No sé que dice la letra, no se el inglés, alguna vez me gustaría escuchar una de tus músicas que glorifiquen a Dios en español. Tu voz es un don de Dios! Desde 🇻🇪
There's something about the timbre of your voice that I love. It's so soothing. I try to replicate it in my own way and I end up not sounding as good. I love your peaceful sound. This song is so good! ❤️
JJ, your songs always remind me of God's glory... much love from Tanzania
Our love song is to Jesus, this would be beautiful for a wedding moment, love your voice.
No sé que dice la letra, no se el inglés, alguna vez me gustaría escuchar una de tus músicas que glorifiquen a Dios en español. Tu voz es un don de Dios! Desde 🇻🇪
Perfectly speechless i am, it's so beautiful
There's something about the timbre of your voice that I love. It's so soothing. I try to replicate it in my own way and I end up not sounding as good. I love your peaceful sound. This song is so good! ❤️
I'll definitely play this on my wedding 🥺 thanks a lot for putting how i feel in words♥️♥️♥️
I'm so happy one of your songs showed up as a recommendation for me! What a sweet song. 😊
Love this! Listening to your sweet voice, JJ, always fills me with peace and calm. ♥️
A very beautiful lovely song! Makes me smile ☺️ keep making music and I'll continue listening and loving it!
What a beautiful love song! Will sheet music be available any time soon? Such a fan of the work you’re doing. 💕
Great Song JJ Heller .