Povestea lui Alexandru Macedon (25 10 2013)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 73

  • @IoanDavidbiti
    @IoanDavidbiti 11 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Felicitari domnule Daniel Roxin, pentru munca pe care o faceti, aducand adevaruri istorice despre poporul care a trait si traieste pe plaiurile mioritice. Prin care limpeziti toate comentariile controversate de anumite popoare ostile cetatenilor actuali romani. Sa va ajute Dumnezeu sa continuati cu emisiuni istorice adevarate. Cu stima Ioan D.

  • @Adrian_Maximus
    @Adrian_Maximus 11 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Felicitari pentru munca pe care o faceti! Sa va ajute Dumnezeu! Puneti si un fond muzical. ;) un like!

  • @ovidiuhanganu313
    @ovidiuhanganu313 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Daniel , emisiunea ta este excelenta. Am o singura mica corectie :localizati in timp existenta lui Alexandru Macedon pentru
    incepatori in tainele istoriei.Chiar daca pare banal, este foarte important 356 bc. - 323 bc.

  • @bogdanionescu5826
    @bogdanionescu5826 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Domnule Roxin, Aristotel era si el macedonean. A si avut probleme din aceasta cauza in Atena. Tocmai de aceea Filip il cheama pt. a-l educa pe Alexandru. Va salut!

    • @constantinghita3592
      @constantinghita3592 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Foarte corect.
      Grecii au confiscat toata istoria
      regatului macedonean si au minimalizat la maximum importanta epicii elenistice care a urmat după moartea lui Alexandru
      însușinduși-o si pe aceasta.
      In toate bataliile purtate de către
      Filip,Alexandru si toti regii care i-au urmat pînă la Perseu, Pydna 168 îen,grecii au luptat ca mercenari,
      in armatele persane si romane.
      Chiar si cei 8000 de greci pe care
      I-a luat Alexandru in campania
      Contra persilor,au fost acceptati doar pentru a nu initia vreo revolta
      antimacedoneană in perioada lipsei armatei lui Alexandru.
      Si cu toate acestea,regele Spartei,Agis,atunci cind s-a zvonit
      că Alexandru a murit in India,s-a ridicat impotriva hegemoniei Macedoniei dar a fost invins și a și murit in lupta cu armata macedoneană condusă de Antipater,generalul pe care l-a
      lăsat Alexandru sā guverneze
      partea europeană a imperiului,în
      lipsa acestuia.

  • @aleksandrtybyrnac6387
    @aleksandrtybyrnac6387 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mersi mult !

  • @ImperatorGabrielis
    @ImperatorGabrielis 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nu erau romanii deja in peninsula italica? Doar erau prin 500 I.Hr. si s-au intamplat destule evenimente de la intemeierea Romei pana pe vremea lui Alexandru, am vazut ca si in film au mentionat ceva despre ei.

  • @Dromihete4146
    @Dromihete4146 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Napoleon n-a visat la gloria lui Alexandru, nu a vrur să fie Alexandru, a vrut să fie doar el și-atât.
    Despre Napoleon se spunea în epocă că, " pe lângă împăratul nostru, Cezar și Alexandru par simpli locotenenți "

  • @elenastacescu7058
    @elenastacescu7058 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Un video minunat

  • @titusdumitru2264
    @titusdumitru2264 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Salut te sustin si incurajez Respect !!!

  • @sterenurciu8727
    @sterenurciu8727 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Olimpia nu era grecoiaca.Urmareste Zamolxis și Zamolxismul cu Branislav Stefanoski al Dabija de la minutul 32 vei auzi si vedea cine era Olimpia mama lui Alexandru Makedon.

  • @ionutdjuvara3858
    @ionutdjuvara3858 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Acea "limba macedoneana" era aromâna , povestea nu este completa..spuneti ceva clar...foarte frumos ce face Daniel Roxin dar unii oameni care veneau la emisiune nu spuneau tot adevarul , deasta nu se stie despre aromâni mai nimic , pacat ..inca dinaintea lui Hristos sunt aromânii..

    • @katyparis4723
      @katyparis4723 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Armânji-machedonji, limba veacli di 4000 di anji...

  • @matthewsmith361
    @matthewsmith361 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    like daca santioan te-a adus aici

    • @TheNekoStorm
      @TheNekoStorm 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      doamna profesoara daca vedeti asta vreau un punct in plus ca am ajuns aici

    • @raresmezei8415
      @raresmezei8415 8 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @raresmezei8415
      @raresmezei8415 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nu se putea fara Santi

  • @ethnikhart
    @ethnikhart 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dezamagitor documentarul sau cel putin invitatul nostru. Unul dintre motivele care ma surprinde este faptul ca nimeni nu vorbeste despre iliri mai ales acum cand era cazul. Mama lui Alexandru nu era din neamul ilirilor ?

    • @constantinmt6783
      @constantinmt6783 11 ปีที่แล้ว

      Olympia era printesa epirota, ori epirotii erau inruditi cu elenii, pe cand ilirii erau inruditi cu tracii.

    • @ethnikhart
      @ethnikhart 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nu cred ca exista triburi, mai ales atat de apropiate care sa nu fie inrudite intre ele.Istorienii spun ca epiriotii imparteau aceiasi obiceiuri si traditii cu ilirii desii nu stiu ce sa spun pentru ca e foarte complicat ce ni s-a spus pana acum. Dar eu cred ca epiriotii erau mult mai apropiati de iliri decat de eleni. Limba este un element foarte importat in istorie si ne poate calauzi spre adevar.

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Constantin Mt Urmareste Zamolxis și Zamolxismul cu Branislav Stefanoski al Dabija de la minutul 32 vei auzi si vedea cine era Olimpia mama lui Alexandru Makedon.

    • @ethnikhart
      @ethnikhart 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      E greu sa fi istoric cand esti subiectiv.

    • @xxilluminatixxxx
      @xxilluminatixxxx 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +simpleuser Your Albanian? :D

  • @costelmitrachioiu578
    @costelmitrachioiu578 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Care a fost cauza decesului a lui Alexandru Macedon?

  • @robertronaldo6214
    @robertronaldo6214 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Alexandru Macedon era aroman!

  • @samuelilisuan7707
    @samuelilisuan7707 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Da a fost fiul lui Filip al doilea 👍👍👍

  • @MacedoniaPrima
    @MacedoniaPrima 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Eu însumi sunt de origine greacă și nu aș vrea să văd Grecia pierzându-și libertatea pentru sclavie." (a spus Alexandru I, regele Macedoniei antice, care a domnit între 498-454 î.Hr. și a fost un strămoș al lui Alexandru al III-lea cel Mare, citat în "Istorii" de Herodot, Cartea 9, Capitolul 45)
    Alexandru cel Mare a spus (citate autentice cu referințe):
    "Strămoșii voștri au venit în Macedonia și în restul Greciei și ne-au făcut mult rău, deși noi nu le-am făcut niciun rău înainte. Am fost numit conducătorul grecilor și, dorind să-i pedepsesc pe perși, am venit în Asia, pe care v-am luat-o." (într-o scrisoare către regele Darius al III-lea al Persiei, răspunzând unei cereri de armistițiu, citat în "Anabasis Alexandri" de Arrian, tradus de P. A. Brunt pentru "ediția Loeb", Cartea II, 14, 4)
    "Dușmanii noștri sunt mezii și perșii, oameni care au trăit timp de secole niște vieți luxoase; noi, cei din Macedonia, am fost antrenați timp de mai multe generații în școala grea a pericolului și războiului. Mai mult decât orice altceva, suntem oameni liberi, dar ei sunt sclavi. Desigur, sunt trupe grecești în serviciul perșilor, dar cât de diferită este cauza lor de a noastră! Ele vor lupta pentru plată și încă nu prea multă; noi, din contra, vom lupta pentru Grecia chiar și cu inimile noastre. Cât privește trupele noastre străine - traci, peoni, iliri, agriani - ei sunt cei mai buni și mai vânjoși soldați din Europa și vor întâlni ca oponenți ai lor pe cele mai slabe și vlăguite triburi ale Asiei. Și, în cele din urmă, cine sunt cei doi bărbați, conducători supremi? Voi îl aveți pe Alexandru, iar ei pe Darius!" (vorbind trupelor înaintea bătăliei de la Issus, citat de Arrian în "Campaniile lui Alexandru", Cartea 2, Capitolul 7, Editura Penguin Classics, tradusă de Aubrey De Seliucourt, p. 112)
    "Sfinte duhuri ale morților, nu eu sunt de condamnat pentru soarta voastră crudă și amărâtă, ci rivalitatea care a făcut ca popoare surori și oameni frați să se lupte unii cu alții. Nu simt nicio bucurie pentru această victorie a mea. Din contra, aș fi fericit, fraților, dacă v-aș avea pe toți stând aici alături de mine, fiindcă suntem uniți de acceași limbă, același sânge și aceleași viziuni." (adresându-se grecilor atenieni și tebani după bătălia de la Chaeronea, citat în "Istoria lui Alexandru cel Mare" de Quintus Curtius Rufus, 6.3.11)
    "Tineri ai peleenilor, macedonenilor, ai amfictioniei grecești, lacedemonenilor și corintenilor ... și ai tuturor grecilor, alăturați-vă camarazilor voștri soldați și încredințați-vă mie, așa încât să ne putem îndrepta împotriva barbarilor și să ne eliberăm din jugul persan, căci greci fiind nu ar trebui să fim sclavi barbarilor." (citat în "Istoria lui Alexandru cel Mare" de Pseudo-Kallisthenes, 1.15.1-4)

  • @cristianangheluta8225
    @cristianangheluta8225 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I like to much Alexandru !!!

  • @vladdumitrescu2862
    @vladdumitrescu2862 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alexandru Macedon era grec 100%. M-am uitat peste cartea „Noi Tracii” ca triburile grecesti Aheii si Dorienii erau chiar de origine tracă. Dar totusi, Trăiască Dacia, Tracia, Grecia si Iliria!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Nermal Cat Istorici ca Herodot sau Tucidide în secolul V î.C. afirmau că Elenismul era foarte slab pe coastele Macedoniei, de exemplu Tucidide menţionând şi populaţia bilingvă din Peninsula Athos (fapt ce probabil era la baza afirmaţiei din secolul IV î.C. a oratorului atenian Demostene că Alexandru Macedon nu era Elen, fapt confirmat şi de Plutarh, care a specificat că împăratul Alexandru cel Mare vorbea cu generalii săi altă limbă decât Greaca, anume “limba Macedonă”); istoria a probat că acolo unde se întâlneau Greaca şi Latina, prevala Greaca, astfel ajungându-se la extinderea utilizării vechii limbi Greceşti în Imperiul Macedonean, datorită numeroşilor aliaţi Anatolieni vorbitori de Greacă din trupele lui Alexandru cel Mare, însoţitorii armatei împăratului în cucerirea Asiei: acei Anatolieni - şi nu Elenii vechi - au răspândit Greaca (limba lor nativă / maternă) în Asia.

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Nermal Cat Epiroti erau un trib makidon,nu au nici o legatura nici cu greci antici si nici cu iliri.Olimpia mama lui Alexandru Makidon era sora lui Alexandru Molosian regele epirotilor.

    • @euroexpertsrl852
      @euroexpertsrl852 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Alexandru Macedon era MACEDONEAN arman , trac .. si nu grec

    • @euroexpertsrl852
      @euroexpertsrl852 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      nu este adevarat anatolienii erau tot majoritar de origine traca ca si macedonenii

  • @MacedoniaPrima
    @MacedoniaPrima 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    _"I myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Greece change her freedom for slavery." (said Alexander I, king of ancient Macedon, who reigned between 498-454 BC and was a forefather of Alexander III the Great, as quoted in "Histories" by Herodotus, Book 9, Chapter 45)_
    Alexander the Great said (authentic quotes with references):
    _"Your ancestors came to _*_Macedonia and the rest of Greece_*_ and did us great harm, though we had done them no prior injury. _*_I have been appointed leader of the Greeks,_*_ and wanting to punish the Persians I have come to Asia, which I took from you." (in a letter to king Darius III of Persia in response to a truce plea, as quoted in "Anabasis Alexandri" by Arrian, translated by P. A. Brunt for the "Loeb Edition", Book II, 14, 4)_
    _"Holy shadows of the dead, I’m not to blame for your cruel and bitter fate, but the accursed rivalry which brought sister nations and _*_brother people,_*_ to fight one another. I do not feel happy for this victory of mine. On the contrary, I would be glad, brothers, if I had all of you standing here next to me, since _*_we are united by the same language, the same blood and the same visions."_*_ (addressing the dead Athenian and Theban Greeks of the Battle of Chaeronea, as quoted in "Historiae Alexandri Magni" by Quintus Curtius Rufus, 6.3.11)_
    *_"Youths_*_ of the Pellaeans and _*_of the Macedonians_*_ and of the Greek Amphictiony and of the Lacedaemonians and of the Corinthians … _*_and of all the Greek peoples,_*_ join your fellow-soldiers and entrust yourselves to me, so that we can move against the barbarians and liberate ourselves from the Persian bondage, for _*_as Greeks we should not be slaves to barbarians."_*_ (quoted in "Historia Alexandri Magni" by Pseudo-Kallisthenes, 1.15.1-4)_
    _"Our enemies are Medes and Persians, men who for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; _*_WE OF MACEDON_*_ for generations past have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Above all, we are free men, and they are slaves. There are Greek troops, to be sure, in Persian service - but how different is their cause from ours! They will be fighting for pay - and not much of at that; we, on the contrary, _*_SHALL FIGHT FOR GREECE,_*_ and our hearts will be in it. As for our _*_FOREIGN TROOPS - THRACIANS,_*_ Paeonians, _*_ILLYRIANS,_*_ Agrianes - they are the best and stoutest soldiers in Europe, and they will find as their opponents the slackest and softest of the tribes of Asia. And what, finally, of the two men in supreme command? You have Alexander, they - Darius!"_
    _(Alexander talking to the troops before the battle of Issus, as quoted by Arrian in “Anabasis - the Campaigns of Alexander”, Book 2, Chapter 7, Penguin Classics, translated by Aubrey De Seliucourt, page 112)_
    Aside of the clear differentiation made between Macedonians and Thracians in the aforementioned quote from Arrian's "Campaigns of Alexander" [see (a)], it must be noted that Thracian was a satem Indo-European language during the classical years, since it showed one of the main satem characteristics, the change of IE “*k” and “*ĝ” or “*g” to “s” and “z”. Although in the past many linguists grouped Thracian together with Phrygian (Thraco-Phrygian), Thracian was not Phrygian, which was a centum language with such an affinity to Greek that it is evident both languages had a common pre-historic background. Also, Herodotus (Book VII, Chapter 73) tells us that the Phrygians initially dwelt in Europe, where they were neighbors of the Macedonians, near mount Vermion, until they migrated to Anatolia, sometimes after the beginning of the 12th century BC. Obviously, Macedonians developed close to other people who were far more related to the other Greeks than the Thracians were.
    However, according to the German linguist Otto Hoffmann, who made a research based on the ancient Macedonian linguistic treasure, its general Hellenic character cannot be doubted:
    _"From the 29 words that according to Gustav Mayer their form was 'completely alien', it has been proven after this research of mine that 10 of them are clearly Hellenic, with 4 more possibly dialectical forms of common Hellenic words, so, from the entire collection, there are remaining only 15 words appearing to be justifiable or at least suspected of non-Hellenic origins. Adding to those 15, few others which, with regards to their vocals, could be Hellenic, without till now being confirmed as such, then, their number, in comparison to the number of pure Hellenic ones in the Macedonian language, is so small that _*_the general Hellenic character of the Macedonian linguistic treasure cannot be doubted. [...] The names of the genuine Macedonians and those born of Macedonian parents, especially the names of the elite class and nobles, in their formation and phonology are purely Greek."_*_ (“Die Makedonen, Ihre Sprache und Ihr Volkstum”, Göttingen, 1906)_
    Links to trustworthy scientific material about the identity of the ancient Macedonians:
    (remove the blank space from each of the links for them to work)
    history-of-macedonia .com/2007/08/21/ancient-sources-about-ancient-macedonia
    history-of-macedonia .com/2007/08/21/80-modern-historians-about-the-greekness-of-ancient-macedonia
    history-of-macedonia .com/2009/10/10/ancient-macedonian-language-modern-sources
    history-of-macedonia .com/2007/07/02/ancient-literary-sources-about-ancient-macedonian-language-being-a-greek-dialect
    en.wikiquote .org/wiki/Macedonia

    • @soiah
      @soiah 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Easy to dismiss the above.
      Ancestors of French are gauls,
      Ancestors of Romanians are getae but the ancestors of Greeks are Greeks, though there was no such country or language back then... should give you pause.... now, do you speak Romanian? I doubt very much.

    • @ionelghiorghita688
      @ionelghiorghita688 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The linguists are knowing that half of the old Greek words are coming from the original language of the place before the Greeks which was pelasgian language which was a South Thracians language. So when you speak about the Greek words you should say if there was not the Thracian words.

  • @silviusalam2289
    @silviusalam2289 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Eu Silviu

  • @iulianmirea2804
    @iulianmirea2804 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ionutdjuvara3858
    @ionutdjuvara3858 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Noi nu suntem frați cu românii!!! Sa se stie bine asta!!

  • @elenamaria442
    @elenamaria442 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alexandru macedonen istoria minte despre Alexandru macedonen istoria

  • @B1GuD0G
    @B1GuD0G 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    100% grec

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      B1GuD0G Alexandru cel Mare nu are nici o legatura cu greci antici...insasi scriitori greci antici au scris ca nu era grec.

    • @B1GuD0G
      @B1GuD0G 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      stere nurciu Do you know what a primary source is, well look it up, this is one where Alexander son of Amyndas states he is Έλλην γένος = Hellenic (Greek) race:
      "αυτός τε γαρ Έλλην γένος ειµί τωρχαίον, και αντ’ ελευθέρης δεδουλωµένην ουκ αν εθέλοιµι
      οράν την Ελλάδα”, Herodotus, Lib. 9, - Calliope, chapter 44 - 45, p.174 - 176, Archaioi Syggrafeis, Zitros
      Alexander A, son of Amyndas and king of Macedonia “was himself a Hellene and from an old family and would not want to see Greece enslaved”.
      Skopje was included in the Macedonia administrative Region by the Ottomans so you are the *Former Yugoslav Republic of the former Ottoman province of Macedonia* FYRotFOPoM... I like it very catchy

    • @xxilluminatixxxx
      @xxilluminatixxxx 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +B1GuD0G Why is everyone fighting over where Alexander The Great is from? People say he's Greek,some say he's Macedonian (the country just north of Greece) and some say he's an alien?? Why so much hate around this great leader?

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Maanuve Because that has nothing in common with the ancient Greeks

    • @sterenurciu8727
      @sterenurciu8727 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      +Maanuve Why Macedonia and the Macedonians had Never been Greek?
      1. The ancient Macedonians were a distinct nation, separate from their neighbors, the ancient Greeks, Illyrians, and Thracians. The ancient Greek and Roman historians tell us that the Macedonians spoke a separate Macedonian language and had their own customs, culture, and traditions. Archeological discoveries confirm that the material culture of the Macedonians also defer greatly from all of their neighbors, and it is by far more superior in artistry (gold, paintings, weapons, mosaics) then anything found in contemporary Greece, Illyria, and Thrace. The texts of the ancient writers distinguish the Macedonians from the ancient Greeks, just like they distinguish the Romans and the Carthaginians. Yet, like the other non-Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Illyrians, and Thracians, the Macedonian high society also used the Greek language along with Macedonian. Greek was spoken by the nobility of many different ancient nations, just like French was spoken in the 19th century (at the German and Russian courts for example). Unfortunately there are only about 150 glosses that have survived of the ancient Macedonian language (most of them with no relation whatsoever with ancient Greek), and like ancient Carthaginian, Illyrian, and Thracian, it can not be reconstructed. There is no doubt nevertheless that the Illyrains, Thracians, and Macedonians were non-Greeks, or in the words of the ancient Greeks, "barbarians", which literally means people who spoke other non-Greek languages.
      2. Macedonia became a world power when the Macedonian king Philip II conquered Thrace, greater part of Illyria, and the whole of Greece (except Sparta). At the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC, the Macedonian army destroyed the united Greek army, and put an end to Greek freedom and ancient Greek history. To secure the Macedonian conquest, Macedonian garrisons were established in the Greek cities, just like they were established in Thrace and Illyria.
      3. Alexander the Great (336-323 BC), Philip II's son, took the Macedonian armies even further and conquered the Persian Empire, making Macedonia the largest and most powerful nation in the world for centuries to come. In his army next to the Macedonians, he utilized also troops from the Balkan nations that his father Philip II had conquered - Greeks, Illyrians, and Thracians. The Greeks in the Macedonian army, however, were commanded by Macedonians, their contribution in the conquest was insignificant and miniscule, and modern historiography calls them nothing but Macedonian "hostages" who would ensure a good behavior of their friends and families back in Greece (Peter Green, Urlich Wilcken, Ernst Badian, Eugene Borza, A.B. Bosworth). Aware that the Greeks despised the Macedonians, Alexander left massive Macedonian occupation troops in their country before heading for the conquest of Persia, although he knew that he would need as many as possible Macedonians for the dangerous campaign ahead. He however rid himself of the Greeks in his army the first chance he got, after burning the Persian capital Persepolis, and learning that the last Greek state Sparta was defeated by the Macedonian troops he left to watch rebellious Greece.
      4. Despite all, the Greeks never stopped fighting the Macedonians. While Alexander was conquering Persia with his 25-30,000 Macedonians, more then 50,000 Greeks actually fought on the side of the Persians against the Macedonians (Curtius). The Macedonians slaughtered 18,000 of them in the first battle and sent 2,000 to forced labor in Macedonia (Arrian). After Alexander died, the Macedonian general Pithon massacred 23,000 more of them in a single battle when the Greeks revolted in Bactria (Diodorus). In Greece, when the news of Alexander the Great's death became known, the Greeks united once again and threw out the Macedonians out of their country in the Lamian War (Diodorus). But the Macedonian army returned with massive reinforcements, defeated the Greeks both on land and sea, and re-occupied Greece, putting a bloody end to the Lamian War (Diodorus).
      5. The Greeks nevertheless continued raising rebellion after rebellion against the Macedonians to free Greece from the despised foreign occupation. All successors of Alexander the Great fought them, and the Macedonian king Antigonus II Gonatas alone fought three Greek uprisings against the "barbarous Macedonians" (Diodorus, Plutarch, Justin). Finally in 197 BC, the Macedonian king Philip V was defeated by the joint force of Romans and Greeks, and Macedonia lost Greece after almost 150 years of occupation. When the Romans proclaimed that Greece is free, such an enormous burst of enthusiasm exploded among the Greeks that the Roman general who made the announcement was almost killed by the mass of people that flocked to shake his hand and congratulate him for driving the Macedonians out of Greece (Livy, Polybius).
      6. After the defeat of the Macedonian king Perseus in 168 BC, and the end of the Macedonian rebellion in 148 BC, Macedonia, Greece, and Carthage became part of the Roman Empire. In 395 AD with the split of the Roman Empire, Macedonia and Greece became part of the East Roman (or Byzantine) Empire.
      7. Slavs invaded the whole of the Balkans in the 6th century, including Macedonia and the whole of Greece, all the way down to the Peloponnesus. Byzantine historians clearly mentioned that the Macedonians did not disappear with the Slavic invasion but continued to exist. In the 10th century Salonica is described as the "largest city of the Macedonians" and to subdue the independent Slavic tribes in the Peloponnesus in Greece, the Byzantine emperors who were ethnic Macedonians, belonging to the Macedonian Dynasty, had to sent "Macedonians and Thracians" against them. Thus the Macedonians and Slavs have been living side by side ever since the 6th century. Over a period of centuries these Slavic people mixed into the Macedonians in Macedonia, and with the Greeks in Greece, and laid the foundations for the modern Macedonian and Greek nations. Historical records continue to mention the Macedonians until the fall of the Byzantine Empire.