Well, my brand new 16gig micro SD card came today. Just downloaded the image file and it doesn't fit on a 16gig card. Oh no! Does the software really take up 16gig or is there lots of space on the image? If a lot of space, can anyone point me in the right direction to reduce the image size just a little to enable it to fit on a 16gig card please. Thank you Martin
Not all 16G cards have the exact same size. So yours is probably a few bytes smaller. I do not know how to solve it other than start from scratch with Frank‘s script or use a bigger card
Hi Ron, I have now tried 3 different makes of 16gig cards and none of them are big enough. Also, I have used a computer running Linux Mint and tried several methods of shrinking the image including 'Truncate', all have failed. The image appears to be 145meg too big. The same figure on all 3 micro SD cards I have used. The other option I tried was to copy the files to a new card by first setting up the correct partitions on a micro SD card and then copy the files from the image to a boot (Fat32) section and the files to an EXT4 section, but after using root/admin to copy, some of them just refuse to copy over. I am now at a loss of what to do. The actual data in the image is only about 10gig so there is lots of space that can be removed to shrink the image. If you find a way, please share. Thank you Martin
Martin Ellis I just did a fresh Stretch install on my 16gb card. I had a couple of specific sensors I was looking to see information from that were already part of rtl_433, so I used the script referenced above to get it installed and it’s working great. Not sure how we can shrink Andrea’s image down, but thank you for your efforts.
Hi Ron (And anyone else), I had another go at reducing the image file size today and this time it was successful. I had to use something called a loopback to get the image into gparted, then resize, then exit the loopback then fdisk it then ..... well you get the picture. Anyway, I halved the image to 7.5gig and I am using it now on my Pi3 to leave this message. The RTL program is running but finding nothing. I do live in the middle of nowhere though. Anyway, if you or anyone would like this reduced image size file, please let me know. Thanks Martin
Your introduction to the SDR is also great, the links about the demo and tools install encouraged me to cross the step today, I was hesitating for long, I ordered an RTL-SDR and an ADALM-PLUTO. It's good to know there's a community behind to help with tools an faced issues. So I'll definitely follow you up on SDR content.
Excellent work. I'm mainly interested in the 433 receiving side for the moment. So, I burned your image onto a 16GB SD, connected the cheap dongle that just arrived from Banggood, switched on ... and everything just works! There should be more people in the world like you!
The problem with 433.92MHz equipment is that there are far too many, resulting in blocking. I was reciently forced to replace my central heating thermostat, because it was regularly jammed in the on state by other devices in the locality. My replacement thermostat still uses 433.92MHz, but has a duplex protocol, ensuring the command message is received and acknowledged. Because of the congestion on this frequency, I think any home made projects using this frequency should use a bi directional protocol. This is particularly important when controlling a motorized device. RF modules to do this are available at very low cost, around £5 to 10.
Andreas Spiess my brother and I designed a system to receive the Oregon weather station modules, the earlier ones used OOK am modulated signalling,the later ones are FM. Our system injects the decided signal on to our common CCTV modulator. This displayed the CCTV and the weather information on all the TVs in the house. Unfortunately the modulator is only PAL, not DVB-T. The price of DVB-T (2) are coming down so I should be able to update the system to support newer televisions that only support DVB reception.
Andreas Spiess you may be interested to know that the sky satellite remote control system that uses the red-eye IR receivers, convert the the remote control IR signal to a 7.2MHz OOK modulated signal that can be sent over the aerial coax to remote the s sky receiver in another room. I built a demodulator for this which was used to remote control the CCTV DVR. Unfortunately technology made the system obsolete when we installed a television/radio/ satellite distribution amplifier. The problem is that the red eye transcoders are powered by 12 volts sent through the TV aerial coax. This is not compatible with the voltage control signal used to switch the satelilite LMB.
I think alot of devices/implementations may not be following the regional rules for duty-cycle/use-cases, etc... For a great overview of regulatory compliance, check out this TI paper: www.ti.com/lit/an/swra048/swra048.pdf
You can use your wheather station signal to fire up or down your heater, activate a below zero and/or wind alarm. Very interesting video Andreas, as always!!
I use it for our awning. It extends when the sun is shining, the temperature is above 22 degrees, and winds are calm. Like that we do not get lots of direct sun in summer
Fantastic Andreas! Unti now I have used Raspberry and some SDR usb dongle to build a FlightRadar station and an ACARS messages decoding station. But now I will start to explore the 433Mhz sensors world. Thank you for this useful video. Bye.
Wonderful Andreas ! I’ve been meaning to design and build a gateway for controlling my 3 meter projector screen with my universal remote and this guide will be the perfect jump start. Thank you as always for your real-world useful topics and projects !
Great video! I did not know about URH it seems great. For my weather station I did it the caveman way with SDR# recording rf as audio, then looking at it in Audacity and writing it down by hand. For tiny remotes and simple stuff there is the 'rc-switch' arduino library that can decode and reproduce most of them, would have been worth a mention since it's super simple. Also loved the Ave reference at the start :)
What a great tutorial! Quick, without going to the details, but very succinct and easy to follow. The Best of it is introduce a full workflow to solve a problem from A to Z using a set of different tools like SDR, decoding signals and mqtt integration. Many thanks for sharing your work. For sure this method can be used to an infinity of solutions
0:25 Hacking the remote control of my outdoor awning for adding an anemometer is exactly what I want to do! Mine didn't have one and I've got no idea how much the wind is blowing, so... Thank you, Andreas! But unfortunately, I'm pretty sure my remote control uses rolling code. I inspected it with the oscilloscope and a 433 MHz receiver module (which is much more tedious) and got a different code each time. But I found the manual of the awning's motor and receiver combo and it tells you how to add a new remote control. So if I reset the control (there's a reset button) and then inspect how it's added to the receiver, I might be able to add my own transmitter. Or maybe they use a bad PRNG, which would be able to be easily cracked with the SDR. Just get a few samples and if it isn't a CSPRNG, you'll be able to get the method used and the seeds (and therefore predicting all other values).
Thanks for the video. I knew about rtl_433 but hadn't heard about Universal Radio Hacker, used to have to use Audacity to capture waveforms. Great find. Just an FYI, I believe that the RFM96 radio that is used for LORA can also be programmed to do OOK and AFSK. What would have to be done is to connect an I/O pin to D2 (not done on most combo boards) and program the RFM96 to OOK mode. So far the RADIOHEAD libraries don't have that implemented but it shouldn't take too much hacking to figure out the configuration file. That would allow you to move the frequency just a little away from the 433.92 standard, as long as the new chosen frequency is still within the unlicensed band for the country of use. That is in one of my up coming projects. I have an Acu-Rite temperature sensor that I was going to use to figure it out but it saved me the time and fell off the tree into the mud and died.
You can get much cheaper chips to do OOK on 433. And there you probably would get the library support. Moving away from the frequency is probably easy for our chips, but not for my awning or the weather station...
He is using it wrong just like all the non native speakers use bullsh*t incorrectly. His context was "giving something special treatment" as opposed to "being in for a special treat". Angry pixies LOL
I finally got this to work! I've been trying to use cheap 433 receivers, but couldn't decode the messages. I eventually gave in and got an SDR dongle, and it worked right away with your SD card image. The SDR dongle is expensive here (in South Africa, 5x the price of a dumb receiver), so I'm hoping I can find other projects to do with it.
Great video. Good to see some SDR stuff (not that everything else you publish isn't awesome). I really enjoyed the video and it brought to light URH and other tool that I wasn't aware of. Thanks!
I've purchased a LaCrosse 79400 weather station, but you are exactly right about not needing to buy one, as I am receiving signals from a neighbor's Acurite 5 in 1 system.
Andreas, as usual you show me something new, thank you. Like most people I started out with Audacity and was working on an Arduino version of URH that I can now simply drop, as the rpi will serve my purposes perfectly, I just need to use this as the perfect excuse to buy a model 3B Plus. :-) Thanks again! (Ian Till)
I'm not new to electronics but this is way over my head. I just watched this twice I can't even figure out what to Google to find out more. Looking forward to your introduction to software defined radio.
This has a few strings which come together. So it is not easy to start with. If you are interested in electronics I suggest you start with Arduino and ESP8266 or Raspberry Pi. And maybe you watch my videos to keep you motivated. We all started with a first step. Enjoy the journey!
But Mr.Andreas, I am looking for a way to read a signal which in transmission wire between the RF receiver and Main board of a Car security system. So i can simulate it to open/close my car from my mobile application.
Andreas Spiess Thanks for replying 😊☺ Well, My car is manufactured in 1997, The security system is installed as external unit . I don't think it's time-based encrypted, because receiving unit or remote controller loses power sometimes.
Very interesting! An alternative to unknown protocols with static values, e.g. on/off status, plight can be used. With pilight you can listen to the divice (plight-debug) capture the raw string and reproduce it or send it back (pilight-send -p raw -c "[raw string]"). pilight can also decode signals (plight-receive) although it is not as complete as rtl_433.
I would love for you to get into integrating your ideas such as this one to a Homeassistant setup. Yes there are other youtubers doing this, but someone with good electronics background like yourself would make it super awesome.
Welcome aboard the channel. How boring it would be if you understood already everything. Like that you will learn some new things with watching the videos.
Potential workaround for some systems if you are dealing with rolling keys, and can live with completely replacing the involved remote with your alternative: isolate remote from receiver and record a number of signals (e.g. 200 signals) now you can use these 200 signals to control your device before you need to re-record signals Typically, these rolling keys work on a ratchet, so if you ever send a signal with your remote again, you invalidate all your recordings. There is also a strong possibility that the same ratchet is used for the different buttons. In that case, you'll have to record desired combination sequences instead of individual signals. As you can see, this method is really only practical for very simple devices which are rarely actuated, but it can be an acceptable hack if no other solution is available
Great video, SDR is alot of fun and really cool. I would suggest putting GNU Radio in your toolkit. I have 2 Nooelec USB SDR dongles that work real well, both use external ( provided ) antenna's
I didn't know about rtl_433. This is fantastic, because a lot of my neighbors seem to have weather stations and I can just fire up rtl_433 to find out how warm and moist it is.
Would it be possible to use a 433 MHz receiver module instead of the SDR dongle? Since you used a generic module to send your messages, a generic receiver should have been able to do the receiving/sniffing. Then you could omit the use of a Raspberry PI and one ESP32 could do the whole job.
This is of course possible. And I will probably go this way later on. But for hacking an SDR is much more versatile, because in the beginning, you do not know anything. Only after hacking you know which 433 receiver chip will do the job (ASK,FSK,PSK for example). And maybe you even do not know the frequency. This one was simple...
Thank you for the answer. I didn't even realize that there are differences in the 433MHz modules. After looking around I assume that CC1101 based transceivers are a good choice because they cover a variety of modulations. Cheers!
Something to consider though is there's a lot of ready to use software for the RTL based SDR dongles. Using your own 433 MHz receiver you'll likely have to write a lot of tooling yourself.
Very interersting video! Thanks. :D I was wondering what your observations are on the reliability of the system? I was looking into using MQTT for a grow room controller (not even with 433mhz RF), but I encountered enough glitches (just messages not making it all the way to the end) that I thought I should probably err on the side of caution when it came to the lighting and stick to a local timer. After all, artificial light for plants is literally a life support system! I then began wondering about feeding back so that you know for sure that what you instructed did actually happen. In my case, an LDR for each light would do the trick. When you mentioned the awning possibly being damaged in high winds, it just made me wonder if there was anything in the data along the lines of a message confirming that it had actually been fully retracted?
I use MQTT on an RPi zero for a few months for my lab light. No problem and quite stable so far. You can use QOS1 in MQTT if you want to be sure that the message arrives. But you are right, the system has to be stable..
This is so interesting. Just finding out about sdr. Can you add just one ad to help you pay for the channel? One ad is ok, all those ads in other channels every two minutes is a pain in the neck. I can put up with one ad if it's going to help you. Great job.
Well for me, since I'm into ham radio and I like weather spotting I would listen to my home weather station's data and pipe it into an APRS station so the data can be shared to other ham stations or to the local National Weather Service office.
Hi Andreas, this is very helpful. Planning to buy this cheap weather station in Aliexpress and they are still selling it.. Just a quick question.. Is you setup still up and running after more than 3 yrs now? Just little concern on quality.. Want this to integrate to my Home Assistant
Hello Andreas! Since you've had this weather station for a while now I'm wondering how happy are you with it? Is it still working and is it somewhat accurate? Very much thinking of buying one! Regards
You may also consider a direct communication from the weather station to the esp32: by adding an RF433 receiver to the esp32 you could get directly the data from weather station without the need of node-red and mqtt (just in case anything happens) but keep them for home automation
Andreas Spiess I didn't say it is easy :-) but I think it would be worth having 2 systems doing the same thing for increasing reliability (you want to prevent any damage from the wind in any situation)
Great stuff thank you. I am definitely going to try this for my rolla blinds. Do you thing it would work with my car alarm to lock my car at a set time?
I loved to see my Aercus (AKA Fine Offset WH24)finally spit out the measurements. I had tried with RFLink (your video) but it was not recognised . Excellent work. My troubles began with trying to pipe the results to Mosquito (rtf_433 -F json -U etc), got Error:Connection refused. Is node-red in the SD image? I can't figure out.
I don't understand why it didn't work with ESP8266. My guess is that you have to use delay() in combination with delayMicroseconds() since the latter does not give any time for the network stack. Maybe this works with ESP32 since this has dual cores. Try using delay() for ''N' and perhaps also for 'L'.
Could this work with Nexa system? Dince they are the largest power outlet/IR sensor/Button maker. I think Nexa uses pairing or rolling codes on different bands...
Andreas; I just came across this video. I want to know if you can do the same with video transmitters. Specifically back up cameras for your vehicle that come with a dash mount display? I’d like to find a way to discover the frequency of the camera transmitter. Like those little remotes that run of 433 mghz. Is there a standard for this cameras?
Because we are makers we will change that. Andreas Spiess 2018 I like your videos very much, I've been following you since I saw your video about the low power consumption of esp8266.
Hello Andreas, I am a big fan of you here in Mexico. I made the same hack with the RTL-SDR Dongle and the weather station you are using, and I am uploading the information to Weather Underground, but I have a doubt on the "rain", the information says it is a counter with increments of 0.3mm, do you have more information about it, the displays shows it as a totalization for 1h. Thank you!
Very interesting video,thanks Andreas one question about weather stations: I try to capture the packets transmitted from my Bresser weather station to Wunderground via the wifi network but with wireshark I only see the packets when the weather station is turned on. I don't see any other transmission packets to Wunderground, but the data is being transmitted regularly. Of course I use the wifi interface with wireshark. Where is the mistake? thanks and congratulations for your videos Antonio
I am no Wireshark expert. Maybe you use Pi-Hole to monitor your internet traffic. It should show you which sites get traffic and when (I just read about it, never tried myself)
Hey Andreas! Great video as always. I have a question. Why was there a need to send the messages via MQTT? Could we have built a 433 MHz receiver/transmitter that would read messages from the weather station and then that same device would send the messages to retract the outdoor awning via 433 MHz?
The weather station is off the shelf and it’s data is logged in a database. You could of course replace the electronics of the station to transmit a message directly to the awning.
433.92 is ham band here in the US so... What if I put a repeater with input on that frequency and output on other frequency so I can extend the range of my thermometer?
Most of the devices use the same frequency. I do not remember which one. But using SDR you find it easily because you can simultaneously watch a broad frequency band
In fact, several neighbours of mine are having wide variety of weatherstations (and a wide variety of wireless 433/868 devices) ...so I can do comparisons, or I can have a "backup".
It's all go in the PI front eh? Great tutorial Andreas! I wonder if the scanner has a text or api output. If it does it might be possible auto gen the sig gen functions.
Andreas, there is good library for Arduino RCSwitch, which I used a few years ago to control all my RC sockets with one single Arduino. With one example program you can easily grab codes from existing remotes and then you can use them in your application. I think it should work also with your 433 devices.
Good video. I have many now unused 433 MHz alarm sensors around the place I could perhaps repurpose. Unrelated, what is the brand and model of 3D printer you use? I understand you like it very much and am considering purchasing a printer for myself. I suddenly find the need to print many small one-off parts.
Thank you for posting this. I got it working great thanks to the image you provided. Can you tell me what a good antenna is for 433 MHZ and the RTLSDR? I'd like to snoop on other weather stations around me before I buy one but the little aerial I got with the dongle only picks up one temp/humidity sensor. What are you using?
@Andreas Spiess , could you please provide some info about applying settings to native rtl_433 through iotstack? I am currently using rtl_433 installed on rapbian and it's working fine , receiving readings from my 2 weather stations and passing data to homeassistant through mqtt. I can't find any way to apply the same procedure to rtl_433 looking into container . I don't know how to edit or where should i apply the settings. Thanks.
You find the info on how to setup MQTT in the wiki: sensorsiot.github.io/IOTstack/Containers/RTL_433-docker/ How to filter particular sensors I do not know how to do it in the container. You have to ask in the discord channel. I use rflink www.rflink.nl/blog2/ for my productive environment th-cam.com/video/oYfbEyzT-Gs/w-d-xo.html
Nice video as always. But I think its a bit overkill to use a RPI when you have the ESP32. Why not use ESP32 for both transmitting and receiving? 433 receivers are also very cheap. But I think that you should keep the MQTT for both ends. In that way you can controle your Sun Blinds through ex. Node-red, also for other devices (Lux sensors, buttons etc.).
If you provide me the code for decoding the Weather Station Signal I go for it. In the meantime I do not consider it as an overkill. I use a Zero plus a dongle. Not so expensive. And to decode the code of the station is probably a little more complicated than the remote control with 4 buttons.
I have no expirience with SDR and rtl_433, but since this is opensource software and it can decode the signal, I would look into the source code, ex: github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/fineoffset_wh1080.c Perhaps this code would give some input on how to decode the signal.
I'm currently researching an ESP8266 to allow computer/Alexa control of IR devices. The libraries I've been looking at say the ESP8266 has problems with IR remote decoding (but not encoding). I think it's due to the multitasking of running the radio screwing up the capture timing. I'd expect similar problems trying to capture the demodulated RF pulses. ESP32 _might_ work better, because I think it has a separate CPU core run the radio. But the Pi Zero+SDR makes a nicer environment for exploring: it's easy to retune the radio to hunt for the right frequency, and you have more tools available for formatting/storing the results.
Thank you for this very information video ! I have a Bresser 5-in-1 operating over 868 MHz and I am trying to connect to it using an LPRS eRA Connect2Pi Transceiver Dongle. So far no success with the suggestions provided. Is there anything that I am missing ? Thanks again
Just finding this video... seems a very interesting topic. Your dongle link is dead by now though. Can you suggest a new one? Would an ATSC dongle work too? (I am in Canada). Tks for your great videos!
Aaaaah. I'm hopeless. I was trying to make a Homekit garage opener. The Homekit part wen't pretty strait forward. But I got stuck on the 433MHz part. I was able to scan the button on the remote. But I'm absolutely not sure if I'm decoding the signal in the right way, not to speak about recreating the original signal. I have used Universal Radio Hacker. The signals I've recorded for the buttons on the remote seemed to be a ASK coded. And it didn't change after pushing the same button again. So I was pretty sure it is a non-rolling code. But I struggle how to setup the RCSwitch.h library code for my ESP8266 project. In the 7:55 you show the screen for URH that shows bit length value of 340. Is this URH has proposed? I have tried to use the setProtocol function with values from URH (in my case 300), but the signal looks different than the one from the remote.
This is an old video and I do no more remember the details. I am not sure if this number is important. I show how you can find the time. Maybe you watch also my video where I hacked my garage door opener? There I used bit-banging to create the signal. Hacking never is easy and takes quite some time :-(
Andreas, do you also have the problem that the rain sensor with node read (Payload.rain) send the sum since start not the last 1h or 24h? How can you sent it to show the last 24h only?
I suggest you look at Csongor Varga's video th-cam.com/video/mWx5aa1ri2E/w-d-xo.html. He uses Node-Red to produce hourly, daily and weekly rainfall charts from a similar weather station
Inspired by this installed rtl_433, it’s picked up the depth gauge on my domestic oil tank. Wanted to pipe this to MQTT but because I’ve got mosquito running in docker (IOTstack video) can’t work out how can rtl433 can ‘see’ mosquito publish command
Very well made video. Thanks for showing the rtl_433 software. It will no doubt be useful in future... Why add another wireless temperature sensor, if I can tap into the data sent by commercial units. Thanks!
And unfortunately I did not discover a wind sensor in my neighborhood. Oh well, temperature logging is what I'm after and there are couple of temperature sensors. Cheers!
For me, the advantage is that you *can* add another sensor: our weather station with the internet interface only supports two, and I want to monitor the temperature in the unheated/uncooled workshop, as well as the office and outdoors. This will let me add a couple of sensors to watch the workshop floor and attic. And add sensors at my house without having to spend a bunch of money on an internet-connected weather station. Thanks, Andreas!
Very useful video, thanks. I have a Pi3B but it runs Pihole and I preferably want to run a project similiar like yours side by side with Pihole and I don't want to delete the Pihole/OS config with another image so I guess I'll have to go with HB9FXQ's manual. Any tips before I take this route?
Your videos are great! I started playing around with RTL-SDR and hunting weather balloons! And I want to ask if you know how to make this with TTGO 433 MHz board (same as used for balloons). And what about recording and playing the signal again just with this board. Thank you for your service to community!
I once copied a garage door opener on 40MHz. A similar thing could probably be done with a TTGO. But I assume you are on your own to create the code. And also make sure your device does not use an encrypted (rolling) code. Watch also my other 433MHz videos. I built another 433MHz receiver
@Andreas Spiess :Hi , followed your guide , i've bought an Bresser 5in1 weather station wich should run at 433Mhz, bought RTL-SDR dongle like yours , installed software on raspberry pi (rtl_433 and gqrx software) i can see my other 433Mhz devices (switches, contacts etc...) but can't see the Bresser , gone from frequency 432-434Mhz in steps of 0.1 but nothing shows up , on the display delivered with the bresser i can see the values change every 10 sec, the unit is now within 1 meter of the RTL-SDR to be sure , but nothing , any advice , pointers, help is much appreciated.
Hello, great video I saw a long time ago, but just moved into usage. unfortunately with no luck since my weather station send data on 868Mhs (according to doc). But I'm not able to get any data from it using an SDR and RTL_SDR, any hints ? I can get 433Mhz sensor for temp but no luck for wind or rain sensor .... Thx
Ah well, these days almost everything is forbidden... but ok, I'll be nice and keep it simple with only a weather station as an example to test things out. But first of all I want to finish my workshop in the back yard.
I just finished the foundation of the 'extended wing'. Next is the roof, followed with cladding. I expect to be over the major works after the summer holiday. If necessary I consider giving up my motorcycle holiday... ist't that horrible ? Btw, it is rather a monument. In case of a nuclear holocaust, you have your basement and I'll have my shed in the back yard. It's not quite the same, but it's getting close... ;-)
For those living in Europe - as many others I'm so far unable to switch on and off the Silvercrest wall sockets from LIDL. As far as I can see I'm sending exactly the same pulse trains that the receiver reported. Sure it uses rolling codes, but the sequence is only 4 codes after which it repeats. Question: could if be that the rx module locks on all channels in the 433 MHz band, but the tx module can only send on one particular channel that the Silvercrest device doesn't pick up?
Wow, thanks for the personal reply, Andreas. If I can't find a simple reason why I can't control these switches, I guess I'll have to get into SDR to discover the cause :-)
Haha! I figured it out! First of all: DUH! I forgot that pin 34 on the ESP32 is input only, so not much transmitting going on. But even after moving to pin 32 it didn't work. My oscilloscope helped me out. The github.com/sui77/rc-switch library reports a number sent by protocol 3, but that's not actually correct. I created a new protocol: { 100, { 3, 24 }, { 3, 12 }, { 11, 5 }, false }, // protocol 13 (Silvercrest/LIDL) and then sent the previously reported 24-bit number (codeValue) by: mySwitch.setProtocol(13); mySwitch.setRepeatTransmit(2); mySwitch.send(codeValue, 24); I also moved the command this->transmit(protocol.syncFactor); from line 534 to line 528, but I'm not sure if that is needed. The rolling codes are not even an issue BTW, any of the 4 codes transmitted per key by the remote control work.
is there anyway to get more details i'm now getting Battery : 1 Temperature: 36.0 C Humidity : 37 Wind Gust : 0.0 m/s Wind Speed: 0.2 m/s Direction : 45.0 ° Rain : 19.6 mm Integrity : CHECKSUM The most important one is rain , seems to be a total, i would like the present value so i can program my sunscreen to go up when it starting to rain...
Dear Andreas, Thank you for the advice and the video, I wonder can I build the hacking tool using Arduino and some FSK receiver like Si4432 to get the 433MHz data. Because on your video you use SDR and Raspberry to catch the data then use internet connection via MQTT to trigger the ESP8266. I already use the SDR and got the payload of the data (Preamble bit, Sync bit and the real sensor data). so can I create the receiver for that weather station, even tough the radio chip between Arduino and weather station is different (Arduino use Si4432 (FSK) and the weather station use HopeRF RF43B).
I do no more remember, but I do not think I had to "pair" anything. Are you sure you find your device in the list of supported devices? Does your RF-Link detect other devices?
Superb work, Andreas! But I run in 1 major and 2 minor problems: The minor: 1) Which is the SSH password used in the image? 2) I have to do some adaptions to your script, because I have 3 different time slots for signal and break The major: I use an Arduino Nano and FS1000A TX. The primary signal computing looks good, but TX has a slow falling level at end of signal, so the breaks are not recognised by the RX correctly (far away from 0 line or noise level). Have you a idea, this failure depends on poor 433 modul or poor output on Arduino? 73 de OE1FEA, Erwin
1. Usually, I leave pi and raspberry from the Raspian installation. 2. Remote diagnostics is hard. Maybe you can split your setup and test parts of it independently?
This just gave me an idea to solve something that annoyed me for a long time: the Samsung Horizon DVR box that Virgin Media (Liberty Global) provides comes with a remote control that uses both infrared and radio. Which means my (Swiss-made) Logitech Harmony universal remote control is not so "universal" when it comes to this particular type of DVR. Most of the buttons on the top of the Samsung remote work fine via the Harmony remote but a few (the DVR buttons) and the keyboard underneath don't work. I wonder if this Samsung remote control unit uses the same 433 MHz band and if the codes could be decoded and sent by an ESP32 with a cheap 433 MHz transmitter. If this is possible then I could take your "Babel Fish" Infrared Remote Protocol Translator idea (video #254, same Samsung remote control) and extend it even further! Thanks for the idea, I'm able to "stand on the shoulders of some very skilled colleagues who shared their know-how"! ;-)
i have a wh-sp-ws02 weather station and i only get an total rain value (rain_mm), not rain value of one day, is there a way to get the value of the day?
Hi - awesome video! How can I build a 2nd receiver for a transmitter after I figured out, what the sender is sending? I did not understand how I can listen for a specific ( already decoded signal) with an arduino to do something... I didnt found a video on your channel... do you have some tips for me?
thanks for your answer :) yes I know, that this wasnt the topic... but the last part with the URH was inspiring me for doing something like that :) Maybe you can do this in one of your future videos! Would be awesome... Sniffing Signal with URH and build an receiver for that! its just a suggestion... it would help me a lot to understand receiving signals, cause your videos are realy very clear and amazing! thanks for that Andreas!
I have a unused first model raspberry pi, will it work the image? Would be wonderful to reuse that old raspberry and not having to buy one model 3! Thanks for your nice videos!
Well, my brand new 16gig micro SD card came today. Just downloaded the image file and it doesn't fit on a 16gig card. Oh no!
Does the software really take up 16gig or is there lots of space on the image?
If a lot of space, can anyone point me in the right direction to reduce the image size just a little to enable it to fit on a 16gig card please.
Thank you
Not all 16G cards have the exact same size. So yours is probably a few bytes smaller. I do not know how to solve it other than start from scratch with Frank‘s script or use a bigger card
I'm having the same issue. I'll give Frank's script a shot.
Hi Ron,
I have now tried 3 different makes of 16gig cards and none of them are big enough.
Also, I have used a computer running Linux Mint and tried several methods of shrinking the image including 'Truncate', all have failed.
The image appears to be 145meg too big. The same figure on all 3 micro SD cards I have used.
The other option I tried was to copy the files to a new card by first setting up the correct partitions on a micro SD card and then copy the files from the image to a boot (Fat32) section and the files to an EXT4 section, but after using root/admin to copy, some of them just refuse to copy over.
I am now at a loss of what to do.
The actual data in the image is only about 10gig so there is lots of space that can be removed to shrink the image.
If you find a way, please share.
Thank you
Martin Ellis I just did a fresh Stretch install on my 16gb card. I had a couple of specific sensors I was looking to see information from that were already part of rtl_433, so I used the script referenced above to get it installed and it’s working great. Not sure how we can shrink Andrea’s image down, but thank you for your efforts.
Hi Ron (And anyone else),
I had another go at reducing the image file size today and this time it was successful. I had to use something called a loopback to get the image into gparted, then resize, then exit the loopback then fdisk it then ..... well you get the picture.
Anyway, I halved the image to 7.5gig and I am using it now on my Pi3 to leave this message.
The RTL program is running but finding nothing. I do live in the middle of nowhere though.
Anyway, if you or anyone would like this reduced image size file, please let me know.
Wow, all that in 11 minutes. Another fantastic video with so many options for using these techniques for all kinds of projects. Thank you. Arthur
I read that the average span of attention is about 8 seconds. So this one is still too long ;-)
Your introduction to the SDR is also great, the links about the demo and tools install encouraged me to cross the step today, I was hesitating for long, I ordered an RTL-SDR and an ADALM-PLUTO. It's good to know there's a community behind to help with tools an faced issues. So I'll definitely follow you up on SDR content.
So enjoy your new tools as I do!
I like how well you structure the contents and how thorough you are in your analysis. Very inspiring!
Thank you for your feedback!
Excellent work. I'm mainly interested in the 433 receiving side for the moment. So, I burned your image onto a 16GB SD, connected the cheap dongle that just arrived from Banggood, switched on ... and everything just works! There should be more people in the world like you!
Thank you for your feedback. I was just the transmitter of the good work done by others.
@@AndreasSpiess As long as you tx, we are rx'ing ;)
The problem with 433.92MHz equipment is that there are far too many, resulting in blocking. I was reciently forced to replace my central heating thermostat, because it was regularly jammed in the on state by other devices in the locality.
My replacement thermostat still uses 433.92MHz, but has a duplex protocol, ensuring the command message is received and acknowledged.
Because of the congestion on this frequency, I think any home made projects using this frequency should use a bi directional protocol. This is particularly important when controlling a motorized device. RF modules to do this are available at very low cost, around £5 to 10.
Fortunately this was not the case here :-)
Andreas Spiess my brother and I designed a system to receive the Oregon weather station modules, the earlier ones used OOK am modulated signalling,the later ones are FM. Our system injects the decided signal on to our common CCTV modulator. This displayed the CCTV and the weather information on all the TVs in the house. Unfortunately the modulator is only PAL, not DVB-T.
The price of DVB-T (2) are coming down so I should be able to update the system to support newer televisions that only support DVB reception.
Andreas Spiess you may be interested to know that the sky satellite remote control system that uses the red-eye IR receivers, convert the the remote control IR signal to a 7.2MHz OOK modulated signal that can be sent over the aerial coax to remote the s sky receiver in another room. I built a demodulator for this which was used to remote control the CCTV DVR. Unfortunately technology made the system obsolete when we installed a television/radio/ satellite distribution amplifier. The problem is that the red eye transcoders are powered by 12 volts sent through the TV aerial coax. This is not compatible with the voltage control signal used to switch the satelilite LMB.
I think alot of devices/implementations may not be following the regional rules for duty-cycle/use-cases, etc... For a great overview of regulatory compliance, check out this TI paper:
@@zerog2000 Thanks for the great link
You can use your wheather station signal to fire up or down your heater, activate a below zero and/or wind alarm. Very interesting video Andreas, as always!!
I use it for our awning. It extends when the sun is shining, the temperature is above 22 degrees, and winds are calm. Like that we do not get lots of direct sun in summer
Fantastic Andreas!
Unti now I have used Raspberry and some SDR usb dongle to build a FlightRadar station and an ACARS messages decoding station.
But now I will start to explore the 433Mhz sensors world.
Thank you for this useful video.
And you can do much more with it. Stay tuned!
Wonderful Andreas ! I’ve been meaning to design and build a gateway for controlling my 3 meter projector screen with my universal remote and this guide will be the perfect jump start. Thank you as always for your real-world useful topics and projects !
So good luck with your debugging! I hope it will be as easy as it was with mine...
Great video! I did not know about URH it seems great. For my weather station I did it the caveman way with SDR# recording rf as audio, then looking at it in Audacity and writing it down by hand. For tiny remotes and simple stuff there is the 'rc-switch' arduino library that can decode and reproduce most of them, would have been worth a mention since it's super simple. Also loved the Ave reference at the start :)
In the past I also used Audacity. But now it can be completely replaced by URH. So I did not mention it.
Soon as I heard 'treat especial,' I ctrl+f'ed for 'AvE' in the comments :D
What a great tutorial! Quick, without going to the details, but very succinct and easy to follow. The Best of it is introduce a full workflow to solve a problem from A to Z using a set of different tools like SDR, decoding signals and mqtt integration. Many thanks for sharing your work. For sure this method can be used to an infinity of solutions
Thank you. I hope it will help also for other situations...
This was a fantastic glimpse into the possibilities of the SDR and common 433MHz devices. Thank you Andreas.
This was the goal. So I am glad it helped.
0:25 Hacking the remote control of my outdoor awning for adding an anemometer is exactly what I want to do! Mine didn't have one and I've got no idea how much the wind is blowing, so... Thank you, Andreas! But unfortunately, I'm pretty sure my remote control uses rolling code. I inspected it with the oscilloscope and a 433 MHz receiver module (which is much more tedious) and got a different code each time. But I found the manual of the awning's motor and receiver combo and it tells you how to add a new remote control. So if I reset the control (there's a reset button) and then inspect how it's added to the receiver, I might be able to add my own transmitter.
Or maybe they use a bad PRNG, which would be able to be easily cracked with the SDR. Just get a few samples and if it isn't a CSPRNG, you'll be able to get the method used and the seeds (and therefore predicting all other values).
So good luck! It seems that I was lucky...
I really enjoy your videos, really well produced and packed with accurate and useful information. Thank you for making them.
Glad you like them! Then it is worth the effort.
Thanks for the video. I knew about rtl_433 but hadn't heard about Universal Radio Hacker, used to have to use Audacity to capture waveforms. Great find. Just an FYI, I believe that the RFM96 radio that is used for LORA can also be programmed to do OOK and AFSK. What would have to be done is to connect an I/O pin to D2 (not done on most combo boards) and program the RFM96 to OOK mode. So far the RADIOHEAD libraries don't have that implemented but it shouldn't take too much hacking to figure out the configuration file. That would allow you to move the frequency just a little away from the 433.92 standard, as long as the new chosen frequency is still within the unlicensed band for the country of use. That is in one of my up coming projects. I have an Acu-Rite temperature sensor that I was going to use to figure it out but it saved me the time and fell off the tree into the mud and died.
You can get much cheaper chips to do OOK on 433. And there you probably would get the library support.
Moving away from the frequency is probably easy for our chips, but not for my awning or the weather station...
"treat especial"
Didn't know I was watching AvE!
But I do!
He is using it wrong just like all the non native speakers use bullsh*t incorrectly. His context was "giving something special treatment" as opposed to "being in for a special treat". Angry pixies LOL
I think he speaks also French and just mixed the two languages as he often does.
lol, I caught that too.
I finally got this to work! I've been trying to use cheap 433 receivers, but couldn't decode the messages. I eventually gave in and got an SDR dongle, and it worked right away with your SD card image. The SDR dongle is expensive here (in South Africa, 5x the price of a dumb receiver), so I'm hoping I can find other projects to do with it.
Glad to read it worked!
I'm a guy with a poor English knowledge but your explanation is clear. Your videos is tooooooo interesting ! ❤
Many viewers use this channel to practice English because I speak slow...
Great video. Good to see some SDR stuff (not that everything else you publish isn't awesome). I really enjoyed the video and it brought to light URH and other tool that I wasn't aware of. Thanks!
You will most probably see more stuff on that topic as I m very much interested in its possibilities
I've purchased a LaCrosse 79400 weather station, but you are exactly right about not needing to buy one, as I am receiving signals from a neighbor's Acurite 5 in 1 system.
Bad luck ;-) At least you can now compare the results...
Andreas, as usual you show me something new, thank you. Like most people I started out with Audacity and was working on an Arduino version of URH that I can now simply drop, as the rpi will serve my purposes perfectly, I just need to use this as the perfect excuse to buy a model 3B Plus. :-) Thanks again! (Ian Till)
Don't quote me for the 3+. I did not use this model ;-)
I'm not new to electronics but this is way over my head. I just watched this twice I can't even figure out what to Google to find out more. Looking forward to your introduction to software defined radio.
This has a few strings which come together. So it is not easy to start with. If you are interested in electronics I suggest you start with Arduino and ESP8266 or Raspberry Pi. And maybe you watch my videos to keep you motivated. We all started with a first step. Enjoy the journey!
I was searching to read and actuate RF signals .
This Video is too useful to me.
Thanks Mr.Adreas
But Mr.Andreas, I am looking for a way to read a signal which in transmission wire between the RF receiver and Main board of a Car security system.
So i can simulate it to open/close my car from my mobile application.
Modern cars use encrypted codes.
Andreas Spiess Thanks for replying 😊☺
Well, My car is manufactured in 1997, The security system is installed as external unit . I don't think it's time-based encrypted, because receiving unit or remote controller loses power sometimes.
To sniff logical signals you need a logic analyzer. I did once a video about that (something like " make Invisible signals visible")
Andreas Spiess I'll check it out .
Thank you ☺
Very interesting! An alternative to unknown protocols with static values, e.g. on/off status, plight can be used. With pilight you can listen to the divice (plight-debug) capture the raw string and reproduce it or send it back (pilight-send -p raw -c "[raw string]"). pilight can also decode signals (plight-receive) although it is not as complete as rtl_433.
Thank you for this info. I did not know pilight.
I would love for you to get into integrating your ideas such as this one to a Homeassistant setup. Yes there are other youtubers doing this, but someone with good electronics background like yourself would make it super awesome.
For the moment I plan more basic videos. Maybe one day...
i cannot believe the quality of these videos!
i am subscribing, but i wont understand half of them
Welcome aboard the channel. How boring it would be if you understood already everything. Like that you will learn some new things with watching the videos.
Thanks :) i agree entirely, especially if someone like you shares the skeletons of their knowledge for us to then research
Potential workaround for some systems if you are dealing with rolling keys, and can live with completely replacing the involved remote with your alternative:
isolate remote from receiver and record a number of signals (e.g. 200 signals)
now you can use these 200 signals to control your device before you need to re-record signals
Typically, these rolling keys work on a ratchet, so if you ever send a signal with your remote again, you invalidate all your recordings.
There is also a strong possibility that the same ratchet is used for the different buttons. In that case, you'll have to record desired combination sequences instead of individual signals.
As you can see, this method is really only practical for very simple devices which are rarely actuated, but it can be an acceptable hack if no other solution is available
I agree with your analysis. However, I am happy that our garage door opener still is "old fashioned" and I was able to hack it with a simple system.
0:32 "And we will use the most sophisticated hacking equipment you can buy for 10$ + a raspberry pi"
Lol what a gem
True. RTL Dongles are gems...
Great video, SDR is alot of fun and really cool. I would suggest putting GNU Radio in your toolkit.
I have 2 Nooelec USB SDR dongles that work real well, both use external ( provided ) antenna's
I agree. It is already in the tool kit. Just not used in this video. And some nice HW like a HackRF and a Pluto...
I didn't know about rtl_433. This is fantastic, because a lot of my neighbors seem to have weather stations and I can just fire up rtl_433 to find out how warm and moist it is.
That is probably true in many areas. I did not find one with the wind and rain sensor, though.
Would it be possible to use a 433 MHz receiver module instead of the SDR dongle? Since you used a generic module to send your messages, a generic receiver should have been able to do the receiving/sniffing. Then you could omit the use of a Raspberry PI and one ESP32 could do the whole job.
This is of course possible. And I will probably go this way later on. But for hacking an SDR is much more versatile, because in the beginning, you do not know anything. Only after hacking you know which 433 receiver chip will do the job (ASK,FSK,PSK for example). And maybe you even do not know the frequency. This one was simple...
Thank you for the answer. I didn't even realize that there are differences in the 433MHz modules. After looking around I assume that CC1101 based transceivers are a good choice because they cover a variety of modulations. Cheers!
Something to consider though is there's a lot of ready to use software for the RTL based SDR dongles. Using your own 433 MHz receiver you'll likely have to write a lot of tooling yourself.
Very interersting video! Thanks. :D I was wondering what your observations are on the reliability of the system? I was looking into using MQTT for a grow room controller (not even with 433mhz RF), but I encountered enough glitches (just messages not making it all the way to the end) that I thought I should probably err on the side of caution when it came to the lighting and stick to a local timer. After all, artificial light for plants is literally a life support system! I then began wondering about feeding back so that you know for sure that what you instructed did actually happen. In my case, an LDR for each light would do the trick. When you mentioned the awning possibly being damaged in high winds, it just made me wonder if there was anything in the data along the lines of a message confirming that it had actually been fully retracted?
I use MQTT on an RPi zero for a few months for my lab light. No problem and quite stable so far. You can use QOS1 in MQTT if you want to be sure that the message arrives. But you are right, the system has to be stable..
This is so interesting. Just finding out about sdr. Can you add just one ad to help you pay for the channel? One ad is ok, all those ads in other channels every two minutes is a pain in the neck. I can put up with one ad if it's going to help you. Great job.
I have an ad at the beginning and at the end. With my Patreons I can pay for the channel. Glad you like the content!
great project, thanks for sharing. is your esp32 battery operated?
No. It sits inside the house.
Another awesome video herr Spiess! Thank you for your time and effort
You are welcome!
Well for me, since I'm into ham radio and I like weather spotting I would listen to my home weather station's data and pipe it into an APRS station so the data can be shared to other ham stations or to the local National Weather Service office.
Good idea. AFAIK you can also share it with some online services if you want.
Hi Andreas, this is very helpful. Planning to buy this cheap weather station in Aliexpress and they are still selling it.. Just a quick question.. Is you setup still up and running after more than 3 yrs now? Just little concern on quality.. Want this to integrate to my Home Assistant
It stopped working a few days ago. So far I do not know why. It is on my bench...
Hey Andreas, welcome to the world of software defined radio
wow this project is like amazing I am blown away. it only took 200 videos worth of experience and know how. summed up in a 11 min video
Thank you! And maybe before the 200 videos, there was also 59 years of life ;-)
Just remember how hard this was 30 years ago.. nothing was ready to connect to anything.. now we have it 'easy'.. it's practically plug and play.
Hello Andreas! Since you've had this weather station for a while now I'm wondering how happy are you with it? Is it still working and is it somewhat accurate? Very much thinking of buying one! Regards
Mine stopped delivering values few weeks ago. So far I did not make the analysis of the root cause.
You may also consider a direct communication from the weather station to the esp32: by adding an RF433 receiver to the esp32 you could get directly the data from weather station without the need of node-red and mqtt (just in case anything happens) but keep them for home automation
This is stuff for more work. This protocol is a little more complex. But I will try it.
Andreas Spiess I didn't say it is easy :-) but I think it would be worth having 2 systems doing the same thing for increasing reliability (you want to prevent any damage from the wind in any situation)
You are absolutely right!
Great video and hands down for your knowledge
Thank you!
Great stuff thank you. I am definitely going to try this for my rolla blinds. Do you thing it would work with my car alarm to lock my car at a set time?
Car remotes (fortunately) use encrypted communication. So they cannot be hacked without high effort.
I loved to see my Aercus (AKA Fine Offset WH24)finally spit out the measurements. I had tried with RFLink (your video) but it was not recognised .
Excellent work.
My troubles began with trying to pipe the results to Mosquito (rtf_433 -F json -U etc), got Error:Connection refused.
Is node-red in the SD image? I can't figure out.
Maybe you use the image of the "Ultimate Pi Server". There you find Node-Red and RTL_433
I don't understand why it didn't work with ESP8266. My guess is that you have to use delay() in combination with delayMicroseconds() since the latter does not give any time for the network stack. Maybe this works with ESP32 since this has dual cores. Try using delay() for ''N' and perhaps also for 'L'.
As I said I gave up. Not before trying a few things... Maybe the delaymicroseconds() was the problem. But I needed it in this concept.
Could this work with Nexa system?
Dince they are the largest power outlet/IR sensor/Button maker.
I think Nexa uses pairing or rolling codes on different bands...
I do not know.
Andreas; I just came across this video. I want to know if you can do the same with video transmitters. Specifically back up cameras for your vehicle that come with a dash mount display? I’d like to find a way to discover the frequency of the camera transmitter. Like those little remotes that run of 433 mghz. Is there a standard for this cameras?
I have no knowledge in this area :-(
thanks Andreas, that was a really inspiring overview!
Thank you!
Because we are makers we will change that.
Andreas Spiess 2018
I like your videos very much, I've been following you since I saw your video about the low power consumption of esp8266.
Thank you for your continued support! This is already a long time.
Hello Andreas, I am a big fan of you here in Mexico. I made the same hack with the RTL-SDR Dongle and the weather station you are using, and I am uploading the information to Weather Underground, but I have a doubt on the "rain", the information says it is a counter with increments of 0.3mm, do you have more information about it, the displays shows it as a totalization for 1h.
Thank you!
The counter just counts up with each bit of rain and you have to do the calculations (per hour/per day, etc)
Andreas Spiess Thank you very much! and congratulations for your TH-cam Channel!
Very interesting video,thanks Andreas
one question about weather stations:
I try to capture the packets transmitted from my Bresser weather station to Wunderground via the wifi network but with wireshark I only see the packets when the weather station is turned on. I don't see any other transmission packets to Wunderground, but the data is being transmitted regularly. Of course I use the wifi interface with wireshark. Where is the mistake?
thanks and congratulations for your videos
I am no Wireshark expert. Maybe you use Pi-Hole to monitor your internet traffic. It should show you which sites get traffic and when (I just read about it, never tried myself)
@@AndreasSpiess many thanks Andreas and all the best in 2021
Hey Andreas! Great video as always. I have a question. Why was there a need to send the messages via MQTT? Could we have built a 433 MHz receiver/transmitter that would read messages from the weather station and then that same device would send the messages to retract the outdoor awning via 433 MHz?
The weather station is off the shelf and it’s data is logged in a database. You could of course replace the electronics of the station to transmit a message directly to the awning.
433.92 is ham band here in the US so... What if I put a repeater with input on that frequency and output on other frequency so I can extend the range of my thermometer?
If you have a license I think you can do it. I "repeat" it on Wi-Fi...
How did you find the exact 433Mhz weather station frequency? If the transmitter sends data infrequently, using urh is a pain..
Most of the devices use the same frequency. I do not remember which one. But using SDR you find it easily because you can simultaneously watch a broad frequency band
Love it! Piggy back your neighbours weather station...
But now I have my own...
In fact, several neighbours of mine are having wide variety of weatherstations (and a wide variety of wireless 433/868 devices) ...so I can do comparisons, or I can have a "backup".
Thanks for tip about UHR... Wish I had that when working on arduino and rtl_433 for acurite wx station!
Maybe for the next project ;-)
It's all go in the PI front eh? Great tutorial Andreas! I wonder if the scanner has a text or api output. If it does it might be possible auto gen the sig gen functions.
I did not check for an output file because I did not need it.
Andreas, there is good library for Arduino RCSwitch, which I used a few years ago to control all my RC sockets with one single Arduino. With one example program you can easily grab codes from existing remotes and then you can use them in your application. I think it should work also with your 433 devices.
Do they also work for the ESP?
I don't know, it was before ESP chips. Maybe somebody already ported it or other one exists.
I got another link to
an ESPilight library which seems to work. I will give it a try...
RCSwitch library works with ESP8266. It might not be able to decode weather station protocol, but works for those cheap fix code remotes.
Yes it works! I use it in my home! You can also use this gateway: github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway
Good video. I have many now unused 433 MHz alarm sensors around the place I could perhaps repurpose.
Unrelated, what is the brand and model of 3D printer you use? I understand you like it very much and am considering purchasing a printer for myself. I suddenly find the need to print many small one-off parts.
I have a Prusa Mk3. Not cheap but worth the money if you want to print and not to enhance your printer.
Thank you for posting this. I got it working great thanks to the image you provided. Can you tell me what a good antenna is for 433 MHZ and the RTLSDR? I'd like to snoop on other weather stations around me before I buy one but the little aerial I got with the dongle only picks up one temp/humidity sensor. What are you using?
I use a simple 433 MHz "coil" antenna of AliExpress which come with some modules. But I do not have to bridge big distances.
@Andreas Spiess , could you please provide some info about applying settings to native rtl_433 through iotstack? I am currently using rtl_433 installed on rapbian and it's working fine , receiving readings from my 2 weather stations and passing data to homeassistant through mqtt. I can't find any way to apply the same procedure to rtl_433 looking into container . I don't know how to edit or where should i apply the settings. Thanks.
You find the info on how to setup MQTT in the wiki: sensorsiot.github.io/IOTstack/Containers/RTL_433-docker/
How to filter particular sensors I do not know how to do it in the container. You have to ask in the discord channel. I use rflink www.rflink.nl/blog2/ for my productive environment th-cam.com/video/oYfbEyzT-Gs/w-d-xo.html
Nice video as always.
But I think its a bit overkill to use a RPI when you have the ESP32. Why not use ESP32 for both transmitting and receiving?
433 receivers are also very cheap. But I think that you should keep the MQTT for both ends. In that way you can controle your Sun Blinds through ex. Node-red, also for other devices (Lux sensors, buttons etc.).
If you provide me the code for decoding the Weather Station Signal I go for it. In the meantime I do not consider it as an overkill. I use a Zero plus a dongle. Not so expensive. And to decode the code of the station is probably a little more complicated than the remote control with 4 buttons.
Would be great to see an ESP device receive the weather station signal. Big price difference between ESP and a Pi.
I have no expirience with SDR and rtl_433, but since this is opensource software and it can decode the signal, I would look into the source code, ex: github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/fineoffset_wh1080.c
Perhaps this code would give some input on how to decode the signal.
I'm currently researching an ESP8266 to allow computer/Alexa control of IR devices. The libraries I've been looking at say the ESP8266 has problems with IR remote decoding (but not encoding). I think it's due to the multitasking of running the radio screwing up the capture timing. I'd expect similar problems trying to capture the demodulated RF pulses. ESP32 _might_ work better, because I think it has a separate CPU core run the radio.
But the Pi Zero+SDR makes a nicer environment for exploring: it's easy to retune the radio to hunt for the right frequency, and you have more tools available for formatting/storing the results.
+oleost: I use a Pi Zero
OMG, Awesome!!! That's another home run! Or GOOOOAAAL as one might say in "Football" over there. ;)
I assume you liked the video ;-)
Thank you for this very information video ! I have a Bresser 5-in-1 operating over 868 MHz and I am trying to connect to it using an LPRS eRA Connect2Pi Transceiver Dongle. So far no success with the suggestions provided. Is there anything that I am missing ? Thanks again
I have no idea. I do not know this device. :-(
Just finding this video... seems a very interesting topic. Your dongle link is dead by now though. Can you suggest a new one? Would an ATSC dongle work too? (I am in Canada).
Tks for your great videos!
The second link still worked. I updated the first one. So both should work now.
Could the esp32 be skipped maybe and the 433MHz transmitter connected to the Raspberry? Also, is it hard to wire a cheep 433MHz receiver to Raspberry?
Linux systems are not good for real-time tasks :-( And 433 MHz communication with simple transmitters/receivers need real-time.
Very interesting video.
The link from Aliexpress to the SDR dongle refers to another model is this dongle also compatible?
They are all compatible. The one in the link should contain a slightly better chip.
you have a great amount of info. lovely work
Thank you!
Aaaaah. I'm hopeless. I was trying to make a Homekit garage opener. The Homekit part wen't pretty strait forward. But I got stuck on the 433MHz part. I was able to scan the button on the remote. But I'm absolutely not sure if I'm decoding the signal in the right way, not to speak about recreating the original signal. I have used Universal Radio Hacker. The signals I've recorded for the buttons on the remote seemed to be a ASK coded. And it didn't change after pushing the same button again. So I was pretty sure it is a non-rolling code. But I struggle how to setup the RCSwitch.h library code for my ESP8266 project. In the 7:55 you show the screen for URH that shows bit length value of 340. Is this URH has proposed? I have tried to use the setProtocol function with values from URH (in my case 300), but the signal looks different than the one from the remote.
This is an old video and I do no more remember the details. I am not sure if this number is important. I show how you can find the time. Maybe you watch also my video where I hacked my garage door opener? There I used bit-banging to create the signal.
Hacking never is easy and takes quite some time :-(
Excellent fantastic video. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
You are welcome!
Andreas, do you also have the problem that the rain sensor with node read (Payload.rain) send the sum since start not the last 1h or 24h? How can you sent it to show the last 24h only?
I did not analyze the rain sensor's messages. But On the display, I see the rain of the last 24 hours. So I assume, the base station sums it up.
I suggest you look at Csongor Varga's video th-cam.com/video/mWx5aa1ri2E/w-d-xo.html. He uses Node-Red to produce hourly, daily and weekly rainfall charts from a similar weather station
great I will check !
Inspired by this installed rtl_433, it’s picked up the depth gauge on my domestic oil tank. Wanted to pipe this to MQTT but because I’ve got mosquito running in docker (IOTstack video) can’t work out how can rtl433 can ‘see’ mosquito publish command
These RTL-SDR sticks are only receivers. They cannot transmit. I think I made a video about that where I drive my awning
Amazing video, I have a question, what would be the alternative if I don't want to use RaspberryPi?
You can use a Linux box or a windows PC with virtual box. It is in Frank‘s description.
Couple of small issues. Links are to ESP8266 not ESP32 and Pi image is to a 404 message.
The link to the Pi image should work by now. What other link does not work?
Same here, www.sensorsiot.org/transferfiles/Hacking_Raspbi3.zip 404 page not found
This link was wrong. I changed it in the comment.
Hi Andreas, very useful video.
I have an unused Pi3B+ which I can recycle for this purpose, does your image work with it?
Thanks in advance.
Then I also used a Pi3. But look also at the Docker video...
Very well made video. Thanks for showing the rtl_433 software. It will no doubt be useful in future... Why add another wireless temperature sensor, if I can tap into the data sent by commercial units.
Fortunately, I did not discover a wind sensor in the neighborhood. Otherwise I would have made a bad purchase ;-)
And unfortunately I did not discover a wind sensor in my neighborhood. Oh well, temperature logging is what I'm after and there are couple of temperature sensors. Cheers!
For me, the advantage is that you *can* add another sensor: our weather station with the internet interface only supports two, and I want to monitor the temperature in the unheated/uncooled workshop, as well as the office and outdoors.
This will let me add a couple of sensors to watch the workshop floor and attic. And add sensors at my house without having to spend a bunch of money on an internet-connected weather station.
Thanks, Andreas!
Thanks for video!
Tamás, from Stockholm
You are welcome!
Very useful video, thanks. I have a Pi3B but it runs Pihole and I preferably want to run a project similiar like yours side by side with Pihole and I don't want to delete the Pihole/OS config with another image so I guess I'll have to go with HB9FXQ's manual. Any tips before I take this route?
Your videos are great! I started playing around with RTL-SDR and hunting weather balloons!
And I want to ask if you know how to make this with TTGO 433 MHz board (same as used for balloons).
And what about recording and playing the signal again just with this board.
Thank you for your service to community!
I once copied a garage door opener on 40MHz. A similar thing could probably be done with a TTGO. But I assume you are on your own to create the code. And also make sure your device does not use an encrypted (rolling) code.
Watch also my other 433MHz videos. I built another 433MHz receiver
@Andreas Spiess :Hi , followed your guide , i've bought an Bresser 5in1 weather station wich should run at 433Mhz, bought RTL-SDR dongle like yours , installed software on raspberry pi (rtl_433 and gqrx software) i can see my other 433Mhz devices (switches, contacts etc...) but can't see the Bresser , gone from frequency 432-434Mhz in steps of 0.1 but nothing shows up , on the display delivered with the bresser i can see the values change every 10 sec, the unit is now within 1 meter of the RTL-SDR to be sure , but nothing , any advice , pointers, help is much appreciated.
If it is this station www.bresser.de/en/Weather-Time/Weather-Center/BRESSER-Weather-Center-5-in-1-black.html it uses 868MHz
@@AndreasSpiess yes, thats the one , i contacted Bresser and they said 433 , so was looking in the wrong region , thx for that
@@AndreasSpiess yes, is working now THX !!! Just one last question , rainfall gives wrong , is 0 on display but 1.2mm in reading ?
I have no idea. :-(
5 years later, I m finally getting to do this project!
Maybe you look also at the OpenMQTTGateway. If it supports your sensor, it is much easier.
@@AndreasSpiess cheers mate! Will look at it!!!
Greetings from Canada!!
Hello, great video I saw a long time ago, but just moved into usage. unfortunately with no luck since my weather station send data on 868Mhs (according to doc). But I'm not able to get any data from it using an SDR and RTL_SDR, any hints ? I can get 433Mhz sensor for temp but no luck for wind or rain sensor ....
If the temp is on 433 the rest most probably is also there. But make sure it is your sensor and not your neighbor’s
Awesome great video ! I might consider building this in as a portable device, then start to roam and have fun with peoples awnings....
Don’t even think about that! It is for sure somehow forbidden ;-)
Ah well, these days almost everything is forbidden... but ok, I'll be nice and keep it simple with only a weather station as an example to test things out. But first of all I want to finish my workshop in the back yard.
Still not finished? Must be a "monument" ;-)
I just finished the foundation of the 'extended wing'. Next is the roof, followed with cladding. I expect to be over the major works after the summer holiday. If necessary I consider giving up my motorcycle holiday... ist't that horrible ? Btw, it is rather a monument. In case of a nuclear holocaust, you have your basement and I'll have my shed in the back yard. It's not quite the same, but it's getting close... ;-)
Thanks for sharing!, one question, at the description you not put the link of the cheap 433 module, can do it? thanks
If I remember right, these were not used in the video, just shown. But you find them by entering 433 MHz transmitter in Aliexpress
@@AndreasSpiess ok many tanks!, in my chanel i made esp32 asyncronous experiment
For those living in Europe - as many others I'm so far unable to switch on and off the Silvercrest wall sockets from LIDL. As far as I can see I'm sending exactly the same pulse trains that the receiver reported. Sure it uses rolling codes, but the sequence is only 4 codes after which it repeats. Question: could if be that the rx module locks on all channels in the 433 MHz band, but the tx module can only send on one particular channel that the Silvercrest device doesn't pick up?
I do not think they watch several channels. That would be too expensive. I never worked with rolling codes.
Wow, thanks for the personal reply, Andreas. If I can't find a simple reason why I can't control these switches, I guess I'll have to get into SDR to discover the cause :-)
Haha! I figured it out!
First of all: DUH! I forgot that pin 34 on the ESP32 is input only, so not much transmitting going on. But even after moving to pin 32 it didn't work. My oscilloscope helped me out.
The github.com/sui77/rc-switch library reports a number sent by protocol 3, but that's not actually correct. I created a new protocol:
{ 100, { 3, 24 }, { 3, 12 }, { 11, 5 }, false }, // protocol 13 (Silvercrest/LIDL)
and then sent the previously reported 24-bit number (codeValue) by:
mySwitch.send(codeValue, 24);
I also moved the command
from line 534 to line 528, but I'm not sure if that is needed.
The rolling codes are not even an issue BTW, any of the 4 codes transmitted per key by the remote control work.
Glad it works. An oscilloscope is always a good helper ;-) Maybe it even do not use "rolling codes"...
is there anyway to get more details i'm now getting
Battery : 1
Temperature: 36.0 C
Humidity : 37
Wind Gust : 0.0 m/s
Wind Speed: 0.2 m/s
Direction : 45.0 °
Rain : 19.6 mm
Integrity : CHECKSUM
The most important one is rain , seems to be a total, i would like the present value so i can program my sunscreen to go up when it starting to rain...
I create a difference from the total for the hour and the day. If you want to trigger on rain, you have to check if the value changed.
Dear Andreas,
Thank you for the advice and the video, I wonder can I build the hacking tool using Arduino and some FSK receiver like Si4432 to get the 433MHz data. Because on your video you use SDR and Raspberry to catch the data then use internet connection via MQTT to trigger the ESP8266. I already use the SDR and got the payload of the data (Preamble bit, Sync bit and the real sensor data). so can I create the receiver for that weather station, even tough the radio chip between Arduino and weather station is different (Arduino use Si4432 (FSK) and the weather station use HopeRF RF43B).
If you know the code this should be possible. I made a video with an Arduino mega and an ESP8266 for that purpose.
I'm off to a good start when you use the same weather station I have
Then it should be an easy project, I think...
How do I find devices when using the rflink-arduino device? Im trying to pair a hygrometer with my rflink-arduino
I do no more remember, but I do not think I had to "pair" anything. Are you sure you find your device in the list of supported devices? Does your RF-Link detect other devices?
@@AndreasSpiess where does your weather station transmit information to? Are you using Home Assistant to display the different values?
I added a ESP8266 to transfer the serial messages to MQTT and then to node red
@@AndreasSpiess thank you very much for the information 🤙
Do solar floodlights operate on the frequency of 433 mhz? Can a jammer disable them from staying on?
It is well possible. Then a second remote sending the same code can switch them off.
Superb work, Andreas!
But I run in 1 major and 2 minor problems:
The minor:
1) Which is the SSH password used in the image?
2) I have to do some adaptions to your script, because I have 3 different time slots for signal and break
The major:
I use an Arduino Nano and FS1000A TX. The primary signal computing looks good, but TX has a slow falling level at end of signal, so the breaks are not recognised by the RX correctly (far away from 0 line or noise level). Have you a idea, this failure depends on poor 433 modul or poor output on Arduino?
73 de OE1FEA, Erwin
1. Usually, I leave pi and raspberry from the Raspian installation.
2. Remote diagnostics is hard. Maybe you can split your setup and test parts of it independently?
so that cheap transmitter was sending data where? to the remote receiver which is gate controller?
The receiver is the motor of the awning
This just gave me an idea to solve something that annoyed me for a long time: the Samsung Horizon DVR box that Virgin Media (Liberty Global) provides comes with a remote control that uses both infrared and radio. Which means my (Swiss-made) Logitech Harmony universal remote control is not so "universal" when it comes to this particular type of DVR. Most of the buttons on the top of the Samsung remote work fine via the Harmony remote but a few (the DVR buttons) and the keyboard underneath don't work. I wonder if this Samsung remote control unit uses the same 433 MHz band and if the codes could be decoded and sent by an ESP32 with a cheap 433 MHz transmitter. If this is possible then I could take your "Babel Fish" Infrared Remote Protocol Translator idea (video #254, same Samsung remote control) and extend it even further! Thanks for the idea, I'm able to "stand on the shoulders of some very skilled colleagues who shared their know-how"! ;-)
Good luck with your project!
Greetings, nice video. I have one question. Why mqtt?
Why not? I use it for all my home-automation stuff.
Brilliant Andreas! 👍👍
Thank you!
@@AndreasSpiess no thank you! 😀👍
i have a wh-sp-ws02 weather station and i only get an total rain value (rain_mm), not rain value of one day, is there a way to get the value of the day?
By a subtraction ;-) But it is very handy if something happens with your Raspberry. Then you do not loose the rain values.
Great tutorial , Andreas!
Thank you!
Andreas Spiess , was so good that I am looking now to buy a SDR dongle !
Hi - awesome video!
How can I build a 2nd receiver for a transmitter after I figured out, what the sender is sending?
I did not understand how I can listen for a specific ( already decoded signal) with an arduino to do something...
I didnt found a video on your channel... do you have some tips for me?
You have to program the receiver yourself if you do not want to use SDR for that. This was not the topic of this video.
thanks for your answer :) yes I know, that this wasnt the topic... but the last part with the URH was inspiring me for doing something like that :) Maybe you can do this in one of your future videos! Would be awesome... Sniffing Signal with URH and build an receiver for that! its just a suggestion... it would help me a lot to understand receiving signals, cause your videos are realy very clear and amazing! thanks for that Andreas!
It is already on the list for my use case. But I do not know when...
Awesome! Pity my shutters use indeed a rolling code and I have no idea how to tackle that.
Next time spend less ;-) The cheaper seems to be less sophisticated.
I have a unused first model raspberry pi, will it work the image? Would be wonderful to reuse that old raspberry and not having to buy one model 3! Thanks for your nice videos!
I used Frank‘s instructions on a zero and it worked. The SD card most probably will not work