Ooooh yes loved the Tad/Brooke scenes. Tad's return story was the best return arc in my AMC viewing history from March/1991 to September/2011. Great soapy material
This is just trivia on my part, but wow at the fact this didn't have a sponsor tag in the beginning. This era on ABC, the hour soaps rarely had a day when you didn't have an announcer saying a sponsor. So to see this is a rarity.
Ooooh yes loved the Tad/Brooke scenes. Tad's return story was the best return arc in my AMC viewing history from March/1991 to September/2011. Great soapy material
This is just trivia on my part, but wow at the fact this didn't have a sponsor tag in the beginning. This era on ABC, the hour soaps rarely had a day when you didn't have an announcer saying a sponsor. So to see this is a rarity.
The amnesia story was hilarious.