What is the next nation that I should do a guide about? Leave a comment here and join The Discord to chat with me: discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd Check out more nation guides here: th-cam.com/play/PLsO8A6cTBgguX6W3b2j-9IlbSHn2nR8wO.html
Fantastic video for a country I've never really considered playing before. Would love an updated Venice guide in future. And who knows, maybe even a Korea!
Additional tip: If you get into an early war with Cilli, you should force vassalize them! If you manage to snag an alliance with Austria, you can get them to return Krain to your puppet and once they annex Hungary, you can do the same for Varasd, seize the new province, release Croatia from it and get all of Croatia for yourself without fighint a single war!
Last serbia guide had picture of King Peter Karadjordjević, and this one has King Milan Obrenović from rival dinasty and for some unkhnown reason i find that funny 😂
If you can't form an alliance with Austria, i strongly recomend realising styria from one of their cores (Graz is best) and then go on reconquest, styria is quite large and developed.
Wait bro i got lazarus before,but rn when i call poland in war they just go to crimea region and little sultinates countries instead on balkan to help me,do you know how to fix this or smth
I appreciate this guide. Even tho I get a good foothold on west Balkans I would get destroyed immediately once I would lose my allies to scripted PUs. Occasionally I would manage to get allies before this happens. Now I see what were my mistakes.
I used a similar strategy with Athens. Basically "escaped" through Naples and then got the same big 3 allies. Ottoman never actually declared on me and I was able to control every war dec against them.
I'd recommend seeing if you can Threaten War on Genoa if they still have Scio or Lesbos while you still have Byzantium as a vassal. Genoa's power at that point is fairly random, sometimes they have good allies and are a legitimate power in Northern Italy, sometimes they're nearly dead already. You can check without committing to anything, all it costs is one diplomatic visit.
14:45 If you have Aragon and they are willing to fight, you SHOULD fight the Ottomans while they are fighting Venice if that becomes an option. Aragon's navy + Venice's navy can give you a chance to neutralize the ottoman navy and either cross the straits or keep the ottomans from crossing the straits. Also naples can become independent during this time and if you can ally them to bring in against the ottomans, a combination of Naples, Austria, Aragon can be potent. Poland/lithuania can get bogged down with truly terrible military tech in some runs, which makes them much more of a paper tiger.
If I'm not mistaken you could also release Croatia from those provinces you took from Venice. Then ask Austria for the cores back. Then if you want to expand into Italy via Carniola through Austria you're not having to go through Croatia too.
Guides on youtube - Ally Poland. Meanwhile Poland in my playthrough -> -100 after improving relations then rivaling me after first war with Ottomans xD
Just fyi you dont have to give Constantinople to Byzantium to change its culture if you have Bulgaria, Sylistria and Thrace because Serbia has a mission that changes its culture to Serbian
RH, do you think it would be better not to release Byz and just declare reconquests for Bulgaria? You'd lose Strong Duchies priv (unless Herze vassal is a thing on the campaign), but you could both get immediate benefits from those provinces (money, force limit, better loans, etc), start converting muslim ones that Otto might have converted and soften the impact on diplo due annexing byz.
random question not specific to Serbia; how good is -1 national unrest as a national idea? It seems weak, especially as the first unlock, is there any way it could be useful?
It is indeed just pretty weak. It's not going to solve any problems on its own or create unique opportunities for you to exploit, it'll just smooth things out for you a bit cos you don't have to wait *quite* as long for provinces to get to neutral unrest.
I got the Achievment last month and to be honest with the goldmine in kosovo it is pretty easy to survive. Get a dip rep advisor, get a lot of mercs, ally Moscow, Naples, poland, Austria and crush the ottomans. Sounds to easy? it is.
why didn't you just annex syria and then release them if you're gonna give them their cores anyway? releasing them would make them very loyal and you wouldn't have to improve relations with them
Red Hawk I enjoy your content (especially your A-Z series) but please stop taking "Strengthen Noble Privileges", it triggers me greatly since I watched Student's vid on T2 government reforms
Lets see if u red hawk can play Serbia without changing either patch of the game to play it or using some consol command, because in ur previous serbia game u did that, and everyone who plays serbia regularly could tell, since u conquered Bosnia and didnt get hungary to cancel allience which is impossible to happen in the patch u played then, everyone in comments agreed on that... nobody belittled u, just left a feeling of outcast... havent been watching u regularly since, maybe i pick up again... hopefully it was just a patch difference even though u said 1.35 or 1.34 in the video while that strategy wasnt possible at all for that patch, not in 1 milion tries does hungary not cancel allience after u get bosnian lands :)
What is the next nation that I should do a guide about? Leave a comment here and join The Discord to chat with me: discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd
Check out more nation guides here: th-cam.com/play/PLsO8A6cTBgguX6W3b2j-9IlbSHn2nR8wO.html
I need a guide for Ottawa, please! I can't get my economy or military collected in time for when England arrives!
Amazing video Red Hawk!
Keen for a Great Horde guide!
Fantastic video for a country I've never really considered playing before. Would love an updated Venice guide in future. And who knows, maybe even a Korea!
a guide for genoa maybe? i thinks there is not a guide for the current patch
Ryuku guide obviously
You should invite the Archduke for a visit.
too soon
@@macizogalaico Motherfucker it's been a hundred years, i would say right on time
@@retuddedwolf Based.
Additional tip: If you get into an early war with Cilli, you should force vassalize them!
If you manage to snag an alliance with Austria, you can get them to return Krain to your puppet and once they annex Hungary, you can do the same for Varasd, seize the new province, release Croatia from it and get all of Croatia for yourself without fighint a single war!
Last serbia guide had picture of King Peter Karadjordjević, and this one has King Milan Obrenović from rival dinasty and for some unkhnown reason i find that funny 😂
For some reason, I thought it was Stalin...
shoutout to my man Milan Obrenović, realest Romanian ever
If you can't form an alliance with Austria, i strongly recomend realising styria from one of their cores (Graz is best) and then go on reconquest, styria is quite large and developed.
Love this new opening. Great summary for those who need a quick overview and really sets up the rest of the video beautifully. Great job as always!
I also played Serbia recently, I went on to form the Roman Empire and conquer basically all of Europe and all of the New World. Fun times
What Serbia should've been. But still too small. ahah
Wait bro i got lazarus before,but rn when i call poland in war they just go to crimea region and little sultinates countries instead on balkan to help me,do you know how to fix this or smth
least nationalistic Serb(based)
I can finally sit back and relax with your videos. Because since yesterday I've been a "completed all achievements" person
Peace at last
I appreciate this guide. Even tho I get a good foothold on west Balkans I would get destroyed immediately once I would lose my allies to scripted PUs. Occasionally I would manage to get allies before this happens. Now I see what were my mistakes.
Yessss I didn’t think you were going to do this so soon after the Albanian guide, Ty!
Played Serbia not too long ago, very fun campaign and I solved the Balkan problem🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸 (this is a joke❤)
(not too much of a joke tho)
Should have put a picture of St. Tsar Lazar on the thumbnail if you're gonna show the Lazarus achievement
U aint sht dog stop acting tough little homie
I love that you used picture of King Milan xD
Well played btw
Yes!! Thanks Red Hawk!
I’m always curious how to start properly with Serbia. Thanks for this Red Hawk 🐐
I'm here to yet again request a Mali guide.
I used a similar strategy with Athens. Basically "escaped" through Naples and then got the same big 3 allies. Ottoman never actually declared on me and I was able to control every war dec against them.
I would love to see guide for second part(middle) of the game for every nation.
Thanks for this mate, I'll start Serbia campaing tomorow definitely after seeing this guide
I'd recommend seeing if you can Threaten War on Genoa if they still have Scio or Lesbos while you still have Byzantium as a vassal. Genoa's power at that point is fairly random, sometimes they have good allies and are a legitimate power in Northern Italy, sometimes they're nearly dead already. You can check without committing to anything, all it costs is one diplomatic visit.
14:45 If you have Aragon and they are willing to fight, you SHOULD fight the Ottomans while they are fighting Venice if that becomes an option. Aragon's navy + Venice's navy can give you a chance to neutralize the ottoman navy and either cross the straits or keep the ottomans from crossing the straits. Also naples can become independent during this time and if you can ally them to bring in against the ottomans, a combination of Naples, Austria, Aragon can be potent. Poland/lithuania can get bogged down with truly terrible military tech in some runs, which makes them much more of a paper tiger.
I didnt even know Hungary ai could choose to not give Belgrade to Serbia and I play every patch at least once
If I'm not mistaken you could also release Croatia from those provinces you took from Venice. Then ask Austria for the cores back. Then if you want to expand into Italy via Carniola through Austria you're not having to go through Croatia too.
Red Hawk the goat
An additional idea would be to royal marry and pu burgundy, then form georgia and then byzantium
Guides on youtube - Ally Poland. Meanwhile Poland in my playthrough -> -100 after improving relations then rivaling me after first war with Ottomans xD
i made 20 serbia runs in last year. first on veryhard now i play with xorme mod :)
Just fyi you dont have to give Constantinople to Byzantium to change its culture if you have Bulgaria, Sylistria and Thrace because Serbia has a mission that changes its culture to Serbian
Georgia looking impressive, it shows how much potential georgia has when ottomans are not knocking on their door.
Another thing you can do is curry favours with hungary to return srem since serbia has core on it as well
RH, do you think it would be better not to release Byz and just declare reconquests for Bulgaria? You'd lose Strong Duchies priv (unless Herze vassal is a thing on the campaign), but you could both get immediate benefits from those provinces (money, force limit, better loans, etc), start converting muslim ones that Otto might have converted and soften the impact on diplo due annexing byz.
England guide ? It’s been a looong time you didn’t do England
Went well in the beginning, unfortunately I couldn't get any bigger allies and Hungary just roflstomped me. Will try again though.
Me too, i did all he said but i could only make Milan aly
What dlcs do you have active in this gameplay? Loving it so far!
Can you make a guide for Mexico. America keeps demolishing me with taking Texas and California and wait this is the wrong game my bad
I just find it hilarious that you can royal marry an interregnum.
The video description lowkey sounds like it was made by Chat GPT
random question not specific to Serbia; how good is -1 national unrest as a national idea? It seems weak, especially as the first unlock, is there any way it could be useful?
It is indeed just pretty weak. It's not going to solve any problems on its own or create unique opportunities for you to exploit, it'll just smooth things out for you a bit cos you don't have to wait *quite* as long for provinces to get to neutral unrest.
I got the Achievment last month and to be honest with the goldmine in kosovo it is pretty easy to survive. Get a dip rep advisor, get a lot of mercs, ally Moscow, Naples, poland, Austria and crush the ottomans. Sounds to easy? it is.
Yeah dude, you spend so much time repeating yourself over the same thing... it's a bit funny. But Serbia gameplay is always Updoot!
Finaly man
What dlcs are that?
Why is it better to take 1 karaman province and reconquer their cores, instead of taking all of karaman and releasing?
Reconquest of a core costs a fraction of the warscore compared to regular conquest. It's also significantly less AE, in situations where that matters.
Austria and Poland always have too many diplo relations in my experience.
I need a guide for Ottawa, please! I can't get my economy or military collected in time for when England arrives!
why didn't you just annex syria and then release them if you're gonna give them their cores anyway? releasing them would make them very loyal and you wouldn't have to improve relations with them
Tutururutu truthtrutu 🎺
Wtf Georgia is gigachad on your save.
Red Hawk I enjoy your content (especially your A-Z series) but please stop taking "Strengthen Noble Privileges", it triggers me greatly since I watched Student's vid on T2 government reforms
constantinople is serbia
i thought today is ottomans wc
Wow, I just lost the game as Serbia to Ottomans, Austria and Venice at the same time... No one wants strong Serbia
part 2 please do a roman empire
Lets see if u red hawk can play Serbia without changing either patch of the game to play it or using some consol command, because in ur previous serbia game u did that, and everyone who plays serbia regularly could tell, since u conquered Bosnia and didnt get hungary to cancel allience which is impossible to happen in the patch u played then, everyone in comments agreed on that... nobody belittled u, just left a feeling of outcast... havent been watching u regularly since, maybe i pick up again... hopefully it was just a patch difference even though u said 1.35 or 1.34 in the video while that strategy wasnt possible at all for that patch, not in 1 milion tries does hungary not cancel allience after u get bosnian lands :)
God is a Serb
Useless guide. You got the best diplomatic apparatus and Poland or Austria is not that easy to ally at all.
Day 21 of daily asking for Genua guide