Food for thought! An interesting and sad story; didn't find it boring at all. I commend you for your research, clarity and suspense. The naysayers will always criticise, but don't be deterred by their criticisms. Good job!
Food for thought! An interesting and sad story; didn't find it boring at all. I commend you for your research, clarity and suspense. The naysayers will always criticise, but don't be deterred by their criticisms. Good job!
Thanks for bringing us the story first time i have ever heard about this former cricketer. People need to be respectful of that. RIP to all concerned with this story.
I remember this case my foster father read it from the daily gleaner and talked about it with the neighbors. I was 8yrs old and very much understanding.
I remember this case very well as I was nine years old at the time and was fascinated by the details. Living in a small village in Portland we didnt have ready access to newspaper. One day soon after he was hanged I came across a newspaper page in the road giving a report of the hanging. Very sad case a true crime of passion.
Jamaican Chapter, thank you for telling this story. Never knew about it, but it must have been the story of the year at that time. Would love to know what the West Indies cricketers of the time thought about it, what her mother and brothers said at the time, etc. I'm also curious what became of his son Gary. He would've been so young at the time. The irony that he had a similar tragedy losing his caretakers so early in life, would love to know his thoughts and what happened to him.
Thank you Jamaica c I have heard the story about the Jamaica cricketer that was hang but did not know the real story behind it .we need to know the story behind the news . Please put out more stories
Garey was shoned by his peers and people who knew of what happened to his parents and used it against him to belittle him, and he went into depression and started to walk the streets of Almond Town dirty and unkept and went crazy picking up on the street, after my parents removed from Woodford Park i did not see him again we moved in 1965. don't know what happened to him after that,we went to the same church St Matthews Anglican church on Hitchen Street, very sad indeed.
We must understand both gender and how they react to words.A women will hurt you mentally and a man will hurt you Physically.Remember you mouth is the most dangerous tool on your body so use it wisely and with compassion
I was a little girl that time and when it happened every body cry although we never know them in person but it was not like now people cry openly in those days people feel it for you just hearing it and cry openly it was really a different era crime was not rampant
One letter cause all of this,si ppl business and leave it alone,relationship is hard,woman stop cheat man leave people pitney and dem pum pum and stop bein weak
Can you do a video on Rio Nuevo Battle site graves of the English and Spanish solders in the parish of St Mary , and the weapons that were used and is now at JDF Up park camp in Kingston.
My name may tell you something. Anyway, when I went to KC in 1961, Gary was in the 4th Form, as I recall. I never met him. It is a marvelous coincidence that Leslie played cricket at Clovelly Park. Clovelly Park became KC's main campus.
An older sister (I had 8) says Leslie was a cousin. I do not know for sure. Jamaica has more people with the last name "Hylton" than any other in the world. Velma was my sister.@@JamaicanChapter
My girlfriend knew him when he attended Knox College then she used to see him in Kingston when she started working. She said he had such sad eyes. RIP Gary.
His son Gary became a medical doctor he later died Gary had a son whom was a good fast bowler whom I met twenty years ago I later run into him this year by Mark Jones author of the books Great Jamaican Athletes and the Where the ICC (cricket ) had failed
I heard this story from a child, I heard this story from a child and other times but I did not heard it like this. It is more clear they say the man was in the states.
Why do blacks who were stolen from Africa have their abusers names and religion? This further makes this story an even larger tragedy. The Stockholm syndrome is truely powerful to mentally jail so many black people.
One problem brother man, is that your are reading too slow, taking up much precious time, all what you are reading could take 2 to 3 mins, we don't have time these days to waste on a slow reader telling a story, speed it up bro or get someone who can
Food for thought! An interesting and sad story; didn't find it boring at all. I commend you for your research, clarity and suspense. The naysayers will always criticise, but don't be deterred by their criticisms. Good job!
Thank you so much Mr Salmons for bringing this part of history to our attention . I am truly learning a lot
Don't stop my favorite channel on TH-cam
Food for thought! An interesting and sad story; didn't find it boring at all. I commend you for your research, clarity and suspense. The naysayers will always criticise, but don't be deterred by their criticisms. Good job!
Love the channel Nigel! Youre a true HISTORIAN! ...WELL DONE!
Thanks for bringing us the story first time i have ever heard about this former cricketer. People need to be respectful of that. RIP to all concerned with this story.
I really love your channel. Thank you so much for these videos and the information you provide.
If everything is true this is a valuable and very important channel to watch
Thank you Nigel for this story ❤
A longtime Jamaican woman a bad enuh
Think dem easy
And a long time Jamaica man cheat and lie.
Woman in general something as long as time fam
I remember this case my foster father read it from the daily gleaner and talked about it with the neighbors. I was 8yrs old and very much understanding.
You’re doing a great job.
Keep up the good work, learning a lot from your channel
Well informed JC channel keep up the good work
I remember this case very well as I was nine years old at the time and was fascinated by the details. Living in a small village in Portland we didnt have ready access to newspaper. One day soon after he was hanged I came across a newspaper page in the road giving a report of the hanging. Very sad case a true crime of passion.
Keep up this great work.
Wow, this is sad, but an interesting story. Love ur channel. It’s very interesting 👍
Jamaican Chapter, thank you for telling this story. Never knew about it, but it must have been the story of the year at that time. Would love to know what the West Indies cricketers of the time thought about it, what her mother and brothers said at the time, etc. I'm also curious what became of his son Gary. He would've been so young at the time. The irony that he had a similar tragedy losing his caretakers so early in life, would love to know his thoughts and what happened to him.
You could never know what life roads have in-store for you , one wrong turn could be your day.
Thank you Jamaica c I have heard the story about the Jamaica cricketer that was hang but did not know the real story behind it .we need to know the story behind the news . Please put out more stories
This is a good channel
Love hearing how Nigel pronounces "CAWEER"😊
Garey was shoned by his peers and people who knew of what happened to his parents and used it against him to belittle him, and he went into depression and started to walk the streets of Almond Town dirty and unkept and went crazy picking up on the street, after my parents removed from Woodford Park i did not see him again we moved in 1965. don't know what happened to him after that,we went to the same church St Matthews Anglican church on Hitchen Street, very sad indeed.
Wow, that’s sad 😔 and heartbreaking. How and why did they do that to him, he had nothing to do with his parents choices. Wow.
We must understand both gender and how they react to words.A women will hurt you mentally and a man will hurt you Physically.Remember you mouth is the most dangerous tool on your body so use it wisely and with compassion
The tongue.
So true ...
Sad ending? Never trust a woman
Never trust a man
Wow! Today (05.05.2024) marks 70 years since her death!
I was a little girl that time and when it happened every body cry although we never know them in person but it was not like now people cry openly in those days people feel it for you just hearing it and cry openly it was really a different era crime was not rampant
A lot to be learned from this story
One letter cause all of this,si ppl business and leave it alone,relationship is hard,woman stop cheat man leave people pitney and dem pum pum and stop bein weak
I'm telling you! why on God's earth that person did it!Sigh 😢😢😢
@charmainerussell5226 bet you he has no woman or a family of his own
Yeap, I said the same thing.
Can you do a video on Rio Nuevo Battle site graves of the English and Spanish solders in the parish of St Mary , and the weapons that were used and is now at JDF Up park camp in Kingston.
Met Gary some time in the 60s. Found him to be very humble. Heard he passed on in 1982.
Bro you're not that old! STOP capping!
😂😂😂😂you bet I am.
@@Casty1947 😁
He was so handsome and a famous cricketer, i'm sure there were a lot of women lined up to be with him, I guess that why they had an all male jury 😢
Thank you i remember the incident
My name may tell you something. Anyway, when I went to KC in 1961, Gary was in the 4th Form, as I recall. I never met him. It is a marvelous coincidence that Leslie played cricket at Clovelly Park. Clovelly Park became KC's main campus.
Interesting. I assume you are related to Leslie Hylton. Attempts were made to find Gary Hylton but were unsuccessful. He probably moved overseas.
An older sister (I had 8) says Leslie was a cousin. I do not know for sure. Jamaica has more people with the last name "Hylton" than any other in the world. Velma was my sister.@@JamaicanChapter
My girlfriend knew him when he attended Knox College then she used to see him in Kingston when she started working. She said he had such sad eyes. RIP Gary.
Wow, interesting and entertaining. I just asked my mother if she had ever heard of it. I learned something new to me today.
Long, long, long time some Jamaicans interfere in what dont concern them, sending letter to Leslie.
Long time woman a give bun man, the man hurt omg , this is sad , lurline you messed up… Not surprise May woman them bad
So was his son , Gary. I wondered what happened to him.
His son Gary became a medical doctor he later died Gary had a son whom was a good fast bowler whom I met twenty years ago I later run into him this year by Mark Jones author of the books Great Jamaican Athletes and the Where the ICC (cricket )
had failed
Thanks so much for asking this question. I had wondered the same thing. So sad.
A revolver does not hold 7 shots so if he did that he must have reloaded.
I heard this story from a child, I heard this story from a child and other times but I did not heard it like this. It is more clear they say the man was in the states.
I too heard that he came back from the US.
Why do blacks who were stolen from Africa have their abusers names and religion? This further makes this story an even larger tragedy. The Stockholm syndrome is truely powerful to mentally jail so many black people.
So true.
They did not hang him my brother was a police officer he told me they send him to England
Interesting info. I will do a research into his burial. If none, then your words are credible.
Based on gleaner reports's hardly likely they would falsify Leslie Hylton death certificate
That would be good.
I heard of this i was s small. Child
Famous cricketer might be a stretch. Former cricketer would fit better IMHO
He was murdered
7 shots out of a 6;shooter 🙄
I wondered on the same thing when I saw it in the Gleaner (1954 issue).
Oh wow how awful
Bro me love your series them,but you have to learn to say career and not carweer
I think Mr Salmon may have a speech impediment. He does mispronounce other words also
Really couldn’t listen to what is a very interesting story. Your presentation, voice tone and tempo exceedingly boring.
Well you could change the video's playback settings to play faster
@adjuafrican2664 😂😂😂😂
One problem brother man, is that your are reading too slow, taking up much precious time, all what you are reading could take 2 to 3 mins, we don't have time these days to waste on a slow reader telling a story, speed it up bro or get someone who can
Just a reminder. You, yourself, listened to the slow reader. Pointing your finder at the wrong person.
He is not a run away train, for your info. He is doing great.
You’re funny, speed your audio up.
Adultery, loose lips and an acid tongue can send you into the spirit world.
Y'all need to get your own youtube channel, he is doing fine