"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
I attended both parts via TV and was really great educational and helpful. The training was great in terms of content, metaphor, presentation and understandability. The content and presentation realistically captured the complex fact on ground. If the participants are able to walk the talked really great change will come in soon. I hope genuine and monitoring and evaluation will follow for it's actual implementation, avoid willful ignorance, dissonance and over come trend of business as usual.
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
Now it seems that the season has comes to say Ethiopia, Ethiopia … bro! What kind of wind you are? When you talk like this before,do you for how many friends share it ? Thousands! Now , I laugh by your nonsense talk
Dr abye youre Name is warlde Greatest
የዳዊት አምላክ ካንተ ጋር ሆኖ ያስጀመረህን ያስጨርስህ ተባረክ
የእኔ ድንቅ መሪ ዶክተር አብይ ተባረክልኝ ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
May God bless The greatest leader ever! Dr Abiyeye!
We appreciate and respect you!!!
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
Courageous, loving, forgiving, unifying, progressive leader Dr Abiye!!
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
Very intelligent, full of wisdom! God fearing! Honest, hard working, unselfish, trustworthy leader of the Year!!!!!!!
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
አቢቹዬ ድንቅ መሪ
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤namaste namaste ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤o
❤የኢትዮጲያን አንድነት ለማስጠበቅ የጋራ ማንነት እንዲኖራት ተግቶ የሚሰራ እንደ እርሶ አይነት ጠንካራና ሀገር ወዳድ መሪ ፈጣሪ ስለ ሰጠን እድለኛች ነን❤።
Yes u are Rite absultely wedono
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
You are brilliant. What is wrong if all the dears who hear you think like you? I very much appreciate you, PM Abiy Ahmed (Dr.).
God bless this man. What we can say.. we ethiopian ofcourse appreciate things after vanished
we LOVE YOU❤❤❤❤❤
Let's all pray to walk his talk and stop externalizing shortcomings!
ጌታ ከአንተ ጋር ይሁን ተባርክህ❤❤
I attended both parts via TV and was really great educational and helpful. The training was great in terms of content, metaphor, presentation and understandability. The content and presentation realistically captured the complex fact on ground.
If the participants are able to walk the talked really great change will come in soon.
I hope genuine and monitoring and evaluation will follow for it's actual implementation, avoid willful ignorance, dissonance and over come trend of business as usual.
"You must have a world record in blind loyalty. It's truly impressive how you can follow someone without any thought or questioning. It's like you're programmed to be a mindless follower, without a shred of independent thinking. Congratulations on being the poster child for sheer ignorance."
Dear all! This is all we need for the country's best future. The question is only on its practical application.
Appreciate his efforts to import best practices of the World and assure him to grant my full coopetation.
ድንቅ አስተማሪ የእኔ መሪ ዶክተር አብይ አመሠግናለሁ 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Visionary leader!!!!!❤
ኣቢ ዑቡድ ከልቢ ሓሳዊ ኢካ ያኣክለካ ምድንጋር
What if the PMs office releases the 2 presentation slides in pdf to the executors as well as to all the public for use as a reference and Directive.
Amusing explanation thank you Abichu
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ይባርክህ !!
ሀሰብህ ሀሰበችን ወለሂ ለልጆቸችን
መሰብ አለብን ሰለም ይዉረድ
ወጠቶች ነቃ በሉ ሁሉም ሀገር
ሰርቶ ነዉ የተለወጣዉ ከሰመይ
አብቹ በርታ ፋጣር ከተጋ ህዉን
እኔ ምለው ዬኒቨርስቲ እራሡ እንዳንተ አያስተምሩም
Nurelen Gegenachen ❤
ብልጽግና መጠገን ይችላል?
Hooggansuma hanna keessa harka qabdu jabaannee has casinu Male waanyo essay hin geechu si faana Kira jabaadhu
አገልጋይ ና ስልጡን ስብል
አቢቹዬ i will go with u far. promise
አቢቹ ድንቅ መሪ
Wwwwwwwwwwwwe eyalech new Ethiopia bante
ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አብይ አህመድ ለሀገራቸዉን ፈጣን እድገት እያመጡ ስለሆነ ልክ እንደ ቻይናዉ ፕሬዘዳንት እሳቸዉም የእድሜ ልክ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ቢሆኑ የሀገራችንን የልመናን ካባ ያወልቁልን ነበር
Are baki cirashi talamino yemisat tefa besu gize hizbun rab carasew
Please listen to the complete presentation in order to observe the paradigm shift in our local politics which was really nonsense.
ባህርዳር ጅጅጋ አዋሳ አዳማ.........።
የአማራ ደም ደሜ ነው ከደቡብ 💚💛❤️💪
አይሻልህም ከአዲግራት
ትምርቱ ገብቶሀል ማለት ነዉ
There is not blood called Amhara. We are all Ethiopian do not divide Ethiopia
የአማራ የራሱ ደም ነው ከደቡብ
አይ ባጠቃላይ የሰዉ ደም ደሜ ነዉ
ገና ሶስት አመት አለክ ጨረስኮቹ በለና ስንት ሰዉ ይቀራል እስከዛ ማለቴ ተገብሮ ለሴጣን እግዚኦ ተበጠረቀ
ካንተ በላይ ጊንጥ ማን ይኖራል?
እንዳንተ አይነት ወሻላ ነው ጊንጥ
@@ቆንጆኢትዮጲያ ወነደ ገረድ ጥንብ ጋላ
PM Abyi please don't say "Ismaloch", say "Muslimoch".Islam is the religion while Muslims are the Followers.
ወግ አታጥብቅ
@@ዋሰ sehetet setayi Marem wog matbek ayidelm
ወግ ማጥበቅና ሰህተት ለይተህ እወቅ ለምሳሌ ሁላችንም አየር መንገድ እንላለን ግን በሰማይ ላይ መንገድ የለም ብሎ መከራከር ወግ ማጥበቅ ይባላል ሰተትም ሆኖ ብዙ ሰዎች የተቀበሉትን አባባል እንደሰህተት አትቆጥረዉም ለምን እንደማህረተሰብ ያግባባናልና ነዉ
ግን አማርኛ ፈተና ላይ ዜና ሲነበብ አማርኛ ተሰተካክሎ መነገር ካለበት የዛን ግዜ ማሰተካከል ትችላለህ
ይህን ወግ ማጥበቅ የምቃወምህ ለመቃወም ብዬ አይደለም በደርግ ዘመን ኢሐፓዎች እናሸንፋለን ይላሉ፤ ላብ አደር ይላሉ ደርጎች ደግሞ እናሸንፋለን ይላሉ ፤ ወዛደር ይላሉ። ታድያ ምን ችግር አለዉ ትል ይሆናል በዚህ የቃላት ልዩነት ወንድማማቾች እንደተገዳደሉ ታቃለሀ ?
በተረፈ ዛሬ ቃላቶችን ልናሰተካክል ሳይሆን ታላቅ መልክት ነዉ ያሰተላለፈዉ እሱ ላይ አትኩር
oneg sheny Bank Eyzerfe ante sentu deha terbo kuslun eyakek 10 BILLYON betemengst tgenebalh blshwena gubo lebnet balebet Ager Hbtam Hager meat weha wenz meadn yalat endante aynet ngusu yza edmy lek wegya rehab sdet tornet mot lemena Erdata atafrm mercha sikerb wegya mesbek ye Sew Stfeleg yanten matat ale leba neh welawy kehady
ዝም ብሎ የተፃፈልክን የውጭ መፀሐፍ ትርጉም ማንበብ ዳቦ እንጀራ አሆንም። ባታወራ ይመረጣል። የአዲስ አበባ ህጋዊ ደሐዋች እየፈጠርክ እያልክ, አዲስ አበባ ኬኛ እያልክ, ስለ አርበኛነት ማውራት ከወሬ በቀር ውሐ አይቆጥርም።
በምኞት ነው የምትኖረው
Erdatana lemena le buzu zemenat yelemede mengst be rasu komo liwesn aychlem yemetaw ylkewal endante aynet welaway betely Tew Tew Tew tenkolhn Tew erash lay ymetal ngusu Tew
Gender blind speech
ግን ሁሌ አንድ መምህር ተማሪው አሰለቸውም እንዴ?
ሀሳብ ያላቸውንማ አሰርክ፣ተመልሰህ በሀሳብ አሸንፍ ትላለህ ፣ግራ ነገር ነህ
ታላቁ ዲስኩር😂😂
ስራ ፈት እንዳንተ አይነት ቂጣም ቂጣ አፍ
@@ቆንጆኢትዮጲያ የግም እምስ ልጅ
@@ቆንጆኢትዮጲያpapa ay ewket
Esti mariyemin bal😅
Ye dedeboch timirt bet
Bal ewket ke honek lemen tayachwalh antn endaydedebu 😂😂😂
@@eliasaskme. Gash be yesus sim zim bel harsbashantarambarara
@@Kevinsolomon2050 manew anten feto yelqeqben.....af sikeft chenqelat yetayal ALU....
@@eliasaskme gala maser enji meftat yet yawkal
@@Kevinsolomon2050 akessiiiiiiii
Gibrinaw bizemin lemisale ihadeg siyaderg indeneberew and le amist yemilewin and le15 or le 20 bemil aderajito maselten sile alem gibrina yadegut Hager bemelak maletim seltinew lemaselten biku yehonu temertew melak lesiltena behedubet wekit betechemari ke inbasiwochachin gar Begara ina beteleye huneta investeroch hagerachin lay invest indiadergu yemasamen bikat yalachew indihum silehagerachin beki iwket seto turistochin indet mesab indalebachew beki iwket seto gibrinaw lay alem min iyeserach new yemilewin keteredu bihuala metew mengist demo alem lay yemigengu tilalik yetirakter fabrikawochin bematinat gibi'atu kale gibi'atun benetsa tetekmew berikash le hagerew yeseletene gebere amiritew indiyakerbu gibi'atu kelele megetatemia indikeftu meret seto hagerachin wist indigetatem maschal infilationinim yagizal kezan emama ETHIOPIYAYE beseletene gabere ina beseletene Berea Inkuan irasuan alemin inde rusia timegibalech kebizu tikitun ater adrigew new............thank you Berta boss
የአመራ ወጠቶች ኢስት በስረ በሰለም
ሙግቱት ከዘም ኢነንተ ከተሸለቹህ
በምርጫ መጠል ይቸለል
ከመሰረ ይሸለል ኢነቶችን አተሰቀዩ
አንተ አውራ ካድሬዎችን ሰብስበህ ኢትዮጵያ ቤተመንግስት ነው የምትመስልህ አደል
Copy paste, plagiarism. Learn how to quote others work. Every thing you said is not your work. Echo !!!!
Ante ebab meseri.....dedeb
አይ አብቹ ታስቂኛለሽ ምርጥ አጭቤኮነሽ ሞላጫ 😂😂😂 ሌባ አንተን ብሎ መሪ በይ አሁን ፋኖ እየመጣነው ምንጣፍ አንጥፈሽ ጠብቂው
Yet ders bro ????
Anchi damo buna aflii
Bulshit / Nonsense.....
Now it seems that the season has comes to say Ethiopia, Ethiopia … bro!
What kind of wind you are?
When you talk like this before,do you for how many friends share it ? Thousands!
Now , I laugh by your nonsense talk
ደም መጣጭ ሂትለር እዚህ ምድር ሳትጠፋ ሰላም የለም እና አትድከም እሺ! ይህ ነፈዝ ተወካይ ነፈዝ ሲል ነፈዝ እያሉ ማስታወሻ ይይዛሉ ። አይገርሙም!
አፈ ቂቤ ሆደ ጩቤ
ሆዱን አይተሃል ግም አፍ
@Ros-om3pz አንቺ ጋላ ጥንባታም ሀጠራው ባእድ አምላኪ ዛፍ ለቅላቂ ምን አባሽ አገባሽ
@@ቆንጆኢትዮጲያHow many dollars Abiey Ahamed paid to you ??? Best cadree
ተረት ተረት
ምን ይገባዋል እንዳንተ አይነቱ ንፍጥ እራስ ተረት ሆነህ የቀረህ ገብተህ በቻ የምትወጣ
የተረት ተረት አስተማሪው 😂😂😂
ቅዳዳ ትቅደዳልህ ሊባ
ኤንባሲ ።።ውስጥ።።ያሉ።።ኮሚኒቲ።።ሰራተኞች።።በሙሉ።የአንድ።ብሄርና።እምነት።።ብቻ።።በጠበጡን።።።ኢትዪጲያ።የኦርቴዶክስ።።ብቻ።ሀገር።ናት።።እያሉን።።እይበጥብጡን
ደደብ ወሬ ብቻ ሰው እየለቃ ዪቅበጥረል
ደደብስ አንተነህ ምንም ለሀገር ጠብ የማታደርግ ።
ድንጋይ ነህ ሰው ሳይሆን ባንዳ ነው የሞተው
@@ቆንጆኢትዮጲያ የጥንባታም ልጅ ጋላ መሀይም ቦቲአም
ለመሆኑ ስለ አማራው ክልል አለመረጋጋት ጦርነቱ ከተጀመረ አንድም ቀን አውርተው ያውቃሉ? ካልሆነ ለምን? ታቅዶበት እየተሰራ ያለ ወንጀል ካልሆነ በስተቀር ቅድሚያ ሊሰጠው የሚገባ ጉዳይ ነበር ::
Dedeb were becha
እኔን ያስቀባጥረኝ! አሁን አንተን ፍርድ ቤት ነው።
እሚቀባጥረው ሌላ እመሬት ላይ ያለው ሀቅ ሌላ ወሬ ብቻ
እኔ የሚገርመኝ የአብይ አሽከሮች ልጆቻቸው ምን ይሏቸው ይሆን ቁጭ ብለው ይሄ ወጠጤ ሲሞልጫቸው አይ ሆድ መውደድ
አመለጠህ አሁን ያንተ ንግግር ለእኛ ለኢትዮጵያውያን ተራ ነጠላ ዜማ ሆኗል አንዴ ተሰምቶ ድራሹ የሚጠፋ ማለት ነው ቡፋ ነህ
ዛሬ ሃገራችን ላይ ንጽህና በዶሮን በታንክ
እየተደበደቡ ነው በዚህ የአይምሮ በሽተኛ 😢
ጠመንጃ መያዝ ያለበት መንግስት ብቻ ነው።አለበለዚያ የወያኔ እጣ ለሁሉም ይደርሰዋል።
24 አመት በኋላ?ብልጽግና! የህልም እንጀራ ፣ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለንም አባቱ አትለፍልፍ? ኢትዮጵያን ቀቅለህ ብላት።