LALEH - Some Die Young (1st official)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • I will tell your story if you die
    I will tell your story and keep you alive, the best I can
    I will tell them to the children
    if we have some, if we have some
    but I've always felt the feeling we would die young
    some die young, some die young
    some die young
    but you better hold on
    so many things I need to say to you please don't, don't let me go
    and we said we would die together some die young
    but you better hold on
    so many things I need to say to you please don't, don't let me go
    and we said we would die together some die young
    I will tell your story if you try
    but how long will your thoughts of valleys stay green
    when the world
    you were born in changes with seasons
    will you run with the stream, or will you run alone?
    or will you run against
    and finally reveal why some die young,
    why some die young
    why some die
    some die young
    you better hold on
    so many things I need to say to you please don't, don't let me go
    and we said we would die together some die young
    but you better hold on
    so many things I need to say to you please don't, don't let me go
    and we said we would die together some die young
    she walks with her head in the sand they will never die
    SOME DIE YOUNG - Music & Lyrics by Laleh Pourkarim, Produced and Performed by Laleh Pourkarim

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  • @Kissanminttu2
    @Kissanminttu2 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Laleh has so many wonderful songs, but I didn't know who Laleh was until my sister bought Laleh album. She's crazy about eveything swedish :D. Now Laleh is one of my favourite artists. Greetings from Finland.

  • @kikkelia88
    @kikkelia88 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ljuvliga Flicka! Som känsla och stil framför sina vackra sånger... Gillar! Gillar mycket mycket!!!

  • @P3vlogVid
    @P3vlogVid 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Few songs make me emotional. This is one of them. People dying young is one of the saddest things in life ... The video is so beautiful. I don't understand why this is not viral (well, more viral).

  • @kandersable
    @kandersable 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Detta är en explosion av känslor o intryck, allt tillsamman blir en härlig mix, jag vill inte dö

  • @sabineschlager5869
    @sabineschlager5869 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hmmm.....ich liebe diesen Song

  • @hanhquyennguyen7583
    @hanhquyennguyen7583 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Beautifully !!!

  • @kebabfoto
    @kebabfoto 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @ValhaBusiness
    @ValhaBusiness 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    American Imperialism is a term, and its not reffering to what America is. You are pretty abnormal up in your head, what youre saying does not make sense at all.
    An empire has one "ruler" to decide for the country, while the United States, are states that are all seperate with seperate rulers, ofc. its United and when you unite something, you need a headmaster, reffering to the president. He will be the leader of the Union but not the leader of the state, thats the senate. "short youtube limit"

  • @rogerpettersson4516
    @rogerpettersson4516 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    varför ens fundera på denna flickas nationalitet. lyssna på hennes röst. helt fantastisk. varför grotta ner sig i en så oväsentlig sak. ponera att ni aldrig sett henne,utan bara hört hennes röst. ??? då kunde hon ju komma från vilket land som helst,lr??? jag hörde en intervju med henne i en radiokanal,som vi inte behöver nämna,helt fantastisk tjej. väldigt mogen för sin ålder,gav raka svar,självsäker,trygg,stark. ni som har funderingar å tankar om Laleh,rannsaka er själva. var står ni??????????

  • @EattinThurs61
    @EattinThurs61 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Håller du fortfarande på och säger samma saker om och om igen? det är väl inte någon som säger att hon inte har Iransk Etnicitet men Svenskt medborgarskap? Min mormor hade Ryskt medborgarskap men var etnisk Svensk och andra var Walloner men svenska medborgare när och hur de nu blev det för det var inte så noga förr eftersom man var undersåte till en Kung då.

  • @hkepoetry
    @hkepoetry 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jag tycker den är konstnärligt gjord och väldigt vacker. Alla musikvideor behöver inte ha en massa krimskrams intryckt i dem för att vara "bra" videor.
    Men du har rätt till din åsikt. Och detta är min: den är vacker. Och down-to-earth. Och det är ett plus i detta fall, då låten, texten och artisten är det.

  • @rumblagolitha
    @rumblagolitha 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jag har aldrig skrivit vilken etnicitet hon har, jag konstaterar bara att det finns ingen tydlig definition! Jag skriver att hon är det hon känner sig som, svensk, iranier eller båda, jag avsåg inte att syfta det till etniciteten.
    Sen funderar jag på vad som gör dig så arg, men det är väl bästa att "shut the fuck up" :o)

  • @thebabotvhd
    @thebabotvhd 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    cooles Lied

    • @thebabotvhd
      @thebabotvhd 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lukas Pavlicek hi wie gehts echt geiles lied oder

  • @norre4r
    @norre4r 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hon är ifrån fucking Iran det är det som spelar roll, då menar jag inte något dåligt med det men kommer aldrig att bli 100%svensk som alla här värkar tro. Jag gillar att lyssna på hennes musik med men bara för att hon bor i Sverige så säger jag ju inte att hon är svensk för det.

  • @MegaProPker
    @MegaProPker 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Varför ska han inte få vara här? Bara för att han har en annorlunda syn på andra jämfört med dig?
    Själv tycker jag inte om invandrare men jag säger inte åt dom att sticka någon annanstans som du gör med så kallade "rasister" som ni "anti-rasister" kallar människor som inte hyllar invandrare.

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    vafan menar du egentligen och hur kan det här tillföra något till diskussionen? vet man ingenting om integration i Sverige eller vad är det du försöker säga. Det är väl ganska självklart att invandrare från MENA har jävligt svårt att anpassa sig till livet i Sverige

  • @musicboxer1
    @musicboxer1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jag tyckte låten redan var bra innan jag var på Peace & Love. Men när jag hörde henne sjunga denna låt live, kände jag verkligen att det fanns en djup mening med låten och jag blev riktigt rörd. Hela min kropp fylldes med gåshud, du är fantastisk Laleh. Känslan du sjöng med var helt fantastisk.

  • @zantox100
    @zantox100 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    go lått,
    Men fy fan vad MÅNGA onödiga diskussioner här är.
    Folk som är otrevliga mot varandra för i stort sett ingenting.
    Jag skiter fullt fan i om det här "bara" är på internet, det finns ingen som helst anledning att munhuggas..

  • @Acceptera
    @Acceptera 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kul att folk bråkar om hon är svensk eller inte, hjälper det er något om hon är sven? Näää tror inte det.... Hjälper det er om hon är iranier`?? Nää tror inte det, men ändå så lyssnar ni båda på låten. Så något gemensamt har ni iaf.

  • @wublyful
    @wublyful 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Även att du måste skriva ett lång brev och förklara dig själv. Allt detta var så nödvändigt. Hej, jag tycker om och svara och rätta random kommentarer som är 1 månad gammal för jag har inget bättre för mig. The mad is strong in this one. xoxo.

  • @LPnet33ron
    @LPnet33ron 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    min kanin dog för några månader han blev dock bara 8 månader och han va världens gosigaste kanin o verje gång jag hör dena låten så tänker jag på han fast på ett bra sätt :) en video på han finns här ---> sök bara på eric saade xmas balloon

  • @Music_Creativity_Science
    @Music_Creativity_Science 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Finns bara en Laleh... i dagens musikvärld gäller det att vara unik eller näst intill.
    ScandinavianSingers (talangkanal)

  • @rumblagolitha
    @rumblagolitha 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Laleh gör fantastisk musik, är en vacker och klok tjej.
    Och varför diskussionen om hennes etnicitet?? Hon är det hon känner sig som.
    Begreppet etnisk svensk finns det ingen tydlig definition på, bara subjektiva tolkningar.

  • @jenssvensson
    @jenssvensson 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ge er!! Vad spelar det för roll var hon kommer ifrån? Hon bor i Sverige och hon gör bra musik och jag förmodar att hon känner sig både svensk och Iransk. Vi kan vara stolta över att hon arbetar och gör bra musik i Sverige.

  • @kobaterminator7322
    @kobaterminator7322 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    laleh mixvarxar

  • @Smulegule
    @Smulegule 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I doubt we would have gone to war with another country if he had been another ethnicity. Out mentality is different from Americans (I'm not saying it's better, just another approach). Instead we reacted with silent respect for those who died.
    If you participated in the flower march after July 22nd, you must have felt that powerful effect of "oneness" that existed after those tragic days. It showed what we can do, and that we actually do care about each other.

  • @hansberthel
    @hansberthel 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    This song was written long before July 22. 2011, but after the terrorist attack it was dedicated to the victims ...
    When she wrote this song it had no spec. meaning - she tell in norwegian newspapers that the meaning of the song changes every day.
    First her brother died of heart sickn...then she was witness to her fathers death when he was trying to save the life of a woman who had a accidence with a small boat - canoe or something like that.
    Don't now if this woman survived.
    She is Swedish

  • @EattinThurs61
    @EattinThurs61 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    To quote myself "Etnicity is what you consider yourself to be" It is up to Laleh not to you or me. Your argument lacks variation, you just repeat yourself and then use offensive language, maybe you are not the right person to argue about this? You have made your opinion known, it is no idea just to repeat it over and over again and then use YFR against me, I am not inbred and of a bit over median IQ. Not that having an below average IQ is something wrong as long as you are nice.

  • @ShadrakhYehochanan
    @ShadrakhYehochanan 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    My girlfriend bought this album for my mothers birthday during the time she was at the hospital getting treatment for cancer.
    She never got the opportunity to listen på the album before she died.
    So this song brings forth strong feelings in me with such lyrics as:
    "I will tell your story if you die,"
    and "I will tell them to the children. If we have some."
    In my mind, that is from my fathers perspective.
    And this song reminds me of how lonely he must be, losing the love of his life.

  • @Arevanite
    @Arevanite 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why are you so obsessed with this issue? It's kinda racist that you are so offended that some people choose to call her swedish. Yes, yes, she was born in Iran and her parents was iranian blablabla, but the fact that she has more in common with swedish people makes her more swedish than iranian, no matter what name she has, no matter how she looks like. People change. They are not labeled for easy references. Get that into your head and stop ebing so racist.

  • @vincentgc1
    @vincentgc1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes she's swedish, but if now i come from France (as am not in rl) but sings in english and want to get popular, does that mean all have to comment on france so not ppl like are from Greece or Sweden doesn't understand, witch makes the rest that actually liked the song but came from another country think that the singer can't be as big as anyone else.. AND yes i from Sweden but write in english so ppl from somewhere else also will understand :)

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    haha, yes all cultures do change constantly. Though there is a difference between changing and being destroyed, which you apparently don't think can happen....And the thing about adapting, most immigrants never will adapt to the swedish culture. Do you for example think that the immigrants in malmö have successfully adapted to the swedish culture? my answer is no, and they never will, since there will be less and less "real" swedes in that city.
    And i guess you don't see a difference between *

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    how can it not make sense when the person has two iranian parents, is 100% ethnic iranian but just happens to live in sweden. All of a sudden the person is swedish you say? it's bloody stupid. What would you call a 100% ethnic swede that lived half his life in Sweden til the age of 40 but then moved to Somalia and lived there for the rest of his life. At the end of his life he knows all the culture, language etc. of somalia and he has forgotten most of the Swedish culture. Is he a somalian?

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    zippoOoO18, I have now realized that you (most probably) is Iranian and not a person that claims that you have more right to say that you are Swedish than for example Laleh. You are of course welcome to be proud of Laleh and say that she is also Iranian. What makes me and others upset are comments that, referring to ethnicity, insinuate that Laleh would not QUALIFY as a swede because of her background.

  • @Sevenfold120
    @Sevenfold120 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Obviously, she is ethnic Iranian. But she is Swedish in Culture and Citizenship. A German-American is both an American Citizen with German background or ethnicity.
    No such thing as Iranic. Iran comes from the Iranian plateau and from the word Aryan. By itself it is not an ethnic group. Iranian Ethnic groups: Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Lurs, Baloch, Arabs, Turkmens.
    And I hope you're not American because you cant be "made off" of anything. I am Swedish and take it from me, Laleh is Swedish too.

  • @Ewochable
    @Ewochable 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stop being so agressive. I meant she is most likely swedish in her mentality, and that she is swedish with a different ethnic background. Human mentality is very conditioned by culture (within limits), and a somalian born and raised in Germany, for instance, will feel like a stranger in Somalia. Listen to the music and stop making it a childish competition about race and nationality. And also, take a deep breath and relax.

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why do they discus here if Laleh is Swedish or Iranian? That is a rather odd discussion.
    Of course she is Swedish. She is a Swedish citizen and that makes here Swedish as much as any of us whose names are Ulf, Björn, Freja, Gudrun or Sigrid and whos grand-grand parens moved here thousands of years ago or some 50 or 5 years ago. She is now 30 and has lived here in Sweden since she was 1 year old.

  • @Piekillerish
    @Piekillerish 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have never said that. You are really awful saying that to me. We in Norway thinks it is uneeded to do such terrible punishments. Of course he did something worng. Im not on his team or something. But that can has som psychological problems. He has not 100% real control over himself all the time. But of course, it is awful what he did. And im not the one who brought it up. It is one girl who got 130 thumbs up.

  • @Trex1980
    @Trex1980 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is it so hard for Norway to just say "Breivik. You did this, now we lock you up for 200 years. And you will never play a computer game or watch tv ever again. See that yellow wall? It is your company untill you committ suicide or die from old in 63 years."
    But OH NO. Norway is so humane and fragile. Breivik is now their priority number 1. (Used to be Krekar.)
    The terrorists that survived 911? Norway would have been a safehouse for Osama Bin Laden had he made it there, to bad he didnt.

  • @Trex1980
    @Trex1980 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seriously, Breivik did what he did. And now he is sitting in court laughing at Norway. After what he did, i cant blame him.
    But i blame Norways court system for letting that circus go on for weeks.
    Not like there is a question about guilt or not.
    Finally Norway get a tiny piece of international attention and they want to make the most of it. Hooray Norway.
    You know, in the international world. Amy Winehouses death got more publicity. That is how much Norway matters to the world.

  • @osqmusic
    @osqmusic 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Typiskt TH-cam-bullshit här. Lyssna på denna sköna låt bara, o fundera för er själva vad hon har för etnisitet/ nationalitet.. Eller kanske ni ska börja kommentera varandrars morsor och skrivfel istället?

  • @TheZagros3000
    @TheZagros3000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    så bara för att italienarna använder euro som valuta så betyder det att de inte har ett land? Desutom, för att resa till Kurdistan måste du ha kurdisk visa ifall du inte är kurd i disaporan.

  • @johndanielroos
    @johndanielroos 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Enligt ditt resonemang är vi alla i så fall afrikaner, men vad spelar etnicitet för roll?
    Laleh gör förbannat bra musik. Punkt. Vem bryr sig om var man är född eller varifrån ens föräldrar härstammar?

  • @lukullus23
    @lukullus23 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vad är problemet? Som Sverigedemokrat bedömer jag människan för vad hon är. Laleh är en begåvad artist och den här låten är en av mina favoriter. Att hon har rötter i Iran/Persien är för mig irrelevant.

  • @EattinThurs61
    @EattinThurs61 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Etnicity and nationality are not easy to discuss and some should not do it. Etnicity is what you consider yourself to be. Everybody have many facets in their identity, local, family, work, hobby, fav sport team or whatever. People coming from the center of any culture tend to be more etnocentric and the ones living on the fringe more openminded.

  • @minomema
    @minomema 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    OMG all this discussions about nationality! Laleh is one of the best sing/song-writers in Sweden at the moment. And yes, she was born in Iran, so what. Her mother and father came to Sweden as refugee's at the 80's and I do thank God they did because the world would not be a better place. Peace out from a Sweden!

  • @alfredjacobsson6909
    @alfredjacobsson6909 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    @4ButterFlies : Haha well that is true, I thought that my happy smiley would turn it into something funny instead of a threat... But considering how much people argue about nationality (and possibly racism) further down in the commentary field, maybe you can´t take for granted that everybody has a sense of humour... ;) (And if that also is offensive to somebody, I apologize ;) )

  • @Mr9kolai
    @Mr9kolai 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is it "just" 2 240 485 viewers on a so super-mega-amazing-cool video and song. It's a very popolair song in Scandinavia and NORWAY. Thanks for the memorial consert 22th of July 2012 for us in Norway. It meens a lot for us that other nationans care and show that they also know about that man who doesn't are like the normaly norwegian population! You are strong!

  • @Chaneira91
    @Chaneira91 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hahah. you guys do like the same song? So do your best to support her. :) And believe it or not, english comments are pretty helpful for foreigners like me. ^^ Although surprisingly I was able to kinda guess what the swedish words you have written mean. (I am from Switzerland) Gonna spread this awesome song here :D

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    what about it is so uneducated and unintelligent then? that immigrants don't adapt to a new lifestyle when they're isolated or what??? it's kinda funny when these comments show up and all they can think to write are things like "you're uneducated and unintelligent" or "you're fucked up":D good work there, you're so talented my dear boy

  • @Ackalan
    @Ackalan 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Limited human, if you can't see further than what's a cm infront of you, don't argue with the people who can on what lies ahead.
    All cultures change constatly, they don't disappear or get destroyed, itäs the nature of humans that we learn and adapt when around others and nothing we say or do will ever change this fact.
    And what was so special about being swedish to begin with?

  • @Dhakadice
    @Dhakadice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Haha, you finallly realized you were contradicting yourself and removed your own comment!
    (Here's what he wrote:)
    "So what? both her parenst are still Iranian cause they lived in iran and had iranian passport, also her dad is pure iranian that is whats counts, and laleh is a typical Iranian name and pourkarim is also a very common iranian name."

  • @skemybits
    @skemybits 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okey where is the subliminal illuminati agenda ??
    Dont fuck with me, just lidsen to the text !?
    "Will you run with the stream, will you run alone
    or will you run against and finally reveal
    why some die young... You better hold on"
    I love this song at the moment,
    but it really gives a strong vibration of a shitstorm comming...

  • @Dhakadice
    @Dhakadice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    She only spent the first two years of her 30 year old life in Iran (her birthday was last month), has only sung two songs in farsi so far (on a total of 4 albums and one EP), speaks swedish without an accent and even sings and speaks english with a swedish accent and apparently has no plans of moving from Sweden.

  • @kuikkuilja
    @kuikkuilja 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you ever thought that if there is person called Som Die Young somewhere in the world? Message of this song changes upside down. Actually I found actor from South Korea called Son Tae Young. So google that name and watch the picture of Son Tae Young while listening this wonderful track and find the whole new meaning for this song.

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wrote like I did because I was upset an about earlier racists comment. (Some person that was insisting on that Laleh were not Swedish and couldn’t understand that one can be as Swedish as anyone else and still also, at the same time, have parents from and even was born in another country.)
    I think Laleh is a really a great artist worth all appreciation.

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    By the way: Cornlis Wresvik never become a Swedish citizen. Does that make him and his songs non-Swedish? Of course Laleh is also Iranian if she grove up in an Iranian family, but I’m sure she also feel Swedish . All this makes here as Swedish as anyone else from here. Why shall that be so difficult to understand?

  • @whushup
    @whushup 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Everyone turn to USA for help." Just because some countries does for different reasons turn to USA for help doesn't mean they all do. China or Germany for example.. I get annoyed by americans thinking that the rest of the world depends on them and that their the reason planet earth lives to see another day.

  • @sd10cmi
    @sd10cmi 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    det spelar väl ingen roll vart hon kommer ifrån eller vart hon ska sen!. Som är underbar , det viktigaste är att hon låter VÄLDIGT BRA hon har en EGEN röst som är underbar. Tycker jag,

  • @Piecrab
    @Piecrab 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Du missförstår, I ain't even mad. Jag är bara pedantisk och dryg, om du vill vara elak mot mig så borde du typ jämföra mig med Sheldon eller någon annan social inkompetent dude. :)

  • @Beriivaann
    @Beriivaann 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    fattar inte varför alla skriver negativa saker! Vad har bakgrund,vart man kommer ifrån vilken hår färg,ögonfärg,språk man talar med musik att göra ? Asså seriöst väx upp förfan!

  • @Ackalan
    @Ackalan 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    So if someone with Irian (or whatever) parents is brought up in Sweden, live their whole life here, speak fluent swedish and have absolutly no knowledge in Iranian culture, language, or anything even remotly from the area, they are Iranian?
    That doesn't make any sense, but it's appareantly your opinion.

  • @essbeck
    @essbeck 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seemes like some responders thought this clip was a debate about ethnicity and nationality. Its music. If you dont like the music, listen to something else instead. If you think she isnt Swedish, well thats your opinion and what does that have to do with the music ?

  • @TheEvolutionaryEevee
    @TheEvolutionaryEevee 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If just everyone stop talking about nationality they should talk about the importans of what she is singing about!! The twentysecond of july 2012 we lost 83 young people. so stop bitchin about iran and focus on the fact that her music means something! this song has an great importans to us in norway!!!

  • @Dhakadice
    @Dhakadice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    First of all...her mother is NOT ethnic iranian. She came from Georgia and Azerbaijan and couldn't speak a word of farsi when she arrived in Iran.
    Get your facts right kid!
    As for your racist logic... Would you say Barack Obama isn't american just because he's got african genes?

  • @TheMarikatt
    @TheMarikatt 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think she ment that it does not matter where you are from, because music is a language everyone can speak and understand... at least sometimes.. And because most of the people here is talkng about being swedish or not or iranian or whatever. I think Laleh is a wonderful singer :)

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    She is a brilliant artist that’s all I know and from what I can say she is also a wonderful person nice, clever, fun and carrying. Laleh, keep up your fine work. We are millions of people that love you for what you do and I am happy and proved that you live here.

  • @Kariaeaa
    @Kariaeaa 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh okay so I'm not swedish? You know my brother got blonde hair. But my hair is black/brown and got brown eyes. You don't know what you are talking about. All people in Sweden are from another "race". By the way I hate using the word "race". I rather say human to everyone.

  • @styggkatt
    @styggkatt 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I cannot believe that Lalehs ethnicity is more important then her good sense in great music? Even if she were a he or she came from Jupiter I would still love her songs and performances. Love to see her live someday and not just on clips though youtube.
    Love you Laleh!

  • @Lasair517
    @Lasair517 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Read the comments around the time u commented that. Now i understand -.-' Your comment was a bit unclear and easy to misunderstand since u didn't reply to any of those guys. Sorry for the inconvenience. Btw, i'm from Norway ^^ replied in English since I', bad with svensk :D

  • @dwerg1
    @dwerg1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, I know. But some (notice the use of some) Americans talk like America is the center of the universe, and that annoys me. And I do know that those who talk like that makes the rest look bad. I know enough about Idaho to tell you that it's a state in the USA at least.

  • @EattinThurs61
    @EattinThurs61 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nä vadå?Menar du att engelska är "finare"? En kommentar på ett språk förstås väl av dem som kan det språket och för andra finns google translate. Du snakker norsk da?

  • @upa1960
    @upa1960 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Du har rätt. Att jag skrev för som jag gjorde för några dagar sedan var för att jag var upprörd över en klart rasistisk kommentar som någon skrivit tidigare till denna video.

  • @CreatineAddicted
    @CreatineAddicted 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you stop talking about Iran? I've been on you channel and the only think you talk about is Iran? And btw, laleh consider herself more Swedish then Iranian. Maybe she is ethnic Iranian but she thinks of herself more as a Swede.

  • @musiknu
    @musiknu 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wrote a comment a while ago containing. ABBA how is it possible to write this on a PC, with the first B backwards. Mirror image.. To know this will not make any difference in Universe and time. For sure.. But anyway... /ulf

  • @moukhan81
    @moukhan81 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    so whats wrong if he claims that she is Persian. She is Irani-Swedish. You people even never accepted immigrants if he has been living here since 100 years, but if he/she gets popular you become rash on claiming him/her. Hypocracy...

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    you prefer the swedish way you say:) the swedish way that exist nowadays wont exist in the near future when you guys keep destroying the swedish nationality and turning it into an non-recognizable mush. I hope you're happy about that

  • @RedPlanetFinland
    @RedPlanetFinland 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a big fan of the old "real" music from 60's to 80's but it's these kinds of songs that restore my faith to believe to music...and now some overalling comment about people from sweden and iran...who cares, a great song and a hot girl.

  • @Kariaeaa
    @Kariaeaa 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did read it well but okey :) Just don't know about "swedish people 99% are very blond and blue eyes, those swedes who are little darker than average swede have some other race in them" Or else I'm from frace/germany etc. Gratz on me then ;D

  • @Trex1980
    @Trex1980 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    You make it sound like everyone should know where every country in Europe is.
    The day you can place every US state into its correct location i will do the same to European countries in Europe.
    Norway? Pfff. Who cares about Norway.

  • @Trex1980
    @Trex1980 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I suppose Americans know about as much about that little country called Sweden as you know about Idaho.
    It may come as a suprise to you, but Sweden is not the center of the universe. Its just a tiny little country without a meaning.
    Same goes for Norway.

  • @Angelfanism
    @Angelfanism 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm in fact swedish and I love Norway, they've done so much for us, and calling them undeveloped is a really stupid thing and merely shows stupidity. They're highly developed and contribute constantly to the entire world, just felt like stating the apparent.

  • @1hifalle
    @1hifalle 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    låt oss då säga en tiger o ett lejon båda är ett kattdjur men ändå inte samma det zippo skriver är ju rätt men ja ämnet hör ju inte hit det håller jag med om! :P

  • @TheZagros3000
    @TheZagros3000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    ja det finns cirka en miljon kurder i khorasan, de blev alla deporterade dit. Inte bara kordestan, Ilam och Kermanshan men också västra azerbayjan provinsen,

  • @Frushpa
    @Frushpa 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Noen nordmenn er sterkt tilknyttet til denne sangen, og Breivik er grunnen. Er det virkelig så vanskelig å forstå hva han har å gjøre med denne sangen, som forresten heter "Some Die Young"?
    Hvil i fred alle som mistet livet 22.juli
    Some Die Young

  • @ValhaBusiness
    @ValhaBusiness 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol, american empire?.... its United Kingdom you call Empire... Usa is United States of America = the states

  • @Music_Creativity_Science
    @Music_Creativity_Science 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    1. Aimee Mann (featured here right now)
    2. No one
    3. Laleh, Loreen and many other amazing female artists

  • @skytte88
    @skytte88 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    First song I found with Laleh, last year, and I was very touched by her singing about death along with being young. It affects me with the thoughts I regularly have about life. And the video is just beautiful :)

  • @wasolldas
    @wasolldas 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did know Laleh since my sweden-vacation. I like, the german TV-station n-tv uses this song of her. They totally failed in placing this song right. What has this song to do with documentations about technics and stuff? -.-

  • @Zaru7t10
    @Zaru7t10 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was played during my younger brothers (22 year old) funeral today on his fathers request. I never heard the song before but it was absolutley beautiful and will hold a special meaning for me forever. RIP.

  • @hildebergman
    @hildebergman 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    A wonderful friend of mine died in a really tragic accident two months ago and I break down crying every time I hear the first words of this song. I just hope I'll never forget - that I will tell her story and keep her alive

  • @Avelan77
    @Avelan77 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Without reading the comments, just wanted to say that she performed in Norway at a memorial for the victims of XXX, this alone is enough to listen to this song, let alone the fact that this song is actually good!

  • @TheTimpa92
    @TheTimpa92 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    continues* the swedish and for example iranian, or somalian people since you need to ask.
    There is little difference between norwegians and swedes yes, but the immigrants aren't coming from Norway now are they?

  • @Ctuchik
    @Ctuchik 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why are we self-destructive just because we don't care about where people originate from? If someone moves here and get a Swedish citizenship then they are from that day forward a Swede, end of fucking story.

  • @JeennyA
    @JeennyA 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who cares about ethnicity? Who cares about nationality? She's an amazing artist and she made this beautiful song. But most important she's a human being, just like you and me.
    Why use labels that don't mean anything?

  • @Ackalan
    @Ackalan 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is wrong with humans?
    For one: Loreen was born in sweden.
    Second: Genes mean nothing when it comes to nationality, they are swedish if they live here and lable themselves as such.
    And why is this even an issue?

  • @ryanduncan2143
    @ryanduncan2143 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    ok she is from iran but she has been living in sweden for the majority of her life so that makes her partly swedish, i don't even see why it matters tbh, this is a fantastic song and that is all that matters

  • @Trex1980
    @Trex1980 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry for your loss. I wont try to understand how you feel. But if i were in your situation i would probably feel just the same.
    And if someone against all odds manage to kill that sob, i will hail the one who kill him as well.

  • @zippoOoO18
    @zippoOoO18 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    bara för att det bor lite kurder i tehran betyder det att tehran är en kurdisk stad? haha självklart nej, det bor massor med somalier i katrineholm t,ex.. gör det katrineholm till en somalisk stad? haha nej, samma sak med tehran, det är en persisk stad, en persisk region, de icke perser som bor där har flyttat dit från andra delar av iran och bosatt sig där! shiraz är etnisk persiskt, esfahan med, majoritet i TEH är etnisk persiskt.. det kan du inte förneka för då säger jag att sanandaj ärperskt

  • @zippoOoO18
    @zippoOoO18 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    btw de ställen där det är öken i iran är så bor det inte folk där;) ALLA de största städerna i iran som Tehran(irans modernaste, vackraste, rikaste stad är det mest perser som bor alltså perser äverlägset. Shiraz, esfahan och mashad alla dessa 4 städer så är det persiska områden dvs det bor flest och mest perser. Bara för att det bor lite kurder i Mashad t,ex så betyder det inte att staden är kurdisk, perser dominerar =) De kurdiska städerna är ju i kordestan provincen samt kermanshah osv.