Semiconductor detectors for high radiation environments in future collider experiments
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ธ.ค. 2024
- While silicon pixels is the commonly chosen technology for measuring particle trajectories in the high track density environment of modern HEP detectors, the planned detector upgrades and next generation of experiments pose stringent requirements on the inner detector systems.
A large variety of silicon pixel detector technologies have been developed to address the specific needs of these diverse use-cases. There are, though, common detector needs: Thin sensors, small pixels, precise timing, complex in-pixel processing capabilities together with low power consumption while being operated in high radiation environments.
In this talk, I will briefly describe the historical evolution of silicon detectors for high energy physics applications and its basic principles, giving an overview of the most promising evolution for future HEP projects given the aforementioned mutually exclusive characteristics.
Dr. Carlos Mariñas obtained his particle physics degree and master thesis at USC upgrading the TOF detector of the DIRAC (PS212) experiment at CERN. He got his PhD at the UV on the development of DEPFET sensors for the Linear Collider experiments and the cooling system of the Belle II pixel detector. While at the University of Bonn, he was in charge of the integration and commissioning of the Belle II vertex detector at KEK, and got in touch for the first time with the depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensors. During this stay in Japan, he was deputy run manager during the start up phase of the SuperKEKB flavor factory. Dr. Mariñas is now back at IFIC as GenT Distinguished Researcher. He is deputy chair of the Belle II technical board and coordinator of the vertex detector upgrade with CMOS sensors.
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Nice talk, Dr. Mariñas!