Great news a home grown Ethiopian business I think if the owners goal is to improve the lives of all Ethiopian not heist for profit all Ethiopians should be behind this gentleman and support him. I hope more developers that’re home grown will come up. To transform Ethiopia we need honest Ethiopian that have an interest beyond profit to help our society. This should be encouraged and give Ethiopian investors should be encouraged. Good luck!
I like the idea, but There are many questions are not briefed for me. How long the bank lone will take? About what interest rate will bank calculate the rest of monthly payment. Is the first 10 or 6 years Paiment is down payment? Or that payment is all about process fees? Trust is number 1 thing between two parties. Which bank is exactly working with you? You just mentioned mortgage banks but we don’t know which and can evaluate with our side.
Very unclear sale. Can anyone answer or clarify for me what the 19 thousand does? is it a fee? down payment? goes towards purchase at some stage of construction or at ownership? Second question, is the price of each unit determined at time of construction start or at the end of construction as the value will significantly different? Last, what is the bank rate?
8 years ago government was promised 2-4 bedroom for diaspora if they paid full amount within 6 months. We did diaspora did not get apartments. They have been told to take their money to exchange rate birr. Can you imagine after you are waiting 6 years you left high and dry
በጣም ጡሩ ነው ጥያቄ አለኝ ለምሣሌ 55000 ተከፍሎበት በወር 2000 እየተከፈለ ሠውየው አቅም ካለው ወይም ብር ካገኘ የ10 አመቱን በአንዴ መክፈል ይችላል? 2ኛ ጥያቄ ከ10አመት በላይ ያለውን ተጨማሪ ብር መቆጠብ ወይም መጨመር ይቻላል? 3ኛ ጥያቄ ከ18 አመት በታች ባለ ልጂ ስም ማድረግ ይቻላል?
Great news a home grown Ethiopian business I think if the owners goal is to improve the lives of all Ethiopian not heist for profit all Ethiopians should be behind this gentleman and support him. I hope more developers that’re home grown will come up. To transform Ethiopia we need honest Ethiopian that have an interest beyond profit to help our society.
This should be encouraged and give Ethiopian investors should be encouraged.
Good luck!
ESAT እናመሰግናለን መረጃው የተጣራ አልነበረም አሁን ሁሉም ነገር ግልፅ ነው።
I like the idea, but There are many questions are not briefed for me.
How long the bank lone will take?
About what interest rate will bank calculate the rest of monthly payment.
Is the first 10 or 6 years Paiment is down payment? Or that payment is all about process fees?
Trust is number 1 thing between two parties. Which bank is exactly working with you? You just mentioned mortgage banks but we don’t know which and can evaluate with our side.
Mrt hasab nat eskawn indet sanayew tebareku bertuln hager sngeba enmezegebalen
ጎጆ! ሞኛችሁን ፈልጉ! በተመሳሳዩ ብዙ የቤት ገንቢ ድርጅቶች ከዚህ በፊት ገንዘብ ሰብስበው አንድም ቤት ሰርተው አላስረከቡም። ለምሳሌ፥ አክሰስ የሪል እስቴት ከ2000 ቤት ገዥዎች ላይ 1.2 ቢልዮን ሰብስቦ ከጠፋ 10 አመት ሆነው። ፈቃድ የሰጠውና ቫት ክፍያ የወሰደው መንግስትም ሀላፊነት ተሰምቶት ዘራፊዎችን ተጠያቂ አላረገም። መፍትሄ ሊሰጠም አልቻለም። ዲያስፖራ ሆይ! እባካችሁ ህግ በሌለበት አገር በጭልፊቶች እንዳትበሉ!
ትክክል ሌቦች ናቸው መንቃት ነው ወጣ ብሎ መግዛት ይሻላል ህጋዊ ቦታ እጅ በእጅ ከዛ መኪና ገዝቶ መንቀሳቀስ ነው
That was during the corrupt and looting TPLF junta regime. Now banks and government have more oversight in the loans and financing.
የተከፈለው እዴት ማወቅ ይቻላል
ጠቃሚ ሃሳብ ነው
That’s a good idea thank u
እንዴት መመዝገብ ይቻላል ዱባይ ነው
እኔ አረብ ሀገር ነዉ ያለዉት ግን ከሶስት ወራት በሗላ ወዴ ሀገር ስለም ገባ እዴት መመዝገብ እችላለዉ ? እስት መልሱልኝ ወገኖቸ
እዝች ጋር ወለድ ስራዋን ትሰራለች።
እስቲ በተሻለ ሁኔታ ግልፅ አድርጉት እንዴት ነዉ ሰዉ አብሮ ሚገነባዉ?
በየወሩ በሚቆጥበው ገንዘብ ማለት ነዋ ቢቲዬዋ በሰውዬው አነጋገር
እሺ ታሜዋ ካልበሉን እንሞክራለን ጌታ ይጠብቀን😌
Online registrationun aftinut please wer $1,300 kiray eyekeflin tesekayitenal..Mengedoch hulu wede hager bet yameralu..
Ethiopiyaye selamish yibza!!
Very unclear sale. Can anyone answer or clarify for me what the 19 thousand does? is it a fee? down payment? goes towards purchase at some stage of construction or at ownership? Second question, is the price of each unit determined at time of construction start or at the end of construction as the value will significantly different? Last, what is the bank rate?
8 years ago government was promised 2-4 bedroom for diaspora if they paid full amount within 6 months. We did diaspora did not get apartments. They have been told to take their money to exchange rate birr. Can you imagine after you are waiting 6 years you left high and dry
መቼ ነው
ከዚ በፊት አዲስ ፕሪፋም ጉድ ያረገን ድጋሚ እንታለል
Good Beginning....!!
ውጭ ብንሆንም መኖሪያ ወረቀት የሌለን በችግር የምንኖር ኮንደሚኒየም20/80 ተመዝግበን ያልደረሰን በ55 ሺ ከፍለን መመዝገብ እንችላለኖይ
ችግር የለውም 10ቤትም ቢኖርህ መመዝገብ ትችላለች
Best of Best !!!!!
nice idea bertu
55ሺን 10 አመት ይበዛል ወዴ 6 አመት አሚጡት
እንዴት ናችሁ ውዴ ቤተሰቦቸ እኔ አልሀምዱሊላህ እኔ ከመዝግቢ ከፍየም አለሁ 55ሺውን ግን ንግድ ባንክ ለምንድን ነው ዝግ አካውንት ለብቻ ያልሰኝ?
ሀለተኛ ብሩን ውሉንም ጨረሻለሁ አሁን ዝግ አካውንት ለምን ንግድ ባንክ አልሰጠኝም አሁንስ እንደት ነው የማስተካክለው ?
ከከፈልኩኝ 6ወር ሁኖኛል አሁን ቁጠባየን የአመት መዝጋት ፈልጊ ነበር እስቲ መልሱልኝ?
እንዴት ተመዘገብሽ እህቴ ቁጥርሽን ላክልኝ በናትሽ
የተመዘገብሽው ቡ55ሺህ ነው ።በየወሩ 2 ሺህ ትትልኪያለሽ ። ግን ጠቅላላ ክፍያው ስንት ነው ?ቤቱ በትክል በስንት አሙት ያልቃል ።
Wasitinaw idk min fires nen beteley akim alba yehonu sewochi yalachewun neger Hulu shetew memezigebi mifeligu yinoraluna lelaw.
And sew teklala mejemria bikefel bete wediaw yestewal
እስካ ስንት ናው
bertu 10 amet yalachot pleas wode 6amet amitut
ቢሆን ጥሩ ነበር ሆኖም የሕዝቡን የመክፈል አቅም ተመዝኖ ነው። 6 አመት ኒደረግ በየወሩ 2 ሺህ መቆጠብ ይቀርና 4 ሺህ 5 ሺህ መቆጠብ አለበት ያን ማድረግ ደግሞ ከባድ አይመስልህም ??? በዚህ በተወደደ ኑሮ ሕዝቡ ከየት ያመጣል ዘይት አንድ ሺህ ገባእኮ
this $20k is just a broker fee ,why don't I go to the bank and deal by myself ? poor interviewer, should have asked this, it is is a rip-off
ወሻታም ነህ አመት ሆነን ቤቱ ሳይሰራ