O que mais me impressionou, sem bairrismo ou falsidade ideológica, foi ver Heitor tocar como um virtuose do violão capaz de superar todos os demais que assim são denominados. Absolutamente pungente e capaz de me surpreender.
Players should listen to the wonderful rhythmic integrity of his phrasing and also to the portamento connections between certain melody notes, swooping up on the same string. Most ignore this and finger those notes on adjacent strings (possibly for convenience). But the effect is not the same. Wonderful HVL. It's so good to have this historic document.
Despite the poor audio quality, this sounds so beautiful and musical...I've played this piece for the past two years and I think this is just the way it should be played...forget the John Williams, Christopher Parkening and Julian Brean versions...this version is simply soul stirring :)
@@jacoobardo7764 he plays prelude no.1 too fast in my opinion. Marcin Dylla (my fav interpretation) takes more care to give each note a precise texture, and his tempo changes are very exciting. Beautiful dynamics throughout but especially in the 3rd prelude. Santos also accomplishes a very full sound in his 3rd prelude, but structurally I feel it is not as lyrical as Dylla's. To each their own, though. One of those special pieces so many have played and which people connect with in their own way. Here's the link to Dylla if you haven't seen, in which case I highly recommend: th-cam.com/video/2x0cxSoTYBU/w-d-xo.html
Every one plays the second section faster, louder, making it always feel like a different piece to me. Where as Villa-lobos softy plays in a more melancholy way. Bravo
Can you imagine if we could listen to Bach or Mozart playing their own compositions? These recordings are precious. But, the great composers will always take the hearts and souls of the best players. I believe that Maestro Villa-Lobos would appreciate all the passion and reasoning that Williams, Parkening and above all, Bream, have given to his unorthodox, beautiful and time-lasting approach to the guitar. Yes, this version by the composer himself touches our souls and it became my ultimate reference BUT, fortunately, we cannot prevent future guitar players to fall in love with Villa-Lobos and to create their own visions. It simply means that his music is alive. 100 years later, right?
@@alvaronunesdesousa878 Yes, excellent point. Every great artist does their own unique interpretation of the great compositions - that's one of the things that makes them great. And on reflection, I shouldn't have stated "forget the John Williams, Christopher Parkening and Julian Bream versions"...those versions are, of course, absolutely brilliant.
Olá, esta gravação está no álbum SCSH 010 Villa-Lobos plays Villa-Lobos, da gravadora Sanctus Recordings. Não possuo o encarte, pois adquiri esse album pela internet, mas creio que há nele mais informações sobre as gravações. Caso queira comprar o álbum, basta entrar no website do selo. É fácil de achá-lo digitando 'Sanctus Recordings' no Google.
Few guitarists play the passage at 1:30 correctly, although it's definitely clearly written in the score. I can't understand why: the way Villalobos plays it is so much more beautiful! The uninterrupted melodic line makes much more sense, and the accompanying top notes B and G, corruptly placed, drive the phrase so much more
Villa-Lobos admirável, mistério decodificando o Brasil em toda sua plenitude e vastidão, eco recriando exatidões, ressurgimentos, impactos sutis em nossas almas. Nele, o tempo e a música convivem profundamente, reconstroem nossos veios e abrangências, impulsionam o espírito a se expandir cada vez mais, a se reencontrar humilde e transformador, luz nos olhos das crianças.
13 ปีที่แล้ว +11
Thank you Villa-Lobos, to bring us so great music and inspiration, to grow as musicians, as human beings.
This is a true, authentic rendition. It's like rediscovering this music after it has been totally denatured by non historically informed interpreters. Thanks for this precious document.
Maravilhosa a Obra Musical de Heitor Villa-Lobos escrita para o violão. E poder ouvir o Prelúdio nº 1 interpretado pelo próprio compositor é uma maravilha.
Después de haber escuchado decenas de versiones a velocidades estelares...¡Qué emoción escuchar al MAESTRO ejecutando su creación desde la simpleza del alma! Quisiera encontrar algunos de los otros preludios interpretados por él!
Realmente e ele,e o cara era um genio.Muitos o chamavam de louco(aqui no Brasil),porque nao conseguiam executar suas composicoes com a precisao,andamento,dinamica,etc. que ele desejava ouvir e preferiam dizer que as composicoes nao eram boas o suficiente.Mas a verdade prevalece ate os dias de hoje!
For everybody that doesn't believe its the Maestro himself, this is a recording from 1940. The Choros no 1 is from 1920. There is a cd from SanCtus indeed with these recordings, where he plays alsopiano with the soprano Beate Rosenkreutzer.
Cara, não conheço outros compositores além do João carlos, e acho que nem é compositor Pelo que sei villa lobos é um dos únicos conhecidos mundialmente (compositor) Se puder me passar alguns aí então ... Não sei muito sobre música clássica brasileira mesmo, nem sei porque comentei isso Aliás, quando tu responder vou até apagar meu comentário Abraço
Valuable archive - illuminating to hear the different nuances compared to the more popular renditions, as great as they are (Bream...). An exemplary piece demonstrating the possibilities of the vertical use of melody and harmony in composition - remarkable piece, especially construction-wise.
Claro.. .. Solo el sabia cómo..... Mil detalles repartidos ennuna gran estructura que terminan sumergiendo al oyente en un profundo valle imposible de escapar..... 🏆💯🥇
O Villa-Lobos, antes de tudo, era heterodoxo, em suas interpretacões e composições. Como ele não vinha duma tradição metódico e consolidada, ele teve que inventar coisas. No repertório violonístico, você vê isso claramente; as invencões de Villa. O gênio é aquele que encontra a plenitude num vazio.
You heard the story from early Paris; young V-L and Segovia at the same party, not knowing each other yet. Segovia going on about this BRA guy's waltz that's impossible to play. Then, all of a sudden, guitar playing in the room next door, coming from Segovias own Ramirez. Segovia: WHAT ARE YOU DOING; KILLING MY GUITAR; GIVE IT BACK AT ONCE. The sturdy player with the fat cigar: Yeah, but first I'll be teaching you have to play my waltz! Looool.
@brtherjohn it's very possible, Ponce's compositions also were edited, some years ago Miguel Alcazar published a book containing the scores based on the originals and they are very different from the publications from schotts
Ola,se nao me engano,vc consegue algum material do Villa ao violao,inclusive em CD,na Pop Music(galeria da Teodoro Sampaio em SP),ou no proprio Museu Villa Lobos no RJ.Sao raras,mas nao impossiveis de se achar.Realmente ele alem de ter composto,foi tambem um grande violonista e executava cada uma das pecas com a maxima perfeicao,o cara foi um genio absoluto!
E só acrescentando; escutar Villa tocando a própria obra é uma experiência pura, limpa, verdadeira, sem influência de nada e de uma fidelidade absoluta. Ele toca cada nota do jeito que achava que deveria ser tocada. É um privilégio escutar Villa tocando Villa. Musinelli, você acha mesmo possível que exista outros registros (além do Choro e do Prelúdio) com Villa tocando as próprias compostas para violão?
does anybody knows the guitar auhor in this record ? I am delighted with the charm of its sound. and too i am so delighted and surpriced with the wonderful performance of the mas Heitor Villa-Lobos. i think he play the preludio as an easy song without extras complications. and it invite me to play it. magnificat !
Sabe-se perfeitamente que Villa Lobos era um virtuosi do violão e, por se dedicar à composição e à regência especificamente, não seguiu o caminho de um instrumentista propriamente dito. Se o tivesse feito, teria sido reconhecido como um dos maiores violonistas de seu tempo. Mas basta o nível de sua composição, não é mesmo?
Pode não ter se tornado um dos maiores violonistas como intérprete, mas em compensação se tornou um dos maiores compositores para Violão Clássico de toda a história.
O principal instrumento do Villa foi o violoncelo! É quase possível ouvi-lo na melodia desse prelúdio, e reparem que ele toca a melodia no violão como se fosse no cello!
I don't like the modern "military march like" renditions: "RAM zack zack, RAM zack zack". This original one has got this very soft and smooth approach. So much feeling!
There are some earlier sketches that are even more dramatically different. Many times a composition springs out of improvisation and gets slightly more succint or worked out when commited to paper. Depending on recording date - which I cannot figure out -, this may be earlier than the published score. If not, there is a chance the composer simply didn't memorize it according with the score. The same happens in other composers recordings.There is a tendency to blame Segovia for all sorts of intervention when it comes to published material, but this is completely unfounded. Some of the preludes were published in a Brazilian magazine before Max Eschig, and there is no significant change in the text.
un compositeur de génie villa lobos plus de 1000 composition à son actif dont pour piano ect et pour guitare bien sur 5 préludes 12 études ainsi qu un concerto
Um maestro que trabalhou com Villa, comentou que como ele escrevia composições difíceis, não raro, interpretava para o músico o que desejava expressar na pauta. Diz que ele tocava todos os instrumentos da sinfônica, exceto o oboé.
Anybody can hear that this tape is stretched, thats why its a half step down. I also have the score and it is CLEARLY in the key of E min NOT Eb min. Composers have NO reason to tune down a classical guitar. They would just write the score in Eb.
@10centguitar Well said - it seems in general many guitar players seek to please other guitar players these days. Everything is very academia-oriented.
O próprio Segovia declarou que o considerava um violonista muito bom, de "engenhosos dedilhados". Além do mais, é crível que ele tocaria muito bem esta música, já que qualquer violonista mediano pode fazê-lo.
Não acho essa música fácil para um violonista mediano. É uma bem difícil. Ela é facilmente de ser tocada errado, pois o ritmo é muito complexo, além de ter uma exploração de timbres muito diversa na música inteira. Não é uma música fácil.
I'm under the impression that Segovia edited the VL Preludes and Etudes. So, there will be differences from what VL plays and what everybody else plays...
Será que foi dessa gravação que o violonistas disserniram aquela interpretação desse preludio ?.... se alguém puder me responder, serei muito grato, e uma partitura muito confusa, principalmente em digitacões
I wouldn't have realized that, and I don't know anything about gramophone records.. So please tell me: Do you think the original recording was much faster? Thanks!
Funny. It is quite different from the published version. Well, if this IS H. V-L himself he can do what he wishes. Maybe he was still working on the composition at the time this was recorded. Would love to know the source of this...
The pitch is a semi-tone FLAT. So he might actually be playing it faster if it were up to pitch. (unless he purposefully tuned flat.) Anyone know anything about this? What is the source? There seems to be a section missing. . .
The pitch is a semi-tone FLAT. So he might actually be playing it faster if it were up to pitch. (unless he purposefully tuned flat.) Anyone know anything about this? What is the source?
I was wondering the same thing. Hard to think this would be played faster though... Could he have tuned the guitar down? or is that a silly question...?
Gente! vamos parar com essa palhacada de ficar mandando recadinho babaca pelo youtube. Ta na hora de aprendermos a respeitar a opiniao do proximo. Eu amo Villa-Lobos mas se nao tem quem goste , eu nao sou ignorante consigo entender isso e respeitar. A respeito dele ter largado a mulher dele, bem essa e a vida pessoal dele. Estou aqui p/ ouvir musica. Nao aula de historia. Nao acho o q ele fez certo mas isso nao tira o brilho do maestro. Villa-Lobos e Brasil! Paz
Can you imagine what would it be to play such piece, exactly how it's been written, in Eb minor? Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the instrument, scores for guitar are not usually written in keys other than C, G, D, A, E. Chopin would have been so frustrated...
That's not true actually. D minor is extremely common (both in original works and transcriptions). Plus Sor wrote quite a bit in B flat, and E flat. There are transcriptions of works from Granados (such as La Maja de Goya) in G minor and Barrios even wrote in C minor. There's also more than one guitar concerto in F major. My point is, the Guitar has a set tuning, but many composers have not allowed that to limit them to "just a few keys".
Actually, although the recording sounds lower because of the sampling frequency, this interpretation is still in Eminor. I agree with your point though: the guitar is a frustrating instrument for the composer who wants to make use of all the harmonic colors and subtleties that each key has to offer.
This is a precious historical document. Prelude 1 interpreted by the composer himself. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing this jewel.
O que mais me impressionou, sem bairrismo ou falsidade ideológica, foi ver Heitor tocar como um virtuose do violão capaz de superar todos os demais que assim são denominados. Absolutamente pungente e capaz de me surpreender.
Da até arrepios escutar o gênio interpretar sua própria criação.
Players should listen to the wonderful rhythmic integrity of his phrasing and also to the portamento connections between certain melody notes, swooping up on the same string. Most ignore this and finger those notes on adjacent strings (possibly for convenience). But the effect is not the same. Wonderful HVL. It's so good to have this historic document.
Despite the poor audio quality, this sounds so beautiful and musical...I've played this piece for the past two years and I think this is just the way it should be played...forget the John Williams, Christopher Parkening and Julian Brean versions...this version is simply soul stirring :)
And the second place goes to Turibio Santos...
@@jacoobardo7764 he plays prelude no.1 too fast in my opinion. Marcin Dylla (my fav interpretation) takes more care to give each note a precise texture, and his tempo changes are very exciting. Beautiful dynamics throughout but especially in the 3rd prelude. Santos also accomplishes a very full sound in his 3rd prelude, but structurally I feel it is not as lyrical as Dylla's. To each their own, though. One of those special pieces so many have played and which people connect with in their own way. Here's the link to Dylla if you haven't seen, in which case I highly recommend:
Every one plays the second section faster, louder, making it always feel like a different piece to me. Where as Villa-lobos softy plays in a more melancholy way. Bravo
Can you imagine if we could listen to Bach or Mozart playing their own compositions? These recordings are precious. But, the great composers will always take the hearts and souls of the best players. I believe that Maestro Villa-Lobos would appreciate all the passion and reasoning that Williams, Parkening and above all, Bream, have given to his unorthodox, beautiful and time-lasting approach to the guitar. Yes, this version by the composer himself touches our souls and it became my ultimate reference BUT, fortunately, we cannot prevent future guitar players to fall in love with Villa-Lobos and to create their own visions. It simply means that his music is alive. 100 years later, right?
@@alvaronunesdesousa878 Yes, excellent point. Every great artist does their own unique interpretation of the great compositions - that's one of the things that makes them great. And on reflection, I shouldn't have stated "forget the John Williams, Christopher Parkening and Julian Bream versions"...those versions are, of course, absolutely brilliant.
Olá, esta gravação está no álbum SCSH 010 Villa-Lobos plays Villa-Lobos, da gravadora Sanctus Recordings. Não possuo o encarte, pois adquiri esse album pela internet, mas creio que há nele mais informações sobre as gravações. Caso queira comprar o álbum, basta entrar no website do selo. É fácil de achá-lo digitando 'Sanctus Recordings' no Google.
Que joya musical tan valiosa, y pasara el tiempo y la escucharán las futuras generaciones y siempre seguirá viva la música de Villa-Lobos.
The reordering of the first music in 4 parts is interesting. Always something to learn from hearing the compser play his work.
Few guitarists play the passage at 1:30 correctly, although it's definitely clearly written in the score. I can't understand why: the way Villalobos plays it is so much more beautiful!
The uninterrupted melodic line makes much more sense, and the accompanying top notes B and G, corruptly placed, drive the phrase so much more
You're rihht, it is more beautiul this way.
Esta é que é a VERDADEIRA versão.
Villa-Lobos admirável, mistério decodificando o Brasil em toda sua plenitude e vastidão, eco recriando exatidões, ressurgimentos, impactos sutis em nossas almas. Nele, o tempo e a música convivem profundamente, reconstroem nossos veios e abrangências, impulsionam o espírito a se expandir cada vez mais, a se reencontrar humilde e transformador, luz nos olhos das crianças.
Thank you Villa-Lobos, to bring us so great music and inspiration, to grow as musicians, as human beings.
This is a true, authentic rendition. It's like rediscovering this music after it has been totally denatured by non historically informed interpreters. Thanks for this precious document.
Maravilhosa a Obra Musical de Heitor Villa-Lobos escrita para o violão. E poder ouvir o Prelúdio nº 1 interpretado pelo próprio compositor é uma maravilha.
Después de haber escuchado decenas de versiones a velocidades estelares...¡Qué emoción escuchar al MAESTRO ejecutando su creación desde la simpleza del alma! Quisiera encontrar algunos de los otros preludios interpretados por él!
This is the best version of this piece that I've heard and I'm sure I would be saying the same even if it was someone else playing it.
Il pensiero di un grande maestro si fa musica e rende immortale l'anima brasiliana e la chitarra.
Realmente e ele,e o cara era um genio.Muitos o chamavam de louco(aqui no Brasil),porque nao conseguiam executar suas composicoes com a precisao,andamento,dinamica,etc. que ele desejava ouvir e preferiam dizer que as composicoes nao eram boas o suficiente.Mas a verdade prevalece ate os dias de hoje!
Incredible. Quick tuning on the fly at 2:00 :-)
For everybody that doesn't believe its the Maestro himself, this is a recording from 1940. The Choros no 1 is from 1920. There is a cd from SanCtus indeed with these recordings, where he plays alsopiano with the soprano Beate Rosenkreutzer.
No other Preludio hits my heart as much as it does! It is the best and great.
Há três semanas estou viciado nessa gravação. Será que não há tecnologia que limpe só um pouquinho a chiadeira?
i really feel it when he is playing it, just the way he wanted it to sound.
Sem palavras para expressar o prazer de ouvir está raridade. O compositor interpretando sua propria obra.
Una interpretación distinta y creo que la más hermosa.
Glourious Heitor Villa-Lobos
A pride from Brasil
One of the few good and historical musicians of my country
Love him
Tulio...Villa-Lobos é gênio...mas por favor pare de falar besteira...um dos poucos bons músicos do Brasil...você por fora, né?!
Cara, não conheço outros compositores além do João carlos, e acho que nem é compositor
Pelo que sei villa lobos é um dos únicos conhecidos mundialmente (compositor)
Se puder me passar alguns aí então ...
Não sei muito sobre música clássica brasileira mesmo, nem sei porque comentei isso
Aliás, quando tu responder vou até apagar meu comentário
Bruno Rj e também conheço Dilermando reis ..
O resto que eu saiba foram todos chorões
Mas me passa ai de qualquer forma
Gilberto Mendes, que faleceu no começo deste ano.
Congratulations Maestro Heitor Villa-Lobos for your beautiful composition and your brillant and deep performance !
How sensitive it is, I like! He plays different, not like a "good guitarist", more like a real artist, a real musician, a child!!! Great!
Valuable archive - illuminating to hear the different nuances compared to the more popular renditions, as great as they are (Bream...). An exemplary piece demonstrating the possibilities of the vertical use of melody and harmony in composition - remarkable piece, especially construction-wise.
Claro.. .. Solo el sabia cómo..... Mil detalles repartidos ennuna gran estructura que terminan sumergiendo al oyente en un profundo valle imposible de escapar..... 🏆💯🥇
maestro eres nuestro orgullo latino un saludo en la eternidad
interpretazione da brivido.....surclassa quelle di tutti i chitarristi moderni da Segovia in poi
L'ho ascoltato 80 volte da altri e solo questa volta confermo il brivido.
Un'altra cosa.
Je ne savais pas qu'un tel enregistrement puisse exister . Merci de l'avoir posté . Magnifique , en tout cas .
i play this prelude since i was 10.. is really really beautifull.
tks a lot man!
Muito emocionante poder ouvir essa preciosidade!
Cabral,adorei a musica do Vila-Lobos e o seu logo mark do olho Brasil.. nem se fala.
Um forte abraco,obrigado
O Villa-Lobos, antes de tudo, era heterodoxo, em suas interpretacões e composições. Como ele não vinha duma tradição metódico e consolidada, ele teve que inventar coisas. No repertório violonístico, você vê isso claramente; as invencões de Villa. O gênio é aquele que encontra a plenitude num vazio.
Sensacional !!!!!!!
Meu digno mestre !
You heard the story from early Paris; young V-L and Segovia at the same party, not knowing each other yet. Segovia going on about this BRA guy's waltz that's impossible to play.
Then, all of a sudden, guitar playing in the room next door, coming from Segovias own Ramirez. Segovia: WHAT ARE YOU DOING; KILLING MY GUITAR; GIVE IT BACK AT ONCE.
The sturdy player with the fat cigar: Yeah, but first I'll be teaching you have to play my waltz! Looool.
Es genial...
@brtherjohn it's very possible, Ponce's compositions also were edited, some years ago Miguel Alcazar published a book containing the scores based on the originals and they are very different from the publications from schotts
tanta belezza faz soffrer!
Saber q esse kra eh brasileiro me deixa
bem mais orgulhoso de ser um tbm
vlw Villa!!
Ola,se nao me engano,vc consegue algum material do Villa ao violao,inclusive em CD,na Pop Music(galeria da Teodoro Sampaio em SP),ou no proprio Museu Villa Lobos no RJ.Sao raras,mas nao impossiveis de se achar.Realmente ele alem de ter composto,foi tambem um grande violonista e executava cada uma das pecas com a maxima perfeicao,o cara foi um genio absoluto!
E só acrescentando; escutar Villa tocando a própria obra é uma experiência pura, limpa, verdadeira, sem influência de nada e de uma fidelidade absoluta. Ele toca cada nota do jeito que achava que deveria ser tocada. É um privilégio escutar Villa tocando Villa. Musinelli, você acha mesmo possível que exista outros registros (além do Choro e do Prelúdio) com Villa tocando as próprias compostas para violão?
Fico tentando imaginar essa cena, ele mesmo tocando o violao..talvez o pixinguinha la olhando..que viagem.
Isssst heestoooric! Vunerbaaaar Hee-ache-toore Veeela Lo-BOS!
wow he played it so nicely, I'm sure the composer made it just like how he played it :D
does anybody knows the guitar auhor in this record ? I am delighted with the charm of its sound. and too i am so delighted and surpriced with the wonderful performance of the mas Heitor Villa-Lobos. i think he play the preludio as an easy song without extras complications. and it invite me to play it. magnificat !
Muy acertado!
Sabe-se perfeitamente que Villa Lobos era um virtuosi do violão e, por se dedicar à composição e à regência especificamente, não seguiu o caminho de um instrumentista propriamente dito. Se o tivesse feito, teria sido reconhecido como um dos maiores violonistas de seu tempo. Mas basta o nível de sua composição, não é mesmo?
Caro Marcelo, vc falou tudo. Parabéns pelas palavras!
Pra mim Villa Lobos está entre os 11 ou 10 melhores compositores de toda a história
Pode não ter se tornado um dos maiores violonistas como intérprete, mas em compensação se tornou um dos maiores compositores para Violão Clássico de toda a história.
O principal instrumento do Villa foi o violoncelo! É quase possível ouvi-lo na melodia desse prelúdio, e reparem que ele toca a melodia no violão como se fosse no cello!
@@gregorio4426 isso é verdade
Gracias por compartir!
OK, so how did the structure of this piece get so dramatically altered from this interpretation to the Max Eschig publication?
Segovia got his grubby mitts on it I think
and decided to 'fix' it as villa lobos wasn't a good composer according to him
I don't like the modern "military march like" renditions: "RAM zack zack, RAM zack zack". This original one has got this very soft and smooth approach. So much feeling!
There are some earlier sketches that are even more dramatically different. Many times a composition springs out of improvisation and gets slightly more succint or worked out when commited to paper. Depending on recording date - which I cannot figure out -, this may be earlier than the published score. If not, there is a chance the composer simply didn't memorize it according with the score. The same happens in other composers recordings.There is a tendency to blame Segovia for all sorts of intervention when it comes to published material, but this is completely unfounded. Some of the preludes were published in a Brazilian magazine before Max Eschig, and there is no significant change in the text.
Dear Maestro Zanon. Is the version published in that magazine possible to obtain?
This is a superb interpretation, but the finale is missing! And the quality so poor! Does anyone know where to find the original full recording?
un compositeur de génie villa lobos plus de 1000 composition à son actif dont pour piano ect et pour guitare bien sur 5 préludes 12 études ainsi qu un concerto
Great post! Thanks so much!
woah,the master himself
Um maestro que trabalhou com Villa, comentou que como ele escrevia composições difíceis, não raro, interpretava para o músico o que desejava expressar na pauta. Diz que ele tocava todos os instrumentos da sinfônica, exceto o oboé.
@OneWorld4us -you completely right,dude!
Anybody can hear that this tape is stretched, thats why its a half step down. I also have the score and it is CLEARLY in the key of E min NOT Eb min. Composers have NO reason to tune down a classical guitar. They would just write the score in Eb.
Actually, it's conceivable that Villa Lobos tuned a semitone down to lower the action of his guitar.
@@robbrown8483 then the sheet music would clearly say that, but it doesn't.
αυτο το κομματι εχω για την κιθαρα!!! greets from greece!
Well said - it seems in general many guitar players seek to please other guitar players these days. Everything is very academia-oriented.
Genial !!
Very nice! Thank you. (TS)
O próprio Segovia declarou que o considerava um violonista muito bom, de "engenhosos dedilhados". Além do mais, é crível que ele tocaria muito bem esta música, já que qualquer violonista mediano pode fazê-lo.
Não acho essa música fácil para um violonista mediano. É uma bem difícil. Ela é facilmente de ser tocada errado, pois o ritmo é muito complexo, além de ter uma exploração de timbres muito diversa na música inteira. Não é uma música fácil.
Villa-Lobos, long time no see you. You did well for our Brazil, I should give you at least the tittle of Viscount, but the Hellpublic destroyed us.
Dom Pedro II Nosso imperador não conversa pela nossa língua?
Esta gravação é bemol por um semitom: o instrumento foi intencionalmente afinado desta forma? Ou é um erro dos engenheiros de som?
Sim ele era bom no violão.
onde adquiriu o album? gostaria de ouvi-lo
Tocava violão, e bem!
Nobody as Villalobos to play Villalobos !! .. master !!
I'm under the impression that Segovia edited the VL Preludes and Etudes. So, there will be differences from what VL plays and what everybody else plays...
No, he didn't.
Ca, c est du vrai.... Pleine de sensibilite.
Where was this photo taken?
Alguém tem mais informações sobre essa execução?
Será que foi dessa gravação que o violonistas disserniram aquela interpretação desse preludio ?.... se alguém puder me responder, serei muito grato, e uma partitura muito confusa, principalmente em digitacões
A interpretação dele tem um sentimento mais triste e também é mais pausado, não um rush no acordes.
@sologuitardeath Nice playing dood!
I wouldn't have realized that, and I don't know anything about gramophone records.. So please tell me: Do you think the original recording was much faster?
Funny. It is quite different from the published version. Well, if this IS H. V-L himself he can do what he wishes. Maybe he was still working on the composition at the time this was recorded. Would love to know the source of this...
Anyone know the guitar he played on here?
The pitch is a semi-tone FLAT. So he might actually be playing it faster if it were up to pitch. (unless he purposefully tuned flat.) Anyone know anything about this?
What is the source? There seems to be a section missing. . .
@warrkrymez Maybe he forgot his Korg tuner that day...
warum fehlt der Schluss?
The ending is missing.
The pitch is a semi-tone FLAT. So he might actually be playing it faster if it were up to pitch. (unless he purposefully tuned flat.) Anyone know anything about this?
What is the source?
I was wondering the same thing. Hard to think this would be played faster though... Could he have tuned the guitar down? or is that a silly question...?
Is this the one and only Heitor Villa Lobos playing?
Gente! vamos parar com essa palhacada de ficar mandando recadinho babaca pelo youtube.
Ta na hora de aprendermos a respeitar a opiniao do proximo.
Eu amo Villa-Lobos mas se nao tem quem goste , eu nao sou ignorante consigo entender isso e respeitar.
A respeito dele ter largado a mulher dele, bem essa e a vida pessoal dele. Estou aqui p/ ouvir musica. Nao aula de historia.
Nao acho o q ele fez certo mas isso nao tira o brilho do maestro.
Villa-Lobos e Brasil!
@Camaleonbymimo no brinca. asi es. además es una grabación sumamente antigua
Can you imagine what would it be to play such piece, exactly how it's been written, in Eb minor? Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the instrument, scores for guitar are not usually written in keys other than C, G, D, A, E. Chopin would have been so frustrated...
That's not true actually. D minor is extremely common (both in original works and transcriptions). Plus Sor wrote quite a bit in B flat, and E flat. There are transcriptions of works from Granados (such as La Maja de Goya) in G minor and Barrios even wrote in C minor. There's also more than one guitar concerto in F major. My point is, the Guitar has a set tuning, but many composers have not allowed that to limit them to "just a few keys".
Actually, although the recording sounds lower because of the sampling frequency, this interpretation is still in Eminor. I agree with your point though: the guitar is a frustrating instrument for the composer who wants to make use of all the harmonic colors and subtleties that each key has to offer.
Does anyone know if this is really Heitor Villa-Lobos himself?
Oscar Rivera Yes he is.
Sounds like a phantom...
I honestly don't think anyone can tell, since the used "microphone" is anything but neutral.
You say it like if you're the one who uploaded this.