I feel like you underastemate how a power level of entry would effect an average f2p since even getting 12 level 9 brawlers with star power and gadget takes a long time starting from beggining.
no, when you start a new account you have every brawler below bronze 1, you can stack up coins very quickly along with the 7000 gold per month in the free pass, it only takes ~36000 gold to get 12 brawlers to power 9 without gadgets or star powers obviously you want your brawlers power 11 and with their full builds but the point he made is valid, randoms dont know better or care, its pretty low for being able to go all the way to masters with at that point
@@dimitartsonev77stfu unless you want teammates picking power 1's and it's 12 because 6 brawlers are gonna get banned and 5 brawlers will be picked let's say 1-2-3-4-5-6 is banned your teammates and your enemies picked 7-8-9-10-11 you still have atleast one brawler to pick
@@dimitartsonev77 hi miss smarty pants, let me explain why it’s 12 power 9 brawlers. Once you hit diamond you have pick and ban phase. This means that 6 brawlers will be banned, and 6 brawlers will be picked adding to 12 brawlers in a draft. If you have 11 power 9 brawlers and have last pick and every other brawler you had at power 11 was picked or banned, you couldn’t do shit and would disable the match. Then why is it power 9 brawlers? It’s power 9 because you can’t compete with underleveled brawlers and are an inconvenience to your team. Hell the limit should be increased to 12 power 11s with 1 star power, gadget, and 2 gears. It’s not hard to get that and by the time you get that, you should be ready for diamond rank.
Maxing out brawlers early game is not hard bud. Mastery’s, 15 day calander, buster trophy road, brawl pass. These are all easy ways to get resources and by the time you get those 12 power 9s you should have a better understanding of the game. Hell it should be power 11 with star powers, gadgets, and 2 gears so it’s fair for all players up there.
I feel like the diamond requirement should be 3 power 11s with at least one having a hypercharge, and 9 level 9s. The reason for the 12 level 9s is to make it so that you would at least have 1 choice if you have last pick and all your usable brawlers are banned or chosen already.
Honestly, even without hyper charge is fine, as long as they’re 11, starpower, gadget, and gears they should be fine, but I agree, there needs to be a new system Bronze thru Diamond should be the 12 power 9 rule Mythic 6 power 11s, 12 power 9s Legendary 12 power 11s Masters 24 power 11s
@@nerfjanetreal in a perfect world, this would be nice, but unfortunately this is the brawlstars community, and people would intentionally do that just to troll
@@riggsvsoliverimagine what that would do to the f2p fan base though I’ve been playing for a year and am in legendary but I still only have 3 power 11 with hypercharge although i do have like 20 power 9 and like 5 power 10 so it’s viable but someone wanting to play in masters would have to be playing for at least a year and a half or be p2w even if they’re crazy at the game
I feel your pain; I got rolled by a Maxed out MYTHIC fang in BRONZE. Edit: I'm late to this because my house's Internet became really bad and I missed the replies this post got,so to clarify; the fang had the mythic background on their profile when the match was about to start; showing that they were in mythic before the season reset, when at that time, that was my first ranked season. Sorry if my initial post confused anyone, I was new to the game and misunderstood how ranked worked besides the basics.
As someone that plays maxout hipercharges brawlers in that ranks whith all of my account I must say it is really funny to destroy noobs like you but I guess it is not really fair
It's because of everyone functional is taking about in this video they ruined ranked games. I've never played ranked in any game where its easier and more casual than comp
Oh really? Rely on luck? But wasn't luck and getting cool rewards from boxes "exciting part of the game"? Where are the "Bring back boxes!" people, now? Ain't that fun as you remember it being, isn't it? (sorry, it isn't targeted at you, but i was losing my shit when people whined about boxes removal. I can't forget it to this day)
@@CorpusGreedI know that they changed boxes for credits but that’s probably why people are complaining bcuz the drops are worse than boxes bcuz they already created credits to compensate but people don’t understand that
As a f2p I would be pissed if they made minimum rank 10. I have over 500 hrs and 35000 trophies in the game and only have 5 guys at rank 10 or above. I like to play every brawler and try to get everyone up to 500 trophies so I level them up evenly.
Also unrelated its annoying that I’m still missing 11 brawlers with how much I’ve played the game I feel I should have close to everyone at this point drop chances should be better
There are 80 brawlers in the game. Even if we assume that someone only has say 40 brawlers, that would still only be a 250 trophy per brawler requirement. That is still a pathetically low bar.
@@heartless6746 Idk I think 41 or 42, right now I just recently got 7k trophies and got my Gale to rank 25, I am sorta just maxing every brawler one at a time so maybe that's why I don't have that much trophies yet
@@heartless6746but if get garbage from stardrops and from trophy road,so ur only progression is brawl pass and mastery,u r f2p, and u get like 1 brawler per month, it’s not easy to get 40 brawlers. I have been playing since november 2023 and have 15k trophies, which is not awesome, but doesn’t make me a noob, but i only have 38 brawlers
Everything I feel about ranked is 100% accurate with what you just said, I think the solution you’ve offer might actually help with this new game mode because honestly the number one issue that making rank have a terrible reputation is the rank inflation because it’s only gonna cause more bad teammates matchmaking and overall it’s gonna make the experience of the player’s worse because it causes them to tilt, carry them, or just overall frustration for us players who work to get into the higher leagues and this is coming from someone who has been in masters once and consistently pushing to legendary but however I also think getting rid of the rank boost you get from every season is also a solution even though it sounds controversial because the rank boost allows players to push up to their personal best a lot easier and faster and they potentially make their way into mythic, legendary, and even masters and let’s be honest most people are not gonna have at least half their brawlers max let alone the only brawlers they max out are there favorites brawlers they play.
Plus, with how bad people are at banning, I see it almost as a need in some moments 😂, or seeing someone insta lock a power 9 no starpower, gadget, nor geared Edgar or Frank in legendary or masters
Tbf I still much much much prefer both format and rewards in ranked than power league. it was the moment I started playing the game anyhow competitvely, reached masters and even won a Championship challenge for the first time since then. I like it.
About your power level take, you're completely right. I view myself as a "serious player" whenever I do play, and as a f2p player maxing brawlers to level 11 usually harms the progression and it's generally pretty useless unless the brawler has a hypercharge, so most brawlers don't really need level 11 outside of a the stat boost, so most of my brawlers are level 10.
I honestly think Ranked is a decent competitive mode, as a guy who played it quite a lot and is at Legendary II. My only problems are that rewards are super RNG and my second issue is that you have to climb through 4 boring ranks until you reach mythic and actually start having fun.
I know its out of your control but its effecting the people u play with how would you feel if u were trying to grind ranked and your teammates kept disconnecting and making it impossible to win
@@jordanphan2417I did it , it is hard , but usually after Legendary there aren't as many bad randoms and if you have brawlers like Jessie (probably my favorite brawler now lol) , Sandy , Rico , Gene and some other maxed , getting through shouldn't be too bad
L3 is pretty easy solo in l3 youre gonna play masters lobbies and there is a big difference between the sweaty enemy team and stupid randoms who cant do shit
When the team said that theyre gonna fix the power level issue i thought theyd boost everyone's brawler to max level.I feel like that would also make it more competitive ,also id move ranked up to 3k trophies or higher.Also to fix the stardrop issue id put the skin at legendary or masters as a pity reward if u didnt get it.
Diamond should be yea 12 power 9s that are STARPOWERED, then legendary should be 12 power 11s with starpower, gadget, gears - I don’t care about cry babies saying BuT thAts noT fAir to noObS, well, that’s the point of having a *RANKED* system, so if you can’t keep up with the roster, you probably shouldn’t be in (insert rank)
The only thing I hate is replaying the match twice, sometimes three, and rarely four times. At least some change must occur so that we do not feel bored.
honestly they should give all brawlers power 11 with all star powers and gadgets and stuff so everyone has is at the same level power wise. Similar to events like the championship challenges.
@@DokkanChad True, its also really annoying Once I had a teammate that had around 7 gems and startes to attack the enemys side! No joke I think I killed the enemy almost 6 times just to defend them but we ended up loseing! Also for some reason that stupid guy who went to the enemys side was angry at me
They should just half the waiting time because i do not want to wait 20 seconds or even more because someone waits till the last frame do select a brawler
Fr it’s crazy seeing some random silver 2 noob have 2 of the new ranked skins, meanwhile I’ve grinded all the way MASTERS and only gotten 1 skin this season and it was the ugly buzz skin
It's so annoying when i can choose which brawler to band regardless of turn. To waiting for a freakin long time to choose my brawler the match selection takes too much time & my progress is tanked because of it.
I think you brought up some very good points and now that I think about it the 1st couple of ranks should be harder to pass I have 36,000 trophys and My teammates have like 7,000 trophys really upset me and that they play under leveled brawlers
I think removing the honor system or punishing dodgers harsher is a bad idea. Ive been disconnected or lagged out in the banning/picking phase leading to me losing honor. It’s completely out of my control but the honor system allows stuff like that to happen as being banned for lagging out would be way too harsh because it wasn’t an intentional dodge.
My biggest problem with rank is the reward. I honestly only grinding rank for the rank skins but the drop rate is so frustrating, imagine griding hard everyday to finally reach master just to get 100bling bruh . AND THEN they added rank skins TO THE SHOP !,completely defeated my purpose of playing rank.
As someone who started a new account in 2023 after quitting a 2018 account in 2020, I've been pretty successful with my p9s, but I really can't trust anyone else with them. I'd only give up the ability to play ranked until I have enough maxed brawlers if wins in ranked quests got deleted from the game.
Also, they schould fix matchmaking, especially at the start of the season. I’m done with playing againts 50k trophy players who have been playing since beta, while i have 15k trophies and my teammates have like 5k, just bc we’re in bronze at the same time, bc it’s the start of the season
I'm fine with keeping ranked over power league, but the only thing I want to change is the ranked suspension. My game crashes all the time and it thinks I left so I lose rep and get suspended for not even leaving. DELETE SUSPENSION PLS!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I just hate getting bad ranked teammates. I still stay in mythic 3 and have never achieved legendary but in every loss, I am either the Star player overall of the match or end up with the most kills, damage, and least deaths on my team. It’s very frustrating
I like ranked because since you can't tilt ranks, it is literally a casual mode where you can get masteries at no risk. If you're in a team and therefore not screwing everyone over, you can go the wackiest, most fun comps ever and practise with them while banning everything that would make the game unfun. Modifiers also help in creating diversity in even the same map and make all matchups unique. Honestly beating colt colette crow in heist with ash hank tick is insanely fun and I recommend it to anyone looking to have fun with the game. Ranked is just the perfect brawl stars casual party mode and is very cool if you disregard the name and the fact we lost power league for it.
As someone who queued solo up to L2 I gotta agree with the idea that the gamemode needs some changes. In my opinion the higher tiers should be trophy locked - for a exmaple Mythic will be around 15k and Legendary around 22.5k, as getting to 10k for new players can be easy if they show that they can play the game right, but after reaching 10k some of them can struggle which will require them to adapt and better their skills as the match making will be with other people at the same trophy range. And for the ban phase I think it should be moved down to gold and require a player to have 7 brawlers at Level 9 (as it will be only the ban phase and duplicates will be allowed) to familierize newer players on what they are heading into. With panelties for leaving ahould depend on which phase is it, if its on the ban and pick phase so there will be around 3 warnings if its on the picking phase and the punishment would be harsher if they leave mid game after the picking phase. And the brawlers level requirement on ranks after mythic should really be discussed currectly as it is hard for f2p players to get 12 brawlers to level 10 or even 11 due to rhe big jump in costs, and if it will be done wrongly it can make the gamemode really p2p, which will just make the community toxic in the long run, but I think that atleast a player will need 3 L10 brawlers for mythic and for legendary 6 L10+ brawlers and 2 L11 brawls, meaning the requirement will be more fair and actually give players way more chances to have balanced matches. I'm still open to hear more opinions as I know that players with more experience in competitive than me can give way better ideas
I think trophies dont have anything to do with actual skill tho since u could get all 80 brawlers to 500 trophies each by just playing against bots,and get a total of 40,000 trophies. I think it always depends on the amount of p11 brawlers u have, since those are actually hard to get cause it takes a lot of time, or a lot of money at least ,which not many people are not willing to spend anyway. So it all comes down to the number of p11 brawlers in my opinion, plus its always best to have teammates with lots of maxed out brawlers, especially in legendary and masters
@@skelerpupis2447 I do agree with you that its nice to always have teammates with p11 brawlers, but I'm mostly also looking at the f2p community side due to the fact that a new player won't get the entirety of the cast so fast if he's a f2p. And when disscussing the amount of p11 yeah that should be a part of requirements for players to have to meet for the higher ranks, but also keeping in mind that a f2p might take a while to get multipule p11 brawlers even with the mastery track being a thing due to how expensive it is and it won't just be a flat p11. With the cheesing for throphies thing yeah, very reasonable point to point out, so probably have another requirment for a brawler or 2 to be at rank 25+. In conclusion, I understand your points in cheesing for the estimate of around 25k+ throphies against bots, but I don't see in any idea that a player will do just that and not improve in the game with time. And most p2p player will probably have a good amount of p11 brawlers with having the entirety of the 80~ that we have now. Just for all I just want to see a more balanced gamemode and matchmaking that accually speaks with skill and not money. Note: I reallt liked your points and ideas.
@@Sloxyian So i just want you to know i agree with pretty much everything you’ve said so far. However, i think the main problem isnt that the game is p2w since supercell has to make money out of it somehow ,and that’s how they decided to do it since the game is “free to play”. However, I think the problem is how expensive that p2w aspect of the game is. I live in Mexico. The minimum wage here, translated to USD, is 412 monthly. Whereas the minimum wage monthly in the USA, according to a quick search on the internet, is 1220 USD. In order for you to buy 360 gems (the number of gems you need to buy 4680 gold) you’ll need to spend 20 USD (according to the internet) which represents around 2% of your minimum monthly income. In Mexico, at the time of writing this comment, 360 gems are priced at 500 pesos, translated to USD is 27.50 dollars!!! This means that almost 7% of your minimum monthly wage if you’re living in Mexico wont even fully get you a damn hypercharge! No wonder people complain about the game being p2w if its that expensive. If they would make the gems cheaper, according to my theory, more people would spend money in the game, probably even making up for that “lost” money consequent of making the gems cheaper, but it would be better overall for the players since more of them would have p11 brawlers with hypercharges which would help them out very much in ranked even if theyre trash. So in conclusion, yes, I do think trophies matter since they usually speak about how long youve been playing the game for, therefore probably about your skill, specifically those brawlers at rank 25+ like u said. But we also cant ignore the number of p11 brawlers a player has, especially at legendary and masters, since they could very well mean the difference between a team losing or winning, because of the skill gap getting tighter and tighter the more you progress through ranked, and the biggest differentiator between teams starts being power level, hypercharges and map advantage rather than pure skill. So yeah, in my opinion we just need better in game offers to make the p2w idea less disgusting to players in general but especially for those who really like the game and want to start playing it competitively hence are more willing to spend some money in the game.
The only problem i have is that i dont like pushing trophies so if they increased the trophie requirement i would have to push i just mostly play ranked but maybe thats just me though
The real problem is just rank inflation, bad players on high ranks would be solved by solving rank inflation, and rank inflation is primarily caused by 1 friend being for example at Mythic 1 and making another friend that is sitting at diamond play against Mythics, making he lose almost no points and making him earn SO much points for each win, inflating his rank, and this process go all the way and almost everyone does it, making rank inflation the basically only thing that ruins this mode, to solve this they should make you only be able to play with people from the same rank as you or make people be able do derank if they lose at the bottom of Mythic one, Legendary one and any other rank
trophies aren't a good representation of skill, a 30k cap would most likely be pointless since most of them just set all of their brawlers r20 and most likely have 2 or 3 r25 brawlers at most, i think only allowing people to play brawlers that have a certain amount of mastery and/or trophies (from diamond upwards) would be better
If they made the skins easier to get or ranked star drops easier to get then ranked itself would be better because people who just want skins wouldn't have to put much effort in
i have a solution for the modifiers, there will still be modifiers until legendary rank wich it will be only classic modifier to have a better competitive rank.
The dodging punishment can't be worse because if you lose connection for just a second it counts as dodging and won't let you rejoin. I have good wifi and don't have problems like this with any other game but I would be banned by now if it was stricter.
Your point about banning is correct there was a match with the quick fire modifier I have Leon with hyper charge I even pre picked him but my team banned him I was furious but thankfully I had Cordelius and our Edgar was actually good at the game
I hate seeing people with level 9 brawlers, beacuse i saw so many of my teamates lose beacause of level, and i was f2p with like 10 hyperchatged brawlers so its not that hard to upgrade
They Definitely should NOT bring Power League back , it was really boring to play + the fact that I needed 100 wins to just get an opportunity to buy my beloved Saloon 8-bit is insane Ranked is so much better : it is easier to achieve max rank than it was in Power League , but after you hit Legendary 1-2 it really gets tough (Mythic isn't a cake walk either tho).I also really like the battle cards customization idea (Skadi Jessie + Master Battle card looks just 😍). Rewards , especially ranked star drops... Definitely need revamp , but getting 3 legendary star drops each season is not bad tbh
A solution : From bronze to gold 3 we need 9 power level , from diamond to mythic 3 we need power level 10 to play and from legendary to masters only power 11 should be allowed
I agree with everything u said but as a player with 15k trophies and is legendary I think it should be 12k minimum but if u r wanting to play in diamond then the requirement should 23k
because It can't, this game shouldn't even have a ranked mode, it all depends on luck of getting good teammates, even if your a pro you're still gonna lose, either you play with friends and voice chat or they need to add showdown to it
JUST DELETE TIME OUT It sucks ass playing on it, what's the point of even map when its just gonna open up, and all you have to pick is those dumb sharpshooters, I can't explain how much I hate this mod
@@who3584 I love that mod since most of the maps are really no skill and you cant carry your team there. But if its fully open you are then able to dodge and do some clutch plays as 1v3
@@who3584big freind is so much worse if the other team starts out with collete and gets a tank and a dps like spike then the other team just looses 😭 it’s a race to see who picks collete first because after that the modifier is useless for the other team
I think that the mods are cool and can be done right to keep comeptitive integrity but imo the problem is some of the modifiers make it too easy lowering the skill level required of ranked if u have a brawler that can cheese the modifer like frank in big friend
As a noncompetitive player, I can definitely tell the skill ceiling for Ranked went out the door. When you saw a player get Masters in Power League, you know they meant business. NOW? You have folks in masters whose highest PL was Gold 2 or Diamond 3. As for skins, I'd rather just go back to win a number of matches for the purchase option then play game of chance with Ranked drops. Since Ragnarok, the only cosmetic thing I got was a player icon from the Charlie season. Teammates are worse too, you have folks picking throwers on Timed Detonation and picking brawlers just because they got a new skin and getting horrible KD ratios. At this point, I'd rather just have Power League back.
Agreed, people and their drafting skills are horrendous, on top of how bad their skill level is too at ALL ranks, whereas power league, as you said, you KNEW something was coming when you saw a ranked dude in there 😂
I'm mythic II with almost 20 p11 and I keep getting randoms tilting me 😂 I havent been able to reach masters at all bc they keep banning like otis in heist and picking a bad brawler at power 9...IN MYTHIC. I swear I go check and they dont even have 10k trophies wich is crazy...I never cared for power league since I was still "new" when it was around. I got to 30k around the time ranked got introduced wich I started to play more since we did get star drops and the rank protection won't make me rage as much as it did in power league at least....(in power league I had people also picking power 9's 💀 vs a whole team of power 11's)
whanever I face master players, they either know how to play or suck very bad at the game...you can tell hitting it doenst mean much other than you had good teammates that you managed to hit it mostly
I used to consistently get near or at diamond 1 in power league, in ranked it’s way too non competitive and too much grinding of these boring, easy games so I only grind to diamond 1
ok yeah i started the game up again only a little before ranked was implemented and got to diamond without even knowing much about the game (and yeah i didn't know what to ban so i banned squeak since he was really annoying and everywhere for some reason), i really went to diamond using one character the entire time.... edit: also wouldn't making it less acessable to the general playerbase also means that certain skins would be only freely accessible to higher players? (i haven't payed attention if ranked skins appear in the shop or not after some time, ik sometimes they do but)
I got into mythic 1 cause i wanted rewards, and it wasn't easy, because i didnt have any brawler in level 11 and my randoms were worse than me sometimes, almost all time, the other team has level 11 brawlers with hypercharge
12 brawlers at level 10 is an insane requirement, for me. 12 brawlers at power 9, sure, but at 10 i wont be able to achieve that until i reach like 20K trophies
Hmm, i mean, if a person managed to reach mythical and legendary ranks it is very difficult for them to be bad overall. Sometimes it happens, but that's in any game.
ranked is the worst mode because of the matchmaking. im almost 40k and I get 5k randoms to my team while playing againts someone my level. like bro i cant play 1v3 every single game. im 100% f2p and i have many power 11 brawlers, one power 10 brawler, and rest at level 9. Modifiers aren't competitive and randoms just dont pay attention to them. i was playing yesterday and my teammates picked dyna and tick at the timed detonation modifier. I'm trying to get to mythic every season but always end up in diamond because i dont have anyone to play with and randoms are so bad. i hope they fix or rework this mode.
I feel like if your randoms are so bad it costs you the game, reporting them and if the system deems it worthy, you should get your elo back. False reports would lead to a 3 hour ban or so
I was just playing solo Showdown on 300 Brawler trophies and god damn are the people sweaty af, I want to play Showdown because it's casual not because it's competitive, I just want to goof around with the Primos yk? On the other hand, when playing ranked these mf were playing so casual I thought I was in solo
A tip for you: don’t play ranked too much. Focus on a few brawlers and try to become better with them in trophy modes. Ranked will feel so much easier. You can’t actually get better with a brawler in ranked because you don’t play them continuously
Okay I thought about this a lot ranked it fine the way it is for the most part, it’s fallowing smash bros as a party raked game. Mods ruin it but that’s fine, they need two put in two other modes for ranked, 3 options like smash, 1v1, knock out witch is the only competitive mode in the game, and party mode that has all maps and mods. We shouldn’t have to play god dam brawl ball in ranked that’s just dumb🤣 I personally don’t care enough to play ranked cuz 99% of games I get into my team is always level 9 brawlers so I don’t feel like pushing higher then diamond, I’ll just play knock out and show my skill
Im rank gold 2 and I just play for fun💀 And even though I've encountered so many max rank player teams I still won somehow and made friends with them so idk Im just yapping 🤷♂️
I feel like you underastemate how a power level of entry would effect an average f2p since even getting 12 level 9 brawlers with star power and gadget takes a long time starting from beggining.
no, when you start a new account you have every brawler below bronze 1, you can stack up coins very quickly along with the 7000 gold per month in the free pass, it only takes ~36000 gold to get 12 brawlers to power 9 without gadgets or star powers
obviously you want your brawlers power 11 and with their full builds but the point he made is valid, randoms dont know better or care, its pretty low for being able to go all the way to masters with at that point
That was a stupid addition, if someone wants to carry with only a few brawlers now they have to spend their resourses on 12 useless bralwers.
@@dimitartsonev77stfu unless you want teammates picking power 1's
and it's 12 because 6 brawlers are gonna get banned and 5 brawlers will be picked
let's say 1-2-3-4-5-6 is banned
your teammates and your enemies picked 7-8-9-10-11
you still have atleast one brawler to pick
@@dimitartsonev77 hi miss smarty pants, let me explain why it’s 12 power 9 brawlers. Once you hit diamond you have pick and ban phase. This means that 6 brawlers will be banned, and 6 brawlers will be picked adding to 12 brawlers in a draft. If you have 11 power 9 brawlers and have last pick and every other brawler you had at power 11 was picked or banned, you couldn’t do shit and would disable the match. Then why is it power 9 brawlers? It’s power 9 because you can’t compete with underleveled brawlers and are an inconvenience to your team. Hell the limit should be increased to 12 power 11s with 1 star power, gadget, and 2 gears. It’s not hard to get that and by the time you get that, you should be ready for diamond rank.
Maxing out brawlers early game is not hard bud. Mastery’s, 15 day calander, buster trophy road, brawl pass. These are all easy ways to get resources and by the time you get those 12 power 9s you should have a better understanding of the game. Hell it should be power 11 with star powers, gadgets, and 2 gears so it’s fair for all players up there.
I feel like the diamond requirement should be 3 power 11s with at least one having a hypercharge, and 9 level 9s. The reason for the 12 level 9s is to make it so that you would at least have 1 choice if you have last pick and all your usable brawlers are banned or chosen already.
Honestly, even without hyper charge is fine, as long as they’re 11, starpower, gadget, and gears they should be fine, but I agree, there needs to be a new system
Bronze thru Diamond should be the 12 power 9 rule
Mythic 6 power 11s, 12 power 9s
Legendary 12 power 11s
Masters 24 power 11s
Power level requirements should not exist at all
atleast let me first pick p1 angelo to swap later
@@nerfjanetreal in a perfect world, this would be nice, but unfortunately this is the brawlstars community, and people would intentionally do that just to troll
@@riggsvsoliver what is the difference lol if a player wants you to lose he will not do anything for you to win
@@riggsvsoliverimagine what that would do to the f2p fan base though I’ve been playing for a year and am in legendary but I still only have 3 power 11 with hypercharge although i do have like 20 power 9 and like 5 power 10 so it’s viable but someone wanting to play in masters would have to be playing for at least a year and a half or be p2w even if they’re crazy at the game
I just started playing the game a week ago, I SHOULD NOT BE FIGHTING AGAINST MAXED OUT HYPERCHARGED BRAWLERS IN SILVER 😭😭. The match making so bad
I feel your pain; I got rolled by a Maxed out MYTHIC fang in BRONZE. Edit: I'm late to this because my house's Internet became really bad and I missed the replies this post got,so to clarify; the fang had the mythic background on their profile when the match was about to start; showing that they were in mythic before the season reset, when at that time, that was my first ranked season. Sorry if my initial post confused anyone, I was new to the game and misunderstood how ranked worked besides the basics.
Played against 2 masters in bronze. Then again I have 5 years of experience and we won.
As someone that plays maxout hipercharges brawlers in that ranks whith all of my account I must say it is really funny to destroy noobs like you but I guess it is not really fair
@@Maxin887 fr, I remember I started a few months ago and I was actual shit getting destroyed by everyone. Finally I can do smth lmao
@@pepperpal-tg1je how tf can u be in bronze and ur opponent in mythic?
I dont know why but it feels so casual even ladder is more competitive
He is talking about ladder
probs cos modifiers
@@neogivxapwntcpaahes talking abt ranked wdym
It's because of everyone functional is taking about in this video they ruined ranked games. I've never played ranked in any game where its easier and more casual than comp
It is a bit useless, as it depends on luck to get something good from the drops, get a good modifier and a good team.
(Rewards are 90% of The time Bling)
Yeah, they always add _shit_ rewards so you have to keep playing. It's a really scummy practice devs do.
Oh really? Rely on luck?
But wasn't luck and getting cool rewards from boxes "exciting part of the game"?
Where are the "Bring back boxes!" people, now? Ain't that fun as you remember it being, isn't it?
(sorry, it isn't targeted at you, but i was losing my shit when people whined about boxes removal. I can't forget it to this day)
@@CorpusGreedboxes are better than stars drops tho and mega pig sucks hella ahh
@@CorpusGreedI know that they changed boxes for credits but that’s probably why people are complaining bcuz the drops are worse than boxes bcuz they already created credits to compensate but people don’t understand that
As a f2p I would be pissed if they made minimum rank 10. I have over 500 hrs and 35000 trophies in the game and only have 5 guys at rank 10 or above. I like to play every brawler and try to get everyone up to 500 trophies so I level them up evenly.
Also unrelated its annoying that I’m still missing 11 brawlers with how much I’ve played the game I feel I should have close to everyone at this point drop chances should be better
there’s 1 simple fix to most of these problems, make ranked only able to people over 10k trophies
There are 80 brawlers in the game. Even if we assume that someone only has say 40 brawlers, that would still only be a 250 trophy per brawler requirement. That is still a pathetically low bar.
I wouldn’t be allowed to play rank at all with that limit, yet I have 6 brawlers that are rank 26 and above
@@Dragolitron how many brawlers do you have? Someone above did the math and it only takes 40 brawlers with 250 trophies each which is absurdly easy.
@@heartless6746 Idk I think 41 or 42, right now I just recently got 7k trophies and got my Gale to rank 25, I am sorta just maxing every brawler one at a time so maybe that's why I don't have that much trophies yet
@@heartless6746but if get garbage from stardrops and from trophy road,so ur only progression is brawl pass and mastery,u r f2p, and u get like 1 brawler per month, it’s not easy to get 40 brawlers. I have been playing since november 2023 and have 15k trophies, which is not awesome, but doesn’t make me a noob, but i only have 38 brawlers
Everything I feel about ranked is 100% accurate with what you just said, I think the solution you’ve offer might actually help with this new game mode because honestly the number one issue that making rank have a terrible reputation is the rank inflation because it’s only gonna cause more bad teammates matchmaking and overall it’s gonna make the experience of the player’s worse because it causes them to tilt, carry them, or just overall frustration for us players who work to get into the higher leagues and this is coming from someone who has been in masters once and consistently pushing to legendary but however I also think getting rid of the rank boost you get from every season is also a solution even though it sounds controversial because the rank boost allows players to push up to their personal best a lot easier and faster and they potentially make their way into mythic, legendary, and even masters and let’s be honest most people are not gonna have at least half their brawlers max let alone the only brawlers they max out are there favorites brawlers they play.
First they should fix their game so it doesnt kick you out or stay at 100% loading, then think about making punishment.
well it’s not the game fault
@@Screech-pstit is. Those are bugs for years
this never happens to me lol you guys must be on shit devices
@@kamiflex0 iPad Pro so I guess it’s a bug because on my old android phone from 2020 the same happens
Wait I thought its only my phone
The thing is, no one played power league. If more people play ranked than they succeded. Also if you dont like ranked dont play it
That's technicly true but If ranked will be played less and less they gonna have to do something with it
no the logic of the 2nd part isn't good: I don't play ranked for the fun (god save those who do) but for the star drops
@@Shleorkshlonk good, for me nobody should play 4 fun rankeds, that's what normal games are for
@@who3584I play ranked for fun until mithyc because it is really easy and then I actually start playing for real
End game players literally has nothing to do since they removed pl. So you want the most dedicated players to leave?
tbh imo the dodging thing is fine because, the game hasnt started yet so nobody is losing anything
Plus, with how bad people are at banning, I see it almost as a need in some moments 😂, or seeing someone insta lock a power 9 no starpower, gadget, nor geared Edgar or Frank in legendary or masters
It just takes too much time when I can just grind rank 30s
Tbf I still much much much prefer both format and rewards in ranked than power league. it was the moment I started playing the game anyhow competitvely, reached masters and even won a Championship challenge for the first time since then. I like it.
People complain about ranked because it is actually played when power league was not
About your power level take, you're completely right. I view myself as a "serious player" whenever I do play, and as a f2p player maxing brawlers to level 11 usually harms the progression and it's generally pretty useless unless the brawler has a hypercharge, so most brawlers don't really need level 11 outside of a the stat boost, so most of my brawlers are level 10.
Hot take: instead of 12 level 9 brawlers requirement it should be change to 6 level 11 brawlers requirement.
Honestly this vid is just about the bad randoms in ranked which is incredibly relatable.
I honestly think Ranked is a decent competitive mode, as a guy who played it quite a lot and is at Legendary II. My only problems are that rewards are super RNG and my second issue is that you have to climb through 4 boring ranks until you reach mythic and actually start having fun.
my issue is that sometimes because of occasional bad internet i get kicked out and get penalised for something out of my control
I know its out of your control but its effecting the people u play with how would you feel if u were trying to grind ranked and your teammates kept disconnecting and making it impossible to win
I care more abt reachin 30 k trophies than getting a mythic Starr drop when I reach diamond or whatever they call it
it fails at being competitive, but succeeds at being more fun for more people
I like ranked, hate the randoms. if yo want to get from mythic to masters you need a duo
Kinda fax i guess
Half true, you need a trio because playing ranked in duo makes you go up against full teams that are probably in a voice call.
Masters with randoms only is a pain in the ahh but it’s 100% possible
@@jordanphan2417I did it , it is hard , but usually after Legendary there aren't as many bad randoms and if you have brawlers like Jessie (probably my favorite brawler now lol) , Sandy , Rico , Gene and some other maxed , getting through shouldn't be too bad
L3 is pretty easy solo
in l3 youre gonna play masters lobbies and there is a big difference between the sweaty enemy team and stupid randoms who cant do shit
i love edgars with vision gear in leg 3
Better yet, gadgetless Edgars with the gadget charge gear
When the team said that theyre gonna fix the power level issue i thought theyd boost everyone's brawler to max level.I feel like that would also make it more competitive ,also id move ranked up to 3k trophies or higher.Also to fix the stardrop issue id put the skin at legendary or masters as a pity reward if u didnt get it.
About the power level acquirement i think they should make it like you have to atleast need a starpower and a gadget to use that brawler
Diamond should be yea 12 power 9s that are STARPOWERED, then legendary should be 12 power 11s with starpower, gadget, gears - I don’t care about cry babies saying BuT thAts noT fAir to noObS, well, that’s the point of having a *RANKED* system, so if you can’t keep up with the roster, you probably shouldn’t be in (insert rank)
@@riggsvsoliver tru they should do that
The only thing I hate is replaying the match twice, sometimes three, and rarely four times.
At least some change must occur so that we do not feel bored.
I agree. It's sooooooo boring and the progression is so slow
honestly they should give all brawlers power 11 with all star powers and gadgets and stuff so everyone has is at the same level power wise. Similar to events like the championship challenges.
The only thing I don't like about Ranked is:
1. Gem Grab
2. Gem Grab
3. Gem Grab
4. Bad teamates
5. and 2 rounds in 1 match after diamond rank
Gem grab takes forever especially players using level 9 brawlers even though they have maxed out brawlers
@@DokkanChad True, its also really annoying
Once I had a teammate that had around 7 gems and startes to attack the enemys side! No joke I think I killed the enemy almost 6 times just to defend them but we ended up loseing! Also for some reason that stupid guy who went to the enemys side was angry at me
@@CRaf7Y_ they push or they fight despite having all the gems and just rather lose the game for one attempt for a kill
They should just half the waiting time because i do not want to wait 20 seconds or even more because someone waits till the last frame do select a brawler
It also sucks going against legendaries and mythics in diamond, most of the time I’m not even going against diamond players (skill issue)
The mode is fine, ranked star drops are the problem
fr at least add some type of pity system so u don't have legendary 1 players with 0 ranked skins
Fr it’s crazy seeing some random silver 2 noob have 2 of the new ranked skins, meanwhile I’ve grinded all the way MASTERS and only gotten 1 skin this season and it was the ugly buzz skin
I got dynamikes skin at bronze 1 skill issue
womp womp get better luck
I would agree but I got glitch Larry and that maisie skin so nope
It's so annoying when i can choose which brawler to band regardless of turn. To waiting for a freakin long time to choose my brawler the match selection takes too much time & my progress is tanked because of it.
finally actual arguments against ranked
I think you brought up some very good points and now that I think about it the 1st couple of ranks should be harder to pass I have 36,000 trophys and My teammates have like 7,000 trophys really upset me and that they play under leveled brawlers
I think removing the honor system or punishing dodgers harsher is a bad idea. Ive been disconnected or lagged out in the banning/picking phase leading to me losing honor. It’s completely out of my control but the honor system allows stuff like that to happen as being banned for lagging out would be way too harsh because it wasn’t an intentional dodge.
I honestly find it pretty fun for mastery grinding, but the randoms... oh the randoms make me want to suffocate myself with a wet sock
My biggest problem with rank is the reward. I honestly only grinding rank for the rank skins but the drop rate is so frustrating, imagine griding hard everyday to finally reach master just to get 100bling bruh . AND THEN they added rank skins TO THE SHOP !,completely defeated my purpose of playing rank.
As someone who started a new account in 2023 after quitting a 2018 account in 2020, I've been pretty successful with my p9s, but I really can't trust anyone else with them. I'd only give up the ability to play ranked until I have enough maxed brawlers if wins in ranked quests got deleted from the game.
valid its mad annoying when people pick level 9s in legendary tho
Also, they schould fix matchmaking, especially at the start of the season. I’m done with playing againts 50k trophy players who have been playing since beta, while i have 15k trophies and my teammates have like 5k, just bc we’re in bronze at the same time, bc it’s the start of the season
I'm fine with keeping ranked over power league, but the only thing I want to change is the ranked suspension. My game crashes all the time and it thinks I left so I lose rep and get suspended for not even leaving. DELETE SUSPENSION PLS!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I just hate getting bad ranked teammates. I still stay in mythic 3 and have never achieved legendary but in every loss, I am either the Star player overall of the match or end up with the most kills, damage, and least deaths on my team. It’s very frustrating
I like ranked because since you can't tilt ranks, it is literally a casual mode where you can get masteries at no risk. If you're in a team and therefore not screwing everyone over, you can go the wackiest, most fun comps ever and practise with them while banning everything that would make the game unfun. Modifiers also help in creating diversity in even the same map and make all matchups unique. Honestly beating colt colette crow in heist with ash hank tick is insanely fun and I recommend it to anyone looking to have fun with the game. Ranked is just the perfect brawl stars casual party mode and is very cool if you disregard the name and the fact we lost power league for it.
They should just make it so you can only play power 11’s in Diamond and up. I’m f2p and have most of my brawlers to power 11.
The biggest problem are the rewards. It takes ages to get a skin.
I like the sky but I don't know if it's because of the content or that his voice is very soothing To listen to
As someone who queued solo up to L2 I gotta agree with the idea that the gamemode needs some changes.
In my opinion the higher tiers should be trophy locked - for a exmaple Mythic will be around 15k and Legendary around 22.5k, as getting to 10k for new players can be easy if they show that they can play the game right, but after reaching 10k some of them can struggle which will require them to adapt and better their skills as the match making will be with other people at the same trophy range.
And for the ban phase I think it should be moved down to gold and require a player to have 7 brawlers at Level 9 (as it will be only the ban phase and duplicates will be allowed) to familierize newer players on what they are heading into.
With panelties for leaving ahould depend on which phase is it, if its on the ban and pick phase so there will be around 3 warnings if its on the picking phase and the punishment would be harsher if they leave mid game after the picking phase.
And the brawlers level requirement on ranks after mythic should really be discussed currectly as it is hard for f2p players to get 12 brawlers to level 10 or even 11 due to rhe big jump in costs, and if it will be done wrongly it can make the gamemode really p2p, which will just make the community toxic in the long run, but I think that atleast a player will need 3 L10 brawlers for mythic and for legendary 6 L10+ brawlers and 2 L11 brawls, meaning the requirement will be more fair and actually give players way more chances to have balanced matches.
I'm still open to hear more opinions as I know that players with more experience in competitive than me can give way better ideas
I think trophies dont have anything to do with actual skill tho since u could get all 80 brawlers to 500 trophies each by just playing against bots,and get a total of 40,000 trophies. I think it always depends on the amount of p11 brawlers u have, since those are actually hard to get cause it takes a lot of time, or a lot of money at least ,which not many people are not willing to spend anyway. So it all comes down to the number of p11 brawlers in my opinion, plus its always best to have teammates with lots of maxed out brawlers, especially in legendary and masters
@@skelerpupis2447 I do agree with you that its nice to always have teammates with p11 brawlers, but I'm mostly also looking at the f2p community side due to the fact that a new player won't get the entirety of the cast so fast if he's a f2p.
And when disscussing the amount of p11 yeah that should be a part of requirements for players to have to meet for the higher ranks, but also keeping in mind that a f2p might take a while to get multipule p11 brawlers even with the mastery track being a thing due to how expensive it is and it won't just be a flat p11.
With the cheesing for throphies thing yeah, very reasonable point to point out, so probably have another requirment for a brawler or 2 to be at rank 25+.
In conclusion, I understand your points in cheesing for the estimate of around 25k+ throphies against bots, but I don't see in any idea that a player will do just that and not improve in the game with time. And most p2p player will probably have a good amount of p11 brawlers with having the entirety of the 80~ that we have now.
Just for all I just want to see a more balanced gamemode and matchmaking that accually speaks with skill and not money.
Note: I reallt liked your points and ideas.
@@Sloxyian So i just want you to know i agree with pretty much everything you’ve said so far. However, i think the main problem isnt that the game is p2w since supercell has to make money out of it somehow ,and that’s how they decided to do it since the game is “free to play”. However, I think the problem is how expensive that p2w aspect of the game is. I live in Mexico. The minimum wage here, translated to USD, is 412 monthly. Whereas the minimum wage monthly in the USA, according to a quick search on the internet, is 1220 USD. In order for you to buy 360 gems (the number of gems you need to buy 4680 gold) you’ll need to spend 20 USD (according to the internet) which represents around 2% of your minimum monthly income. In Mexico, at the time of writing this comment, 360 gems are priced at 500 pesos, translated to USD is 27.50 dollars!!!
This means that almost 7% of your minimum monthly wage if you’re living in Mexico wont even fully get you a damn hypercharge! No wonder people complain about the game being p2w if its that expensive. If they would make the gems cheaper, according to my theory, more people would spend money in the game, probably even making up for that “lost” money consequent of making the gems cheaper, but it would be better overall for the players since more of them would have p11 brawlers with hypercharges which would help them out very much in ranked even if theyre trash.
So in conclusion, yes, I do think trophies matter since they usually speak about how long youve been playing the game for, therefore probably about your skill, specifically those brawlers at rank 25+ like u said. But we also cant ignore the number of p11 brawlers a player has, especially at legendary and masters, since they could very well mean the difference between a team losing or winning, because of the skill gap getting tighter and tighter the more you progress through ranked, and the biggest differentiator between teams starts being power level, hypercharges and map advantage rather than pure skill. So yeah, in my opinion we just need better in game offers to make the p2w idea less disgusting to players in general but especially for those who really like the game and want to start playing it competitively hence are more willing to spend some money in the game.
The only problem i have is that i dont like pushing trophies so if they increased the trophie requirement i would have to push i just mostly play ranked but maybe thats just me though
what rank r u in tho? masters?
The real problem is just rank inflation, bad players on high ranks would be solved by solving rank inflation, and rank inflation is primarily caused by 1 friend being for example at Mythic 1 and making another friend that is sitting at diamond play against Mythics, making he lose almost no points and making him earn SO much points for each win, inflating his rank, and this process go all the way and almost everyone does it, making rank inflation the basically only thing that ruins this mode, to solve this they should make you only be able to play with people from the same rank as you or make people be able do derank if they lose at the bottom of Mythic one, Legendary one and any other rank
I swear I always get the power 9 Edgar with no gadgets,star powers or gears 😭
trophies aren't a good representation of skill, a 30k cap would most likely be pointless since most of them just set all of their brawlers r20 and most likely have 2 or 3 r25 brawlers at most, i think only allowing people to play brawlers that have a certain amount of mastery and/or trophies (from diamond upwards) would be better
If they made the skins easier to get or ranked star drops easier to get then ranked itself would be better because people who just want skins wouldn't have to put much effort in
i have a solution for the modifiers, there will still be modifiers until legendary rank wich it will be only classic modifier to have a better competitive rank.
The dodging punishment can't be worse because if you lose connection for just a second it counts as dodging and won't let you rejoin. I have good wifi and don't have problems like this with any other game but I would be banned by now if it was stricter.
Your point about banning is correct there was a match with the quick fire modifier I have Leon with hyper charge I even pre picked him but my team banned him I was furious but thankfully I had Cordelius and our Edgar was actually good at the game
but did you have first pick because if u didn't and the other team picked him it could hav been really bad w team mates tbh
@@SamWeinstein-lc7hg I wasn’t sure
Man I can’t even do some quests because of the diamond brawler power level barrier
I hate seeing people with level 9 brawlers, beacuse i saw so many of my teamates lose beacause of level, and i was f2p with like 10 hyperchatged brawlers so its not that hard to upgrade
ong i ứa free to play till about a month ago and I have like ten hc
They Definitely should NOT bring Power League back , it was really boring to play + the fact that I needed 100 wins to just get an opportunity to buy my beloved Saloon 8-bit is insane
Ranked is so much better : it is easier to achieve max rank than it was in Power League , but after you hit Legendary 1-2 it really gets tough (Mythic isn't a cake walk either tho).I also really like the battle cards customization idea (Skadi Jessie + Master Battle card looks just 😍). Rewards , especially ranked star drops... Definitely need revamp , but getting 3 legendary star drops each season is not bad tbh
Make the trophies required to play rank 10000
Genius lmao
Bronze thru gold - 1k
Diamond 10k
Mythic - 15k
Legendary 25k
Masters 40k
We can add a trophy requirement, but also we need to make it possible to tilt from ranks
@@riggsvsoliver noway 40k to high
@@jordanphan2417 Yeah. That makes too much sense to not be added
A solution :
From bronze to gold 3 we need 9 power level , from diamond to mythic 3 we need power level 10 to play and from legendary to masters only power 11 should be allowed
I agree with everything u said but as a player with 15k trophies and is legendary I think it should be 12k minimum but if u r wanting to play in diamond then the requirement should 23k
How did u get legendary 💀💀💀
He got carried by his 50k trophy friends, this guy himself has 0 skill@@Caketurtle7
@@Caketurtle7 I’m good at the game ;D
Congratulations at legendary🥳🤩
idk how devs can't get ranked mod right
because It can't, this game shouldn't even have a ranked mode, it all depends on luck of getting good teammates, even if your a pro you're still gonna lose, either you play with friends and voice chat or they need to add showdown to it
JUST DELETE TIME OUT It sucks ass playing on it, what's the point of even map when its just gonna open up, and all you have to pick is those dumb sharpshooters, I can't explain how much I hate this mod
Nvm you meaned mod as a ranked not modifiers, i'm just gonna leave it here
@@who3584 I love that mod since most of the maps are really no skill and you cant carry your team there. But if its fully open you are then able to dodge and do some clutch plays as 1v3
@@who3584big freind is so much worse if the other team starts out with collete and gets a tank and a dps like spike then the other team just looses 😭 it’s a race to see who picks collete first because after that the modifier is useless for the other team
I think that the mods are cool and can be done right to keep comeptitive integrity but imo the problem is some of the modifiers make it too easy lowering the skill level required of ranked if u have a brawler that can cheese the modifer like frank in big friend
As a noncompetitive player, I can definitely tell the skill ceiling for Ranked went out the door. When you saw a player get Masters in Power League, you know they meant business. NOW? You have folks in masters whose highest PL was Gold 2 or Diamond 3.
As for skins, I'd rather just go back to win a number of matches for the purchase option then play game of chance with Ranked drops. Since Ragnarok, the only cosmetic thing I got was a player icon from the Charlie season.
Teammates are worse too, you have folks picking throwers on Timed Detonation and picking brawlers just because they got a new skin and getting horrible KD ratios.
At this point, I'd rather just have Power League back.
Agreed, people and their drafting skills are horrendous, on top of how bad their skill level is too at ALL ranks, whereas power league, as you said, you KNEW something was coming when you saw a ranked dude in there 😂
I'm mythic II with almost 20 p11 and I keep getting randoms tilting me 😂 I havent been able to reach masters at all bc they keep banning like otis in heist and picking a bad brawler at power 9...IN MYTHIC. I swear I go check and they dont even have 10k trophies wich is crazy...I never cared for power league since I was still "new" when it was around. I got to 30k around the time ranked got introduced wich I started to play more since we did get star drops and the rank protection won't make me rage as much as it did in power league at least....(in power league I had people also picking power 9's 💀 vs a whole team of power 11's)
whanever I face master players, they either know how to play or suck very bad at the game...you can tell hitting it doenst mean much other than you had good teammates that you managed to hit it mostly
I used to consistently get near or at diamond 1 in power league, in ranked it’s way too non competitive and too much grinding of these boring, easy games so I only grind to diamond 1
ok yeah i started the game up again only a little before ranked was implemented and got to diamond without even knowing much about the game (and yeah i didn't know what to ban so i banned squeak since he was really annoying and everywhere for some reason), i really went to diamond using one character the entire time....
edit: also wouldn't making it less acessable to the general playerbase also means that certain skins would be only freely accessible to higher players? (i haven't payed attention if ranked skins appear in the shop or not after some time, ik sometimes they do but)
For a second I thought u said the barrier of entry should be at least 230k☠️
I got into mythic 1 cause i wanted rewards, and it wasn't easy, because i didnt have any brawler in level 11 and my randoms were worse than me sometimes, almost all time, the other team has level 11 brawlers with hypercharge
I hate how when your in diamond and have to play 2 rounds it takes to long and if u lose it feels like it was for nothing
My teammates in ranked mode are pure clowns when they don't want to play they just stand in corner or go afk 🤣
Ayyye u forgot to mention some players in ranked rush up and die immediately or just go 1 v 3 by themselves and don’t heal when there low 💀💀🤦
It would be nice if there was an in game tutorial on banning and picking when you reach diamond.
12 brawlers at level 10 is an insane requirement, for me. 12 brawlers at power 9, sure, but at 10 i wont be able to achieve that until i reach like 20K trophies
shouldn't be playing competitive under 20k tbh
Hmm, i mean, if a person managed to reach mythical and legendary ranks it is very difficult for them to be bad overall. Sometimes it happens, but that's in any game.
ranked is the worst mode because of the matchmaking. im almost 40k and I get 5k randoms to my team while playing againts someone my level. like bro i cant play 1v3 every single game. im 100% f2p and i have many power 11 brawlers, one power 10 brawler, and rest at level 9. Modifiers aren't competitive and randoms just dont pay attention to them. i was playing yesterday and my teammates picked dyna and tick at the timed detonation modifier. I'm trying to get to mythic every season but always end up in diamond because i dont have anyone to play with and randoms are so bad. i hope they fix or rework this mode.
Bro my teammates from bronze to gold are sooo bad😭🙏
Cold take: make diamond have the requirement to have 3 level 11 brawlers
Yes, please I was 11 elo away from legendary yesterday
i like ranked because it encourages friendless players to socialise more and stop relying on luck to get decent randoms
I feel like if your randoms are so bad it costs you the game, reporting them and if the system deems it worthy, you should get your elo back. False reports would lead to a 3 hour ban or so
Entry req should be 12 lvl 10 brawlers with at least 1 gadget and 1 star power
Bro I can’t reach diamond I have been so close to it like under 80 elo but lost over and over and over again,and wen to gold 1😂
Even with 38k trophies I was stuck in gold thanks to the modifiers that are just bad
I miss power league I barely played it but regret not playing it much
I genuenly wanna see a documentary of how brainless ranked teamates are
The fact the lvl9 is too low true. But if u r a free to play u js can't fxcking uprage ur brawlers bc u don't have enough coin (BUT POWER POINTS🔥)
I’m literally stuck on gold 2 I keep winning and losing it’s so annoying!
The ran-dumbs are actually sooooo bad
I was just playing solo Showdown on 300 Brawler trophies and god damn are the people sweaty af, I want to play Showdown because it's casual not because it's competitive, I just want to goof around with the Primos yk? On the other hand, when playing ranked these mf were playing so casual I thought I was in solo
I personally love ranked
"Climb the tiers easily until diamond"
I'm hardstuck gold 1 😭😭😭
You suck
Skill issue don’t play ever again your definitely bad random I started playing 2 months ago and I reach diamond easily
@@Name8R That's not how you make a community grow
A tip for you: don’t play ranked too much. Focus on a few brawlers and try to become better with them in trophy modes. Ranked will feel so much easier. You can’t actually get better with a brawler in ranked because you don’t play them continuously
@@Name8R you sound insufferable. also I've been playing for 1 month. I have maxed brawlers, I'm not throwing.
7:54 bro its not possible. When you start the game you aint even choose a character, then how would the matchmaking knew what level will you choose??
rank is amazing bro wym
as somebody who played both ranked is def funner
i cant even get to diamond because my randoms are so bad or not even playing (this may be a skill issue)
The fact you unlock rank at 1,000 trophy like why
Okay I thought about this a lot ranked it fine the way it is for the most part, it’s fallowing smash bros as a party raked game. Mods ruin it but that’s fine, they need two put in two other modes for ranked, 3 options like smash, 1v1, knock out witch is the only competitive mode in the game, and party mode that has all maps and mods. We shouldn’t have to play god dam brawl ball in ranked that’s just dumb🤣 I personally don’t care enough to play ranked cuz 99% of games I get into my team is always level 9 brawlers so I don’t feel like pushing higher then diamond, I’ll just play knock out and show my skill
I feel like they should absolutely rework the damn selection/ban screen. Scrolling through the entire list is just horrible ui/ux
Im rank gold 2 and I just play for fun💀
And even though I've encountered so many max rank player teams
I still won somehow and made friends with them so idk Im just yapping 🤷♂️
I was 5 elo away from legendary then some guy said he was good and I played with him. Now I’m mythic 1.
average “pro mortis” on brawl ball
@@Low_resolution his name was edgargod 🤡🤡🤡
@@Low_resolution we could have won the match in heist we had a good team but Edgargod picks edgar with the wrong star power and gadget for heist
Make ranked banned until player reaches 30k trophies
so real
I only play ranks for the star drops and rank drops, and I'm stuck on legendary 1 so I just gave up and waited for the new season
8:18 Wait, did I hear that right? 230 THOUSAND? What did you mean to say, because it 100% wasn't that
20 or 30 thousand
@@Functional489 Thank you
The only thing I don’t like about ranked is the modifiers and I hated power league to be honest