Carnegie challenged Napoleon Hill to not only equal his achievements, but to surpass them. Carnegie told Hill to repeat an affirmation morning and night for 30 days (to reprogram his mind). Half way through Hill said maybe it could happen, by the end of the month he said it would happen. Thinking is part of the law of attraction, another part (that's not always talked about) is action, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful people and distilled their knowledge into books.
Carnegie challenged Napoleon Hill to not only equal his achievements, but to surpass them. Carnegie told Hill to repeat an affirmation morning and night for 30 days (to reprogram his mind). Half way through Hill said maybe it could happen, by the end of the month he said it would happen. Thinking is part of the law of attraction, another part (that's not always talked about) is action, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful people and distilled their knowledge into books.