I’m not even an American, but President Lincoln is one of the men who inspire me the most. For me, he’s honestly the best leaders Americans have the pleasure to have had.
That’s because it’s the one you’ve heard of the most. Jefferson allowing us all to have freedom of speech is a bit higher since Lincoln would never have ascended without the work of Jefferson and Paine.
Abraham Lincoln famously said, "If there are those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Republic without freeing any slaves see I would do it..." In 1858 Lincoln said quote, "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors out of negros, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and as much as any other man am in favor of having superior position assigned to the white race. Two days before Lincoln's election on November 3, 1860, Charleston Mercury wrote in a newspaper outlining why Virginia should leave the Union. Quote "The real causes of dissatisfaction in the South with the North, are in the unjust taxation & expenditure of the taxes by the government of the United States, & in revolution the North has effected in this government from a confederated Republic, to a national sectional Despotism" Jefferson Davis (president of the South) said "The North was mad and Blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle. Unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for our independence, and that, or extermination" James Spencer, British Cotton trader & trade advisor, Scottish Journal wrote "The tariff question, again enters largely, more largely than is commonly supposed; into the irritated & aggrieved feelings of southerners. And it cannot be denied that in this matter they have both a serious injury & an unconstitutional injustice to resent... All Northern products are protected; and the moral tariff is a very masterpiece of folly & injustice" Charles Dickens (famed author) wrote "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the South" A British correspondent (The outlook of the War) said "Everybody still professes to disapprove of slavery. Of course, so in the cant of the day runs, slavery is a very dreadful thing, and everybody the South above all, would be glad to see it abolished; but slavery has nothing to do with the current war" The Weekly Athenaeum (1865) "As a rule, the great mass of the public expenditures were made from the North, not in the South, so that Southerners found themselves doubly taxed; taxed first for the benefit of Northern manufacturers, & then, in the disbursement of the public funds, denied an equal participation in the benefits accruing therefrom" Charles Beard, scholar and historian did an in depth analysis of the war and summed his conclusions up with this quote. "Since therefore, the abolition of slavery never appeared in the platform of any great political party, since the only appeal ever made to the electorate on that issue was scornfully repulsed, since the spokesman of the Republicans emphatically declared that his party never intended to interfere with slavery in any shape or form, it seems reasonable to assume that the institution of slavery was not a fundamental issue during the epoch preceding bombardment of Fort Sumter." After calling for 75,000 soldiers to bear arms, less than a week after Fort Sumter, Lincoln took what was several unconstitutional steps towards the South. They are as followed. - Ordered the blockade of Southern ports. A blockade is an act of war, requiring congressional resolution. - Ordered the navy to buy 5 warships, an appropriations act, requiring congressional approval. - Suspended the privilege of Habeas Corpus, in effect, just about nullifying every civil liberty of every citizen. (note, over 10k people were thrown in jail for no reason or trial and their rights were suspended for the duration of the war) - Soon thereafter Lincoln's administration would start shutting down newspapers that were not supportive of the war on the South. On January 21, 1861, five days before Louisiana withdrew from the Union, The New Orleans Daily Crescent wrote an editorial explaining the cause of secession "They (The South) know that it is their import trade that draws from people's pockets 60-70 million of dollars per annum, in the shape of duties, to be expended mainly in the North, & in the protection and encouragement of Northern interests...These are the reasons why these people do not wish the South to secede from the Union. They (The North) are enraged at the prospect of being despoiled of the rich feast upon which they have long fed and fattened" There are countless quotes just like this that clearly show what the war was about. The idea of slavery was quickly becoming a thing of the past all across the world around this time. With the advancements of technology like the invention of the cotton gin in the late 1700s the demand for forced human labor was dropping off significantly and thus social institutions like racism, The mechanism which held up slavery was slowly eroded away.
Once an old father came to the White House pleading with President Lincoln that he pardon his son, a Union deserter that was going to be hanged. Lincoln sent a telegram to hold the execution until further notice. The Father was concerned that his son wasn’t pardon but Lincoln looked him in the eye and said, “By the time I’d allow the execution to go forward, your son will have a longer and grayer beard than yours.” Lincoln showed much mercy to not only his troops but to his enemies as well. That’s the kind of leader we need, a man who knows when to show justice and mercy.
@@marcalvarez4890 You underestimate Trump. He raised 5 children and they turned out to be well, despite the silver spoons. As soon as your first child is born your own life takes a step back and you gain a new perspective. He managed to do that 5 times in a row without tripping up. If you wanna gauge a presidents ability for nurture and care, look at his children.
Abraham Lincoln - _"I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of black 'and white races nor to intermingling with white people; there is a physical difference between the white and black races. Which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality... There must be the position of superior. I am]... in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."_ Lincoln cared, but not that much. He wasn't idealistic that Whites and Blks could magically co-exist and coalesce. He feared dangerous repercussions for both sides. So much so he concocted a plan to have Blacks deported, initially on a voluntary basis, to Haiti. But under the my would work coal mines to supply US Navy vessels. A "Neo-Slavery." I don't hate Lincoln. But... American history is often full of omissions and redactions.
@rico14 I'm all for telling the story completely. The story of Abe Lincoln and frankly a lot of revered American men are littered with historical redactions. I don't expect perfection, and I recognize that certain accepted behaviors or sentiments from yesterday wouldn't be tolerated today. Because it becomes dangerous to place imperfect men on pedestals.
@@bamboosho0t Lincoln literally gave his life so that racial minorities could be free men and no longer literal slaves. He’s 1000x better of a man than you’ll ever be! My goodness you have a ridiculously high standard and an unrealistic view of what a good man is.
Lincoln is probably the greatest political figure the USA has ever produced, an icon and inspiration to everyone. This is one of the very best videos on this channel.
100% the "greatest" president he only expanded the size of the federal government against the state government so much so that people started referring to the US as the United States and not these United States. He destroyed (i.e. imprisoned) the opposition, sympathetic to the southern cause and silenced media that called him a tyrant and a butcher, he made America's first draft, The great American hero that made big businesses more powerful, bringing America into a gilded age, etc I can go on and on.
The one saying that’s always stuck in my mind is “Daniel-Day Lewis” when he speaks his dialogue to Lincoln’s peers. “I am the President of the United States of America clothed in immense power!!!” He didn’t have the nuclear triad and knew that the sole influence of the Presidency was not to be dealt with.
A tyrant, that destroys freedom of speech and expands the size of the federal government relative to the state governments, making the United States more central, raising taxes on the workingman, or giving kickbacks to big businesses making the gilded age possible? So we should strive to be criminals like Lincoln interesting
So which one of the policies do you like the best? The one where he freed the slaves, but not in the conquered south, and not in the unconquered south so he didn't free the slaves. OK well what about his freedom of speech oh shit he shot that one down too damn... habeas corpus so long. What about the right for states to have power over the federal government all wait no he shot that one down to. What about his renowned speaking against big business? Oh shit, he put policies in place that led to America's Gilded Age.
*Waters for Lincoln were rougher for him back then than as now; he would be resting at his home. If you ever have a bad day or feel worse-just remember Lincoln has a long list of career failures and no college education*
The mainstream media today would eat Lincoln alive. Which is why we will never have great leaders like him again. The manufacturing of consent breeds mediocrity.
@@zyrrhos Actually, I did. You're ignorant and so you don't know better. Either that or you're perfectly fine with disregarding people's constitutional rights and in that case, I can understand your love of Lincoln. Both Marx and Hitler had high praise for Lincoln. You'd be in good company.
You can really debate between him and George Washington because George Washington didn't have like a set of rules he basically made that set of rules for the presidency he could have been King is what they offered him but he resigned and said there needs to be term limits
@@thenightking6662 Sadly the country is still divided into 2 but not in terms of black and white but in ideological views: Conservatives vs Liberals, Democrats vs Republicans, Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life, Pro-abortion vs Anti-abortion, NRA vs Anti-Gun movemen etc
@@trailert7761 But they all pay taxes to one government and have one military. Millions of Americans were freed from bondage on his watch. It’s not close.
One of the greatest yet tragic presidents so far. He gets an S for his successful leadership during the Civil War, help ban slavery and free the slaves. Unfortunately he’ll be held back from the first place spot for his policies regarding the draft and Native American policies, as well as his weak Reconstruction policies
Back in college, around the 2016 election I dated a girl who was a staunch republican and fervent trump supporter. Looking back its funny, and I generally tried to avoid talking politics with her, but one I'll never forget is this topic, who was the greatest American President, she brought it up. As you can tell by Jeremi's immediate response, there's pretty much a consensus among historians, lawyers, policymakers, and basically anybody who can look at America's history with at least some modicum of objectivity that Lincoln was America's greatest President, and so naturally I say Lincoln. In response she says, "no way its definitely Ronald Regan." Which I am not passing any normative judgment about Regan, but like... come on, over LINCOLN! And so, in response to this I reference the aforementioned consensus among people who study and think deeply about these sorts of things. "You really think Lincoln is #1, what because he freed the slaves?" This was when I realized we weren't gonna make it.
"Muh consensus" Lincoln was a tyrant who threw people in prison who spoke out against him during the war. He completely disregarded the Bill of Rights. He used the constitution as toilet paper.
Lincoln was the best, but I do miss the Gipper. You’re probably young and have no idea what the 70’s were like. It wasn’t Dazed and Confused. Well maybe a little. The economy was in shambles, high unemployment, long gas lines, high inflation, the Iran Hostage Crisis. Sure, inflation was crushed by Volkner who was a Carter appointee, but Reagan was elected and then things seemed to turn around. Also, he gave amnesty to illegals, and really was less conservative than most on the right today. They were both Republicans too. I can’t stand Trump, but Reagan was great.
George Washington is the GOAT! everything that was said here can be applied to him and more. The fact the civil war happened 100 years after independence shows long lasting the effects of his leadership was.
It’s not there is a bad choice between the two. Part of what was so moving about Lincoln was his compassion for people on both sides. The greatest think about Washington is that he could have been a king if he wanted too and chose not too even before he was president. He was so popular that no one would have been against it. Two remarkable people led the United States at its most vulnerable state.
Lincoln was a tyrant for central government. He expanded the powers of the federal government so much that we will never be able to have as free of a society as we did before the civil War for example, people used to say "these United States", not "the United States." He didn't free slaves in the conquered territories, or the States that stuck with him. He was an avid pro-big business politician, he raised tariffs and taxes, and destroyed freedom of speech during war times... Seriously look at him he's on a goddamn throne. sic semper tyrannis is an understatement to this tyrannical president
"If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
Written during the heart of the Civil War, this is one of Abraham Lincoln's most famous letters. Greeley, the editor of the influential New York Tribune, had just addressed an editorial to Lincoln called "The Prayer of Twenty Millions," making demands and implying that Lincoln's administration lacked direction and resolve. President Lincoln wrote his reply when a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation already lay in his desk drawer. His response revealed his concentration on preserving the Union. The letter, which received acclaim in the North, stands as a classic statement of Lincoln's constitutional responsibilities. A few years after the president's death, Greeley wrote an assessment of Lincoln. He stated that Lincoln did not actually respond to his editorial but used it instead as a platform to prepare the public for his "altered position" on emancipation.' Lincoln had to write this article to prove that preserving the Union (fulfilling his constitutional duty) was a primary concern. Not writing this letter could have split the Republican party into two and therefore endangering both the Union and emancipation and maintaining neither.
@@theecon867 They would also have to accept secession if they're honest: 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
“He was despised and rejected- a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave. But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands. When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of a victorious soldier, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.” Isaiah 53:3-12 NLT This was written around 700 years before Jesus came into the earth, yet it describes His life perfectly. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 God loves you so much and showed that by sending His Son to die for us so that we may inherit eternal life. We deserve hell but He gave us heaven through faith in Jesus. He took the punishment we deserved and by putting our faith in Him we can be saved. The Key To Eternal Life: th-cam.com/video/uZdv-TtiMkg/w-d-xo.html For evidence for Christianity and answered questions, check out th-cam.com/users/drcraigvideos and th-cam.com/users/CrossExamined because if Jesus really rose from the dead it is the most important fact ever
If you really want to understand human nature you have to travel, you have to live abroad. There is no sense asking about humankind or capitalism/socialism in a narrow Yankee mentality atmosphere.
@@RippedMoFuCk And yet Sowell still sees the world through a decidedly ideological lens, which means he left out a key component: Spiritualism, or most notably the practice of meditation in which one attempts to cleanse the doors of perception with the aim of becoming a non-dualistic (less divided) being. Ideological alignment creates blind spots in one's thinking.
Did have leadership skills. Sure. Can we learn from him? Sure. But we can do that with any famous historical figure...even villains. I believe he thought he was doing the right thing, but he made many questionable decisions that could easily be seen to go against the Constitution, and decisions that caused more harm than good for the United States. It may surprise some that there will be many negative Lincoln comments on this video. I don't believe many of those critiques are unfounded.
The people who hate Lincoln for what he did during his time are the same that say we can't judge slavers by today's moral standards. That is to say, their opinion is generally shit.
They talk about Washington in the Podcast. Washington is def right up there obviously, but it's his opinion of course. Still an absolutely incredible human being regardless. Both of them.
Lincoln's most important contribution should have been mentioned. The man was pro-Catholic, which was a point of contention in the Union and his own party. He called out James K. Polk on his lies which is why Mexico has several statues of him.
@@allswaggedout007 I just pointed you to the history. I'm not sure what Democratic KKK officials has to do with anything. Are you assuming I'm a democrat because I'm critical of Lincoln and that you caught me in some sort of contradiction? Bash democrats all you want, they deserve it too
Corrupt railroad lawyer, suspended habeas corpus, jailed 200 journalists, threatened to imprison a Supreme Court justice, initiated the Civil War, expanded federal powers more than anyone else in the 19th century, etc. I'm not saying the south were angels, but damn I wish people would stop worshipping this absolute tyrant. The slaves were NOT central focus on his mind.
Meh, Lincoln get in line, cuz FDR is the greatest American leader ever. This guy only says Lincoln was the greatest because he worked his way up from nothing. That's true of Herbert Hoover as well, one of the most infamous presidents in American history who left the office in disgrace.
Lincoln went from hated tyrant to mythical leader. What changed academia gave him a historical hand job to elevate him into god status in the American Patheon. The Lincoln memorial is a knock off temple of Zeus at Olympia. Instead of the chief god of the greeks sitting on the throne is honest Abe. Honest Abe the career politician / lawyer for the railroad. Government, Lawyers and the Big Railroad a hat trick our most trusted intuitions. Honest professions indeed. Its the mid 1800s unholy alliance todays equivalent would be Government Big Pharma and Industrial war machine.
When Abraham Lincoln launched his military invasion of the Southern States to prevent their peaceful and democratic assertion of independence, he ushered in a radically different Union than the one the Founders intended Whether it was slavery, tariffs, or a redefinition of Federal powers, really matters little. The question of whether we live in a voluntary government or a compulsory one, enforced at gunpoint, was answered with the death and maiming of almost a million Americans from 1861 to 1865. At the heart of the ever-encroaching State that we find ourselves living under is the legacy of Abraham Lincoln. Every tyrant, from Karl Marx to Woodrow Wilson, FDR to Adolf Hitler, George W Bush and Barack Obama, have embraced the Lincoln mantle in both their writings and their actions. sic semper tyrannis
No. Lincoln wasn't that unique with such strong leadership. That was the norm. Rulers were Monarchs, or Military leaders throughout history. They used the power of the state to control the populace. What makes Lincoln great is that there would be no United States as we know it. There would possibly be a four North America countries of middling power, from South to North, Mexico, CSA, USA, and Canada, with Russia still ruling Alaska. Because of Lincoln, the great 20th and so far 21st century Superpower, USA, developed.
The southern rebels were cut throat rapists. Murdering elected officials burning down newspapers attacking American military in conquest of warped Christianity horribly malformed to serve their own arrogance. If it had been lawful then it would have been endorsed by the Constitution or Congress or the courts. They murdered their way into power because like Charles Sumner famously told us they would not give up their black mistresses aka breeding victims.
abraham happily killed ABORIGINALS of this LAND. The Dakota 38. This unicorn 🦄 country’s story was written with the blood of the 1st people of TURTLE ISLAND.
Do you really think that in New York or California that people are being taught that Abraham Lincoln is a villain? Your partisanship has rotted your brain. Go touch grass.
That's not really honest seeing as Democrats tout their "party flip" theory to try and claim a lot of the GOP's original victories as their own and to downplay their racist past. Most Democrats (and thus almost all Americans) respect Lincoln.
Well in what century. Right now the republicans are against Lincoln policies as he would be democratic, but before LBJ he would be republican which was atleast not the south I do believe the south had a larger majority that time. As most Americans at that time fully supported and endorsed slavery. Saying you want to free the slaves was a kin to being crazy.
I’m not even an American, but President Lincoln is one of the men who inspire me the most. For me, he’s honestly the best leaders Americans have the pleasure to have had.
That’s because it’s the one you’ve heard of the most. Jefferson allowing us all to have freedom of speech is a bit higher since Lincoln would never have ascended without the work of Jefferson and Paine.
Abraham Lincoln famously said,
"If there are those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Republic without freeing any slaves see I would do it..."
In 1858 Lincoln said quote,
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors out of negros, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and as much as any other man am in favor of having superior position assigned to the white race.
Two days before Lincoln's election on November 3, 1860, Charleston Mercury wrote in a newspaper outlining why Virginia should leave the Union. Quote
"The real causes of dissatisfaction in the South with the North, are in the unjust taxation & expenditure of the taxes by the government of the United States, & in revolution the North has effected in this government from a confederated Republic, to a national sectional Despotism"
Jefferson Davis (president of the South) said "The North was mad and Blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle. Unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for our independence, and that, or extermination"
James Spencer, British Cotton trader & trade advisor, Scottish Journal wrote
"The tariff question, again enters largely, more largely than is commonly supposed; into the irritated & aggrieved feelings of southerners. And it cannot be denied that in this matter they have both a serious injury & an unconstitutional injustice to resent... All Northern products are protected; and the moral tariff is a very masterpiece of folly & injustice"
Charles Dickens (famed author) wrote
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the South"
A British correspondent (The outlook of the War) said
"Everybody still professes to disapprove of slavery. Of course, so in the cant of the day runs, slavery is a very dreadful thing, and everybody the South above all, would be glad to see it abolished; but slavery has nothing to do with the current war"
The Weekly Athenaeum (1865)
"As a rule, the great mass of the public expenditures were made from the North, not in the South, so that Southerners found themselves doubly taxed; taxed first for the benefit of Northern manufacturers, & then, in the disbursement of the public funds, denied an equal participation in the benefits accruing therefrom"
Charles Beard, scholar and historian did an in depth analysis of the war and summed his conclusions up with this quote.
"Since therefore, the abolition of slavery never appeared in the platform of any great political party, since the only appeal ever made to the electorate on that issue was scornfully repulsed, since the spokesman of the Republicans emphatically declared that his party never intended to interfere with slavery in any shape or form, it seems reasonable to assume that the institution of slavery was not a fundamental issue during the epoch preceding bombardment of Fort Sumter."
After calling for 75,000 soldiers to bear arms, less than a week after Fort Sumter, Lincoln took what was several unconstitutional steps towards the South. They are as followed.
- Ordered the blockade of Southern ports. A blockade is an act of war, requiring congressional resolution.
- Ordered the navy to buy 5 warships, an appropriations act, requiring congressional approval.
- Suspended the privilege of Habeas Corpus, in effect, just about nullifying every civil liberty of every citizen. (note, over 10k people were thrown in jail for no reason or trial and their rights were suspended for the duration of the war)
- Soon thereafter Lincoln's administration would start shutting down newspapers that were not supportive of the war on the South.
On January 21, 1861, five days before Louisiana withdrew from the Union, The New Orleans Daily Crescent wrote an editorial explaining the cause of secession
"They (The South) know that it is their import trade that draws from people's pockets 60-70 million of dollars per annum, in the shape of duties, to be expended mainly in the North, & in the protection and encouragement of Northern interests...These are the reasons why these people do not wish the South to secede from the Union. They (The North) are enraged at the prospect of being despoiled of the rich feast upon which they have long fed and fattened"
There are countless quotes just like this that clearly show what the war was about. The idea of slavery was quickly becoming a thing of the past all across the world around this time. With the advancements of technology like the invention of the cotton gin in the late 1700s the demand for forced human labor was dropping off significantly and thus social institutions like racism, The mechanism which held up slavery was slowly eroded away.
@@CuriousGeorgio59 Lincoln was pro-Catholic and he called out James K. Polk on his lies.
Lincon was supported by North American capitalist who was against feudal system of South.
He represents the light in all of us.
Once an old father came to the White House pleading with President Lincoln that he pardon his son, a Union deserter that was going to be hanged. Lincoln sent a telegram to hold the execution until further notice. The Father was concerned that his son wasn’t pardon but Lincoln looked him in the eye and said, “By the time I’d allow the execution to go forward, your son will have a longer and grayer beard than yours.” Lincoln showed much mercy to not only his troops but to his enemies as well. That’s the kind of leader we need, a man who knows when to show justice and mercy.
"a man who knows when to show justice and mercy"
.....So....not trump....?
@@marcalvarez4890 You underestimate Trump. He raised 5 children and they turned out to be well, despite the silver spoons. As soon as your first child is born your own life takes a step back and you gain a new perspective. He managed to do that 5 times in a row without tripping up. If you wanna gauge a presidents ability for nurture and care, look at his children.
He should be on the $100 bill
You see him more often being on the 5 though...unless you're just ballin
@@patrickcox8990 Yeah I know but nobody cares about $5 bills lol
He is on the penny
He was a cross dresser
“He gave a voice to people who never had a voice” that moves me with tears 😢
He tried to deport thwm first then when he needed more troops he let them join the fight and had no other but free them after the victory
Abraham Lincoln - _"I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of black 'and white races nor to intermingling with white people; there is a physical difference between the white and black races. Which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality... There must be the position of superior. I am]... in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."_
Lincoln cared, but not that much. He wasn't idealistic that Whites and Blks could magically co-exist and coalesce. He feared dangerous repercussions for both sides. So much so he concocted a plan to have Blacks deported, initially on a voluntary basis, to Haiti. But under the my would work coal mines to supply US Navy vessels. A "Neo-Slavery."
I don't hate Lincoln. But... American history is often full of omissions and redactions.
@@bamboosho0tHe was a great man, but he was still a man of his times.
@rico14 I'm all for telling the story completely. The story of Abe Lincoln and frankly a lot of revered American men are littered with historical redactions. I don't expect perfection, and I recognize that certain accepted behaviors or sentiments from yesterday wouldn't be tolerated today. Because it becomes dangerous to place imperfect men on pedestals.
@@bamboosho0t Lincoln literally gave his life so that racial minorities could be free men and no longer literal slaves. He’s 1000x better of a man than you’ll ever be! My goodness you have a ridiculously high standard and an unrealistic view of what a good man is.
Hi from France. Abraham Lincoln was a brillant man and a strategic genius. I love him.
Lincoln is probably the greatest political figure the USA has ever produced, an icon and inspiration to everyone. This is one of the very best videos on this channel.
And he was pro-Catholic, which is why Mexico has several statues of him.
Did you forget Jimmy Carter and all of his accomplishments 😉
100% the "greatest" president he only expanded the size of the federal government against the state government so much so that people started referring to the US as the United States and not these United States. He destroyed (i.e. imprisoned) the opposition, sympathetic to the southern cause and silenced media that called him a tyrant and a butcher, he made America's first draft, The great American hero that made big businesses more powerful, bringing America into a gilded age, etc I can go on and on.
The one saying that’s always stuck in my mind is “Daniel-Day Lewis” when he speaks his dialogue to Lincoln’s peers. “I am the President of the United States of America clothed in immense power!!!” He didn’t have the nuclear triad and knew that the sole influence of the Presidency was not to be dealt with.
One of my favorite clips on the internet. Lincoln embodies who we should strive to be.
A tyrant, that destroys freedom of speech and expands the size of the federal government relative to the state governments, making the United States more central, raising taxes on the workingman, or giving kickbacks to big businesses making the gilded age possible? So we should strive to be criminals like Lincoln interesting
He was a racist
Truly the greatest president is Lincoln!
So which one of the policies do you like the best? The one where he freed the slaves, but not in the conquered south, and not in the unconquered south so he didn't free the slaves. OK well what about his freedom of speech oh shit he shot that one down too damn... habeas corpus so long. What about the right for states to have power over the federal government all wait no he shot that one down to. What about his renowned speaking against big business? Oh shit, he put policies in place that led to America's Gilded Age.
ABE was an incredible Professional Wrestler undefeated
IIRC, something crazy like 166-0
Don't quote me on his record
*Waters for Lincoln were rougher for him back then than as now; he would be resting at his home. If you ever have a bad day or feel worse-just remember Lincoln has a long list of career failures and no college education*
The mainstream media today would eat Lincoln alive. Which is why we will never have great leaders like him again. The manufacturing of consent breeds mediocrity.
he was so great that he disregarded people's civil liberties by throwing them in prison for speaking out against him during the war.
@@trugrit7210 It's too bad TH-cam wasn't around then to expose him in the comments sections.
@@zyrrhos you're right. I shouldn't correct ignorance in a comment section of a youtube video. What was I thinking...
@@trugrit7210 Well you weren't, that's the thing. Usually when I 'correct ignorance' I do more than point it out. I back it up. Or at least try to.
@@zyrrhos Actually, I did. You're ignorant and so you don't know better. Either that or you're perfectly fine with disregarding people's constitutional rights and in that case, I can understand your love of Lincoln. Both Marx and Hitler had high praise for Lincoln. You'd be in good company.
You can really debate between him and George Washington because George Washington didn't have like a set of rules he basically made that set of rules for the presidency he could have been King is what they offered him but he resigned and said there needs to be term limits
Kids; when you hear the word hagiography, you can remember this as when you first saw it.
Hehehehe for Greek speakers his wording are really known or at least for some of them 😂😂
Is that a compliment or insult?
@@tommygunhunter usually it's used pejoratively
No doubt. I agree. I'm not American but I see that Lincoln inspires humanity for all time.
Lincoln is goated
Is fascinating to listen, much more to feel in your soul the words of great minds.
I'll take George Washington. He turned down a kingship.
Lincoln saved our country from being divided into two lol I think that's far more impressive than turning down an offer
@@thenightking6662 Sadly the country is still divided into 2 but not in terms of black and white but in ideological views: Conservatives vs Liberals, Democrats vs Republicans, Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life, Pro-abortion vs Anti-abortion, NRA vs Anti-Gun movemen etc
As great as Lincoln was, Washington was the model.
@@trailert7761 But they all pay taxes to one government and have one military. Millions of Americans were freed from bondage on his watch. It’s not close.
@@c.d714 Washington didn’t face the same peril. And Washington owned slaves.
One of the greatest yet tragic presidents so far. He gets an S for his successful leadership during the Civil War, help ban slavery and free the slaves. Unfortunately he’ll be held back from the first place spot for his policies regarding the draft and Native American policies, as well as his weak Reconstruction policies
He couldn’t pursue Reconstruction because he was shot. His assignation was a tragedy for the south.
Back in college, around the 2016 election I dated a girl who was a staunch republican and fervent trump supporter. Looking back its funny, and I generally tried to avoid talking politics with her, but one I'll never forget is this topic, who was the greatest American President, she brought it up. As you can tell by Jeremi's immediate response, there's pretty much a consensus among historians, lawyers, policymakers, and basically anybody who can look at America's history with at least some modicum of objectivity that Lincoln was America's greatest President, and so naturally I say Lincoln. In response she says, "no way its definitely Ronald Regan." Which I am not passing any normative judgment about Regan, but like... come on, over LINCOLN! And so, in response to this I reference the aforementioned consensus among people who study and think deeply about these sorts of things. "You really think Lincoln is #1, what because he freed the slaves?" This was when I realized we weren't gonna make it.
"Muh consensus" Lincoln was a tyrant who threw people in prison who spoke out against him during the war. He completely disregarded the Bill of Rights. He used the constitution as toilet paper.
@@trugrit7210 If by spoke out against him you mean they were committing treason then he was too nice, he should have shot them then and there
Lincoln was the best, but I do miss the Gipper. You’re probably young and have no idea what the 70’s were like. It wasn’t Dazed and Confused. Well maybe a little. The economy was in shambles, high unemployment, long gas lines, high inflation, the Iran Hostage Crisis. Sure, inflation was crushed by Volkner who was a Carter appointee, but Reagan was elected and then things seemed to turn around. Also, he gave amnesty to illegals, and really was less conservative than most on the right today. They were both Republicans too. I can’t stand Trump, but Reagan was great.
You dodged a bullet there.
I’m related to Jefferson so I’m partial to his writing but Lincoln was brilliant with the language.
George Washington is the GOAT! everything that was said here can be applied to him and more. The fact the civil war happened 100 years after independence shows long lasting the effects of his leadership was.
It’s not there is a bad choice between the two. Part of what was so moving about Lincoln was his compassion for people on both sides. The greatest think about Washington is that he could have been a king if he wanted too and chose not too even before he was president. He was so popular that no one would have been against it. Two remarkable people led the United States at its most vulnerable state.
Millions of Americans were in bondage and treated like cattle on his watch and he didn’t do anything about it, in fact he participated in it.
Lincoln was a tyrant for central government. He expanded the powers of the federal government so much that we will never be able to have as free of a society as we did before the civil War for example, people used to say "these United States", not "the United States." He didn't free slaves in the conquered territories, or the States that stuck with him. He was an avid pro-big business politician, he raised tariffs and taxes, and destroyed freedom of speech during war times... Seriously look at him he's on a goddamn throne. sic semper tyrannis is an understatement to this tyrannical president
Watch the Harry V. Jaffa and Thomas J DiLorenzo debate. The real Abraham Lincoln.
I cry when ever I hear about Lincoln
Same here
I smile when ever I hear about the death of Lincoln. He was a tyrant!
I feel the same way about Taylor Swift and Ryan Gosling
"If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
Written during the heart of the Civil War, this is one of Abraham Lincoln's most famous letters. Greeley, the editor of the influential New York Tribune, had just addressed an editorial to Lincoln called "The Prayer of Twenty Millions," making demands and implying that Lincoln's administration lacked direction and resolve. President Lincoln wrote his reply when a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation already lay in his desk drawer. His response revealed his concentration on preserving the Union. The letter, which received acclaim in the North, stands as a classic statement of Lincoln's constitutional responsibilities. A few years after the president's death, Greeley wrote an assessment of Lincoln. He stated that Lincoln did not actually respond to his editorial but used it instead as a platform to prepare the public for his "altered position" on emancipation.'
Lincoln had to write this article to prove that preserving the Union (fulfilling his constitutional duty) was a primary concern. Not writing this letter could have split the Republican party into two and therefore endangering both the Union and emancipation and maintaining neither.
@@theecon867 No, fuck the union
@@radioactivebeans8724 you can say that, but if a president says that they would be in violation of their oath
@@theecon867 They would also have to accept secession if they're honest: 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
@@trugrit7210 the constitution can be altered by the public whenever and however they want it. hell, we could tear it up! it's not the bible
Thanks 👍
Lincoln was both a good man and a master politician, an irresistible combination.
Maybe 2 years of school education. Lincoln was educating himself throughout his lifetime. .
I'm hardworking never give up and keep going
Jeremy Suri is pretty awesome.
Why is this a freaking competition
Nonsense. Washington and Lincoln were Giants chosen by God
Why is there no interviews of him or videos just asking
the first video camera was invented some 20 years after his assassination…
Not George Washington ?
he's my pick
Doesn't even come close
@@thenightking6662yeah Lincoln stinks!
After the video i just watched, I wouldn't necessarily say he was a great guy. I need to cross reference, though. Ill be back...
Really beautiful.
Great video
If you have to work to survive, you're always going to be dependent on someone else for your security.
Ever heard of Ike
“He was despised and rejected- a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave. But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands. When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of a victorious soldier, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.”
Isaiah 53:3-12 NLT
This was written around 700 years before Jesus came into the earth, yet it describes His life perfectly.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
God loves you so much and showed that by sending His Son to die for us so that we may inherit eternal life. We deserve hell but He gave us heaven through faith in Jesus. He took the punishment we deserved and by putting our faith in Him we can be saved. The Key To Eternal Life:
For evidence for Christianity and answered questions, check out
and th-cam.com/users/CrossExamined
because if Jesus really rose from the dead it is the most important fact ever
If you really want to understand human nature you have to travel, you have to live abroad. There is no sense asking about humankind or capitalism/socialism in a narrow Yankee mentality atmosphere.
There are four subjects one must master to know the current world.
Political Philosophy, Geography, Journalism, and History
@@RippedMoFuCk change political philosophy to just philosophy
@@Bryan_Pureblood not me thats a direct quote from Thomas Sowell.
@@RippedMoFuCk And yet Sowell still sees the world through a decidedly ideological lens, which means he left out a key component: Spiritualism, or most notably the practice of meditation in which one attempts to cleanse the doors of perception with the aim of becoming a non-dualistic (less divided) being. Ideological alignment creates blind spots in one's thinking.
Did have leadership skills. Sure. Can we learn from him? Sure. But we can do that with any famous historical figure...even villains.
I believe he thought he was doing the right thing, but he made many questionable decisions that could easily be seen to go against the Constitution, and decisions that caused more harm than good for the United States.
It may surprise some that there will be many negative Lincoln comments on this video. I don't believe many of those critiques are unfounded.
@@Abletoth actually no, it has little to do with the hatred of the United States.
The people who hate Lincoln for what he did during his time are the same that say we can't judge slavers by today's moral standards. That is to say, their opinion is generally shit.
Not enough negative comments. School doesn’t teach anymore
Teddy by far!!
OK, I love Teddy. You can't imagine how much. But Lincoln is the G.O.A.T.
Someone should tell this guy about a man named George Washington.
They talk about Washington in the Podcast. Washington is def right up there obviously, but it's his opinion of course. Still an absolutely incredible human being regardless. Both of them.
@@schylerwagner5300 Some think Lincoln was a tyrant.
@@schylerwagner5300 double plus good
@@69sidewinder Lincoln was a war criminal at the very least.
George Washington got his teeth from slaves...
Having choices at all is privileged.
Here is what Lincoln said about slavery in his own speeches.
Lincoln's most important contribution should have been mentioned. The man was pro-Catholic, which was a point of contention in the Union and his own party. He called out James K. Polk on his lies which is why Mexico has several statues of him.
Call Thaddeus Russel he is crying.
He led us through troubled waters
Thomas Jefferson
Lincoln was definitely the best.
Fun fact he was the second gay president that we know of. He also wage war on states that wanted their own independence.
Trump>Lincoln MAGA2024
Read The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo. Lincoln was the worst
That’s not true at all please look up the history... Or at least go look at all the Democratic KKK officials...
@@allswaggedout007 I just pointed you to the history. I'm not sure what Democratic KKK officials has to do with anything. Are you assuming I'm a democrat because I'm critical of Lincoln and that you caught me in some sort of contradiction? Bash democrats all you want, they deserve it too
DiLorenzo’s book was full of shit
Lost cause BS
Lol so you read a fictional book
False, Ryan Dawson says otherwise
"He grew up without slaves" but owned slaves as an adult?
Can you provide a source for this info? I'm pretty sure he didn't..
He inherited slaves or rather his wife's family own slaves and they were counted amongst the property that was willed to her.
lincoln was a tyrant
No he wasn’t
Corrupt railroad lawyer, suspended habeas corpus, jailed 200 journalists, threatened to imprison a Supreme Court justice, initiated the Civil War, expanded federal powers more than anyone else in the 19th century, etc. I'm not saying the south were angels, but damn I wish people would stop worshipping this absolute tyrant. The slaves were NOT central focus on his mind.
Meh, Lincoln get in line, cuz FDR is the greatest American leader ever. This guy only says Lincoln was the greatest because he worked his way up from nothing. That's true of Herbert Hoover as well, one of the most infamous presidents in American history who left the office in disgrace.
🇺🇸 Top Five U.S. Presidents:
1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Theodore Roosevelt
4. George Washington
5. James Knox Polk
Lincoln on habeas corpus.
The reason why he was the best president I think is because he believe in God. Take a look his speech and compare
Lincoln went from hated tyrant to mythical leader. What changed academia gave him a historical hand job to elevate him into god status in the American Patheon. The Lincoln memorial is a knock off temple of Zeus at Olympia. Instead of the chief god of the greeks sitting on the throne is honest Abe. Honest Abe the career politician / lawyer for the railroad. Government, Lawyers and the Big Railroad a hat trick our most trusted intuitions. Honest professions indeed. Its the mid 1800s unholy alliance todays equivalent would be Government Big Pharma and Industrial war machine.
Harriet Tubman is the greatest American hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK bud she gave babies opium to shut them up, and all she did was run up and down roads at the mercy of white people hiding her and her group
When Abraham Lincoln launched his military invasion of the Southern States to prevent their peaceful and democratic assertion of independence, he ushered in a radically different Union than the one the Founders intended Whether it was slavery, tariffs, or a redefinition of Federal powers, really matters little. The question of whether we live in a voluntary government or a compulsory one, enforced at gunpoint, was answered with the death and maiming of almost a million Americans from 1861 to 1865. At the heart of the ever-encroaching State that we find ourselves living under is the legacy of Abraham Lincoln. Every tyrant, from Karl Marx to Woodrow Wilson, FDR to Adolf Hitler, George W Bush and Barack Obama, have embraced the Lincoln mantle in both their writings and their actions. sic semper tyrannis
No. Lincoln wasn't that unique with such strong leadership. That was the norm. Rulers were Monarchs, or Military leaders throughout history. They used the power of the state to control the populace. What makes Lincoln great is that there would be no United States as we know it. There would possibly be a four North America countries of middling power, from South to North, Mexico, CSA, USA, and Canada, with Russia still ruling Alaska. Because of Lincoln, the great 20th and so far 21st century Superpower, USA, developed.
The southern rebels were cut throat rapists. Murdering elected officials burning down newspapers attacking American military in conquest of warped Christianity horribly malformed to serve their own arrogance. If it had been lawful then it would have been endorsed by the Constitution or Congress or the courts. They murdered their way into power because like Charles Sumner famously told us they would not give up their black mistresses aka breeding victims.
People from peasant groups uplift myths and the Migrants story
Lincoln was not great but when you get a low hang fruit anything sounds good
abraham happily killed ABORIGINALS of this LAND. The Dakota 38.
This unicorn 🦄 country’s story was written with the blood of the 1st people of TURTLE ISLAND.
The Comanche exterminated their neighbors the tonkawa...thoughts?
Anyone who disagrees was taught US history in a democratic state where they paint Abraham Lincoln as the villain...
George Washington??
Do you really think that in New York or California that people are being taught that Abraham Lincoln is a villain? Your partisanship has rotted your brain. Go touch grass.
lmao what
That's not really honest seeing as Democrats tout their "party flip" theory to try and claim a lot of the GOP's original victories as their own and to downplay their racist past. Most Democrats (and thus almost all Americans) respect Lincoln.
Well in what century. Right now the republicans are against Lincoln policies as he would be democratic, but before LBJ he would be republican which was atleast not the south I do believe the south had a larger majority that time. As most Americans at that time fully supported and endorsed slavery. Saying you want to free the slaves was a kin to being crazy.
Nah he was a jew