Hi, Ricardo. Yes, it is. One German traveller of the middle ages, having been in the Pskov wrote that Pskov is huge and in Germany they not have cities equal to it. Thanks for the comment. )
Pskov must have had a mighty garrison. It would take many troops to man walls that long! Your videos always show the flavor of the local culture very well, and your selection of soundtrack is always second to none. Always a treat to receive a video from our Oka rus! Good work Alena! 😺
Была в вашем городе неделю, впечатления незабываемые. Удивительный город, русский, русский, потрясающие окрестности, особенно Изборск, а люди - люди, наверное лучшие в России. С любовью из Москвы.
Ох, давно я эту песню Калинова моста не слышала, это была единственная песня, которая мне у них нравилась, но зато как нравилась))) и я когда-то была во Пскове, но зимой. По сильному морозу ходила там в центре преимущественно, околела вся)))
Hi, Alena. Beautiful, historic city. I love the river too. Once I saw a silent movie by great director Eisenstein. As I recall, Teutonic knights were trying to invade Russia. There was a battle on the ice. Was this an actual event and if so, was it near this location? Thanks for wonderful video, another window has opened for me. Blessings to you and Russia's beautiful rivers! Nancy
Hi. Nancy. Of course this is a real historical event. This is the famous Crusades. The famous battle of the Russian forces at lake Peipus under the control of the Great Prince St. Alexander Nevsky with the Livonians called the people "battle on the Ice". Mongol invasion of Rus weakened Russian princes in the Baltic States and was used by German and Danish feudal lords, in 1239-1240 years there was a threat of attack. At the end of August 1240 by Bishop Herman of Dorpat, to collect the militia of his subjects and the remnants of the knights of the sword, with the support of the Danish knights from revel, invaded Pskov land and captured Izborsk. The attempt of the Pskov militia to recapture the fortress ended in failure. Knights besieged the Pskov and soon took it by treachery among the besieged. In the city were planted two German Vogt. Next, the knights invaded Novgorod Principality and built a fortress in Koporye. Alexander Nevsky came to Novgorod, and then, commanding the Novgorod troops liberated the town. After that, he returned to Novgorod, where he spent the winter, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from Vladimir. In March, the combined Russian army liberated Pskov. The decisive battle took place on 5 April 1242 on lake Peipus (probably near lake Peipsi). It ended with a crushing defeat of the knights. The Bishop of Dorpat and the Order (according to the papal bull of 1237 which included the remnants of the Order of the sword) was forced to conclude peace, to which the crusaders refused the occupied Russian lands. You know, some people have attempts perepisat history, they are constantly trying to undo the great battle of Rus or something like that it is not profitable to recall and invalidate the victory of Russian people in defense of their land to erase the memory of future generations, apparently, this is to ensure that they were a people without historical memory and didn't remember that their ancestors dedicated their lives defending their land, Russia. Subsequently, Alexander Nevsky was canonized the Russian Orthodox Church and is one of the main saints in Russia. Without his victory simply would not be the state of Rus ' and later Russia. Nancy, thank you for your interest in Russian history and all the best to you. )
Thanks for the information, Alena. The emphasis has been on southern crusades. I see some similarities between today and events of the past. Take care. Nancy
Knights crusaders conquered and destroyed and in the southern campaigns of the Christian Byzantine Empire ,after which they were easily captured by Muslims
Thanks for your input. Do you know if Nevsky is buried around Novgorod or some place he so heroically defended. Is there a monument to him in that area. Alena has such a wealth of information and wisdom, maybe she knows! Best regards to you! Nancy
Александр Невский был похоронен во Владимире до 11 августа 1723 года .Мощи святого Александра Невского были перевезены сначала в Шлиссельбург , а после постройки Александро-Невской церкви в Санкт Петербурге перенесены в нее.... И да -он сейчас похоронен на берегах реки Нева от имени которой и есть его прозвание -Невский. Первая победа дала ему известность была на берегах реки Нева против шведского войска. Alexander Nevsky was buried in Vladimer until 11 August 1723 .The relics of St. Alexander Nevsky were transported first in Shlisselburg , and after the construction of the Alexander Nevsky Church in St. Petersburg moved to the.... And Yes-he is now buried on the banks of the Neva river on whose behalf is his nickname Nevsky. The first victory gave him fame were on the banks of the river Neva against the Swedish troops.
Умница авторы и ее труд. Спасибо Таблетки за то что дал ссылку на это чудо. Но КАК у того видео за 2 года только 50к просмотров, ✋ лицо Кто после просмотра просто поставил лайк и ушел, не подписавшись на канал - тот собака сутулая) Оставляйте комменты и делитесь видео - шедевр!
Нет, в том то все и дело. Я уже писала в комментариях к видео, что Псковский кремль имел 5 колец (линий) защиты, т. е. 5 стен, только представьте себе, сохранились лишь 3 и то полностью видно лишь одно кольцо по сути, остальное в полуразрушенном состоянии. Во времена существования всех 5-ти колец - это была крупнейшая крепость Европы. Общая протяженность крепостных стен Пскова от 9 до 11 км. Спасибо за оценку. ;-)
Slavic tribes lived in the North of modern Germany near the Baltic sea before the arrival of German tribes. German archaeologists have long found out.....if that.
*Спасибо, за прекрасное видео! Как же прекрасен наш город Псков! Супер!*
Спасибо за шикарнейшее видео! Очень красиво и познавательно. Обязательно приеду в Псков и детей привезу!
Добро пожаловать!))
Родной Псков,он великолепен!
Да, так и есть. :-)
Кто от "таблетки"? 😎👍
Hi my friend Alena! )) I didn't know that that was the largest fortress of Europe! Nice to know! )) And, of course, awesome video
Hi, Ricardo. Yes, it is. One German traveller of the middle ages, having been in the Pskov wrote that Pskov is huge and in Germany they not have cities equal to it. Thanks for the comment. )
Oka rus Thank you for your videos, my friend! :)
Never heard of this city but it sure looks like an interesting place.Liked your choice of music too.
Thank you for rating. In fact, the city of Pskov is a very famous city in Russia and one of the famous tourist spots.
Pskov must have had a mighty garrison. It would take many troops to man walls that long! Your videos always show the flavor of the local culture very well, and your selection of soundtrack is always second to none. Always a treat to receive a video from our Oka rus! Good work Alena! 😺
I also like this music, I tried to find suitable for this video. Thank you very much for high rating. I am very pleased. )
Псков самыйпрекрасный город России ❤. Было время и я так же парил над Псковом!!!
spectacular video...
Thanks :-)
wonderful video!
Oh! Thank you very much. I'm glad You liked it )
Красивое видео.
Спасибо. )
лучшее видео о моём городе,обалденное
Спасибо Вам за оценку, очень приятно слышать. )
Была в вашем городе неделю, впечатления незабываемые. Удивительный город, русский, русский, потрясающие окрестности, особенно Изборск, а люди - люди, наверное лучшие в России. С любовью из Москвы.
Ох, давно я эту песню Калинова моста не слышала, это была единственная песня, которая мне у них нравилась, но зато как нравилась))) и я когда-то была во Пскове, но зимой. По сильному морозу ходила там в центре преимущественно, околела вся)))
Привет! ) Да, мне тоже эта песня у них нравится, вот и включила ее и она подходила под видео полета. )
Hi, Alena. Beautiful, historic city. I love the river too. Once I saw a silent movie by great director Eisenstein. As I recall, Teutonic knights were trying to invade Russia. There was a battle on the ice. Was this an actual event and if so, was it near this location? Thanks for wonderful video, another window has opened for me. Blessings to you and Russia's beautiful rivers! Nancy
Hi. Nancy. Of course this is a real historical event. This is the famous Crusades. The famous battle of the Russian forces at lake Peipus under the control of the Great Prince St. Alexander Nevsky with the Livonians called the people "battle on the Ice". Mongol invasion of Rus weakened Russian princes in the Baltic States and was used by German and Danish feudal lords, in 1239-1240 years there was a threat of attack. At the end of August 1240 by Bishop Herman of Dorpat, to collect the militia of his subjects and the remnants of the knights of the sword, with the support of the Danish knights from revel, invaded Pskov land and captured Izborsk. The attempt of the Pskov militia to recapture the fortress ended in failure. Knights besieged the Pskov and soon took it by treachery among the besieged. In the city were planted two German Vogt. Next, the knights invaded Novgorod Principality and built a fortress in Koporye. Alexander Nevsky came to Novgorod, and then, commanding the Novgorod troops liberated the town. After that, he returned to Novgorod, where he spent the winter, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from Vladimir. In March, the combined Russian army liberated Pskov.
The decisive battle took place on 5 April 1242 on lake Peipus (probably near lake Peipsi). It ended with a crushing defeat of the knights. The Bishop of Dorpat and the Order (according to the papal bull of 1237 which included the remnants of the Order of the sword) was forced to conclude peace, to which the crusaders refused the occupied Russian lands. You know, some people have attempts perepisat history, they are constantly trying to undo the great battle of Rus or something like that it is not profitable to recall and invalidate the victory of Russian people in defense of their land to erase the memory of future generations, apparently, this is to ensure that they were a people without historical memory and didn't remember that their ancestors dedicated their lives defending their land, Russia. Subsequently, Alexander Nevsky was canonized the Russian Orthodox Church and is one of the main saints in Russia. Without his victory simply would not be the state of Rus ' and later Russia. Nancy, thank you for your interest in Russian history and all the best to you. )
Thanks for the information, Alena. The emphasis has been on southern crusades. I see some similarities between today and events of the past. Take care. Nancy
Knights crusaders conquered and destroyed and in the southern campaigns of the Christian Byzantine Empire ,after which they were easily captured by Muslims
Thanks for your input. Do you know if Nevsky is buried around Novgorod or some place he so heroically defended. Is there a monument to him in that area. Alena has such a wealth of information and wisdom, maybe she knows! Best regards to you! Nancy
Александр Невский был похоронен во Владимире до 11 августа 1723 года .Мощи святого Александра Невского были перевезены сначала в Шлиссельбург , а после постройки Александро-Невской церкви в Санкт Петербурге перенесены в нее.... И да -он сейчас похоронен на берегах реки Нева от имени которой и есть его прозвание -Невский. Первая победа дала ему известность была на берегах реки Нева против шведского войска. Alexander Nevsky was buried in Vladimer until 11 August 1723 .The relics of St. Alexander Nevsky were transported first in Shlisselburg , and after the construction of the Alexander Nevsky Church in St. Petersburg moved to the.... And Yes-he is now buried on the banks of the Neva river on whose behalf is his nickname Nevsky. The first victory gave him fame were on the banks of the river Neva against the Swedish troops.
С удовольствием глянул бы такой же пролёт над родными стенами, снятый в 2к19.
is this place... heaven?
))) Almost.
Умница авторы и ее труд. Спасибо Таблетки за то что дал ссылку на это чудо.
Но КАК у того видео за 2 года только 50к просмотров, ✋ лицо
Кто после просмотра просто поставил лайк и ушел, не подписавшись на канал - тот собака сутулая) Оставляйте комменты и делитесь видео - шедевр!
О! Спасибо большое за такой комментарий. Приятно слышать ;-)
Классное видео! Очень красивая коепость! Но, справедливости ради скажу, что московский Кремль тоже в Европе и тоже крепость. Наверное, побольше будет.
Нет, в том то все и дело. Я уже писала в комментариях к видео, что Псковский кремль имел 5 колец (линий) защиты, т. е. 5 стен, только представьте себе, сохранились лишь 3 и то полностью видно лишь одно кольцо по сути, остальное в полуразрушенном состоянии. Во времена существования всех 5-ти колец - это была крупнейшая крепость Европы. Общая протяженность крепостных стен Пскова от 9 до 11 км. Спасибо за оценку. ;-)
поменьше. даже "фасад" - 650 метров москвы против 1200 Пскова. и конечно никаких пяти колец и множества пригородов.
@@mr.bluesky5023 Вы о каких 650 метрах фасада московского Кремля? 2235метров.
....грусть, печаль, это я не о городе, псков великолепен
First settlement of Eastern slavic maybe😊
Slavic tribes lived in the North of modern Germany near the Baltic sea before the arrival of German tribes. German archaeologists have long found out.....if that.
И что, вас потом не "взяли за жабры" за полёты над городом?
Часто летают , и в пригороде к нам в Неёлово залетают .
Древний Псков от РОУД-МУВИ ПО РОССИИ - th-cam.com/video/0Ko1feZgHOA/w-d-xo.html