Good work Tony. Your are the voice of Greeks on the Danforth. Make Danforth Greek again. Make the next video on the original Greek town which was in the west end of Toronto
Για σου ρε Τορόντο!!!! Δυο αποφάσεις έκανα στην ζωή μου που δεν μετάνιωσα ποτέ: Μια που ήρθα και μια που γύρισα στην Ελλάδα! Αλλά πάντα βλέπω τον Καναδά και ιδιαίτερα το Τορόντο σαν πατρίδα μου. Ελπίζω σύντομα να ξαναέρθω, σαν τουρίστας πια!!!
At 0:40 to the left of the cafe there is a small Greek store that sells the original Nescafe Frappe in the brown tin we all love. He imports it from Greece because the paticular version of Nescafe is exclusive there. When i was living in Danforth Avenue that was my supplier of nostalgia goods, he even sells Bekleria lol.
@@Picostoο πατέρας μου έλεγε "κι εδώ σκατα και εκεί σκατα". Κι αυτό πριν απο 40 χρόνια. Κακά τα ψέμματα. Ο Καναδάς έχει αλλάξει. Δεν ξέρω τι είναι αυτό που παρουσιάζει η Ελλάδα για τον Καναδά, αλλά 9 χρόνια που είμαι εδώ βλέπω συνεχή πτώση και προσωπικά τον έχω σιχαθεί.
The area has changed dramatically since I was a kid in the 70s and 80s. It's gentrified and is more of a mix than at it's peak of Greek restaurants in the late 80s. It's still very much a Greektown though. Despite the Greek diaspora that created the initial community in the 60s moving to the suburbs the character of it remains as Greektown.
I am Greek too borne in Africa all I want to see where ever there are Greeks from different parts of Greece they practically go with very little but, eventually they work soo hard e hours on end they become well off ❤ AND why not its their hard work e long hours E luck that they become rich all the best to the may theirivesbe Blessed always ❤❤ 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷👍
Toronto has a well established small take out restaurant on Wellington street that is owned by a Greek family. The food is delicious and the service is excellent. The name of the restaurant is *_"Lite Bite"_* and it is my #1 favorite spot for a quick breakfast. Open during business hours.
To all fellow Greeks, I think it is time for us to go back to Mother land Greece, Canada is dying you can see this from the high coast of living and the difficult in finding a job that can cover this crazy coast of living there are about 20,000 people leaning Canada for a better places, Canada was a good place before but now it is falling apart at the seems wake up and smell the Greek coffee fellow Greeks, Greece is asking us to go back, lets help Greece in becoming the best in Europe to live love you all
Les malakies Kai signomi pou Sto Leo ETSI oma...Kai I dio xores kivernontai apo alites .. trudont Kai mits xalides Kai I dio akou Stefano xio an thes na matheis tinpragmatiki.alithia Gia tin simerini Ellada ...ena mavro xali Kai nai I Ellada itane kaliteroi palia tin gam***** anyways that's all shout-out to my greek hommeeyz in torodo and modreal even Iqaluit if there are any greeks there😂 doubt it ...hard to dance sirtaki when your balls are frozen
Excellent work on this short documentary. Time for the next generation of Greek-Canadians to hold onto the businesses on Danforth and maintain its culture and identity.
As an Albanian that lived in Greece for a while and now live in Canada the area this video is showing, which I have been many times there doing deliveries I can say not many Greeks left there .. I see lots of other cultures in the Greek town than the Greeks ..
Very true and astute observation ... Danforth has been going to the pits since the late 90s ...they only have that taste of the Danforth every year to keep some of the greek element alive
Εγώ θα σας πω ένα μεγάλο μπράβο, γιατί παρ' όλο που είστε Έλληνες, βλέπω σε κάθε μαγαζί και σε κάθε σπίτι έχετε εκτός από την Ελληνική σημαία και την σημαία του Καναδά. Αυτό δείχνει πάνω απ' όλα σεβασμός στην χώρα που ζείτε και εργάζεστε. Εδώ ο Μητσοτάκης άφησε δυο φορές τον Αλβανό πρωθυπουργό να κάνει show και όλα τα κοπρόσκυλα που μαζεύτηκαν με τις Αλβανικές σημαίες, δεν είχαν ούτε μια Ελληνική. Ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα και τους κάναμε ανθρώπους με τα τσάμπα επιδόματα και την δουλειά που τους δώσαμε και το ευχαριστώ ήταν αυτό. Αλλά καλά μας κάνουν οι πολιτικοί μας φταίνει για όλα.
@ImazeVideos Πόσο αλήθεια. Οι Αλβανοί δεν κρατούν Ελληνικές σημαίες γιατί μισούν την Ελλάδα. Μάλιστα εγείρουν αξιώσεις για Τσαμουριές και λοιπές φαντασιώσεις. Φταίμε και εμείς οι Έλληνες που τους δίνουμε δουλειές. Ευτυχώς τα τελευταία χρόνια με την οικονομική κρίση, έφυγαν αρκετοί από την Ελλάδα αλλά και πάλι είναι πολλοί από δαύτους που μας έχουν κατσικωθεί.
Please don’t compare Canada with Greece! As an Albanian I’ve experienced both , Greece it used to be a nice country but the TV , all Greek media , schools , cafeterias, restaurants, all , they had something bad to say about Albanians and at that time it was 24/7 not sure how much has changed now! So , if they discriminate you with all forms and cause many people psychological problems ( some Albanians couldn’t even say they were from Albania ) you think Albanians would love Greece? I mean I met very nice Greek people that still love to this day , but Canada gives you the freedom and respect once you step in Canada you are the same like the natives ! I don’t think Albanians hate Greeks I think they hate Greek politics and the propaganda, we the normal everyday people don’t have any issues , even when I was in Greece with most of Greeks had great relationship , few were very bad ! And don’t forget to take in the consideration that many excellent Albanian students were not allowed to hold the Greek flag during the parade ! Why Albanians in Canada respect Canada and put Canada flag and Albanian flag together?
@@saythetruth1084 Read first well what i write. i talk about how the Greek people in Canada respect the country where live, and what happening here and what respect give the Albania's and not only them. And they have get everything from us with free. Canada don't give nothing free to Greek people they work hard from the first day.
When i think of greek canadians ...i think of yiayia in my big fat greek wedding saying " sahameniiiii tourkiiii" and pointing at the visiting canadian guests 😂
Can you blame her? After all the yiayias and their parents suffered a genocide. Btw has Canada recognized the genocide against the greeks of Anatolia committed by the turks?
Well when are the young Greeks coming to Tampa, Bradenton, and Sarasota?? There is Tarpon Springs A greek village and we can use some young Greeks here! I want someone who can cook Greek style food! The weather is great, sunny, No snow or cold and it's young here!! Beaches, and people from all over the world! Lots of jobs, colleges and universities. Medical. Its great here in Tampa Bay!! 😄
I want to recognize κυρα Βασω and her husband Γιωργο who lived upstairs from Home Hardware on Danforth and who provided food and shelter to the homeless. Our Toronto Greek community has many unknown heroes but to me these most embodied the spirit of Hellnenism and Ρωμιωσινη.
The Greeks in Toronto may have the numbers in relation to population, but unfortunately, they have failed miserably in creating a viable political lobbying group for matters of Greek national security and also national concern topics, in order to bring to the Canadian political level. The Greeks in Montreal and Vancouver are just a little better on the lobbying front if compared to Toronto, but not by much.
@@BVT323 because the greeks in Toronto are money hungry capitalists . They don't really care about Greece ,only 3 times a year , March 25th , orthodox Easter and Oct 28th. They are the most bitter immigrants about their motherland than almost anybody else . I know cos I dealt with them. Of course they don't lobby for the country of Greece . Most of the greek Canadians I met hardly spoke greek at al. Toronto Greeks are a big clique and they won't befriend you as easily as you may think . It's all about money and showing off. Their pride Is a coat they were 3 times a year . The rest of the time it's about money and breaking away from " those ethnic stereotypes" . Ola afta Pou leo einai alithies 100% giati Tous ezisa 15 xronia
Nice video, but the Greeks of Toronto are moving away. Mass migration & high cost of living has changed the culture & made it unnafordable. Moving to Greece has actually become an option for those able to keep their job & work remotely or rent out their property.
Ich bin Grieche ,bin 1974 in München geboren! Der Hellenismus ist was wunderbares ,GRIECHEN GIBT ES AUF DER GANZEN WELT, und ich bin Stolz darauf! ES LEBE DER HELLENISMUS❤❤❤
I live in Vancouver where there are very few Greeks. If I need a Greek fix I go to my Greek roots which is Crete. I am homesick for each place in turn depending where I find myself.
Κρίμα που δεν μιλάτε την Ελληνική μας γλώσσα, όσοι εμείς που ζήσαμε και ζούμε δεύτερη και τρίτη γενιά σκορπισμενοι σε ολη την Ευρώπη, δεν μπορούμε να διανοηθουμε ότι εμείς τα παιδιά μας και τα εγγόνια μας να μην μιλάνε Ελληνικά, και την γλώσσα της χώρας που ζούνε ,καθώς και αγγλικά, όπως και όλοι οι Έλληνες, εκτός οι μεγάλης ηλικίας άνθρωποι. 😔
I was wondering when some Aussie Greek was going to leave a comment on here ? Melbourne, Victoria Greek population is much larger than in Canada. It is said that Melbourne has the largest Greek population outside of Athens, Greece 🇬🇷 ? 😊 Cheers 🍻 from Canada 🇨🇦 Australia 🇦🇺
Come on down to Tarpon Springs- its all greeks, the young kids dont speak greek!! They should!! Maybe 5,000 greeks along the gulf of mexico. Winter down here!! Today is 12-1-24 its 64*F.
I think same applies to the Italian communities, in US as well. Been living in Los Angeles since 1986, I have seen much much changes especially with communities, it comes and goes.
How do you Greeks live in that frigid cold depressing Socialist Leftist society? Come to Florida!!!!! Where it’s summer all year long. Just be smart and buy a house 5-6 miles inland and a house with a minimum of 3 steps which means the house is 2-5 feet off the ground and you’ll never flood.
I am Turkish from Izmir and don't know why youtube advertised this video to me 😂 I see most of you in hospitality & restaurants. Do you make kokoreç from lamb (kokoretsi) but not a frozen imported please? Fresh it should be. If yes please advise, I'd like to visit your restaurant.
Good work Tony. Your are the voice of Greeks on the Danforth. Make Danforth Greek again. Make the next video on the original Greek town which was in the west end of Toronto
You can do that by voting a greek donald trump version 😅 Donaldos trumpolopoulos
Greek town stolen by Muslim
Για σου ρε Τορόντο!!!! Δυο αποφάσεις έκανα στην ζωή μου που δεν μετάνιωσα ποτέ: Μια που ήρθα και μια που γύρισα στην Ελλάδα! Αλλά πάντα βλέπω τον Καναδά και ιδιαίτερα το Τορόντο σαν πατρίδα μου. Ελπίζω σύντομα να ξαναέρθω, σαν τουρίστας πια!!!
Sto Chinada Ε?
At 0:40 to the left of the cafe there is a small Greek store that sells the original Nescafe Frappe in the brown tin we all love. He imports it from Greece because the paticular version of Nescafe is exclusive there.
When i was living in Danforth Avenue that was my supplier of nostalgia goods, he even sells Bekleria lol.
Hopefully the shop is still there, that was 25 years ago.
I'm a Greek unfortunately living in Toronto... Can't wait to leave Canada.
Warum bitte!???
Well...if you're thinking about coming back to the motherland... it sucks here badly ..think again
@@Picostoο πατέρας μου έλεγε "κι εδώ σκατα και εκεί σκατα". Κι αυτό πριν απο 40 χρόνια. Κακά τα ψέμματα. Ο Καναδάς έχει αλλάξει. Δεν ξέρω τι είναι αυτό που παρουσιάζει η Ελλάδα για τον Καναδά, αλλά 9 χρόνια που είμαι εδώ βλέπω συνεχή πτώση και προσωπικά τον έχω σιχαθεί.
@@damianosavraammisaelidis9727 και η Ελλάδα έχει αλλάξει ...προς το χειρότερο επίσης
I'm Scottish and want to do the same thing.Canada has fallen
The area has changed dramatically since I was a kid in the 70s and 80s. It's gentrified and is more of a mix than at it's peak of Greek restaurants in the late 80s. It's still very much a Greektown though. Despite the Greek diaspora that created the initial community in the 60s moving to the suburbs the character of it remains as Greektown.
I am Greek too borne in Africa all I want to see where ever there are Greeks from different parts of Greece they practically go with very little but, eventually they work soo hard e hours on end they become well off ❤
AND why not its their hard work e long hours
E luck that they become rich all the best to the may theirivesbe Blessed always ❤❤
Toronto has a well established small take out restaurant on Wellington street that is owned by a Greek family. The food is delicious and the service is excellent. The name of the restaurant is *_"Lite Bite"_* and it is my #1 favorite spot for a quick breakfast. Open during business hours.
To all fellow Greeks, I think it is time for us to go back to Mother land Greece, Canada is dying you can see this from the high coast of living and the difficult in finding a job that can cover this crazy coast of living there are about 20,000 people leaning Canada for a better places, Canada was a good place before but now it is falling apart at the seems wake up and smell the Greek coffee fellow Greeks, Greece is asking us to go back, lets help Greece in becoming the best in Europe to live love you all
You know it's funny you say that cos I lleft Canada in 2005 to come to Greece ...what a mistake that was
Les malakies Kai signomi pou Sto Leo ETSI oma...Kai I dio xores kivernontai apo alites .. trudont Kai mits xalides Kai I dio akou Stefano xio an thes na matheis tinpragmatiki.alithia Gia tin simerini Ellada ...ena mavro xali Kai nai I Ellada itane kaliteroi palia tin gam***** anyways that's all shout-out to my greek hommeeyz in torodo and modreal even Iqaluit if there are any greeks there😂 doubt it ...hard to dance sirtaki when your balls are frozen
And us Italians must go back to mother land!!!
You really have no idea how much worse Greece is
Greece is not cheap and you won't buy what you have in Canada for the same price.
Excellent work on this short documentary. Time for the next generation of Greek-Canadians to hold onto the businesses on Danforth and maintain its culture and identity.
Well. Were did they go!! Danforth is basically taken over by Chinese
Greektown in Toronto no longer exists it’s a ghost town with Indian , Pakistan and Chinese restaurants
100% true. It's disgusting.
Misleading video
@@georgechristakos6058is Mr greek still around ?
Pakistani are very less in Canada. Indian and Chinese in millions
@@Deira854lots if pakies what you saying
Alexander Square and much more was build by a pure great true patriot Dinos Voidonickolas
As an Albanian that lived in Greece for a while and now live in Canada the area this video is showing, which I have been many times there doing deliveries I can say not many Greeks left there .. I see lots of other cultures in the Greek town than the Greeks ..
How did you move from Greece to Canada? Studies?
@@thomasj3421 Probably by committing crimes , such as selling drugs...
Very true and astute observation ... Danforth has been going to the pits since the late 90s ...they only have that taste of the Danforth every year to keep some of the greek element alive
@@thomasj3421ganja my man :)) why else would a greek move to Canada for beaver tails? poutine ? sunny beaches lol
Εγώ θα σας πω ένα μεγάλο μπράβο, γιατί παρ' όλο που είστε Έλληνες, βλέπω σε κάθε μαγαζί και σε κάθε σπίτι έχετε εκτός από την Ελληνική σημαία και την σημαία του Καναδά. Αυτό δείχνει πάνω απ' όλα σεβασμός στην χώρα που ζείτε και εργάζεστε. Εδώ ο Μητσοτάκης άφησε δυο φορές τον Αλβανό πρωθυπουργό να κάνει show και όλα τα κοπρόσκυλα που μαζεύτηκαν με τις Αλβανικές σημαίες, δεν είχαν ούτε μια Ελληνική. Ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα και τους κάναμε ανθρώπους με τα τσάμπα επιδόματα και την δουλειά που τους δώσαμε και το ευχαριστώ ήταν αυτό. Αλλά καλά μας κάνουν οι πολιτικοί μας φταίνει για όλα.
@ImazeVideos Πόσο αλήθεια. Οι Αλβανοί δεν κρατούν Ελληνικές σημαίες γιατί μισούν την Ελλάδα. Μάλιστα εγείρουν αξιώσεις για Τσαμουριές και λοιπές φαντασιώσεις. Φταίμε και εμείς οι Έλληνες που τους δίνουμε δουλειές. Ευτυχώς τα τελευταία χρόνια με την οικονομική κρίση, έφυγαν αρκετοί από την Ελλάδα αλλά και πάλι είναι πολλοί από δαύτους που μας έχουν κατσικωθεί.
Please don’t compare Canada with Greece! As an Albanian I’ve experienced both , Greece it used to be a nice country but the TV , all Greek media , schools , cafeterias, restaurants, all , they had something bad to say about Albanians and at that time it was 24/7 not sure how much has changed now! So , if they discriminate you with all forms and cause many people psychological problems ( some Albanians couldn’t even say they were from Albania ) you think Albanians would love Greece? I mean I met very nice Greek people that still love to this day , but Canada gives you the freedom and respect once you step in Canada you are the same like the natives ! I don’t think Albanians hate Greeks I think they hate Greek politics and the propaganda, we the normal everyday people don’t have any issues , even when I was in Greece with most of Greeks had great relationship , few were very bad ! And don’t forget to take in the consideration that many excellent Albanian students were not allowed to hold the Greek flag during the parade ! Why Albanians in Canada respect Canada and put Canada flag and Albanian flag together?
Well said! 🙏😘🇬🇷
@@saythetruth1084 Read first well what i write. i talk about how the Greek people in Canada respect the country where live, and what happening here and what respect give the Albania's and not only them. And they have get everything from us with free. Canada don't give nothing free to Greek people they work hard from the first day.
When i think of greek canadians ...i think of yiayia in my big fat greek wedding saying " sahameniiiii tourkiiii" and pointing at the visiting canadian guests 😂
Can you blame her? After all the yiayias and their parents suffered a genocide. Btw has Canada recognized the genocide against the greeks of Anatolia committed by the turks?
@@sallycoop935 Canada I don't know but I think the US and Australia did
Well when are the young Greeks coming to Tampa, Bradenton, and Sarasota?? There is Tarpon Springs
A greek village and we can use some young Greeks here! I want someone who can cook Greek style food! The weather is great, sunny, No snow or cold and it's young here!! Beaches, and people from all over the world!
Lots of jobs, colleges and universities. Medical. Its great here in Tampa Bay!! 😄
Already here. Left Toronto when it decided to become a communist country under Justin Castro
Ok but what about the recent hurricane ?
I want to recognize κυρα Βασω and her husband Γιωργο who lived upstairs from Home Hardware on Danforth and who provided food and shelter to the homeless. Our Toronto Greek community has many unknown heroes but to me these most embodied the spirit of Hellnenism and Ρωμιωσινη.
The Greeks in Toronto may have the numbers in relation to population, but unfortunately, they have failed miserably in creating a viable political lobbying group for matters of Greek national security and also national concern topics, in order to bring to the Canadian political level.
The Greeks in Montreal and Vancouver are just a little better on the lobbying front if compared to Toronto, but not by much.
@@BVT323 because the greeks in Toronto are money hungry capitalists . They don't really care about Greece ,only 3 times a year , March 25th , orthodox Easter and Oct 28th. They are the most bitter immigrants about their motherland than almost anybody else . I know cos I dealt with them. Of course they don't lobby for the country of Greece . Most of the greek Canadians I met hardly spoke greek at al. Toronto Greeks are a big clique and they won't befriend you as easily as you may think . It's all about money and showing off. Their pride Is a coat they were 3 times a year . The rest of the time it's about money and breaking away from " those ethnic stereotypes" . Ola afta Pou leo einai alithies 100% giati Tous ezisa 15 xronia
@@BVT323 the Greeks in Toronto are more money hungry than Montreal Greeks I find
We Greeks do like food. Very interesting. I enjoyed this program very much. Now come to the UK. And don’t forget the Greek Cypriots too.
Nice video, but the Greeks of Toronto are moving away. Mass migration & high cost of living has changed the culture & made it unnafordable. Moving to Greece has actually become an option for those able to keep their job & work remotely or rent out their property.
Same shit over here too man
@@----john---- Where r u moving
@@Deira854 I already moved 1-2 hours away from Toronto. If I could leave Canada now, I'd go to Greece or the US.
A person from the family should accompany YiaYia Takas to see her siblings in Greece, clearly she misses them a lot
Ich bin Grieche ,bin 1974 in München geboren!
Der Hellenismus ist was wunderbares ,GRIECHEN GIBT ES AUF DER GANZEN WELT, und ich bin Stolz darauf!
I heard many are returning to Greece!!! ☺️
Βοηθάτε μόνο όσους ξέρετε, για όλους τους υπολοίπους ούτε να φτύσετε, αφήστε λοιπόν τα όμορφα λόγια μπροστά στην κάμερα. Σας μάθαμε πλέον!
Great video. Make Danforth Greek again
@@canellamariastefanis7122what about Jim karygiannis?
@@canellamariastefanis7122 no because I don't know him
Love Greek food the best lol I’m French grew up in French tradition married to an Englishman we both love Greek food ❤️👍💯
I live in Vancouver where there are very few Greeks. If I need a Greek fix I go to my Greek roots which is Crete.
I am homesick for each place in turn depending where I find myself.
Ah Crete. Beautiful one day, perfect the next.
Serano is the best bakery/pastry shop in Toronto. When you miss the taste of Greece you go there . Miss you Toronto ❤
What exactly is the " taste of Greece " ? Idrotila apo tin masxali Kai vromitsigara?😂
Interesting to view from UK...whats the Indian background music about?
It’s Indian everywhere in Toronto. Video was pretty misleading compared to reality
@@georgechristakos6058 Good to know on both counts. Thanks George.
Κρίμα που δεν μιλάτε την Ελληνική μας γλώσσα, όσοι εμείς που ζήσαμε και ζούμε δεύτερη και τρίτη γενιά σκορπισμενοι σε ολη την Ευρώπη, δεν μπορούμε να διανοηθουμε ότι εμείς τα παιδιά μας και τα εγγόνια μας να μην μιλάνε Ελληνικά, και την γλώσσα της χώρας που ζούνε ,καθώς και αγγλικά, όπως και όλοι οι Έλληνες, εκτός οι μεγάλης ηλικίας άνθρωποι. 😔
On the last day of creation, God realized he had not yet created a superior people. So he created the Greek people.
Wonderful city!!! ❤ 🇬🇷
Μια μεγαλη αγκαλια απο Μελβουρνη Αυστραλια μερια.
I was wondering when some Aussie Greek was going to leave a comment on here ? Melbourne, Victoria Greek population is much larger than in Canada. It is said that Melbourne has the largest Greek population outside of Athens, Greece 🇬🇷 ? 😊 Cheers 🍻 from Canada 🇨🇦 Australia 🇦🇺
2:00 ❤beautiful
Bravo keep the Greek spirit alive we are more Greek outside of Greece
Come on down to Tarpon Springs- its all greeks, the young kids dont speak greek!! They should!! Maybe 5,000 greeks along the gulf of mexico. Winter down here!! Today is 12-1-24 its 64*F.
Greek town is dying in the next decade most probably it won’t exist
I’m of the same opinion.
I think same applies to the Italian communities, in US as well. Been living in Los Angeles since 1986, I have seen much much changes especially with communities, it comes and goes.
@@tomzamp8547 ah my comment was removed huh? The truth hurts
Florida is like!!
Everyone in Toronto is homeless (except for the people interviewed in this video).
How do you Greeks live in that frigid cold depressing Socialist Leftist society? Come to Florida!!!!! Where it’s summer all year long. Just be smart and buy a house 5-6 miles inland and a house with a minimum of 3 steps which means the house is 2-5 feet off the ground and you’ll never flood.
“Socialist Leftist Society”? Canada?! - Canada makes the MAGA crowd look like a delegation of the Soviet Party Congress...
Already in Florida. Left communism.
@ bravo Brother. I’m in Boca Raton, and part time Long Island NY. It’s like being in Greece July and August but all year long!!!
Canada is a neo Marxist country but about to shift. A big vote for Polievre
Ah Florida. Number 3 on the list of murders out of 50 states in the US.
Türkiye is better
I am Turkish from Izmir and don't know why youtube advertised this video to me 😂
I see most of you in hospitality & restaurants. Do you make kokoreç from lamb (kokoretsi) but not a frozen imported please? Fresh it should be. If yes please advise, I'd like to visit your restaurant.