True, if I was OP I would've immediately as soon as the information came out said "Okay Step-dad I'm giving you two options, you can either sit the fuck down and shut up and stop being a a massive fucking prick, or pack your shit and leave the house. Refusal to do either and I will be calling the cops"
Clearly, the mother has great taste in men.
OP is spineless to not kick the stepdad out, or at the very least demand rent from him.
Red flag
True, if I was OP I would've immediately as soon as the information came out said "Okay Step-dad I'm giving you two options, you can either sit the fuck down and shut up and stop being a a massive fucking prick, or pack your shit and leave the house. Refusal to do either and I will be calling the cops"
He should've turned around to his mom and step dad and said, "You have two days to move out. It'll be good for you."
So the mother married a impotent?
What? How dare he,he didn't tell his step dad to pay rent for the house?
Nah, i wouldve told the Stepdad he had until this Afternoon.
I wonder if the dad had plans to make the house on his name,by kicking the boy out to manipulate the mom to give the house to him
How stupid do they think the readers are. When you told him you owned the house,did his face turn pale?
Sorry, i lost the will to live and had to stop listening