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After literally months and months of studying Calvinism I have come to the conclusion that their view of the character of Christ is entirely different than mainstream Christianity. In my wildest dreams I never knew after serving the Lord for over 38 years that there was a group of people out there claiming to be Christians who literally believe that man can choose anything except Jesus, that Jesus does not love everyone (salvation love), that Jesus did not die for everyone, and that God does not want everyone saved. Can someone PLEASE explain how these people are truly brothers and sisters in Christ since their view of Christ is so contrary to clear biblical teaching? I just cannot wrap my brain around this.
Yes. So, how much of this did really listen to? It is a matter of the Work of The HOLY SPIRIT Casting Off this [novel] "MainStream" 'Christianity' Tradition and Clinging to What HE Wrote in Holy Scripture, all by GOD'S Grace In CHRIST.
Where does Holy Scripture say that The LORD Loves evert Individual Salvifically? The Wrath of The LAMB is all too real and GOD Is very Clear about Goats.
As A Calvinist you may want to be a bit slower to declare us heretics as in doing so you damn many millions and great teachers to hell specifically Presbyterians, Dutch reformed, Congregationalist, Anglicans, and Particular Baptists, even if you disagree with us, soteriology is a second tier issue and does not constitute heresy, Calvin is not easy to understand for those new to Reformed theology, I would recommend RC Sprouls sermon series
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Useful, but a shame about the odd chapter bookmarks.
After literally months and months of studying Calvinism I have come to the conclusion that their view of the character of Christ is entirely different than mainstream Christianity.
In my wildest dreams I never knew after serving the Lord for over 38 years that there was a group of people out there claiming to be Christians who literally believe that man can choose anything except Jesus, that Jesus does not love everyone (salvation love), that Jesus did not die for everyone, and that God does not want everyone saved.
Can someone PLEASE explain how these people are truly brothers and sisters in Christ since their view of Christ is so contrary to clear biblical teaching? I just cannot wrap my brain around this.
Yes. So, how much of this did really listen to? It is a matter of the Work of The HOLY SPIRIT Casting Off this [novel] "MainStream" 'Christianity' Tradition and Clinging to What HE Wrote in Holy Scripture, all by GOD'S Grace In CHRIST.
Did JESUS Claim to be Tge Eternal GOD, YHWH, of all time n Voth Testaments?
Where does Holy Scripture say that The LORD Loves evert Individual Salvifically?
The Wrath of The LAMB is all too real and GOD Is very Clear about Goats.
Yes, you're right. Both can't be true Christians.
As A Calvinist you may want to be a bit slower to declare us heretics as in doing so you damn many millions and great teachers to hell specifically Presbyterians, Dutch reformed, Congregationalist, Anglicans, and Particular Baptists, even if you disagree with us, soteriology is a second tier issue and does not constitute heresy, Calvin is not easy to understand for those new to Reformed theology, I would recommend RC Sprouls sermon series