And to add to the lady that asked about cremation. If you died in a house fire you would essentially be cremated. There is nothing that God cannot do. He created the laws that every element on the periodic table exists by. This includes all of the elements that make up the composition of your body and any chemical or physical change that they may under go. Do not forget that God created everything from nothing. If He wanted to revive a persons cremated body in oder to create the persons incorruptible body, He can and He will.
@Patriot36 have it the other way around. He NEVER said that when you are absent from the body he is present with the Lord, but he wishes it was that way. Lets go to the next scripture Luke 23:43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Did Jesus go to heaven that day? Yes or No? simple question
Put the comma after today whole meaning changes i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise. Error in English translations all of them. King James Act12:4 says Easter it was passover!
@@shanejungers796 It is not an error simply the Passover for Christian's is now Easter and so translated that way. Christian's at that time knew the difference, even the Greek will define it as both because of this. Jesus became the Passover Lamb and the Resurection. Passover had then become a new definition, a new day if you will. The KJV is not in error regarding a comma after to-day. We have to get into even more argumentative discussion now to agree on what is heaven, where is it, how many heavens, paradise, is paradise the same as heaven, how many departments in paradise, what about hades, is that the same????? I believe that the thief entered paradise, a holding place for old testimate saints, a place where Jesus went to visit & later lead them out. I think God designed it this way to force us to study it out, it is not salvation threatening, just things we should learn on our own led by the Spirit. As we all know in liberal thinking humans supposedly progress. This is why today's so called enlightened high tech society learns from social media. No longer do they require thought or intelligence, they just want to be fed thought rather than think themselves. If our news media hasn't taught you that then nothing will. Joesephus's disclosure to Greeks concerning hades is very interesting. It helps answer some of the questions where did people of old testimate go after death. Did people go straight to hell that deserved it? I'm under the belief that paradise is a holding place for God's people waiting to be judged.
So wait a minute, if Christ hasn't returned but we still go to heaven after physical death then why do we need a physical body to resurrect from the grave? Also, how can anyone say that physical death is an enemy of God if when we die physically we go to be with the lord?
+Orangeokie7 I agree with what you said. I don't see where the Bible says we go to heaven when we die. Also, I don't see in the Bible where our physical bodies will be resurrected from the grave. There are MANY scriptures in the Bible that say what happens when we die, and some say where we go, until we are resurrected with incorruptible bodies. Thank you, Orangeokie7 for standing up for the truth, in scripture. I pray those that ask questions to others, (like in this video), don't take their view as the truth completely. To others reading my comments, I think that Hank Hanegraff has studied many things, and he gives his VIEWS of it, when giving advice to others. I pray that all who listen to Mr. Hanegraff, or ANYONE else, compare thier view with what the bible says about your questions.
@bud ekins is abrahams bossum like pergatory? Like a suspended animation thing? Is it like going to sleep and whe you wakeup hours went by but you feel like it was really a short time? Why do people say to kids that the dead person is in heaven if they really arent there? Im confused and scared.
1thegreat...., thanks. Think about this. If Paradise is a place (compartment) in the grave, then the way you interpret this scripture would be correct, as Jesus went to the Grave when he died, and was in the grave for 3 days, right! But if you believe Paradise is in Heaven, then the thief and Jesus did NOT go there, that day, when they died, because Jesus didn't go back to Heaven for more than 40 days later! So I believe you are misinterpreting this scripture. Also, another way of looking at this scripture is this.. "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise." Jesus promised the thief on the Cross that he will be with Him, in paradise.
@@michaelbest7872 I am not an expert, but I think Robert Breaker covered this in a video. He talks about the differences between paradise, Abraham's bosom and I think Heaven and Hell. I think he said one was awaiting area before the resurrection of Christ? I cannot remember to be honest. It would be a good refresher for myself as well. His videos are GREAT though.
Well you guys don't read your bible then because the only way to heaven is through Christ and accepting his free gift so if have been saved and die you do go to heaven.and we don't need a physical body to resurrect in the Bible it talks about a glorified body which is why Christ needs a physical body and is is why the Bible says and the dead in Christ shall rise first meaning their body will be made new reuniting with their body.Also Abraham bosom was a waiting area so to speak because Christ hadn't come yet opening up the way up to heaven but we he died on the cross there no longer was a need for Abraham's bosom
In Ecclesiastes 12:7, the “spirit” is being used synonymously with “soul.” The “spirit” refers to the immaterial aspect of the human body/soul unity. Death is then the rending of the spirit (or soul) from the body. See the following article…
Paul tells us everything 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and John not be too concerned with death, follow the 9 fruits and Love God!! Spread the word!!! Charity!!!!
@Patriot36 I apologize if I offended, but I am dead serious about this situation. Disregard what I say, but do not disregard the scripture. The scripture is very clear on this topic and I am offended from what Hank teaches because he causes my family and people around me to err
Shag Hank is not in error about this issue...Our bodies do have souls. To many scriptures make it very clear...All the scriptures people quote are taken out of context...
Hi there, uh just wanted to ask, did you do Biblical Studies/Theology or do you study the Bible yourself ? Just asking and thank you for doing what you're doing here on this channel, using it for the good and truth of Gods word and leading people to truth.
Hank Hanegraaff was trained under D. James Kennedy in Evangelism Explosion prior to coming to the Christian Research Institute, and has also learned under R.C. Sproul. Hank is, for the most part, self-educated in apologetics, and while he has not formally attended a Bible college and/or seminary, he diligently studies and educates himself on the issues.
They are not dead, they're asleep. I don't want to be disrespectful but this man is wrong in so many ways. This physical body will not resurect. Instead it's our spirit that will be resurrected and will be given another body like Christ.
Hi, I hope you read this, if so please do reply. When Christians die they go to the presence of the Father(will that be Heaven), what about the Christians (that weren't really Christian) & unbelievers+the ones who denied Christ where do they go? While they wait for the second coming of Jesus what will they be doing (the believers, the non believers & the ones who went true believers)? And when Jesus does come what will happen to the dead(believers to non-believers & the ones who weren't true believers) And the ones who are still on earth that are now believers the one's who still don't choose Him)?
@Linze 19 ~ The afterlife for those who perish without Christ are absent in body and apart from the goodness and grace of God. When Jesus appears a second time, the dead will be raised, the righteous will be raised to eternal life, and the unrighteous to eternal damnation. Hank deals with this in the books Resurrection [] and Afterlife [].
@Shaqpack609 I told Hank that I appreciated his ministry and you proceed in an attempt to answer a question which I never asked you. I could envision this kind of off the wall comment making it difficult for others to take you seriously. Perhaps engaging others politely and in context, not unlike a guest at a dinner table, would go a long way.
@Shaqpack609 I'm not sure that Hank "causes" anything. We all make our own decisions and we all have freewill. Evidently, you're not as convincing to your family as Hank is. He teaches that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Jesus said to the man on the cross, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." "Present with the Lord" "in Paradise" take your pick, I believe the meaning is clear.
Here is the fact of the matter: if you fail to trust and believe in God and in His power, then you will doubt and question the why of things that no one teacher can fully explain, as no one person except for Christ himself has gone to heaven and come back to explain it. We have the Bible and we MUST trust that His ways our not our ways. Whichever way it happens when we die, the end of it all is that we will be with Him eternally if we repented from our sins and put our trust in the work His son did on the cross for us. Yes, we have certain ideas from scripture, but the how of it all will only be experienced when it happens to us someday.
RPM Weekly I agree. I believe when we die we have no conscious state and the scripture he’s quoting “absent from the flesh, present with the Lord” is referring to our next conscious state. Ecclesiastics 9:5 even tells us that the dead has no memory. The only one that died and went to heaven after death was Jesus; that’s why he is referred to as the “first begotten of the dead” in Rev 1:5”and is seated at the right side of God in heaven.
@@martiva The only problem with that is if you remember the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, as soon as Lazarus died, he was taken to Abraham's bosom and the rich man died and was taken immediately to hades. So, we do in fact leave the body and go immediately to our eternal state (whichever we chose when we lived). The point I am trying to make is that we shouldn't get hung up on the how of things. We should just trust and believe that God has a perfect plan for us. The passage you mentioned in Ecclesiastes is to be interpreted of their bodily senses now extinct, and of worldly things they have now nothing to do with; they know not any thing that is done in this world, nor how it fares with their children and friends they have left behind them; see ( Job 14:21 ) ( Isaiah 63:16 ) ; nor therefore are they to be prayed unto, and used as mediators with God.
I completely agree with you, all these questions are irrelevant. People don't ask questions like how they can have a better relationship with Christ, instead they ask Satan inspired questions to throw confusion.
@0:54 I have no respect for anyone who pretends that 2 Cor. 5: 8 is talking about dying and going to heaven. In verse four Paul plainly and explicitly says that he is NOT talking about dying and going to heaven. Hanegraaff must know what verse four says and yet he misrepresents verse eight anyway. Naughty, naughty, Hank.
@IsaacNussbaum what is wrong with saying the believer who dies in the present is absent in body yet present with the Lord, according to 2 Corinthians 5:8. But there is more to the picture. Hank affirms that Christ will appear again a second time, and the dead will be raised, the righteous to everlasting life the unrighteous to everlasting condemnation.
@@BibleAnswerMan *"...according to 2 Corinthians 5:8."* My initial post gave one reason. There are others, one of them being that the verse does not say "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." It says _"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."_ Those are two very different statements, indeed.
@Patriot36 Read the scripture brother, thats not what it is saying. Lets take a look what the Bible says vs what Hank says. 2 Cor 5:6Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Paul is saying that being here in the body is absent from the Lord (which is true) but he would rather
In colossians he said although im absent from the body im with you in spirit Paul spoke this way. Didnt mean we blast of to heaven when we die I agree with you. It the resurrection we wait for. 4WIND MINISTRY on line explains these texts people falsely teach
@Shaqpack609, so am I hearing you correctly here that you believe that the Apostle Paul is explaining a preference and not saying that when you die you (or some part of you) goes to be consciously with the Lord because that is my understanding. I see death as a return "For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it" Ecc 12:7 Also the last words by Jesus from the cross "Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last" Luke 23:46...simply Jesus died. The difference here is that Jesus did not see corruption, He breathed His last, His spirit which I simply understand to be His breath and just as He said to His disciples "His disciples replied, “Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get better.” They thought that Jesus was talking about actual sleep, but He was speaking about the death of Lazarus. So Jesus told them plainly, Lazarus is dead" and that was the same for the Lord, He simply died on the cross after He breathed His last, and was then entombed for three days and nights. The problem with much of this sort of thing is that to understand death as anything other than a return to the former state from when we were created is a confusion, I am myself still working through this subject but I will say it is not something I see as essential to divide over, my number one priority is to love the same Christ that is in all my brothers and sisters and love them in the same way, I am also interested in others thoughts on this including yours Hank...Grace and Peace.
@@shanejungers796 when Jesus was on the cross, he told one of the thieves, "today you will be with me in paradise". Therefore it is safe to say that what Paul said about being present with The Lord is accurate and not a figure of speech.
How blessed are those who know their need of God said, Jesus. Why is that? The Kingdom of God is theirs. When? Now. It is yours now. Resurrection according to Paul is not inmortality but a life renewal. It is life made new again. It is life in God. Jesus pray to God that his children not to be taken away but to remain here. God is a God of the living. Think about that?
Christ taught that nobody knows the day or hour of the coming except the Lord. See Matthew 24:36-44. It is even presumptuous to say, “It may very well happen in my lifetime” or “I may be still alive to see the return of the Lord.”
Jesus stated that only a chosen few, or little flock would go to heaven to rule with Christ. The exact number is mentioned at Revelation 14:1. The majority of mankind will have the hope of surviving the end of this present system of things. (Revelation 7:9,10,14) At Psalm 37:29, it tells us the righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. Death and pain will be removed forever.(Revelation 21:3,4). No! Everyone doesn’t go to heaven. God’s original plan was for humans to enjoy perfect life here on earth forever. That time will come soon!😊
That is scripture misconstrued. Where else do you find the Bible says Christians immediately go to heaven. False teaching. Even David is buried. We sleep until Jesus returns, when he separates the wheat from the chaff. Notice he does not go through out the Bible quoting his justification, he just wants to sell his book.
What Hank is saying is what the mainstream christianity is teaching but is not biblical no matter how much one twist the simple text of the bible. Dead means dead, the only person that has risen from the dead is Jesus and when He comes back the dead in Christ will rise first. 1Co 15:23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Pay attention people, the ones that died are dead that's why they need to be resurrected when Jesus returns.
great answere,Hank and what mainstream churchianity teach is a lie. the scriptures do not teach that you have a soul but rather is a soul... Genesis teaches God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and he " BECAME " a living "SOUL "....You do not a soul You are ONE
Cause jesus was resurectied in a spirit body , he was giving judgement to wicked spirit creatures , apostles didn't recognized him, they only noticed him by things he said or did, sometimes he even appeared right before them when doors were locked. was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”-1 Peter 3:18; Acts 13:34; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 5:16. Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans. (Genesis 18:1-8; 19:1-3) However, they still were spirit creatures and could leave the physical realm.-Judges 13:15-21. After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.-Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-16; 21:6, 7. When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.-John 20:24-29.
@Patriot36 aint NOBODY been to heaven, read John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
That scripture means if u aren't born ie came down from heaven u can't go back. Like the fallen angels and satan or never born and cannot obtain salvation. 6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Absent from the body, present with the Lord? I don't think so. I believe humans are corporeal beings only. No soul. The word "soul" in the bible refers to living creatures. The bible refers to souls in the oceans. No human souls are living in the ocean. However, if you believe human souls exist then you have to also agree they are sinful. If they are REALLY you, then they take part in every sinful thought, word, and deed. Our sinful nature is not removed until the second coming when everything is made new. So souls, assuming they exist at all, are sinful. Jesus was taken away to be in heaven in the sight of the apostles. So he is currently in heaven with God, the father. Sin is not allowed in heaven. God removed Satan from heaven when sin was found in him. Therefore sinful human souls, assuming they exist at all, would not be allowed in heaven. This alone argues against the existence of a human soul.
Christ died for all. So those that repent of their sins and turns to Christ to save them lives on in eternity after we depart this life. The body goes to the ground.
*"So U think their is to be a new physical kingdom on earth."* I don't know what Hank believes but that is what I believe. ✴ _“You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”_ (Revelation 5: 10; Amplified Bible)
@Shaqpack609 interesting, yes,.i wonder if anyone.was true and brave ask.this question"who /where are/is the true children of yisrael?....and we know the most high says .when they are settled back in their land...there will be peace.i.e. the physical land of yisrael.
Answer: Nothing. A dead Jew nailed to a tree 2,500 years ago did not go anywhere but to a grave and is not coming back, so you have nothing to fear from a discombobulated ghost from the Levant appearing at your bedside if you assume room temperature tomorrow. If you do see him come back and you are not dead, you will need immediate psychiatric care, and then you can die as you will, protected from your own delusions, perhaps in a padded cell. Not pleasant, but comfortable and you will get free food and a comfy bed.
And to add to the lady that asked about cremation. If you died in a house fire you would essentially be cremated. There is nothing that God cannot do. He created the laws that every element on the periodic table exists by. This includes all of the elements that make up the composition of your body and any chemical or physical change that they may under go. Do not forget that God created everything from nothing. If He wanted to revive a persons cremated body in oder to create the persons incorruptible body, He can and He will.
Then why does the Bible say not to get cremated?
@@jamessullivan1348 Where does it say that?
🙏 Amein!
I agree with you 100%. I think Hanks stance on the matter(no pun) is just his subjective and personal opinion.
@@jamessullivan1348 😆
Thanks Hank. I always appreciate and pray for your ministry.
So dead on vacation til then?
@Patriot36 have it the other way around. He NEVER said that when you are absent from the body he is present with the Lord, but he wishes it was that way. Lets go to the next scripture Luke 23:43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Did Jesus go to heaven that day? Yes or No? simple question
Put the comma after today whole meaning changes i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise. Error in English translations all of them. King James Act12:4 says Easter it was passover!
@@shanejungers796 It is not an error simply the Passover for Christian's is now Easter and so translated that way. Christian's at that time knew the difference, even the Greek will define it as both because of this. Jesus became the Passover Lamb and the Resurection. Passover had then become a new definition, a new day if you will.
The KJV is not in error regarding a comma after to-day. We have to get into even more argumentative discussion now to agree on what is heaven, where is it, how many heavens, paradise, is paradise the same as heaven, how many departments in paradise, what about hades, is that the same?????
I believe that the thief entered paradise, a holding place for old testimate saints, a place where Jesus went to visit & later lead them out.
I think God designed it this way to force us to study it out, it is not salvation threatening, just things we should learn on our own led by the Spirit. As we all know in liberal thinking humans supposedly progress. This is why today's so called enlightened high tech society learns from social media. No longer do they require thought or intelligence, they just want to be fed thought rather than think themselves. If our news media hasn't taught you that then nothing will.
Joesephus's disclosure to Greeks concerning hades is very interesting. It helps answer some of the questions where did people of old testimate go after death. Did people go straight to hell that deserved it? I'm under the belief that paradise is a holding place for God's people waiting to be judged.
I think that something really bad is gonna happen to me when i die and no one can save me from it
@JesusBride35 Why do you say that?
So wait a minute, if Christ hasn't returned but we still go to heaven after physical death then why do we need a physical body to resurrect from the grave? Also, how can anyone say that physical death is an enemy of God if when we die physically we go to be with the lord?
+Orangeokie7 I agree with what you said. I don't see where the Bible says we go to heaven when we die. Also, I don't see in the Bible where our physical bodies will be resurrected from the grave. There are MANY scriptures in the Bible that say what happens when we die, and some say where we go, until we are resurrected with incorruptible bodies. Thank you, Orangeokie7 for standing up for the truth, in scripture. I pray those that ask questions to others, (like in this video), don't take their view as the truth completely. To others reading my comments, I think that Hank Hanegraff has studied many things, and he gives his VIEWS of it, when giving advice to others. I pray that all who listen to Mr. Hanegraff, or ANYONE else, compare thier view with what the bible says about your questions.
@bud ekins is abrahams bossum like pergatory? Like a suspended animation thing? Is it like going to sleep and whe you wakeup hours went by but you feel like it was really a short time? Why do people say to kids that the dead person is in heaven if they really arent there? Im confused and scared.
1thegreat...., thanks. Think about this. If Paradise is a place (compartment) in the grave, then the way you interpret this scripture would be correct, as Jesus went to the Grave when he died, and was in the grave for 3 days, right! But if you believe Paradise is in Heaven, then the thief and Jesus did NOT go there, that day, when they died, because Jesus didn't go back to Heaven for more than 40 days later! So I believe you are misinterpreting this scripture. Also, another way of looking at this scripture is this.. "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise." Jesus promised the thief on the Cross that he will be with Him, in paradise.
@@michaelbest7872 I am not an expert, but I think Robert Breaker covered this in a video. He talks about the differences between paradise, Abraham's bosom and I think Heaven and Hell. I think he said one was awaiting area before the resurrection of Christ? I cannot remember to be honest. It would be a good refresher for myself as well. His videos are GREAT though.
Well you guys don't read your bible then because the only way to heaven is through Christ and accepting his free gift so if have been saved and die you do go to heaven.and we don't need a physical body to resurrect in the Bible it talks about a glorified body which is why Christ needs a physical body and is is why the Bible says and the dead in Christ shall rise first meaning their body will be made new reuniting with their body.Also Abraham bosom was a waiting area so to speak because Christ hadn't come yet opening up the way up to heaven but we he died on the cross there no longer was a need for Abraham's bosom
What does it mean that the spirit returns to God who gave it so is the spirit the same thing as the soul?.
In Ecclesiastes 12:7, the “spirit” is being used synonymously with “soul.” The “spirit” refers to the immaterial aspect of the human body/soul unity. Death is then the rending of the spirit (or soul) from the body.
See the following article…
Paul tells us everything 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and John not be too concerned with death, follow the 9 fruits and Love God!! Spread the word!!! Charity!!!!
@Patriot36 I apologize if I offended, but I am dead serious about this situation. Disregard what I say, but do not disregard the scripture. The scripture is very clear on this topic and I am offended from what Hank teaches because he causes my family and people around me to err
Shag Hank is not in error about this issue...Our bodies do have souls. To many scriptures make it very clear...All the scriptures people quote are taken out of context...
wow,I like how he talks and doesnt qoute scriptures
Hi there, uh just wanted to ask, did you do Biblical Studies/Theology or do you study the Bible yourself ? Just asking and thank you for doing what you're doing here on this channel, using it for the good and truth of Gods word and leading people to truth.
Hank Hanegraaff was trained under D. James Kennedy in Evangelism Explosion prior to coming to the Christian Research Institute, and has also learned under R.C. Sproul. Hank is, for the most part, self-educated in apologetics, and while he has not formally attended a Bible college and/or seminary, he diligently studies and educates himself on the issues.
So when the unbeliever dies where are they being held if Christian are held in paradise?
They are not dead, they're asleep. I don't want to be disrespectful but this man is wrong in so many ways. This physical body will not resurect. Instead it's our spirit that will be resurrected and will be given another body like Christ.
Hi, I hope you read this, if so please do reply.
When Christians die they go to the presence of the Father(will that be Heaven), what about the Christians (that weren't really Christian) & unbelievers+the ones who denied Christ where do they go?
While they wait for the second coming of Jesus what will they be doing (the believers, the non believers & the ones who went true believers)?
And when Jesus does come what will happen to the dead(believers to non-believers & the ones who weren't true believers)
And the ones who are still on earth that are now believers the one's who still don't choose Him)?
@Linze 19 ~ The afterlife for those who perish without Christ are absent in body and apart from the goodness and grace of God. When Jesus appears a second time, the dead will be raised, the righteous will be raised to eternal life, and the unrighteous to eternal damnation. Hank deals with this in the books Resurrection [] and Afterlife [].
@@BibleAnswerMan Thank you for replying, will definitely check the books out.
@@BibleAnswerMan I opened the links you sent me, it says "No Post found"
Here are the correct links...
What about those burned in a fire? No eastern tradition there. But I understand what your saying sir! Thank you for your answer
Everytime he answers a question he mentions that he wrote a book about it then he tries to sell you the book.
@Shaqpack609 I told Hank that I appreciated his ministry and you proceed in an attempt to answer a question which I never asked you. I could envision this kind of off the wall comment making it difficult for others to take you seriously. Perhaps engaging others politely and in context, not unlike a guest at a dinner table, would go a long way.
Amen. To be with. Not suffer corruption. Jesus was the first not to suffer corruption.
Acts 13
@Shaqpack609 I'm not sure that Hank "causes" anything. We all make our own decisions and we all have freewill. Evidently, you're not as convincing to your family as Hank is. He teaches that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Jesus said to the man on the cross, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." "Present with the Lord" "in Paradise" take your pick, I believe the meaning is clear.
Here is the fact of the matter: if you fail to trust and believe in God and in His power, then you will doubt and question the why of things that no one teacher can fully explain, as no one person except for Christ himself has gone to heaven and come back to explain it. We have the Bible and we MUST trust that His ways our not our ways. Whichever way it happens when we die, the end of it all is that we will be with Him eternally if we repented from our sins and put our trust in the work His son did on the cross for us. Yes, we have certain ideas from scripture, but the how of it all will only be experienced when it happens to us someday.
RPM Weekly I agree. I believe when we die we have no conscious state and the scripture he’s quoting “absent from the flesh, present with the Lord” is referring to our next conscious state. Ecclesiastics 9:5 even tells us that the dead has no memory. The only one that died and went to heaven after death was Jesus; that’s why he is referred to as the “first begotten of the dead” in Rev 1:5”and is seated at the right side of God in heaven.
@@martiva The only problem with that is if you remember the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, as soon as Lazarus died, he was taken to Abraham's bosom and the rich man died and was taken immediately to hades. So, we do in fact leave the body and go immediately to our eternal state (whichever we chose when we lived). The point I am trying to make is that we shouldn't get hung up on the how of things. We should just trust and believe that God has a perfect plan for us. The passage you mentioned in Ecclesiastes is to be interpreted of their bodily senses now extinct, and of worldly things they have now nothing to do with; they know not any thing that is done in this world, nor how it fares with their children and friends they have left behind them; see ( Job 14:21 ) ( Isaiah 63:16 ) ; nor therefore are they to be prayed unto, and used as mediators with God.
I completely agree with you, all these questions are irrelevant. People don't ask questions like how they can have a better relationship with Christ, instead they ask Satan inspired questions to throw confusion.
@0:54 I have no respect for anyone who pretends that 2 Cor. 5: 8 is talking about dying and going to heaven. In verse four Paul plainly and explicitly says that he is NOT talking about dying and going to heaven. Hanegraaff must know what verse four says and yet he misrepresents verse eight anyway. Naughty, naughty, Hank.
@IsaacNussbaum what is wrong with saying the believer who dies in the present is absent in body yet present with the Lord, according to 2 Corinthians 5:8. But there is more to the picture. Hank affirms that Christ will appear again a second time, and the dead will be raised, the righteous to everlasting life the unrighteous to everlasting condemnation.
@@BibleAnswerMan *"...according to 2 Corinthians 5:8."* My initial post gave one reason. There are others, one of them being that the verse does not say "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." It says _"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."_ Those are two very different statements, indeed.
@Patriot36 Read the scripture brother, thats not what it is saying. Lets take a look what the Bible says vs what Hank says. 2 Cor 5:6Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Paul is saying that being here in the body is absent from the Lord (which is true) but he would rather
In colossians he said although im absent from the body im with you in spirit
Paul spoke this way. Didnt mean we blast of to heaven when we die
I agree with you. It the resurrection we wait for. 4WIND MINISTRY on line explains these texts people falsely teach
@Shaqpack609, so am I hearing you correctly here that you believe that the Apostle Paul is explaining a preference and not saying that when you die you (or some part of you) goes to be consciously with the Lord because that is my understanding.
I see death as a return "For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it" Ecc 12:7
Also the last words by Jesus from the cross "Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last" Luke 23:46...simply Jesus died.
The difference here is that Jesus did not see corruption, He breathed His last, His spirit which I simply understand to be His breath and just as He said to His disciples "His disciples replied, “Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get better.” They thought that Jesus was talking about actual sleep, but He was speaking about the death of Lazarus. So Jesus told them plainly, Lazarus is dead" and that was the same for the Lord, He simply died on the cross after He breathed His last, and was then entombed for three days and nights.
The problem with much of this sort of thing is that to understand death as anything other than a return to the former state from when we were created is a confusion, I am myself still working through this subject but I will say it is not something I see as essential to divide over, my number one priority is to love the same Christ that is in all my brothers and sisters and love them in the same way, I am also interested in others thoughts on this including yours Hank...Grace and Peace.
@@shanejungers796 when Jesus was on the cross, he told one of the thieves, "today you will be with me in paradise". Therefore it is safe to say that what Paul said about being present with The Lord is accurate and not a figure of speech.
Special pleading 🥺
How blessed are those who know their need of God said, Jesus. Why is that? The Kingdom of God is theirs. When? Now.
It is yours now. Resurrection according to Paul is not inmortality but a life renewal. It is life made new again. It is life in God. Jesus pray to God that his children not to be taken away but to remain here. God is a God of the living. Think about that?
After death, we ( christians ) do not go immediatly to heaven. 1 Tes 4:13>
There is no 1 Thes 3:14...
@@johnsigmon9419 you are right i mean 1Tes4:13>
I could believe this if u can explain who walked the earth after Jesus was resurected
Casper the ghost. Good one Hank.
Do you think Jesus will return before we die?
Christ taught that nobody knows the day or hour of the coming except the Lord. See Matthew 24:36-44. It is even presumptuous to say, “It may very well happen in my lifetime” or “I may be still alive to see the return of the Lord.”
But don't we go to heaven when we die? Paul says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Jesus stated that only a chosen few, or little flock would go to heaven to rule with Christ. The exact number is mentioned at Revelation 14:1.
The majority of mankind will have the hope of surviving the end of this present system of things. (Revelation 7:9,10,14) At Psalm 37:29, it tells us the righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. Death and pain will be removed forever.(Revelation 21:3,4). No! Everyone doesn’t go to heaven. God’s original plan was for humans to enjoy perfect life here on earth forever. That time will come soon!😊
That is scripture misconstrued. Where else do you find the Bible says Christians immediately go to heaven. False teaching. Even David is buried. We sleep until Jesus returns, when he separates the wheat from the chaff.
Notice he does not go through out the Bible quoting his justification, he just wants to sell his book.
We are know there more intelligence humans on other planets let’s not play stupid
What Hank is saying is what the mainstream christianity is teaching but is not biblical no matter how much one twist the simple text of the bible.
Dead means dead, the only person that has risen from the dead is Jesus and when He comes back the dead in Christ will rise first.
1Co 15:23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.
Pay attention people, the ones that died are dead that's why they need to be resurrected when Jesus returns.
great answere,Hank and what mainstream churchianity teach is a lie.
the scriptures do not teach that you have a soul but rather is a soul...
Genesis teaches God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and he " BECAME " a living "SOUL "....You do not a soul You are ONE
If dead mean dead than why Jesus Christ go into the spirit world ? 1 Peter 3:18-19 explain
Cause jesus was resurectied in a spirit body , he was giving judgement to wicked spirit creatures , apostles didn't recognized him, they only noticed him by things he said or did, sometimes he even appeared right before them when doors were locked. was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”-1 Peter 3:18; Acts 13:34; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 5:16.
Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans. (Genesis 18:1-8; 19:1-3) However, they still were spirit creatures and could leave the physical realm.-Judges 13:15-21.
After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.-Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-16; 21:6, 7.
When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.-John 20:24-29.
God is a God of life not death
Sir, didn't the resurrection happen when the Lord returned in 70 AD?
No. The resurrection is still future. See
When Paul saw Christ. Or a bright light. Not Him as pre ascension .
@Shaqpack609 got it !!!
@Patriot36 aint NOBODY been to heaven, read John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
That scripture means if u aren't born ie came down from heaven u can't go back. Like the fallen angels and satan or never born and cannot obtain salvation.
6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
I thought God was interested in our souls.
We go straight to paradise Simple read your bible
Absent from the body, present with the Lord? I don't think so. I believe humans are corporeal beings only. No soul. The word "soul" in the bible refers to living creatures. The bible refers to souls in the oceans. No human souls are living in the ocean. However, if you believe human souls exist then you have to also agree they are sinful. If they are REALLY you, then they take part in every sinful thought, word, and deed. Our sinful nature is not removed until the second coming when everything is made new. So souls, assuming they exist at all, are sinful. Jesus was taken away to be in heaven in the sight of the apostles. So he is currently in heaven with God, the father.
Sin is not allowed in heaven. God removed Satan from heaven when sin was found in him. Therefore sinful human souls, assuming they exist at all, would not be allowed in heaven. This alone argues against the existence of a human soul.
Christ died for all. So those that repent of their sins and turns to Christ to save them lives on in eternity after we depart this life. The body goes to the ground.
FIrst We go to Heaven, with a glorified body, then We come back and resurrect?
So U think their is to be a new physical kingdom on earth.🤔
*"So U think their is to be a new physical kingdom on earth."* I don't know what Hank believes but that is what I believe. ✴ _“You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”_ (Revelation 5: 10; Amplified Bible)
@Shaqpack609 And so much for the Enoch stories travelling into heaven and back. LoL
@IgboAbroad Enoch is not in heaven
Let me speak to someone who died already 😂😂😂😂😂
As far as i know, the only person that went to heaven was Messias
If that happens you’ve lived a lie
@Shaqpack609 interesting, yes,.i wonder if anyone.was true and brave ask.this question"who /where are/is the true children of yisrael?....and we know the most high says .when they are settled back in their land...there will be peace.i.e. the physical land of yisrael.
Answer: Nothing.
A dead Jew nailed to a tree 2,500 years ago did not go anywhere but to a grave and is not coming back, so you have nothing to fear from a discombobulated ghost from the Levant appearing at your bedside if you assume room temperature tomorrow.
If you do see him come back and you are not dead, you will need immediate psychiatric care, and then you can die as you will, protected from your own delusions, perhaps in a padded cell. Not pleasant, but comfortable and you will get free food and a comfy bed.
+LilSweet Peaches------- dont be too sure -------