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  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • I figured it was about time I told my story.
    I've not given up on telling this story to a panel in the future or anything. It just kept bubbling in me and needed to come out.
    I don't think I can write here anything that I didn't say in the video, but really thank you guys so much for all your support, and to those of you who're going through rough times, I hope this video helps. I really do.

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @Luckster
    @Luckster 8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's amazing thing how the monsters of the past all have an acute case of selective memory...
    It's tough to say such stories to people at all. There's always going to be someone who will make an excuse for the bully. Someone who will spin it around and blame you for it. Say that you didn't try hard enough. You provoked them. You asked for it. Anything.
    It's even harder to say this on the wide open platform of the internet, where these people multiply like crazy, and there will always be that troll group that thrives on weakness.
    I'm proud of you for sharing your tale, Riiser.
    You've gone so far with yourself and you've turned out to be an amazing and insightful person. I'm glad you did not let these people win. I'm glad you stand your ground to this day.
    And I am glad to still follow your work and watch you improve.

  • @OnlyHeroLeftxinxMan
    @OnlyHeroLeftxinxMan 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Really powerful video, thank you for sharing your story with us. Don't go to the reunion. They don't deserve to even be close to you.

  • @Deviant.0
    @Deviant.0 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    damn . fully supporting and sending this out to twitter

  • @Ronin11111111
    @Ronin11111111 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If it means anything: any day I see a new video from you, it's a good day.

  • @dreakerofadreon2106
    @dreakerofadreon2106 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I found no words say but remembered this quote.
    “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
    ― Kahlil Gibran
    Thank you for being our Hero.

  • @SmithOfGear92
    @SmithOfGear92 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This was very touching Riiser... You have my full support, brother.

  • @thefruitsong
    @thefruitsong 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Riiser, you've had me tearing up at a few parts. Your words are always something I can take to heart. I know you've had rough patches, but like you said, things can only go up from here.

  • @IDEKaaaaaaaagh
    @IDEKaaaaaaaagh 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You're an amazing person.

  • @mercdotinc2575
    @mercdotinc2575 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We're with you riser.

  • @henryvolt35
    @henryvolt35 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This...hits close to home, thanks for sharing this with us Riiser.

  • @lauracheshi
    @lauracheshi 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

  • @WellWoopdidoo
    @WellWoopdidoo 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this. You're a good man. Things are turning around, but my left wrist is a mess of tiny lines that hardly anyone would notice but me. I hope it helps to know that you do help. When things get too much, it's good to have someone funny and honest and interesting to listen to. Also I can't get you yelling "My two balls!" out of my head.

  • @shinjiikari9971
    @shinjiikari9971 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    First they ignore you
    then they joke about you
    then they fight you
    then you win.
    that's how it always goes from the words of ghandi himself

  • @JKSSN123
    @JKSSN123 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You're already a hero to me even though you're just a guy reviewing webcomic.
    Thank you for making this video.
    I couldn't say I also experienced what you experienced in the same caliber of bullying, but I remember also being laughed at by the entire class. What I did was what you also did. I became more fun, making jokes, and making friends with them. That's when it stopped. And also I went homeschooled by 6th grade.
    But still, thanks for this video. Bullies sucks.
    More power to you.

  • @greenlymcgoatpants1126
    @greenlymcgoatpants1126 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Riiser, I just wanted to say that your videos are a great way to spend time when I'm stressed out after dealing with the dumb people in my life. So thank you for the great entertainment you've brought to the Internet. :D Just keep on keepin' on, man.

  • @viyhexe131
    @viyhexe131 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh, how I wish I could give someone a hug through the internet. I suppose I'll have to settle with telling you that you were the first person I ever backed on Patreon, because you were the first person I ever saw on youtube that I thought "you know what? This guy _deserves_ a bit of extra scratch." Wish you all the best Riiser. Keep doing what you're doing.

  • @lukemckay547
    @lukemckay547 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Reading all this Yosh! must really be wearing on you. Bringing up old memories. Breaking you down a bit. But you can make it through, keep reading :D

  • @LashBlu
    @LashBlu 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow... This is just genuine saddens and anger. This isn't W.C.R- Riiser. This is real life Riiser. So to support you in both of the medias. Thank you, and good luck.

  • @tristikov
    @tristikov 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can't say I've been in the same boat, but I'm glad I listened all the way through, because I found it very insightful to hear you tell your story and learn how you pulled through. Not gonna lie, it made me tear up a bit, too.
    I found your channel searching for webcomic advice; I stayed for the humorous but critical reviews, and now I am very impressed with your openness in expressing something very personal and emotionally raw.
    Keep doing what you love and keep your head held high!

  • @collinbrefka
    @collinbrefka 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's very brave of you to share this with the world and I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up. I'm happy to be subscribed to such a wonderful and genuine person. I'll be here to support you Riiser!

  • @ragezerobeast
    @ragezerobeast 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Riiser a true hero sheds tears,also keep being awesome dude,and never quit being who you are!

  • @TheStonehill
    @TheStonehill 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    : Glad you came out of that cocoon Riiser. I, Talus have had similar experiences, even to the extremes you had to go. It took me longer to emerge but when I did… They wished they left me in there. I embraced the the abuse and threw it back in a different way, i found new skills I never knew I had. I used my thirst for knowledge and powers of observation to find their weakness' their flaws, I was quicker then them. I ran from the bullies in my life to fight another day and that day came sooner then they thought. They never saw me in the same way and they left me alone, especially when one pushed me too far. Yours, always smiling.

  • @garypalmer997
    @garypalmer997 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    WOW very strong. Stronger then me, I would've been a puddle of tears from the start :) I'm so glad to hear and see you have moved forward in life and is dealing with your problems in a healthier way. the one question I have is are you still with God, you still a Christian do you still talk to him, do you still feel he is in your corner?.....and I hope the answer is a yes

    • @WebcomicRelief
      @WebcomicRelief  8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      sorry to dissapoint you, friend, but I am no longer a christian. I figured I couldn't rely on anyone but myself to change my life, and believed that blind faith wouldn't help me. That said however I am happy that I DID believe when I did. It helped me a lot :)

    • @garypalmer997
      @garypalmer997 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's sad to hear :_(
      Ok I'm alittle confused, you say blind faith wouldn't help you but then you say it DID help you? Believing in God doesn't make your problems go away (I wish it did I really do XD ) but like you said he's there through the tough times to help you do what needs to be done or just be a friend and a shoulder to cry on when needed. He DOSENT do things for us. We have to do the work (which sucks at times) he's not a wish maker. I'll just leave with this. If believing in him help a lot when you needed it why not believe in him when things are good imagine how much better you could feel 😃
      Again congrats on finding the strength to persevere and fight your daemons hope all goes awesome for you and continue to succeed in life. 😊

  • @CatComixzStudios
    @CatComixzStudios 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, Riiser.
    I never know quite what to say when it comes to videos like these. I have been absolutely beyond fortunate in my life so far, and every day I try not to take that for granted. I've been doing my best to encourage others and create stories that I hope can add a little bit of light to people's lives.
    I'm so happy you made it through. You've taught me so much, you've made me laugh a bunch, and I frankly don't want to imagine what things would have been like without you. I wish I knew the right things to say to this stuff. I know no single person can make that awful shit go away, but the strength you showed is inspiring. YOU managed to accomplish all of this. YOU managed to become a better person despite what happened.
    And I'm glad that doing so has brought about so many friends and fans for you. I'm extremely lucky to not need these words myself, but I'm more than happy to share this with the people that do. And thanks again, Riiser.

  • @hitorijuunin
    @hitorijuunin 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    now lets aim even higher, lets make you shine even brighter that they will burn in their missery, let them BEGG you for mercy and then that happen.. SQWISHH!!...or at least thats my plat agaits my own bullies... good luck riiser...

  • @klemmaofthedollars332
    @klemmaofthedollars332 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow. I'm speechless. that was... I don't even know what word to use.
    you're strong, Riiser, keep being strong and keep being the awsome person that you are. We will always support you, don't forget that. I love your videos and will continue to do so, so keep up the amazing work! :)

  • @JasmineBrowneyes
    @JasmineBrowneyes 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Kill them with kindness" was a phrase one of my teachers used long ago. It holds pretty true here. Glad to know you are doing better and NOT giving in to negative conflicts entirely. Granted, it may still linger from time to time but hey, you are still here. Here is to better days.
    *gives a virtual hug*

  • @vilmundurgunnarsson6601
    @vilmundurgunnarsson6601 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have done the impossible and that makes you mighty.

  • @shakurburton9358
    @shakurburton9358 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anyone who hates this vid is a bully to someone (not to this guy, but someone - and they need to quit it, honestly...).
    Glad to have subscribed and watch most of your works, Riiser. Continue to kick serious ass at this, please.

  • @arj4y
    @arj4y 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wauw... Remind me to giver you a bro hug when I see you again. You are insanely brave for making this video.
    Never doubt your self worth, Lasse, you are not only one of my greatest friends, you are one of my biggest idols.

  • @StoriesAroundTheFire
    @StoriesAroundTheFire 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Let me start off by saying that I fucking love you man. It is never easy to push past those voices that make us doubt ourselves but you let it make you stronger. I've made no secret that I think your story arcs are creative as hell and awesome, you do good work and have brought me tons of smiles. A lot of what you said resonates and I am happy that you didn't check out of this life because if you had, I would have missed out on an amazing person. It is strange we've never actually spoken but even though it is through your works, life would be less without you in it.
    Stay Frosty

  • @mrmannyman2
    @mrmannyman2 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Best origin story ever xxx

  • @gamersxpro1234
    @gamersxpro1234 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yo Risser thank you for making this video for others may watch this video and get through it. I guess all of us can pull through even in our own worst apocalypse.

    • @gamersxpro1234
      @gamersxpro1234 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      By the way nice Rorsach reference. I think.

  • @potatoheadhaoy
    @potatoheadhaoy 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    If there was such a thing as an Übermensch, like Nietzsche said so long ago, that's you, man.

  • @emmahansen7005
    @emmahansen7005 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's 2 AM in the morning and I'm crying my eyes out. Wow, Riiser, this was such a good video. Usually I don't like story-telling videos because the ones telling the stories most of the time come off as drama queens who over-exaggerate and just want sympathy points. But your video was really honest and I could really feel what you were saying. I hope that people who are going through a rough time don't skip this video, because even if it's very long, it's a good watch.
    Also, that B girl? She's a real bitch. I'm happy that you're better off now, and I hope you understand that the fact that you're telling your story is very brave and you are a hero for surviving all the stuff you went through.

  • @hanahigurashi4850
    @hanahigurashi4850 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Riiser, I've been watching your works for almost two years now, but I never worked up the courage to actually interact with you until your contest. I've always doubted my stuff could ever mean anything, and I've always lost motivation whenever I start a big project. I always hated my works because they were always... uh, well, anime. My family always told me my "talent" was being wasted for drawing anime, but I finally became motivated to create more when I saw your videos. Every video inspired me and I dreamed to finally one day show you a work I hope you would come to like. Even now, I'm still working hard on a story in hopes you will enjoy it. I'm much more motivated every time you upload, no matter what its about. And I even ended up having some stomach problems from the amount of sheer joy that I had when I won your contest. I really wasn't expecting to win, because I've always seen my creations as a waste.
    I'm really sorry that this sort of thing happened to you. And though I can say, "You didn't deserve it," I remembered that a storm always comes before a rainbow. Good things do come, we just have to wait out the storm. No matter what, I will always wish for your happiness. Thank you for always being an inspiration, and thank you for taking your time in doing what you do. Thank you so much, Riiser. I wouldn't have continued what I love without you. I'm glad you're here with us.

  • @destinyellis3573
    @destinyellis3573 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Props to you, Riiser. That's got to be one of the most inspirational video I've heard in a while. Did you reply to that B person after her comment or did you just ignore it? Anyway, thank you and work hard to become a better and stronger person. Or you know, evolve.

  • @Ronin11111111
    @Ronin11111111 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Speaking of bullying, I was the "class fat kid" for... prety much my whole 12 years of school. Nothing I experienced was a shity as what you experienced, but I think by year 6 or 5 I hated everyone, which translated to me becoming... extremely(I think extremly is an apropriate word) anti-social, so much, that it carried all the way to high-school where it took very little time for me to dislike almost everyone from the class again.

  • @cogafireese5290
    @cogafireese5290 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's really hard to say that you went through all of that in your past and people think that it's just a harmless, crude joke.
    But really, the one who was affected feel that torment with just one little event because those people like I said, for them they thought it was really funny. On a bullies' point of view, it happened just for a couple of weeks and then forget what happened. But for the person, it will happen for a lifetime, and that certain part of that memory will never erase in your head.
    People bore into that memory and later never know on what their ends are. I'm glad you kept up your chin up, you'll get to see what wonders you get when you grow up later in your life.
    Life really is precious, but it is delicate.
    I got a question really.
    1.Will you attend to your school reunion again just because you don't give a fuck about a certain person like B? or will you just walk out of it.
    2.What was your reply with B after you saw her message?

    • @RiiserPlays
      @RiiserPlays 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Anotherman Magician
      1: No, I will not attend the school reunion. I have nothing to gain from it, nor anyone I wanna see. That one friend I had in school, I'm still friends with now, and won't be joining the reunion either :)
      2: My reply was simply: "Hello B. I'm sorry but I have no intentions whatsoever of showing up for that reunion. I hope you have a nice party. Regards, Lasse"

    • @cogafireese5290
      @cogafireese5290 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Riiser Plays I see. I'm glad your friend, who is still with you today shares the very same idea.
      Give you a wish of luck in the future :)

  • @Lightwolf234
    @Lightwolf234 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    What doesn't kills ya makes you stronger as the dumb pop songs go.

  • @Milesthewarrior
    @Milesthewarrior 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    dude if I could hug you, I would. Let's all go to the top of the effiel tower or some shit, and flip the bird with you.

  • @codybaier
    @codybaier 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I didn't expect to sit through this whole video. To be blunt, stories about "woe is me I was bullied" are a dime a dozen and are often melodramatic, featuring people talk about all the shitty nicknames they got the way rape victims recount their attack. But I'll give you all the credit in the world, your story was legit. What they did to you was pretty fucked up (and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either. I'm still trying to wrap my head around a lot of the why's and how's of their goofy prank). I'm also glad to see you're able to admit you're damaged; that takes a lot of guts. Specifically, admitting such a thing as a personal fault, and not a plea for sympathy. This didn't feel like a call to pity you. Usually stories like this have me rolling my eyes, because let's face it, often stories of "bullying" are grossly exaggerated, with an ever-present cloud of suspicion that the victim was bringing much of it on themselves (because the majority of the time, if you don't make a fool of yourself, you don't become a target). Based on your story, however, that was a legitimate fucking over you got. Sorry you had to go through that, but I'm happy to see you used it to make you stronger. I'll be rooting for you, dude.
    Also seriously, fuck that "B" chick. I know this might sound like empty commiserating, and I'm sure it just sounds like a platitude, but really, what a piece of work. Here's hoping she crashes into a tanker truck transporting Turbo-AIDS or something. What a bitch.
    Anyway, stay strong, man. Looking forward to following your further improvements, both as a show and as a person.

  • @mammoh
    @mammoh 8 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @KiliFili13
    @KiliFili13 8 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @SC2zergling
    @SC2zergling 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    thats great and all but when is the next video!?