How To Solve An Axis Cube (Axel Cube)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2025
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    / crazybadcuber
    Skype Name - CrazyBadCuber
    Edge Orientation Algorithm
    F U R U' R' F'
    Edge Permutatino Algorithm
    R U R' U R U2 R'
    Corner Orientation Algorithm
    U R U' L' U R' U' L
    Corner Permutation Algorithm
    R' D' R D R' D' R D
    In this video we take a look at how to solve the Axis Cube. Some people also know it as the Axel cube. This cube is just a basic 3x3 shape mod but it is one of the more complex shape mods for sure. A lot of people buy this cube and scramble it up and can't get it back. The odd shapeshifting aspect of this cube really trips people up. I have to admit I had a pretty difficult first couple of solves but now it's become a very easy cube to solve.

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