19:07 You must standing still for this animation cancel to work! To utilize this in animation cancel effectively get used to using the S key to stop your player for a split second so the e cast animation can cancel the R. Jinx doesn’t have the same ability cast on her e while moving so you can’t cancel the r animation.
Nah jhin should be #11, his Q irrelevant damage, his E just a slow not a stunt then you only have a good W, you have high crit but if your opponent knows your tricks you can barely get a kill, he relay a lot in move speed to survive his ultimate is easily dodged and jhin can't really deal wirh a 1v2, if your opponent is smart will overwhelm you from the very start of the game, he is only strong in Kane face after lane face he must be very careful because he us a super easy target for any jungler, actually kog mau can replace jhin in this list, he us popular just because crit popularity this patch but is such case Caitlyn can do better than jhin mod and late game, he is only strong at the beginning but after laning face if he doesn't have a HUGE lead he becomes irrelevant late game, he will 9lbe only waiting for ultimate in team fights that will be his only task late game but his bullet reload totally limit him to take objectives amd multiple kills, mid and late game he will mostly trying to escape and runaway from tanks and jungler 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 jhin is jus5 a ballerina 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Here is my tip. I recommend playing an ADC that doesn't need someone standing on top of you for you to survive. like reliable Self peel. unless you have a duo... playing champs like jinx, Ashe, Mf aphelios and ect will get you killed every time because of all the dashing and blinks in the game. I recommend playing champs that can survive on there own. Like Zeri, Kai'sa, Tristana, Vayne, Ezreal (requires a great pilot) and Smolder. I didn't say Lucian because he's has really low range and kind of needs an enabler to be viable similar to Samira (unless you just know what you are doing). This is just my opinion. I would love to hear your thoughts as well.
While this is how I used to feel, I feel like you need to learn to play the ADCs that lack mobility to teach you how to properly position in team fights for higher elos. If you’re in low elo, it’ll be easier to not be punished for positioning poorly and you might develop bad habits and never learn where to be if you can just dash/jump/blink out. That’s my take but then again I’ve been hard stuck diamond 2 for the past 3 years so I’m not exactly the best person to give advice when everyone is challenger on TH-cam comments.
Imo while this sounds good in theory, but ease of execution is so important, that self sufficient champs that are extremely hard are not worth it. You can learn to position correctly to avoid these situations and doesn't need to learn a Vayne, Ezreal or shtg, they have more cons than pros. It's like someone recommends azir or leblanc or akali for mid, because they are safe and very hard to punish. It's completely the same for me. These are simply too hard to make them work as a low elo player. Smolder is interesting. On one hand he is quite easy to execute and scales well, but he tests farming extremely hard and having a selfish mentality, not participating in random fights etc. It's not like Kayle, with her you will get your powerspike no matter what, or Ausol, stacking passive is easy, with Smolder constantly setting up the minions killing them with one q while the enemy is trying to constantly harass is not that easy. So he's rewarding if someone wants to take farming serously (which is not a bad thing, most important fundamental), otherwise he's really bad, without reaching 225 before 25-27 min hes basically a canon minion
I have been a JG main since I started playing back in season 9 and have finally given up the ghost and switched. I know a lot of people say ADC is not great for climbing, but knowing the first half of the game I have the least impact helps keep my mental safe, and one of the biggest complaints I had as a JG was when my bot lane didn't help with objectives... so now as the bot lane I do help and have been winning more than losing. So far I am playing Nilah the most because she feels like an easier Samira, but I fall back on Jinx, Ashe, and Caitlin. (edit) Okay, 3 of the 4 in my pool are in the top 4. Close enough! 90% of my games are either Nilah or Jinx anyways, and I only play the others if they are picked/banned.
Started League a couple weeks ago, playing ADC as I don't trust my mechanics in one-on-one mêlée fights. Turns out it isn't the most beginner friendly role but I've found decent success and a lot of fun playing Ashe.
Seraphine is amazing. The problem with her in low elo is that people don't understand the pick. I've been flamed extremely hard just for picking her, when she sits at 52% wr. And as you said in the video, supports don't know how to play around her. jgl insists on ganking when you're oom... If you have a duo partner, preferably an engage/lockdown tank sup, she is great. If you play her solo, she is still good, but be prepared for the occasional rough game and being blamed a lot.
honestly I think it's a shame that Varus isn't on this list, he has the ability to punish mistakes in lane extremely hard. I like Varus because he really emphasizes the fundamentals of laning in bot lane, and makes it extremely rewarding to be better than your opponent in a role where you are often looking to your support for help. if you can learn how to position well in team-fights, Kog can run over games as his punish game in lane is insane IMO, even with the worst supports you can basically force them into getting the free kills your opponents are just handing to you. not getting peeled as Kog can feel bad but good W usage and positioning can really offset that downside.
answering the question at the start: the best adc to escape low elo has got to be Varus! bro's got above average range,slow,grievous wounds,great cc and ppl in low elo often don't get how his w works,so they always pick losing fights and don't expect wq +3 w stacks damage,it functions like Darius in a way,in the sense of having dps followed by a huge burst. he also has good waveclear and can build tank items,specially if the enemy comp has too much ap,since wit's end is good on him anyway
Since AP champs are included in this, I definitlely expected Brand to be at least top 3: Infinite Damage even when behing, infinite waveclear and zero hands required. Just use your point and click spells and get pentakills
As a varus main he's so underrated, his passive is a mini jinx passive that can stack as well. Not to mention his true damage burst potential, just farm safe till lv 3 and you're golden.
Idk why i dont see it anywhere but Lucian is OP. Shit ton of mobility and high early game damage allows to most of the time get fed so you dont get outscaled
Hey everyone & Skillcapped. I main ADC/Jinx and play against/with Golds & Plats in Normals and do very well. But in ranked I'm in Bronze and my team always feels like they are Neanderthals compared to the enemy. My supports go 0/10 and never ward. My tops want to FF by min 3. My jungle doesn't know how to do anything except clear their jungle. As someone who wants to rank up in general and as a ADC, what is the best way for me to deal with this? I end up needing to backdoor as Jinx to win games it's crazy. and if my team is behind, forget about turning it around they get so tilted and run it down. I'm a patient player, respectful, I type sometimes with mostly words of encouragement or jokes. But I'm losing more than winning. Lane-ing phase is always good, my CS per min is 6 - 8. Mid game always turns into fight city chaos when I'm trying to communicate how to push and deal with waves, but I always show up to fights when I can (or Jinx ult from across the map). How can I get on a win streak?
In Bronze you can achieve 8-10 cs pretty consistently with Jinx without needing any kind of crazy Challenger level mechanics due to the mistakes the enemy will be making. A key philosophy to adhere here to is focus on maximizing farm in these lower ranks as AD Carry. They will leave open lanes you can push and take towers from when they fight your team. Remember that you can always push into a recall/roam where when you group with your team you focus on the minimap checking if any enemies are in the side lane picking up waves. If they are, you can look to play more aggressive fishing for number advantaged fights. Also, don't give up on games, I know first hand that when I play in these games nearly 50% of my wins will come from 30min games where I generate big leads over time until eventually I'm a monster. Additionally, with a champion like Jinx your teamfighting/mechanics are actually quite important since you don't have the 1v1 dueling threat in the side lane as much as other ADCs. Check if fights you're losing when you have a big gold lead and/or number advantage are due to misplays you can learn from.
Win streaks themselves are luck based, dependent on the team match ups. What is not dependent, is your overall win rate and your skill. If you are doing all you wrote about, every game, and are one tricking to climb, your win rate will increase and you will climb. Consistency in skill, and adaptability in game is key to climbing. Technically, if your win rate is above 50% on a champ (get an app to track this on Overwolf, iTero) then you are positive and climbing by playing that champ, even when a loss streak comes (and they will). If you are able to hold a 55-70% win rate, then all it takes is more games to gain lp
for me Jinx isnt that good for low elo , i would raccomande adcs like tristana or kai'sa or vayne they can only farm and get very good and they can stay safe by doing that , or maybe a cait due the fact of long range and poke that can get enemie tilted a lot
@Rhythm-js1lb I totally agree, the best ADC for low elo right now is Cait, you can play safe and just farm until you get a couple of crit items to become a monster that can head shoot people mid and late game with just one single attack, you have very good survibility with your traps and net from jungle ganks that you can increase with spells like flash barrier or heal; take in account you can easily get a good lead with Cait in the early game depending of the match up, because Cait range he really doesn't have bad match ups and poke supports can't really catch her if you keep distance and he literally headshot ppl with single attack with full build and he can melt a tank with 2 auto attacks, and the reason I am telling you this is because is easier to handle lane with a bad support with Cait than with Jinx
I was low-key expecting to see Ezreal at number one, but yeah... He's definitely not low elo friendly since he heavily depends on hitting skillshots to get the most out of his damage.
Actually ADC requires the least set of skills to carry, being much easier to carry games as an adc than on other lanes. The only problem is the lack of impact for the first half of the game.
Sivir deserves an honorable mention. High mobility, great csing tools and a spell shield for protection. Sure she lacks all-in potential compared to other ADCs but she can survive even the worst supports screwing up her lane, allowing her to get cs and levels.
I have been playing a lot of Varus, very fun to play as. I enjoy stacking Blight and holding my empowered Q until the last moment and the watching their health bar delete out of nowhere lol
Thanks for the video. You talked about caitlyn but you don't talk about her passive that I think need to be rework except you if you play with Yvern as support. What are you thinking about that,her passive is strong but need a big condition compared to other adc.
The problem with Jinx is that you can’t reliably use the usual low elo macro strategy of splitpushing to death to get things done, I feel like Kai’sa is the best pick in elo hell and Jinx becomes the monster she actually is around plat
@@jsthename333 For Seraphine you can go with a full ap damage build with items like Blackfire Torch, Liandry's, Deathcap, etc. Or you can go an enchanter-like build with items like Redemption, Moonstone Renewer, Dawncore etc. It depends on your team comp, and the enemy. If you play against a lot of mobile champs that are hard to hit with your slow skill shots or if you expect a lot of team fighting, going enchanter can be better bc it makes your team almost unkillable with massive shields and heals.
I was low-key expecting ezreal to be on this list. But yeah, he's definitely not low elo friendly since he heavily depends on hitting skillshots to get the most out of him..
playing sera adc in low elo is annoying because other low elo players dont know that she is a mage/apc and think you're trolling its always nice to prove them wrong though! i still will never forgive riot for them nerfing her Q execute on minions
@@Piememekia but having an APC in your pool means you dont have to dodge if your mid/jgl/top all go AD. You can of couse go Kogmaw, but that's problematic with most mage supports.
I have been doing PTA MF with Jack of all trades secondary, I get 5 stack in first back and 10 stacks at 4th/5th item and except for the one game where the jungler made it his goal to just chain gank I always carry hard even the game I died during an invade then died again before 4 minutes… I think I’m 7-1 on this build and I’m bronze 4… I would suggest this build
It hurt not putting Sivir on the list :( I think there are just really strong ADCs after the itemization rework now whereas before Sivir was great since all ADCs were pretty weak.
Feel bad now lol. He's way too difficult for most players and his power has been inconsistent. Feels like Riot keeps him weak in solo queue due to pros abusing him whenever he gets too strong.
@@skillcapped Yea very dependent on his support and team to cover him and got one of the worst win rate percentages. I got 1.6m mastery points with Aphelios and feel how hard is he. I believe if they made any kind of small BUFFs for him, he will be VERY OP champ cause his skills specialty. I guess he is on his best now and riot cannot make anything more with him.
@@theparad21 according to lolwiki Zeri's attack range is 750 + 100% BONUS ATTACK RANGE. that's further than Caits 650 and Ashe 600. its also further than Jinx's Q Rockets which is 725.
@@EpicDBagger I suppose that all proplayers are bad then cuz they have chosen Jinx over Kogmaw for the majority of the time in the past 1 year at least
@@hero55555fbecause Kogs skill expression is much higher and takes more hands to play. He’s one of the lowest played adc’s with a very HIGH win rate. He requires more thinking and planning when playing especially in low elo. As someone who plays a lot of these champs the less brain power needed for champs like MF, Kai’Sa, Jinx is staggering. It’s why so many more people pick them over kog. He might not have much escape but taking tanky secondaries compensates for that.
Right now Nilah is just a better version of Samira. Samira was actually busted for a long time last season whereas Nilah was pretty terrible during that time. They basically just swapped power levels for this season.
Jhin not good in low elo, because need someone to get enemy lowers to kill, and his ult need a good position of protection for you, and if your team push enemy team to out of your ult that now cant take more than 1-2 shots
@@xdlira3973 I would say he is. Jhin got a few things going for him, a way to snowball, his followup due to being one of the few adcs with cc and his weird lategame scaling where he starts 2 shotting squishies while zooming around. Out of those, the last one is the easiest for low elo players because the game are longer and teams dont follow up on each other. So his auto attack/crit playstyle is the main focus for low elo. The crit build makes it easy for adcs that cant kite, because having a low AS while getting MS on crits is the perfect thing for people that havent gotten the 400 bpm kiting down yet. However, I will agree with the statement that people dont really learn how to kite like most adcs on Jhin since youre kinda playing that on easy mode, but then again, this video is for escaping low elo, not setting yourself up for hitting master or something. (This is way too long whoops)
guessing MF, ziggs, karthus, jinx, seraphine, some other nonsense (PS cait being number ten is a crime in and of itself she is NOT good for low elo players *cough* like me) MF and Jhin being outside the top 3 is also making this list look like you put random names in a hat and pulled them out
No samira top 1? No samira top 10? wtf? Ok, she need engage supp, but over all she is the easiest and strongest 1v5 machine ever exist. I am adc D1 peak last split, I am climbing only with samira/kai'sa, other adc is pure coinflip
Put the CARRY in AD CARRY at 👉👉👉www.skill-capped.com/lol#adclowelo👈👈👈
19:07 You must standing still for this animation cancel to work! To utilize this in animation cancel effectively get used to using the S key to stop your player for a split second so the e cast animation can cancel the R. Jinx doesn’t have the same ability cast on her e while moving so you can’t cancel the r animation.
The best adc is the one that gets u 4 other humans on your team
not putting Jhin on 4th is a crime
so true
That would be lame and predictable. Also it makes the list looks unreliable , like a just 4 fun list .
Nah jhin should be #11, his Q irrelevant damage, his E just a slow not a stunt then you only have a good W, you have high crit but if your opponent knows your tricks you can barely get a kill, he relay a lot in move speed to survive his ultimate is easily dodged and jhin can't really deal wirh a 1v2, if your opponent is smart will overwhelm you from the very start of the game, he is only strong in Kane face after lane face he must be very careful because he us a super easy target for any jungler, actually kog mau can replace jhin in this list, he us popular just because crit popularity this patch but is such case Caitlyn can do better than jhin mod and late game, he is only strong at the beginning but after laning face if he doesn't have a HUGE lead he becomes irrelevant late game, he will 9lbe only waiting for ultimate in team fights that will be his only task late game but his bullet reload totally limit him to take objectives amd multiple kills, mid and late game he will mostly trying to escape and runaway from tanks and jungler 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 jhin is jus5 a ballerina 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I rarely do see a well played jhin in low elo tbh, eqch time my bot lane picks him i kinda know its a losing game
lol inb4 me
17:05 Bro what is that Yone doing?
legends say he is still waiting raptors 🤣
Fighting demons
Here is my tip. I recommend playing an ADC that doesn't need someone standing on top of you for you to survive. like reliable Self peel. unless you have a duo... playing champs like jinx, Ashe, Mf aphelios and ect will get you killed every time because of all the dashing and blinks in the game. I recommend playing champs that can survive on there own. Like Zeri, Kai'sa, Tristana, Vayne, Ezreal (requires a great pilot) and Smolder. I didn't say Lucian because he's has really low range and kind of needs an enabler to be viable similar to Samira (unless you just know what you are doing). This is just my opinion. I would love to hear your thoughts as well.
this i agree
This sounds like bad advice
While this is how I used to feel, I feel like you need to learn to play the ADCs that lack mobility to teach you how to properly position in team fights for higher elos. If you’re in low elo, it’ll be easier to not be punished for positioning poorly and you might develop bad habits and never learn where to be if you can just dash/jump/blink out. That’s my take but then again I’ve been hard stuck diamond 2 for the past 3 years so I’m not exactly the best person to give advice when everyone is challenger on TH-cam comments.
Imo while this sounds good in theory, but ease of execution is so important, that self sufficient champs that are extremely hard are not worth it. You can learn to position correctly to avoid these situations and doesn't need to learn a Vayne, Ezreal or shtg, they have more cons than pros. It's like someone recommends azir or leblanc or akali for mid, because they are safe and very hard to punish. It's completely the same for me. These are simply too hard to make them work as a low elo player. Smolder is interesting. On one hand he is quite easy to execute and scales well, but he tests farming extremely hard and having a selfish mentality, not participating in random fights etc. It's not like Kayle, with her you will get your powerspike no matter what, or Ausol, stacking passive is easy, with Smolder constantly setting up the minions killing them with one q while the enemy is trying to constantly harass is not that easy. So he's rewarding if someone wants to take farming serously (which is not a bad thing, most important fundamental), otherwise he's really bad, without reaching 225 before 25-27 min hes basically a canon minion
ashe and jinx have self peel
1. Jinx
2. Ashe
3. Jhin
4. Twiitch
5. MF
6. Kaisa
7. Zeri
8. Caitlyn
9. Ezreal
10. Varus
Good list, only disagreement is Ezreal. Too difficult to play even for Challengers xd
I have been a JG main since I started playing back in season 9 and have finally given up the ghost and switched. I know a lot of people say ADC is not great for climbing, but knowing the first half of the game I have the least impact helps keep my mental safe, and one of the biggest complaints I had as a JG was when my bot lane didn't help with objectives... so now as the bot lane I do help and have been winning more than losing. So far I am playing Nilah the most because she feels like an easier Samira, but I fall back on Jinx, Ashe, and Caitlin. (edit) Okay, 3 of the 4 in my pool are in the top 4. Close enough! 90% of my games are either Nilah or Jinx anyways, and I only play the others if they are picked/banned.
Started League a couple weeks ago, playing ADC as I don't trust my mechanics in one-on-one mêlée fights. Turns out it isn't the most beginner friendly role but I've found decent success and a lot of fun playing Ashe.
Seraphine is amazing. The problem with her in low elo is that people don't understand the pick. I've been flamed extremely hard just for picking her, when she sits at 52% wr. And as you said in the video, supports don't know how to play around her. jgl insists on ganking when you're oom... If you have a duo partner, preferably an engage/lockdown tank sup, she is great. If you play her solo, she is still good, but be prepared for the occasional rough game and being blamed a lot.
honestly I think it's a shame that Varus isn't on this list, he has the ability to punish mistakes in lane extremely hard. I like Varus because he really emphasizes the fundamentals of laning in bot lane, and makes it extremely rewarding to be better than your opponent in a role where you are often looking to your support for help.
if you can learn how to position well in team-fights, Kog can run over games as his punish game in lane is insane IMO, even with the worst supports you can basically force them into getting the free kills your opponents are just handing to you. not getting peeled as Kog can feel bad but good W usage and positioning can really offset that downside.
answering the question at the start: the best adc to escape low elo has got to be Varus!
bro's got above average range,slow,grievous wounds,great cc and ppl in low elo often don't get how his w works,so they always pick losing fights and don't expect wq +3 w stacks damage,it functions like Darius in a way,in the sense of having dps followed by a huge burst.
he also has good waveclear and can build tank items,specially if the enemy comp has too much ap,since wit's end is good on him anyway
0:19 i am the aphelios nostalgic why are u targeting me
No cap, that was exactly the reason I started maining him for a while xdd
Since AP champs are included in this, I definitlely expected Brand to be at least top 3: Infinite Damage even when behing, infinite waveclear and zero hands required. Just use your point and click spells and get pentakills
sad to see varus isnt even considered... guess his rework did him dirty. he still remain one of my favorites
Wish they would just stop reworking champs, they just Ruin it every Time. Same with skarner ( tho hes strong, his old kit was just so much cooler)
As a varus main he's so underrated, his passive is a mini jinx passive that can stack as well. Not to mention his true damage burst potential, just farm safe till lv 3 and you're golden.
Idk why i dont see it anywhere but Lucian is OP. Shit ton of mobility and high early game damage allows to most of the time get fed so you dont get outscaled
Hey everyone & Skillcapped. I main ADC/Jinx and play against/with Golds & Plats in Normals and do very well. But in ranked I'm in Bronze and my team always feels like they are Neanderthals compared to the enemy. My supports go 0/10 and never ward. My tops want to FF by min 3. My jungle doesn't know how to do anything except clear their jungle. As someone who wants to rank up in general and as a ADC, what is the best way for me to deal with this? I end up needing to backdoor as Jinx to win games it's crazy. and if my team is behind, forget about turning it around they get so tilted and run it down. I'm a patient player, respectful, I type sometimes with mostly words of encouragement or jokes. But I'm losing more than winning. Lane-ing phase is always good, my CS per min is 6 - 8. Mid game always turns into fight city chaos when I'm trying to communicate how to push and deal with waves, but I always show up to fights when I can (or Jinx ult from across the map). How can I get on a win streak?
In Bronze you can achieve 8-10 cs pretty consistently with Jinx without needing any kind of crazy Challenger level mechanics due to the mistakes the enemy will be making. A key philosophy to adhere here to is focus on maximizing farm in these lower ranks as AD Carry. They will leave open lanes you can push and take towers from when they fight your team. Remember that you can always push into a recall/roam where when you group with your team you focus on the minimap checking if any enemies are in the side lane picking up waves. If they are, you can look to play more aggressive fishing for number advantaged fights. Also, don't give up on games, I know first hand that when I play in these games nearly 50% of my wins will come from 30min games where I generate big leads over time until eventually I'm a monster. Additionally, with a champion like Jinx your teamfighting/mechanics are actually quite important since you don't have the 1v1 dueling threat in the side lane as much as other ADCs. Check if fights you're losing when you have a big gold lead and/or number advantage are due to misplays you can learn from.
Win streaks themselves are luck based, dependent on the team match ups. What is not dependent, is your overall win rate and your skill. If you are doing all you wrote about, every game, and are one tricking to climb, your win rate will increase and you will climb. Consistency in skill, and adaptability in game is key to climbing. Technically, if your win rate is above 50% on a champ (get an app to track this on Overwolf, iTero) then you are positive and climbing by playing that champ, even when a loss streak comes (and they will). If you are able to hold a 55-70% win rate, then all it takes is more games to gain lp
@@skillcapped Giga appreciate you for the detailed response!
for me Jinx isnt that good for low elo , i would raccomande adcs like tristana or kai'sa or vayne they can only farm and get very good and they can stay safe by doing that , or maybe a cait due the fact of long range and poke that can get enemie tilted a lot
@Rhythm-js1lb I totally agree, the best ADC for low elo right now is Cait, you can play safe and just farm until you get a couple of crit items to become a monster that can head shoot people mid and late game with just one single attack, you have very good survibility with your traps and net from jungle ganks that you can increase with spells like flash barrier or heal; take in account you can easily get a good lead with Cait in the early game depending of the match up, because Cait range he really doesn't have bad match ups and poke supports can't really catch her if you keep distance and he literally headshot ppl with single attack with full build and he can melt a tank with 2 auto attacks, and the reason I am telling you this is because is easier to handle lane with a bad support with Cait than with Jinx
Jinx’s passive is super overpowered, and Jinx is op, prove me wrong.
I was low-key expecting to see Ezreal at number one, but yeah... He's definitely not low elo friendly since he heavily depends on hitting skillshots to get the most out of his damage.
The best way to ESCAPE LOW ELO is not to play ADC😅
I went from being a Silver 1/Gold 4 midlaner to being a Plat 1/Emerald 4 Adc just from watching skillcapped.
@@AndreasRP. Nice paid actor
Actually ADC requires the least set of skills to carry, being much easier to carry games as an adc than on other lanes. The only problem is the lack of impact for the first half of the game.
@rainy3420 ah yes, carrying to emerald with garen and malphite is so much harder than the most risk and reward role in the game
Feels wrong to call Seraphine an "AD-Carry". If you're gonna include APCs, just say Bot, as the role is actually called, or ADC/APC.
Because it is wrong, but it's a bit of a nitpick
I was debating on that, but it can be confusing for those that don't know that specific knowledge so I figured I'd play it safe and go with ADC.
Top 10 adcs. Out of 22...
My niggas at Skilled Capped putting in work with these videos!! Keep it up yall 😏
Sivir deserves an honorable mention. High mobility, great csing tools and a spell shield for protection. Sure she lacks all-in potential compared to other ADCs but she can survive even the worst supports screwing up her lane, allowing her to get cs and levels.
being able to farm when you have a dumbass support, is absolutely important
I have been playing a lot of Varus, very fun to play as. I enjoy stacking Blight and holding my empowered Q until the last moment and the watching their health bar delete out of nowhere lol
Ezreal and Varus feel like they should be on here.
varus is preatty atm
varus is too static, everyone bully him
I don't play ranked I'm really bad not new and mostly play kayle top... BUT if I play Cait bottom I always win that game...
Well...damn I honestly didn't look
Brand is insane as an APC, top damage every game. Press R to win teamfights. Poke by pushing they wave. If you have a Nami the combo is broken.
Brand is lowkey insane in every role right now lol
Can you do next jungle?
I got you: th-cam.com/video/ERFz21tMeis/w-d-xo.html
Thanks for the video. You talked about caitlyn but you don't talk about her passive that I think need to be rework except you if you play with Yvern as support. What are you thinking about that,her passive is strong but need a big condition compared to other adc.
The problem with Jinx is that you can’t reliably use the usual low elo macro strategy of splitpushing to death to get things done, I feel like Kai’sa is the best pick in elo hell and Jinx becomes the monster she actually is around plat
I'm curious. Mages as adc, what items do you buy for them? AP or AD items? Thanks
AP, almost always it's the same build as if you played them mid lane.
@@skillcapped thanks a bunch. Still trying to wrap my head on the idea.
@@jsthename333 For Seraphine you can go with a full ap damage build with items like Blackfire Torch, Liandry's, Deathcap, etc. Or you can go an enchanter-like build with items like Redemption, Moonstone Renewer, Dawncore etc. It depends on your team comp, and the enemy. If you play against a lot of mobile champs that are hard to hit with your slow skill shots or if you expect a lot of team fighting, going enchanter can be better bc it makes your team almost unkillable with massive shields and heals.
@@MilaMara Thanks. I'll check what those items do.
It's like this channel reads my mind sometimes
I was low-key expecting ezreal to be on this list. But yeah, he's definitely not low elo friendly since he heavily depends on hitting skillshots to get the most out of him..
Kaisa is so free rn
Can’t wait for the support one
playing sera adc in low elo is annoying because other low elo players dont know that she is a mage/apc and think you're trolling its always nice to prove them wrong though! i still will never forgive riot for them nerfing her Q execute on minions
You deserve to be in low elo using any mage bot, plz just play it mid
@@Piememekiao7 all proplayer adcs a couple years ago
@@Piememekia it's the way you FULLY proved their point . Apc's got me from gold 4 to emerald 1 in a matter of weeks
She’s just disgusting to look at tbh
@@Piememekia but having an APC in your pool means you dont have to dodge if your mid/jgl/top all go AD. You can of couse go Kogmaw, but that's problematic with most mage supports.
**Continues to cope and play smolder**
love it
1st: Jinx
2nd: Ashe
3rd: Varus
That would be my order
I have been doing PTA MF with Jack of all trades secondary, I get 5 stack in first back and 10 stacks at 4th/5th item and except for the one game where the jungler made it his goal to just chain gank I always carry hard even the game I died during an invade then died again before 4 minutes… I think I’m 7-1 on this build and I’m bronze 4… I would suggest this build
Lemme guess too!
1. Sivir (coz hexadecimal loves the adc split :D)
2. MF (cos simple and high damage)
3. Draven (same)
4. Jinx (same)
5. Jihn (same)
6. Ezreal (escape/surivavable)
7. Twitch (surprise factor)
8. Ashe (simple)
9. Vayne (coz low elo can't handle a good vayne player)
10. Tristana (coz towers die easy)
It hurt not putting Sivir on the list :( I think there are just really strong ADCs after the itemization rework now whereas before Sivir was great since all ADCs were pretty weak.
Can u make a guide on vayne since she is so hard to play?
Sivir is the full package for sure !
My guesses are:
10. Ezreal
9. Lucian
8. Kai'sa
7. Vayne
6. Ashe
5. Jinx
4. Twitch
3. Kog Maw
2. Caitlyn
1. Jhin
Im a Katarina one trick but i love sameria when i play adc
MF, Kai'sa and Jinx are good in low elo
plz set time code on
it takes time for time stamps to show after upload....if you hit show more the time stamps are there
can you do a support tier next please
Sounds good :D
hello do you have a video on how to kite with adc if not can you make one and ty.
no one mentioning xayah upsets me 😮💨
did Anyone see that Yone trying to get over the wall and failing miserably xD
#1 tossup between Ashe or Kaisa, that's my guess
Ah close enough
Pretty close!
Wanted to see anything about my Main ADC Aphelios, and I got only a comment in the video. xD
same here lmao
Feel bad now lol. He's way too difficult for most players and his power has been inconsistent. Feels like Riot keeps him weak in solo queue due to pros abusing him whenever he gets too strong.
@@skillcapped Yea very dependent on his support and team to cover him and got one of the worst win rate percentages.
I got 1.6m mastery points with Aphelios and feel how hard is he. I believe if they made any kind of small BUFFs for him, he will be VERY OP champ cause his skills specialty. I guess he is on his best now and riot cannot make anything more with him.
@@Faydita :(
One trick vayne and diamond is easy with kraken rageblade wits end/terminum terminus/BT BT/GA/armor MR
No Vayne, not surprised.
The only three adc I play is in the top 4 lol. I refuse to play jinx. Broken af.
zeri must be good, at least as a counter pick cus she steals shields and has mobility and great range
She does not steal shield. She has low range. Its a safe pick not a counter, just ashe ban. But yeah she has great mobility :)
@@theparad21 dang, i hadnt even noticed they removed the shield part of her passive cus i rarely see her but that was my fav part of her kit :/
@@theparad21 according to lolwiki Zeri's attack range is 750 + 100% BONUS ATTACK RANGE. that's further than Caits 650 and Ashe 600. its also further than Jinx's Q Rockets which is 725.
how about draven??
using footage from when lethal tempo was a rune to show how good champs are?
Why isnt ezreal on the list? Its working great for me in lowelo beacuse of the fact that most people underastimate the dmg
its probably because of how skillshot reliant he is
if you are good at him you should play him obviously, he fits a lot of comps but don't pick him when your team needs reliable damage
Very difficult to play for most players, even very skilled ones. If you are good at him he's insane though.
I love playing with MF, she can solo lane when supports tilts
I suggest Yasuo, u just go 0/10, unlock your ultra instinct, and carry the rest of the game, work every time
Reliant for teammates* Laughs in 1v9 Koggies
How to carry as adc is so easy literally don’t tilt, scale and wave management. 90% of low elo adcs fail one of those and are hard stuck. Don’t whine.
yeaah, so i just played ashe into a jinx and we won :D
For ADC: I’d say Kog’Maw (if you are good) is the best.
Jinx if u are bad.
@@EpicDBagger I suppose that all proplayers are bad then cuz they have chosen Jinx over Kogmaw for the majority of the time in the past 1 year at least
@@hero55555f Kog doesn't have a passive and proplayers aren't escaping low-elo.
@@mubumubu5975 but why the "if youre good" and "if youre bad" part?
@@hero55555fbecause Kogs skill expression is much higher and takes more hands to play. He’s one of the lowest played adc’s with a very HIGH win rate. He requires more thinking and planning when playing especially in low elo. As someone who plays a lot of these champs the less brain power needed for champs like MF, Kai’Sa, Jinx is staggering. It’s why so many more people pick them over kog. He might not have much escape but taking tanky secondaries compensates for that.
"top 10 adc's" there are 20 adc's in the game xD
Caitlyn #1 for sure
Samira not even getting mentioned at all in this video seems odd. She can 1 v 5 consistently if you can snowball her
It takes a ton of skill and experience to snowball her with a bad support/jungle.
Samira is definitely solid, but once you play Nilah you realize she's just a stronger version of Samira right now :(
Not having Zeri on here is just wrong.
I’m over here kicking rocks as a Samira main seeing her not in top 10 or honorable mentions. 😂😂.
Right now Nilah is just a better version of Samira. Samira was actually busted for a long time last season whereas Nilah was pretty terrible during that time. They basically just swapped power levels for this season.
i would enjoy the videos if ihey had a lot less ads
Im hard stuck in emerald as a zed main can anyone help?
Jinx is so stupidly unbalanced.
Tristana has now become turbo garbage thanks to proplay nerfs
why not lucian?
this is just every adc
maybe my adc will learn something ty
Jinx better be #1
actually number 1 is Brand... hes 55% win rate lmao. just play mages bot guys
Bro, the number of adc's on the game is actually cosidered 10 xD
I say draven that’s my dude
Senna cause she scales infinately and gets range from it
Jhin not good in low elo, because need someone to get enemy lowers to kill, and his ult need a good position of protection for you, and if your team push enemy team to out of your ult that now cant take more than 1-2 shots
@@xdlira3973 I would say he is. Jhin got a few things going for him, a way to snowball, his followup due to being one of the few adcs with cc and his weird lategame scaling where he starts 2 shotting squishies while zooming around. Out of those, the last one is the easiest for low elo players because the game are longer and teams dont follow up on each other. So his auto attack/crit playstyle is the main focus for low elo. The crit build makes it easy for adcs that cant kite, because having a low AS while getting MS on crits is the perfect thing for people that havent gotten the 400 bpm kiting down yet.
However, I will agree with the statement that people dont really learn how to kite like most adcs on Jhin since youre kinda playing that on easy mode, but then again, this video is for escaping low elo, not setting yourself up for hitting master or something.
(This is way too long whoops)
Don't play ADC if you want to climb lol.
guessing MF, ziggs, karthus, jinx, seraphine, some other nonsense (PS cait being number ten is a crime in and of itself she is NOT good for low elo players *cough* like me)
MF and Jhin being outside the top 3 is also making this list look like you put random names in a hat and pulled them out
not even a mention to Varus, is he so bad?
wait where is ezreal ? :D
Hey were varus
Weak right now, plus every ability is a slow moving skill shot. He’s not good for low elo at the moment since the lethality build is gone
@@Wandeezimo I thought he was good becouse I was performing better then usual but that might just be becouse I no life him💀
@@Wandeezimo imo only the lethality build is viable. everything else feels dog
lol sivir is a beast in low elo.
No samira top 1? No samira top 10? wtf? Ok, she need engage supp, but over all she is the easiest and strongest 1v5 machine ever exist. I am adc D1 peak last split, I am climbing only with samira/kai'sa, other adc is pure coinflip
she's squishy and die instant most of the time
Samira is the best one
The best adc to carry low elo is mages. Just play a mage
what is the definition of ADC? why are you calling sera an ADC?
must be Ashe
If Jhin isn't number 4 I'm unsubbing.
6? Really?
First one here?
Caitlyn's not on the list, is she?
I'm diamond 💎