Native Americans Unit - Day 1 (Part 1) - Grade 5 Social Studies California

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ms. Zyzzy Godfrey - 5th grade
    Jump to: 00:00 | 02:00 | 04:00 | 06:00 | 08:00 | 10:00 | 12:00
    ELLISA Project
    (c) Regents of the University of California
    [00:05] Lesson overview:
    Language Arts / Social Studies: "I will solicit the thoughts of my team members, make observations, and discuss the major Native American Regions"
    [00:21] Quick write - respond to one of these questions
    1) What do you think of when I say "Native American"?
    2) How have you heard the word "native" used before? When?
    [01:07] Sentence starters on the board
    When I hear the term Native Americans I think of ...
    I have heard the word native used as ...
    [01:47] Quick check in with student during quick-write, and scaffolding
    Question - Answer - Revoice
    [01:59] Direct instruction on how to solicit the thoughts of peers; modeling; decomposing the practice; placemat with examples [Academic Discourse]
    What do you think?
    We haven't heard from you yet.
    Do you agree?
    What answer did you get?
    [03:33] Ss share their sentences with peers
    [03:34] Instructional conversation with a pair of students
    Eliciting students' ideas; working with a student with limited English proficiency; formative assessment; dialogic instruction [05:12]
    [05:41] Whole class share-out
    [07:45] The class will refer to the KWL chart at the end of the unit
    [08:28] Question: Do Native Americans still live in the United States today?
    [09:08] Transition to the gallery walk activity - Teacher introduces the next activity
    [10:21] Teacher models the task for students - make an observation or ask a question
    "Is this structure made out of sand?", "I observe different levels"
    [12:08] Teacher asks Ss to repeat the instructions
    [12:18] Teacher gives S feedback on "observate" - vocabulary instruction

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