When the "old you" wants to run things

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ม.ค. 2025
  • God recently revealed to me that I was angry at my husband for something I do all the time to God. It really opened my eyes to how much i still struggle with some of the ways I used to be in the past. But now God is revealing it to me as they come up on such a small level. Like I used to have tongo back and apologize for talking sideways at someone. Now I'm thinking before I speak and taking it to God, and He is revealing to me that my response out of feelings was the old me. So I'm growing. Maybe not as fast as I thought or want. How fast you want to grow will depend on how often you bring God into your decisions. Every decision you make, including how you respond to everyone, should be run through a filter of "God, what do I say? How do You want me to react?" If you won't take the time to do this, you'll make lots of mistakes like I do. The more you do this, the quicker you'll be at it and soon it will be so second nature that you won't even think, it will just come out of you from how the Holy Spirit trained you to respond.

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