The Landscape of Ethiopia is about 6700 ft. Highest and Egypt is at SEA LEVEL ABOUT 300 ft, high The Law of Gravity what goes up got to come down The Abbey River Flows Downstream!!! Egypt simply JEALOUS!!!
The sad part of all that the current Egyptian not only thing that they are white / Arab but also thing that the Egyptian civilization was built by their white ancestors. Additionally they believe Egypt is not part of Africa.
Ethiopia premier Mr. Abiy Ahmed Ali during his first Cairo state visit in mid early 2018, he has promised also took oath sworn in " Wollahe Watullahe." Before Egyptian current president. Sisi in front of Parliamentary sessions.
He promised not to hurt Egypt which he didn’t. However the prime minister’s primary responsibility is Ethiopia not Egypt… PM shouldn’t allow Egypt to build its infrastructure and economic power at the detriment of the Ethiopian people.
Historical records testified for Egypt 🇪🇬 the land of Pharaonic dynasty and the land of gems gold that's why invaded nemureos times for milinum decades and centuries in African and the Middle Eastern adjecent European history.
The current Egyptian are the descendants of Jewish, Assyrian, Phoenician, Greeks, Roman, Babylonian, Turks, Mongolian, Arab Franch, British, Kurds and Caledonian. Their ancestors were either the invaders or immigrants or were both. However they had nothing to do with the African civilization.
Qoute, "Ethiopia calender copied from Egypt. Coptics Orthodox Christianity Patheriarchy historical appointed by Alexandria Church clergies. " Egypt deeply rooted Knowledge irrigation system copied from Egypt." 🇪🇬 Professor Ayele Baneti
You are not in the position to speak about the Ethiopian calendar which uniquely identifies its existence. And you have no clue about Kemet and Ethiopian history…
What Ethiopia seems to known for civil war's and recurring famines. If this country has to learned one things stop killing each other's and copied Mechanized irrigation system from Egypt.
I don’t have to remind you that for decades Egypt not only used its colonial veto power to prevent the Nile nations from building the irrigation systems but also used its political influence to prevent them from getting IMF loans to build their economy…. Egypt has built its infrastructures and the economic empire at the detriment of African people. The colonial treaty has been revoked and Ethiopia is building countless irrigation systems. Now Ethiopia not only been able to feed its citizens but also exporting Fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats to Europe and Middle East…
Ethiopia is number one in Africa with the wheat export contrary to Egypt, who depend on Ukraine, Russian and India,. Therefore since Ukrainian war Egypt couldn’t secure wheat for its citizen. The average Egyptian citizen can’t afford to buy essential food such as pita bread let alone meat and vegetables.
Egypt 🇪🇬 ain't the enemy of Ethiopia. Professor Ayele Baneti well educated scholars lectures. The reporter sounded cynism and envey spewed intoxications into his own biases motivation bigotry beliefs. Nile river has been flowing to Cairo through Khartoum since the rivers began forming springs for many milinum past centuries ago in history of African continent.
እረጅም እድሜ ይስጥልን ፕሮፌሰር
Thank you so much for sharing this great African history
Thank you Professor.
Thanks Eyob.
I would love to see Professor again and again.
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገንዝ!!!
ሰላም ለሐገራችን ይሁንልን እናመሱግንሃለን ወንድማችን blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏
በጣም ግሩም ግሩም አስተምህሮ አገኝሁበት
አመሰግነዋለሁ ።👌👌
Thank you professor
በጣም እናመሰግናለን በጣም አስተማሪ ነው የነበራቹህ ውይይት ፕሮፌሰርን በተለያየ ፕሮግራም እየጋበዝክልን ብንማር ደስ ይለኛል በድጋሚ አመሰግናለሁ
Fetari rejim idme na tena yistot prof.
Tiru tatik be hager wodad sewoch sineger lib yamokal huletachim tebareku ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bless you
Long live !
ሰላም ከጋምቤላ
በጣም የምወደውን ፕሮፌሰር ስላቀረብካቸው አመሰግናለሁ
Thank you,
Keep going, keep going,
Ethiopia has no obligation for the Egyptian economy. considering the lack of electricity Ethiopia is experiencing
እንደዚህ ያለ አስተማሪ ሚዲያ ይበረክትልን ፕሮፈሰር እና ኢዬብ ተባረኩ
Selam Selam
... ስለዚህ በአሁኑ ሰዓት ያሉት ግብፃውያን ማለት አርተፊሻለቹ ናቸው ማለት ነው ፤ በመሆኑም ታሪካቸውም ትርክታቸውም ፖለቲካቸውም ሁለነገራቸው በውሸት ላይ ያተመሰረተ የእንቧይ ካብ ነው ማለት ነው ።
Eyoba ይልሃል
Psalm 68:31
The Landscape of Ethiopia is about 6700 ft. Highest and Egypt is at SEA LEVEL ABOUT 300 ft, high
The Law of Gravity what goes up got to come down
The Abbey River
Flows Downstream!!!
Egypt simply JEALOUS!!!
The sad part of all that the current Egyptian not only thing that they are white / Arab but also thing that the Egyptian civilization was built by their white ancestors. Additionally they believe Egypt is not part of Africa.
Ethiopia premier Mr. Abiy Ahmed Ali during his first Cairo state visit in mid early 2018, he has promised also took oath sworn in " Wollahe Watullahe." Before Egyptian current president. Sisi in front of Parliamentary sessions.
He promised not to hurt Egypt which he didn’t. However the prime minister’s primary responsibility is Ethiopia not Egypt… PM shouldn’t allow Egypt to build its infrastructure and economic power at the detriment of the Ethiopian people.
Welcome Yonas our brilliant Fermata presenter. Where is morci dadada
Historical records testified for Egypt 🇪🇬 the land of Pharaonic dynasty and the land of gems gold that's why invaded nemureos times for milinum decades and centuries in African and the Middle Eastern adjecent European history.
The current Egyptian are the descendants of Jewish, Assyrian, Phoenician, Greeks, Roman, Babylonian, Turks, Mongolian, Arab Franch, British, Kurds and Caledonian. Their ancestors were either the invaders or immigrants or were both. However they had nothing to do with the African civilization.
Qoute, "Ethiopia calender copied from Egypt. Coptics Orthodox Christianity Patheriarchy historical appointed by Alexandria Church clergies. " Egypt deeply rooted Knowledge irrigation system copied from Egypt." 🇪🇬 Professor Ayele Baneti
You are not in the position to speak about the Ethiopian calendar which uniquely identifies its existence. And you have no clue about Kemet and Ethiopian history…
What Ethiopia seems to known for civil war's and recurring famines. If this country has to learned one things stop killing each other's and copied Mechanized irrigation system from Egypt.
I don’t have to remind you that for decades Egypt not only used its colonial veto power to prevent the Nile nations from building the irrigation systems but also used its political influence to prevent them from getting IMF loans to build their economy….
Egypt has built its infrastructures and the economic empire at the detriment of African people.
The colonial treaty has been revoked and Ethiopia is building countless irrigation systems. Now Ethiopia not only been able to feed its citizens but also exporting Fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats to Europe and Middle East…
Ethiopia is number one in Africa with the wheat export contrary to Egypt, who depend on Ukraine, Russian and India,. Therefore since Ukrainian war Egypt couldn’t secure wheat for its citizen.
The average Egyptian citizen can’t afford to buy essential food such as pita bread let alone meat and vegetables.
ጋዜጠኛው ያንብብ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ሆነ ሊግ አፍ ኔሽን መቼ እንደተመሰረተ አለማወቁ ይገርማል
Egypt 🇪🇬 ain't the enemy of Ethiopia. Professor Ayele Baneti well educated scholars lectures. The reporter sounded cynism and envey spewed intoxications into his own biases motivation bigotry beliefs. Nile river has been flowing to Cairo through Khartoum since the rivers began forming springs for many milinum past centuries ago in history of African continent.