bottomless mags
rai x Yes, unlimited ammunition, and the ever present people go flying when hit, the "magical" weapons that have no recoil whatsoever, the always lethal "one shot wonder", (AKA instant death), and the one they mentioned briefly, after a bazzilion rounds, everyone around can hear just fine, even so much as often times the actors & actresses actually whisper dialogue right after an intense firefight scene. So much BS...
Predator springs to mind. That minigun fired so much ammo they would've been carrying about 50 ammo crates around with them everywhere they went.
shoots AR-15 for 3 minutes straight then reloads
Another myth based off the number one and that scene with the suppressed revolver. The vast majority of revolvers cannot be effectively silenced, since the mechanism is mostly open. If it has the gas sealing system of the Nagant revolver, where the cylinder Is being pushed forward upon cocking the hammer, it creates a gas seal and that revolver can be effectively suppressed. It's the basis for the revolvers in the Metro series, which was an intelligent move on 4A's part.
love metro & love revolvers. can't believe i didn't know this!
I have a silenced rpg and you are right it is still kinda loud
Aww man, I was really hoping for those _sneaky_ explosions...
I have a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range and boy that sucker is loud.
RPG tank boom!
its an rpgl standing for rocket reppeled grenade launcher
my favorite is how movies will lead you to believe that virtually anything is bullet proof. tables, upholstered furniture like chairs and sofas, walls, appliances, etc.
J Lee "we'll be safe behind this overturned card table!"
J Lee some other gun myths:
1. Criminals using high powered weapons, such as .50 hand guns. High powered guns with huge cartridges are heavy, large and expensive. Their ammo is expensive. The Barrett .50 for example is over 5 feet long. No criminal trying to look inconspicuous is going to carry a huge high powered firearm. Because of all of these, police actually like something like this because these guns are rare and cuts their list of potential suspects down tremendously.
2. Large capacity magazines do not make a gun "deadlier". It just holds more bullets, but it also makes the gun heavier and I believe can contribute to jamming.
3. If you shoot a person in front of someone else, the bullet most likely can pass through the target and hit the person on the other side.
zatoth13 let's hide behind this tent bullets won't get us
J Lee i play rainbow six now i know u can shoot through non reinforced walls
Actually, with walls it depends on where you are. In US-style buildings you can shoot trough a wall, because in the US buildings are made of lighter materials, like sheetrock (that is why it is actually possible in Hollywood movis to punch your fist through a wall). In Europe you have concrete walls, mostly with steel matting inside. Most bullets aren't strong enough to go through 20 centimeters of concrete and steel.
My favourite gun myth comes from westerns, the duel at high noon. Those old guns aren't accurate enough for something like a duel at high noon and also most cowboys were lousy shots. Bullets were expensive and rare, especially when you were out in the wild most of the time, so they simply couldn't afford buying enough bullets for training. Most of these duels or saloon shootouts were done at arm's length.
A couple things about silencers, that I'm sure someone in the other 4,000 comments has mentioned
1. Some bullets are subsonic, meaning they don't break the sound barrier. The .45 acp is a good example of this; it's a very large bullet, but it travels really slowly, about 200 fps or so less than the average 9mm. Subsonic bullets are much easier to suppress.
2. Suppressors simply don't work on revolvers. There is a gap between the cylinder and the barrel, and when the bullet is fired, burning gasses escape from the gap, so you will still hear the gunpowder exploding regardless of whether the gun has a suppressor or not.
wrong on 2, the nagant revolver has a cylinder that shifts forward, sealing the gap. its called research
Raziel Talos I'm aware of the Nagant revolver, hickock45 did a video on it awhile ago. However, it's not exactly a common gun, and it doesn't have a threaded barrel, so you can't put a suppressor on it anyways. Most of the revolvers used in movies with suppressors are S&W or Colt .38 specials, and in those cases, the revolvers would not be compatible with silencers.
A specifically made firearm like the Nagant M1895 are exceptions to a rule, but doesn't break it. The vast majority of revolvers can't be silenced.
It's called research.
.45 acp on average travels at about 830 fps..... 200fps is slower than an airsoft gun.
anyvideostuff 101 I don't know if you're trolling, but airsoft guns rarely have velocities over 450 fps.
The most annoying mistake is calling the magazine a clip.
The easiest way to explain the difference to laypersons is as follows: "A clip is a device, other than a speedloader, used for loading a magazine or cylinder."
Dats a nigga word for mag
Unless hes shooting a M1 Garand or say a Mosin Nagant M91/30 or other variants.using stripper clips to load the fixed
@@ivanvolkov4469 No...its an idiot word for a magazine...
Liam Nelson it’s a clip
The silencer thing is more complicated than that. If you attach a modern, highly efficient silencer to a bolt action .357 rifle and shoot a subsonic bullet, it will be spooky quiet. They never make that "pew pew" noise from the movies, but if you can eliminate the sonic crack and the action noise, and if you are using a very good silencer, the sort of "whiff" sound of the bullet passing through the air and the "thud" of it impacting down range is all that's left.
only if you have a quiet action. Most semiautos aren't very quiet when they chamber a round though, so it will still sound like a fork hitting a plate
Did you read like four words of that post before you started writing your reply?
My dad has a suppressed bolt action .308 and a few dozen sub sonic rounds, and the first time i heard it i was surprised at how quiet it actually is. You could easily cover up the sound of that with a sneeze
Doesn't have to be bolt action. Ads for silencers in the early 20th century show them mounted on lever action carbines chambered to revolver rounds. Also I have owned semi-auto handguns and while I would not call the action quiet I would not call them loud ether. You could use the silenced handgun in a room of a house with the door closed and unless someone was near the door they would hear it.
Yeah, I was just using bolt action as an example of a firearm that doesn't automatically make a lot of noise. You can actually hold the bolt closed with your thumb on a 10/22 and a spent .223 case fits perfectly in the ejection port between the rear of the receiver and the bolt handle. That makes my 10/22 with Outback II spooky quiet.
Another myth for you: one shot in the chest area always kills.
Vyjz mostly truth. Though it does does on where you're hit and what by what caliber. Center mass is the best place to shoot to incapacitate.
No, the head above the upper lip and below the nose when facing the target straight on is the best place to shoot. Any other shot has the possibility of a voluntary or involuntary reflex.
Center of mass also does not mean the chest. Center of mass was a term by Jeff Cooper to aim at the center of whatever is the largest mass the target gives to you if you don't have a headshot. If all you can see is their foot, shoot the foot. This was demonstrated during the Hollywood Bank Robbery when an officer went into what is now known as "urban prone" to get the bad guy.
Dave Smith no, what? The torso is and will always be considered the center of mass of a person
Again, that is a myth. Read Jeff Cooper's works, he is the guy who came up with the modern gunfighting principles. It doesn't even make sense for center of mass to be the torso either. The vitals we want to hit are in a triangle from the middle of the clavicles and the nipples.
Center of mass means center of mass. Not center of torso.
I think when someone says center of the mass they're actually saying torso, because they're considering whole body and chosing it's center thus “Center of the mass"
It's a little confusing but minor explanation can help.
If you roll around on the ground it makes you much harder to hit, even with a machine gun. Being hit by a pistol bullet will pick you up and hurl you bodily across the room. Most gunshot wounds to the torso are instantly incapacitating. No one ever bleeds to death or goes into shock from a wound that isn't instantly incapacitating. Most gun stores stock full auto weapons in a special room in the back. How many more can we think of?
1) You can use one of the gun store's own guns to rob it like Arnie did in the first Terminator film. The best of British luck to you on that: the vast majority of real gun stores' guns not only aren't loaded when you buy them (or if you steal them from the displays on the wall), but they don't have their firing pins installed, so they still won't shoot even if you load them. (Also: obviously, you're not an invincible cyborg assassin from the future like the Terminator.)
2) The "spray and pray" method makes sub-machine guns deadly weapons that can massacre whole crowds. Fat chance! You go blazing away in all directions like an action movie star, you'll waste all your ammunition in one burst and likely hit very few of your intended targets as the gun recoils up and sprays the bullets over the crowd's head. Trained shooters know to use short bursts and *aim* at individual targets. You want a crowd killer, you pretty much need a mounted belt-fed machine gun, and a lot of ammunition belts to go with it. You need to shoot a lot of people with a gun you can carry, a semi-automatic handgun with a large clip is likely to be far more effective, and a semi-automatic rifle even more so.
3) Nobody's going to care where the stray bullets go. Yeah, no: if they don't hit their intended targets, those bullets have to go *somewhere*, and no one can guarantee a total lack of innocent bystanders in that somewhere.
4) Related to 3, firing guns in the air is a great way to celebrate victory. Uh, no: what goes up has to come down, and will do so at nearly the same speed it went up (less a little air drag). A fair number of Kuwaitis got killed this way by bullets raining down on them from their "happy fire" when they were celebrating their liberation from Iraqi occupation in 1991.
5) If you get shot, you've got to dig that bullet out right now! No, you don't. In fact, if you don't try to dig it out right away, you stand a far better chance of surviving. Even if the bullet has hit something vital, it will usually take a lot longer to kill you if you don't go digging after it and thereby bleeding yourself out faster. Professional surgeons in the hospital have sterilized hands and instruments, will usually have access to blood transfusions as needed, and have experienced doctors to help them prioritize which bullets they need to remove right away and which ones they can afford to take their time retrieving.
You can actually hit something when you hold a pistol or submachine gun sideways like a gangsta. In addition, if you're stupid enough to hold a weapon this way, you can control it. Most likely, it's going to loop right around due to unrestricted muzzle climb. Best result: gun swings around viciously and smacks its wielder!
@@Riprake yeah, the old movies with the full auto mac-10's, mac-11's, tec-9's, micro uzis, and modified autopistols being accurate in full auto, even accurate out to beyond normal pistol range, and able to mow down dozens of people with a single magazine is pretty stupid. With most of those weapons, if you try to empty the magazine at a single target that is maybe 10 yards away you'd be lucky to hit it 2 or 3 times since those guns become damn near uncontrollable after the first few shots.
Oh, and one more that goes back to westerns, let alone action movies: "Hero" characters picking off rifle armed bad guys at 50+ yards with revolvers or pistols. Even some old war movies try to act like the officer's pistol is somehow a better weapon than the infantry rifles, it's the same kind of thing that's led most people to thinking that the sword was the king of battle for thousands of years when it was clearly the spear, but just like with pistols vs rifles, swords are sexier onscreen than spears are, so movies feature entire armies of guys wielding swords instead of the spears that dominated real life battlefields until firearms came along.
Bruce Tucker it's like you watched one movie and you wana use the details of that particular lousy movie to describe all other movies ever released.
Riprake - WRONG on the firing pin theory. LGS do NOT remove the firing pin from a factory pistol or rifle. This is why stores like Cabelas now require trigger locks on all their guns.
There's a myth you missed at the end, handling guns is easy. Either holding two guns in one hand, the recoil of sub-machineguns being able to be compensated with one hand, or the ever popular holding the gun sideways and still hitting a target.
Good example, Clint Eastwood wielding 2 mp40's in "where eagles dare", although he does it more to make coverfire, than to hit, but still hits several germans anyway
That's why they are actually called " suppressors " not " silencers ".
Now that you have said that, you should have said sound suppressor. There are 2 types of suppressors, Sound and Flash suppressors. This is why people say silencer as to not be confused.
Not only that although they are called both, and they are one in the same. It's illegal to own a silencer but it's not illegal to own a suppressor
They were never officially named "suppressors"
they were actually referred to as silencers before they were ever called suppressors in the U.S. military
What the pedants insist you call a "suppressor" was invented by Hiram Maxim himself, and he marketed it as a "silencer" even though it doesn't so much. There's a case for either term.
I love the shoutouts to Demolition Ranch!
Zach Cushing thought it was only me🔥
Zach Cushing forget that I watch Vet Ranch
lol you name yourself that but can't even spell bleach properly....
Trained police man: misses every shit
Main hero in the movie first time shooting a gun: direct hit every time
Yeah, actual hit rates in real world gunfights are very low, and that's usually from 5-8 feet away.
Trained police being unable to hit anything is actually pretty accurate. I mean it is a horrible situation and not trying to insult the cops. But When I went through the shooting part of my CCL(it was the same as the police requalification at the time). I literally could have emptied a full magazine into the ground and still qualified with the remaining shots. The skill/score requirement the police required was a hell of a lot lower than my father required of me.
Actually, I don't remember seeing that one. At least not in the same movie. Except maybe for 'Collateral', but that one doesn't count and it's pretty realistic.
Then I think those cops need to be potty trained lol
When someone (Hollywood version) is firing a pistol, the magazine is emptied and, and the slide is locked in the rearward position, they pull the trigger several more times, and a double-action (dry-fire) sound is dubbed in. AAAAAAHHHHH !!
Don't movie sets have weapons consultants ???
They do, but the reality stuff gets overruled by directors & producers who want extra sounds to delight the suckers viewing the movie; the movies are generally targeted to appeal to know - nothing fork & spoon operators....
no they read the "experts from you tube" comments
"Can you use a gun to pierce your nose?" Really? That takes a special kind of stupid from someone who's never encountered a gun in any context.
I take it you don't know anything about body piercing? Ears are often pierced with a piercing "gun" which uses an ear stud to do the actual piercing, and leaves the stud in place. Most other body piercings are done with a needle (ears are sometimes done with a needle) so it is a legitimate question (although the answer is still "no" - a nose stud is different to an ear stud, and the shape of the gun wouldn't work for a nose piercing).
xriex it's just ignorance by watchmojo anyone with half a brain cell knows whoever is asking that is talking about a piercing gun
You can use a gun to pierce your head, its called suicide, at its quite successful in many cases
More movie gun myths that I hate:
(1) Handguns are accurate at a distance, even on moving targets.
(2) Bullets from handguns can actually push someone backwards.
(3) 1 bullet = 1 kill EVERY TIME (except for the good guys, of course).
(4) 10 rounds in a 5 shot revolver, 30 rounds in a 10 round semi-auto, 100 rounds in a small fully-auto.
ONLY 10 rounds in a 5 shot revolver?
John Wayne and a bunch of others certainly had more than that in their Old West revolvers!
Thomas Maresh yeah and when the bad guys can’t aim for shit and when the good guys get a head shot every time....hate it. and also when the gun seems to have unlimited amo.
John Wick fixes most of those problems.
The one i hate is when you hear a hammer click on a glock
.45 or 10mm will DEF knock you backward. All rounds depend on range x velocity x mass, but slower heavy round is Like a punch, fast light round like a laser.any mag cartridge like .44 .454 .460 they will stop something like a bear running in its tracks. 2 shot from .45 acp at 15 yards will throw you back and on your ass. Promise
Myth #6 "silencers" the truth is there's no such thing as a "silencer" only a "suppressor"
The technical term is often "silencer," but no it isn't really silent. Subsonic rounds with a silencer sure is quiet though :)
But the original “suppressor” was in fact called the maxim silencer made in 1902
And then you know the Welrod.
You realize they covered that under the last one, right?
Emperor Alvis thier the same thing
What about a handgun used to take down a helicopter? lol
That might actually be possible if the handgun is a .460 Magnum, .500 Magnum, or .45-70; the helicopter is an old civilian model; and the shooter aims for the base of the main rotor or tail rotor. For that to be feasible, both the helicopter and the shooter would have to be stationary.
What about using a fire axe to take down a helicopter?
I you are lucky enough to hit the counter balance rotor yes it could happen.
Or just shoot the pilot, wait, does that work?
Hit that baby with a .50 BMG armor piercer at the pilot and walk away with a smug grin and a good story.
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Many more to come!
There is some truth to the silencer making guns super quiet myth, as long as your ammo is sub-sonic
+Tyler Price and was a manual action
This channel is so freakin awesome
Thank you +Watchmojo
I'm so sick of this suppressors do not silence myth. There are suppressors for the muzzle flash, suppressors for sound (silencers,) and suppressors which can do a little of both.
Silencers were actually made illegal by the Geneva convention, which is why they basically don't exist outside of top secret organizations such as the CIA. With an actual silencer, you can still see the muzzle flash a little bit and they are prone to breaking after having just a few dozen rounds fired through them (sometimes less than 20 rounds depending on the ammunition,) but they do reduce the sound signature quite a lot. A silenced .22 ruger for example would be almost inaudible, even though it would only be useful at extreme close range, most viable for an assassination.
dude top 1 should be that guns have infinite ammo
Deff_ WGO lol
Another gun myth: Being thrown backwards by a bullet hitting you.
Yeah that one kills me. haha
Umm, no, that's pretty real. They hit you at a pretty high speed, there's a hell of an impact.
Krypton Son nice bait. You almost had me kid.
Krypton Son False. You fall back if you're wearing bodr armor. If not you generaly don't unless it's a 12 gauge or something and even then you don't fly off. It's all about energy transfer. Flesh is soft so bullets go through it and bleed force over time. The more a bullet mushrooms the quicker it loses velocity the more force it emparts hence why hollow points have more stopping power. Most rifle rounds will deposit relativelt little of their force unless they hit dense bone as they'll usually pass through with little defirmation. Then you have to consider concentration of force - bullets concentrate all their force in a tiny area which is why they're so effective. Body armor works by dispersing said energy over a wider area making it easier to absorb.
For a bullet to throw you back it must stop near instantaneously.
The Crimson Fucker, Lol, what? A typical bullet travels at 2,500 feet per second and typically has a force of over 300 Newtons. That kind of impact will push a human body back at a very hard rate. Sorry, but it's basic physics. It's not going to hurl them backwards through the air like they do in movies, but they sure as hell will push someone back.
They forgot about a major factor like recoil. Also yes a subsonic round with a suppressor is about as loud as a airsoft gun.
Dude recoil is acting problem
Funkmaster Red again, it all depends on the gun and suppressor used.
Usually suppressors dampen by about 25-30 decibels, about the same as your average ear protection.
Subsonic rounds are as good as a Airsoft round lol
Uh...not....a lot louder than an airsoft gun bro...even with the slowest sub sonic loads
Who else was excited to see DemolitionRanch on here
IcePickMan just searched for a comment mentioning him ^^
greetings from germany, have a nice day :)
Lea Stallwitz same
Broken Heart Boy same so hyped
IcePickMan yessssss
not really because Im on youtube and I can just go to their channel whenever..
Myth #6
Top ten channels are based on facts.
Andy Daubner except LEMMiNO.
He’s cool
Hey look Matt(demotion ranch ) got in the vid .
Hell y'all !
+european_ cucumber don't move!.... Bobby?
Nice :)
Now we just need cooter to show up
ChromeArty YAS QUEEN!
did you forget the following five, or shall there be a sequel?
1 Unlimited ammunition
2 cops can't hit a shot
3 Guns are hard to shoot because of the power, and people with who have pistols never once get affected by backfire
4 Hero never gets shot even when everybody is shooting at them
5 Being throw back by a bulelt
What’s a bulelt?
@@ohno712 Smart Ass!😁
Plot Armor is bullet proof.
backfire? recoil
Whitebeard The King that doesn’t happen, people simply drop to the floor it doesn’t actually fucking push them backward significantly and make them jump
I hate how every time someone aims a gun in a movie, you hear a click. Even though you can clearly see that they haven't cocked back the hammer, you still hear a click noise lol!
Reliablethreat it’s the safety you’re always supposed to have it on unless you’re literally about to shoot
Not entirely true. Yes, that's good etiquette in a professional situation like a shooting range. But most are okay with the safety off as long as you keep your finger off the trigger until you're about to shoot.
For that reason I couldn't watch Blacklist.
Reliablethreat safety switch
"Next time a helicopter chases you, go for a swim"
Groovy then swim in the sand you dumdums! 😂
Groovy they're talking about in general, not at that specific moment....
Good... they probably don't know how to swim then... get them to the water and let them dive in... lol
He means if you're near water, jump in it
Goat boat... it seems to me that the implication Groovy was making is that the only people getting shot at from helicopters these days are in the largely desert countries.
Myth number 6, you can hit people with a perfect headshot with pistol at a range of 25 yards or more everytime.
With fucktons of practice you can. And also what pistol your using and what sights it has makes a difference.
+Erik Langford something tells me you have no field experience.
Tim Peters Im talking special operations people. Your average cop, soldier, or firearms enthusiast would struggle. I had the pleasure of getting to shoot with an man who was in Marine Recon before he died and he could peg steel with his 1911 like nothing youve ever seen.
lol, you keyboard warriors can say all you want. When you watch this guy do it you could see in his eyes that hes had to go through doing it to people. But what do you care? youre just some pricks on the internet, and so am I. We have no reason to believe or care about what the other person says. I bid this convo farewell since theres no point in furthering this debate.
lol you think police practice all the time? Not even remotely true. The vast majority of those guys hit the range a few times a year and that is just for their requal. A few practice monthly, a bare pittance weekly.
Drives me nuts whenever in a movie someone opens the cylinder of a revolver and spins it and you hear the ratcheting/clicking sound. Yeah revolvers don't do that when the cylinder is open. Also hearing the sound of hammers cocking when you can clearly see the people in the movie have Glocks like at the beginning of The Matrix.
there probably is some exceptions but the cylinder does not come out(most likely) (seen it in another video about stupid gun myths)
@@Damian-cilr2 The only time you will hear that ratcheting sound from a revolver is if it is a single action revolver and you spin the cylinder with the hammer in the loading position or a modern day Ruger with the loading gate open. But you won't hear it on a double action revolver with a swing out cylinder.
I cant remember what it was but I remember seeing some movie or tv show where the guy was shooting a revolver and the camera cut to his feet all dramatically to show shell casings hitting the floor and I was just like 😂
I love it when they reload a single action style revolvers by spinning the drum and the shot rounds fly out
@@jasonkent3658 Yeah I think I saw that in Django Unchained. I wish they fell out like that. It would be cool if they did but in most cases you have to eject them slowly one by one.
Experienced gunmen not noticing the weight difference when their gun is unloaded (especially when it's their own gun!).
JedForge why has No one mentioned shooting guns inside rooms, cars, etc etc and act like nothing happened lol
576575s Huh? What'd you just say?
Ow! My tinnitus!
Archer is the most realistic show or movie WRT hearing effects of gunshots.
576575s terminator 2 the elevator scene lol
what about the 10 ft throw back when one gets shot ?
Doesn't happen, they tried it on mythbusters. You need an equivalent sized object to move somebody, it's mass not speed that determines it. A bullet will just go straight through or inside someone, for the physical knockback to happen you would need a much larger projectile. (Cannon ball should do it.)
I was going to say this until I saw your comment. Realized that the narrator has an aussie (I think) accent and their strict gun laws prevent them from knowing s#!7 about guns. Yeah bullets do not make small game fly back let alone 200lb humans
Not Aussie, pom I reckon.
You dont need an equivalent mass to move something at all. A .50 cal will easily throw a body into the air even after penetrating a few inches of concrete
Jacob Monseur
untrue, tried and tested this in the military, the bullet go at such speed that it goes through and the target just slumps.
any firearm experienced person will criticize Hollywood firearm crap.
Brenden Barnes well said
Yeah, really solid actually. Even down to little things like not letting excessive set safety get in the way! Everyone needs to be safe of course, but when you've got to shoot someone absolutely point blank, it just looks shit when you see a rubber prop gun chuck out a (realistic looking) CGI muzzle flash, zero recoil, zero smoke. I actually looked over a particular shot in John Wick, and they either used an airsoft gun with powder in the barrel, or did a really good (photo-realistic, even in freeze frame) CGI job of making the slide cycle.
There's always a way round. It's plain lazy as an armorer to say "rules are rules, if 2 shots are needed, only load two rounds". Safer for sure, with the actor not having to pass a loaded gun to the armorer or clear it themselves... but it looks like total shite when someone fires a fully loaded pistol once and the slide locks open! Next cut, the slide is closed again... the best armorers don't just stand about and make sure people are safe (which to be fair, is seriously important), they think about these things. If you need an actor to fire 2 shot only, but in the film the gun still has 14 round left in it, just make the 3rd round a snap cap.
Although there's the odd bit of dodgy editing (almost certainly accidental, and unfixable later with late 90's technology) The Matrix had pretty stellar work from the armorer. Instead of do the old "too much work, just use a rubber prop" for the "dodge this" rooftop scene, the armorer specially modified a Beretta 84 by totally obstructing the barrel, and using an extremely light, slow burning powder in the blank. That gun was safe to be placed against the head of the actor playing Agent Brown, and would cycle, with no danger of anything leaving the barrel at all (much like a top-venting blank pistol has absolutely nothing leave the muzzle). The result was the entire slow motion shot was flawlessly perfect, complete with slide cycling, smoke, ejected casing, and with very little risk to the actors. Takes bollocks to do something like that... most OSHA/HSE types would have a seizure!
A few more:
1. Sound suppressors ("silencers") slow down or make the bullet less effective. The only thing related to sound suppressors that could result in that is if one is used in conjunction with switching to subsonic ammo. The suppressor itself doesn't negatively affect the bullet's velocity. In fact, the suppressor actually acts as almost a barrel extension, allowing for a more complete burn of the powder, actually giving the bullet a very slight (but negligible) muzzle velocity INCREASE. But movies and games seem to make it seem that if all other factors remain the same (firearm, ammo, etc.) the moment you lock in a suppressor all of a sudden your range is shortened or the bullets do not impact with as much velocity. We're talking about modern suppressors as shown in movies and games and not the old-school contact disc type that basically isn't used anymore.
2. The gun makes the slide cocking sound everytime it's unholstered. Seriously, this annoys the bejeezuz out of me...
3. Calling a magazine a "clip."
4. Guns have almost no recoil so anyone can rapid fire accurately. Movies tend to go one of two routes. Use blanks or CGI the muzzle flash. Both of these do not give as much of recoil back to the shooter as the real thing. So you either get what looks like really obvious fake recoil action done by the actor or the gun doesn't seem to move at all despite the actor holding the gun all wrong... ugh...
5. All guns give off crazy muzzle flash. Shorter barrel firearms tend to give more muzzle flash, but typically if you're using the correct ammo for the type of gun you're using muzzle flash should be very minimal. Furthermore, most military-style rifles would have muzzle devices that are specifically designed to reduce muzzle flash. Aptly called flash hiders. For example, the Smith Enterprises Vortex Flash Hider I like to use virtually eliminates any visible muzzle flash when using a 16 inch barrel or longer, and in shorter barrels it greatly decreases it to almost not noticeable. Even the standard "birdcage" muzzle devices that are standard on standard-issue military rifles help to decrease muzzle flash. Muzzle flash looks cool in movies but is actually a bad thing in real life. First, it gives away your position. And secondly it destroys your night vision. I'm not talking about NVG's, but if your eyes are acclimated to low-light because it's night-time or something, if the gun really gives off that huge flaming muzzle flash when you shoot it, guess what, your eyes are no longer acclimated to the low-light, making you effectively blind for the remainder of the fight.
6. All headshots are fatal. Except for a few exceptions, it seems to be a common myth that anytime someone is shot in the head, he/she will die instantly. That's not true other than for the small area called the brainstem. There are a lot of circumstances where someone could be shot in the head and still survive, even if only for a little while.
7. The urgency to "get the bullet out" after someone is shot. Yes it's probably best not to leave a big chunk of lead in your body forever, but the movies make it seem like the bullet itself gives off some kind of "death" radiation or something. You see it all of the time where someone is shot and he looks like he's about to die, then they dig into his body and after what looks like all hope is lost they finally retrieve the bullet, and all of a sudden the person who was shot seems to immediately feel better... Actually if someone is shot, do what you can to control the bleeding, don't ever go digging for the bullet, that's the absolute worst thing to do. And even in a hospital setting, controlling the bleeding would be the number one priority. Removing the bullet would be something that would be done at a later time once the person's condition has stabilized...
8. This isn't really a gun myth but it's something done in a million movies that really shouldn't be done (which The Equalizer, Collateral, and the new Mission Impossible showed perfectly), and that is putting a gun right up against someone's head or body. Holding someone at gunpoint that way is actually really dumb, because that person can snatch that gun out of your hand or at least deflect it away quicker than your reflexes can realize it and decide to pull the trigger.
9. Hammers on semi-autos that need cocking even after a firearm has been fired before. This is done mainly for dramatic effect, but it irks me all the same. How many times have you seen a scene in a movie where a character is angry at another, or is threatening another character. He/she has a semi-auto handgun with an external hammer pointed at the other person. And somewhere in the middle of the conversation to "show he/she is serious" that individual reaches up with his/her thumb and cocks the hammer back... Firstly, if that gun has been used before, that hammer should already be back unless that individual is using a gun with a decocker and the character actually decocked the gun prior to that. Secondly, if it's a single-action handgun such as a 1911, what did that character expect to do with the gun before cocking the hammer? Because single-action handguns are basically useless if the hammer is in the forward position. So in those cases basically the person was pointing a firearm that wasn't even in a shootable state for the entire conversation right up until he/she decides to cock the hammer...
Myth #6: Bullets kill instantly, no matter where they hit you. 0:07
In most movies the bad guys get hit once with a pistol and are instantly dead on the ground, which is ridicoulous. Only a headshot can do that.
I was about to say that. People think getting shot is quick and clean as if you pass out instantly when a bullet hits you.
I am no expert on the matter but I was watching a youtube video the other day and a gas station was being robbed and the young owner decided to confront the robber and got shot in the stomach and basically died shortly after even though he was still mobile and conscious for a good few minutes after the shot
It seemed to be a fit young male who got shot somewhere in the stomach/lower torso and he couldnt gather himself to call 911 (its all recorded on video)
If you get shot in avital organ like the heart you might die quicker but in a lung would make it harder for breathing and so on with it
and even a headshot isn't 100% reliable to drop someone. It depends on where in the head, how far the penetration, etc...
Only a shot through the spine area and brain regions such brain stem and cerebellum will stop a person instantly. If you shot somebody in the heart, he can still stay conscious for few seconds. So shooting lower head brain/head portion would drop a person from one shot most likely.
Lots of people ask, "Well whats the point of suppressors if they don't work?" Well, usually suppressed carbines are carried by sniper teams. The suppressor dampens and distributes the sound when outdoors. Yes, people will still know there's a shot but it makes it more difficult to locate with acoustics.
It also makes weapons hearing safe. They're still loud as fuck.
They're easier on the ears.
At least they won't hear it in the next county.
They also prevent the flash that occurs when you fire a bullet
Also, pistol calibers tend to be close to the speed of sound and can be made to be sub-sonic to use in conjunction with a suppressor. Still not totally silent, but much closer.
Racking a shotgun when there is already a shell in the chamber and it doesn't eject the shell. Drives me fucking crazy.
They have racked it twice even and I'm like, uh.. dude, how do you not realize you obviously forgot to load it when after racking twice, no shells ever pop out. Then they fire it no problem. Or worse yet, it suddenly becomes semi auto and never gets racked again.
Well it makes sense to rack a shotgun if you pick it up off the ground, as you do not know if it is loaded. However, racking it after shooting, and then racking it again when you take aim, that is wasteful.
"Too much metal for a little bullet to make it thru" Shows Demolition Ranch clip of an engine getting shot by a 50BMG out of a Barret
You forgot bout the endless submachine gun clip that shoots 50-75 rounds before it is out.
When they're magic you can call them clips. Clips of Holding, to be specific.
What about revolvers that shoot like 10 times? You hardly ever see anybody reload them in films.
Love how unlimited ammo isn’t on here because if people really knew how little a 30 round mag was nobody would care to ban it.
Wonder why the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for the killing tool uses by mass murderers?! 30 rounds in a magazine that can be quickly exchanged for another magazine in the rifle is very convenient in the mass shootings that occur in America monthly, weekly even daily.
I think the funniest google search is *should* you use a gun to pierce your nose?
+UGUZach Seriously I agree. There are people {possibly Americans} who are dumb enough to want to try that?
The thing used to pierece people is called a gun
Its not a bullet firing weapon but it still has the name gun
its actually a question since their is still normal piercing and they want to know the difference
just me one shot if aimed right will pierce both ears and one less dumbass on earth lol 😂
Well...there was this one rapper that shot himself to pierce his cheeks.
The obsession with 5.56 ammunition and the M4 being so lethal! Ever see a real sniper using anything smaller than 7.62? Also let's not forget how awesome 9mm pistols and submachine guns are at hundreds of metres.
I've seen a real sniper use 5.56 and 9mm, what do I win? Not for sniping but...that's not what you asked for so...
There are 5.56 sniper rifles used by the military. And 6.5 creed and .270 win is smaller than 7.62.
@@TerpeneProfile1 The point is that there are more lethal ammunition.
the Mk 12 spr is in 5.56 and is a sniper rifle.
The myths I think of are not exactly about the firearm itself. One is the person running across from one side to the other in front of a guy firing a machine gun and the machine gunner can't quite turn the weapon as fast as the other guy is running. Consequently the bullets strike surfaces right behind the running man. The other one is when two people point pistols at each other at point blank range at exactly the same time. Neither shoots as though it is a stand off. All either has to do is pull the trigger and the other guy, and his pistol, are no longer a threat.
That second one kind of reminds me of the James Bond thing where the bad guy always has to kill Bond in some tricky way like in a shark tank or by laser beam. Hey Goldfinger, just shoot him!
Freaking sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads!!!
Well, the truth is that reflex of shot guy can kill the guy who shot first, but I agree in those situation someone would shoot first without thinking.
marcus10 Nah m8 test it with a friend ask him to put his head infront of your hand at point blank range. With your hand make that gun form with your thumbs up, ask him to move out of it and try to react before his head is out of the way. His head will be out of danger before your finger even starts moving. Same thing goes for standoffs the only way the guy who shoots second could react was if it was far away, first shots missed or he didnt die from the bullet or got crippled by it.
You should really give a shout out to DEMOLITION RANCH
For about 1/4 of your footage. Demolition ranch is thier channel name for those who are wondering who want accurate, non biased information about all different types of weapons. Heck, he is so honest in one of his videos about the cheapest gun on the market (the high point) that he wanted to hate it. But apon a brutal trial from everything from durability, to accuracy, jamming and so on. The only thing he could say bad about it was it was heavy and ugly) if your curious about actually getting to know / understand firearms check them out.
Hi-Point must have engineered a specific gun for him, because Hi-Point sucks.
I saw the same video. He shot the High Point with another gun and was still able to rack it and fire it. I bought a High Point 9mm once myself simply because it was $90 and it wound up being one of the most accurate hand guns I'd had. And to be honest, I didn't think it was any uglier than any other SA I have. I mean, it's not like a mugger's gonna laugh at you if he notices the gun you're about to put him down with isn't as pretty as a Kimber 1911. LOL
@@clarkjosh87 I've used a few HiPoints at the range and they always went "pew." Ugly, yes. Reliable, yes.
They do, tho. Have you not seen the video? There's the source for every bit of footage, if you just read it
Dude I bought a hi-point and it was horrible. And very inaccurate. But maybe not every firearm gets the same attention? I returned it and ending up spending an additional $300 for a Glock but it was worth it.
you forgot the biggest one, when the action star shoots and kills someone up to 300 yards away with a pistol
Donovan Ellis or the people getting blown back 5 feet after getting shot.
Jerry Mickulek make a 1000 yard shoot with a 9mm: /watch?v=jJ3XwizTqDw
Wasn't that Mel Gibson in Lethal weapon?
The biggest myth of all,
Nlgga MacWhite *couch *couch starwars stormtroopes *couch.
Theres no such thing as bullet proof armor theres only bullet resistant armor
mojo with almost pro gun approach. Xmas must be early
not at all they are liberals
Yeah, a lot of liberals have a pro gun approach. It is something I wish they would get off the platform, though I don't mind the restrictions Obama is pushing.
flame9058 This video has NOTHING to do with politics its about Hollywood myths.
Karl Heven The video doesn't. But I felt the original comment was based on the fact that Watchmojo is a left-leaning TH-cam channel.
there is no politics in this,I assume some gun nuts think they're rambo
You forgot the "gun show loophole". Complete myth. No such thing.
That's not in movies, though. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a gun show in a movie.
Technically, when people talk about "gun show loopholes" they're either completely ignorant and regurgitating the bullshit they heard Obama spouting on national television, or they're trying to be slick and they're actually referring to 'private sales'. If it's the latter then any movie or TV show where they imply that buying a gun is illegal but the character is still able to buy one "under the table" then all such shows are referring to the so-called loophole and people have been able to privately buy and sell guns for decades through newspapers, magazines, and online. There's nothing any more significant about gun shows than there is comic book conventions. Even still, that's not a loophole. Whether you're selling a baseball card or a gun, the private transactions between two individuals is not the purview of the Federal government.
So, whether YOU personally have seen a gun show in a movie or not is completely irrelevant. Hollywood has been central in propagating the myth of the gun show loophole for decades.
Oberstgreup lord of war. Now that's a gun show I would love to see. Lol
A gun show in a movie hmm..? *Beverly Hills Cop 3* of course...
Well actually you're all wrong, in Kentucky you can sell guns from one private citizen to another without any background checks. So...
My Favourite is that people fly backwards when hit by a shotgun.
HAHA. Yeah. That one is silly AF.
Yeah. Usually people just have a big fucking hole in their chest
@@borgkingerei6993 That is a myth as well. The whole gaping-wound thing is far less common than just a small hole with damage on the inside.
@@judsonkr depends.
@@borgkingerei6993 Indeed. It depends upon whether you are watching a movie or not.
Also, about the silencers, they don't make that "pew pew" high pitch sound, which Hollywood REAAAALY LOVE.
Also, gun recoils almost never look realistic in Hollywood. This is understandable because it's probably hard to do this.
What about how Hollywood guns have crazy muzzle flares
They can be pretty bright depending on the gun and the ammo, especially at night. Flash suppressors exist for a reason!
They fire blanks. They have crazy muzzle flares since it's all gunpowder and no bullet to stop it from exiting the barrel while still burning. So yes, there's a reason for it, but also, yes, it's definitely hollywood guns. :)
well it's against OSHA rules to fire a blank with an open barrel at someone (Brandon Lee kinda caused that) so it's a solid barrel and they CG the flash in, and most Hollywood dipshits over do it.
ya Even tho the gun has obviously flash hider.. every military holywood film ever.. A2 birdcage on the muzzle.. Flash like a 10inch .50 BMG without flash hider..
A lot of guns do have surprising muzzle flashes under the right circumstances. If anything, the muzzle flash of something like a .50AE Desert Eagle is understated in most films. If it's captured on camera if can be two foot wide and 5 foot long, there's a few videos on youtube that get it. Meanwhile in Hollywood, there are no .50AE blanks about, so armorers will custom make their own using brass that will cycle properly in the Desert Eagle.
They do struggle getting it looking good though. The camera often won't pick up every flash (which is realistic in some ways), but 9mm blanks have to be massively hot to look impressive. As an example, the pulse rifles in Aliens were originally going to be based on a 9mm rifle for the working parts, but tests showed the 9mm blanks didn't have an impressive enough muzzle flash. They ended up using an SMG that fired .45ACP blanks to compensate!
WatchMojo really seem to despise the film Heat for some reason. First it is absent from their list of greatest films, and then the best films of the 90s, and finally from the best action films of the 90s. As if that wasn't enough, they then disrespect the best and most authentic shootout in movie history by displaying it on an unrealistic list lol.
Simon Coulthard But Heat included in Top 10 Robbery Movie
of course it would
England is my city .
Simon Coulthard and the funny part is in heat the bullets go through the cars so wtf
Exactly, they even used live rounds in the street (not shooting at anyone of course). It is the most realistic gunfight in a movie because everything in it was real lol
Piercing your nose with a gun? Really internet? xD
it works. my girlfriend had done it
+McVaggerGaming my girlfriend is Snookie and I don't know who you said.
+McVaggerGaming I don't listen to hip hop
I'd better join the fun then.
***** you sound lovable
1:47 ‘too much for a little bullet to make it through’
*shows video of demolition ranch shooting the engine with a .50 bmg*
Yeah little bullet for sure
The point is if a 50 BMG didn't make it through then a pistol won't
The one that pisses me off the most is the "click" sound you hear when the person keeps pulling the trigger but the slide/bolt of the handgun/rifle is back due to the gun being out of ammunition. In almost all cases either the hammer is held back and can't move forward or the striker is already in the forward position and most striker fired guns are SAO. There are a few exceptions, but they're rare.
Oh yeah, I also lose it when a movie shows someone cocking a shotgun, not shoot it, and then cock it again for intimidation purposes but a shell doesn't come out.
Annnnd another one... they're called magazines or mags. *NOT FUCKING CLIPS!!!!* Unless it's an M1 Garand in a WWII movie... Or a SKS... OK again there's a few exceptions but also again they're rare.
There is also the famed magazine-clip. Here in CA, people have ghost guns that has ability with a 30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. 30-magazine-clip in half a second!
Is that with or without the shoulder thing that goes up?
I saw that. I was shocked that they make a rifle that fires 3,600 rounds per minute. I mean a politician said it so it must be true right?
Movies have actually got _less_ realistic with that now because video games now use that "click click click click..." to tell players they are out of ammo so they started using that in movies. Ugh, it's so annoying, sounds like gangsters are shooting each other with paintball guns.
Agent Ham you forgot about double action guns.
Rodrigo Guerra One of the best✌🏾
I prefer Demobluecheese
Rodrigo Guerra proud to be in demolitia
Heck yaah
"Can you peirce your nose with a gun?" I tried. I can't smell anything.
my cousin did cqc training with a few different police departments, and the thing that drives him nuts is putting their backs against cover. Why would you turn your back to the threat? the corner is less useful the closer you are to it. Step back, slice the pie, FACE THE THREAT.
can you use a gun to pierce your nose?
actually yes
The tool used for ear and nose piercing is actually called a gun. It is not this kind of gun (with gun powder bullets) but it has a needle between two surfaces and it`s design looks like a gun (handle and trigger look the same). I guess some people heard it, but thought about it as regular gun.
You could also use an actual gun to do it, the hole just wouldn't retain the "hole shape" for very long, (and you probably wouldn't have a nose)
Attach a needle to the slide of a handgun, hold it close and fire
Also an eye! Or maybe a brain
Some bullets are sub-sonic, so they will be quieter with a "silencer", still not as quiet as in the movies.
The biggest movie myth you missed is that getting shot blasts you across the room. Physics tells you the force of the bullet leaving the gun is applied equally and oppositely to the shooter and no more force than this is applied to the person getting hit, so if there was enough force to blast the victim across the room, the shooter would also have gone flying in the other direction. Apparently in adrenaline-fueled situations people sometimes don't even notice they've been shot until later.
the impulse is the same, but the force will be difference as the firing impulse is spread across the time it takes to accelerate the round down the barrel, while the impact impulse is very short
Sub sonic bullets are also a lot less powerful
yay someone that paid attention in 8th grade physics! in the cases were someone got shot and went backwards its because they jumped back when getting shot.
Yes: "Every action has an opposite and equal reaction."
+Jon Gaiser thank you Jon i don't how many times ive tried to explained this to people the amount of force that you absorb when being shot is the same force the shooter experiences with the recoil of the firearm (kick for the idiots out there) and its a magazine not a clip. its not slang either when you say clip you are referring to a small strip of metal kind of looks like a womans hair barrete. any way yes equal and opposite. vary good jon thank you again.
The myth I have always enjoyed comes from westerns. I think of two guys drawing six-shooters on each other in the street (actually a myth in its own right), and one guy shooting the gun out of the other guy's hand. And here in the Olympics the best shots in the world take their time, aim, and can still miss a target that is stationary.
That's because they are not cowboys ;p
Well, it's technically possible. A person *could* hit a gun and it would be very difficult to hold onto a gun that was struck by a bullet simply because of the pain. But it's not exactly a good plan.
you definitely can hit someone in the hand, or shoot a gun out of someones hand. its not easy but it is not a "myth"
MR.Chickennuget 360 I'm referring to the Colt 45 "slap leather", in the street quick draw where one gunslinger deliberately shoots the gun out of the hand of the other gunslinger at fifty feet. It's myth, I assure you.
Mike Jansen
its a myth in that that kind of thing did not happen but it CAN happen. real shoot outs in the old west normally were not that different from modern shoot outs, a bunch of drunk ass holes.
"Go for a swim". In Mogadischu. In the desert. Argh...
A silencer with sub sonic ammo is pretty quiet though...
I know. I consider the ignorance that guns are always really loud even with suppressors to be the true myth these days.
Yeah it's pretty much just the sound of the hammer action
Yep, and more so with the smaller calibers. The Mossad used 22LR Berettas with silencers and the only sound they made was the action cycling and the sound of brass hitting the floor.
You still hear the "Ka-Chunk" sound of the metal gun parts recoiling though, that's pretty loud. Definitely enough to give your position away.
DannyBoy32289 Not at any distance whatsoever, not with wind blowing, not with any background noise.
Plus there are some suppressed gun with bolt actions (the British developed one during WWII). While firing it makes a very slight sound, and the loudest action, by far, is quietly working the bolt (which is the operator's choice when they choose to do that).
The "Saving Private Ryan" scenes are accurate. The gun placements were several hundred yards from the waters edge. The bullets will have slowed down to subsonic speeds before reaching the water's surface. Rifle bullets have a better ballistic profile then handgun cartridges so, less drag. Which would let them retain their energy longer.
Idk if youre talking about a rifle round or a handgun round, but no rifle round will slow beyond subsonic is 4-500 yards.
Yeah, 8mm Mauser will still be going well over 1500 fps at 500 yards. The ballistic data is not hard to find online.
So glad he did this video and he was right on all accounts as a shooter a gun owner people who believe this stuff irritate me especially when it gets to suppressors. I own 3 and let me tell you they are quieter but they do not silence anything especially with supersonic ammo breaking the sound Barrier
I love how he says that the engine is just too hard for any little bullet to go through at 1:47, in the video, matt was shooting a .50 cal😂 that’s no little bullet😂😂
Another myth ought to be that you can't cock the hammer back on a GLOCK. I see that happen sometimes. Also, guns sound like they're randomly being cycled just because they get raised to shooting level sometimes? What's that all about? Also, racking shotguns several seconds or minutes AFTER shooting it... why? You rack it IMMEDIATELY after.
Also, the water one.... that's tricky. Using a 223/5.56, those are high-velocity and FRANGIBLE. 30-caliber FMJ from a long distance away will do a little better in water, so that scene from "Saving Private Ryan" is probably a touch more reasonable.
Glocks don't have a hammer to cock, not even an internal one; they are striker-fired.
TROOPERfarcry Why not rack the shotgun immediately after firing? While I am not an expert on guns in all honesty, I think the reason is for safety reasons. In this way, in case if a possible accident happens where the trigger is pulled, the gun wouldn't fire. When it's time to fire, prepare for a situation, or other things that guns would be used, that's when you ready the gun.
Another thing is that I heard that in home defense from a trespasser, the sound of the shotgun pump can scare off the guy.
Then again, who am I to talk seeing as I am no expert on guns. Still, I thought I'd share my thoughts and give a possible explanation as to why shotguns aren't pumped immediately after firing.
Cade Thumann If you know enemies are in the immediate area you're supposed to assume the worst case senario, that being the enemy is armed and dangerous. Another reason is if someone jumps out in front of you and you haven't cycled a new round your dead. The final reason is the classic Ka-Chunk made when cycling a new round. This can intimidate your enemy but also tell them "Hey! I'm over here and i haven't reloaded yet!"
There is a far easier method of not accidentally firing your shotgun, it is called keeping your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire. Because in the heat of the moment, when you need it, you may bring up the firearm to shoot, and hear it go click, instead of bang, because you had forgotten to load/reload it. That can get you killed. More people have died because they forgot to load their gun or switch off a safety in the heat of the moment, thinking their gun would fire.
So instead, become proficient with your firearm, train with it safely, practice loading and unloading a few minutes every day, safely. (there are dummy rounds to help with this.) And always keep it loaded and ready.
Vladimir Lenin Sorry I haven't replied. My notification failed to notify me until now.
I know that generally, it is better to have the gun ready to fire in a very heated situation. However, in several situations where there is no action going on but you want the gun to be ready to fire but wish for some extra safety at the moment, leaving an empty shell in to rack could do the trick. Granted, I don't agree to this but I'm just giving a possible reason. And hey, even people in real life have different approaches to things, some more logical than others but still.
As for that last scenario, I'm pretty sure that racking the shotgun wouldn't scream "I'm not loaded!" (there's already ammunition and the racking makes the gun ready to shoot). Instead, it means "I mean business and about to shoot you. Now surrender or die!"
Had to explain to a guy the protection from penetration doesn't save you from concussion. Broken ribs and nerve damage are a likely event.
Depends on what you're hit by and what you're wearing. Hard armor with a pad behind it, most pistol bullets aren't going to do more than hurt a bit. Soft armor and a 12 gauge slug, yeah, you'll probably live (although people have died from shots that didn't penetrate their armor), but you're going to the ER with broken ribs for sure.
biggest myth of all
the more evil a gun looks the more it kills
+onenikkione "semi automatic and full automatic are the samething."
+onenikkione And every time a scawee gun is made,a baby angel😇 dies😢
+Twiggy the lizard a pistol grip is dezigned to make you shoot 500 rounds a second from the hip
wrong, the biggest myth is in fact GUN CONTROL. It was never meant to exist aka 2nd amendment.
"Next time you're getting chased by a helicopter, go for a swim."
Yeah; I forgot that last time. But luckily I ran into a guy that was robbing some tourists so I just asked him to shoot down the helicopter with his berretta .25acp. Unfortunately his tourists got away while he was changing magazines so he was pretty pissed at me.
Good advice. They first thing I was taught at the Fictional Villain Academy.
You forgot the most important one : '' Bad dudes being blown away 10 meters in the back when geting shoot '' :)))
On outrageous acts of danger, they proved that in the right condition, an AK-47 bullet could only travel 5 feet underwater
Killerworm99 Gaming i believe that would mean a 7.62 round
ak47? probably wasnt a 47 but in fact a 74 because actual ak47's are very rare.
Mutum dude, just to through it out there, the ak 47 has far more examples produced then the ak 74, from Hungry to China, millions of examples out there, i like the Romanian model, looks like a ak 74, cone shaped muzzle brake but chambered in 7.62x39 , the ak 47 wasn't patented in a way to prevent countless nations from copying the rifle, Russia had quite a few factories producing them, met a guy from the Ukraine who built these in a factory in his home town, he claimed he'd his hands over 100 thousand pieces while working there, great all round rifle
I'm not listening to a 10 year old
with fuck all velocity
How the fuck is NO RECOIL NOT ON HERE!!! In every movie guns apparently have no recoil whatsoever. (I know they are blanks but still)
StilwellMotovlogger Take Rambo for an example
Kind of along those same lines; I like it when the guy being shot flies backwards 10 feet from the impact, meanwhile the guy who fired the gun has hardly any recoil. It defies the laws of physics.
no rambo is just really strong, so he can use his muscles to hold of the recoil. 100% legit.
StilwellMotovlogger And what about reloading^^ 1 pistol, 20 shots fired and no need to reload
like when Dewayne Johnson was shooting that snub nose 454 Caskull on Speed. He was actually shooting it with pretty fast follow up shots
To silence a weapon you have to go subsonic and add a suppressor. Take a .22 pistol detune the round.
If you shoot subsonics with a suppressor it can be pretty quiet.
+Nathan unknown Yeah both are nice. I can even shoot CCI 22 quiets out of my 22 rifle and it is QUIET. Like pellet rifle quiet.
+Nathan unknown 45 auto is already slow. Just reduce the powder charge and those rounds are quiet too out of a standard 1911.
I'm curious; how much stopping or piercing power does subsonic rounds have? Say if you do everything to keep a gun deathly quiet, how much damage can you actually still do with it?
Nathan unknown
Alright, that's actually enough for my aims. Thank you. Though I suppose that body armor will actually do a lot in that instance?
If anyone is curious, no I'm not planning to shoot anyone. I'm just trying to develop a character obsessed with stealth and have had trouble trying to do it "realistically."
Any standard ACP round is subsonic, so it will do the same amount of damage as it would unsuppressed. No special rounds would be needed. A 25 ACP wouldn't need much suppressor to be very quiet, but a 45 ACP needs a decent size can. A 380 ACP might be your best balance if your character is working up close and personal. If he's working from further away, consider subsonic 300 AAC. It's roughly equivalent to a 45 ACP, but the supersonics are similar to 7.62x39 (AK-47) rounds.
The action is the loudest part of a well-silenced gun firing subsonic rounds. A single shot gun (bolt, break open, or disabled semi) is the quietest choice. You need to think about the particular situation(s) your character will need all this super stealth and match the tool, realizing everything is a trade-off of some sort.
Another myth that irritates me. If you watch older TV shows and movies. They always show someone holding a revolver with a suppressor on it. You cannot use a suppressor on a revolver!!!! It will not work because of the gases escaping the cylinder.
They do have some effect, just not as much as with a semiauto or bolt gun.
You can with the Nagant revolver. As far as I know, it's the only revolver ever made that had a sealed cylinder. But the fact that there was only one like it tells us all we need to know about how useful of a thing it was...
@Red. Not the cylinder was sealed but the round sealed it.
You had to use a spesific round on which the casing was londer than the projectile and sealing barrel to the drum. This was "good" enough the run a surpressor on it.
However this concept proved to be ineffective due to the high wear on the weapon itself.
I think it proved ineffective because the gain in fps was not worth the extra machining and special ammo it needed to work. It has been shown over the decades that at the end of the day a revolver doesn't need to seal the cylinder in order to be effective. But the Nagant was designed in the 1890's, so it was a good idea at the time, but it just didn't work out in the real world.
Unless you are using a 1895 negant revolver
nukes dont kill people so I should be allowed to stockpile some of them in my backyard...
Well how typical of anti gun people, you see one thing and go to the absolute extreme to make an argument which you fail at by the way.
+araw540 nigga
make sure you stock up on cancer treating meds
I'm stockpiling on bb pellets. Yeah
Myth #1. People (usually bad guys) die right away when shot. Unless it’s at a few exact spots, death from a gun is much more visceral. Usually there’s lots of screaming, bleeding, crying: you get the picture.
Guns don't kill people, nu-uh. I kill people, with guns. (Bang)
Jon lajoie
*Pow, not bang
Guns don't kill people bullets do
#1 myth : take away guns and no more crime
No! wait how about this one. "It will make us safer."
A militia is any non professional and non permanent military force. Militias are by definition incapable of owning anything on their own. However the I do believe you are getting that backward anyway the amendment specifically says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The militia is only mentioned in the opening explanation. You are right about it being possible to repeal it, but good luck on getting two thirds of the states to agree to it.
Also remember, the second amendment is a great reminder that sometimes the cost of freedom is that those who are evil, are free to do evil things. A massive portion of the constitution protects only people who have criminal charges being leveled against them. Those should not be repeal either, and for the same reason.
The Bill of Rights were an afterthought because it didn't occur to them that the rights they protect might not have been obvious to some. Thanks for proving why they decided otherwise.
Do you think "the people" means "only the militia" in the rest of the Constitution too?
HAHAHAHA yeah it's not like criminals are going to get guns anyways you know, they're not exactly known for obeying the law....
I'm sorry to disappoint good thinking people, but as someone with shitloads of TNT and Dynamite hanging around my house just like that, (not even mine or anyone's property, really) i'd take out that mass murder thing too and murders as well.With one finger i can kill a man twice my body size in about a second and just let him die there with pretty much no chance to survive, and that in more than just a throat rip off.
Knives, sticks, bars, tubes, glasses, plastic, rocks, cables, wires, shoelaces, needles, drugs, poison, cars, punch in the back of the neck, punch in the jaw, punch between shoulders, punch under ribs, punch on the back of the ear, on top of the ear, on top of the forehead, to hell, in the balls too.
Can't even count the infinite amount of ways you can kill someone in infinite various conditions, so guns wouldn't be doing much after all. And yeah, i can personally make a gun, my grandfather made one or two when he was in school, my uncle from mom's side did one too, my friend made one too once a while back playing around but it did fire deadly shots. Like damn, is it really that hard to make a gun and kill people? Clearly not enough, so i agree it would help some but damn sure wouldn't be dong much, so absolutely not worth the cost of my ability to defend myself at any time, any place, independently from the need of any official support's need.
With all due respect: A gun lover and and (amateur) ballistic's designer.
you forgot the infinite size of magazines. if you shoot a full automatic gun for 2-3 seconds, you have to reload!
yeah an ak47 will cycle 30 rounds in about 4 seconds.
full autos are fun to shoot but very expensive to feed.
+mike reese well no. Not quite but
i love how sometimes they shoot a several hundred rounds with their mp5 and don't even reload afterwards
Humanhead86 usually when people are using full auto they use burst fire.
If you get your firearm education from movies, you probably believe that all you need to do to hit someone from long distance, is to put the crosshair on them, and pull the trigger. This is one of my favorites. Guy shoots someone at 100 yards, and another at 500 yards, with the same reticle placement.
Actually if you pair a silenced firearm with subsonic ammunition, all you'll be able to hear is the action of the gun. That's what makes them super quiet.
With a suppressor on it's still quite loud. More than what they show in movies and games.
see mythbusters episode on silencers, they gave pistols a "plausible" on the volume I think.
+GoDZooKe wuth subsonic ammunition it gets pretty quiet. to the point where all you hwar is the action of the gun.
Your right
With most all you can manage is making it so that you don't need hearing protection, but I have seen a few that sounded like louder versions of BB guns when fired.
Is it true that there is a place in a man's head that if you shoot it, it will blow up?
Depends what you shoot it with.
And yes the movie reference is not lost on me.
MaicoMoon what will blow up? Your head? If so 1. Depends on round (tracer etc) or 2. If its a high enough calibre gun
Hollow points will certainly open up the exit wound.
It's a movie quote from Hot Fuzz. Search for the video on TH-cam called funniest bits from Hot Fuzz, and it's halfway through that video.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#6. Revolver cylinders (actually don’t) make a “zzzzzzzzz” sound when spun outside of the frame. They have to be closed in the frame and half-cocked, usually in a single-action cowboy-type revolver. And even then, it damaged the gun. But it sure sounds cool, doesn’t it? 🙄
You can spin any revolver with the cylinder closed if you hold the hammer back the right amount. Not very safe if it's loaded, obviously. The only damage you'll do is leaving drag marks on the cylinder, and on a properly timed single action on half cock you won't even do that. They're designed to have the cylinder rotated like that for loading (although slower, of course).
CyberJay, only the very old single actions require half cocking to unlock the cylinder. My dad's old Ruger .22 doesn't require half-cocking. I've fired several brands of single actions from Ruger to Colt and Freedom Arms. All worked the same way: just swing the loading door open and it unlocks the cylinder.
"But it sure sounds cool, doesn’t it?"
That answers everything about your complaint: It's for the good looks, not the "realism". Big-budget movies are all about beng Fun, not "Educational".
Another Hollywood myth: taking a revolver with a swing-out cylinder, opening it, checking the load, and closing it by flipping the wrist. Looks "cool", but in REAL life that damages both the pivot pin and the cylinder latch. Nothing so much fun as having the cylinder of your trusty Smith-Wesson .38 snubby fall out in the middle of a firefight because the latch broke!
@@brucetucker4847 You mean the ratcheting sound, right?
Some of my most favorite movie clips ever. Great Video!