2020 Kura Raumati - Colonization 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 มี.ค. 2021
  • Māori suicide prevention research, policy & practice
    Ngā āhuatanga rangahau, kaupapa here, whakatutuki mahi, e pā ana ki te whakakore i te mate whakamomori a te Māori
    Monday 24 February 2020
    This course presents for 'discussion', current evidence in Māori suicide prevention research, policy and practice. You will gain an in-depth and up to date understanding of developments in Māori suicide prevention research, policy and practice. This course is skills based and action oriented and speakers are nationally recognised leaders in suicide prevention and mental health.
    TE RAU ORA logoA simple user-friendly tool for Māori suicide inequities analysis to support suicide prevention actions will be launched on the day.
    This summer school programme will be filmed and the film will be made available as an accessible resource for all registered participants.
    Ngā mihi ki Te Rau Ora for your generous sponsorship and co-hosting of this important Māori suicide prevention summer school programme.
    Topics covered
    Māori suicide in context including the known determinants of suicide and suicide prevention
    Imperatives for suicide prevention through research, policy and practice
    Learning from those with lived experience
    Style of course
    The course combines keynote speakers in the three key areas of research, policy and practice; innovative responses featured as case studies with opportunities for dialogue between the teachers and participants and sharing of key discussion points.
    Who should attend?
    Those working in suicide prevention, seeking qualifications; researchers, practitioners including clinicians, counsellors and therapists working with Māori; policy analysts and suicide prevention services as well as community advocates are particularly welcome. There will be space held for whānau with lived experiences to attend.
    Counselling will be available alongside suicide prevention information and resources.
    Draft timetable
    8:00am Registration/Coffee/Tea
    Karakia/Mihi Whakatau
    8:30am Māori Suicide Prevention and Postvention POLICY
    Session Overview Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho
    Tikanga Māori and Suicide Whāea Moe Milne/Whāea Hinewirangi Kohu, Whāea Tihi Puanaki (tbc), Matua Witi Ashby
    Colonisation and Suicide Matua/Dr Moana Jackson
    Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Suicide Mr David Stone, Te Mata Law
    Modifiable Determinants of Māori Suicide Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho
    Summary/Discussion/Q&A Participants and Speakers
    10:30am Morning tea
    11:00am Māori Suicide Prevention and Postvention RESEARCH
    Session Overview Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho
    Epidemiology of Māori Suicide Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho
    Māori Suicide Data Quality Dr Ruth Cunningham
    Māori Suicide Research Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho & Dr Kahu McClintock
    Setting an Agenda for Māori Suicide Prevention and Postvention Research Dr Kahu McClintock & Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho and Participants
    12:30pm Lunch break
    1:00pm A National Suicide Prevention Plan: Responding to Māori Suicide Prevention and Postvention Director Carla na Nagara, National Office for Suicide Prevention (Q&A)
    1:30pm Māori Suicide Prevention and Postvention PRACTICE
    Innovative Kaupapa Māori Approaches to Prevention: PechaKucha Sessions:
    PechaKucha is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. Providers/Services
    Innovative Kaupapa Māori Approaches to Postvention: PechaKucha Sessions
    Kaupapa Māori Evaluation Dr Kahu McClintock/Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho
    Facilitated Breakout Sessions/Panels in Prevention and Postvention with- Whānau, Tāne, Wāhine, Rangatahi, Tamariki/Mokopuna, Takatāpui, Transgender and Gifted Whānau (Matakite..) Participants & Facilitators
    3:00pm Afternoon tea
    3:15pm Breakout Panel Key Issues and Recommendations Facilitators
    Policy Recommendations Facilitators
    Research Recommendations Facilitators
    Practice Recommendations Facilitators
    4:30pm Keynote Speaker Tā Meihana Durie/Professor Sir Mason Durie
    5:00pm Karakia/Certificates/Finish
    Dr Keri Lawson Te-Aho
    Dr Moana Jackson
    Whāea Moe Milne
    Whāea Hinewirangi Kohu
    Whāea Tihi Puanaki
    Te Mata Law
    Dr Ruth Cunningham
    Dr Kahu McClintock
    Carla na Nagara
    Mr Paikea Rongonui Tamuera Ariki
    Produced by
    Ariki Archives Ltd

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