The show was originally on Pluto TV. Now that the contract with the distribution company has expired, I can post these on TH-cam. Three's still a couple more episodes coming.
Friday mornings about 9 everybody gathers at Newcomes Ranch on the Crest by the tunnels....Crest is a dangerous road. i like going up but not down. People drive too fast.
Another great road trip until the end did not expect the passing of Derek. RIP
What happened to Derek Tantisalidchai?
Why are we just seeing these videos now John?
The show was originally on Pluto TV. Now that the contract with the distribution company has expired, I can post these on TH-cam. Three's still a couple more episodes coming.
Yes, what happend to Derek? Also, what happened to the white rs that went over the cliff? Were they able to rebuild it?
Sadly, we lost Derek back 2019. We don't know what ever happened to the RS after the insurance company paid it out.
Friday mornings about 9 everybody gathers at Newcomes Ranch on the Crest by the tunnels....Crest is a dangerous road. i like going up but not down. People drive too fast.
Benn there for that many times including last weekend. Did you see the wrecked Vette just down the hill?
Porsche is the top crashed car brand on Angeles.
I wouldn't be surprised if that were true, but do you have a source for that claim?
Tell your Porsche buddies to stop parking on open roads
@@MossMini Wow, that guy ain't our buddy lol. Real question. Do you think more bikes crash than Porsches or vice versa?