I’m here because mine is almost unusably bad. Slamming on brakes, random unprompted lane changes and Yesterday it actually veered off of the highway onto the shoulder for no apparent reason.
Yeah, I’m seeing the same. A lot of weird braking, seemingly out of nowhere, and yes, the mapping is screwed up. This I don’t get. GPS mapping should be clean, however the system now takes me through multiple turns on slower streets to get to my destination. I do get there, but it’s not the fastest or most direct route. Very strange. I do hope Tesla is working to correct these issues. I do love FSD, however, I’m anxious right now using it. For 8K, this should work.
I’m here because mine is almost unusably bad. Slamming on brakes, random unprompted lane changes and Yesterday it actually veered off of the highway onto the shoulder for no apparent reason.
Yeah, I’m seeing the same. A lot of weird braking, seemingly out of nowhere, and yes, the mapping is screwed up. This I don’t get. GPS mapping should be clean, however the system now takes me through multiple turns on slower streets to get to my destination. I do get there, but it’s not the fastest or most direct route. Very strange. I do hope Tesla is working to correct these issues. I do love FSD, however, I’m anxious right now using it. For 8K, this should work.
I’m getting tons of phantom branding on green lights unfortunately
An epic regression by Tesla after the robotaxi event.
Same. has a lot of pantom braking for me too
2023 model y hw3
I have same version . I am experiencing same issues.
checking every day for a new fsd update
I hate my job.
Be the change you want to change to to be changed