What isn’t mentioned is that of the millions of people trafficked by slave traders, 500,000 came to the shores of America, while most were sent to South America and the Caribbean. Slavery still exists on the African continent, as well as the Middle East and Asia.
Somehow, historians don't want to mention that Muslims were the hunters of black people within Africa then would sell them to the white slave traders at the coasts of Africa
Don’t look for an excuse for what your forefathers did. It’s not your fault but it’s a good thing these things are still being told. But indeed, the Africans role in this matter and the role of the Brits as well. Those Africans were probably also treated like sh!t and paid (in goods) near to nothing. I on the other hand would like a deep dive into the British concentration camps of South Africa.
If you gave everybody a million dollars. Nobody would be rich. Rich is not about having lots of money, rich is about having much more than everybody else. I do not feel that is a particularly "noble" goal.
They first had to dehumanize the slaves to still their consciences. Do you remember the incident of "The good Samaritan" the lawyer asked Jesus "who is my neighbor" because he wanted to narrow his religious obligations to his close acquittances. It's very easy to be loving if we get to choose who deserves our love. It's another matter altogether when we are commanded to love all.
Solomon Northup is my 5th-generation grandfather. So it's pretty cool to see him get so much recognition. He worked with Fredrick Douglas on the Underground Railroad after he gained his freedom. His story is pretty awe-inspiring.
Yes my great great aunts. We’re Irish indentured servants it was passed down that the only things that they could do differently was they could buy out their freedom and they could marry sometimes they got to go visit family, but that was not often
Oh my gosh Solomon Northrup!! ❤️I read the book I didn't see the movie. People like Mr Northrup are so important to me because I look at Mr Northrup and pray I can work to earn the character and integrity maybe a little just like his💖💖 You're so lucky🌞
My father was born to a sharecropper. He survived and went on to survive Pearl Harbor. We have Cherokee and Choctaw in our blood. It wasn't only Africans. All is 😔
They lived in one room shanty shacks. He didn't complain bc they knew how to make food, bartering was the way. He has been gone many years. I still have much admiration for the Man I called My Papa. Today, we are still in danger! I'm a mad Patriot. I will survive this economy... Don't know how but, I will. Hugs to all
Thank you I live in Northern Ireland but was always interested in the history of the different groups of people in your group, when I made a comment on this, got abused ,didn’t no what I was talking about,but I will not back down. Sorry if I said anything to upset you.
People, we are all slaves. What's changed is that we no longer know it. If you think you are free, I suggest you rethink you're understanding of "free".
@@rickreese5794 We are literally the "cattle". We are bred to be milked all our lives. Our energy provides for the elites, the energy to provide for them, the life they seek to experience. We are the "livestock". I once read that the Civil War was not fought to end slavery, it was the enslaving of the rest of us. But the chains are no longer physical , they are chains of ignorance. They are the belief that we are free, when in truth, we are slaves. Social conditioning. Cultural engineering. Economics and politics are one and the same.
@@CopperSkinnedMamii you obviously don’t know history very well. Because there have been plenty of white people who were also slaves and slave owners were black.
They were slaves in Africa, owned by other Afticans, before they were sold to Americans. I'm so sick of people pretending that Americans invented slavery. In fact America was second only to Britain in abolishing slavery. Yet, disgustingly, slavery still exists in Africa to this very day.
Africans sold African prisoner's of war to Europeans. Europeans sold them into generational slavery in the colonies. Black Europeans and those of mixed descent came over as contracted indentured laborers. But their contracts were nullified by a state court and converted to life time servitude. The Constitutional Amendment that bans imports of African POW in 1808 was signed into law 32(?) years before the ban. That time span is when breeding began trending. In prep for the 1808 ban, those female POW were kept in constant production for the next generation of enslaved people. The breeding industry and it's financial backers is what makes US slavery unique.
America didn't invent it, but exploited it mightily. There are documentaries about slavery practices elsewhere for you to watch. Why does any truth anger you??
Nice to see so many have the record straight today. Yes, it was the Africans who invented the trans-Atlantic slave trade. They had no wealth...nothing to trade with to acquire European goods they so desperately wanted...so they rounded up their racial cousins and sold THEM.
It was nothing like chattel slavery of the Americans where the Africans were enslaved for 235 years. The Africans have admitted their part in the slave trade and has apologized but the British, French, Germans, Belgium and Americans haven’t admitted and apologized for their barbaric behavior.
Too many inaccuracies to be taken seriously. While the warning cries "NEVER AGAIN", slavery never disappeared from sub-Saharan Africa. It continues to this day.
Ask yourself were are the twenty thousand or more missing children that have been trafficked into the US under the noses of our so called leaders? Slavery is alive and well and occurring right under our noses right here in the US TODAY.
They were completely different servitude structures. Many West and Central African tribes, in pre-colonial times, used hierarchical structures (agricultural, conscription/military, and royal). What happened after Euro colonization (1885 until the 1970s), most of the leaders in mineral-rich Africa below the Sahel had Western-approved leaders installed. Any of the "Africa, first" leaders (Ex: Thomas Sankara, and many others) who rebelled against the West were "removed" by accident, coup, or exile. *The new leaders do what the West tells them to do,* including forced servitude in fields and mines for resources. In exchange, the leaders become independently wealthy by selling out their countrymen. So as long as they do not use their wealth to uplift their country, they'll be protected. If an AF leader is taken out via coup d'état, often he did something that upset the West behind closed doors. And he's "removed" in a manner that looks like it could only have been an internal struggle with his own people. Nope.
@@bamboosho0t Non sequitur reply. "Hierarchical" does not distinguish anything as all slavery is hierarchical. You cannot so easily gloss the record of pre-colonial African slavery practices characterized by genocide, kidnap, rape, murder, forced labor and cannibalism. As cruel as the colonial system was, it was no more cruel, perhaps less, than pre-colonial conditions.
@@SBCBears It absolutely is sequitur, but you just didn't like my response. The crux of your animus is the phrase, "Never Again," being hypocritical as the institution of servitude that still exists in Africa. My explanation was to give a contextual layer as to *why* it sadly still exists, and how the institution of servitude in Africa is markedly different from pre-colonization (dating as far back as Mali, Oyo, and Songhai empires, Congo, and Ebo/Igbo people) versus post-colonization. As the latter resembles a more Westernized structure. This is important to understand because there wasn't a modern-day Pan-African lens they viewed other African inhabitants of the continent. As the most genetically diverse continent on earth, it never was a monolith despite their outward appearances of phenotypic solidarity. Conflicts among these ethnic tribes unfortunately occurred, no differently than the 293 wars and internal conflicts that have impacted Europe.
@@bamboosho0t "The new leaders do what the West tells them to do, including forced servitude in fields and mines for resources." Don't make me laugh. South Africa, for instance, is rich in diamonds. Its ruling political class certainly doesn't kowtow to Western leaders. Nor the CAR. Nor Uganda. Nor Zimbabwe. I could go on and on. Do go out in public in Somalia if you're albino. Consuming the heart of an albino there is considered beneficial. Your blaming Western leaders makes me wonder if you consider China a Western country? Likewise, Russia. Colonialism ended generations ago. Have you conveniently forgotten the Ugandan Genocide? We can lay sub-Sahara's regression on sectarian tribalism and its causes. Africa would have regressed even further without neo-colonial type interventions. Nevertheless, slavery was abolished finally under colonial rule, while there was no sign of it ending in pre-colonial Africa.
People can't let Americans of a darker persuasion have ANYTHING. Someone else's struggles have to be shoehorned into the conversation to obfuscate the accountability this country has to a measure of its citizens.
They were tough people back then to even survive that kind of life. Yet, slavery has existed for 1000's of years, ancient China, Roman Empire & the infamous Barbery Slaves basically any sailors captured venturing too close to the North African coast.
If you look at the actual photos, none of them seemed malnourished, many were on horses, playing instruments, reading, cooking.... I'm not sure what I believe at this point.
12 years a slave was an incredible movie. I had known how bad slavery was and how the people lives were before that movie, but to see the horrific way these men and women were actually treated made me feel way more sympathetic to all those that people during that time. It should be required reading in high school history class. Bless all those that are still impacted on this terrible time in world history.
Did you know Irish women..slaves...were forced to mate with blacks to give birth to lighter skinned slaves..mulatto's....who could sell better at market..this video doesn't even mention it
I was raised in Texas. They didn't teach us all this in school. If fact hardly anything at all about it. Thank God my family came from Germany in 1700s and would never even consider doing that to another human
I do not understand why people feel it more important to demand "satisfaction" for wrongs they did not experience, than to end the injustice and suffering of our enslaved brothers and sisters suffering today.
It's not about "satisfaction." It's about the wealth that was created and that wasn't distributed to the people that it is owed to. Let's not even mention the land that was stolen after slavery and the sabotage of FBA economically in this country.
Not down playing it. It was awful. White slavery was very much alive then as well. Saudia and Eastern bought kidnapped women, green eyes red hair, blue eyes blonde hair was in demand. Men were drugged and put on slave ships.
American slavery? I've never heard anyone talk about that. It's only about the African slaves. No one ever speaks about the Irish and Czeck slaves we brought in. Even though the Irish slaves outnumbered the African. It's NEVER been about the truth. It's always been about creating hatred between the population. If they keep us divided, we can't stand together.
Funniest thing I’ve read today. Do you realize that the veterans who gave their lives for your freedom get one day while black history gets an entire month? You really need to think about it before you say something heinous like that. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your words considering the opportunities you have compared to them. If anything blame your parents for not trying in life
@BillyBoucher-ql3pw if you had half a brain you would look deeper My forefathers died for some perceived ' freedom' FREE people aren't born with numbers of any description. And My father was IN a concentration camp. War destroys . It never gave us a freedom yet !
@@BillyBoucher-ql3pw Thats correct. Slaves are UNPAID forced laborers. Anyone working a PAID income is NOT a slave. If you are not satisfied with the work, you are FREE to leave and find a job elsewhere.
@@woodyssnake8562 yes just on a different level , we all are enslaved over all mighty dollar work like mules then we go get robbed at the darn grocery store , gas station and here comes the land lords he takes the rest of it. can't have nothing can't save nothing have to give it all back and do it again. work work, work🥵 ongoing cycle of things rich keep getting rich poor keeps getting poorer and poorer
Slavery still common throughout the world, but only criticized where it no longer exists ! Crazy humans ! Look up who did and still do most of the slave trading.
It would be interesting to see the stories of who collected the Africans from Africa. It wasn’t all Europeans. Tell us about the various African tribes who took slaves from other tribes and sold to the Arabs. Would also like to hear about the Irish and Chinese slaves.
Yall always gotta add that it wasn't just the blacks well this what the narrator talking about so deal with the fact those whited from those days was the devil in the flesh
@@804bo7 Still trying to figure out how to be special? You were never a slave, and you never knew anyone who was a slave. You're NOT getting reparations. Work like the rest of us.
Classic obfuscation in the desperate hopes to kick the "US-Slvry" can further down the road into obscurity. What the English and the Americans that followed did was demonic; on levels even the Spanish, Africans, and Portuguese didn't reach. And they weaponized the citizens, the governments, and the religious institutions to keep this system running over 2 centuries. And then, just when we thought it was over, they instituted social, legal, and economic "slvry" for another 90 years and stripped all our earned rights from 1866-1875. As much as I empathize with anyone being taken advantage of, I don't want to hear about anyone else on this topic. The Irish haven't been servants in America since the 17th century. The Chinese "captives" were compensated 75% of what WT workers received ($26/month vs $35/month). For creating the foundation of American capitalism, AF captives received ZERO.
Everywhere we humans purcecute each other through the centuries ..from prussians and ottoman empire ,Roman's. Chinese Japanese , killing fields of Cambodia, Americans , native indians mexicans and ,English their poor then slavery ..from Africa. The nazi regime . Australian native aboriginies new zealand and their Maori....the list goes on STLL HAPPENING TODAY . Will we ever learn to be ONE 🌎 we are all the same inside!!!!!!!!!! ...I Live in hope ..otherwise we are truely stuffed
It’s funny though when you try and change the topic to a different race on slavery, they get upset because it’s not about them. Hmmm, selfish perhaps? I think so.
Slavery was horrible but lets not forget other races that were also slaves. For example, Asians, Native Americans, Irish, Germans, Italians and the list goes on. Its unfortunate that rich men are more times than no cold hearted monsters, even to this day. Think your not a slave? Think again.
None of you were considered 3/5ths a human in forced breeded with multiple cultures to make an ideal slave. We are the only group in America that went through chattel slavery.
Revelations 13:10 “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
Slavery is a part of world history that never should have happened. How someone could have so little respect for human life is heartbreaking. People are not and should have never been “property.”
The African slave trade was started by Arabs, hundreds of years ago. The reason the Middle East isn't overrun by tens of millions of former African slaves is because the Arabs tended to castrate the male captives.
Our First President and Hero of the American Revolution owned approx 360 slaves, between himself and his wife Martha. He inherited 16 slaves and a small farm at 12 years old when his father died. His older brothers got more than him (#3 son) but when they both died young, he inherited their slaves and farms. He married Martha because she was wealthy, with over 100 slaves that she inherited. When George died, he asked that HIS slaves be freed. But Martha kept her slaves, and her Nieces & Nephews inherited them after she died. The Washington's were VERY wealthy Slave Owners. Thomas Jefferson, our 2nd President, also a Slave Owner and certainly more than JUST an Owner... It was 'normal' to own slaves then.
Africans are still enslaving and selling Africans to this day. Yet none of you Marxists are bothered by that. Washington was a man of his time, he freed his slaves. Blacks owned slaves here. The first person demanding he be allowed to enslave anyone here was a black man, an Angolan named Antonio Johnson in 1655.
I saw a film in High School that was even more brutally honest than this one... It was a 1970's "pre-Roots" drama that was so shocking that I was disgusted by the violence & sinful behavior of the so-called 'Christians' that were 'Slave Owners' .... People do NOT know the truth about our own country's history... It's shameful & horrible. Your ignorance is YOUR Bliss... And what we did to the Native Americans was equally evil, if not worse. Slaves were 'Valuable Property', but 'Indians' were not even human to our ancestors, and it was a genocide.
No, the Irish weren’t slaves here. Many Irish who wanted to come here back then couldn’t afford the ship’s fare so signed up to work off their fare as indentured servants. After a few years working they were given a set amount of money and something to help them start out in business for themselves. That isn’t slavery. As to “white slavery” there were white slaves sold in Africa, the Middle East, but the term white slavery refers to a period when primarily Chinese gangs on the west coast of the US kidnapped white women and children and shipped them off to China to be sold into slavery
Indentured servitude is like paying a debt with labor. Slavery is being chained for life for no reason. Steve, looks like you might need to brush up on your US History. The internet is great, as well as the local library and community college.
Because the number of Irish slaves pales in comparison. The United States did not wage a war against itself to keep Irish Slavery. The United States is not still deeply involved, to this day, in a system that is specifically designed to oppress and suppress people of Irish descent, the way it still does to people who wear Brown skin, People of African Descent, descendants of Slavery. Don’t think what I just said is true? Read the comments on this video.
I need to write a book about what my grandma went through she was born in 1889 her family were share croppers.this is what they call the white slaves.this continued until my mom was in her 30 year of age. She was born in 1924. They lived in a house that they could see the chickens pecking the ground though the floors. In the winter even with fire in the stove there would be ice on top of it. They picked 50 pounds of cotton a day just to have a place to live. Her parents and 6 children. When they were able to go to school they were not allowed to be in the same area as the city children. They were treated as if they had germs. They were not even allowed to use the bathroom they had a outhouse. They had to walk on a separate side of the road from other people. So you tell me???? As a child was there any difference between a share cropper child and a black child??? No!!!! I think there may have been some better treatment to black children at times...... Not till my mother got her first outside job did she have a dress that wasn't made out of a flour sack. Shoes were just once a year. I had the best mama in the world.she and daddy adopted me in 1962 ,they were in their 40 ies.they had made a great life ,got far in their accomplishments. Had several homes. Had adopted a little boy,4 years before me. You see....no matter the lack of education, you can be very intelligent and accomplish a lot. Oh that grandmother I mentioned,😂she lived to be 106. She saw everything come into invention. So you see I have plenty of stories I can tell.
This is a book that needs to be written, to tell a more complete story of American life. Don't wait till it's too late, we'd love to read more. Maybe just do audio books (recording verbally) on Audible. You could even make money at it.
I have several comments to make. Firstly, Arabs had slaves but apparently they were freed after a certain amount of years. Generally the main difference is that the Arabs saw them as humans while the West did not. Secondly, I have lived in Thailand among the Laos who were slaves until about the same time as American abolition. Today they have similar conditions in that their homes typically have nothing really, they make rice, eat from a wok (that's the kitchen in it's entirety) and finish school in 10th grade. Typically don't have money to finish the last two years. As a result, the young women typically try to find tourists to support them in exchange for their sex and companionship. In many ways the history of these people is as sexual items for lords. The king himself had 6000 concubines. Most he never even met. We need to develop more understanding, compassion and love for our fellow man.
"the Arabs saw them as humans"...are you f'ing kidding me? The Eastern slave trade was diabolic and 100 times worse than the western trade route.. The men were immediately turned into eunuchs with only 50% surviving the grizzly surgery. Why are there no blacks to speak of in Muslim countries? Uh, they were all killed once useless....OMG man, do the research.
This is so well done. I have read Douglas's work and it is PROFOUND! This shows the TRUE nature of man, and methinks things like this can and will happen again. We are not that far changed. This sickens me, but this video is so well done!
Comments about the black experience is filled with negativity and deflection while the other is shown sympathy and compassion! How tf you can’t see that
@@pjmccoy9682 @bovinebeautymoo2884 just refuses to see it. Correction, they see it they just refuse to acknowledge it. It’s been done in this country for generations.
@@bovinebeautymoo2884 I felt a little too tired to explain this to you before, but @pjmccoy9682 answered perfectly. I’m giving him credit …. “comments about the black experience is filled with negativity and deflection while the other is shown sympathy and compassion how TF you can’t see that?”
I have always believed that we are exactly the same under our skin and we should all be treated equally. These videos are a necessary reminder of right vs wrong. There have been many good books and movies on the subject of slavery. One of the greatest movies is Steven Spielberg's "Amistad" from back in the 1990's. It showed just how shockingly awful one human being can treat another simply based on the color of their skin. We all covered the Civil War in school, north vs south, the fight to end slavery. But when you see in Amistad just what the people on that one ship endured... It really brought those atrocities to life so people could see just what kind of injustices the Union Soldiers fought against. Thank you to the Diary of Julius Caesar for yet another excellent video.
I love your videos, but I have a suggestion good sir... I think you should work on narrowing down the scope of your videos so you can dig deeper into specific topics and more easily craft a cohesive narrative throughout. For instance, the title of your video includes "Slave Breeding farms" and yet contains precious little about the topic - nor does it really offer a novel perspective even when compared to your other videos. By all means, you can lay the groundwork for your topic with a brief synopsis of foundational information before drilling down into your thesis, but try to keep it short. Afterwards you will have the opportunity to really get down to the brass tacks of a _specific_ topic by exploring particular aspects and expanding upon them. Finally, after you finish going through the topic you should conclude by reinforcing your topic and reaffirming the key points. Tie up the loose ends by pondering what you personally took away from your research. Doing this helps to emphasize specific ideas and increases the chance to leave your viewers with a lasting impression. As it stands right now your video feels unfocused and disorganized - After finishing the video, I really couldn't tell you a specific take away, nor does it seem very memorable tbh. I don't mean to be overly critical - I think you have so much potential! Take care friend.
I agree. I tuned in to learn about something I know very little about; breeding farms. I wondered if this was anything like the German Wonderkinder breeding farms, but this video mostly talked about Black males involved in the abolition and emancipation movements. This video needs to be renamed, and another actual video that enlightens on the subject of women, their plight, and breeding farms under slavery be created. The picture you offer for this video is very suggestive of certain practices, yet you don't go anywhere near a clarification or an explanation of what was happening at the time of this depiction. Where did this picture come from? What is the date of this situation. Who owned these women? Why is there an overseer there cracking a whip? What was he enforcing or demanding that required a bull whip? What happened to these women? Who were they individually? How did their lives end up when they got old? Was this a common practice? If so, in what states? When did it begin and when did it end? How profitable was this practice, enough to make it a part of the landscape of that era?
@@Brembelia This is in some ways like the WWII breeding program called Lebensborn. Families were given money and extra food coupons, as well as older men and young brothers received a break from serving in the early days if they were a Lebensborn Haus - i.e. daughter(s) who were pregnant by Aryan soldiers. Although some of the soldiers opted to marry the mother of their children to save her from the shame of any unwed pregnancy, most men were encouraged to impregnate as many young women as possible. These young women were looked down upon during the war and persecuted after the end of WWII for birthing illegitimate children. They received a lot less sympathy than the victims of rape by Russian soldiers. Gisela Heidenreich wrote a book about this entitled Das Endlose Jahr. I don't know if it has yet been translated to English. Good luck!
I can't comprehend how people could do this to each other. And also the audacity to think your race / nationality is superior... The worst and most tragic thing in n human history.
I would love to see you do a video about the Irish slaves taken from the coastal towns by Barbary pirates. The Sack of Baltimore was just one incident, but probably one of the worst. They took an entire village and put them in chains to row boats or to sell. I think only a couple were ransomed but the rest never touched land or saw Ireland again. The Barbary Coast pirate raids into Ireland are where they say the Black Irish came from. The combination of piracy and the slave trade, some say, was responsible for an entire ethnic group being brought into an area without a direct diaspora. Would you maybe take a look and see if it would be something that might interest you in making a video about? I would just love to see it because I only know very little about it and you elaborate so well in your video presentations!
VideoSaySo. The Baltimore people were not Irish. They were recently arrived English colonists who were settled on lands confiscated from the native Irish.
I have visited the plight of the Irish is Boston have you? Or are you speaking from someone else’s experience? There is a difference in an indentured servant who volunteered, and forced labor. Besides that’s a Great Britain issue isn’t it, not an American issue, they came on their own for a better life.
Interesting video. However, why do none of the slave documentaries, mention that white people were also slaves? I'm not referring to what were then called 'octoroons' which is an offensive term to describe someone who was one eighth black, who looked as white as *I* do, but actual white Europeans..
Exactly, the word slave originated from the Slavs who were enslaved and sold across the ancient world by Turks. North Africans sailed up and raided European coastal villages and ships at see and untold million of white men women and children were sold in slave markets across Africa and the Middle East. Marxists want to sow divisions among people in the west to promote hatred and genocide against whites. Many of them are the same ilk as the Sephardic Jews who started the trans-Atlantic slave trade
I would like to see the same amount of time talking about the Africans who solstice their own country men and women and the amount of pain and suffering inflicted on them even before they were sold
What does that have to do with what happened in the USA? Most of the time it was Europeans raiding and taking Africans. The Portuguese invaded kingdoms like the Kongo in 1665.
My 14 year old great, great grandfather Nathan Alfred Caughman with his brothers and friends left Arkansas and we to Ohio to fight for the north. He lived to a ripe old age od 96. He was so proud of what he had done.
@@loishunter1140 I'm sure you mean well in what you believe is true....however, our family knowns its roots and lineage, my grand father became a slave as he returned to England with another ship, he was again offered for trade then bartered to a bid process, then again shipped to lower Britain, then to lower Florida where he and others helped to build, maintain 3 different plantations. 3 decades mind you, so understand, he was NOT a bond slave, he was a slave. He experienced whippings, starvation and many other unimagineable atrocities. But thank you for expert observation of the facts as you THINK you know them
Most slaves were the aboriginal indigenous indians already here, the people of color or what they claim we are african americans. A man named plecker destroyed the identity of our Ancestors. Most of our Indian Ancestors were placed on ships right off of the coastlines of their homes and brought back in and called Africans because all Aboriginal Indians didn't speak the same languages, so they could say we were anything but the true Natives of this land, we have always been here hiding in plain sight because some our own sold us into slavery as well. Approximately 1 million African slaves came to the United States the majority of American Indian not the straight haired fair skins that are native indian but just not to the United States they came in through the Bering Strait and the Africans were shipped primarily to South America and the Carribean Islands. Black people AKA the Aboriginal Indigenous Indians were already, and always here first, this is the true history they keep hidden from you...peace and blessings to all that read this message, THE PEN HAS BEEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD!!!
@@mmoretti you're correct...I'm aware that indians enslaved their owns and yes they're Siberians that came through the Bering Strait...thank you for sharing and commenting...🙏🏽
@@mmoretti the straight haired were indigenous to siberia...not america...the indigenous are people of color...we are not african american...we have and still are here...and yes some of the ancestors enslaved their own people as well as other races...
The average life expectancy of males who worked on sugar plantations was 26. Think about how inhumane conditions must have been on those plantations. One reason the British laboring class refused to support the South was that the Southerners were starting to rent out their slaves to work in newly set up factories and mines. They knew that American cloth could undercut British fabric because the laborers didn’t get paid and were barely fed.
Fun fact about the trans atlantic Slave trade: While only about 5% of them come to the US, The US have the largest African population in the Americas of about 40 million. Mexico took in almost as many and where is their huge black population?> Why have blacks declined elsewhere but is now 10 times its population since 1865.... in the US?
There have always been slaves. There were not "breeding" farms as they allowed slaves to marry and have families. The slave owner who sued to keep his slaves for life, was a black man who had been a slave himself and after working off his freedom, became a slave owner himself.
The thing about slavery that most astonishes me is the fact they weren't treated as human. It shows the worst of humanity. We want to believe we're evolved and empathetic enough this wouldn't happen again but I think it could be human are cruel
@@jennycurtis4447that is not the topic of this video. Leaving out the fact of who sold the slaves in Africa is a key component. As tragic as slavery was in America, it is just as tragic that Africans sold their own people into slavery. Historically slavery in America only plays a small role.
@@JC-vl1nd Africans that sold others. Did not sell their own. They sold enemies. Often times they weren't even sold by other Africans but by European slave raiders. Who invaded African kingdoms. Like the Portuguese who invaded the kingdom of Kongo in 1665.
Slavery topics are mostly attention on Black slaves...true history, and rarely mentioned, is that Slavery was a most horrific issue in ALL races done by ALL races. Mentioned first in the Bible.. people of Israel were slaves to Egypt...don't forget, we are all children of God
Slaves were not cheap. Therefore they were generally not treated too bad. However slavery on itself is unacceptable, today slavery still exists in many countries, like in Africa, Middle East, Azië.
Slavery has been happening since man has been able to walk upright, what's rarely spoken about, is the Irish and the Cornish peoples, that were taken for slavery and breeding, by the Arabs back in the 18th and early 19th century!!
It does not matter who sold whom, who stole whom and who captured whom. The fact of the matter is they were held against their will, they were used and abused and everything else. Pay their descendants what you owe our ancestors. Reparations. The powers that be are responsible for allowing slavery to occur today. Had enough of all you people.
What about all the Irish Slaves that were Brought here before the African Slaves? Why is all this history left out in these documetaries? Infact by the time they got to Africa, Slaves had Value. They were Traded for $$ or equivilent. Before then they were Property nobody else wanted.
No human is or has ever been property. Therein lies the problem. No matter the color of the skin, no human being should ever have, nor ever be considered property.
All I see is comments from yt people that is trying to justify slavery in america...what you don't see is people out here trying to justifying the holocaust
In Southern Illinois, a nan named Crenshaw owned a 3 story house. He would capture free slaves as they entered Illinois. He would take them to hIs house up the back stairs to the 3rd floor where the slave quarters were. He had them work in his salt mines. He had one male slave named Buck who was used for breeding. He is said to have produced 300 children which were sold. Lincoln had dinner at Crenshaw's, not knowing slaves were upstairs. It is known as the Old Slave House. The state bought it and want to fix it up. No tours due to unsound structure. It is haunted
What is responsibility of the African tribes that actually captured and enslaved these people in the first place. How rich did they become. White men just didn’t go into the African villages and capture people, it was other African tribes.
*Reading comments, I hear a lot of Americans trying to find some justification for their country's slavery, I guess this is why there are efforts in that country wanting to ban teaching the subject of slavery or make out like it wasn't as bad, didn't governor of Florida stated that slaves learned a trade, I guess picking cotton or tobacco was once consider a trade in America, pass down for one generation to the next*
Why is it always under African American and Native American videos that certain people gaslight and try to justify the atrocities committed against these two groups in particular? Under all the holocaust videos most people are in agreement that that was awful and unjustified but oh if the subject is about African descendants or Native Americans, certain people get so triggered. Its really gross.
It's racism and they get mad they white people in America are to blame and they want them to just get over it. But it's part of American history. Should never be forgotten or downplayed. Im sure Egypt there are demographics who try to lowplay their history with slavery.
The are 40 million plus slaves today. Scholars estimate that slaves made up between 10% and 25% of the population in the Roman Empire. The majority of those would have been white. The American/South American and Caribbean was unique as it was almost all White on black,
The fact that Africans sold their OWN people makes this even worse. They saw how these white slave owners were treating the people. But to me, this is no longer an argument of race, but humanity! How can anyone treat another person this way💔 I wish this never happened, but I am so glad that it is being talked about. What breaks my heart is that slavery is still going on to this day! 😢
Have you seen how many of these Africans live today?? It seems like a small hut, with daily food, is actually a promotion. Also, most "slave catchers" were Arabs or other black tribes..
What better way to minimize what happened to african americans black people then to say oh well things happened to other people this is not about that.. Our history is the history that is being told needs to be told
And not saying it ended up being a good thing, but slaves were paid a very small amount. And slaves could and did get to buy their freedom. But being in a foreign land and little or no opportunity once their freedom bought didn't translate into much of a better life. Many slaves returning to their masters to continue to work for a pittance. But at least they knew their masters, and their masters were not cruel like the world outside the farm would be for freed slaves in the south. So a slave buying their freedom only occurred in theory, not so much in reality. Unless, they could safely journey to the Northern states. Which rarely occurred.
That’s nothing compared to the large number of slaves that went to South America. Check your facts….only 1/4 came to America…..People just yell about it more…not saying it was right….getting sold by those who conquered you in African war battles must have been brutal….but it’s a fact undenied….the majority was sold into slavery…not taken by force…it was an African economy….sad but true….another dark past of African history….we all got bad histories…..
The first black slave was owned by a black man. The man came over to be a indentured servant when his time was up he wanted to leave the man wouldn't let him. The indentured man left anyway and the brought him back. The indentured man took it to court and lost this opened the slave trade. So horrible for one human to own another humans.
This is inaccurate, do your research. This is the narrative you need to feel better about slavery. Even if this was accurate, which it’s not, one indentured servant does not millions of slaves make. I will never understand why it’s so important for white Americans to try so hard to rewrite history and to make slavery look like it wasn’t as horrific as it was. Why do you all feel the need to try to justify?
11:08 more than most black Africans had in Africa then and now. Not saying they should be grateful, but let's face some facts here. I'm almost half way through this video and haven't seen a single photo of an African that appeared malnourished. I instead saw all of a healthy weight, some riding horses, reading books and living better than a lot of whites during those years.
You don't see 'photos' of malnourished slaves? Go read books written by anthropologist that dug up the bones of African slaves throughout the U.S. They found without exceptions, the bones of these slaves showed signs of malnourishment. But what's your point? Assuming you're right, (you're not) what does that have to do with forcibly capturing people; separating families; denying all connections to their African tribes.
Oops, this rewritten history left out that whites were also slaves. In fact, whites were slaves longer than blacks, but I'm sure leaving that out was just an honest mistake.
💯 so sick of that ALWAYS being left out. Blacks did atrocities to the whites in the Barbary slavery, which went on hundreds of years before and right on up thru the trans Atlantic slavery. They try to say it wasn’t that bad but it was the same!
@@bee-vz9fw Cuz you don't believe something doesn't mean it's not true. Anyone with half a braincell knows whites were slaves and that to this day brown people still own slaves. Take your ignorance elsewhere.
Wrong, the story starts with who hunted down and sold the people who were to become slaves. Start there or this history is only partly told and skipping the start does HUGE disservice to people who worked as slaves. Get it right!
You can tell they got off scoff free because they're still doing it to millions of others in Africa today, and no blacks here care about those folks. They just want them some good ol victim $$ sto lon from others.
The Africans who hunted down captured and enslaved these people in order to sell them to enrich themselves should be held to account also. They did not free the slaves that no one bought. They whipped them to death. They are just as much to blame as anyone who bought them. Everyone who made money off of enslaving people are guilty not just the people who bought them. I cannot understand why people let them off. If you are kidnapped and sold is the person who kidnapped you not the one who first stole your life? Why wouldn’t you hold them to at least the same accountability as the person who bought you?
Since slavery was so horrible,then why did the Slaves after 1865 stay or cry to go home?And why were most former slave testimonies claim they were well taken care of?Why take what a few say as the norm?Harriet Tubman ONLY went to Eastern Maryland Coast to free her family members....Did not care if others in bondage.....know thy history before talking as an authoritive....
Exactly what I was thinking. If it was as bad as they say it was. WHY was there so many slaves that WOULD NOT leave their masters? All these people that bash and blame christianity don’t know True Christianity. People need to live in the present Not the past. Just because your ancestors were slaves doesn’t give you privileges. As for as that goes all of us of every race more than likely has ancestors that were slaves. If you look for enough back.
I know one thing wpeople Not Like US ✊🏾.. They are certainly a different type of breed of people!! The depth of cruelty ain't in us! ✊🏾@@EvelynFarmer-v5x
What isn’t mentioned is that of the millions of people trafficked by slave traders, 500,000 came to the shores of America, while most were sent to South America and the Caribbean.
Slavery still exists on the African continent, as well as the Middle East and Asia.
Yeah but everyone wants to talk about the slave trade in the American South. As if they didn't have slavery on every continent.
Somehow, historians don't want to mention that Muslims were the hunters of black people within Africa then would sell them to the white slave traders at the coasts of Africa
Because they had slavery all over the place. That must mean we shouldn't talk about the slavery over here.
And they were literally worked to death
Salt,about 1.5 % of Americans owned slaves
i would like to see a documentary around the people behind thew slaves, the africans that actually sold them.
You won't see that. It doesn't fit the narrative of White Man Bad.
Don’t look for an excuse for what your forefathers did. It’s not your fault but it’s a good thing these things are still being told. But indeed, the Africans role in this matter and the role of the Brits as well. Those Africans were probably also treated like sh!t and paid (in goods) near to nothing. I on the other hand would like a deep dive into the British concentration camps of South Africa.
@@AuntieTrichome There is more slavery in Africa NOW there there ever has been in the past.
If there is no market there is no product shame on anybody that is now living off old slave money US and UK
@@AuntieTrichome Hilarious as you are making excuses for your forefathers, from a nation that sold them and still does/
The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.
So true today.....
Still true
If you gave everybody a million dollars. Nobody would be rich. Rich is not about having lots of money, rich is about having much more than everybody else. I do not feel that is a particularly "noble" goal.
Today's low wage workers are modern day slave workers for the government and upper crust
Still true today
You wouldn’t even treat your cattle or horses this bad. Makes you wonder what evil lurked in the hearts of these slave owners. Horrid
Profit was in their hearts.
Ask diddy 😮
Worse than the Nazis or the Biden Regime?
Power corrupts. It always has and still does.
I just don’t see how people participated in this and then reconciled themselves with going to church on Sundays.
They first had to dehumanize the slaves to still their consciences. Do you remember the incident of "The good Samaritan" the lawyer asked Jesus "who is my neighbor" because he wanted to narrow his religious obligations to his close acquittances. It's very easy to be loving if we get to choose who deserves our love. It's another matter altogether when we are commanded to love all.
@@manasseskamau5327 It was the Christians who fought to end slavery. Did Africans dehumanize their neighbors before selling them for profit?
@@denim99987 Just like the people today who justify separating children from their parents at the border and then smugly go to church.
The bible defends slavery as an acceptable practice so that's probably one of the big reasons.
The Christian Bibke is a monument to all the worst things about humanity.
Solomon Northup is my 5th-generation grandfather. So it's pretty cool to see him get so much recognition. He worked with Fredrick Douglas on the Underground Railroad after he gained his freedom. His story is pretty awe-inspiring.
Congratulations on such an illustrious ancestor. I love him. His book was fabulous, and so powerful a testimony about the evils of American slavery.
Yes my great great aunts. We’re Irish indentured servants it was passed down that the only things that they could do differently was they could buy out their freedom and they could marry sometimes they got to go visit family, but that was not often
I saw the movie and thought it was discusting to think these people got away with such an injustice.
Oh my gosh Solomon Northrup!! ❤️I read the book I didn't see the movie. People like Mr Northrup are so important to me because I look at Mr Northrup and pray I can work to earn the character and integrity maybe a little just like his💖💖 You're so lucky🌞
My father was born to a sharecropper. He survived and went on to survive Pearl Harbor. We have Cherokee and Choctaw in our blood. It wasn't only Africans. All is 😔
They lived in one room shanty shacks. He didn't complain bc they knew how to make food, bartering was the way. He has been gone many years. I still have much admiration for the Man I called My Papa. Today, we are still in danger! I'm a mad Patriot. I will survive this economy... Don't know how but, I will. Hugs to all
Thank you I live in Northern Ireland but was always interested in the history of the different groups of people in your group, when I made a comment on this, got abused ,didn’t no what I was talking about,but I will not back down. Sorry if I said anything to upset you.
@@justjen12345 ❤️👍
@@jacquelinewilliamson8933 I don't see anything you said wrong. Besides, it's great to be curious!
Same here bro
People, we are all slaves. What's changed is that we no longer know it. If you think you are free, I suggest you rethink you're understanding of "free".
Bingo PAL
Tax slave to da feds…..
@@rickreese5794 We are literally the "cattle". We are bred to be milked all our lives. Our energy provides for the elites, the energy to provide for them, the life they seek to experience. We are the "livestock". I once read that the Civil War was not fought to end slavery, it was the enslaving of the rest of us. But the chains are no longer physical , they are chains of ignorance. They are the belief that we are free, when in truth, we are slaves. Social conditioning. Cultural engineering. Economics and politics are one and the same.
Well we never experienced what my ancestors did 😢😢
@@johnunderwood9575this video isn’t about all people, levels to slavery some were workers and your people was never treated like mine no comparisons.
@@CopperSkinnedMamii you obviously don’t know history very well. Because there have been plenty of white people who were also slaves and slave owners were black.
They were slaves in Africa, owned by other Afticans, before they were sold to Americans. I'm so sick of people pretending that Americans invented slavery. In fact America was second only to Britain in abolishing slavery. Yet, disgustingly, slavery still exists in Africa to this very day.
Africans sold African prisoner's of war to Europeans. Europeans sold them into generational slavery in the colonies. Black Europeans and those of mixed descent came over as contracted indentured laborers. But their contracts were nullified by a state court and converted to life time servitude. The Constitutional Amendment that bans imports of African POW in 1808 was signed into law 32(?) years before the ban. That time span is when breeding began trending. In prep for the 1808 ban, those female POW were kept in constant production for the next generation of enslaved people. The breeding industry and it's financial backers is what makes US slavery unique.
America didn't invent it, but exploited it mightily. There are documentaries about slavery practices elsewhere for you to watch. Why does any truth anger you??
Nice to see so many have the record straight today. Yes, it was the Africans who invented the trans-Atlantic slave trade. They had no wealth...nothing to trade with to acquire European goods they so desperately wanted...so they rounded up their racial cousins and sold THEM.
It is still going on in Africa 😢 EDIT : Didnt see you last words,but it only confirms that we agree 😊
It was nothing like chattel slavery of the Americans where the Africans were enslaved for 235 years. The Africans have admitted their part in the slave trade and has apologized but the British, French, Germans, Belgium and Americans haven’t admitted and apologized for their barbaric behavior.
Too many inaccuracies to be taken seriously. While the warning cries "NEVER AGAIN", slavery never disappeared from sub-Saharan Africa. It continues to this day.
Ask yourself were are the twenty thousand or more missing children that have been trafficked into the US under the noses of our so called leaders? Slavery is alive and well and occurring right under our noses right here in the US TODAY.
They were completely different servitude structures. Many West and Central African tribes, in pre-colonial times, used hierarchical structures (agricultural, conscription/military, and royal). What happened after Euro colonization (1885 until the 1970s), most of the leaders in mineral-rich Africa below the Sahel had Western-approved leaders installed. Any of the "Africa, first" leaders (Ex: Thomas Sankara, and many others) who rebelled against the West were "removed" by accident, coup, or exile. *The new leaders do what the West tells them to do,* including forced servitude in fields and mines for resources. In exchange, the leaders become independently wealthy by selling out their countrymen. So as long as they do not use their wealth to uplift their country, they'll be protected.
If an AF leader is taken out via coup d'état, often he did something that upset the West behind closed doors. And he's "removed" in a manner that looks like it could only have been an internal struggle with his own people. Nope.
@@bamboosho0t Non sequitur reply. "Hierarchical" does not distinguish anything as all slavery is hierarchical. You cannot so easily gloss the record of pre-colonial African slavery practices characterized by genocide, kidnap, rape, murder, forced labor and cannibalism. As cruel as the colonial system was, it was no more cruel, perhaps less, than pre-colonial conditions.
@@SBCBears It absolutely is sequitur, but you just didn't like my response. The crux of your animus is the phrase, "Never Again," being hypocritical as the institution of servitude that still exists in Africa. My explanation was to give a contextual layer as to *why* it sadly still exists, and how the institution of servitude in Africa is markedly different from pre-colonization (dating as far back as Mali, Oyo, and Songhai empires, Congo, and Ebo/Igbo people) versus post-colonization. As the latter resembles a more Westernized structure.
This is important to understand because there wasn't a modern-day Pan-African lens they viewed other African inhabitants of the continent. As the most genetically diverse continent on earth, it never was a monolith despite their outward appearances of phenotypic solidarity. Conflicts among these ethnic tribes unfortunately occurred, no differently than the 293 wars and internal conflicts that have impacted Europe.
@@bamboosho0t "The new leaders do what the West tells them to do, including forced servitude in fields and mines for resources." Don't make me laugh.
South Africa, for instance, is rich in diamonds. Its ruling political class certainly doesn't kowtow to Western leaders. Nor the CAR. Nor Uganda. Nor Zimbabwe. I could go on and on.
Do go out in public in Somalia if you're albino. Consuming the heart of an albino there is considered beneficial.
Your blaming Western leaders makes me wonder if you consider China a Western country? Likewise, Russia. Colonialism ended generations ago.
Have you conveniently forgotten the Ugandan Genocide? We can lay sub-Sahara's regression on sectarian tribalism and its causes. Africa would have regressed even further without neo-colonial type interventions.
Nevertheless, slavery was abolished finally under colonial rule, while there was no sign of it ending in pre-colonial Africa.
Don't forget about sex trafficking, that's also slavery 😢
Yeah pimpin’-can’t forget that. We do it these days!
Oddly enough it has been throughout the world...
its hard out there fo ah pimp.
People can't let Americans of a darker persuasion have ANYTHING. Someone else's struggles have to be shoehorned into the conversation to obfuscate the accountability this country has to a measure of its citizens.
@@bamboosho0t, Thank you.
They were tough people back then to even survive that kind of life.
Yet, slavery has existed for 1000's of years, ancient China, Roman Empire & the infamous Barbery Slaves basically any sailors captured venturing too close to the North African coast.
China holds slaves now.
🖐🖐🖐The Spanish Iquisition was the first, then the Trans Atlantic slave trade, the third was Blackbirding in the Pacific !!❤️🇳🇿NZ
@@kw267 .. I seem to recall something in the Bible about Hebrews bound in slavery to the Egyptians and Babylonians a few years ago
If you look at the actual photos, none of them seemed malnourished, many were on horses, playing instruments, reading, cooking.... I'm not sure what I believe at this point.
@@matteigtch1625 doesn't mean they wanted too though we can only hope that but I doubt it they were slaves remember....
12 years a slave was an incredible movie. I had known how bad slavery was and how the people lives were before that movie, but to see the horrific way these men and women were actually treated made me feel way more sympathetic to all those that people during that time.
It should be required reading in high school history class. Bless all those that are still impacted on this terrible time in world history.
They should tell the whole truth! Whites were enslaved by blacks first .whites ended slavery.. Africa still practicing slavery!
Did you know Irish women..slaves...were forced to mate with blacks to give birth to lighter skinned slaves..mulatto's....who could sell better at market..this video doesn't even mention it
I was raised in Texas. They didn't teach us all this in school. If fact hardly anything at all about it. Thank God my family came from Germany in 1700s and would never even consider doing that to another human
I do not understand why people feel it more important to demand "satisfaction" for wrongs they did not experience,
than to end the injustice and suffering of our enslaved brothers and sisters suffering today.
Would you say that to the Jews and so called native Americans
@@ninasimone3765 YES
It's not about "satisfaction." It's about the wealth that was created and that wasn't distributed to the people that it is owed to. Let's not even mention the land that was stolen after slavery and the sabotage of FBA economically in this country.
@@DamienChukwuka If you have one foot in the past and one in the future you, crap on today.
Whenever the topic of American slavery comes up its insane how many people try to divert the topic to something else or try to downplay it.
@@100navat Yes absolutely! I was looking at his video on Auschwitz, and the comment section was vastly different than this one.
It's hard to face the atrocities of the past. It feels better to dismiss it than sucumbb to the realities
Not down playing it. It was awful. White slavery was very much alive then as well. Saudia and Eastern bought kidnapped women, green eyes red hair, blue eyes blonde hair was in demand. Men were drugged and put on slave ships.
American slavery? I've never heard anyone talk about that. It's only about the African slaves. No one ever speaks about the Irish and Czeck slaves we brought in. Even though the Irish slaves outnumbered the African. It's NEVER been about the truth. It's always been about creating hatred between the population. If they keep us divided, we can't stand together.
@@jfly919 Does he have a video on the Holodomor?
Brazil imported 4 times as many slaves as america😢
Outside of the continent of Africa , Brazil has the most populous Blacks in the world
Stopmdeflectong! Two wrongs don’t make a right. Own your country’s despicable behaviour. Don’t pretend it was not as bad as other places. OWN IT!
@@Lynnefromlyn Spell check is helpful, no?
Then they should be 4 times more famous than the descendants of American slaves. What happened??
We are ALL slaves. Just because we don't WEAR chains doesn't mean we are free
Funniest thing I’ve read today. Do you realize that the veterans who gave their lives for your freedom get one day while black history gets an entire month? You really need to think about it before you say something heinous like that. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your words considering the opportunities you have compared to them. If anything blame your parents for not trying in life
@BillyBoucher-ql3pw if you had half a brain you would look deeper
My forefathers died for some perceived ' freedom' FREE people aren't born with numbers of any description. And My father was IN a concentration camp. War destroys . It never gave us a freedom yet !
@@BillyBoucher-ql3pw Thats correct. Slaves are UNPAID forced laborers. Anyone working a PAID income is NOT a slave. If you are not satisfied with the work, you are FREE to leave and find a job elsewhere.
you're a metaphorical slave. they were literal and physical slaves
"Emancipate YOURSELF from Mental Slavery,,,, None but OURSELVES can Free our Minds"... Bob Marley, 'Redemption Song' 1980
Slavery is alive and well today, how bout reporting on those enslaved today
@@woodyssnake8562 yes just on a different level , we all are enslaved over all mighty dollar work like mules then we go get robbed at the darn grocery store , gas station and here comes the land lords he takes the rest of it. can't have nothing can't save nothing have to give it all back and do it again. work work, work🥵 ongoing cycle of things rich keep getting rich poor keeps getting poorer and poorer
@@lynnbennett9417 there are literally places on this Earth that still happens
Slavery still common throughout the world, but only criticized where it no longer exists ! Crazy humans ! Look up who did and still do most of the slave trading.
Well make a video about it and mind your own business!!!
It would be interesting to see the stories of who collected the Africans from Africa. It wasn’t all Europeans. Tell us about the various African tribes who took slaves from other tribes and sold to the Arabs. Would also like to hear about the Irish and Chinese slaves.
Yall always gotta add that it wasn't just the blacks well this what the narrator talking about so deal with the fact those whited from those days was the devil in the flesh
@@804bo7 Still trying to figure out how to be special? You were never a slave, and you never knew anyone who was a slave. You're NOT getting reparations. Work like the rest of us.
Every nation, every color, every religion took part in benefiting from slavery. This includes the people of Africa and their government.
@@804bo7 Seems you are having problems with facts.
Classic obfuscation in the desperate hopes to kick the "US-Slvry" can further down the road into obscurity. What the English and the Americans that followed did was demonic; on levels even the Spanish, Africans, and Portuguese didn't reach. And they weaponized the citizens, the governments, and the religious institutions to keep this system running over 2 centuries. And then, just when we thought it was over, they instituted social, legal, and economic "slvry" for another 90 years and stripped all our earned rights from 1866-1875.
As much as I empathize with anyone being taken advantage of, I don't want to hear about anyone else on this topic. The Irish haven't been servants in America since the 17th century. The Chinese "captives" were compensated 75% of what WT workers received ($26/month vs $35/month). For creating the foundation of American capitalism, AF captives received ZERO.
From our birth to the day we die, we are vulnerable, in between we all are slave in one way or another.
A deep and sad history of human suffering that still exists up until today and is felt and haunting in America.
Slavery is a universal wrong and Africans are as guilty of it as any am white person
Not just America. Around the world!!
Everywhere we humans purcecute each other through the centuries ..from prussians and ottoman empire ,Roman's. Chinese Japanese , killing fields of Cambodia, Americans , native indians mexicans and ,English their poor then slavery ..from Africa. The nazi regime . Australian native aboriginies new zealand and their Maori....the list goes on STLL HAPPENING TODAY . Will we ever learn to be ONE 🌎 we are all the same inside!!!!!!!!!! ...I Live in hope ..otherwise we are truely stuffed
How good do you think the Arabs treated and treat white slaves?
And your point is?…
What's that got to do with the topic under discussion? Classic whataboutery.
Very, very good. They were enlightened Muslims after all. 😊
It’s funny though when you try and change the topic to a different race on slavery, they get upset because it’s not about them. Hmmm, selfish perhaps? I think so.
No our fight we don't care.
It doesn't matter nationality you are, slavery is wrong and it's cruel.
Slavery was horrible but lets not forget other races that were also slaves. For example, Asians, Native Americans, Irish, Germans, Italians and the list goes on. Its unfortunate that rich men are more times than no cold hearted monsters, even to this day. Think your not a slave? Think again.
That is right on, not to excuse any injustices, but, that is the story of civilization.
YES totally agree and the worst truth about this is, it started by the hands of your own kin.😢
None of you were considered 3/5ths a human in forced breeded with multiple cultures to make an ideal slave. We are the only group in America that went through chattel slavery.
You got that right ✅️
Yet black people are the only race not adequately compensated for the forced labor that made America great- that’s the true travesty
Remember, ten times as many slaves were taken to Brazil as were taken to the USA.
That doesn't mean it was OK. We say we are a Christian nation. Jesus would call us hypocrites!
@@Dnaan51 They don't care the FIRE for that sort is in their direct path
The USA is innocent then, good to know.
Revelations 13:10
“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
Slavery is a part of world history that never should have happened. How someone could have so little respect for human life is heartbreaking. People are not and should have never been “property.”
empires are built on the backs of slaves
French Spain and Portugal Colonies across the Caribbean and South America. Wasnt just in the US
The African slave trade was started by Arabs, hundreds of years ago. The reason the Middle East isn't overrun by tens of millions of former African slaves is because the Arabs tended to castrate the male captives.
That is not a USA a problem.
This why I don’t feel pity for Spain 🇪🇸 flooding last week,KARMA
Good morning, Sir! Thank you for Well Done, and Excellent video. Your Efforts, Research, and Time is Greatly Appreciated.
This was also the treatment of the poor in so many places by the wealthy. Black, white, or mixed made no difference.
The treatment of slaves in this video is horrific. It saddens me . God bless those people.
Our First President and Hero of the American Revolution owned approx 360 slaves, between himself and his wife Martha. He inherited 16 slaves and a small farm at 12 years old when his father died. His older brothers got more than him (#3 son) but when they both died young, he inherited their slaves and farms. He married Martha because she was wealthy, with over 100 slaves that she inherited. When George died, he asked that HIS slaves be freed. But Martha kept her slaves, and her Nieces & Nephews inherited them after she died. The Washington's were VERY wealthy Slave Owners. Thomas Jefferson, our 2nd President, also a Slave Owner and certainly more than JUST an Owner... It was 'normal' to own slaves then.
Africans are still enslaving and selling Africans to this day. Yet none of you Marxists are bothered by that. Washington was a man of his time, he freed his slaves. Blacks owned slaves here. The first person demanding he be allowed to enslave anyone here was a black man, an Angolan named Antonio Johnson in 1655.
I'll never understand how you can "own" a human being, no matter when or where in history.😢
It was also against the law to free your slaves at the time too in a lot of cases.
This should be required viewing in every high school history class
Or make another month or holiday?
Alright but that means you also have to include the Arabic white slave trade
@@BillyBoucher-ql3pw All history that took place in America should be taught
@@anthonyensley7200 that wouldn’t do the African American people any favors trust me. They have a horrendous track record after the civil war
I saw a film in High School that was even more brutally honest than this one... It was a 1970's "pre-Roots" drama that was so shocking that I was disgusted by the violence & sinful behavior of the so-called 'Christians' that were 'Slave Owners' .... People do NOT know the truth about our own country's history... It's shameful & horrible. Your ignorance is YOUR Bliss... And what we did to the Native Americans was equally evil, if not worse. Slaves were 'Valuable Property', but 'Indians' were not even human to our ancestors, and it was a genocide.
“Torn form their homes and families” by their OWN PEOPLE!
To your people
Not necessarily by their OWN people, maybe people who lived on the same continent and were the same color…many different tribes, traditions, religions
If slavery came from Africa, do you have any idea how they lived there, especially as slaves to African cheifs?
The word slave came from the word Slav, like the Slavics in Europe.
Explain to us.
Some of other tribes was held as slaves and sold off. Tribes sold off anyone in their own tribe that was causing trouble or was lazy.
That’s Africa’s issue not ours. This is about the Americas.
That’s Africa’s issue not ours. This is about the Americas.
The Irish were slaves in this country too. Why do we never hear of the White slavery trade in the US?
No, the Irish weren’t slaves here. Many Irish who wanted to come here back then couldn’t afford the ship’s fare so signed up to work off their fare as indentured servants. After a few years working they were given a set amount of money and something to help them start out in business for themselves. That isn’t slavery. As to “white slavery” there were white slaves sold in Africa, the Middle East, but the term white slavery refers to a period when primarily Chinese gangs on the west coast of the US kidnapped white women and children and shipped them off to China to be sold into slavery
Indentured servitude is like paying a debt with labor. Slavery is being chained for life for no reason. Steve, looks like you might need to brush up on your US History. The internet is great, as well as the local library and community college.
Because the number of Irish slaves pales in comparison. The United States did not wage a war against itself to keep Irish Slavery. The United States is not still deeply involved, to this day, in a system that is specifically designed to oppress and suppress people of Irish descent, the way it still does to people who wear Brown skin, People of African Descent, descendants of Slavery. Don’t think what I just said is true? Read the comments on this video.
The white man created a lane for the Irish and also the irish unalive many black people when they land in America
You asked for your gold coin and your people got it
I need to write a book about what my grandma went through she was born in 1889 her family were share croppers.this is what they call the white slaves.this continued until my mom was in her 30 year of age. She was born in 1924. They lived in a house that they could see the chickens pecking the ground though the floors. In the winter even with fire in the stove there would be ice on top of it. They picked 50 pounds of cotton a day just to have a place to live. Her parents and 6 children. When they were able to go to school they were not allowed to be in the same area as the city children. They were treated as if they had germs. They were not even allowed to use the bathroom they had a outhouse. They had to walk on a separate side of the road from other people. So you tell me???? As a child was there any difference between a share cropper child and a black child??? No!!!! I think there may have been some better treatment to black children at times...... Not till my mother got her first outside job did she have a dress that wasn't made out of a flour sack. Shoes were just once a year. I had the best mama in the world.she and daddy adopted me in 1962 ,they were in their 40 ies.they had made a great life ,got far in their accomplishments. Had several homes. Had adopted a little boy,4 years before me. You see....no matter the lack of education, you can be very intelligent and accomplish a lot. Oh that grandmother I mentioned,😂she lived to be 106. She saw everything come into invention. So you see I have plenty of stories I can tell.
This is a book that needs to be written, to tell a more complete story of American life. Don't wait till it's too late, we'd love to read more. Maybe just do audio books (recording verbally) on Audible. You could even make money at it.
I have several comments to make. Firstly, Arabs had slaves but apparently they were freed after a certain amount of years. Generally the main difference is that the Arabs saw them as humans while the West did not. Secondly, I have lived in Thailand among the Laos who were slaves until about the same time as American abolition. Today they have similar conditions in that their homes typically have nothing really, they make rice, eat from a wok (that's the kitchen in it's entirety) and finish school in 10th grade. Typically don't have money to finish the last two years. As a result, the young women typically try to find tourists to support them in exchange for their sex and companionship. In many ways the history of these people is as sexual items for lords. The king himself had 6000 concubines. Most he never even met. We need to develop more understanding, compassion and love for our fellow man.
"the Arabs saw them as humans"...are you f'ing kidding me? The Eastern slave trade was diabolic and 100 times worse than the western trade route.. The men were immediately turned into eunuchs with only 50% surviving the grizzly surgery. Why are there no blacks to speak of in Muslim countries? Uh, they were all killed once useless....OMG man, do the research.
This is so well done. I have read Douglas's work and it is PROFOUND! This shows the TRUE nature of man, and methinks things like this can and will happen again. We are not that far changed. This sickens me, but this video is so well done!
I find it so interesting there is a vast difference in comments made on this video as compared to the video made about Auschwitz. It’s quite telling.
How so?
@@bovinebeautymoo2884 read both comment sections and you’ll see.
Comments about the black experience is filled with negativity and deflection while the other is shown sympathy and compassion! How tf you can’t see that
@@pjmccoy9682 @bovinebeautymoo2884 just refuses to see it. Correction, they see it they just refuse to acknowledge it. It’s been done in this country for generations.
@@bovinebeautymoo2884 I felt a little too tired to explain this to you before, but @pjmccoy9682 answered perfectly. I’m giving him credit …. “comments about the black experience is filled with negativity and deflection while the other is shown sympathy and compassion how TF you can’t see that?”
I have always believed that we are exactly the same under our skin and we should all be treated equally. These videos are a necessary reminder of right vs wrong. There have been many good books and movies on the subject of slavery. One of the greatest movies is Steven Spielberg's "Amistad" from back in the 1990's. It showed just how shockingly awful one human being can treat another simply based on the color of their skin. We all covered the Civil War in school, north vs south, the fight to end slavery. But when you see in Amistad just what the people on that one ship endured... It really brought those atrocities to life so people could see just what kind of injustices the Union Soldiers fought against. Thank you to the Diary of Julius Caesar for yet another excellent video.
I love your videos, but I have a suggestion good sir... I think you should work on narrowing down the scope of your videos so you can dig deeper into specific topics and more easily craft a cohesive narrative throughout. For instance, the title of your video includes "Slave Breeding farms" and yet contains precious little about the topic - nor does it really offer a novel perspective even when compared to your other videos.
By all means, you can lay the groundwork for your topic with a brief synopsis of foundational information before drilling down into your thesis, but try to keep it short. Afterwards you will have the opportunity to really get down to the brass tacks of a _specific_ topic by exploring particular aspects and expanding upon them.
Finally, after you finish going through the topic you should conclude by reinforcing your topic and reaffirming the key points. Tie up the loose ends by pondering what you personally took away from your research. Doing this helps to emphasize specific ideas and increases the chance to leave your viewers with a lasting impression. As it stands right now your video feels unfocused and disorganized - After finishing the video, I really couldn't tell you a specific take away, nor does it seem very memorable tbh.
I don't mean to be overly critical - I think you have so much potential! Take care friend.
Let's take a look at the breeding of Irish women who were indentured servants with African slaves.
I agree. I tuned in to learn about something I know very little about; breeding farms. I wondered if this was anything like the German Wonderkinder breeding farms, but this video mostly talked about Black males involved in the abolition and emancipation movements. This video needs to be renamed, and another actual video that enlightens on the subject of women, their plight, and breeding farms under slavery be created. The picture you offer for this video is very suggestive of certain practices, yet you don't go anywhere near a clarification or an explanation of what was happening at the time of this depiction. Where did this picture come from? What is the date of this situation. Who owned these women? Why is there an overseer there cracking a whip? What was he enforcing or demanding that required a bull whip? What happened to these women? Who were they individually? How did their lives end up when they got old? Was this a common practice? If so, in what states? When did it begin and when did it end? How profitable was this practice, enough to make it a part of the landscape of that era?
@@Brembelia This is in some ways like the WWII breeding program called Lebensborn. Families were given money and extra food coupons, as well as older men and young brothers received a break from serving in the early days if they were a Lebensborn Haus - i.e. daughter(s) who were pregnant by Aryan soldiers. Although some of the soldiers opted to marry the mother of their children to save her from the shame of any unwed pregnancy, most men were encouraged to impregnate as many young women as possible. These young women were looked down upon during the war and persecuted after the end of WWII for birthing illegitimate children. They received a lot less sympathy than the victims of rape by Russian soldiers. Gisela Heidenreich wrote a book about this entitled Das Endlose Jahr. I don't know if it has yet been translated to English. Good luck!
Agreed ❤
Good criticisms. To sum it up using less words, this is very clickbaity...
I can't comprehend how people could do this to each other. And also the audacity to think your race / nationality is superior... The worst and most tragic thing in n human history.
its fun
I would love to see you do a video about the Irish slaves taken from the coastal towns by Barbary pirates. The Sack of Baltimore was just one incident, but probably one of the worst. They took an entire village and put them in chains to row boats or to sell. I think only a couple were ransomed but the rest never touched land or saw Ireland again. The Barbary Coast pirate raids into Ireland are where they say the Black Irish came from. The combination of piracy and the slave trade, some say, was responsible for an entire ethnic group being brought into an area without a direct diaspora.
Would you maybe take a look and see if it would be something that might interest you in making a video about? I would just love to see it because I only know very little about it and you elaborate so well in your video presentations!
Doesn't push their narrative of fueling racial hatred.
VideoSaySo. The Baltimore people were not Irish. They were recently arrived English colonists who were settled on lands confiscated from the native Irish.
@@Londubh1 I didn't know that! See, people like me need an educational video about it!
@@stoveboltlvr3798anti- blackness in engrained in the language, religion and overall culture. One video doesn’t push hatred.
I have visited the plight of the Irish is Boston have you? Or are you speaking from someone else’s experience? There is a difference in an indentured servant who volunteered, and forced labor. Besides that’s a Great Britain issue isn’t it, not an American issue, they came on their own for a better life.
Interesting video. However, why do none of the slave documentaries, mention that white people were also slaves? I'm not referring to what were then called 'octoroons' which is an offensive term to describe someone who was one eighth black, who looked as white as *I* do, but actual white Europeans..
Because they weren't.
Yes, they were. White people, 1000s sold and enslaved as well, just not in America.
@Alexaelyse Do your homework. Information on the events are easily found. Google it.
@@Alexaelyse Oh dear. Do you prefer to believe that your poorly educated opinion is as valid as actual facts?
Exactly, the word slave originated from the Slavs who were enslaved and sold across the ancient world by Turks. North Africans sailed up and raided European coastal villages and ships at see and untold million of white men women and children were sold in slave markets across Africa and the Middle East. Marxists want to sow divisions among people in the west to promote hatred and genocide against whites. Many of them are the same ilk as the Sephardic Jews who started the trans-Atlantic slave trade
I would like to see the same amount of time talking about the Africans who solstice their own country men and women and the amount of pain and suffering inflicted on them even before they were sold
Well look up a video about it then, this is about Slavery in the american south
What does that have to do with what happened in the USA? Most of the time it was Europeans raiding and taking Africans. The Portuguese invaded kingdoms like the Kongo in 1665.
*africans selling their own kin to slavery
The little boy maybe 2 or 3 picking cotton is so sad, I just want to hug him and give him love!
The cotton bag weighed more than him.
My 14 year old great, great grandfather Nathan Alfred Caughman with his brothers and friends left Arkansas and we to Ohio to fight for the north. He lived to a ripe old age od 96. He was so proud of what he had done.
My 5th generation grand father, was an Irishman, enslaved by England and brought to America
He was a bond slave he was freed as soon as his debt was paid.
@@loishunter1140 I'm sure you mean well in what you believe is true....however, our family knowns its roots and lineage, my grand father became a slave as he returned to England with another ship, he was again offered for trade then bartered to a bid process, then again shipped to lower Britain, then to lower Florida where he and others helped to build, maintain 3 different plantations. 3 decades mind you, so understand, he was NOT a bond slave, he was a slave. He experienced whippings, starvation and many other unimagineable atrocities. But thank you for expert observation of the facts as you THINK you know them
@@garyowens5351 I hear the same information.
no he wasnt 😂
He was not a slave. He was a servant or most probably serving time for commiting a crime. Whites were never placed under heritable slavery in America.
Most slaves were the aboriginal indigenous indians already here, the people of color or what they claim we are african americans. A man named plecker destroyed the identity of our Ancestors. Most of our Indian Ancestors were placed on ships right off of the coastlines of their homes and brought back in and called Africans because all Aboriginal Indians didn't speak the same languages, so they could say we were anything but the true Natives of this land, we have always been here hiding in plain sight because some our own sold us into slavery as well. Approximately 1 million African slaves came to the United States the majority of American Indian not the straight haired fair skins that are native indian but just not to the United States they came in through the Bering Strait and the Africans were shipped primarily to South America and the Carribean Islands. Black people AKA the Aboriginal Indigenous Indians were already, and always here first, this is the true history they keep hidden from you...peace and blessings to all that read this message, THE PEN HAS BEEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD!!!
No they were not, in fact the Indians kept slaves. Nor were they indigenous they originated in Siberia
@@mmoretti you're correct...I'm aware that indians enslaved their owns and yes they're Siberians that came through the Bering Strait...thank you for sharing and commenting...🙏🏽
@@mmoretti the straight haired were indigenous to siberia...not america...the indigenous are people of color...we are not african american...we have and still are here...and yes some of the ancestors enslaved their own people as well as other races...
The average life expectancy of males who worked on sugar plantations was 26. Think about how inhumane conditions must have been on those plantations.
One reason the British laboring class refused to support the South was that the Southerners were starting to rent out their slaves to work in newly set up factories and mines. They knew that American cloth could undercut British fabric because the laborers didn’t get paid and were barely fed.
And the teaser cover-pic is explainer where?????
Fun fact about the trans atlantic Slave trade: While only about 5% of them come to the US, The US have the largest African population in the Americas of about 40 million. Mexico took in almost as many and where is their huge black population?> Why have blacks declined elsewhere but is now 10 times its population since 1865.... in the US?
There have always been slaves. There were not "breeding" farms as they allowed slaves to marry and have families. The slave owner who sued to keep his slaves for life, was a black man who had been a slave himself and after working off his freedom, became a slave owner himself.
Many of these former slaves who bought other slaves were actually purchasing their family members out of slavery.
You are factually wrong, some did, others made rape racks, or both, encouraging martial rape
Don’t forget, that America abolished slavery too.
Uhhh, you need to read the 13th Amendment.
The thing about slavery that most astonishes me is the fact they weren't treated as human. It shows the worst of humanity. We want to believe we're evolved and empathetic enough this wouldn't happen again but I think it could be human are cruel
We sung Swing Low Sweet Chariot in primary school.
Had no idea what it was about...
How convenient, they left out the seller's role.
Did you even watch the video?
And the existence of “native” slaves already in the US for centuries, perhaps millennia.
@@jennycurtis4447that is not the topic of this video. Leaving out the fact of who sold the slaves in Africa is a key component. As tragic as slavery was in America, it is just as tragic that Africans sold their own people into slavery. Historically slavery in America only plays a small role.
@@JC-vl1nd Africans that sold others. Did not sell their own. They sold enemies. Often times they weren't even sold by other Africans but by European slave raiders. Who invaded African kingdoms. Like the Portuguese who invaded the kingdom of Kongo in 1665.
Make your own video then
Why is there so little written about the human trafficking going on today in the US. Something could be done about that.
Slavery topics are mostly attention on Black slaves...true history, and rarely mentioned, is that Slavery was a most horrific issue in ALL races done by ALL races. Mentioned first in the Bible.. people of Israel were slaves to Egypt...don't forget, we are all children of God
This is a video about AMERICAN SLAVERY nit wit
The first legal slave owner in the colonies was a black man named Anthony Johnson.
You’re spreading lies. Nice try maggot.
He tried to fit in with the upper class white people of the time
i love how you call Irish slaves indentured servants. Call them what they were, slaves.
Slaves were not cheap. Therefore they were generally not treated too bad. However slavery on itself is unacceptable, today slavery still exists in many countries, like in Africa, Middle East, Azië.
And people ask, what has happened to America.
They still exist. White also. Children also.
The cruelest slave owner was a former slave turned slave owner look it up.
Slavery has been happening since man has been able to walk upright, what's rarely spoken about, is the Irish and the Cornish peoples, that were taken for slavery and breeding, by the Arabs back in the 18th and early 19th century!!
Rephrase that to say”slavery should never happen and nobody should ever be property of someone else.” Phil.
It does not matter who sold whom, who stole whom and who captured whom. The fact of the matter is they were held against their will, they were used and abused and everything else. Pay their descendants what you owe our ancestors. Reparations. The powers that be are responsible for allowing slavery to occur today. Had enough of all you people.
What about all the Irish Slaves that were Brought here before the African Slaves?
Why is all this history left out in these documetaries?
Infact by the time they got to Africa, Slaves had Value. They were Traded for $$ or equivilent. Before then they were Property nobody else wanted.
When Africans came over, the Irish were slaves then they were freed and seen as white with her privilege
Abso fkn loutly !The Irish should be given reparations first !
NOPE !@@DodgeCharger-d8z
No human is or has ever been property. Therein lies the problem. No matter the color of the skin, no human being should ever have, nor ever be considered property.
@@QueenSuperJ tell that to Islam
All I see is comments from yt people that is trying to justify slavery in america...what you don't see is people out here trying to justifying the holocaust
No, we just have crazy lefties denying that the Holocaust even happened!
In Southern Illinois, a nan named Crenshaw owned a 3 story house. He would capture free slaves as they entered Illinois. He would take them to hIs house up the back stairs to the 3rd floor where the slave quarters were. He had them work in his salt mines. He had one male slave named Buck who was used for breeding. He is said to have produced 300 children which were sold. Lincoln had dinner at Crenshaw's, not knowing slaves were upstairs. It is known as the Old Slave House. The state bought it and want to fix it up. No tours due to unsound structure. It is haunted
What is responsibility of the African tribes that actually captured and enslaved these people in the first place. How rich did they become. White men just didn’t go into the African villages and capture people, it was other African tribes.
*Reading comments, I hear a lot of Americans trying to find some justification for their country's slavery, I guess this is why there are efforts in that country wanting to ban teaching the subject of slavery or make out like it wasn't as bad, didn't governor of Florida stated that slaves learned a trade, I guess picking cotton or tobacco was once consider a trade in America, pass down for one generation to the next*
Don't forget that Americans actually ended slavery. This is the more remarkable story, and a real achievement imo.
@@nicolasolton *you don't get credited for ending something you institutionalized and profited from for over 345 years, It just doesn't work that way*
It's almost as if you think the US was the only place slavery existed. The US didn't invent the idea nor the practice.
@@ronnelson930who is you? Was it white people? Or the the Jewish traders who brought them here and owned most of them?
No asshole, we’re criticizing lies and misinformation. Blacks in this thread are making excuses for Africans enslaving Africans and others.
Why is it always under African American and Native American videos that certain people gaslight and try to justify the atrocities committed against these two groups in particular? Under all the holocaust videos most people are in agreement that that was awful and unjustified but oh if the subject is about African descendants or Native Americans, certain people get so triggered. Its really gross.
It's racism and they get mad they white people in America are to blame and they want them to just get over it. But it's part of American history. Should never be forgotten or downplayed. Im sure Egypt there are demographics who try to lowplay their history with slavery.
The are 40 million plus slaves today. Scholars estimate that slaves made up between 10% and 25% of the population in the Roman Empire. The majority of those would have been white. The American/South American and Caribbean was unique as it was almost all White on black,
The fact that Africans sold their OWN people makes this even worse. They saw how these white slave owners were treating the people. But to me, this is no longer an argument of race, but humanity! How can anyone treat another person this way💔 I wish this never happened, but I am so glad that it is being talked about. What breaks my heart is that slavery is still going on to this day! 😢
Free food and accommodations and they still complain;
Do you think a slave owner treated them as to their death? Unsound financial theory!
I understand this was wrong .but we were all slaves at some point in the time line ....all colours of skin..
You clearly don’t understand shit 🤡🤡
America was the worst of all when you search the treatment of slaves.
No that's what the 1% want you to think.
They have always been masters.
They now fear we know who they are
The first slaves on American shores were from Ireland.
It's such an evil shame that anyone could have ever thought it was okay to treat another human being as slaves were treated.
You're single aren't you???😂
Have you seen how many of these Africans live today?? It seems like a small hut, with daily food, is actually a promotion. Also, most "slave catchers" were Arabs or other black tribes..
Now lets talk about the MOORS.
What better way to minimize what happened to african americans black people then to say oh well things happened to other people this is not about that.. Our history is the history that is being told needs to be told
And not saying it ended up being a good thing, but slaves were paid a very small amount. And slaves could and did get to buy their freedom. But being in a foreign land and little or no opportunity once their freedom bought didn't translate into much of a better life. Many slaves returning to their masters to continue to work for a pittance. But at least they knew their masters, and their masters were not cruel like the world outside the farm would be for freed slaves in the south. So a slave buying their freedom only occurred in theory, not so much in reality. Unless, they could safely journey to the Northern states. Which rarely occurred.
It's time to accept the past and more forward together.
That’s nothing compared to the large number of slaves that went to South America. Check your facts….only 1/4 came to America…..People just yell about it more…not saying it was right….getting sold by those who conquered you in African war battles must have been brutal….but it’s a fact undenied….the majority was sold into slavery…not taken by force…it was an African economy….sad but true….another dark past of African history….we all got bad histories…..
The first black slave was owned by a black man. The man came over to be a indentured servant when his time was up he wanted to leave the man wouldn't let him. The indentured man left anyway and the brought him back. The indentured man took it to court and lost this opened the slave trade.
So horrible for one human to own another humans.
This is inaccurate, do your research. This is the narrative you need to feel better about slavery. Even if this was accurate, which it’s not, one indentured servant does not millions of slaves make. I will never understand why it’s so important for white Americans to try so hard to rewrite history and to make slavery look like it wasn’t as horrific as it was. Why do you all feel the need to try to justify?
@QueenSuperJ because otherwise they'd need to admit to wrong doing
I read these comments, and it drives home how deeply touchy Americams are because they haven't come to reconciliation with their past
There were also black slave owners in the US.
11:08 more than most black Africans had in Africa then and now. Not saying they should be grateful, but let's face some facts here. I'm almost half way through this video and haven't seen a single photo of an African that appeared malnourished. I instead saw all of a healthy weight, some riding horses, reading books and living better than a lot of whites during those years.
It would make no sense for a slave owner to devalue their property. Zero sense.
Then listen to slave narrative coming from they're own mouth on how they were treated by they're slave owners.Then form an opinion.
Are u that hungry for attention??!! See what happens when there's no adult in the house to watch u??!! 😢😢
You don't see 'photos' of malnourished slaves? Go read books written by anthropologist that dug up the bones of African slaves throughout the U.S. They found without exceptions, the bones of these slaves showed signs of malnourishment.
But what's your point? Assuming you're right, (you're not) what does that have to do with forcibly capturing people; separating families; denying all connections to their African tribes.
@@damonmelendez856That's exactly what many did. Doesn't make sense for parents to neglect their children; men to beat their girlfriend or wife.
It serves no one when you distort the history by giving half truths .
Oops, this rewritten history left out that whites were also slaves. In fact, whites were slaves longer than blacks, but I'm sure leaving that out was just an honest mistake.
Not ! It's all part of Marxist agenda to rewrite history.
💯 so sick of that ALWAYS being left out. Blacks did atrocities to the whites in the Barbary slavery, which went on hundreds of years before and right on up thru the trans Atlantic slavery. They try to say it wasn’t that bad but it was the same!
So go tell that to your white family opps you relied off white supremacist
Cuz its not true. Take ur dishonesty else where
@@bee-vz9fw Cuz you don't believe something doesn't mean it's not true. Anyone with half a braincell knows whites were slaves and that to this day brown people still own slaves. Take your ignorance elsewhere.
It is unimaginable that to this day, billions of animals are still treated as slaves.
You forgot to talk about the Irish slaves, do you have an agenda?
Wrong, the story starts with who hunted down and sold the people who were to become slaves. Start there or this history is only partly told and skipping the start does HUGE disservice to people who worked as slaves. Get it right!
You can tell they got off scoff free because they're still doing it to millions of others in Africa today, and no blacks here care about those folks. They just want them some good ol victim $$ sto lon from others.
Nice try.
@@DamienChukwukaI know right??!! Always trying to justify and rewrite history!
The Africans who hunted down captured and enslaved these people in order to sell them to enrich themselves should be held to account also. They did not free the slaves that no one bought. They whipped them to death. They are just as much to blame as anyone who bought them. Everyone who made money off of enslaving people are guilty not just the people who bought them. I cannot understand why people let them off. If you are kidnapped and sold is the person who kidnapped you not the one who first stole your life? Why wouldn’t you hold them to at least the same accountability as the person who bought you?
I would like to see a documentary on the plight of the Irish and Italian in the northen cities. Of those held in Indenture. The tenements and slums...
Since slavery was so horrible,then why did the Slaves after 1865 stay or cry to go home?And why were most former slave testimonies claim they were well taken care of?Why take what a few say as the norm?Harriet Tubman ONLY went to Eastern Maryland Coast to free her family members....Did not care if others in bondage.....know thy history before talking as an authoritive....
Exactly what I was thinking. If it was as bad as they say it was. WHY was there so many slaves that WOULD NOT leave their masters? All these people that bash and blame christianity don’t know True Christianity. People need to live in the present Not the past. Just because your ancestors were slaves doesn’t give you privileges. As for as that goes all of us of every race more than likely has ancestors that were slaves. If you look for enough back.
I know one thing wpeople Not Like US ✊🏾.. They are certainly a different type of breed of people!! The depth of cruelty ain't in us! ✊🏾@@EvelynFarmer-v5x