I discovered how to use logic analyzer a few days ago after many tries and searches. Thanks for sharing. Especially pointer approach would be very useful.
If you download the code and run it on the board, the graph is automatically plotted in the logic analyzer. I don't understand what you mean by "stable". Is your output unstable?
sir for stm32f401re , the normal code HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_5,1); HAL_Delay(500); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_5,0); HAL_Delay(500); pin pb3 = swo, pa14 = tck and pa13 = tms , what variable name should i give in the current logic analyser window
Yes, if I monitor two or more variables, I got the same error. One variable would be fine. I guess the communication between the board and PC is not fast enough.
I discovered how to use logic analyzer a few days ago after many tries and searches. Thanks for sharing. Especially pointer approach would be very useful.
How did u make the graph stable (freeze) in logic analyser( from 6:30 to 6:40)
If you download the code and run it on the board, the graph is automatically plotted in the logic analyzer. I don't understand what you mean by "stable". Is your output unstable?
sir for stm32f401re , the normal code HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_5,1);
pin pb3 = swo, pa14 = tck and pa13 = tms , what variable name should i give in the current logic analyser window
Thanks for tutorials, I will save and watch them later
Hope you enjoy!
This feature I can you with USB ST-Link or must use SWD connecter with ST-Link. Thanks!
USB ST-LInk uses Serial Wire (SW) protocol. I think both should work.
How do you set a global variable to f.e. GPIODATA for reading a PWM Signal? The IDE tells me it is not a compile-time constant.
You can directly use any global variable, such as GPIOA->ODR, making sure to setting the mask and shift to make your data easier to view.
Thanks for tutorial. I connect the swo. But I get the "Trace: sw buffer overrun" error.
Yes, if I monitor two or more variables, I got the same error. One variable would be fine. I guess the communication between the board and PC is not fast enough.
Thanks for this video !
My pleasure!