Writing the book has been difficult. It has meant reliving the pain of the past. But it has also been cathartic, forcing me for the first time to come to terms with memories I had been trying to escape. *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
In our male-dominated culture, boys had always been favored over girls and were not only more apt to be educated, but in extreme instances to be given food first while the mother and daughters waited. In our family, however, there was no discrimination at all. If anything, I received the most attention. *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
Islam in fact had been quite progressive toward women from its inception, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) forbidding the practice of killing female infants that was common among the Arabs of the time, and calling for women's education and their right to inherit long before these privileges were granted to them in the West. *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
We learned at an early age that it was men's interpretation of our religion that restricted women's opportunities, not our religion itself. *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
In our house education was top priority. Like his father before him, my father wanted to make examples of us, the next generation of educated and progressive Pakistanis. *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
My father had brought me here (at GKB Graveyard) just before I had left Pakistan to enter Harvard University in 1969 (and said): "Remember, whatever happens to you, you will ultimately return here. Your place is here. Your roots are here. The dust and mud and heat of Larkana are in your bones. And it is here that you will be buried." *- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
Happy birthday, Malia🌺 No matter how sophisticated, accomplished, beautiful, and gracious a young woman you’ve become-you’ll always be my baby. And I will always be here to lift you up. *-Barack Obama* (July 14th 2022)
Mom❤ 😊 Tell them…! “And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.” *-📖The Holy Koran,* sorah: Al-Nor, chapter24, verse31 😊 🙏🏻
"Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance." - Kofi Annan
*Narendra Modi: A false crusader for women's rights* - "All Modi is trying to do is to make his base - Hindu nationalists - happy. It has nothing to do with his respect for Muslim women or women's rights." *- Ajaz Ashraf*
Barack Obama Wrote: As I recount in my book, A Promised Land, my mother, Ann Dunham, was strong, smart, and marched to her own beat. For her, the world offered endless opportunities for moral instruction. My sister *Maya* and I got early lessons about the struggle for civil rights, the impact of poverty on people around the world, and the importance of respecting other cultures and considering other points of view. My mother believed that power came not from putting people down but rather through lifting them up. And she was always certain that in the face of injustice and humanity’s more primal impulses, logic and progress would always prevail. “The world is complicated, Bar,” she used to say. “That’s why it’s interesting.” *- BARACK OBAMA* (November 13th 2020)
Happy 21st Birthday to Sasha Obama🌺 Before Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, I worked at ULS with his sister Maya🌺. Whenever her brother and Michelle were vacationing on Oahu, *Maya* would often babysit the Obama girls and bring them to school to hang out. I still remember handing a pair of drumsticks to Malia🌺 so she could play on a snare drum in the band room. -- Sasha with Aunt Maya and I in our school cafeteria some 20 years ago! *-Ira Wong* (June 11th 2022)
My captors are now stating, I didn't learn my lesson, from the countless lifetimes, they have tortured, terrorized, trafficked, attacked me among those they allow. So, they are claiming they are using every excuse even, of split they created, to further victimize me. This invisible trafficking tactically they use, to infiltrate into all able, to appear they aren't, while they are.
We mourn the death of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who passed away on Saturday. He was a gender equality advocate who fought fiercely for women and girls' rights. His legacy will remain an inspiration for us all to unite in the face of injustice and to work towards a more equal and just world. Rest in peace. - Kofi Annan 🇺🇳
Excellent initiative especially the recognition of art as an expression of anguish. It's also an outlet for catharsis and eventual healing. Thank you❤ ❤❤❤🎉
Как все можно увидеть в сравнении. Когда-то послевоенная пропаганда истинных ценностей против монополистов была сильна в виде таких фильмов, как "Это прекрасная жизнь. Фрэнк Капра (1946)" или "12 разгневанных мужчин Сидни Люмета (1957)", где социальное единство было огромной силой для благополучия и прогресса дружелюбного и счастливого населения! Сегодняшняя пропаганда властей явно раскалывает всех и добивает их, так что легко взять на себя растущие налоги и загнать все население в кредитное рабство. Ставка на пропаганду, инстинкты и личный эгоизм руководства приносит глобалистам прибыль и господство.
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿 _I believe that women are more empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others, qualities I first learned from my loving mother. There is also scientific evidence that when it comes to compassion, women are more sensitive to others' pain. Therefore, I feel that if more of our leaders were women, the world would be a more peaceful and understanding place._ ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿 _I call on the next generation of young women to be the mothers of the revolution of compassion that this century so desperately needs. You have a special role to play in creating a better world. Women are more empathic and sensitive, more receptive to the feelings of others. These qualities make women models of humanity. Study history and you’ll see that it’s men who have been responsible for carnage and destruction_ ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
"All you need is the compassion of the heart. Women know this because peace is implicit in women. You put boys together, they make war. You put women together, they make peace. Women are the leaders of the future.” ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿 _Science observes that women are naturally more prepared for compassion, because they are more sensitive to others' pain-more empathetic. So, biologically, women have more potential for compassion. These days, nurses and others who care for people are, for the most part, female. Judging from history, there would be less danger of violence if in future more leaders were women. Women leaders would take a more active role in promoting human values like compassion. This International Women’s Day let’s remember that in order for more women to emerge as leaders, the unequal treatment of women in societies throughout the world must come to an end._ ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿 _The root of peace of mind is compassion. As soon as most of us are born our mothers take care of us and give us our first lessons in compassion. Without this we would not survive. This is how our life begins. As children we grow up in an atmosphere of compassion. We unhesitatingly play with our neighbours’ children. When I was small, I played with Muslim and Chinese children from nearby without giving it another thought. We all smiled and readily played together. The key factor to such good relations is warm-heartedness._ ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿 _If someone greets me with a nice smile, and expresses a genuinely friendly attitude, I appreciate it very much. Though I might not know that person, or even understand their language, my heart is instantly gladdened. On the other hand, if kindness is lacking, even in someone from my own culture whom I have known for many years, I feel it. Kindness and love, a real sense of sisterhood and brotherhood, these are very precious. They make community possible, and therefore are an essential part of any society._ ─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
“A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” - Maya Angelou 🇺🇲 👏🏽😊 😊👏😊👏😊
Where are our doctors, and specialists, when this discussion is driven. Where are they to explain and educate the people? Why are they left behind their curtains, thinking their own thoughts? Intersex People, is not even a term people learn or which is used, the word chosen is transgender. And that is the main issue here, which makes people directly assume, that transgenders are mental patients, which is not true. The mental state though of such individuals can be negatively influences, by their surrounding and non education of other people, that become blind sided and exclude them. So this needs education and the proper explanation to be resolved. Further it needs a non forceful method of obtaining this education. You can not make people listen and feed them transgender behaviour while educating them about this subject. This needs to be a free lesson to learn and not on primary school, but in high schools and advanced studies. Furthermore what people react to is sports and classification separated by gender. Well they are their own gender group, so they will also need their own sports category they compete in. Teaching minors in school with help of them is incorrect. People that are Intersex or Transgender will know that anyway, since they are dealing with these issues, and should be helped, their parents should have to obtain the education for sure, since there is where the friction often also starts. Simply, by not understanding what it means to Intersex people and or transgender people. So education needs to be provided trough media, for instance on times, on which adults are watching. Right now you see this even becomes a political item, and that is the last thing this group needs. The problems do not sit in Intersex people or Transgender people, the problems with these are driven by non acceptance and trough poor education.
Love you UN 🇺🇳 ! 😊 You can’t reach for anything new if you’re holding on to yesterday. You may think holding on makes you strong, but oftentimes it’s letting go and starting anew that truly builds your inner strength👏🏻😊 Happy New Year-2024🎊 😊👏😊👏😊
Be the person who breaks the cycle. If you were judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose acceptance. If you were shamed, choose compassion. Be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you. Vow to be better than what broke you-to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from your heart, not your pain.
Are people born gay? Do people choose to commit adultery/fornicate or are we all born with a tendency to sin? Truly I say to you, whoever hears my word (Jesus) and believes him who sent me (God) has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.John 5:24 Repent/believe or you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Out of love Jesus died for you live 4 him before it's too late.
“My Lebanon is a serene mountain sitting between the sea and the plains, like a poet between one eternity and another.” *- Gibran Khalil Gibran* † A new customized t-shirt to a sweet Lebanese lady who’s in love with her original country🇱🇧
“Dear friends, My very best wishes to you & your loved ones at the end of an incredibly difficult year for our planet and its people. At this time of reflection, many of my thoughts are with all those suffering, and all those serving them, in times of growing needs and diminishing resources. Let's never stop making the case for a better world - for climate action, human rights, sustainable development, and peace. From me to you and yours, a very Happy New Year.” *- Melissa Fleming❤* 👏😊 _Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Global Communications_ 😊👏😊👏😊
A few hours remain for 2024.I cannot wait I wishing to all of you vary wonderful Happy New year 2024. 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤.😅It also dedicated to all ambassador , deligates and others in United nations General assembly by me....Thanks ..
if most people are going to be very happy owning nothing while eating bugs by 2030 then who is going to be very unhappy owning everything while eating meat?
Love you UN 🇺🇳 ! 😊 Your real life is between now and your next breath. The present - the here and now - is all the life you ever truly get. So practice living each moment in full, in kindness and peace, without fear and regret. And do the best you can with what you have in this moment; because that is all you can ever expect of anyone, including yourself. Happy new year 2024 my dear friends 👏🏻😊 😊👏😊👏😊
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17❤️
Justice for President Jovenel Moïse and justice for Haïti free bill Clinton stop your ingérences in Haiti 🇭🇹 is not your it for Haitien people you have USA ok stop we are tired for you stop stop this madness
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16:17
Mom❤ 😊 Tell them…! Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and women believers to make their outer garments hang low over them so as to be recog-nized and not insulted: God is most forgiving, most merciful. *-📖The Holy Koran,* surah: Al-Ahzab, chapter33, verse59 😊 🙏🏻
Mom❤ 😊 Tell them…! Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and women believers to make their outer garments hang low over them so as to be recog-nized and not insulted: God is most forgiving, most merciful. *-📖The Holy Koran,* surah: Al-Ahzab, chapter33, verse59 😊 🙏🏻
Writing the book has been difficult. It has meant reliving the pain of the past. But it has also been cathartic, forcing me for the first time to come to terms with memories I had been trying to escape.
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
In our male-dominated culture, boys had always been favored over girls and were not only more apt to be educated, but in extreme instances to be given food first while the mother and daughters waited. In our family, however, there was no discrimination at all. If anything, I received the most attention.
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
Islam in fact had been quite progressive toward women from its inception, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) forbidding the practice of killing female infants that was common among the Arabs of the time, and calling for women's education and their right to inherit long before these privileges were granted to them in the West.
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
We learned at an early age that it was men's interpretation of our religion that restricted women's opportunities, not our religion itself.
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
In our house education was top priority. Like his father before him, my father wanted to make examples of us, the next generation of educated and progressive Pakistanis.
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
My father had brought me here (at GKB Graveyard) just before I had left Pakistan to enter Harvard University in 1969 (and said): "Remember, whatever happens to you, you will ultimately return here. Your place is here. Your roots are here. The dust and mud and heat of Larkana are in your bones. And it is here that you will be buried."
*- Benazir Bhutto* 🇵🇰
Happy birthday, Malia🌺
No matter how sophisticated, accomplished, beautiful, and gracious a young woman you’ve become-you’ll always be my baby. And I will always be here to lift you up. *-Barack Obama*
(July 14th 2022)
Mom❤ 😊
Tell them…!
“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.”
*-📖The Holy Koran,* sorah: Al-Nor, chapter24, verse31
"Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance." - Kofi Annan
*Narendra Modi: A false crusader for women's rights*
"All Modi is trying to do is to make his base - Hindu nationalists - happy. It has nothing to do with his respect for Muslim women or women's rights." *- Ajaz Ashraf*
Barack Obama Wrote:
As I recount in my book, A Promised Land, my mother, Ann Dunham, was strong, smart, and marched to her own beat. For her, the world offered endless opportunities for moral instruction. My sister *Maya* and I got early lessons about the struggle for civil rights, the impact of poverty on people around the world, and the importance of respecting other cultures and considering other points of view. My mother believed that power came not from putting people down but rather through lifting them up. And she was always certain that in the face of injustice and humanity’s more primal impulses, logic and progress would always prevail. “The world is complicated, Bar,” she used to say.
“That’s why it’s interesting.” *- BARACK OBAMA*
(November 13th 2020)
Happy 21st Birthday to Sasha Obama🌺
Before Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, I worked at ULS with his sister Maya🌺. Whenever her brother and Michelle were vacationing on Oahu, *Maya* would often babysit the Obama girls and bring them to school to hang out. I still remember handing a pair of drumsticks to Malia🌺 so she could play on a snare drum in the band room.
Sasha with Aunt Maya and I in our school cafeteria some 20 years ago! *-Ira Wong*
(June 11th 2022)
My captors are now stating, I didn't learn my lesson, from the countless lifetimes, they have tortured, terrorized, trafficked, attacked me among those they allow. So, they are claiming they are using every excuse even, of split they created, to further victimize me. This invisible trafficking tactically they use, to infiltrate into all able, to appear they aren't, while they are.
2 January- World Introvert Day
It is the ideal day to honor introverts by giving them the time and space they require.
We mourn the death of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who passed away on Saturday. He was a gender equality advocate who fought fiercely for women and girls' rights. His legacy will remain an inspiration for us all to unite in the face of injustice and to work towards a more equal and just world. Rest in peace.
- Kofi Annan 🇺🇳
“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too self-full to seek other than itself.”
*― Kahlil Gibran* †
👋 Moderator:Janelle Dumalaon US Correspondent,Deutche Walle TV.
🎉 Happy New year 🎊
Happy new year to all 🎉
Excellent initiative especially the recognition of art as an expression of anguish. It's also an outlet for catharsis and eventual healing. Thank you❤ ❤❤❤🎉
👋 Marina Ponti,Director, UN SDG Campaign.
Как все можно увидеть в сравнении. Когда-то послевоенная пропаганда истинных ценностей против монополистов была сильна в виде таких фильмов, как "Это прекрасная жизнь. Фрэнк Капра (1946)" или "12 разгневанных мужчин Сидни Люмета (1957)", где социальное единство было огромной силой для благополучия и прогресса дружелюбного и счастливого населения! Сегодняшняя пропаганда властей явно раскалывает всех и добивает их, так что легко взять на себя растущие налоги и загнать все население в кредитное рабство. Ставка на пропаганду, инстинкты и личный эгоизм руководства приносит глобалистам прибыль и господство.
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
_I believe that women are more empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others, qualities I first learned from my loving mother. There is also scientific evidence that when it comes to compassion, women are more sensitive to others' pain. Therefore, I feel that if more of our leaders were women, the world would be a more peaceful and understanding place._
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
_I call on the next generation of young women to be the mothers of the revolution of compassion that this century so desperately needs. You have a special role to play in creating a better world. Women are more empathic and sensitive, more receptive to the feelings of others. These qualities make women models of humanity. Study history and you’ll see that it’s men who have been responsible for carnage and destruction_
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
"All you need is the compassion of the heart. Women know this because peace is implicit in women. You put boys together, they make war. You put women together, they make peace. Women are the leaders of the future.”
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
_Science observes that women are naturally more prepared for compassion, because they are more sensitive to others' pain-more empathetic. So, biologically, women have more potential for compassion. These days, nurses and others who care for people are, for the most part, female. Judging from history, there would be less danger of violence if in future more leaders were women. Women leaders would take a more active role in promoting human values like compassion. This International Women’s Day let’s remember that in order for more women to emerge as leaders, the unequal treatment of women in societies throughout the world must come to an end._
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
_The root of peace of mind is compassion. As soon as most of us are born our mothers take care of us and give us our first lessons in compassion. Without this we would not survive. This is how our life begins. As children we grow up in an atmosphere of compassion. We unhesitatingly play with our neighbours’ children. When I was small, I played with Muslim and Chinese children from nearby without giving it another thought. We all smiled and readily played together. The key factor to such good relations is warm-heartedness._
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
*Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
_If someone greets me with a nice smile, and expresses a genuinely friendly attitude, I appreciate it very much. Though I might not know that person, or even understand their language, my heart is instantly gladdened. On the other hand, if kindness is lacking, even in someone from my own culture whom I have known for many years, I feel it. Kindness and love, a real sense of sisterhood and brotherhood, these are very precious. They make community possible, and therefore are an essential part of any society._
─ His Holiness *Dalai Lama* ✍️🌿
“A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself
and only herself.”
- Maya Angelou 🇺🇲 👏🏽😊
Where are our doctors, and specialists, when this discussion is driven. Where are they to explain and educate the people? Why are they left behind their curtains, thinking their own thoughts? Intersex People, is not even a term people learn or which is used, the word chosen is transgender. And that is the main issue here, which makes people directly assume, that transgenders are mental patients, which is not true.
The mental state though of such individuals can be negatively influences, by their surrounding and non education of other people, that become blind sided and exclude them. So this needs education and the proper explanation to be resolved. Further it needs a non forceful method of obtaining this education. You can not make people listen and feed them transgender behaviour while educating them about this subject. This needs to be a free lesson to learn and not on primary school, but in high schools and advanced studies.
Furthermore what people react to is sports and classification separated by gender. Well they are their own gender group, so they will also need their own sports category they compete in. Teaching minors in school with help of them is incorrect. People that are Intersex or Transgender will know that anyway, since they are dealing with these issues, and should be helped, their parents should have to obtain the education for sure, since there is where the friction often also starts. Simply, by not understanding what it means to Intersex people and or transgender people.
So education needs to be provided trough media, for instance on times, on which adults are watching. Right now you see this even becomes a political item, and that is the last thing this group needs. The problems do not sit in Intersex people or Transgender people, the problems with these are driven by non acceptance and trough poor education.
Love you UN 🇺🇳 ! 😊
You can’t reach for anything new if you’re holding on to yesterday. You may think holding on makes you strong, but oftentimes it’s letting go and starting anew that truly builds your inner strength👏🏻😊
Happy New Year-2024🎊
To all our honorable members,
keep up the good work,
we can do it Love Fron Guyana.
👋 Laysa John,Secretary-General,CIVICUS
👋 Trine Bramsen,Frm. Minister Of Defense (Denmark).
Be the person who breaks the cycle. If you were judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose acceptance. If you were shamed, choose compassion. Be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you. Vow to be better than what broke you-to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from your heart, not your pain.
King reza pahlavi ✌️ 👑
Are people born gay? Do people choose to commit adultery/fornicate or are we all born with a tendency to sin? Truly I say to you, whoever hears my word (Jesus) and believes him who sent me (God) has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.John 5:24 Repent/believe or you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Out of love Jesus died for you live 4 him before it's too late.
“My Lebanon is a serene mountain sitting between the sea and the plains, like a poet between one eternity and another.”
*- Gibran Khalil Gibran* †
A new customized t-shirt to a sweet Lebanese lady who’s in love with her original country🇱🇧
There's only male and female
Happy New Year-24🎊 👏🏻😊
Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong💪🏻
“Dear friends,
My very best wishes to you & your loved ones at the end of an incredibly difficult year for our planet and its people.
At this time of reflection, many of my thoughts are with all those suffering, and all those serving them, in times of growing needs and diminishing resources.
Let's never stop making the case for a better world - for climate action, human rights, sustainable development, and peace.
From me to you and yours, a very Happy New Year.”
*- Melissa Fleming❤* 👏😊
_Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Global Communications_
A few hours remain for 2024.I cannot wait I wishing to all of you vary wonderful Happy New year 2024. 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤.😅It also dedicated to all ambassador , deligates and others in United nations General assembly by me....Thanks ..
We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals
if most people are going to be very happy owning nothing while eating bugs by 2030 then who is going to be very unhappy owning everything while eating meat?
gender equality = army for everyone 😂😂😂 hard work for everyone etc etc etc 😂😂❤
Love you UN 🇺🇳 ! 😊
Your real life is between now and your next breath. The present - the here and now - is all the life you ever truly get. So practice living each moment in full, in kindness and peace, without fear and regret. And do the best you can with what you have in this moment; because that is all you can ever expect of anyone, including yourself. Happy new year 2024 my dear friends 👏🏻😊
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17❤️
You're right, blondes🤔
Justice for President Jovenel Moïse and justice for Haïti free bill Clinton stop your ingérences in Haiti 🇭🇹 is not your it for Haitien people you have USA ok stop we are tired for you stop stop this madness
I wonder how they are all getting paid for this?
Conflict of agreement? There is a problem, report it to the police 🤣🙏
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
John 3:16:17
Mom❤ 😊
Tell them…!
Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and women believers to make their outer garments hang low over them so as to be recog-nized and not insulted: God is most forgiving, most merciful.
*-📖The Holy Koran,* surah: Al-Ahzab, chapter33, verse59
Each of us has a role to play in protecting our planet🌏
♥..Women are the mainsty of the country
How about merit. Not gender.
Wish you happy new year all god bless you all
Mom❤ 😊
Tell them…!
Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and women believers to make their outer garments hang low over them so as to be recog-nized and not insulted: God is most forgiving, most merciful.
*-📖The Holy Koran,* surah: Al-Ahzab, chapter33, verse59