DSP Tells Chat to “Stfu”, Gets Manhandled and Goes off on Everyone in the Most Toxic SF6 Session

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2024
  • DSP has had it with these mashers dood!

ความคิดเห็น • 696

  • @Deadman1000

    Phil gets annoying claiming everyone is mashing when you can hear him beating that fight stick to death

  • @LinkMandos

    And there you have it, a classic case of DSP logic. He's not insulting and/or being toxic to players, he's STATING FACTS. This is why he'll never change for the better, because he will always go back to his old ways and use some kind of weird logic to why it's okay.

  • @Openda547
    @Openda547  +210

    Chill gameplay, don’t know the reason why people hate on him

  • @ringe1008
    @ringe1008  +153

    New Year's resolutions status: FAILED

  • @PankoBreadcrumbs

    Remember the resolution to not be toxic in this game anymore? Holds about as much weight as all those years of insisting on being a "meaningful and positive" creator. Snort.

  • @scorpion6328

    So much for that New Year’s resolution, Phil. 😂😂😂😂 You’ll be toxic until your final breath and nothing will change that.

  • @chad8813
    @chad8813  +40

    With how "intellectual" Fill is, you'd think he'd be able to recognise these "patterns" and counter them accordingly

  • @zekeiwa5837

    Remember guys, he's merely pretending to be toxic the same way he was pretending to be regarded on every classic TIHYDP playthrough

  • @mauriciohiure2192

    DSP's solution to people not being able to watch his matches because of ads is to... watch the match? lmfao, this dude is unreal

  • @pheonixgray6078

    I don't get his logic. If they're only playing "patterns" and he's such a pro, can't he identify the patterns, and essentially predict their moves? Counter their obvious patterns?

  • @Necroverse19

    He's not being toxic to the other players, he's simply making factual observations.

  • @blastchambers2150

    "Absolutely terrible player!" That is the very definition of an insult.

  • @Jesse_E5150

    Promises to change and not be toxic anymore.

  • @Buttwhistler

    He says "crossplay bullshit" at

  • @NervousNoodles

    A reminder that in less than 3 months, DSP will be 42 years old. This is all he can do, this is all there is to him.

  • @bigbirds5144

    Don’t forget this is in Phil’s top 3 games of the year for 2023😂

  • @Diyomaro
    @Diyomaro  +15

    “cross play bullshit”

  • @Dende8981

    He really doesn"t just have excuses ready for losses, he has them ready for generally getting hit.

  • @Scottoest

    Phil's weirdest hangup for me will forever be his insistence that chat talk about his gameplay, and never anything else.

  • @KiwiHavok777

    Remember when he said he wasn’t gonna be toxic anymore?