DC San's reasoning for having a 2 part Justice League explains clearly what was wrong with Justice League in the first place. There was no character growth. All characters should have been fleshed out through solo movies, before even thinking about making Justice League. He is correct it felt rushed and they paid the price for rushing it at the box office. Bottom line, a movie containing Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, should have broken all box office records and it did not...
Harold Foster there not going to copy marvel and give all there characters solo movies cause all the marvel fanboys will come out and say oh Dc is only successful cause they copied marvels winning formula there are other ways of making superhero films than just the “marvel way”
brandon b everyone is doing it with every company setting up their own cinematic universes, only problem why they are not successful is because they are rushing them, what marvel did was flesh out every character with their own movies, it's what DC should of done.
AMean Wolf when you say marvel you mean Disney right cause we have seen what marvel movies look like before Disney bought them and they weren’t the best or even that great marvel gets to much credit in the success where Disney is the reason why they have gotten where they are now
He was a good sport about it. WB is getting very arrogant with their projects. Marvel knew Thor wasn't as strong as his teammates so they gave him Hulk and a personality. Bingo, you get a hit.
@@iReiGNxx It's what got us Wonder Woman as well. JL had a lot to do with studio-meddling, rushed production and bad writing. It was more colourful and had more humour, but the colours felt often over saturated or...just off, and a lot of the jokes were forced. WB are taking the advice by technicality, but aren't making it _good_ and are in some cases taking it too far.
I always had a fan version of the DCEU in my mind ever since they started: One right movie was starting with Superman, you could start the DCEU with a Superman movie partially based on All-Star Superman (My favorite Superman graphic novel), then a Batman movie based on the first half of The Dark Knight Returns (Specifically the parts where he returns as Batman and fights the mutant gang), then a Wonder Woman movie, then make Batman V Superman (Partially based on the second half of TDR), and then make Justice League (Based on JUSTICE, the graphic novel drawn by Alex Ross), that way you introduced the 3 most important characters of this part of the story and then you can expand on the second phase.
In the comics as well. He had both a beard and moustache as well as the black suit (which actually served a purpose in helping his body heal by absorbing more sunlight or absorbing it more efficiently)
yes he is right. also dark seid was in the original cut. you can find a Kevin smith review where he talks about the Zack Snyder versions that was shown at the early test screening. witch sounded way better than the version we saw
zubzeroking There is concept art of Darkseid spotted in "flash and aquaman suits" featurette and also black suited Clark concept and his actual black suit with grey "El" symbol in "superman and batman suits" featurette.
Regarding DC San's point regarding Snyder's likely long form story telling... I kind of disagree. I actually like long form story telling. I however have no confidence that Snyder's world view will result in a good story even if he was given the amount of movies to let it play out. One of my biggest problem with DCEU was it start with MoS, while they have gotten a lot of things correct with it (especially the soundtrack, casting & action), the biggest mistake they made was the entirety of the story, the message & philosophy behind it. The premise are all wrong if you think on it long enough and the whole story is ethically bankrupt (a superman movie for crying out loud). So even if you give him the time... it is unlikely he can fix the issues he never understood in the first place.
BioCapsule What didn't Snyder understand? He showed a different perspective on the origin of Superman and told a more realistic story in terms of how and when Clark became Superman.
BioCapsule i also disagree, because what was filmed was done by Zack Snyder. Joss Whedon did not film Superman vs The League. His only reshoots in that scene was the dialogue between Batman and Superman and the joke Batman made about something bleeding. Everything else was Snyder.
+PassionQuietRage I would have no problem if it's simply a grounded realism, I in fact welcome such a movie, but that not the issue. Do not mistake ethical bankruptcy with being "realistic", the 2 are not the same thing. I must first say, I am not a DC guy, but I would like a great DC cinematic universe. Therefore I know very little of Krypton. As far as I understood, MoS Krypton's failings is not he same as source material... and it is it's own argument of predetermine genetic role vs. individualism, his conclusion from a sci-fi perspective is mostly wrong. This is a minor philosophical & sci-fi issue if it didn't create quite a series of story inconsistency or outright nastiness that plagued the whole movie. (I am also going to keep most less important plot holes) Yes, Krypton is flawed (never mind the culture system doesn't actually explain their inability to take action in their own salvation) blah blah. But Jor-El see enough value to steal the 'Codex' which is suppose to become an important plot device that never really manifest, other than to give Zod a reason to find Kal-El. Ok, the alien come, he doesn't go to Jor-El (whom he has just recently found, who also give him the unit Kryptonian & human speech, and must certainly know more about how to deal with Zod), he goes to a fucking priest. Goyer & Snyder wants to slap us with the Christian thing, fine. The most crucial point where the whole thing falls apart is when the military idiot who is Zod flew the Bioship (the most important thing to the future of Krypton) to the scene battle. He could have ask someone to flew it anywhere, but fine... it happened. Than come Kal-El crashing in, Zod pleading for the safety of the ship... which at this point would have been a great negotiation point, if anything it's a great battle environment in which Kal-el would have the advantage because Zod can't risk to go all out. But nooo... Kal-El considers a bit, proceed to boldly declare "KRYPTON HAS ITS CHANCE" and blast away. Dramatic? Yes! Psychotic? Absolutely! Remember that his defeat of Zod and defense of Earth is not contingent on destroying the Bioship... he can destroy the terraformer which he did. Never mind that it took him seconds to casually decide that the fate of a civilization he know nothing of, is not worth his time, the ship is also important to him (it's not like he is going to use the codex via osmosis), so he basically shit over his biological father's hope dreams for the future While rendering the Codex pointless. And anyone with conventional wisdom would understand, that action guarantees a fight to the death (which I guess is what Goyer and Synder want). So he is either a sociopath or an idiot, most likely both. It's akin to cops show up to the scene of an incident and instead of deescalating a situation, starts shooting just to have a gun fight. How very American. I can accept a story showing that sometimes people have to dead. But you cannot pretend it is somehow a difficult choice when your story did everything, to ensure it goes down like that. It's rubbish. How Jessica Jones handle the theme is a million times better. And that just the Bioship portion... don't get me started with the "maybe" shitshow starring Jonathan Kent, that is unforgivable. Please enlighten me as to which part of these is "realistic"? On second thought, it fits perfectly... Kal-El was more ethical as a kid, and becomes a sociopath due to bad upbringing... lol. Forget Lois Lane, he doesn't need her to go 'Injustice'. People like to say "it's too dark", but it's just easier to say than to writing an essay about how twisted the bloody thing is. Games of Thrones is dark and gritty many times for the sake of dark and gritty, but even in that... there is a sense of ethics, a sense of standard, clear protagonist you can cheer for, to root for. MoS doesn't have that... and people can tell. The whole thing is very repulsive. Is that sufficient?
BioCapsule Very well said. I do see your point on somethings, but disagree with others. I personally think Snyder did a great job creating and telling a story, but I do agree that he could have made its message a bit clearer.
Actually that Flash sequence worked in Justice League "Lois is the key" and it just so happens that Lois was able to bring Clarks consciousness back after the revived him.
People became excited about Wonder Woman from BvS. They later fell in love with her in her solo movie. A similar thing could happen with Aquaman and Flash. I don't know if we ever get a solo Cyborg movie, even though it could be good with the right writer and director. I can't side with WB because they thought a 2 hour time limit on a movie that was introducing 3 new characters was a good idea. In the Snyder cut, we learn more about Cyborg since he was supposed to be the heart of the movie. Ray Fisher said a nice scene with Cyborg's mother was cut. I would've preferred the story that Johns developed with Snyder initially, when they rewrote the script. Joss could've made the story flow better in the reshoots. Instead, he had to redo story elements to make things make sense for a 2 hour cut. Wonder Woman being hung up on Steve was added by Joss. Joss tried to repeat the same joke or plot point too many times in Justice League (Aquaman talking to fish, Flash falling on WW chest, etc).
I think JL was terrible due to the fact that it could've been so much better and we know it could've if Zacks tragedy didn't happen. The joss humour just didn't fit with the DCEU like the MCU.
Yes. Yes we needed a 2 parter if that’s what Zack intended on doing in the first place. But ofcourse. Studio interference and reactionary bitchasness from Warner Bros ruined that. Hell they ruined Zacks vision before that! Originally Zack planned a Superman trilogy. Warner Bros had him add in Batman and Wonder Woman. And those damn cameos. Justice League was not his 3rd films plan originally. Still, with that being said.....#ReleasetheSnyderCut
The movie's slogan is 'you can't save the world alone'...and then Superman showed up and beat the crap out of Steppenwolf, alone. Also, poor Aquaman stuck in a dry land during the final battle. Hopefully his movie will be great later this year.
warner bros got greedy to rush things up and get up on marvel. that was the biggest mistake. should have stuck w how snyder wanted it. man of steel 2, then slowly move along, have the ww movie, aquaman, etc, maybe then bvs, and then after jl. should have had at least 1 movie of each solo character before bvs/jl. the inital program was good. then wb wanted to rush it. as someone else said. dc should have its own studio.
I agree and I think it was unnecessary to make a Batman vs Superman movie. Instead it could’ve been a World’s Finest movie. I would’ve replaced Cyborg with Green Lantern (John Stewart or Hal Jordan, preferably John) casting Jesse Einsberg as Lex was a big mistake. Honestly I would’ve added Martian Manhunter
I’m mad they jammed in the Death of Superman, the dead Jason Todd reference, Doomsday, Teaser of Justice League heroes, the introduction of Lex Luthor, and the Dark knight returns all in one movie. They really wasted a storyline that I think would’ve actually made people cry had they waited down the road and did it right. The death of Superman was supposed to have some type of emotional shock value but how can you do that when you were building up to the Justice League about to come out
I agree that it would've made more sense, story-wise, for Justice League to remain the two-parter it was originally planned as. Maybe my negative view of Batman v Superman would've been made more positive if I had a chance to grow with the characters a bit more and see how the pieces of the puzzle came together. The things that didn't make sense in BvS could've potentially been made to be strengths if a Justice League two-parter were executed competently.
On the subject of waiting too long to release a movie cause it ain’t a comic,Battle Chasers got delayed for years between issues 6,7,8 and 9 in the nineties BUT Joe Madureira has been working on issue 10,11,12 since 2016 cause we still want it after all those years..Waiting to have something worthwhile still happens man,check every crowdfunded project (especially in games,comics and animation projects).
The problem with "current" dc is that the people writing, making and ok'ing these movies clearly do not understand the source material. They don't understand it and they don't care to. Which is sad because the desire for these movies is clearly there regardless of how bad the movies are they keep pumping out. If they weren't people wouldn't watch at all let alone get so upset. And the points you guys discussed about taking time with multiple movies being a bad thing.... How many years has batman been going strong in theatres now..??? People will be thrilled with more movies over many years so long as they don't suck. Just make good movies and we will happily watch!
The score sounded all wrong 99 percent of the time. There were some tracks that sounded good on their own, and the Flash motif was pretty good. But overall, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, ELFMAN?
If i was Zack i would just leave . Like does DC have no respect ?? The man has problems with his family and your just gona kick him out and go after another director ??? That’s fucked up
Jordy Vonck I have this feeling that with WB shakeups and what I’ve seen from others defending Zack, especially with Patty Jenkins behind him, some sort of something is going to go his way. Maybe he gets a budget to finish some sort of cut of his own. Maybe he comes back in a few years and gets maybe a shot at doing a Lobo movie. If you’ll notice what has gone on with the movies seen as troublesome, the studio meddled WAY more in the ones with more problems. Man of Steel, not much meddling because Nolan was there and had Snyder’s back. BvS has obviously meddling since we got the theatrical cut. Then the studio went crazy over Suicide Squad. They mostly left Patty Jenkins alone but then were all over Justice League trying to mold it into processed superhero food. Trust your creatives. If you’re going to start filming JL two weeks after BvS comes out, you don’t have time to reactionary micromanage. You sure as hell don’t have time to redo about 1/4 the movie and WHY DID DANNY ELFMAN COME INTO THIS?
there is a 3 hour cut of Joss's version ( so 1 hour cut scenes) after the 3 hour version of the Snyder cut(Most of his movie reshoot/cut). B/c of those things u get a 300 million dollar movie.
Team DCsan.. with Snyders cut there would be at least a full trilogy that makes sense. WB dont know what they are doing. They fired Snyder and tried to finish the movie with a director whos style is completely different. Of course the finished product is a mess.. And the Aquaman movie? It's going to be good. Why? Because it's directed by one guy that knows how to direct.. unless someone from WB don't starts to cut.. ...looking at you BVS.
You do read opening credits don't you? Snyder co-wrote the story for Wonder Woman. So anyone complaining about Snyder's story telling is a hypocrite if they liked Wonder Woman but fail to see that he was a part of it's success.
I liked Justice League. It made me cheer for the heroes but Steppenwolf was really underwhelming and I thought Batman was miswrote with the poorly timed cheesy jokes.
BvS had plot holes and character issues. I feel like Snyder was trying to course correct those problem. Even after all the BvS issues, most people were curious and excited to get all those questions answered. But.... WB happened.
I don't see why so many have such an issue with JL, the humor, and the decent CGI. I doubt it's that bad. The CGI was a little goofy, but only because it was a late addition to fix something that could have just been left alone or handled differently. The nightmare sequence with Flash from BvS is likely going to be used in the JL sequel. Not everything seen in the trailers will appear in the final film because trailers are made from the rough cuts of the film not the finished product. What's wrong with the orange based color palette? CGI is often used in place of green screen and standard costuming if the costumers can't get the costume to work properly or it doesn't look good on camera. On the CGI with Superman's face, I agree they could have just let Superman have a beard for one movie. He had one for half of MoS, so why couldn't he for JL? Or Paramount could have used a prosthetic stache for MI6 instead of being idiots and not letting him shave.
I would say given the approach DC took, since they did not want to to individual movies first then we needed a two part JL movie so they couod have taken a bit more time setting things up and building the story. They did not need to do individual movies but the did not need to rush thing either.
This means studios have to stop splitting the fan base. Modifying expectations seems to be the normal operating procedure for established franchises. How often do studios want to reboot, do their own take or start over?
How they should’ve done the DCEU: Man Of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman Justice League without Batman The Flash Man of Steel 2 Batman Batman Vs Superman Justice League 2 Suicide Squad And so on. I think they should’ve kept Batman out of the 1st phase due to how close it is to the Dark Knight series, he was just used to recently to reintroduce a whole new story. I think this could’ve helped, especially getting some actual build up to Justice League, use Cyborg like Hawkeye where he won’t get his own movie.
Steppenwolf specifically came because Superman was dead (and there are no Lanterns). That’s when the motherboxes awoke. It makes perfect sense in this movie. But other threats might be better prepared. Luthor knows what Kryptonite can do. His original plan was about two seconds from taking out Superman. You’ve also got Brainiac, Darkseid and others that are more powerful than Steppenwolf.
I really dont understand what dark knight returns version of batman is doing in justice league because even in the movie they themselves mentioned how old batman is and he could'nt keep doing this for long time .So it means that batman has a very short future in DCEU ?
Heres my summery of Justice League. Justice League in my opinion its not a good or bad film, i thought it was in the middle, its was quite enjoyable even though it i could tell there were flaws in the film. One of the biggest flaws i found in the film was the tone of the film, you could tell it was directed by two people which made the film not so great. I think they should really make solo films cause people want to see characters be developed like marvel did however WB just see dollar signs which imo they will miss an absolute gem of a universe with so many great and unique characters but who knows
Akasan, I understand your opinion, that Zack Snyder should be over at this point. That's fine. But... his vision wasn't completed, it was broken. WB & Joss Whedon made completely wrong choices after Zack Snyder stepped away, and the result is an incompitent movie, not a sequel to BvS, without a vision, with crappy graphics and CGI, incompitent characters, crappy and unneeded jokes, under 2 hours instead of 2:30. In my eyes, WB and Whedon didn't show much respect to Snyder, to his fans, or to DC fans. The karma is a bitch, the film is the lowest grossing in the DCEU. Say what you want about Zack Snyder, but his vision had to be completed, so he could go out peacefully. Instead we got this. I mean sure, WB reported, that Snyder's cut was "unwatchable", but after the movie comes out, WB states, that they knew their films would fail. Why would they change Snyder's cut to Whedon's, if they knew the film was a failure? In fact, why would they use Snyder's footage TO PROMOTE THE FUCKING MOVIE, IF HIS MOVIE IS UNWATCHABLE?! I really don't think Snyder would make his film purposly unwatchable. WB does not have a vision, they just wanna make money. If you're taking a WB side, then.... sorry, but I feel ashamed of you, Akasan. And if you think that Whedon's film is better that Snyder's supposed film, I am also ashamed of you. From your perspective, given that you're not Snyder's fan, the current movie is a different kind of bad, in no way it is better than Snyder's supposed film. if anyone's gonna tell me, that I should appreciate the movie for what it is - FUCK OFF! Justice League should have been a masterpeace!
I'm on the logical business side of things. Coming from a side that doesn't care about the hardcore fan market, just turning a profit. WB saw how horrible BvS did and their long term investment in Synder was a terrible idea, they tried to turn it around as best a possible with Justice League in the middle of production. They weren't about to invest more in to a sinking ship. (Justice League Part 1 and 2) They best they could do was include more Wonder Woman, (their only winning character in the DCEU) a savage it with the Wheadon (Avengers) name, thinking he'd save the project. There's no way WB was keeping Synder on board for 2 more movies to "complete his vision" if the first one (MOS) was mixed, the second (BVS) was critically horrid and commercially failed. In this case Hardcore fandom doesn't matter because they don't make up the bulk of profits. Look at The Last Jedi, Most hardcore fans hate that movie, but it's still making money and successful to continue. Transformers, Fast and Furious etc. The point is, if the studio isn't getting the return investment they won't continue. That's the side I'm looking at and that's why Synder is gone.
I am sorry, but "logical" business side of things does NOT excuse the result we got. A visionless freak-of-a-movie. Here is the thing about the success of Snyder films. I am aware, that WB has interfered with his work from the start. Like MoS, where a few scenes feel rushed in between. The first big issue was BvS, because Zack Snyder intended to make a MoS2, but WB asked him to include Batman. The result is BvS, but I'd rather prefer MoS2 including Batman, relegating him to a supporting character. BvS (the full version) has its problems, mostly storytelling, but then there is WB, who want to establish the universe rather than tell a story, so they cut the film to 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the theatrical cut lost the plot, but at least we get the JL cameos. NOPE! I needed a story, not a rushed establishment. I think, if a few scenes were actually cut, and the story scenes were included, the film would have less critically damaged and more financialy successful. I mean yeah, storytelling problems would exist, but at least there would be a plot, and certainly a vision. The Suicide Squad was.... so bad, that it is actually good. Like that kind of feeling. I enjoyed it. I think I liked the incusion of humour, because these characters are fairly new. David Ayer didn't give jokes to Batman and the Flash, so the first one remained consistent, and the second introduced himself really well. But we all know who interfered with his work. You know, what they wanted to do with Wonder Woman? Cut the "No Man's Land" scene! They said, that it was unnessesary! Thanks to Jenkins, who let it stay. However the third act of this movie could have been something of mature, instead of... Ares. And now the JL, where WB used Snyder's tragedy to include Joss Whedon. All these characters, who I came to know from BvS, are now completely different (that is if you look at Whedon's movie, because I find it hard to find a Snyder footage in this). I explained the whole mess in the first message anyway. If you think, that Snyder movies are a sinking ship, look at some bloggers. They say, that at first they didn't like BvS, but then they loved it, that is acknowloging its problems. And now some of them try to rescore JL clips with Zimmer's music, because Danny Elfman was lazy, and revisualize close to Snyder's version. The fans didn't think it was a SINKING ship. Its the fans, the audince, who go out in the cinema, invest their money to watch the movie. Including more Wonder Woman was a questionable move, because her scenes were not action for the most part, and the new characters were not freshed out. This is not the movie about WW, this is the formation of the League, where everyone should be equal in time of portrayal. If they wanted to fire Snyder, they needed to fire him BEFORE the JL. But the thing is, WB has messed up themselves, and don't want to acknowlodge it. So remaking the movie with Whedon caused them more money to spend, and the result is more money lost. So what they should have done is to let Snyder finish his job - the movie would have been more consistent, and contained all these deleted scenes, which were cut and will never make to the extended cut. Yeah, they won't. Those trailers mostly contained Snyder's footage. Imagine my dissapointment, when I saw something completely different, and wrong. Now imagine the audience's reaction. It's the same - they won't return and they will tell their friends, that the movie is fucked up.
Just to think how the ruined the Cyborg's character potential. Talking about his humanity vs machinery, and a good transitional character to establish the Teen Titans into getting their own solo movie. Man.... sigh..
How jl should had went as 2 part movie , 1 movie history of stephenwolf with darkseid as a cameo and fighting everyone then show the present as how world deal with no superman , than how parademon start showing up then show every league individually and then stsphen wolf appear and declare war similar to zod in every tv , wonderwoman and batman meet up and then halfway movie they all fight parademon individually . stephen wolf discover superman corpse and ressurect him and mind control him, then big fight sequence between league and black suit superman then batman sent flash in time to warn everyone about superman and they stop hi. Turning him good fight stephen wolf bam. End credit scene darkseid appear to earth and a whole lot of parademon. End pt1 part 2 how the world is full of parademon and everyone got kidnapped so more darkseid destruction now every league cleaning up every mess than add on gl orgin to the mix every league member dis part into helping their own location with finding out the weakness of parademon than league unite with an army of atlantean and amazonians and earthlings on an all out war and batman found out the boom tube from cyborg and they fight darkseid sending him back to apocolypse the end . end credit scene luthor and deathstroke forming league of villians
Justice league surprised me it wasn't amazing but it wasn't horrible either and in my opinion it was better than bvs and suicide squad combined. Side note I completely fanboyed at the end when cyborg said booya. Also Jesse Eisenberg (guess that's how you spell his name) should be Riddler or the mad hatter because the way he "portrays" lex Luthor reminds me of those characters and I think he would thrive in those roles because he's kinda already doing it with lex, that's just one of the things that I think could fix the dcu. And I'm intrigued by the deathstroke scene, and wanna see where that leads, although I'm a marvel fan at heart I'm not giving up on dc there is still hope.
What's really terrible is that real Batman fans know he never smiles and that is such a distinct trademark of his character that people can tell its not Batman but Nightwing if he smiles. And yet this guy smiles two or three times
i personally really enjoyed Justice League-it's not a good film in any shape or form- but you can't really judge a film that has been directed by two directors and was really incomplete
The DCEU just needs to sadly stop, they need to rethink things and take time, maybe years, and find out REALLY what the problem is. Their movies are not translating to the general public at all, not counting wonder woman, but this is just so damn sad. movie after movie sucks! even tho i liked BVS but even that movie is a mess
I love the DCEU but dammit some people have to admit it can be better and it should’ve been better. They should’ve released Batman: the red hood in 2015 followed by Batman v Superman and Wonder Woman in 2016, a lower budget Joker origin film with solo The Flash and Aquaman films in 2017 and finally a lower budget Cyborg film before a Justice League film which releases in July on the 10th anniversary of The Dark Knight.
People wouldn't get use to them because they didn't like the characters already. That's why they put more Wonder Woman, the one fans liked. On another video I had the thought that they should just do a version of Reign of the Supermen. Finish the Doomsday story. Have Steel and Superboy and maybe even Eradicator in the background (news reports). Make the villain Hank Henshaw. Say he was in the rocket capsule that Superman saved in BvS. Instead of having the world get worse because Superman isn't there, have heroes appear because of the hope Superman inspired. Save Darkseid for later. Don't try to get to him before Marvel gets to Thanos. Marvel is already winning. DC needs to stop rushing to catch up because it hurts them more. And about Justice League: War. Yes! That movie was pretty much the sequel to Man of Steel. And it was only about an hour and a half. More could have been added to it. And I like the idea that the characters don't go recruiting each other, but show up to the party to stop things from happening and end up teaming up. Growing the group little by little.
How would you explain the beard??His hair doesnt grow but his beard would have??How?? And where are those posts Dcsan?Only saw the black suit scene and the storyboards but i haven’t heard anything from industry people like John Schnepp at Collider here on youtube.He’s the director of “the death of superman lives” or whatever its called,it was supposed to be the Death of Superman movie,with Nicolas Cage as Superman.
Akasan seems drunk af 😂😂😂 also how come I've never seen him as hyped and nerding iut fir a dc film trailer like he is for a marvel trailer? And yet he claims ti be a dc giy
Yes, Justice League had allot of probs that get pointed to in Honest Trailers, but at the end of the day, I enjoyed it a whole lot more than the last Star Wars film, which bored me shitless! And as much as I would luv to see Flashpoint on the big screen, if Ezra Miller is still cast as the Flash then I will have to pass as he was the 'Jar Jar Binks' of the JL film!
Here is what should’ve happened: Superman movie Batman movie B/S World’s Finest Movie Wonder Woman movie Aquaman movie Flash movie Justice League movie I mean DC and Marvel have been ripping each other off for decades. So why is movie making mutually exclusive about this? You can’t do it any other way.
i feel like the trinity in particular can benefit from more than one movie each before a team-up appearance, but your order would be much better than what we got regardless.
I'm on DCsan side now. That's a first. Some of the scenes doesn't make any sense because they're trying to separate JL to BVS. It turned out to be good though. They need to move away from BVS cuz we all know that movie was not critically acclaimed. Terrible I guess. The JL movie is good. Worth watching. Not that great because we are expecting more from but I least I think DC is on the right track now.
DC San's reasoning for having a 2 part Justice League explains clearly what was wrong with Justice League in the first place. There was no character growth. All characters should have been fleshed out through solo movies, before even thinking about making Justice League. He is correct it felt rushed and they paid the price for rushing it at the box office. Bottom line, a movie containing Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, should have broken all box office records and it did not...
Harold Foster there not going to copy marvel and give all there characters solo movies cause all the marvel fanboys will come out and say oh Dc is only successful cause they copied marvels winning formula there are other ways of making superhero films than just the “marvel way”
brandon b everyone is doing it with every company setting up their own cinematic universes, only problem why they are not successful is because they are rushing them, what marvel did was flesh out every character with their own movies, it's what DC should of done.
AMean Wolf right
brandon b
may the DCEU would be good if DC had his own Studio/ without Warner..
AMean Wolf when you say marvel you mean Disney right cause we have seen what marvel movies look like before Disney bought them and they weren’t the best or even that great marvel gets to much credit in the success where Disney is the reason why they have gotten where they are now
Prediction prior to watching- Dante will get triggered
Aech Tee It is entertaining watching him just sit there, stewing. xD
Brando J best joke was the Snyder cut rip
He was a good sport about it. WB is getting very arrogant with their projects. Marvel knew Thor wasn't as strong as his teammates so they gave him Hulk and a personality. Bingo, you get a hit.
DC fans aren't getting better movies because they're not demanding better movies.
Lex Zone-Six They don’t want a better movie, they want dark gloom Snyder cult movies.
Demanding “better” movies is what got us Snyder/Weadon’s JL
@@iReiGNxx It's what got us Wonder Woman as well.
JL had a lot to do with studio-meddling, rushed production and bad writing. It was more colourful and had more humour, but the colours felt often over saturated or...just off, and a lot of the jokes were forced. WB are taking the advice by technicality, but aren't making it _good_ and are in some cases taking it too far.
TheBatmeme368 At least Aquaman generally came out good.
Never wanted a Honest Trailer so bad before...
The White JediKnight bad as in they roasted it bad or bad on screenjunkies writing
spark nazo as in Honest roasting....
Poor DC-SAN!!!!
I always had a fan version of the DCEU in my mind ever since they started:
One right movie was starting with Superman, you could start the DCEU with a Superman movie partially based on All-Star Superman (My favorite Superman graphic novel), then a Batman movie based on the first half of The Dark Knight Returns (Specifically the parts where he returns as Batman and fights the mutant gang), then a Wonder Woman movie, then make Batman V Superman (Partially based on the second half of TDR), and then make Justice League (Based on JUSTICE, the graphic novel drawn by Alex Ross), that way you introduced the 3 most important characters of this part of the story and then you can expand on the second phase.
Avengers did it better.
And DeadPool did it better than Avengers
Black ReaperKai and Logan did it better than Deadpool
And Blade did it better than all of them
And the hulk takes bigger and better shits,but it's still shit
PC Utah go away troll nice try
DCsan is on point with the missing story points of Justice League.
Am I mistaken but didn't Superman have a beard in the first place when he came back to life well at least in the animated Justice League series
In the comics as well.
He had both a beard and moustache as well as the black suit (which actually served a purpose in helping his body heal by absorbing more sunlight or absorbing it more efficiently)
Honest Trailer JL AND DCsan is there. THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!!
yes he is right. also dark seid was in the original cut. you can find a Kevin smith review where he talks about the Zack Snyder versions that was shown at the early test screening. witch sounded way better than the version we saw
zubzeroking There is concept art of Darkseid spotted in "flash and aquaman suits" featurette and also black suited Clark concept and his actual black suit with grey "El" symbol in "superman and batman suits" featurette.
Good discussion by both of them anyway..
Regarding DC San's point regarding Snyder's likely long form story telling... I kind of disagree. I actually like long form story telling. I however have no confidence that Snyder's world view will result in a good story even if he was given the amount of movies to let it play out. One of my biggest problem with DCEU was it start with MoS, while they have gotten a lot of things correct with it (especially the soundtrack, casting & action), the biggest mistake they made was the entirety of the story, the message & philosophy behind it. The premise are all wrong if you think on it long enough and the whole story is ethically bankrupt (a superman movie for crying out loud). So even if you give him the time... it is unlikely he can fix the issues he never understood in the first place.
BioCapsule What didn't Snyder understand? He showed a different perspective on the origin of Superman and told a more realistic story in terms of how and when Clark became Superman.
BioCapsule i also disagree, because what was filmed was done by Zack Snyder. Joss Whedon did not film Superman vs The League. His only reshoots in that scene was the dialogue between Batman and Superman and the joke Batman made about something bleeding. Everything else was Snyder.
+PassionQuietRage I would have no problem if it's simply a grounded realism, I in fact welcome such a movie, but that not the issue. Do not mistake ethical bankruptcy with being "realistic", the 2 are not the same thing. I must first say, I am not a DC guy, but I would like a great DC cinematic universe. Therefore I know very little of Krypton. As far as I understood, MoS Krypton's failings is not he same as source material... and it is it's own argument of predetermine genetic role vs. individualism, his conclusion from a sci-fi perspective is mostly wrong. This is a minor philosophical & sci-fi issue if it didn't create quite a series of story inconsistency or outright nastiness that plagued the whole movie. (I am also going to keep most less important plot holes)
Yes, Krypton is flawed (never mind the culture system doesn't actually explain their inability to take action in their own salvation) blah blah. But Jor-El see enough value to steal the 'Codex' which is suppose to become an important plot device that never really manifest, other than to give Zod a reason to find Kal-El. Ok, the alien come, he doesn't go to Jor-El (whom he has just recently found, who also give him the unit Kryptonian & human speech, and must certainly know more about how to deal with Zod), he goes to a fucking priest. Goyer & Snyder wants to slap us with the Christian thing, fine. The most crucial point where the whole thing falls apart is when the military idiot who is Zod flew the Bioship (the most important thing to the future of Krypton) to the scene battle. He could have ask someone to flew it anywhere, but fine... it happened. Than come Kal-El crashing in, Zod pleading for the safety of the ship... which at this point would have been a great negotiation point, if anything it's a great battle environment in which Kal-el would have the advantage because Zod can't risk to go all out. But nooo... Kal-El considers a bit, proceed to boldly declare "KRYPTON HAS ITS CHANCE" and blast away. Dramatic? Yes! Psychotic? Absolutely! Remember that his defeat of Zod and defense of Earth is not contingent on destroying the Bioship... he can destroy the terraformer which he did. Never mind that it took him seconds to casually decide that the fate of a civilization he know nothing of, is not worth his time, the ship is also important to him (it's not like he is going to use the codex via osmosis), so he basically shit over his biological father's hope dreams for the future While rendering the Codex pointless. And anyone with conventional wisdom would understand, that action guarantees a fight to the death (which I guess is what Goyer and Synder want). So he is either a sociopath or an idiot, most likely both. It's akin to cops show up to the scene of an incident and instead of deescalating a situation, starts shooting just to have a gun fight. How very American.
I can accept a story showing that sometimes people have to dead. But you cannot pretend it is somehow a difficult choice when your story did everything, to ensure it goes down like that. It's rubbish. How Jessica Jones handle the theme is a million times better.
And that just the Bioship portion... don't get me started with the "maybe" shitshow starring Jonathan Kent, that is unforgivable. Please enlighten me as to which part of these is "realistic"? On second thought, it fits perfectly... Kal-El was more ethical as a kid, and becomes a sociopath due to bad upbringing... lol. Forget Lois Lane, he doesn't need her to go 'Injustice'.
People like to say "it's too dark", but it's just easier to say than to writing an essay about how twisted the bloody thing is. Games of Thrones is dark and gritty many times for the sake of dark and gritty, but even in that... there is a sense of ethics, a sense of standard, clear protagonist you can cheer for, to root for. MoS doesn't have that... and people can tell. The whole thing is very repulsive. Is that sufficient?
+popeye697 Oh not just Snyder, Goyer as well.
BioCapsule Very well said. I do see your point on somethings, but disagree with others. I personally think Snyder did a great job creating and telling a story, but I do agree that he could have made its message a bit clearer.
Akasan laughing is a personal fuck you to the fans.
I totally agree with what his friend said just after trailer, good points
Actually that Flash sequence worked in Justice League "Lois is the key" and it just so happens that Lois was able to bring Clarks consciousness back after the revived him.
When you realize the Snyder "cut" was no better than the BvS extended release. It's over Johnny!
Team DCsan
whew.. i was just asking you in the previous video, and here it is. thank you akasan
i know, i didn't think it will uploaded directly after i left my comment
People became excited about Wonder Woman from BvS. They later fell in love with her in her solo movie. A similar thing could happen with Aquaman and Flash. I don't know if we ever get a solo Cyborg movie, even though it could be good with the right writer and director.
I can't side with WB because they thought a 2 hour time limit on a movie that was introducing 3 new characters was a good idea. In the Snyder cut, we learn more about Cyborg since he was supposed to be the heart of the movie. Ray Fisher said a nice scene with Cyborg's mother was cut.
I would've preferred the story that Johns developed with Snyder initially, when they rewrote the script. Joss could've made the story flow better in the reshoots. Instead, he had to redo story elements to make things make sense for a 2 hour cut. Wonder Woman being hung up on Steve was added by Joss. Joss tried to repeat the same joke or plot point too many times in Justice League (Aquaman talking to fish, Flash falling on WW chest, etc).
I think JL was terrible due to the fact that it could've been so much better and we know it could've if Zacks tragedy didn't happen. The joss humour just didn't fit with the DCEU like the MCU.
I have a lot of problems with Zack's DCEU films but I honestly would've preferred his film.
Kieran Holmes it dosent exist there is no synder cut
Joss didn't make any major changes, he did just did some pick up shots and minor reshoots as finishing touches on the film.
lmao yes there is. he had a cut of the movie that he showed before he was fired.
Dom510 not a finished cut. No cgi or such was done yet. It was a rough cut at best.
I honestly believe that if no one said anything about the CGI face, nobody would’ve noticed.
Yes. Yes we needed a 2 parter if that’s what Zack intended on doing in the first place. But ofcourse. Studio interference and reactionary bitchasness from Warner Bros ruined that. Hell they ruined Zacks vision before that! Originally Zack planned a Superman trilogy. Warner Bros had him add in Batman and Wonder Woman. And those damn cameos. Justice League was not his 3rd films plan originally.
Still, with that being said.....#ReleasetheSnyderCut
Truth mate! Truth. And ppl keep on forgetting that this is farrrrrrrrr from the first or second time WB has screwed the pooch with its DC properties.
Zacks vision was wrong to begin with and was the root of the whole problem
Not your average Bear fuck Snyder. He hates Superman. Just like his apologists.
panthergod basically Snyder and his fanboys think every character should be like Batman
Am excited for the Aquaman movie hopefully we get a trailer next month #teamakasan #teamdcsan #DC4life
Finally I've been waiting
Look at Kevin Smith video talking about the JL deleted content.
A woman there confirms those deleted shots are true and there IT IS a Snyder Cut
The movie's slogan is 'you can't save the world alone'...and then Superman showed up and beat the crap out of Steppenwolf, alone.
Also, poor Aquaman stuck in a dry land during the final battle. Hopefully his movie will be great later this year.
Great vid lol love the supreme kai shirt
Tell your friend to smile he's on camera and it's not the end of the world.
I'm just here to get some salt for my popcorn
Hahaha i love him at the right:D he’s sitting just like me through the video
They that's a dope MOS remix in the background.
warner bros got greedy to rush things up and get up on marvel. that was the biggest mistake. should have stuck w how snyder wanted it. man of steel 2, then slowly move along, have the ww movie, aquaman, etc, maybe then bvs, and then after jl.
should have had at least 1 movie of each solo character before bvs/jl. the inital program was good. then wb wanted to rush it. as someone else said. dc should have its own studio.
I agree and I think it was unnecessary to make a Batman vs Superman movie. Instead it could’ve been a World’s Finest movie. I would’ve replaced Cyborg with Green Lantern (John Stewart or Hal Jordan, preferably John) casting Jesse Einsberg as Lex was a big mistake. Honestly I would’ve added Martian Manhunter
I’m mad they jammed in the Death of Superman, the dead Jason Todd reference, Doomsday, Teaser of Justice League heroes, the introduction of Lex Luthor, and the Dark knight returns all in one movie. They really wasted a storyline that I think would’ve actually made people cry had they waited down the road and did it right. The death of Superman was supposed to have some type of emotional shock value but how can you do that when you were building up to the Justice League about to come out
I agree that it would've made more sense, story-wise, for Justice League to remain the two-parter it was originally planned as. Maybe my negative view of Batman v Superman would've been made more positive if I had a chance to grow with the characters a bit more and see how the pieces of the puzzle came together. The things that didn't make sense in BvS could've potentially been made to be strengths if a Justice League two-parter were executed competently.
So this is what it all has been leading up to.
On the subject of waiting too long to release a movie cause it ain’t a comic,Battle Chasers got delayed for years between issues 6,7,8 and 9 in the nineties BUT Joe Madureira has been working on issue 10,11,12 since 2016 cause we still want it after all those years..Waiting to have something worthwhile still happens man,check every crowdfunded project (especially in games,comics and animation projects).
Alaskan’s laughs seem so forced lol. I think he does it to get under his boy skin.
Sam Fisher exactly.
Yep... Getting kinda pathetic.
I feel like it would have been easier to glue a mustache on Henry Cavill instead.
I've been waiting for this reaction....
The problem with "current" dc is that the people writing, making and ok'ing these movies clearly do not understand the source material. They don't understand it and they don't care to. Which is sad because the desire for these movies is clearly there regardless of how bad the movies are they keep pumping out. If they weren't people wouldn't watch at all let alone get so upset. And the points you guys discussed about taking time with multiple movies being a bad thing.... How many years has batman been going strong in theatres now..??? People will be thrilled with more movies over many years so long as they don't suck. Just make good movies and we will happily watch!
They Should have Hans Zimmer Music for this Movie instead of Danny Elfman. Score didn't Sound right for this movie. :P
The score sounded all wrong 99 percent of the time. There were some tracks that sounded good on their own, and the Flash motif was pretty good. But overall, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, ELFMAN?
If i was Zack i would just leave . Like does DC have no respect ?? The man has problems with his family and your just gona kick him out and go after another director ??? That’s fucked up
WB not DC
Jordy Vonck I have this feeling that with WB shakeups and what I’ve seen from others defending Zack, especially with Patty Jenkins behind him, some sort of something is going to go his way. Maybe he gets a budget to finish some sort of cut of his own. Maybe he comes back in a few years and gets maybe a shot at doing a Lobo movie.
If you’ll notice what has gone on with the movies seen as troublesome, the studio meddled WAY more in the ones with more problems. Man of Steel, not much meddling because Nolan was there and had Snyder’s back. BvS has obviously meddling since we got the theatrical cut. Then the studio went crazy over Suicide Squad. They mostly left Patty Jenkins alone but then were all over Justice League trying to mold it into processed superhero food.
Trust your creatives. If you’re going to start filming JL two weeks after BvS comes out, you don’t have time to reactionary micromanage. You sure as hell don’t have time to redo about 1/4 the movie and WHY DID DANNY ELFMAN COME INTO THIS?
there is a 3 hour cut of Joss's version ( so 1 hour cut scenes) after the 3 hour version of the Snyder cut(Most of his movie reshoot/cut). B/c of those things u get a 300 million dollar movie.
I think this argument needs a part 2 lol
Lex Luthor's finally moved beyond real estate, but Zod and Steppenwolf haven't.
We need an extended cut is what we need.
Team DCsan.. with Snyders cut there would be at least a full trilogy that makes sense. WB dont know what they are doing. They fired Snyder and tried to finish the movie with a director whos style is completely different. Of course the finished product is a mess.. And the Aquaman movie? It's going to be good. Why? Because it's directed by one guy that knows how to direct.. unless someone from WB don't starts to cut.. ...looking at you BVS.
I really hope DC releases better movies from now on, whitout Snyder that is really possible now, just look at WW movie, an epic.
Maybe DC needs its own Studio, like marvel.
You do read opening credits don't you? Snyder co-wrote the story for Wonder Woman. So anyone complaining about Snyder's story telling is a hypocrite if they liked Wonder Woman but fail to see that he was a part of it's success.
Snyder's only "good" movie was Watchmen, period.
snyder co-wrote ww's story?? c'mon it was ripped off from CA:TFA
saurabh raj are u on meds or something.?
It’s like we all know the bad CGI mouth jokes are coming...but Akasan acts like it’s the 1st time he’s ever heard it.
where are the shot scenes of evil superman DC San is talking about?
I had the same phone cover then I saw the movie lol...
I liked Justice League. It made me cheer for the heroes but Steppenwolf was really underwhelming and I thought Batman was miswrote with the poorly timed cheesy jokes.
Now back to watching the video. Lol
batman is awful. Fat face dumb chin. The batman in arkham knight was perfect.
WebHead2099 I recommend seeing it and forming your own opinion. They left a lot out, I think that had o do with the change In directors.
dimkacracker I like Affleck as Batman. Just didn’t like the way he was wrote in some of the scenes in Justice League.
dimkacracker So are you saying they should CGI in a video game character?
BvS had plot holes and character issues. I feel like Snyder was trying to course correct those problem. Even after all the BvS issues, most people were curious and excited to get all those questions answered. But.... WB happened.
Will steve trevor's picture was shown in bvs.
you didnt put the video in the description, it just says "original video here:..."
Definitely Team DCsan , though business wise the Snyder Cut won't do any good , but story wise it would definitely be better.
The guy on the left knows how to react! (They're both good, but the left guy was funner to watch, for me anyway!) :)
I don't see why so many have such an issue with JL, the humor, and the decent CGI. I doubt it's that bad. The CGI was a little goofy, but only because it was a late addition to fix something that could have just been left alone or handled differently. The nightmare sequence with Flash from BvS is likely going to be used in the JL sequel. Not everything seen in the trailers will appear in the final film because trailers are made from the rough cuts of the film not the finished product. What's wrong with the orange based color palette? CGI is often used in place of green screen and standard costuming if the costumers can't get the costume to work properly or it doesn't look good on camera. On the CGI with Superman's face, I agree they could have just let Superman have a beard for one movie. He had one for half of MoS, so why couldn't he for JL? Or Paramount could have used a prosthetic stache for MI6 instead of being idiots and not letting him shave.
I would say given the approach DC took, since they did not want to to individual movies first then we needed a two part JL movie so they couod have taken a bit more time setting things up and building the story.
They did not need to do individual movies but the did not need to rush thing either.
This Movie will break the Cinema Sins counter like Fate of the Furious lol
This means studios have to stop splitting the fan base. Modifying expectations seems to be the normal operating procedure for established franchises. How often do studios want to reboot, do their own take or start over?
How they should’ve done the DCEU:
Man Of Steel
Wonder Woman
Justice League without Batman
The Flash
Man of Steel 2
Batman Vs Superman
Justice League 2
Suicide Squad
And so on.
I think they should’ve kept Batman out of the 1st phase due to how close it is to the Dark Knight series, he was just used to recently to reintroduce a whole new story. I think this could’ve helped, especially getting some actual build up to Justice League, use Cyborg like Hawkeye where he won’t get his own movie.
Great stuff bros hey do you guys think black panther was a little cheesy with cultural reference or WAS THEY OP
Did you guys see the deleted scene of Alfred talking to Superman ?
Superman should have stayed dead what's the point of having a team of superheroes when you have 1 guy who can do what they can buy better
Jamal Taylor specially to use the card of killing him only to bring him back the next movie. He should of been dead for awhile so he was missed
Steppenwolf specifically came because Superman was dead (and there are no Lanterns). That’s when the motherboxes awoke. It makes perfect sense in this movie. But other threats might be better prepared. Luthor knows what Kryptonite can do. His original plan was about two seconds from taking out Superman. You’ve also got Brainiac, Darkseid and others that are more powerful than Steppenwolf.
I think they should have tooken the MCU formula and introduced the main JL characters and then have Justice and have the teasers of a higher power
Dude on the right GETS IT! Akasan you hate so much homie lol
I really dont understand what dark knight returns version of batman is doing in justice league because even in the movie they themselves mentioned how old batman is and he could'nt keep doing this for long time .So it means that batman has a very short future in DCEU ?
ahahaha here we go again...(just started the video)
In your description you left a place to link the original video but did not actually include the link.
Heres my summery of Justice League. Justice League in my opinion its not a good or bad film, i thought it was in the middle, its was quite enjoyable even though it i could tell there were flaws in the film. One of the biggest flaws i found in the film was the tone of the film, you could tell it was directed by two people which made the film not so great. I think they should really make solo films cause people want to see characters be developed like marvel did however WB just see dollar signs which imo they will miss an absolute gem of a universe with so many great and unique characters but who knows
I’m with Akasan on this one,dcsan raises my bloodpressure too much with all the salt 😂 would have loved to hear the full conversation at the end
Akasan, I understand your opinion, that Zack Snyder should be over at this point. That's fine.
But... his vision wasn't completed, it was broken. WB & Joss Whedon made completely wrong choices after Zack Snyder stepped away, and the result is an incompitent movie, not a sequel to BvS, without a vision, with crappy graphics and CGI, incompitent characters, crappy and unneeded jokes, under 2 hours instead of 2:30.
In my eyes, WB and Whedon didn't show much respect to Snyder, to his fans, or to DC fans. The karma is a bitch, the film is the lowest grossing in the DCEU.
Say what you want about Zack Snyder, but his vision had to be completed, so he could go out peacefully. Instead we got this. I mean sure, WB reported, that Snyder's cut was "unwatchable", but after the movie comes out, WB states, that they knew their films would fail. Why would they change Snyder's cut to Whedon's, if they knew the film was a failure? In fact, why would they use Snyder's footage TO PROMOTE THE FUCKING MOVIE, IF HIS MOVIE IS UNWATCHABLE?! I really don't think Snyder would make his film purposly unwatchable. WB does not have a vision, they just wanna make money.
If you're taking a WB side, then.... sorry, but I feel ashamed of you, Akasan.
And if you think that Whedon's film is better that Snyder's supposed film, I am also ashamed of you. From your perspective, given that you're not Snyder's fan, the current movie is a different kind of bad, in no way it is better than Snyder's supposed film.
if anyone's gonna tell me, that I should appreciate the movie for what it is - FUCK OFF! Justice League should have been a masterpeace!
I'm on the logical business side of things. Coming from a side that doesn't care about the hardcore fan market, just turning a profit. WB saw how horrible BvS did and their long term investment in Synder was a terrible idea, they tried to turn it around as best a possible with Justice League in the middle of production. They weren't about to invest more in to a sinking ship. (Justice League Part 1 and 2) They best they could do was include more Wonder Woman, (their only winning character in the DCEU) a savage it with the Wheadon (Avengers) name, thinking he'd save the project. There's no way WB was keeping Synder on board for 2 more movies to "complete his vision" if the first one (MOS) was mixed, the second (BVS) was critically horrid and commercially failed. In this case Hardcore fandom doesn't matter because they don't make up the bulk of profits. Look at The Last Jedi, Most hardcore fans hate that movie, but it's still making money and successful to continue. Transformers, Fast and Furious etc. The point is, if the studio isn't getting the return investment they won't continue. That's the side I'm looking at and that's why Synder is gone.
I am sorry, but "logical" business side of things does NOT excuse the result we got. A visionless freak-of-a-movie.
Here is the thing about the success of Snyder films. I am aware, that WB has interfered with his work from the start. Like MoS, where a few scenes feel rushed in between.
The first big issue was BvS, because Zack Snyder intended to make a MoS2, but WB asked him to include Batman. The result is BvS, but I'd rather prefer MoS2 including Batman, relegating him to a supporting character. BvS (the full version) has its problems, mostly storytelling, but then there is WB, who want to establish the universe rather than tell a story, so they cut the film to 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the theatrical cut lost the plot, but at least we get the JL cameos. NOPE! I needed a story, not a rushed establishment. I think, if a few scenes were actually cut, and the story scenes were included, the film would have less critically damaged and more financialy successful. I mean yeah, storytelling problems would exist, but at least there would be a plot, and certainly a vision.
The Suicide Squad was.... so bad, that it is actually good. Like that kind of feeling. I enjoyed it. I think I liked the incusion of humour, because these characters are fairly new. David Ayer didn't give jokes to Batman and the Flash, so the first one remained consistent, and the second introduced himself really well. But we all know who interfered with his work.
You know, what they wanted to do with Wonder Woman? Cut the "No Man's Land" scene! They said, that it was unnessesary! Thanks to Jenkins, who let it stay. However the third act of this movie could have been something of mature, instead of... Ares.
And now the JL, where WB used Snyder's tragedy to include Joss Whedon. All these characters, who I came to know from BvS, are now completely different (that is if you look at Whedon's movie, because I find it hard to find a Snyder footage in this). I explained the whole mess in the first message anyway.
If you think, that Snyder movies are a sinking ship, look at some bloggers. They say, that at first they didn't like BvS, but then they loved it, that is acknowloging its problems. And now some of them try to rescore JL clips with Zimmer's music, because Danny Elfman was lazy, and revisualize close to Snyder's version. The fans didn't think it was a SINKING ship. Its the fans, the audince, who go out in the cinema, invest their money to watch the movie.
Including more Wonder Woman was a questionable move, because her scenes were not action for the most part, and the new characters were not freshed out. This is not the movie about WW, this is the formation of the League, where everyone should be equal in time of portrayal.
If they wanted to fire Snyder, they needed to fire him BEFORE the JL. But the thing is, WB has messed up themselves, and don't want to acknowlodge it. So remaking the movie with Whedon caused them more money to spend, and the result is more money lost. So what they should have done is to let Snyder finish his job - the movie would have been more consistent, and contained all these deleted scenes, which were cut and will never make to the extended cut. Yeah, they won't.
Those trailers mostly contained Snyder's footage. Imagine my dissapointment, when I saw something completely different, and wrong. Now imagine the audience's reaction. It's the same - they won't return and they will tell their friends, that the movie is fucked up.
MarkMedia Channel yeah fuck Snyder. And fake fake dc fans who support him. 😎✌
panthergod grow a spine and answer why shouldn't I like Snyder?
How we get a completed Story When WB first cuts BVS and then Justice League Snyder got 2 times fucked
Just to think how the ruined the Cyborg's character potential. Talking about his humanity vs machinery, and a good transitional character to establish the Teen Titans into getting their own solo movie. Man.... sigh..
Jeez on better things can not wait for the first two dlc fighters for db fighterz
*I never gave a fuck about Snyder's Cut & I'm ok with never EVER seeing it*
Havent watch the video yet and already know DC San is going to be upset lol
How jl should had went as 2 part movie , 1 movie history of stephenwolf with darkseid as a cameo and fighting everyone then show the present as how world deal with no superman , than how parademon start showing up then show every league individually and then stsphen wolf appear and declare war similar to zod in every tv , wonderwoman and batman meet up and then halfway movie they all fight parademon individually . stephen wolf discover superman corpse and ressurect him and mind control him, then big fight sequence between league and black suit superman then batman sent flash in time to warn everyone about superman and they stop hi. Turning him good fight stephen wolf bam. End credit scene darkseid appear to earth and a whole lot of parademon. End pt1 part 2 how the world is full of parademon and everyone got kidnapped so more darkseid destruction now every league cleaning up every mess than add on gl orgin to the mix every league member dis part into helping their own location with finding out the weakness of parademon than league unite with an army of atlantean and amazonians and earthlings on an all out war and batman found out the boom tube from cyborg and they fight darkseid sending him back to apocolypse the end . end credit scene luthor and deathstroke forming league of villians
Justice league surprised me it wasn't amazing but it wasn't horrible either and in my opinion it was better than bvs and suicide squad combined. Side note I completely fanboyed at the end when cyborg said booya. Also Jesse Eisenberg (guess that's how you spell his name) should be Riddler or the mad hatter because the way he "portrays" lex Luthor reminds me of those characters and I think he would thrive in those roles because he's kinda already doing it with lex, that's just one of the things that I think could fix the dcu. And I'm intrigued by the deathstroke scene, and wanna see where that leads, although I'm a marvel fan at heart I'm not giving up on dc there is still hope.
What's really terrible is that real Batman fans know he never smiles and that is such a distinct trademark of his character that people can tell its not Batman but Nightwing if he smiles. And yet this guy smiles two or three times
even when joking, Batman never smile xD
He's was smiling for decades.. But ok.
Love JUSTICE LEAGUE (2017) and it's way better than several bland and overcrowded MCU films any day of the week. 💥
Oh , don't be so jealous . N also don't insult MCU by comparing it to DC .
Salty is back
i personally really enjoyed Justice League-it's not a good film in any shape or form- but you can't really judge a film that has been directed by two directors and was really incomplete
Um yes you can judge
noop, you can only judge 2 of 3 movies from 1 story
cause the last one is not exist yet
Whose fault is that for releasing it like that ? WB right? They thought it was complete
Yes you really can. You want me to pay for your incomplete crap? No thank you!
Who’s all waiting for that everything wrong with justice league from cinema sins?
*Im glad there's no Snyder Cut*
The DCEU just needs to sadly stop, they need to rethink things and take time, maybe years, and find out REALLY what the problem is. Their movies are not translating to the general public at all, not counting wonder woman, but this is just so damn sad. movie after movie sucks! even tho i liked BVS but even that movie is a mess
I love the DCEU but dammit some people have to admit it can be better and it should’ve been better. They should’ve released Batman: the red hood in 2015 followed by Batman v Superman and Wonder Woman in 2016, a lower budget Joker origin film with solo The Flash and Aquaman films in 2017 and finally a lower budget Cyborg film before a Justice League film which releases in July on the 10th anniversary of The Dark Knight.
People wouldn't get use to them because they didn't like the characters already. That's why they put more Wonder Woman, the one fans liked. On another video I had the thought that they should just do a version of Reign of the Supermen. Finish the Doomsday story. Have Steel and Superboy and maybe even Eradicator in the background (news reports). Make the villain Hank Henshaw. Say he was in the rocket capsule that Superman saved in BvS. Instead of having the world get worse because Superman isn't there, have heroes appear because of the hope Superman inspired. Save Darkseid for later. Don't try to get to him before Marvel gets to Thanos. Marvel is already winning. DC needs to stop rushing to catch up because it hurts them more.
And about Justice League: War. Yes! That movie was pretty much the sequel to Man of Steel. And it was only about an hour and a half. More could have been added to it. And I like the idea that the characters don't go recruiting each other, but show up to the party to stop things from happening and end up teaming up. Growing the group little by little.
Akasan and Excusesan
How would you explain the beard??His hair doesnt grow but his beard would have??How?? And where are those posts Dcsan?Only saw the black suit scene and the storyboards but i haven’t heard anything from industry people like John Schnepp at Collider here on youtube.He’s the director of “the death of superman lives” or whatever its called,it was supposed to be the Death of Superman movie,with Nicolas Cage as Superman.
Akasan seems drunk af 😂😂😂 also how come I've never seen him as hyped and nerding iut fir a dc film trailer like he is for a marvel trailer? And yet he claims ti be a dc giy
Maybe because he isn't enjoying the DC films as much as the Marvel films, despites liking the DC comics and universe more?
So bottom line, us DC fans got fucked. Thanks much WB.
Must there be a Snyder cut?
There is.
Yes, Justice League had allot of probs that get pointed to in Honest Trailers, but at the end of the day, I enjoyed it a whole lot more than the last Star Wars film, which bored me shitless!
And as much as I would luv to see Flashpoint on the big screen, if Ezra Miller is still cast as the Flash then I will have to pass as he was the 'Jar Jar Binks' of the JL film!
Here is what should’ve happened:
Superman movie
Batman movie
B/S World’s Finest Movie
Wonder Woman movie
Aquaman movie
Flash movie
Justice League movie
I mean DC and Marvel have been ripping each other off for decades. So why is movie making mutually exclusive about this? You can’t do it any other way.
i feel like the trinity in particular can benefit from more than one movie each before a team-up appearance, but your order would be much better than what we got regardless.
I'm on DCsan side now. That's a first. Some of the scenes doesn't make any sense because they're trying to separate JL to BVS. It turned out to be good though. They need to move away from BVS cuz we all know that movie was not critically acclaimed. Terrible I guess. The JL movie is good. Worth watching. Not that great because we are expecting more from but I least I think DC is on the right track now.
Lol, you actually believe the bullshit you're saying?
At 4:12
The average movie goers don't care about this universe.
Geoff Johns is the savior of the DCU