I received mine yesterday, but it wasn't obvious to me how to calibrate them. Turns out the link to the calibration tool was included in my shipping email. I was initially concerned because one of the guns was vertically way off. But after calibrating it was near perfect. Othwerwise they were super easy to set up. Build quality is nice and the recoil is beefy. Very impressed.
I got Armory Vault pack today. The built quality on both the Reaper Pro and MX24 are very very impressive. 100% the best quality to value in the market.
i order mine on nov 19 but i still waiting for a confirmation or something i send a email today to see what is going on I'm in oklahoma hopefully they send me the tracking or something tomorrow
I ordered on the 16th November 2024. It shipped from China Guangzhou on the 11th December I only got the tracking number through email from retroshooter on the early morning 13th December lol
Also had mine for a bit now but haven't even unboxed yet, need to build the entire cabinet and pc for them first😆
I live in Korea and am waiting for this product. I ordered the RS3 Reaper Kit on November 27th.
They told me they are currently shipping 200 units a day, so it looks like they are coming quick and fast.
I received mine yesterday, but it wasn't obvious to me how to calibrate them. Turns out the link to the calibration tool was included in my shipping email. I was initially concerned because one of the guns was vertically way off. But after calibrating it was near perfect. Othwerwise they were super easy to set up. Build quality is nice and the recoil is beefy. Very impressed.
Nice that you received your order.
Thanks for the video. I just badgered them today to see if it had shipped yet. Great to see they are getting them out.
I got Armory Vault pack today. The built quality on both the Reaper Pro and MX24 are very very impressive. 100% the best quality to value in the market.
Very excited for my guns to arrive! Coming next week hopefully
look very smooth, cant wait to order mine.
I hope mine is shipping soon, ordered on 17th of November
I ordered on the 16th November 2024.
I ordered in the 20th Nov and got my shipping note yesterday. ETA is Wednesday.
i order mine on nov 19 but i still waiting for a confirmation or something i send a email today to see what is going on I'm in oklahoma hopefully they send me the tracking or something tomorrow
When did you order yours?
I ordered on the 16th November 2024. It shipped from China Guangzhou on the 11th December I only got the tracking number through email from retroshooter on the early morning 13th December lol