I know a lot of youtube creationists who have been pushing the Tour series for the past few months. It must be very embarrassing to back someone and have them so thoroughly shown to be uninformed/dishonest? Dave, my favorite part was the "Deceptive Tactics of Id proponents", because you so succinctly summarized exactly what dealing with these people is like. These guy (Tour, Jeanson, Sanford, Carter, Tomkins) have the incredible ability to do decent science when it doesn't threaten their YEC, but revert to a highschool level understanding the moment evolution or abio enters the picture. It's a powerful cognitive dissonance OR a downright chilling deception. And when they do attempt to address the gaping holes of Creationism, it becomes appearent it isn't about answers, but the illusion of answers, if only to placate the flock into believing that "everything is under control, we will be vindicated in the end". Great work!
They where pushing it a lot. Glad to see this response, is far better than anything I would be able to assemble. Sadly, I think that no one YEC will ever watch it.
YECs who cherry-pick and misrepresent the science are useful in that they motivate the rest of us to study it more than we might otherwise do so we can learn why they're wrong
"The ideal experiment should have no human interaction." That isn't experimentation anymore then. It's only observation. And that would make most of science impossible.
And even observation can be subject to human bias. Like what the idividual wants to focus on, their ability to detect phenomena, their limited understanding of certain events etc. All that influences how someone will approach their observations.
When this video came out, I left a comment as a Christian who was thankful for the debunk. Almost a year later, I'm an atheist. This video was one very important resource of many on that long and painful journey where everything in that system of beliefs collapsed. Thank you for all you do, Dave - exposing pseudoscience and misinformation on all fronts, combatting preachers who make money by deceiving the masses, and helping to make the world a better (and more educated) place.
Thanks! Whenever Professor Dave takes these silly people apart, it’s always entertaining and enlightening. It’s great that Dave can pronounce the scientific terms so fluidly. I wish I had Dave as my science teacher. Thankfully we have his video series
Problem is, you're attacking his source of income. No matter how right you are, he'll never confess. Plus, most of the info he purports are beyond most people. I do admire your efforts on this. Keep it up!
So all natural ways to create life from things lying around is absurd but magic sky daddy described in a bronze-age book is somehow relevant explanation.
Thing is, soon abiogenic research will create artificial life, then artificial cells then artificial organisms, and he'll still be on youtube repeating the same things like a broken record.
@@Self-replicating_whatnot He will probably use that to claim that it was only possible since it was done in a lab and argue that that is further proof for a God created reality, these type of people are experts at ignoring everything except what coincides with their contrived beliefs.
@@WillofStone08 Exactly. I've had other creationists demand I prove life was NOT intelligently designed by showing humans making life in a lab. In the same thread where they pointed out they'd take humans making life in a lab as proof for intelligent design. Religion, not even once.
Apologists love to use flawed, circular logic like this. It's one the oldest and easiest ways they can trap themselves & other people with the language virus named "religion" or "theism".
You kept the best video in the end, when he explains why he doesn't want students to go studying abiogenesis. His argument is the following : we have no clue, therefore we should continue to have no clue. Assuming he was right on such cluelessness, he is basically denying the entire concept of research. His main goal is actually to stay ignorant.
That part is disgusting. But I bet he's lying about that. If the university still employs him, I bet he doesn't steer kids from abiogenesis. I bet it never even comes up.
@@freddan6fly I agree but the chance of that is extremely slim and I doubt the *Discovery Institute* would allow it - and they now own him. But he wouldn't anyway as his opinion only carries any weight because of his position there. What worries me is that they don't seem to have stopped him teaching. Here he would have been suspended long ago if not sacked.
This will be my fourth time listening to these, I understand about 20%, which I think is good for someone that loads windows onto trucks for a living. I was able to explain abiogenesis to a co-worker and describe autocatalytic reactions and their significance in abiogenesis. My brain still hurts a bit , both from the unadulterated biochemistry and Jesus James' horrible voice. I bet any student stuck with him reviewing their thesis has a good cry and changes majors. Four months later: figure I'm good for 33% now including the relevance of wet/dry cycles, evolution of homochiral proteins and co evolution of differing RNA molecules. Our workplace apologist now actively tries to sabotage my day and I am pretty sure he thinks I was sent by Satan to test him. It is a testimony to how I feel about Christians that I made absolutely sure he couldn't do any real harm to me before I pissed him off.
Hello, I'm a moron 2. But love science. I highly recommend a few channels that give good easy to understand videos. Scishow, scishow space, pbs eons. And if you are into nose bleeds try pbs spacetime 👍
That's actually the right way to do it and *Dave* knows that - but it takes time and preparation to get it *_right._* *Dave* knows that too though *Tour* doesn't.
Synthetic chemist here. How can he not understand that controlled, quick synthesis of *single* target molecule is not comparable to the synthesis found in nature. If you want to make 1 special peptide in a high quantity and short period of time sure you need all that stuff . But if you just mix all the amino acids under the right conditions for a sufficient time you would get your target molecule, just in a small yield mixed with all the other combinations.
@@msterious8537 Perhaps he does understand, perhaps he doesn't. The sad reality is that it doesn't really take much to get a phd degree. The religious types are really good at compartmentalizing their knowledge and thought processes. Cognitive dissonance can be very powerful. I've come to meet many religious scientists, or believer is the supernatural, metaphysical. Totally bonkers.
@@maythesciencebewithyou if you think it "doesn't really take much" to get a PhD in any field of chemistry then you've never tried to get one. The guy isn't stupid. He's a liar. There is zero chance he'd give in to peer reviewed research at the expense of his religious rhetoric that is putting more money in his pocket than his research ever did. Edited for clarity
@@maythesciencebewithyou Doesnt take much to get a PHD degree? ? You are so wrong, I hope maybe one day people will start to understand that humans are really complex creatures, you can be so wrong and so right at the same time or in different times of their life. People are not monolitic creatures, a nobel laureate virologistcould be a genius today and in some years he might believe in homoeopathy, doesnt mean that everybody can get a noble prize lol
I like how Prof. Dave started out easy on James in episode 1/3, probably because of him being an actual, legitimate scientist in his own field (opposed to the usual swindlers he went after), but then grew increasingly more aggressive towards the end of this final episode, presumably because he realized just what kind of a monstrosity of an agenda he was actually uprooting. James ranks right up in there with the other deceivers and the aggressive dressing down at the end of this episode fits just right. Frankly, I may not quite understand much of the material discussed, but the sheer dedication to shine a bright light on this deceptive movement was quite enlightening and ought to be recognized
He's an absolute loon, you have flat earthers on one end of the spectrum and then James Tour at the other end. But fundamentally the same idiots @ProfessorDaveExplains
"Paralyzed by his Faith" is so apt to not only Mr. Tour but 'most' of his audience. I am grateful for these various You Tube videos debunking the crap coming from pulpits & acting as agents for intervention for as many younger people as can be reached to provoke thought & "not waste their life". I am 70+ years old & know what it felt like to take those 1st steps unraveling & abandoning the indoctrination as a Southern Baptist. Especially in the '60s as a teen sitting in a pew & the light bulb going on. Thanks to all who take the time to put these videos together & may "all" sentient beings be liberated from sufferings. ✌:-)
@GrapeSkoda I’m at university right now and I can tell you that I’m not learning anything related to politics, because I’m not choosing to go into politics, universities are not Marxist organizations. If they were, you would see a lot more people advocating for a state-less world where no borders exist and where everyone is able to do as they wish because you would gain the full profit of your labour instead of the CEO profiting off of your work. Instead, I have mandatory science credits that I need to earn, learning specifically about how to properly research fields that I do not know and the best methods for finding actual experts in the field
1:26:09 this is scary, this guy actually has input on others who are trying to learn the field? So this man is purposely misdirecting people not only in their beliefs, but in their careers? How does he still have a job?
Easy, because the Discovery Institute, of which he is a member, advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design, and is trying to get it taught in schools.
@@wayfa13 The Discovery Institute has never advocated for mandating the teaching of intelligent design in schools. They have made it clear on their website for decades.
When I was 10 with basic knowledge of molecular biology, chemistry and physics, I had some hypothesis about origin of life. Of course it was as refined as you can expect from a 10 year old, but it was still pretty cool, I accidentally pulled a summary of the state of research. Later in life I've learned a bit about origin of life research, and I was convinced it was as far as it goes at that point. Today you've expanded my knowledge on origin of life research further than I ever expected. Thank you Dave. Also thanks to all the people actually doing the research on the topic, especially your guests in these two videos.
I have special contempt for PhD's who use their credentials to mislead laymen - whether deliberately, or by neglecting to do their homework. When I was in Church, we identified preachers who used the bible for monetary gain - 'Prosperity Gospel' and the like. We called them 'Jack-Legs'. Tour and others fit the bill. To me, PhD means you KNOW HOW to do research, and what constitutes an argument, etc.. There's no excuse for being unprepared and sloppy. At minimum if you are unstudied in a particular aspect or field, then you should say so up front. And if such is the case then don't turn around and make arguments from that ignorance, 'I just don't see how...', which laymen interpret as an expert declaration that some thing is therefore not possible. He's a Jack-Leg.
There are two sad things here. First, it is a hear-breaking demonstration of how religion (as well as other beliefs in woo in general) can warp even the most functional minds. Dr. Tour is clearly an extremely intelligent individual, and yet when it comes to anything that impinges on his particular flavor of irrationality he becomes a functional imbecile (I'm a practicing biochemist myself and can attest to verisimilitude of Prof. Dave's expositions vs Dr. Tour's downright dishonesty/ignorance). The second is that Dr. Tour works at Rice University, an excellent academic institution from which one of my daughters just graduated. It is sad to think that some of Dr. Tour's cranial flatulence in this area might at some point rub off onto her alma mater.
In my opinion he should be sacked from the university. He is also paid by 'discovery institute' who has 'lyingforjesus' on the agenda and 'goddidit' as every answer.
I love how flawlessly educational this has been with the refutation being almost incidental! Thank you for an excellent overview of current research on prebiotic geochemistry!
I am a layman with no chemistry background except for the basic high school knowledge that I had access to when I was young, and I still find it easy enough to follow the logic explained in these long videos debating the modern conclusions derived from these experiments and concepts. Thank you so much for taking the time to break down every point and counter-point. I will continue to reside on the outside of the confidence graph, keep my mouth shut, and continue learning as much as I can. Your channel is a great resource for self-improvement and curious search for more information.
You might be a layman but you have wisdom on your side. It is like one of my favorite quotes it is best to remain silent and appear to be a fool than open ones mouth and remove all doubt. My educational background is BSc in Psychology with a minor in Biochemistry, BSc & MSc in Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering which translates into knowing more and more about a certain field and less and less about other fields. If I come to a conclusion that runs against the mainstream science; instead of thinking I'm correct I ask myself what piece of evidence or fact am I missing or not understanding that lead the experts to a different conclusion.
this isnt that much about background in chemistry as much as religious indoctrination, even if you were a highly educated doctor, you can still be a religious fanatic and refuse to understand even basic chemistry
@@eyle6839 *_Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields. But experts often think so. The narrower their field of knowledge the more likely they are to think so._* *Robert A. Heinlein* It's syndrome I have come across myself amongst both engineers and scientists who've moved into academia and lost touch with the reality of their profession. It's a form of academic _tunnel vision._
@@HH-ru4bj From your post I'd guess you are rarely anywhere near as dumb as *Tour* shows himself to be. Admitting you're wrong when you are is how you learn, it's never dumb.
I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian cult (Mormonism). About 25 years ago (I'm now in my 40s) I rebelled, essentially because as a teenager, I didn't want to go to church, wanted to drink beer and was interested in more than singing hymns at scripture group with the opposite sex. This was a very difficult thing to do (understatement) and caused huge friction between me and the rest of my family, and whilst I eventually realised that I never really believed in any of it, it's become more and more apparent to me over time, how the brainwashing and indoctrination (that which the religious constantly accuse the non-religious of) has affected me, and that of my siblings into later life. I have the utmost sympathy for, and understand, how those brought up within that sort of suffocating and controlling environment, find it difficult to impossible to break free from. The imprisonment of the mind that occurs during those formative years is powerful and stays with you. In challenging or leaving you risk complete isolation from your family and those you love, and your peer group, which up until that point has been made up almost exclusively of other church members. I could talk all day about this, but I'd just like to say that Dave's material has become invaluable in countering the current forceful claims of my brother that evolution is BS and abiogenesis is fairy-tales (as he ironically and mockingly likes to put it). I don't claim to fully understand all of it, but I think this is crucial in pushing back against this sort of misinformation online. Unsurprisingly I've seen multiple times past friends and peers within the church 'go astray' in their teens, as I did, only to return as committed and vociferous exponents of the church as adults, and its absurd claims, which only seems to confirm that the indoctrination is powerful and complete. To give you a flavour of what I had to go through, I was told that because I was an apostate, all of my family would go to the highest tier of heaven (they believe there's three of them), and I would be relegated to the lowest tier, and would have to spend eternity on my own, whilst they would all be having a good old time enjoying the top tier benefits, whilst being all sad because I wasn't with them. This is one of the guilt trips they teach young and impressionable kids. Keep it up, Dave.
It's stories like these that make me distrust religion even more than I already do. I do believe you've made the right decision. I only wish I had the strength of character to carry out my own version of what you did.
Mormons are not fundamentalist Christian. The church doesn’t even claim that abiogenesis and evolution aren’t correct, it’s just certain members. I think a lot of people lump all Christian’s together, and I see all of these people having vastly different experiences than I did growing up LDS, I don’t know where it comes from.
Same - i quit Christianity because i wanted to feel free and happy. Then i spent years feeling guilty any time i felt free and happy cause of all these obligations i was taught to feel i owed to religion. Felt like maybe something was wrong with thinking conservative religious values/lifestyles were boring and not for me. Gets easier. Now my only regret is not ditching religion sooner cause it was literally the day my life started feeling more pleasant to exist in. And it finally felt like itd be MY life and not the churches
That’s very disturbing! Religions really need to be reigned in somehow! It’s disgusting they indoctrinate and guilt trip children and even adults the way they do! Religions have caused so much death and destruction since our dumbass ancestors invented them! Stay strong! ✊🏻
I love the laughter he gets at his sermon!!! He can yell anything at his congregation and as long as he does it in an incredulous tone they'll laugh their butts off not understanding a word!!!
The way he makes so many credible scientists into laugh tracks for his creationist garbage followers is actually infuriating to me but that's just my opinion. I can accept my mom's devout Christianity because she doesn't belittle or ridicule my atheist views.
I have nothing but contempt for that guy. He's obviously lying, and by just how SHARPLY he's willing to cut his mined quotes in mid-sentence means he must have inevitably read more than enough evidence to know that he's wrong. I doubt he even believes the points he's arguing himself anymore, and is just lying for Christianity because all his life and relationships are built around it.
I think he's actually managed to hold two conflicting ideas at the same time. It's not something I can understand - and I don't want to understand it either. I run firstly on logic and then on taste. But I've known a few people who can compartmentalize their minds like that, usually for religious reasons (the _flatuthas_ treat _flaturth_ as a religion). *Tour* probably justifies his mendacity by telling himself _I'm telling lies to expose a _*_higher truth_*_ that others won't listen too otherwise._ It's the worst aspect of evangelism.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 I'm with you lol. He's weirdly genuine. More emotionally invested, maybe? Idk, but he's different than every other grifter I've watched. He puts a lot of effort and energy into everything he's saying, that's for sure. He's like, very emotional and serious always. He's either a really good actor...or he's just not even conscious about it. Also, I agree with you on compartmentalization. In my opinion, people can really underestimate the convenience of: dissociating from the truth and convincing yourself of your own lies. It truly makes life so much easier! I would love to know what it's like in his brain. How much is he dissociating? Does he let his brain think about it and then rationalizes it? Or, has he rigged his brain to not even let any thoughts about it to reach his frontal lobe consciousness? Does he just replace thinking with feeling angry? He always seems to get upset talking about this...IDK.
I can't claim to understand everything I've just watched. But when someone gets that upset over any attempt at exploring an idea, and also claim something is impossible, when such a claim would imply a complete knowledge of the idea, which would seem to be, to me, more along the lines of an impossibility, I have to dismiss Tour. Then again, I'd found the world a more comprehensible place when I started excluding the idea of a universe that always requires a conscious agent to initiate any and all events. I think this is a very valuable presentation as it introduces an idea while dismissing an attack on it. This was a great presentation. Thanks Professor. Loved it.
you might like potholer54 if you havent found him already. I found this channel from his. He's a great journalist who makes you tube videos on similar topics debunking the misuse of science. I also like his style. Yours in the struggle to find explanations sister. 😀
@@匕卄モ匕卄丹れKち He is a member of the Discovery Institute after all... (The Discovery Institute is a politically conservative non-profit think tank based in Seattle, Washington, that advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design.)
@viralshield still doesn't mean he's not an idiot. Yeah he might the top in chemistry but it doesn't mean he's the top in actual reality. The dude thinks a mythology book is true.
I have an internet troll who uses Tour as his source of chemistry knowledge….and I’m so glad he does. I’m a chemist and I’d never heard of Tour , despite his 700 publications, but I dug in to him. I’m astonished at the mendacity, hubris, ignorance, arrogance. I find him utter reprehensible and unethical - it shames me as a scientist.
Dave I absolutely love you - I've never been this early and this is my one chance for you to see this... Thank you for taking time to debunk this garbage - as well as for showing others how to identify dunning-kruger manifestations like James.
I’m a medievalist, and I have a strong feeling that Tour would tell me that my work on illuminated manuscripts is invalid because I didn’t personally ready the vellum
I just got to say I stumbled on to this video due to the algorithm and I am loving just sitting here eating dinner, listening and learning about what scientists have managed to learn about the origin of life on earth, even if I'm honestly not following half the actual chemistry that is being discussed! xD
I'm here. I'm early. Hi Prof.Dave, the only TH-camr I know who responds to the emails of the scientific quiry of his viewers😊❤️. Thank you for all your vids.
These creationists might have had more success if The Wedge Document hadn't been leaked. It basically exposed their whole game plan. Frustrated by the unstoppable progress of science and it's annoying habit of contradicting their mythology, they set out to challenge it by manufacturing their own "science" which would confirm their preconceived conclusion, i.e. "god did it". Step 1 was to ditch the term "creationism" because it sounded to goddy. Enter the new sciencey sounding "intelligent design" and the genius of "irreducible complexity". 20+ years on and they have achieved nothing yet they have the audacity to criticise real peer reviewed science.
And James took it one step further by ditching the positive case altogether, at least on the surface. He just acts incredulous then lets his audience fill in the holes with their preferred theory. Then they can say "He never mentioned God, you just hate Jesus."
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 two unbearably preachy creationists, the type to walk up to randoms on the street to ask silly questions akin to the watchmaker argument. Sir Sic has a series making fun of them
@@snewp_e2139 With all this cycling between roasting and cool science it might create intelligent life one day. Most likely not anytime soon but with enough time who knows.
It more like a complete meltdown or criticality accident in Los Alamos. Tour has poked dragon with a flathead screwdriver and got torn apart by the claws and incinerated ;) He deserves even more for his lies, outrageous ignorance and disinformation of the people.
What's actually great about these -- way beyond even just the guilty pleasure of enjoying the debunking smackdown -- is the high-quality up to date education we're getting on the current state of origin of life studies. As a layman I've looked around and have yet to find any better series of youtube videos on the science of abiogenesis. Absolutely enjoying these -- and already know they'll be worth another couple of views.
it's not Christianity I have a problem with, it's the outright denial of biological processes like evolution that have been proven beyond reasonable doubt that I DO have a problem with.
I have had an idea about anti science apologetics that has been worrying me for a while now; what if the arguments they present are intentionally bad? Not designed just to affirm peoples beliefs and give snappy answers but to be so poorly reasoned that they provoke a hostile and derisive response. This would alienate the person and make the Christian feel like the only safe place to express themselves is among believers. Most apologetics seem to filter down from a few sources. Lane Craig, Ham, Hovind and a few more push the current narrative away from any original thoughts, anyone imitating them is going to get an earful. A few emails among the top content creators would be enough to set an agenda, even if they have different takes on Christianity they all want to stop the drift towards atheism. As conspiracy theories go it has an annoying plausibility.
@@joeldobbs7396 it could also be similar to how scamming emails are always full of typos. Like they intentionally pick bad arguments in order to prey on people who are susceptible to them. I'm not sure if they even would have had to conspire to achieve this. Natural selection could have just made them the most popular with their audience and filtered them up to the top of the social media food chain.
Ohhhh, go on. Have a problem with Christianity. Please. We should take issue with all mass delusions, because they break things.... like freedom and truth and civilisation.
@@popcultureprogrammer2171 people can believe whatever fantasy they like, but they can't impose it on others....and that includes getting tax exemptions or banning abortions or teaching their nonsense in schools. Keep your dangerous delusions to yourself, whackos.
I kinda love the fact that you talk in such detail that I feel like an idiot for not knowing what you're saying. it has, on numerous occasions now, encouraged me to look far deeper then I probably ever would have on my own, so thanks!
No-one debunks like professor Dave. They're very thoroughly researched, well thought through and just plain brutal. I know your main content is educational stuff Dave (and you should of course keep doing them because they're very very good) but I really hope you keep on making these debunks because they're incredible
He seems to when they are legitimate teaching/learning moments that allow him to go in depth on a topic, such as here. Also the harder they try to rebuff him, the more likely it is he will return the favor. His stuff is so easy to watch and will likely become a resource on the topic for lay people for years to come.
Your book is finally available in my country so I bought it just to support you Professor Dave Explains. Keep up the good fight against stupid and dishonest. 'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' -Socrates.
I have read Dave's book --- It is an excellent piece and you will enjoy it. "Education is to dispel ignorance not to preserve it" (Lawrence Krauss on religious education)
I remember reading about the Miller-Urey experiment when I was 10. I was pretty brainwashed into believing up to that point, but it started me on a path of questioning everything. It just immediately gave me a sinking feeling that my parents and their religion were wrong.
Did you see Uri when he went on 8 out of 10 cats and Sean Lock took the absolute piss out of him and all his wild claims and assertions? Such a satisfying bit of telly
Scientists should definitely be allowed to be wrong about anything. But they shouldn't be allowed to outright lie about a subject they're not even educated in. Opinion is one thing - but James just feeds into the trope that "all scientists are liars". And that's a terrible value for a society to hold.
i wont even call it a trope since where did it become so ? only in those theology loving numbskulls maybe and even they rush the hospital when they get hurt, they just thank god and not the doctor who stitched together the guts of the moron who wanted to pull a stunt for his congregation , and the funny thing is , well '' they told me i will Die ! but i didnt ! gawwwd saved me to prove them wrong !'' when its a doctor that saved his life and a doctor that told him you could get killed by doing such stunts
@@ravenvalentine4919 I agree that religious people are the worst offenders when it comes to mistrusting science. But it's all too common everywhere else too. How many people doubt the covid vaccine for instance? Mistrust of GMO's, "Big Pharma", and a mountain of other conspiratorial nonsense.
James Tour: "It is inconceivable! He said it is inconceivable! INCONCEIVABLE!" Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
James has clear indoctrination that is clouding his judgement severely. He needs to accept sometimes the right answer is simply "we don't know this thing yet" vs. jumping to the god of the gaps explains nothing.
Early religous indoctrination can be a very powerful shackle to a human mind. But it does appear so that some people are more susceptible to bullshit than others. And intelligence doesn't really seem to be the metric for that. There are many people who are considered intelligent and also highly educated who believe in the supernatural. On the other hand there are people who are considered dumb, who dropped out of school but do not fall for any supernatural or conspiracy bullshit. Intelligent people who believe in the supernatural or conspiracies, will often use their brain to fabricate something that allows them to lie to themselves, to convince themselves that the bullshit is true.
Every comedian needs that kind of goofball in the audience. I'm sure it stokes Tour's massive ego. He should follow it up with "your primordial mother cells are so fat" jokes
Finally finished all three videos on James after two days, a lot of good information! Thank you for all you do to combat his type of "science" and help laymen like myself to digest this information. I hope you continue to find success educating all of us on TH-cam!
how many people are here enjoying the debunk of something they don't understand, but watched anyway because of all the sarcasm and the pleasure of watching a quack get smacked?
I just chanced upon this professor. Even as a biologist, my brain hurt a little on this. I felt the organic chemistry gods coming back to haunt me! (Organic II was brutal!) As always, keep up the good work sir!
God damn, you own. In all honesty, the most telling bit of all is the very last section where he is actually saying he discourages students from going into origin of life research. He's literally saying, "No, don't waste your time with that. We already have it figured out. God did it!" He's terrified they might make contributions to the field and fill in God's infinitely mysterious little gaps 😱
Great video. Besides debunking the creationist this whirlwind tour through abiogenesis was awesome. I had no idea how much progress had been made in the field. Clearly organic chemistry is my personal Dunning Kruger zone. I will now be looking to fix that. Thanks again for the content. Excellent.
The fact that you can admit you lack knowledge in a particular area means you are far from suffering from Dunning/Kruger effect. Organic chemistry whipped my butt in college but I learned enough to know that Tour is way out of his depth.
@@mabatch3769 I didn't even do chemistry beyond *O-level* and that was over half-a-century ago but even I could see that so you must have had no trouble.
One of James' final comments is very telling. He says "We're clueless on the origin of life, and don't let anybody try to tell you differently." It's the last part that's most informative. If he really believed his own crap, he wouldn't need to try to warn people away from even hearing about alternatives.
@@alexmcd378This!!! If we were really that clueless, we wouldn't just conclude "God did it" and abandon the topic: no!!! We would study it, run tests and stuff, so that we WOULDN'T be clueless!!!!!
I’m glad that there are people out there like you. People who have the time and level of intelligence to not only disprove people who disgrace science, but you are also able to rub it in there faces. Good job Professor.
whilst I don't know bugger all about this field of research (I'm no biologist/chemist), I do love listening to someone being handed their own ass in the background whilst coding: good job (stumbled into this after the flat earth multi debunk vids u done - youtube's algos sometimes work ya know :)) - subscribed
I've watched this a few times. And the more I watch it, the more I wished Dave would somehow edit out that teeth grinding, gut wrenching, cringey ass laugh from whomever's hyena is in the audience. It wouldn't be as bad if the person was laughing at something that has humor to it and makes sense. But the fact this person is laughing so hard at nothing just goes to show how religion can warp the brain. Please someone tell me that they hear that and it makes you cringe on a severe level?
@@ProfessorDaveExplains Well, now that you put it that way. Laugh on hyena, laugh on lol. Love your videos Dave. I have to say that you are in my top 3 of content creators. I don't have much money to support your channel and others like I want to. But I try to watch and comment as much as I can. Even If It dosen't make sense. You know, just like their laughing hyena. Have a good one!
That obnoxious laughing was so damn bizarre, there was nothing remotely funny at that point, I actually had trouble trying to figure out if it was real and part of Tour's video or if Dave put a laugh track over that clip to mock him!
@@Britishhick Ikr! I have no doubt she had no clue as to what James was talking about, and knew her laugh would be the only thing anyone could hear, pay attention to, and talk about in the comment section lol.
Can't believe I watched nearly 3 hours of these videos and never skipped forward. This was great. He knows a lot about the science stuff, Professor Dave Debunks!
Professor, you handily dismantled the guy. He's so stuck on the idea that with living organisms and systems being so complex, then some supernatural agent had to be involved. He butchered his presentations. I only have 2 solid semesters in organisms and I detected some mistakes on his part. You did a phenomenal job in demonstrating his erroneous conclusions.
I admit I know very little about abiogenesis. And if you had suggested that I would spend a morning watching several long videos on the subject, I would have scoffed at the notion. And yet I've done just that. You've covered a very wide range of material that I had did not know existed (and I'm certain that I only grasp a tiny bit of the material). I'm so glad you've made this available as it demonstrates just how much research we have learned about the origins of life. Thank you.
Nearly every laughter started with that high pitched hammy laugh from the same female. It was like a canned laughter inserted to make audiences laugh whenever Jame "debunked" Jack's "mistakes".
Tour's final complaint about guiding young researchers not to waste their doing origin of life research time gives it all away. Tour thinks the origin of life is impossible and could never be solved because he thinks God created life by some sort of divine intervention. He is being the very definition of a religiously motivated science-stopper. He's literally saying to stop research in the field because it would be a waste of time and money. And he's obviously, painfully obviously doing it for religious reasons.
He wants to propagate the self-fulfilling prophecy: 1) OOL research right now is still in its infancy, so we don't have a good idea of how life started. 2) Because we don't have a good idea of how life started, Tour argues it's a dead end and people shouldn't devote resources into it. 3) Because people won't study OOL, it will remain undeveloped and we won't have any better ideas for how life started. 4) Back to point number 1.
The people laughing in the background make me sick. They likely have no idea what he's talking about. Coincidentally, his background during that talk is reminiscent of the set of Seinfeld and his audience makes for a convincing laugh track. 26:00 It would be much more comforting if the audience was laughing at him rather than with him.
Professor Dave's rational, science-based admonition of James Tour's spurious theologically motivated critique of abiogenesis was compelling and extraordinarily masterful. As more and more creationists continue infiltrating a variety of scientific disciplines, we desperately need more scientists like Dave - willing to confront and challenge these pseudointellectual anti-science crusaders and hold them accountable.
Intelligent design is not an anti-science argument. There are numerous scientists who have relied purely on science to prove their point that intelligent design is a valid argument for the origin of life. For example, geneticists have found that it is statistically impossible, if you trace back genetics, to account for the supposed evolutionary changes in genetic makeup even given the millions of years scientists have ascribed to the origin of life. It's a time conundrum and evolutionists cannot account for this discrepancy. Also, the mathematical and physical laws of the universe suggest that there is an intelligent being behind creation of the universe. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss intelligent design as a mechanism for the origins of the universe.
_"[My graduate students] would spend a year working on nonsense if I don't redirect them."_ I wonder how many people, who could have made great strides in these fields, he has turned off because of his lies...
I don't get abiogenesis haters. All they got is bitching about: 'Show me the full living cell from inorganic matter! It's so complicated - it's impossible!' Basically argument from ignorance sprinkled with incredulity. Not a single study have falsified the hypothesis yet. Do they expect us to just drop all the research just because it's too complicated and seems unbelievable? That's retarded.
@@smashexentertainment676 The abiogenesis haters are in 99,99% of cases just annoyed hillybilly religious fundamentalists waving with holy books without even reading them, because those books are usually long and boring. Way too boring for them, when they just want to drink beer and watch some mindless tv trash. Most religious fanatics attacking abiogenesis are shocked when you quote the bible like Exodus where not only their God turned a lifeless staff of moses/aaron into a serpent but also some servants of the king of egypt could also turn lifeless sticks into living snakes or where necromancy is described in Ezekiel of turning bones with flesh and muscles again and where non life to life is almost a dozens of times outlawed as real thing like theft etc. This has not so much too do with real cell origin, but it shows that their hatred is coming from a close cultist environment - an echochamber of ignorance, lazyness and bigotry.
@@Angelmou Though I was aware that few _creationists_ have actually read the _Xtian_ bible I hadn't thought about *_why._* It is indeed long and boring. I read the KJV decades ago and it was its content that made it ridiculous to me. Apart from the seemingly interminable _begatteries_ (and *Archbishop Ussher* actually _studied_ them‽) there are so many inconsistencies and obvious lies. In *Europe, Australia* and many parts of the _Xtian_ world most are quite certain that the _Xtian_ bible was not written to be taken as absolute truth, even the *RC* church takes much of it as allegory. But once, centuries ago, few people could read, and even fewer could read *Latin,* and those who _could read,_ clergy mostly, controlled everything. I suspect that the _religious fundamentalists,_ though not illiterate, have much the same mind-set as those _peons of yore._ What really annoys me is that people _who do know better_ dishonestly preach biblical inerrancy and invest time and money finding fraudulent and disingenuous arguments to support what I see as an insupportable dogma.
It seems this James Tour guy is desperate for abiogenesis to be false. That kind of attitude reeks of a religious fundamentalist creationist agenda. How pathetic.
@@nehemiasservant9853 There is nothing about life that requires supernatural intervention, or at least it has never been demonstrated to be required. Everything we know about natural processes tells us that it is a perfectly reasonable inference that when the necessary environmental and chemical conditions are present abiogenesis will occur every time.
As soon as I heard him repeatedly shout that word, I start scrolling through the comments, knowing somebody would have made this exact comment for me to like.
I'm an IT professional w/o the scientific background needed to understand this subject, let alone choose who’s right here … Him or You. But using logic alone (IT remember?) tells me who I should believe. You have one guy that has more questions than answers and the other who has more answers than questions on the subject in question. I really appreciate all your videos … especially the “debunk” ones. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate your work so much. This video must have taken a massive amount of time to put together and all while knowing that James will not change his mind or acknowledge he was wrong on so many points. I think we are all guilty of wanting a thing so much to be true that we ignore and cherrypick as much as need to. But it's a difference if I want to believe that GOT season 8 is great or I want to make a live off misrepresenting science to less educated people because I really want magic sky daddy to be a thing. Your videos are so educating and easy to digest and I am very thankful for your work!
Just found your channel a few months back. I have thoroughly enjoyed going back through your older videos and I am pleasantly surprised with with the way you not only inform but like this video call " scientists" out for their flagrant ignorance of learning and development of truth and science. I thank you for your efforts.
Oh boy, Dr. Tour just made a fool of himself. I couldn't believe how he could just assume if he does know about an reaction, it must not exist. All good scientists should gracefully accept criticism. This is the trait that Tour lack.
I am so grateful for all your work on this. No joke, I intend on reading all these papers over the next few months as I'm so interested in the subject matter. Well done!!
Tour living up to his moniker of "Liar for Jesus", if it comes to a battle between truth and scripture, scripture wins every time. When that becomes a scientists raison-d'etre he/she loses the right to call themselves a scientist.
I know a lot of youtube creationists who have been pushing the Tour series for the past few months. It must be very embarrassing to back someone and have them so thoroughly shown to be uninformed/dishonest? Dave, my favorite part was the "Deceptive Tactics of Id proponents", because you so succinctly summarized exactly what dealing with these people is like. These guy (Tour, Jeanson, Sanford, Carter, Tomkins) have the incredible ability to do decent science when it doesn't threaten their YEC, but revert to a highschool level understanding the moment evolution or abio enters the picture. It's a powerful cognitive dissonance OR a downright chilling deception. And when they do attempt to address the gaping holes of Creationism, it becomes appearent it isn't about answers, but the illusion of answers, if only to placate the flock into believing that "everything is under control, we will be vindicated in the end". Great work!
They where pushing it a lot. Glad to see this response, is far better than anything I would be able to assemble. Sadly, I think that no one YEC will ever watch it.
If any do they'll know their _messiah_ has feet of clay. So they won't.
YECs who cherry-pick and misrepresent the science are useful in that they motivate the rest of us to study it more than we might otherwise do so we can learn why they're wrong
Though that is their only value.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 Indeed
"The ideal experiment should have no human interaction."
That isn't experimentation anymore then. It's only observation. And that would make most of science impossible.
And even observation can be subject to human bias. Like what the idividual wants to focus on, their ability to detect phenomena, their limited understanding of certain events etc. All that influences how someone will approach their observations.
@@justadude7752 and in physics, the mere observation of something can also determine the result! damned electrons.
@@franziska9260 bruh... yeah, forgot about that^^ makes you wonder why? Are they just shy to show us what they are really doing😅
@@justadude7752 It's actually because we can't observe electrons without interacting with them.
@@gf11511 oh shit really?? I'll have to give it a watch; it'd be a pretty embarrassing mistake for a physics student to make. thanks!
When this video came out, I left a comment as a Christian who was thankful for the debunk. Almost a year later, I'm an atheist. This video was one very important resource of many on that long and painful journey where everything in that system of beliefs collapsed. Thank you for all you do, Dave - exposing pseudoscience and misinformation on all fronts, combatting preachers who make money by deceiving the masses, and helping to make the world a better (and more educated) place.
Thanks for sharing, this is good reinforcement for me to hear!
Congrats for having the courage to question your beliefs!
This was cringe to read.
@@Hanibul_Lecktor not nearly as cringe as your comment..
@@Hanibul_Lecktor Brilliant counterargument. Thanks to you, I have re-converted back to Christianity! It's a miracle.
Thanks! Whenever Professor Dave takes these silly people apart, it’s always entertaining and enlightening. It’s great that Dave can pronounce the scientific terms so fluidly. I wish I had Dave as my science teacher. Thankfully we have his video series
40:44 is my paper. Thanks to Prof.Dave !
Awesome! Thanks for your hard work!
That’s badass dude. Great work
Lol… weirdest TH-cam moment I’ve witnessed.
When the best worlds collide!
Wow, all fascinating stuff 👍😎
Problem is, you're attacking his source of income. No matter how right you are, he'll never confess. Plus, most of the info he purports are beyond most people. I do admire your efforts on this. Keep it up!
Yeah agreed :/
He has no intention of changing James or persuading him. Countering creationists is never about the creationist being challenged
This isn't about James Tour; it's about equipping people with the knowledge to protect themselves against conmen like, well, James Tour.
@@yebsonianapkin113 e3eeeeeeeeera33eee3e
“it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair.
So all natural ways to create life from things lying around is absurd but magic sky daddy described in a bronze-age book is somehow relevant explanation.
That sums it up pretty well.
Him upstairs surrounded by them cherubs and virgins can create entire galaxies in his spare time.
@@1maico1 Looking at the universe, it would appear that he has a lot of spare time.
@@fisharepeopletoo9653 Depends on how long the virgins remain virgins. Prof Tour might know?
You think!
James: It’s invalid because it wasn’t in a lab.
Also James: It’s invalid because it was in a lab
And round and round he goes
Thing is, soon abiogenic research will create artificial life, then artificial cells then artificial organisms, and he'll still be on youtube repeating the same things like a broken record.
@@Self-replicating_whatnot He will probably use that to claim that it was only possible since it was done in a lab and argue that that is further proof for a God created reality, these type of people are experts at ignoring everything except what coincides with their contrived beliefs.
@@WillofStone08 Exactly. I've had other creationists demand I prove life was NOT intelligently designed by showing humans making life in a lab. In the same thread where they pointed out they'd take humans making life in a lab as proof for intelligent design. Religion, not even once.
@@shinobi-no-bueno 👏👏👏👏❤❤ Well played. Very well played, indeed!
Apologists love to use flawed, circular logic like this. It's one the oldest and easiest ways they can trap themselves & other people with the language virus named "religion" or "theism".
You kept the best video in the end, when he explains why he doesn't want students to go studying abiogenesis. His argument is the following : we have no clue, therefore we should continue to have no clue. Assuming he was right on such cluelessness, he is basically denying the entire concept of research. His main goal is actually to stay ignorant.
That part gave me chills.
That part is disgusting. But I bet he's lying about that. If the university still employs him, I bet he doesn't steer kids from abiogenesis. I bet it never even comes up.
I hope you're right but I'm afraid I doubt it.
If it is true he hurts Rice University and he should resign.
I agree but the chance of that is extremely slim and I doubt the *Discovery Institute* would allow it - and they now own him.
But he wouldn't anyway as his opinion only carries any weight because of his position there. What worries me is that they don't seem to have stopped him teaching. Here he would have been suspended long ago if not sacked.
This will be my fourth time listening to these, I understand about 20%, which I think is good for someone that loads windows onto trucks for a living. I was able to explain abiogenesis to a co-worker and describe autocatalytic reactions and their significance in abiogenesis. My brain still hurts a bit , both from the unadulterated biochemistry and Jesus James' horrible voice. I bet any student stuck with him reviewing their thesis has a good cry and changes majors.
Four months later: figure I'm good for 33% now including the relevance of wet/dry cycles, evolution of homochiral proteins and co evolution of differing RNA molecules. Our workplace apologist now actively tries to sabotage my day and I am pretty sure he thinks I was sent by Satan to test him. It is a testimony to how I feel about Christians that I made absolutely sure he couldn't do any real harm to me before I pissed him off.
Dammit! that's eactly what I was going to say. Except, like 30%?
That’s awesome man!
Hello, I'm a moron 2. But love science. I highly recommend a few channels that give good easy to understand videos. Scishow, scishow space, pbs eons. And if you are into nose bleeds try pbs spacetime 👍
Does anyone else love how Dave uses a a BUNCH of references in his arguments and not misquoting them? I do
That's actually the right way to do it and *Dave* knows that - but it takes time and preparation to get it *_right._*
*Dave* knows that too though *Tour* doesn't.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 yeah. I’ve noticed conspiracy theory people and LGBTQ+ haters not using any
The _flaturthas_ have the same problem.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 "flaturthas" love it!
In *Goscinny & Uderzo's **_Mansions Of The Gods_* one character is a *Nubian* slave called *_Flaturtha._*
I prefer it.
Synthetic chemist here. How can he not understand that controlled, quick synthesis of *single* target molecule is not comparable to the synthesis found in nature. If you want to make 1 special peptide in a high quantity and short period of time sure you need all that stuff . But if you just mix all the amino acids under the right conditions for a sufficient time you would get your target molecule, just in a small yield mixed with all the other combinations.
He understand the concept fine. He's just lying about it.
Wow. Thank you baby. Talking real dirty to my brain chunks. Got thems nerds all herded real good and shit. and everything. 🎰😘
@@msterious8537 Perhaps he does understand, perhaps he doesn't. The sad reality is that it doesn't really take much to get a phd degree. The religious types are really good at compartmentalizing their knowledge and thought processes. Cognitive dissonance can be very powerful.
I've come to meet many religious scientists, or believer is the supernatural, metaphysical. Totally bonkers.
@@maythesciencebewithyou if you think it "doesn't really take much" to get a PhD in any field of chemistry then you've never tried to get one. The guy isn't stupid. He's a liar. There is zero chance he'd give in to peer reviewed research at the expense of his religious rhetoric that is putting more money in his pocket than his research ever did.
Edited for clarity
@@maythesciencebewithyou Doesnt take much to get a PHD degree? ? You are so wrong, I hope maybe one day people will start to understand that humans are really complex creatures, you can be so wrong and so right at the same time or in different times of their life. People are not monolitic creatures, a nobel laureate virologistcould be a genius today and in some years he might believe in homoeopathy, doesnt mean that everybody can get a noble prize lol
Dave : b*tch please
@@sentientflower7891 I don't think you understood.
@@theherk it is a sentient flower, i don't think we should expect too much
@@sentientflower7891 I bet you're a real pistil
Dave: "I'm four parallel universes ahead of you"
@@happyoccasion is sentient flower - a new S Gloval/S Gloobal??
I like how Prof. Dave started out easy on James in episode 1/3, probably because of him being an actual, legitimate scientist in his own field (opposed to the usual swindlers he went after), but then grew increasingly more aggressive towards the end of this final episode, presumably because he realized just what kind of a monstrosity of an agenda he was actually uprooting. James ranks right up in there with the other deceivers and the aggressive dressing down at the end of this episode fits just right. Frankly, I may not quite understand much of the material discussed, but the sheer dedication to shine a bright light on this deceptive movement was quite enlightening and ought to be recognized
Kinda crazy how much effort Dave puts into his responses citing and explaining all these papers.
Can only hope Tour does the same.
Oh he does, but he’s lying the whole time.
You can only hope, because he won't.
It takes a second to lie, and hour to prove it was a lie.
@@LordOfTheFatties I think this is called the "Bullshit Asymmetry Principle" or Brandolini's Law.
He's an absolute loon, you have flat earthers on one end of the spectrum and then James Tour at the other end. But fundamentally the same idiots @ProfessorDaveExplains
"Paralyzed by his Faith" is so apt to not only Mr. Tour but 'most' of his audience. I am grateful for these various You Tube videos debunking the crap coming from pulpits & acting as agents for intervention for as many younger people as can be reached to provoke thought & "not waste their life". I am 70+ years old & know what it felt like to take those 1st steps unraveling & abandoning the indoctrination as a Southern Baptist. Especially in the '60s as a teen sitting in a pew & the light bulb going on. Thanks to all who take the time to put these videos together & may "all" sentient beings be liberated from sufferings. ✌:-)
@GrapeSkoda I’m at university right now and I can tell you that I’m not learning anything related to politics, because I’m not choosing to go into politics, universities are not Marxist organizations. If they were, you would see a lot more people advocating for a state-less world where no borders exist and where everyone is able to do as they wish because you would gain the full profit of your labour instead of the CEO profiting off of your work.
Instead, I have mandatory science credits that I need to earn, learning specifically about how to properly research fields that I do not know and the best methods for finding actual experts in the field
@GrapeSkoda 🙄 as if you’re not wrapped up in your own ridiculous far right dogma. Please sit down.
Imagine debunking a 14 part series in 2 videos.
I think Dave could have done it in a 15 min. VHS tape - but then we would have to change channel to enjoy the un-eaten popcorn ;-)
Imagine how painful it was for Prof Dave to sit through every JT's part, perhaps more than once. If that's what they do in hell, then I love god 😂😂
I predict a 28-series of videos trying, and miserably failing, to counter Prof. Dave again.
To be fair, you can see briefly the list of videos from nutcase Tour and they're sized around 20-ish mins.
More views for more moola, folks.
@@sentientflower7891 I enjoy that you are so specifically general & dedicatedly non-commital in your clearly vague comments
1:26:09 this is scary, this guy actually has input on others who are trying to learn the field? So this man is purposely misdirecting people not only in their beliefs, but in their careers? How does he still have a job?
That is the right question
Easy, because the Discovery Institute, of which he is a member, advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design, and is trying to get it taught in schools.
@@wayfa13 But he is also hired by the rice university.
@@wayfa13 Isnt that the place that AronRa said that people have to sign a clause to basically ignore evidence and lie?
@@wayfa13 The Discovery Institute has never advocated for mandating the teaching of intelligent design in schools. They have made it clear on their website for decades.
Quite possibly the single greatest piece of internet content ever to have arisen spontaneously from the primordial sludge that is TH-cam.
But.... what about pianocat? Life without cat videos is just too dire.
When I was 10 with basic knowledge of molecular biology, chemistry and physics, I had some hypothesis about origin of life. Of course it was as refined as you can expect from a 10 year old, but it was still pretty cool, I accidentally pulled a summary of the state of research.
Later in life I've learned a bit about origin of life research, and I was convinced it was as far as it goes at that point. Today you've expanded my knowledge on origin of life research further than I ever expected.
Thank you Dave.
Also thanks to all the people actually doing the research on the topic, especially your guests in these two videos.
I have special contempt for PhD's who use their credentials to mislead laymen - whether deliberately, or by neglecting to do their homework. When I was in Church, we identified preachers who used the bible for monetary gain - 'Prosperity Gospel' and the like. We called them 'Jack-Legs'. Tour and others fit the bill.
To me, PhD means you KNOW HOW to do research, and what constitutes an argument, etc.. There's no excuse for being unprepared and sloppy. At minimum if you are unstudied in a particular aspect or field, then you should say so up front. And if such is the case then don't turn around and make arguments from that ignorance, 'I just don't see how...', which laymen interpret as an expert declaration that some thing is therefore not possible. He's a Jack-Leg.
Makes me curious just where he got his Ph.D. That said, I just don't care enough to actually google it.
There are two sad things here. First, it is a hear-breaking demonstration of how religion (as well as other beliefs in woo in general) can warp even the most functional minds. Dr. Tour is clearly an extremely intelligent individual, and yet when it comes to anything that impinges on his particular flavor of irrationality he becomes a functional imbecile (I'm a practicing biochemist myself and can attest to verisimilitude of Prof. Dave's expositions vs Dr. Tour's downright dishonesty/ignorance). The second is that Dr. Tour works at Rice University, an excellent academic institution from which one of my daughters just graduated. It is sad to think that some of Dr. Tour's cranial flatulence in this area might at some point rub off onto her alma mater.
In my opinion he should be sacked from the university. He is also paid by 'discovery institute' who has 'lyingforjesus' on the agenda and 'goddidit' as every answer.
Holy shit if it is not the living dinosaur happy to see you still around
Your HH series should be thought of in every public school in the country.
Best sequel since Terminator 2!
So much gratuitous violence!
This video needs an "R" rating.
@@cygnusustus LMAOOOOO
Don't forget Aliens...
Yep. More destruction in Dave's sequel too.
Oh, someone was terminated alright...
I love how flawlessly educational this has been with the refutation being almost incidental! Thank you for an excellent overview of current research on prebiotic geochemistry!
I am a layman with no chemistry background except for the basic high school knowledge that I had access to when I was young, and I still find it easy enough to follow the logic explained in these long videos debating the modern conclusions derived from these experiments and concepts. Thank you so much for taking the time to break down every point and counter-point. I will continue to reside on the outside of the confidence graph, keep my mouth shut, and continue learning as much as I can. Your channel is a great resource for self-improvement and curious search for more information.
You might be a layman but you have wisdom on your side.
It is like one of my favorite quotes it is best to remain silent and appear to be a fool than open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
My educational background is BSc in Psychology with a minor in Biochemistry, BSc & MSc in Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering which translates into knowing more and more about a certain field and less and less about other fields. If I come to a conclusion that runs against the mainstream science; instead of thinking I'm correct I ask myself what piece of evidence or fact am I missing or not understanding that lead the experts to a different conclusion.
@@vestafreyja also a fave of mine
this isnt that much about background in chemistry as much as religious indoctrination, even if you were a highly educated doctor, you can still be a religious fanatic and refuse to understand even basic chemistry
*_Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields. But experts often think so. The narrower their field of knowledge the more likely they are to think so._*
*Robert A. Heinlein*
It's syndrome I have come across myself amongst both engineers and scientists who've moved into academia and lost touch with the reality of their profession. It's a form of academic _tunnel vision._
From your post I'd guess you are rarely anywhere near as dumb as *Tour* shows himself to be. Admitting you're wrong when you are is how you learn, it's never dumb.
I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian cult (Mormonism). About 25 years ago (I'm now in my 40s) I rebelled, essentially because as a teenager, I didn't want to go to church, wanted to drink beer and was interested in more than singing hymns at scripture group with the opposite sex. This was a very difficult thing to do (understatement) and caused huge friction between me and the rest of my family, and whilst I eventually realised that I never really believed in any of it, it's become more and more apparent to me over time, how the brainwashing and indoctrination (that which the religious constantly accuse the non-religious of) has affected me, and that of my siblings into later life. I have the utmost sympathy for, and understand, how those brought up within that sort of suffocating and controlling environment, find it difficult to impossible to break free from. The imprisonment of the mind that occurs during those formative years is powerful and stays with you. In challenging or leaving you risk complete isolation from your family and those you love, and your peer group, which up until that point has been made up almost exclusively of other church members. I could talk all day about this, but I'd just like to say that Dave's material has become invaluable in countering the current forceful claims of my brother that evolution is BS and abiogenesis is fairy-tales (as he ironically and mockingly likes to put it). I don't claim to fully understand all of it, but I think this is crucial in pushing back against this sort of misinformation online. Unsurprisingly I've seen multiple times past friends and peers within the church 'go astray' in their teens, as I did, only to return as committed and vociferous exponents of the church as adults, and its absurd claims, which only seems to confirm that the indoctrination is powerful and complete. To give you a flavour of what I had to go through, I was told that because I was an apostate, all of my family would go to the highest tier of heaven (they believe there's three of them), and I would be relegated to the lowest tier, and would have to spend eternity on my own, whilst they would all be having a good old time enjoying the top tier benefits, whilst being all sad because I wasn't with them. This is one of the guilt trips they teach young and impressionable kids. Keep it up, Dave.
It's stories like these that make me distrust religion even more than I already do. I do believe you've made the right decision. I only wish I had the strength of character to carry out my own version of what you did.
Mormons are not fundamentalist Christian. The church doesn’t even claim that abiogenesis and evolution aren’t correct, it’s just certain members. I think a lot of people lump all Christian’s together, and I see all of these people having vastly different experiences than I did growing up LDS, I don’t know where it comes from.
Same - i quit Christianity because i wanted to feel free and happy. Then i spent years feeling guilty any time i felt free and happy cause of all these obligations i was taught to feel i owed to religion. Felt like maybe something was wrong with thinking conservative religious values/lifestyles were boring and not for me.
Gets easier. Now my only regret is not ditching religion sooner cause it was literally the day my life started feeling more pleasant to exist in. And it finally felt like itd be MY life and not the churches
They make stuff up with zero facts, put in into their holy book ..and presto..it is now a reality. (only for them of course)
That’s very disturbing! Religions really need to be reigned in somehow! It’s disgusting they indoctrinate and guilt trip children and even adults the way they do! Religions have caused so much death and destruction since our dumbass ancestors invented them! Stay strong! ✊🏻
I love the laughter he gets at his sermon!!! He can yell anything at his congregation and as long as he does it in an incredulous tone they'll laugh their butts off not understanding a word!!!
The way he makes so many credible scientists into laugh tracks for his creationist garbage followers is actually infuriating to me but that's just my opinion. I can accept my mom's devout Christianity because she doesn't belittle or ridicule my atheist views.
Dave, I really respect you for your knowledge across so many fields and your ability to simplify it for the general audience.
I have nothing but contempt for that guy. He's obviously lying, and by just how SHARPLY he's willing to cut his mined quotes in mid-sentence means he must have inevitably read more than enough evidence to know that he's wrong.
I doubt he even believes the points he's arguing himself anymore, and is just lying for Christianity because all his life and relationships are built around it.
I think he's actually managed to hold two conflicting ideas at the same time.
It's not something I can understand - and I don't want to understand it either. I run firstly on logic and then on taste.
But I've known a few people who can compartmentalize their minds like that, usually for religious reasons (the _flatuthas_ treat _flaturth_ as a religion). *Tour* probably justifies his mendacity by telling himself _I'm telling lies to expose a _*_higher truth_*_ that others won't listen too otherwise._
It's the worst aspect of evangelism.
I don't think that's all though I'm sure it's a factor.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 I'm with you lol. He's weirdly genuine. More emotionally invested, maybe? Idk, but he's different than every other grifter I've watched. He puts a lot of effort and energy into everything he's saying, that's for sure. He's like, very emotional and serious always. He's either a really good actor...or he's just not even conscious about it.
Also, I agree with you on compartmentalization.
In my opinion, people can really underestimate the convenience of: dissociating from the truth and convincing yourself of your own lies. It truly makes life so much easier!
I would love to know what it's like in his brain. How much is he dissociating? Does he let his brain think about it and then rationalizes it? Or, has he rigged his brain to not even let any thoughts about it to reach his frontal lobe consciousness?
Does he just replace thinking with feeling angry? He always seems to get upset talking about this...IDK.
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 You can't understand it because it's cognitive dissonance, a severe bias you have to allow yourself to fall into.
I can't claim to understand everything I've just watched. But when someone gets that upset over any attempt at exploring an idea, and also claim something is impossible, when such a claim would imply a complete knowledge of the idea, which would seem to be, to me, more along the lines of an impossibility, I have to dismiss Tour. Then again, I'd found the world a more comprehensible place when I started excluding the idea of a universe that always requires a conscious agent to initiate any and all events.
I think this is a very valuable presentation as it introduces an idea while dismissing an attack on it. This was a great presentation. Thanks Professor. Loved it.
I can't believe I found this channel just recently, he explains everything so well, brilliant, just brilliant.
you might like potholer54 if you havent found him already. I found this channel from his. He's a great journalist who makes you tube videos on similar topics debunking the misuse of science. I also like his style. Yours in the struggle to find explanations sister. 😀
“Do you have a reference?”
Dave: “Yes here’s all these papers.”
James: “Let me tell you about Jesus…”
"Do you have a reference?"
Pulls out papers
James: "Pulls out a bible"
To delusional dishonest morons like jame tour the Bible is the answer for everything
@@匕卄モ匕卄丹れKち He is a member of the Discovery Institute after all...
(The Discovery Institute is a politically conservative non-profit think tank based in Seattle, Washington, that advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design.)
@viralshield still doesn't mean he's not an idiot. Yeah he might the top in chemistry but it doesn't mean he's the top in actual reality. The dude thinks a mythology book is true.
I have an internet troll who uses Tour as his source of chemistry knowledge….and I’m so glad he does. I’m a chemist and I’d never heard of Tour , despite his 700 publications, but I dug in to him.
I’m astonished at the mendacity, hubris, ignorance, arrogance. I find him utter reprehensible and unethical - it shames me as a scientist.
Dave I absolutely love you - I've never been this early and this is my one chance for you to see this...
Thank you for taking time to debunk this garbage - as well as for showing others how to identify dunning-kruger manifestations like James.
I’m a medievalist, and I have a strong feeling that Tour would tell me that my work on illuminated manuscripts is invalid because I didn’t personally ready the vellum
I just got to say I stumbled on to this video due to the algorithm and I am loving just sitting here eating dinner, listening and learning about what scientists have managed to learn about the origin of life on earth, even if I'm honestly not following half the actual chemistry that is being discussed! xD
I'm here. I'm early. Hi Prof.Dave, the only TH-camr I know who responds to the emails of the scientific quiry of his viewers😊❤️. Thank you for all your vids.
He's informative and a savage 😂
@@THIS---GUY "He's informative and a savage" and almost always right.
Thanks Prof. Dave for working so hard on this! I'm glad we have people like you whittling away at science-denialism.
I have to ask does the juicebox mean what I think it means?
These creationists might have had more success if The Wedge Document hadn't been leaked.
It basically exposed their whole game plan.
Frustrated by the unstoppable progress of science and it's annoying habit of contradicting their mythology, they set out to challenge it by manufacturing their own "science" which would confirm their preconceived conclusion, i.e. "god did it".
Step 1 was to ditch the term "creationism" because it sounded to goddy. Enter the new sciencey sounding "intelligent design" and the genius of "irreducible complexity".
20+ years on and they have achieved nothing yet they have the audacity to criticise real peer reviewed science.
Was that before or after the Living Waters thing?
And James took it one step further by ditching the positive case altogether, at least on the surface. He just acts incredulous then lets his audience fill in the holes with their preferred theory. Then they can say "He never mentioned God, you just hate Jesus."
I'm curious. What _Living Waters_ thing?
@@philaypeephilippotter6532 two unbearably preachy creationists, the type to walk up to randoms on the street to ask silly questions akin to the watchmaker argument.
Sir Sic has a series making fun of them
Thank you, I quite like *Sir Sic* and I'l take a look.
"“it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair
Professor Dave is definition of high level roasting
Yep nobody roasts more thoroughly.
This man can roast you better than the sun, as long as you give him a dunning kruger chart and a moron
@@snewp_e2139 The Dunning Kruger chart and the moron form a covalent bond and are thus nearly inseparable through non-exotic means.
@@snewp_e2139 With all this cycling between roasting and cool science it might create intelligent life one day. Most likely not anytime soon but with enough time who knows.
It more like a complete meltdown or criticality accident in Los Alamos. Tour has poked dragon with a flathead screwdriver and got torn apart by the claws and incinerated ;) He deserves even more for his lies, outrageous ignorance and disinformation of the people.
What's actually great about these -- way beyond even just the guilty pleasure of enjoying the debunking smackdown -- is the high-quality up to date education we're getting on the current state of origin of life studies. As a layman I've looked around and have yet to find any better series of youtube videos on the science of abiogenesis. Absolutely enjoying these -- and already know they'll be worth another couple of views.
I would easily sit through a 14-part series of Prof. Dave slaying this man with logic and evidence
I want a whole series by him on abiogenesis, omg
Since you would love it why don't he date him ?
@@melvincarter9640 Jealous much?
@@LynxNix you funny, don't get mad that con man dave won't dare debate a true scientist, who will school him with facts.
@@melvincarter9640 haha, please explain to me w your big brain what a "true scientist " is
it's not Christianity I have a problem with, it's the outright denial of biological processes like evolution that have been proven beyond reasonable doubt that I DO have a problem with.
I have had an idea about anti science apologetics that has been worrying me for a while now; what if the arguments they present are intentionally bad? Not designed just to affirm peoples beliefs and give snappy answers but to be so poorly reasoned that they provoke a hostile and derisive response. This would alienate the person and make the Christian feel like the only safe place to express themselves is among believers. Most apologetics seem to filter down from a few sources. Lane Craig, Ham, Hovind and a few more push the current narrative away from any original thoughts, anyone imitating them is going to get an earful. A few emails among the top content creators would be enough to set an agenda, even if they have different takes on Christianity they all want to stop the drift towards atheism. As conspiracy theories go it has an annoying plausibility.
@@joeldobbs7396 it could also be similar to how scamming emails are always full of typos. Like they intentionally pick bad arguments in order to prey on people who are susceptible to them. I'm not sure if they even would have had to conspire to achieve this. Natural selection could have just made them the most popular with their audience and filtered them up to the top of the social media food chain.
Ohhhh, go on. Have a problem with Christianity. Please.
We should take issue with all mass delusions, because they break things.... like freedom and truth and civilisation.
@@kuntyfucstik I believe in democracy and denying one's right to religion, regardless of how bogus it is, infringes on that
@@popcultureprogrammer2171 people can believe whatever fantasy they like, but they can't impose it on others....and that includes getting tax exemptions or banning abortions or teaching their nonsense in schools. Keep your dangerous delusions to yourself, whackos.
I kinda love the fact that you talk in such detail that I feel like an idiot for not knowing what you're saying. it has, on numerous occasions now, encouraged me to look far deeper then I probably ever would have on my own, so thanks!
No-one debunks like professor Dave. They're very thoroughly researched, well thought through and just plain brutal. I know your main content is educational stuff Dave (and you should of course keep doing them because they're very very good) but I really hope you keep on making these debunks because they're incredible
He seems to when they are legitimate teaching/learning moments that allow him to go in depth on a topic, such as here. Also the harder they try to rebuff him, the more likely it is he will return the favor. His stuff is so easy to watch and will likely become a resource on the topic for lay people for years to come.
Donno, some of the AronRa dealing with life classifications are pretty good... But this is for sure in the upper echelon
Your book is finally available in my country so I bought it just to support you Professor Dave Explains. Keep up the good fight against stupid and dishonest. 'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' -Socrates.
I have read Dave's book --- It is an excellent piece and you will enjoy it.
"Education is to dispel ignorance not to preserve it" (Lawrence Krauss on religious education)
@@maylingng4107 I like it, combine pleasure (of reading) with benefit (of support).
I remember reading about the Miller-Urey experiment when I was 10. I was pretty brainwashed into believing up to that point, but it started me on a path of questioning everything. It just immediately gave me a sinking feeling that my parents and their religion were wrong.
Did you see Uri when he went on 8 out of 10 cats and Sean Lock took the absolute piss out of him and all his wild claims and assertions? Such a satisfying bit of telly
I learned a ton from this extremely entertaining takedown. This is how you marry drama and education properly, lol. Edutainment for the 21st century
Yes it's also helped along by a healthy biases.
Healthy, yes, biases, no.
Scientists should definitely be allowed to be wrong about anything.
But they shouldn't be allowed to outright lie about a subject they're not even educated in.
Opinion is one thing - but James just feeds into the trope that "all scientists are liars".
And that's a terrible value for a society to hold.
Well said, this is extremely important.
Well, I know at least one scientist that is a liar (James Tour).
i wont even call it a trope since where did it become so ? only in those theology loving numbskulls maybe and even they rush the hospital when they get hurt, they just thank god and not the doctor who stitched together the guts of the moron who wanted to pull a stunt for his congregation , and the funny thing is , well '' they told me i will Die ! but i didnt ! gawwwd saved me to prove them wrong !'' when its a doctor that saved his life and a doctor that told him you could get killed by doing such stunts
@@ravenvalentine4919 I agree that religious people are the worst offenders when it comes to mistrusting science.
But it's all too common everywhere else too.
How many people doubt the covid vaccine for instance?
Mistrust of GMO's, "Big Pharma", and a mountain of other conspiratorial nonsense.
@@gustavlarsson7494 oh i almost forgot about them
When your debate opponent is so outclassed they end up losing their temper and yelling. What an embarrassing performance for Tour.
The "SOAP - This is you" slide had me laughing way longer than it should have.
Thanks for catching me up on recent abiogenesis research Dave!
James Tour: "It is inconceivable! He said it is inconceivable! INCONCEIVABLE!"
Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
James has clear indoctrination that is clouding his judgement severely. He needs to accept sometimes the right answer is simply "we don't know this thing yet" vs. jumping to the god of the gaps explains nothing.
Early religous indoctrination can be a very powerful shackle to a human mind. But it does appear so that some people are more susceptible to bullshit than others. And intelligence doesn't really seem to be the metric for that. There are many people who are considered intelligent and also highly educated who believe in the supernatural. On the other hand there are people who are considered dumb, who dropped out of school but do not fall for any supernatural or conspiracy bullshit.
Intelligent people who believe in the supernatural or conspiracies, will often use their brain to fabricate something that allows them to lie to themselves, to convince themselves that the bullshit is true.
@@maythesciencebewithyou Agreed. Maybe we need public schools to have a class to help eliminate bias as best we can.
26:52 Jezz that one woman who is laughing so loud, it makes entire crowd of people appear laughing quiet lol
"Yay! I got to reaffirm my beliefs today, and I don't even know what the fuck he's talking about! Yay, Jesus!"
It sounds like he added a sound clip from a sitcom.
Every comedian needs that kind of goofball in the audience. I'm sure it stokes Tour's massive ego. He should follow it up with "your primordial mother cells are so fat" jokes
Wonder how much chemistry that woman actually knows. I'd bet not a lot
@@lukostello the only chemistry she knows is what she sees on her soap operas ;)
Finally finished all three videos on James after two days, a lot of good information! Thank you for all you do to combat his type of "science" and help laymen like myself to digest this information. I hope you continue to find success educating all of us on TH-cam!
Dunning-Kruger timestamps
15:05 peptide chemistry
35:44 mineral surface catalysts
38:58 organocatalysis
42:55 Simple Chonology
45:43 Soap
59:57 Geology
bro was wrong about freaking SOAP 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭
how many people are here enjoying the debunk of something they don't understand, but watched anyway because of all the sarcasm and the pleasure of watching a quack get smacked?
I admit I don't understand anything because my brain is too smol
I enjoy this video because I want to learn something from the dummy
ooh ooh me!
I actually understood some of it. I read the wiki page on abiogenesis and worked out from there.
I just chanced upon this professor. Even as a biologist, my brain hurt a little on this. I felt the organic chemistry gods coming back to haunt me! (Organic II was brutal!) As always, keep up the good work sir!
The most comprehensive debunking of creationist ignorance I have ever seen, good work Profession Dave
God damn, you own. In all honesty, the most telling bit of all is the very last section where he is actually saying he discourages students from going into origin of life research. He's literally saying, "No, don't waste your time with that. We already have it figured out. God did it!" He's terrified they might make contributions to the field and fill in God's infinitely mysterious little gaps 😱
"tsk tsk James, envy is a sin" 😂😂😂
This series is the best thing I've viewed in quite some time. It is immensely satisfying.
This “hunt” is simply amazing. Dave’s ability to document all elements so well does not make it easy for James.
I enjoy looking out those things and fitting them together. I'm sure *Dave* enjoys it too.
Great video. Besides debunking the creationist this whirlwind tour through abiogenesis was awesome. I had no idea how much progress had been made in the field. Clearly organic chemistry is my personal Dunning Kruger zone. I will now be looking to fix that. Thanks again for the content. Excellent.
The fact that you can admit you lack knowledge in a particular area means you are far from suffering from Dunning/Kruger effect. Organic chemistry whipped my butt in college but I learned enough to know that Tour is way out of his depth.
I didn't even do chemistry beyond *O-level* and that was over half-a-century ago but even I could see that so you must have had no trouble.
One of James' final comments is very telling. He says "We're clueless on the origin of life, and don't let anybody try to tell you differently." It's the last part that's most informative. If he really believed his own crap, he wouldn't need to try to warn people away from even hearing about alternatives.
What kind of scientist would hear "we're clueless about this" and be turned away by that. Sounds like a field full of opportunity
@@alexmcd378This!!! If we were really that clueless, we wouldn't just conclude "God did it" and abandon the topic: no!!! We would study it, run tests and stuff, so that we WOULDN'T be clueless!!!!!
I’m glad that there are people out there like you. People who have the time and level of intelligence to not only disprove people who disgrace science, but you are also able to rub it in there faces. Good job Professor.
whilst I don't know bugger all about this field of research (I'm no biologist/chemist), I do love listening to someone being handed their own ass in the background whilst coding: good job (stumbled into this after the flat earth multi debunk vids u done - youtube's algos sometimes work ya know :)) - subscribed
It is very satisfying!
It is mostly an educational channel. Debunk of woo from time to time.
Since you haven't seen the _vedios (sic)_ you can't know any of this - and you don't because you're wrong.
@ANONYMOUS SOURCE Are you less than 10 years old? Your spelling is as bad as your argument. Why did you think it was smart to comment before watching?
I've watched this a few times. And the more I watch it, the more I wished Dave would somehow edit out that teeth grinding, gut wrenching, cringey ass laugh from whomever's hyena is in the audience. It wouldn't be as bad if the person was laughing at something that has humor to it and makes sense. But the fact this person is laughing so hard at nothing just goes to show how religion can warp the brain. Please someone tell me that they hear that and it makes you cringe on a severe level?
It's nauseating. I consider her their mascot. Ignorant as can be and filled with joy about it.
@@ProfessorDaveExplains Well, now that you put it that way. Laugh on hyena, laugh on lol. Love your videos Dave. I have to say that you are in my top 3 of content creators. I don't have much money to support your channel and others like I want to. But I try to watch and comment as much as I can. Even If It dosen't make sense. You know, just like their laughing hyena. Have a good one!
The epitome of the christian mind
That obnoxious laughing was so damn bizarre, there was nothing remotely funny at that point, I actually had trouble trying to figure out if it was real and part of Tour's video or if Dave put a laugh track over that clip to mock him!
@@Britishhick Ikr! I have no doubt she had no clue as to what James was talking about, and knew her laugh would be the only thing anyone could hear, pay attention to, and talk about in the comment section lol.
Can't believe I watched nearly 3 hours of these videos and never skipped forward. This was great.
He knows a lot about the science stuff, Professor Dave Debunks!
Stop Dave, please for the love of mercy, he's roasted already! Any more and you'll able to carbon date him by looking at him!
Que clip of Indiana Jones wherein Arnold Ernst Toht's face is melting.
too true! ...On the other hand James did ask for it.
Professor, you handily dismantled the guy. He's so stuck on the idea that with living organisms and systems being so complex, then some supernatural agent had to be involved. He butchered his presentations. I only have 2 solid semesters in organisms and I detected some mistakes on his part. You did a phenomenal job in demonstrating his erroneous conclusions.
I admit I know very little about abiogenesis. And if you had suggested that I would spend a morning watching several long videos on the subject, I would have scoffed at the notion. And yet I've done just that. You've covered a very wide range of material that I had did not know existed (and I'm certain that I only grasp a tiny bit of the material). I'm so glad you've made this available as it demonstrates just how much research we have learned about the origins of life. Thank you.
Relatively understandable too
More sickening than james's lies, is the laughter during his presentation by the deluded audience ... birds of a feather I guess.
Yea that really pissed me off.
Oftentimes the audience is going to learn about a field they don’t work in. Most of the presentations I’ve sat in I was nowhere near in my career
Nearly every laughter started with that high pitched hammy laugh from the same female. It was like a canned laughter inserted to make audiences laugh whenever Jame "debunked" Jack's "mistakes".
please make more debunkings like these, I enjoy a lot listening to them and learning a lot from them
Prof. Dave, what you do is so valuable. Thank you!
When your hour long part 1 isnt enough of a massacre so you make part 2 an extra 30 mins 👁️👄👁️
It should be three part series I think ;)
@@HH-ru4bj "gosh gallops", LOL! I like that. I might use it someday, if that's okay.
Tour's final complaint about guiding young researchers not to waste their doing origin of life research time gives it all away. Tour thinks the origin of life is impossible and could never be solved because he thinks God created life by some sort of divine intervention. He is being the very definition of a religiously motivated science-stopper. He's literally saying to stop research in the field because it would be a waste of time and money. And he's obviously, painfully obviously doing it for religious reasons.
He wants to propagate the self-fulfilling prophecy:
1) OOL research right now is still in its infancy, so we don't have a good idea of how life started.
2) Because we don't have a good idea of how life started, Tour argues it's a dead end and people shouldn't devote resources into it.
3) Because people won't study OOL, it will remain undeveloped and we won't have any better ideas for how life started.
4) Back to point number 1.
I have been looking forward to this all day!!
The people laughing in the background make me sick. They likely have no idea what he's talking about. Coincidentally, his background during that talk is reminiscent of the set of Seinfeld and his audience makes for a convincing laugh track. 26:00
It would be much more comforting if the audience was laughing at him rather than with him.
I suppose they even don't know what a carbohydrate is yet they feel perfectly capable of debunking prebiotic chemistry.
Professor Dave's rational, science-based admonition of James Tour's spurious theologically motivated critique of abiogenesis was compelling and extraordinarily masterful. As more and more creationists continue infiltrating a variety of scientific disciplines, we desperately need more scientists like Dave - willing to confront and challenge these pseudointellectual anti-science crusaders and hold them accountable.
Intelligent design is not an anti-science argument. There are numerous scientists who have relied purely on science to prove their point that intelligent design is a valid argument for the origin of life. For example, geneticists have found that it is statistically impossible, if you trace back genetics, to account for the supposed evolutionary changes in genetic makeup even given the millions of years scientists have ascribed to the origin of life. It's a time conundrum and evolutionists cannot account for this discrepancy. Also, the mathematical and physical laws of the universe suggest that there is an intelligent being behind creation of the universe. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss intelligent design as a mechanism for the origins of the universe.
_"[My graduate students] would spend a year working on nonsense if I don't redirect them."_
I wonder how many people, who could have made great strides in these fields, he has turned off because of his lies...
I suspect any who could would have ignored *Tour's* advice as they'd obviously have known they're more intelligent than him.
I don't get abiogenesis haters. All they got is bitching about: 'Show me the full living cell from inorganic matter! It's so complicated - it's impossible!' Basically argument from ignorance sprinkled with incredulity.
Not a single study have falsified the hypothesis yet. Do they expect us to just drop all the research just because it's too complicated and seems unbelievable? That's retarded.
@@smashexentertainment676 The abiogenesis haters are in 99,99% of cases just annoyed hillybilly religious fundamentalists waving with holy books without even reading them, because those books are usually long and boring. Way too boring for them, when they just want to drink beer and watch some mindless tv trash. Most religious fanatics attacking abiogenesis are shocked when you quote the bible like Exodus where not only their God turned a lifeless staff of moses/aaron into a serpent but also some servants of the king of egypt could also turn lifeless sticks into living snakes or where necromancy is described in Ezekiel of turning bones with flesh and muscles again and where non life to life is almost a dozens of times outlawed as real thing like theft etc.
This has not so much too do with real cell origin, but it shows that their hatred is coming from a close cultist environment - an echochamber of ignorance, lazyness and bigotry.
Though I was aware that few _creationists_ have actually read the _Xtian_ bible I hadn't thought about *_why._*
It is indeed long and boring. I read the KJV decades ago and it was its content that made it ridiculous to me. Apart from the seemingly interminable _begatteries_ (and *Archbishop Ussher* actually _studied_ them‽) there are so many inconsistencies and obvious lies.
In *Europe, Australia* and many parts of the _Xtian_ world most are quite certain that the _Xtian_ bible was not written to be taken as absolute truth, even the *RC* church takes much of it as allegory.
But once, centuries ago, few people could read, and even fewer could read *Latin,* and those who _could read,_ clergy mostly, controlled everything. I suspect that the _religious fundamentalists,_ though not illiterate, have much the same mind-set as those _peons of yore._
What really annoys me is that people _who do know better_ dishonestly preach biblical inerrancy and invest time and money finding fraudulent and disingenuous arguments to support what I see as an insupportable dogma.
These 2 videos might be my favorite you've made. Absolutely thorough. Bravo
I've watched this video 4 times over. Absolutely love it. Keep making these, Dave!
Science Communicator: Oh, you aren't arguing with me.
*Every relevant scientist in the field emerges from the mist*
SC: You're arguing with them.
It seems this James Tour guy is desperate for abiogenesis to be false. That kind of attitude reeks of a religious fundamentalist creationist agenda. How pathetic.
He works for, or is a member of, the Discovery Institute. It's what they do.
There is nothing about life that requires supernatural intervention, or at least it has never been demonstrated to be required.
Everything we know about natural processes tells us that it is a perfectly reasonable inference that when the necessary environmental and chemical conditions are present abiogenesis will occur every time.
I have a term for what you have done here, Professor Dave. You can call this video a De-Tour. : - )
Or a Tour de force?
Oh my god!! It's... PERFECTION ✨👌
This comment deserves a ❤️
Tour the Farce
This was on a whole another level from the other debunks. RIP Mr 700 papers.
_"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."_
As soon as I heard him repeatedly shout that word, I start scrolling through the comments, knowing somebody would have made this exact comment for me to like.
I'm an IT professional w/o the scientific background needed to understand this subject, let alone choose who’s right here … Him or You. But using logic alone (IT remember?) tells me who I should believe. You have one guy that has more questions than answers and the other who has more answers than questions on the subject in question. I really appreciate all your videos … especially the “debunk” ones. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate your work so much. This video must have taken a massive amount of time to put together and all while knowing that James will not change his mind or acknowledge he was wrong on so many points. I think we are all guilty of wanting a thing so much to be true that we ignore and cherrypick as much as need to. But it's a difference if I want to believe that GOT season 8 is great or I want to make a live off misrepresenting science to less educated people because I really want magic sky daddy to be a thing. Your videos are so educating and easy to digest and I am very thankful for your work!
The amount of research you did, Professor Dave, have set a standard. I hope your work will inspire lazy asses like me to go as thorough as you.
I respect so much of your work, Professor Dave. Keep making us proud!!
I hope kent Hovind tries to debunk this on a stream because kent will get everything completely wrong
Dont be silly. Hes not prepared for that!
Every time Kent hovind and bannana boy open there mouth they get it wrong.
@@dogwalker666 Banana boy?! That's MISTER Dr. Peel to you, if you please. ;-)
@@glennpearson9348 indeed Dr Peel is a real doctor unlike Kent hovind, or Matt Powell,
If Kent did it while dropping acid, he might sound normal
I laughed so hard when you showed the dunning Kruger effect graph and it just said soap at the top
I love his humour.
Yea, that one got me dead lol.
Just found your channel a few months back. I have thoroughly enjoyed going back through your older videos and I am pleasantly surprised with with the way you not only inform but like this video call " scientists" out for their flagrant ignorance of learning and development of truth and science. I thank you for your efforts.
Oh boy, Dr. Tour just made a fool of himself. I couldn't believe how he could just assume if he does know about an reaction, it must not exist. All good scientists should gracefully accept criticism. This is the trait that Tour lack.
I am so grateful for all your work on this. No joke, I intend on reading all these papers over the next few months as I'm so interested in the subject matter. Well done!!
Tour living up to his moniker of "Liar for Jesus", if it comes to a battle between truth and scripture, scripture wins every time. When that becomes a scientists raison-d'etre he/she loses the right to call themselves a scientist.
He could at least admit what he is doing like this fellower creationist: /watch?v=Ysecinv367w
, but then not enough money would come in...