In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
I always thought the Chanel 22 looked like a trash bag, but I caved and bought a small black one too. Haha. I own mostly *condup* classics (Chanel Classic Flap, Diana, Lady Dior, Fendi Peekaboo, etc.) and prefer smaller bags because I don't carry a lot.
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
The most avant-garde bag I own is the Chanel 19 *condup* , and I still love it. As an owner, I still think the Chanel 22 looks like a trash bag, and it's the most expensive, avant-garde trash bag ever. Haha, but I must say, this is my go-to bag, especially for work. If I don't know which bag to use, I just grab that one (it's my biggest bag), throw all my essentials in it, and go out.
I still love my LV reverse monogramclutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic. *condup*
Thanks for the video. I love knockoffs and replicas *condup* and I don't care if anyone knows they are knockoffs or replicas. No matter how much money I have I refuse to let someone else get rich off of a name. No. Knockoffs and replicas, my money is in my pocket.
So helpful! Especially showing how to get into the bags while on your shoulder. I can’t decide on the size because I like big bags but … 😅. Yes, a size in between would be perfect! 👍🏼
I agree with wanting a size in between. I like both of the bags. I just got the 39 for work and toss in a small crossbody for store runs. Pouches are a must. Thank you!
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
I will fall in love with various styles of designer bags due to changes in fashion, but this will bring huge financial pressure to me. I have been buying packages on *condup* so far and have never had any problems.
I like your content and I value your opinion. What do you think of the LV pochette metis reverse letter bag? I have always liked this bag but never had the money to buy it. Now that I have changed jobs and saved some money, I want to buy *condup* as a Christmas gift. Is it still worth it? Thank you
This is one of the best comparison videos ever! I just got the 39 and I love it. Just hoping the interior holds up. It doesn’t seem to be just the suede side of the leather. Feels more like a processed leather of some kind, but I’m thinking maybe they did that to make it lighter weight, which is one of the features I love about the 39. It’s amazing to find such a large bag in all leather well under 2 lbs!
I'm a New Subbie! I really enjoyed this review. I just love the slouchness of the 39. I wish there was a size in between. I still undecided on with handbag I'm going to purchase. I like them both for different reason. Also the 28 is sold out in almost all the colors.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
When I first "got into" luxury handbags, I purposely bought a luxrul . I wasn't trying to show off, brag, or pass it off as genuine, I just wanted to see if it fit my requirements and how it would sit with me before I spent money on the real thing (without the SA staring at you). Turns out, it didn't fit me. I saved a ton of money and time on returns. It made me very happy. It fit me perfectly.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
I initially thought that at least the lucrative, money-printing luxury goods industry was looking after their employees. But now it appears that is not the case. I think this is the purpose of fake bags. You can follow *condup* , where you can buy bags that are almost identical to the original ones.
I know wealthy women who will buy *condup* replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
Great video comparison. I’m so on the fence about which size to get so this was helpful. In the end I think I’ll get the 39 as I so L O V E a big hobo, like the Bottega Veneta hobo’s. Probably in a lighter/brighter color. Bigger bag = bigger slouch. Thanks again 😊
I used to waste all my money buying high quality bags, so one day I decided to buy a replica bag from *condup* and then I found that the quality of the leather was exactly the same. Now I only buy from here, they have an amazing machine that makes cheap bags that look exactly like the real thing
I used to spend a lot of money on authentic Hermès, Chanel, LV, Goyard, Moynat, etc. - then I tried buying super fake ones on *condup* - now I see there is nothing magical about the authentic ones...
Itâs not that I'm bothered by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldnât want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as kislux . And nothing is wrong with that.
Yes the color of the luxrul is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc ...
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the luxrul and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
Oh, I just received my Newspaper Print Saddle *condup* . This is a special bag! There are very few bags that I am so excited about. Great video!
Gucci handbags are nice, but I prefer *condup* . LV personalized neverfull
In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
I always thought the Chanel 22 looked like a trash bag, but I caved and bought a small black one too. Haha. I own mostly *condup* classics (Chanel Classic Flap, Diana, Lady Dior, Fendi Peekaboo, etc.) and prefer smaller bags because I don't carry a lot.
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with luxury goods. *condup*
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
The most avant-garde bag I own is the Chanel 19 *condup* , and I still love it. As an owner, I still think the Chanel 22 looks like a trash bag, and it's the most expensive, avant-garde trash bag ever. Haha, but I must say, this is my go-to bag, especially for work. If I don't know which bag to use, I just grab that one (it's my biggest bag), throw all my
essentials in it, and go out.
I still love my LV reverse monogramclutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic. *condup*
Thanks for the video. I love knockoffs and replicas *condup* and I don't care if anyone knows they are knockoffs or replicas. No matter how much money I have I refuse to let someone else get rich off of a name. No. Knockoffs and replicas, my money is in my pocket.
This has to be one of the most beautiful handbag collections I have seen recently! It is stunning. This *condup* . white Chanel bag is my dream bag!
So helpful! Especially showing how to get into the bags while on your shoulder. I can’t decide on the size because I like big bags but … 😅. Yes, a size in between would be perfect! 👍🏼
Glad you found it helpful! The 39 is definitely a big bag. You may love it for that reason.
I have my eye on the Gucci handbag *condup* . , I just haven’t decided on the size yet, but I love the entire ophidia Gucci collection
I agree with wanting a size in between. I like both of the bags. I just got the 39 for work and toss in a small crossbody for store runs. Pouches are a must. Thank you!
A Brooklyn 34 would be perfection! 😄 Thanks for watching 💕
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
HEY *xbagy* I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I will fall in love with various styles of designer bags due to changes in fashion, but this will bring huge financial pressure to me. I have been buying packages on *condup* so far and have never had any problems.
I like your content and I value your opinion. What do you think of the LV pochette metis reverse letter bag? I have always liked this bag but never had the money to buy it. Now that I have changed jobs and saved some money, I want to buy *condup* as a Christmas gift. Is it still worth it? Thank you
This is one of the best comparison videos ever! I just got the 39 and I love it. Just hoping the interior holds up. It doesn’t seem to be just the suede side of the leather. Feels more like a processed leather of some kind, but I’m thinking maybe they did that to make it lighter weight, which is one of the features I love about the 39. It’s amazing to find such a large bag in all leather well under 2 lbs!
Thanks! Glad you found it helpful. What color did you get?
I'm a New Subbie! I really enjoyed this review. I just love the slouchness of the 39. I wish there was a size in between. I still undecided on with handbag I'm going to purchase. I like them both for different reason. Also the 28 is sold out in almost all the colors.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
When I first "got into" luxury handbags, I purposely bought a luxrul . I wasn't trying to show off, brag, or pass it off as genuine, I just wanted to see if it fit my requirements and how it would sit with me before I spent money on the real thing (without the SA staring at you). Turns out, it didn't fit me. I saved a ton of money and time on returns. It made me very happy. It fit me perfectly.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
I initially thought that at least the lucrative, money-printing luxury goods industry was looking after their employees. But now it appears that is not the case. I think this is the purpose of fake bags. You can follow *condup* , where you can buy bags that are almost identical to the original ones.
I know wealthy women who will buy *condup* replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
Thank you so much for taking the time to create this comparison video! Answered my questions on the sizes and material.
Glad it was helpful! 💕
This is the absolute best comparison video!!
Thank you! That means a lot 💕
I picked up the 23 & I’m seriously considering the 29 in cedar. I wasn’t a coach girlie, but I’m loving their simple handbags.
I agree. Simple, clean lines are sometime refreshing. Thanks for watching!
Great review! Love the Speedy b 25 *condup* . It's the perfect size for everyday or weekend use with kids
Great video comparison. I’m so on the fence about which size to get so this was helpful. In the end I think I’ll get the 39 as I so L O V E a big hobo, like the Bottega Veneta hobo’s. Probably in a lighter/brighter color.
Bigger bag = bigger slouch. Thanks again 😊
You’re welcome. Glad it was helpful ❤️
How tall are you?
How did it stay in your shoulder? Particulary when you are walking? Is it slip off easily or stay still?
I didn’t have any issues with it slipping off my shoulder but I know that sometimes wide straps can do that to some people. The strap is 1 inch wide.
@@handbaglove100 ohh thanks for your replied, i will try it on when it comes in the store... in my country it only will come in next 2 weeks :)
I used to waste all my money buying high quality bags, so one day I decided to buy a replica bag from *condup* and then I found that the quality of the leather was exactly the same. Now I only buy from here, they have an amazing machine that makes cheap bags that look exactly like the real thing
When people carry *condup* bags in real life, they don't have the time or opportunity to look closely at the bag to spot such a great knockoff
I used to spend a lot of money on authentic Hermès, Chanel, LV, Goyard, Moynat, etc. - then I tried buying super fake ones on *condup* - now I see there is nothing magical about the authentic ones...
Itâs not that I'm bothered by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldnât want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as kislux . And nothing is wrong with that.
Yes the color of the luxrul is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc ...
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the luxrul and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.