I forgot about this, or the fact that Brooke was a buttinski into her kids' lives before Hope had even been conceived. That said, Amber had the right to be pissed off that he kissed another woman, set up or not. I miss leading men like Rick who can admit fault without blaming others. And I like Deacon calling out the blatantly obvious. Wish there's been a Deacon around during that mess with Liam and the mannequin.
I forgot about this, or the fact that Brooke was a buttinski into her kids' lives before Hope had even been conceived.
That said, Amber had the right to be pissed off that he kissed another woman, set up or not. I miss leading men like Rick who can admit fault without blaming others. And I like Deacon calling out the blatantly obvious. Wish there's been a Deacon around during that mess with Liam and the mannequin.
Wat episode was this an wat year was it😮😮