Siversk defences collapsed | Advances on 4 fronts [3 October 2024]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024
  • This is today's update for Ukraine - 3 October 2024. "bringing together today's news of what is currently happening in the region and Ukraine"
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  • @Open_Pack
    @Open_Pack วันที่ผ่านมา +44

    Fun Fact of the day: The USS Halyburton, an Oliver Perry-class frigate, is currently in the process of becoming a museum ship in the United States. They have reached Phase 2 of the process

    • @Sezoik
      @Sezoik 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


    • 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      II) 5-8 (l-I6) The Russian-speaking population prevails in Ukraine, almost all the left-bank cities of the state are Russian-speaking, Western Ukraine hates Russian-speaking Ukrainians, especially the east of Ukraine, located next to Russia, where Donbass is located. Western Ukrainians try to forbid us to speak the language of our parents. If you speak Russian in Western Ukraine, they will refuse to communicate with you, they will not sell anything, they will not help you and they can beat you up. Our language and culture are being harassed. Russian-language literature is prohibited and criminally punishable. Fines are imposed for music and songs in Russian. The Orthodox faith is banned, churches are closed, temples have been taken away, and criminal cases have been initiated against 65 priests. The rector of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, barely managed to get out on bail. In Western Ukraine, the cult of Bandera, the leader of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists, is widespread, glorifying a man who collaborated with the Nazis in the war against Russia and staged mass executions of Poles, for his ideology of hatred of Russians and an attempt to declare Ukraine an independent state. Such people are ready to kill Russian-speaking Ukrainians for their language. When the full-scale war began in 2022 and Ukraine was about to retreat from my hometown where I had lived all my life, the military from Western Ukraine were looking for those who did not want to leave the city and shot them. Residents of my city talked about such cases when we walked to live in a bomb shelter. I believed them because the other day I was also beaten by the military from Western Ukraine and then they were going to shoot me, but they were forbidden to do this several times on the radio and I stayed alive, and they also riddled our family's apartment with a machine gun in front of our eyes. Unfortunately, it was very dangerous to stay in our hometown, and without waiting for the day when the Ukrainian troops would retreat from our city, we left by evacuation transport to look for temporary housing deep into Ukraine. I (like most people) did not want the war to start, and I was not against living in Ukraine, the main thing for me was that my city and apartment remained untouched, and I lived in my hometown all my life. When the referendum on secession from Ukraine was held in 2014, I did not go to vote because I was afraid of the outbreak of military action by Ukraine in response, and this happened. When the referendum was held, people hoped that after it Russia would take us to itself (then, in addition to all the privileges, Donbass also received full protection from Russia). But, fearing a serious escalation of the conflict, the Kremlin agreed to the annexation of Donbass to its composition only in 2022 after the start of a special military operation. The Crimean peninsula joined Russia immediately after the referendum, Ukraine did not shell it until the war of 2022, but stated that it would do everything to return Crimea and Donbass to its composition. The east of Ukraine wanted to join the Russian Federation because there is a lot of heavy industry here, in need of cheap gas. Without this, production is unprofitable and almost all have been closed. And many relatives of residents of eastern Ukraine live in Russia. We have a similar culture that unites us. The culture of Western Ukraine, on the contrary, has little in common with ours. The Crimean peninsula and Donbass are no different in their expression of will from Taiwan and Kosovo. In addition, in all cities that came under the control of the Russian state after 2022, a vote was held for the accession of these regions to the Russian Federation. One of the main stated goals of the special military operation is to protect the population of Ukraine from neo-fascists, which prevents the aggression of the Russian military against the civilian population in Ukraine. Most of the materials collected about the atrocities of Russia are fake. If the Ukrainian side believed that the majority of Ukrainians living in Russia's neighborhood did not want to join the Russian Federation, it would have agreed to joint repeated proposals from Europe and Russia to hold a referendum after 2014 in disputed territories under the supervision of European observers in order to end hostilities. And the distribution of land in accordance with the will of the inhabitants living in these territories. In addition, the Ukrainian government was not afraid that all Russian-speaking cities would demand a similar referendum in the future. Our state loses at least a billion dollars a year, only on one shady sale of excisable goods abroad (cigarettes, alcohol), annually more than a million cubic meters of wood are illegally exported to Europe. In Western Ukraine, people live in prosperity thanks to smuggling, the east flourished only thanks to cooperation with Russia. Russia also has high salaries compared to Ukraine and a lot of social benefits. Unlike Ukraine and other European countries, America finally lost the right to control the volume of printing of monetary units in Russia in the crucial year 2024, which contributed to the growth of the state's economy. In our country, most pensions and the minimum wage are not enough even to pay for utilities (gas, water, electricity, garbage collection) and food. The minimum pension is only $60 per month. To be eligible for a small pension, you must have at least 35 years of official work experience. Despite the low life expectancy in comparison with Europe, our government wants to raise the retirement age to 75 years or completely abandon the accrual of pensions. In Russia, the minimum work experience is 15 years, and the pension increases for each
      year worked. People without work experience receive a social pension, which in terms of dollars to the ruble is $ 87. After 2014, our credit debt to other countries increased by $160 billion. Energy resources have risen sharply in price, and the country's economy has ceased to be self-sufficient. Valuable state assets, enterprises, land and chernozem were sold to foreigners for a song. According to the new law of 2024, the state has the right to appropriate people's land plots and sell them to anyone. The land no longer belongs to Ukrainians. Now we pay for expensive green electricity and cheap nuclear energy is exported to Europe. Energy Minister German Glushchenko announced a nightmarish phased price increase in 2025 for 1 kilowatt from 11 to 20 cents (from hryvnia), when the minimum wage is less than $ 200. The main funds from the state budget have always been directed to Western Ukraine to maintain a normal standard of living for local residents. Extremist anti-Russian organizations popular in Western Ukraine have been funded for decades with the support of Western partners. The opposition claims that President Zelensky's Servant of the People party, which has a majority in parliament, receives additional payments in envelopes with tens of thousands of dollars for purchased votes in the Verkhovna Rada. In exchange for the next tranches of money and military assistance, America is forcing the Ukrainian government to tighten the laws on mobilization. Zelensky promised on television to fight with Russia until the last living Ukrainian, and will agree to negotiations with Russia only after the return of the borders of the 91st year. I would have left here a long time ago, only men from 18 to 60 years old are not allowed abroad, the authorities tell us that sooner or later we will all go to war, as well as the territorial recruitment center, consisting of military personnel, catches men on the streets. People are forcibly abducted against their will, they are reissued documents that are forcibly forced to sign, and then sent to war. Some were beaten to death while unsuccessfully kept locked up for several days. The police do not interfere in such cases, a lawyer called by relatives can help in time. So far, no one has been punished for such actions. There are more frequent cases when men are stopped on the street, find out the necessary data in their passport, after which, violating all laws, they issue a summons to the military enlistment office on the spot. The medical commission at the military enlistment office recognizes men fit for service within a few minutes without proper examination, after which they are sent to pre-war training or, violating the laws, immediately thrown into the thick of the war for meat on the first lines of defense, where many become crippled and die within the first day or week as a result of shrapnel wounds. The salary of the staff of the military enlistment office depends on the implementation of the plan and the number of conscripts sent to the service. All men are required to update their data at the military enlistment office before July 17, 2024, if this did not happen or you did not come on the agenda, then the state will restrict your rights, including blocking your driver's license, you will face heavy fines, blocking a money card, imprisonment. Upon request, the police will take you to the military enlistment office against your will. Summonses to the military enlistment office are considered to have been handed over from the moment of their creation, even if it was not possible to transfer them. Military enlistment offices ceased to be state-owned and became a private person without a legal address with limited liability, which allows you to act with impunity bypassing the laws of the Constitution of Ukraine. Forced illegal contracts are concluded with conscripts, after which it will be difficult for them to claim benefits and monetary compensation. Even seriously ill people are recognized as fit for military service. Politicians declare the need for full-fledged mobilization of women. To avoid being sent to the front, people have to pay numerous bribes.

    • 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      VIII) 29-32 (I-I6) If a small territory of Mexico, under the patronage of America, wishing for a better life, had separated from the Mexican state, becoming part of the United States, and Mexico refused to sign a peace plan and got involved in a war with the superior power of the United States, the consequences of which led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, the loss of even more territories twice, the economic crisis and the exorbitantly high price of fuel and energy resources, did you then consider the policy of the Mexican state to be correct? If the Ukrainian side agrees to negotiations only on the eve of a major collapse of the front, then the Russian side, remembering past violations of agreements, will no longer make concessions, and this will be a real disaster for the Ukrainian state. Due to the refusal to take a negotiating position, Ukrainian soldiers are dying by the hundreds of thousands, but no one has been criminally punished for embezzling $ 500 million in the creation of fortifications for soldiers, many fortifications have never been built. Our state refuses to adopt a law on the demobilization of military personnel who have been at the front for more than three years. 565,000 men have been released from mobilization, the remaining 11 million men of military age 18-60 years can be mobilized, if necessary, by military enlistment offices in the coming years. A guy from the territorial defense complained to tik tok that his squad was ordered to deliver 20 people a day to the military enlistment office, otherwise people from his squad would have been sent to the front. Entrepreneurs organize dating services with marriage with women with disabilities of groups 2 and 1 in order to get a reprieve from mobilization and the opportunity to cross the border, the cost of such a service ranges from $ 3,000 to $ 7,000. Due to budget holes, most war invalids are not given the opportunity to register a disability and are left in service "outside the military staff" with a salary of 500 hryvnia ($ 13) at the time of 2024. The State does not have the means to pay monetary compensation to the families of the fallen soldiers. The meager profits of the state are given to pay debts to creditors, otherwise the country is in danger of default. Meanwhile, customs is thriving, receiving cash kickbacks for importing goods to Ukraine without VAT, the profit from the tax for the country could then amount to $ 2.5 billion per year. Due to the inefficient work of the Economic Security Bureau, the state loses several billion dollars a year. These are VAT schemes, counterfeit products and the gray market of excisable goods. The long-term leader among the largest tax minimization schemes in Ukraine is gray imports and smuggling, experts estimate budget losses from these schemes at $ 3 billion per year. In second place are salaries "in envelopes", because of them the state loses $ 2 billion a year. Counterfeiting and trade in excisable products without paying taxes cause damage to the state budget by a billion dollars a year. Losses from offshore schemes amount to half a billion dollars a year. Other schemes have declined in recent years, but also result in budget losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. These schemes are possible in such volumes due to the inefficient work of the Customs and Tax Services, these two services are among the top 5 most corrupt authorities in the country (Courts, tax, customs, local authorities and the SBU) according to international companies operating in Ukraine. Shady casinos hidden by the ruling elite, with a turnover of about $4 billion per year (including online casinos), deprive the state of profits from taxes and licenses. Under Zelensky, corruption has reached unprecedented heights. According to the results of a sociological study by Gradus Research, 53% of the Ukrainian population lives on a salary of less than $ 245, while many officials receive salaries of more than $ 10,000. For 30 years of independence, free medicine has been transferred to self-sufficiency, with a salary of $ 245, how much money could you raise for treatment so that you have enough funds to maintain your health in good shape? In Russia, emigrants from Ukraine have the right to remain in the country without obtaining a Russian passport until the end of 2024, and if desired, after obtaining citizenship, keep the passport of Ukraine for themselves. Every year, the period of stay of Ukrainians in the country is extended so that those who do not want to participate in the war can wait for its end and choose where to continue their lives. But Ukraine, on the contrary, treats residents of neighboring territories as enemies and traitors. Men who have gone abroad also have a hard time. Men in Europe who have expired passports will lose the opportunity to travel and work. After the expiration of official documents allowing them to legalize work and stay abroad, they can be deported from the country in which they are located. But if you leave for Ukraine to resume consular services, which will require updating your data and military registration, then you will not be released from the country. Relatives of Western Ukrainians work in customs, in addition, many have connections related to smuggling, so it is much easier for men from western Ukraine to cross the border. When the war began, first of all, women left Ukraine, wealthy men with connections or the ability to pay for a "safe" move, now for the most part they have many privileges and cash payments while living in Europe, and to poor refugees left without apartments, they rent out their empty apartments at an inflated price while there is demand for it. Integration into the European Union was proposed with a number of unfavorable conditions for the Ukrainian state (a sharp increase in energy prices for the population, an increase in the retirement age) and did not guarantee entry into it even decades later. The east of Ukraine did not want to join the European Union, because the economy of the eastern regions depended on trade with the Russian Federation, production contracts for the supply of food, building materials, light and heavy industry. In the case of integration with Europe, Russia was not going to continue to supply Ukraine with gas at a significant discount and wanted to abandon some contracts. But the Maidan came and changed everything, now poverty reigns in the east (low wages and unemployment). Europe still does not accept us into the European Union, but only promises to consider us as a candidate for membership after 2030. Trade with Russia no longer exists, and expensive electricity and gas make our products uncompetitive on the world market. According to The Washington Post, in August 2024, Ukraine and Russia agreed to send their representatives to Qatar to participate in secret negotiations to end the armed conflict and conclude a mutual agreement on non-aggression against each other's energy infrastructure, but this plan was thwarted by an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kursk region. By disrupting the negotiations, Ukraine is calling on the collective West to increase aid and continues to try to build up its military arsenal, but no matter how much damage Ukraine has inflicted on them with missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, Russia is causing it at least three times more damage. One and a half billion dollars allocated for the air defense of power plants were mostly squandered by officials, after which the Russians successfully bombed the stations, as a result, electricity tariffs are growing faster than mushrooms, and in large cities electricity is supplied for only a few hours a day. People can't use the elevator. Without electricity, water supply often stops, in summer it is impossible to turn on the air conditioner (although many people cannot afford it financially), in winter people will not be able to turn on heaters to keep warm, and there will also be practically no centralized heating. Considering gas prices, hot tap water in Ukraine has now become a rarity, in most cities over the past decade, only cold water has been supplied from the tap. The Russians do not touch the three nuclear power plants operating in Ukraine (unlike the Ukrainians, who are trying to disable the uncontrolled Zaporizhia NPP by shelling), they successfully continue to export cheap electricity to Europe through the surviving distribution networks, substations and power lines. People who have left destroyed cities with disrupted communications or who have had their electricity and gas cut off due to non-payment are still charged a special fee for the transportation of gas and electricity. Whatever the outcome of the war, the main losers will be the people who lived in the war zone at that time. The inflation rate in wartime is off the scale, people are starving. At the same time, the government of Ukraine has frozen the minimum wage (at the level of 8000 hryvnia) and the living wage (3028 hryvnia) for three years (1000 hryvnia is equal to 24 dollars). At the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian authorities argued that if we accept Russia's peace plan, it will continue to fight anyway. At the final stage of the war, when the losing Ukraine will have to cede part of the territories for the sake of peace, Ukrainian President Zelensky will speak and say that it was thanks to his efforts that Ukraine won, having managed to stop Russia at the cost of lost territories. But if it hadn't been for him, this war wouldn't have started at all, it was enough to cede Crimea, abandon NATO and stop shelling uncontrolled territories. People from eastern Ukraine are dissatisfied not with the fact that their land is now under Russian control, but with the fact that fighting has been going on on their land for many years in a row, and their cities, houses and property are being destroyed or lost forever.

  • @napospos
    @napospos วันที่ผ่านมา +37

    day 275 of thanking Balkan mapper for his efforts

    • 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I) 1-4 (I-I6) In 2014, after the Maidan, organized with the support of the United States, Ukraine changed its government to one controlled by America and then violated the treaty on the neutral non-aligned status of the Ukrainian state, declared and signed in 1990. The new government has radically changed its policy towards the Russian state and joining NATO. The coup took place a few months before the elections, as the current president continued to be supported by the majority of Ukrainians, including 80% of residents of the eastern half of the country. In response, the Russian Federation (taking into account its interests) helped defend its right to hold a referendum in the Luhansk, Donetsk regions of Ukraine (Donbass) and the Crimean Peninsula, which wanted to continue cooperation with Russia. Ukraine started a war with two regions of Donbass, which became autonomous republics, and imposed an economic blockade on them, driving the autonomous republics into poverty. In 2022, when Russia unsuccessfully tried to protect Donbass and stop the growing military conflict by changing power in the capital of Ukraine. Ukraine was able to stand up, but refused to negotiate, Zelensky introduced a law prohibiting negotiations with Russia into the country's constitution. And with the support of the United States, a war is being waged aimed at the return of rebellious territories that do not want to return to Ukraine. And also to force the Russian Federation to change its government to a pro-American one. Ukraine's Western partners, America and the United Kingdom are very interested in the return of the Crimean Peninsula as a strategically important object. Britain wants to restore the status of the sea queen. The West is afraid that Russia will raise oil prices and gas prices will become no less than those at which America agrees to sell it. The creation of an independent BRICS international trade payment system in Russia poses the threat of a rapid devaluation of the dollar. America needs hegemony and unipolarity on earth, Europe needs cheap gas, they do not want a peaceful end to the conflict. If, thanks to organized outrage, it is possible to divide the country from within into small states, then America and its allies will be able to take control of Russia's natural resources, and many tycoons in the West will become dollar trillionaires. We have a dictatorship in Ukraine, 12 opposition parties are banned, and incorrect TV channels are closed. Ukrainians face up to 7 years in prison for criticizing the authorities, misinterpreting events in public, on social networks or on television. The state has the right to revoke licenses from journalists and media resources without a court decision. Many comments on social media are simply not published. The presidential and parliamentary elections have been postponed indefinitely. TV channels do not have the right to broadcast their own news, instead, a single and identical news telethon is broadcast on all channels. Ordered criminal cases were opened against a number of opposition deputies who disagreed with Zelensky's policy. The most avid people who compromise the government are found murdered (Mohammed Al-Alawi, Gonzalo Lira, Denis Kireev, Maxim Denchik and others). In Ukraine, even pensioners are jailed for 5 years for clicking on a heart once before an objectionable video or comment. Positive or neutral conversations on the topic of Russia are prohibited, two women who mentioned in the conversation that the Russian military is paid $ 4,000, so there are a lot of volunteers to fight, were given 8 years in prison. Ukrainians are being jailed for communicating with relatives in Russia on a smartphone. We no longer have full rights to our property and apartments, they can be taken away. Citizens of Ukraine are obliged to coordinate with the authorities where they will live. Phone conversations, correspondence, your views, family and personal life are subject to surveillance and control. People are forbidden to organize rallies and protests, they can be imprisoned for this, checkpoints are installed on all roads where your documents and personal belongings are checked, without an extract from the military enlistment office you will not be able to leave the city - you will not be allowed through the checkpoint. Also, at checkpoints, summonses are handed to the military enlistment office for further service in the army. At checkpoints, bribes are often demanded so that you can continue your journey. All truckers are charged a monetary tribute. There have been cases of people being killed and robbed at checkpoints. The military is allowed to "irrevocably" confiscate a car from civilians if they need it. In 2024, it was estimated that from the uncontrolled territories and the east of Ukraine, only 15% of the refugees left for Europe. Most of the eastern Ukrainians who have been displaced have settled in Russian and Ukrainian cities. The remaining 85% of refugees who moved to Europe are residents of the center and west of Ukraine, who lived in relatively safe territories in Ukrainian-speaking cities, far from military operations at the time of 2024. It's 2024, I'm in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro and I'm continuing to write my story. Media resources are strictly controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, so what I have written is based on my life experience. I'm trying to uncover the other side of the truth. What you watched about Ukraine is specially prepared information to mislead ordinary people. Huge amounts of money are being spent on creating an information vacuum and manipulating people's minds and opinions. I wanted to convey that Russia and Ukraine are not black and white. Everything is gray. It is important that the Ukrainian side systematically violated the Minsk agreements, conducted shelling on uncontrolled territories, but stated the opposite, and that Ukraine always refused to negotiate with the Russian Federation. If, after the events of 2014, Ukraine had ceded the Crimean peninsula, refused to join NATO, which was later enshrined in the constitution, and stopped shelling Donbass, then there would have been peace. The fact is that in the nineties, when Ukraine separated from the Russian Federation, an agreement on non-aligned status was signed, which Ukraine violated despite warnings about a possible war. In 2021, Putin tried to take guarantees from the American leadership of Ukraine's non-membership in NATO and non-expansion of NATO to the east, which was refused, which led to a large-scale war. In the territories that have come under Russian control, most people want to remain part of the Russian Federation. My parents and I also want to return home to Donbass, but unfortunately, in Ukraine we can be imprisoned for trying or wanting to return home to the other side, accused of sympathizing with Russians. People are being denied the right to return to their own homes. For many years, people have been unable to return to their hometown and may lose ownership of their apartments. We, like many other families, want to return to rebuild our homes and save our dear things. I also wanted to convey that in Ukraine under Zelensky, in addition to the dictatorship, there is huge corruption. For example, our deputies have a declared income 5 times higher than that of Polish deputies, although their country has a high standard of living. And some officials are caught laundering more than a billion hryvnia, while the minimum wage, at the time of the first decade of 2024, is only 7,100 hryvnia ($ 180 at the exchange rate of that time), excluding income tax of 30%. Half a billion hryvnias were allocated from the state budget for a small expedition to study penguins, and there are thousands of such examples. The presidential administration is mired in corruption. Zelensky signed a law abolishing lifelong financial monitoring of deputies and high-ranking officials after their dismissal, which promotes corruption and contradicts the conditions of joining the European Union. The declaration of income of deputies and officials has become closed to the public. Journalists reveal hundreds of corruption schemes involving people in power. Vladimir Zelensky is often accused of withdrawing large amounts of money through offshore companies of foreign companies. Embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars in roundabout ways, the government elite continues to enrich themselves with impunity. The President of Ukraine returns judges caught on a particularly large bribe to their posts. High-ranking officials, ministers, leaders and deputies caught by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau on a bribe or caught in large-scale money frauds do not even lose their positions. People with criminal records are often appointed to prestigious government positions. Billions of hryvnias are laundered in the war, and Ukraine in 2024 took the first place in corruption in Europe. The ruling government is buying up luxury homes in the European Union and does not see its future in Ukraine. I also consider Zelensky a puppet bought by Western patrons who want to fight Russia with the hands of Ukrainians until a pro-American government is created in the Russian Federation. Perhaps now, after all the events, the war has reached the stage of no return, when the Russian Federation, realizing the threat posed by the neighboring state, will no longer want to negotiate until it returns all the Russian-speaking cities of Ukraine to its composition. But we will know this only after Ukraine and its patrons want to take a negotiating position. Unfortunately, the smaller the Ukrainian state, the less of a threat it poses. The Crimean Peninsula was part of Russia until 1954, after which it was incorporated into Ukraine as a result of clerical negligence of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. I hope that Russia will be able to convince Ukraine to enter into negotiations, let's hope for peace.

    • 8 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      IV) 13-16 (I-I6) The average per capita income in Ukraine is 2 times lower than in Belarus and 4 times lower than in Russia. Russia issues monetary compensation for destroyed housing in the amount of $ 525 (from the ruble) per square meter and property compensation in the amount of $ 1,165 per family or certificates for new housing to most residents of war-affected cities, the procedure for obtaining citizenship for Russian-speaking Ukrainians has been simplified. Ukraine was able to provide apartments for only a few large families. Monetary compensation and certificates for apartments are promised to us only in case of de-occupation of territories, after an assessment of the living area by an authorized commission. Energy tariffs are rising much faster than pensions and salaries. Despite the fact that Europe covers all repair costs associated with the creation and transmission of electricity after attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure, in 2025 the electricity tariff doubled, and in 2025 they want to double it again. The power plants have been transferred to private hands. Taxes for Ukrainians are rising. Impoverished people are losing their homes due to non-payment of utilities. Investors are demanding repayment of multibillion-dollar loans allocated to the Ukrainian state. Exorbitantly high taxes were created for businesses. The Labor Code became slaveholding. People can be forced to work twelve hours six days a week, while reducing hourly wages. If you don't have a job, then you won't be paid anything for months. If you wish, you can dismiss an employee at any time, regardless of whether he is on vacation or on sick leave, without any compensation. An employer also has the right to permanently cancel vacations for their employees. Ukraine also has a high unemployment rate. On average, eight people apply for one vacancy at Ukrainian enterprises. Hundreds of thousands of families are waiting for men to be allowed to go abroad to flee the country towards Russia, but if a man is mobilized into the army, then the path to the Russian Federation will be forever closed to him. Residents of Russia choose their country of residence with impunity, but citizens of Ukraine who voluntarily changed their citizenship to Russian were recognized as traitors to the Motherland, they also face a long prison term with confiscation of all property and living space. Deputies, officials, police officers, doctors, librarians, teachers and other people living in uncontrolled territories and holding senior positions are recognized in absentia as collaborators, in case of de-occupation they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of apartments and property. After the new reforms, teachers and students are required to speak Ukrainian in educational institutions, including at recess between themselves. Teachers who spoke Russian lose their jobs, students are punished or suspended from classes. And this is despite the fact that 83% of the population speaks Russian, according to a recent study by the American Gallup Institute (Gallup, Inc). Only those who speak Ukrainian well are accepted for senior positions and to work with people, this also applies to sellers, many specialties provide for a fine of up to 8,500 hryvnia for communicating in Russian. Now children are taught from childhood to be hostile to Russians and are being prepared for a lifelong war with Russia, schoolchildren and students are forced to undergo military training and study their chosen military specialty. Biden informed our president that if they negotiate with Russia, America will stop funding the Ukrainian government. World leaders agreed to invite Russia to a "peace summit" only in August 2024, offering it options for surrender. In 2013, when the Maidan was organized, the priority goal of the coup was to join the European Union soon, but as a result, in 2024 we were informed that Ukraine's candidacy would be considered only ten years later.
      If the new government in 2014 had assured of non-accession to NATO, had not prohibited the continuation of the deployment of the Russian fleet on the Crimean peninsula in order not to lose control from the Black Sea, then the conflict with Ukraine would not have happened and the countries remained in diplomatic relations. A few days before the military conflict with the Russian Federation, Vladimir Zelensky at the Munich conference announced his desire to withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum with the intention of turning Ukraine into a nuclear power.
      Imagine that Mexico severs all friendly ties with the United States, creates a military-political coalition with the Russian army and places nuclear complexes near its borders. How do you think America would react to this? Most of the fertile lands (17 million hectares, which make up 28% of the country's area) were sold to three large American companies (Monsanto, Cargill and Dupont) in exchange for partial repayment of debt to the IMF. Companies allow farmers to grow only their less tasty gmo products on these plots. Now these companies lease the former land of Ukraine to us and demand their share of profits, even if Ukraine has less revenue from these lands than the one that needs to be given. Ukraine's agricultural products are assessed as low-quality products grown near Chernobyl, in addition, the affordable price creates competition, so our grain, fruits and vegetables are often refused to buy abroad and sales are blocked, which does not allow the Ukrainian state to receive sufficient profit from products, and our country cannot recoup the costs of agriculture. If the economy of our state has an annual profit of more than 3%, all profits in excess of these 3% will be deducted from us until the country fully pays off its debts, but the economy of Ukraine after 2014 is in the red and we do not have even a paltry 3% profit. The main income of Ukraine is the increased support of the country's economy by foreign states for the period of wartime. Every month, billions of dollars of loans for military assistance to our country are being hung up on Ukraine, for which the last valuable thing will be taken away from the state in the future
      What will remain there. Given the large-scale corruption, there is not enough money for the war, so the police are opening new departments whose task is to identify as many people as possible who can be fined. The new police department will conduct searches in order to confiscate money and property from people who have not paid fines and debts. According to the new law, if your fines have not yet reached the amount of 160,000 hryvnia, which is equivalent to earnings for 1-2 years of work, then during the confiscation of property the state is obliged to leave you one apartment, clothes, medicines and water supplies, also in one copy a chair, table, closet, TV and smartphone, you will lose your car. If the amount of fines exceeds UAH 160,000, Ukraine will leave you naked and barefoot. If you have not paid the fine, your money card will be blocked. If your card receives frequent or large money transfers, then the money card is also blocked, and you need to explain where and why the funds were transferred to you, otherwise you will not receive this money back. You can be subject to huge fines for suspicion of non-payment of taxes on profits. But if you are a deputy or an official, then, according to the new laws, your funds are not subject to thorough verification. Without a label on timely updating of data in your military registration document, you will not be able to get married, visit a doctor, receive medical care, inherit, make transactions with real estate and property, and much more. Given the enormous losses of males during the fighting, the Ukrainian government plans to fill the shortage of male labor in the labor market with unskilled workers from third countries of the world. To stop the decline in the population of Ukraine, it is necessary to attract at least 300,000 migrants to the country annually. There is an opinion that after the end of the war, our president will try to populate the deserted Ukrainian state with Jews, who will make up the ruling class of the population, and Ukrainians will serve them. Many people try to enter territories beyond Ukraine's control through corrupt Ukrainian checkpoints, but people who cross the border with Russia are usually shot without trial. If a person forced to serve in the army against his will is suspected of having pro-Russian views, he may be maimed or killed. Many men try not to go to work and go out as little as possible to avoid conscription. The police were informed that the fewer evaders they identify, the more police officers will be sent to the front in the future. The growing number of unemployed evaders threatens the economic collapse of the country when most enterprises and transport communications stop due to a shortage of labor. The territorial recruitment center, together with the police, likes to raid men in shops, gas stations, train stations and other crowded places. Someone is issued summonses, someone is put on special buses and taken to a closed room where people are forced to wait their turn for a forced visit to the military enlistment office. Every day in cities there are massive clashes between citizens and the territorial staffing center, which have tragic consequences. Officials, politicians, deputies, journalists, artists, critical sector workers, as well as people with a monthly income of at least 35 thousand hryvnia, which is twice the average salary, are exempt from mobilization. Despite qualified military training, police officers are not forcibly sent to fight in a war zone, instead 10% of police officers were sent to serve as border guards, despite the fact that most people sent to the front do not have high-quality military training. The state is afraid to send police officers to the front so that they do not start an uprising against the government.

    • 53 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      IX) 33-36 (I-I6)
      While Zelensky is telling the West about democracy, his party members Daniil Getmantsev and Georgy Mazurashu are introducing a bill according to which men who illegally left the country and returned to Ukraine must pay a fine of 25,000 hryvnia ($605) for each month of absence instead of their possible mobilization to the front. The staff of military enlistment offices consists of 100,000 trained military personnel, 70% of whom have never been to the front and will not go, they are engaged in trapping people, detainees can pay off for $ 3,000. The commanders of many units or battalions send the wounded and shell-shocked to the front line, soldiers are sent to hold positions for slaughter, without providing them with water, food and medical care (there are no medics in the companies), they are given impossible tasks. There are not enough weapons and equipment, soldiers who returned early from their positions are accused of "unauthorized abandonment of a unit or place of service," for which the military faces a fine or imprisonment for a period of 2 to 10 years. Walkie-talkies, unmanned aerial vehicles and other equipment donated by volunteers are transferred to the balance of the unit, after which military personnel are responsible for them and must use their money to compensate for the loss or unsuitability of equipment and equipment. Most of the humanitarian food aid donated by volunteers is appropriated by the military command. The same fate befalls the vehicles transferred for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Only 3 million men agreed to update their data before July 17, by and large these are those who are not fit for military service or have received a reservation or a deferral from mobilization. No one wants to fight for our country, which is in such a mess, even under the threat of multiple fines (with the loss of movable and immovable property, with the blocking of bank cards, driver's licenses and the confiscation of cars). If the territories beyond Ukraine's control had come under Russian control without destruction, then the standard of living in these cities would have become much higher than it was, but the Ukrainian government holds the cities until piles of stones remain instead of houses. Pavel Frolov, a deputy from the Servant of the People party, said that the state does not have money for refugees from war-torn cities, and advised them (such as my family) to integrate into Europe or those who have housing left to return home. If their city is not under the control of Ukraine, then it is still better for refugees to go there and wait for Ukraine's victory. Despite the rapid impoverishment of the population, our state has introduced an excise tax on expensive fuel, an additional fee for the transportation of expensive gas and electricity. In Russia, all utilities are several times cheaper, and new jobs are being created. We have a growing number of ghost towns where the unemployment rate is off the scale, where you can rent an apartment for a song and economically pay for utilities. But men like me will not be able to leave their current place of residence without coordinating the move with the military enlistment office, we will be detained at a road checkpoint. It so happened that I have a high temperament, if I go to work, I will need a second room where I could live separately from my retired parents. If during the 2025 heating season we pay for two dorm rooms, when my salary is, say, 10,000 hryvnia clean (the minimum wage is 8000 dirty), plus two pensions totaling 7,500 hryvnia, then after the monthly payment for two rooms for food (and everything else) we will have about 5000 hryvnia (121 dollars). People living in other dormitories with more spacious rooms pay even higher fees. But finding a job, as well as living on a salary, is not so easy, so the Ukrainian authorities hope that many will go to war voluntarily or will be mobilized when applying for a job. After the border was closed to men, they are now dying like mice in a cage. After July 17, the cities were filled with police officers and military enlistment offices, who identify draft dodgers (those who did not update their data, etc.), fine them and send them to military enlistment offices. But none of the children of the Verkhovna Rada are fighting at the front. I'm desperate and I want to commit suicide because of what's going on in my life, I don't want to die in a war for a country that leaves me barefoot. My poor, sick parents often cry, we don't have money for housing, medicine and food, help us! UA973052990000026209743577638 The continuation of monthly payments in the amount of 2000 hryvnia to internally displaced persons-pensioners over the age of sixty is questionable. Having established a minimum pension for workers at the level of 2,725 hryvnia ($60), the deputies insist on restoring the law, according to which the pension of people's deputies will be 60% of the salary of the current deputy, as it was before 2015. After that, the pensions of deputies will be increased from 17,900 to 29,000 hryvnia, then everyone who has received a pension since 2015 will receive similar compensation. The full salary of a deputy with all allowances, compensations and additional payments may exceed UAH 100,000. In addition, each deputy has the right from the state budget to pay for the work of his assistants in the amount of up to 132 000 hryvnia. 70 millionaires from the "Servant of the People" faction receive money for renting an apartment from the state upon request. Dollar millionaires who buy luxury mansions around the world are not shy about shifting the rent for apartments worth more than 60,000 hryvnia to the state. The Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) is outraged, the Verkhovna Rada has supported a bill allowing corrupt officials (officials), instead of confiscation of property and criminal punishment, to simply pay a fine from 200 thousand to 200 million hryvnia (depending on the severity of the crime) and continue their former lives further. The innovation is especially beneficial to those who enrich themselves illegally by hundreds and billions of hryvnia, but before that, corrupt officials also got off with small fines. Ordinary people were much less lucky, after the introduction of a system of mega-fines for recalcitrant Ukrainians, the property and living space of debtors' wives (with fines of more than 160,000 hryvnia) are also subject to complete confiscation, if necessary. Boys over the age of 17 who have not updated the data at the military enlistment office before July 17, 2024, are also subject to fines (from 17,000 to 25,000, which are summed up) in the amount of up to 200,000 hryvnia ($ 5,000). These fines must be paid by their parents. The income, property and transferred inheritance of all debtors will be systematically checked in order to fully repay the debt in the future. After fines of up to 200,000 hryvnia and correctional labor for a period of one year, evaders will face criminal liability from 3 to 5 years for evading mobilization or military registration, for repeated failure to appear on the agenda to clarify data or failure to appear on the agenda - conscription with things. To avoid new fines, men are required to report any changes to personal data within seven days. Criminal cases against men who have found a way to get abroad continue to be initiated in Ukraine. No matter how much I want peace, I believe that Russia should not agree to a truce immediately after Ukraine "weakens" and goes to negotiations, Ukrainians should experience the bitterness of defeat and loss of territories, so that most Ukrainians no longer want to fight with a neighboring state, hoping for turning points, striving to observe non-aligned, the nuclear-free status of their state. Instead of providing Ukraine with powerful weapons for a strong negotiating position at the beginning of hostilities or after they continue, America and European allies are pushing Ukraine into a bloody suicidal war until the last Ukrainian and the collapse of the economy, until the state is exhausted and loses advantageous positions in negotiations aimed at a peaceful end to the conflict, with the retention of most disputed territories. If Ukraine achieves peace with a weak negotiating position, then the war could have been prevented at the very beginning with the help of diplomacy and agreement with the proposed peace plan along the demarcation line. Government employees earn about two billion dollars a year from military evaders, they want the conflict to continue. A corrupt government profiting from the war wants the same thing. Vladimir Zelensky is a hero for Western countries, but not for the Ukrainian people, and certainly not for the east of Ukraine, where there is fighting. The longer the military conflict lasts, the less help the allies agree to provide, which will inevitably lead to the collapse of defense. The less military aid remains in Ukraine, the more human meat will have to be sent to the front line to slow down the advance of the Russian army. President Zelensky and his Servant of the People party are condemning the people of Ukraine to suffering, poverty and extinction. For a long time, it is possible to keep cities from the enemy only by using prohibited methods of creating firing points in apartments of multi-storey buildings, maneuvering heavy equipment between high-rise buildings, which is why cities turn into ruins. The head of the budget committee, Roksolana Pidlas, said that if the state does not urgently add 500 billion hryvnia to the defense budget in 2024 by raising taxes, then the military will not be able to pay salaries. If this is implemented, taxes will exceed the real incomes of the country's population, and the entire business will try to go into the shadows. Meanwhile, in collusion with the oligarchs, the government is auctioning off its best enterprises for the needs of the army for a song.

  • @bsloko3041
    @bsloko3041 วันที่ผ่านมา +68

    Рецепт Белорусских драников.
    - Картофель 5 штук
    - Половина лука
    - Куриное яйцо 1 штука
    - Пшеничная мука 2 столовые ложки
    - Молотый черный перец по вкусу
    - Соль по вкусу
    - Растительное масло по вкусу
    1. Картофель необходимо в сыром виде очистить от кожуры, тщательно вымыть и натереть на мелкой терке. Для измельчения картофеля можно также воспользоваться блендером или перекрутить его через мясорубку. Аналогично нужно измельчить репчатый лук и добавить его к картофелю. В луково - картофельную смесь для связки добавляется сырое яйцо, а также специи по вкусу (в основном, черный молотый перец и соль) и мука. Тесто для драников тщательно замешивается до однородности.
    2. Ставим сковороду на плиту и заливаем масло, затем, когда масло раскалится выкладываем тесто для драников, его нужно аккуратно, при помощи столовой ложки, выкладывать на сковородку в виде блинчиков.
    3. Обжариваются драники на среднем огне с двух сторон до появления красивой румяной корочки, после чего сковородка накрывается крышкой, а блинчики прожариваются еще приблизительно три минуты на маленьком огне.
    4. Выкладываем на тарелку
    Приятного аппетита!

    • @catc0mmun1st
      @catc0mmun1st วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Рецепт черного пороха?

    • @Voronezhec36
      @Voronezhec36 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      Рецепт окрошки? Пожалуйста...

    • @bsloko3041
      @bsloko3041 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @bsloko3041
      @bsloko3041 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      ​@@Voronezhec36На квасе, кефире или на воде?

    • @Voronezhec36
      @Voronezhec36 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@bsloko3041 миниралке

  • @tvstars463
    @tvstars463 วันที่ผ่านมา +85

    0:08 О нет, Люксембург помогает Украине! Надо срочно выводить войска с Украины, мы точно не справимся с помощью от такой страны!

    • @ALLMETAL1970
      @ALLMETAL1970 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

      ikr, such a terrifying country.

    • @sirius6738
      @sirius6738 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      its over

    • @cat0987-UTTD
      @cat0987-UTTD วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      мда уж если вы Украину за 3 года не можете завоевать то и Люксембург сомневаюсь

    • @DTczsk1999
      @DTczsk1999 วันที่ผ่านมา +4


    • @wadimk.6390
      @wadimk.6390 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@cat0987-UTTD Warum schreibst du auf russisch, du bot.

  • @pqsk
    @pqsk วันที่ผ่านมา +22

    Never heard of 155cm munitions. They must have a real powerful punch. 😹 I know it was a typo just being a smart ass

    • @Sebastian244.4
      @Sebastian244.4 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Even the "Schwerer Gustav" had just 80cm

    • @acl6615
      @acl6615 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Big guns

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

      Belgium bringing the heat, lol.

    • 8 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      IV) 13-16 (I-I6) The average per capita income in Ukraine is 2 times lower than in Belarus and 4 times lower than in Russia. Russia issues monetary compensation for destroyed housing in the amount of $ 525 (from the ruble) per square meter and property compensation in the amount of $ 1,165 per family or certificates for new housing to most residents of war-affected cities, the procedure for obtaining citizenship for Russian-speaking Ukrainians has been simplified. Ukraine was able to provide apartments for only a few large families. Monetary compensation and certificates for apartments are promised to us only in case of de-occupation of territories, after an assessment of the living area by an authorized commission. Energy tariffs are rising much faster than pensions and salaries. Despite the fact that Europe covers all repair costs associated with the creation and transmission of electricity after attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure, in 2025 the electricity tariff doubled, and in 2025 they want to double it again. The power plants have been transferred to private hands. Taxes for Ukrainians are rising. Impoverished people are losing their homes due to non-payment of utilities. Investors are demanding repayment of multibillion-dollar loans allocated to the Ukrainian state. Exorbitantly high taxes were created for businesses. The Labor Code became slaveholding. People can be forced to work twelve hours six days a week, while reducing hourly wages. If you don't have a job, then you won't be paid anything for months. If you wish, you can dismiss an employee at any time, regardless of whether he is on vacation or on sick leave, without any compensation. An employer also has the right to permanently cancel vacations for their employees. Ukraine also has a high unemployment rate. On average, eight people apply for one vacancy at Ukrainian enterprises. Hundreds of thousands of families are waiting for men to be allowed to go abroad to flee the country towards Russia, but if a man is mobilized into the army, then the path to the Russian Federation will be forever closed to him. Residents of Russia choose their country of residence with impunity, but citizens of Ukraine who voluntarily changed their citizenship to Russian were recognized as traitors to the Motherland, they also face a long prison term with confiscation of all property and living space. Deputies, officials, police officers, doctors, librarians, teachers and other people living in uncontrolled territories and holding senior positions are recognized in absentia as collaborators, in case of de-occupation they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of apartments and property. After the new reforms, teachers and students are required to speak Ukrainian in educational institutions, including at recess between themselves. Teachers who spoke Russian lose their jobs, students are punished or suspended from classes. And this is despite the fact that 83% of the population speaks Russian, according to a recent study by the American Gallup Institute (Gallup, Inc). Only those who speak Ukrainian well are accepted for senior positions and to work with people, this also applies to sellers, many specialties provide for a fine of up to 8,500 hryvnia for communicating in Russian. Now children are taught from childhood to be hostile to Russians and are being prepared for a lifelong war with Russia, schoolchildren and students are forced to undergo military training and study their chosen military specialty. Biden informed our president that if they negotiate with Russia, America will stop funding the Ukrainian government. World leaders agreed to invite Russia to a "peace summit" only in August 2024, offering it options for surrender. In 2013, when the Maidan was organized, the priority goal of the coup was to join the European Union soon, but as a result, in 2024 we were informed that Ukraine's candidacy would be considered only ten years later.
      If the new government in 2014 had assured of non-accession to NATO, had not prohibited the continuation of the deployment of the Russian fleet on the Crimean peninsula in order not to lose control from the Black Sea, then the conflict with Ukraine would not have happened and the countries remained in diplomatic relations. A few days before the military conflict with the Russian Federation, Vladimir Zelensky at the Munich conference announced his desire to withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum with the intention of turning Ukraine into a nuclear power.
      Imagine that Mexico severs all friendly ties with the United States, creates a military-political coalition with the Russian army and places nuclear complexes near its borders. How do you think America would react to this? Most of the fertile lands (17 million hectares, which make up 28% of the country's area) were sold to three large American companies (Monsanto, Cargill and Dupont) in exchange for partial repayment of debt to the IMF. Companies allow farmers to grow only their less tasty gmo products on these plots. Now these companies lease the former land of Ukraine to us and demand their share of profits, even if Ukraine has less revenue from these lands than the one that needs to be given. Ukraine's agricultural products are assessed as low-quality products grown near Chernobyl, in addition, the affordable price creates competition, so our grain, fruits and vegetables are often refused to buy abroad and sales are blocked, which does not allow the Ukrainian state to receive sufficient profit from products, and our country cannot recoup the costs of agriculture. If the economy of our state has an annual profit of more than 3%, all profits in excess of these 3% will be deducted from us until the country fully pays off its debts, but the economy of Ukraine after 2014 is in the red and we do not have even a paltry 3% profit. The main income of Ukraine is the increased support of the country's economy by foreign states for the period of wartime. Every month, billions of dollars of loans for military assistance to our country are being hung up on Ukraine, for which the last valuable thing will be taken away from the state in the future
      What will remain there. Given the large-scale corruption, there is not enough money for the war, so the police are opening new departments whose task is to identify as many people as possible who can be fined. The new police department will conduct searches in order to confiscate money and property from people who have not paid fines and debts. According to the new law, if your fines have not yet reached the amount of 160,000 hryvnia, which is equivalent to earnings for 1-2 years of work, then during the confiscation of property the state is obliged to leave you one apartment, clothes, medicines and water supplies, also in one copy a chair, table, closet, TV and smartphone, you will lose your car. If the amount of fines exceeds UAH 160,000, Ukraine will leave you naked and barefoot. If you have not paid the fine, your money card will be blocked. If your card receives frequent or large money transfers, then the money card is also blocked, and you need to explain where and why the funds were transferred to you, otherwise you will not receive this money back. You can be subject to huge fines for suspicion of non-payment of taxes on profits. But if you are a deputy or an official, then, according to the new laws, your funds are not subject to thorough verification. Without a label on timely updating of data in your military registration document, you will not be able to get married, visit a doctor, receive medical care, inherit, make transactions with real estate and property, and much more. Given the enormous losses of males during the fighting, the Ukrainian government plans to fill the shortage of male labor in the labor market with unskilled workers from third countries of the world. To stop the decline in the population of Ukraine, it is necessary to attract at least 300,000 migrants to the country annually. There is an opinion that after the end of the war, our president will try to populate the deserted Ukrainian state with Jews, who will make up the ruling class of the population, and Ukrainians will serve them. Many people try to enter territories beyond Ukraine's control through corrupt Ukrainian checkpoints, but people who cross the border with Russia are usually shot without trial. If a person forced to serve in the army against his will is suspected of having pro-Russian views, he may be maimed or killed. Many men try not to go to work and go out as little as possible to avoid conscription. The police were informed that the fewer evaders they identify, the more police officers will be sent to the front in the future. The growing number of unemployed evaders threatens the economic collapse of the country when most enterprises and transport communications stop due to a shortage of labor. The territorial recruitment center, together with the police, likes to raid men in shops, gas stations, train stations and other crowded places. Someone is issued summonses, someone is put on special buses and taken to a closed room where people are forced to wait their turn for a forced visit to the military enlistment office. Every day in cities there are massive clashes between citizens and the territorial staffing center, which have tragic consequences. Officials, politicians, deputies, journalists, artists, critical sector workers, as well as people with a monthly income of at least 35 thousand hryvnia, which is twice the average salary, are exempt from mobilization. Despite qualified military training, police officers are not forcibly sent to fight in a war zone, instead 10% of police officers were sent to serve as border guards, despite the fact that most people sent to the front do not have high-quality military training. The state is afraid to send police officers to the front so that they do not start an uprising against the government.

  • @heliooom
    @heliooom 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    when balkan uses a different song you know its big

    • 6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      VI) 21-24 (I-I6) Our Jewish president informed the population of Ukraine that if the Russians begin to surround and shell major cities of Ukraine, our government will not take care of the evacuation of the population, water and food supplies in the city, but instead will try to show the whole world what atrocities the Russian Federation is capable of in relation to people abandoned to their fate. And this is despite the fact that, retreating from surrounded cities, the Ukrainian army always blows up all objects of critical infrastructure. Before becoming president, Zelensky, a Jew by nationality, not a native with a foreign religion, was a popular and talented actor who loved money and fame very much, who promised during the election campaign to do everything to end the war. This is Loki from Marvel. In June 2024, Turkish journalists exposed Zelensky's purchase of a prestigious casino in Cyprus worth $191 million. Vladimir Zelensky's official fortune is estimated at $30 million. According to numerous investigations by journalists, tens of billions of hryvnia are laundered annually on the construction of roads and other facilities throughout Ukraine as part of the government's "Big Construction" program initiated by President Zelensky of Ukraine. Many uncovered corruption schemes are linked to the head of the presidential administration, Ermak, who controls all processes and shares profits with the president. The Anti-Corruption Bureau tried to open criminal cases, but they were all hushed up. According to the head of the Anti-Corruption Center Daria Kalenyuk, Ermak is now creating a new system of oligarchy, which he directs, he uses his deputies and ministers to "maneuver" to control a significant part of the Ukrainian economy, law enforcement agencies and the law enforcement apparatus, which carries serious risks for the country's economic growth. People from the presidential Servant of the People party were appointed to all senior positions. Ukraine sells children into slavery. More than 10,000 children sent from Ukraine to Europe have gone missing. The head of the Europol administration, Brian Donald, believes that they have become victims of sexual and labor exploitation. According to the CSRC agency, the charitable foundation of the country's first lady, Elena Zelenskaya, was no exception, which for money sends underage orphans of Ukraine to be raised by pedophiles under the guise of evacuation measures. Former Defense Minister Reznikov, who has repeatedly been caught in large-scale money laundering in the field of army support, from whose actions hundreds of thousands of soldiers suffered, has not been punished. He went to live in the USA and gives yachts to relatives. Meanwhile, the SBU exposed the scheme of high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense and the supplier of weapons Lviv Arsenal, who appropriated almost 1.5 billion hryvnia ($38 million) allocated for the purchase of shells, withdrew money under a scheme involving fictitious firms through the management of affiliated companies. The Ministry of Defense unsuccessfully filed 28 lawsuits against the state-owned company Ukrspetsexport for a total of 8.5 billion hryvnia under contracts that were concluded in 2022, but remained unfulfilled. Such cases are not isolated, I will not have a place to fit everything. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, one and a half million residents of Ukraine use drugs. The number of drug addicts is growing by 10% annually. The founders of the large international drug cartel Himprom, Alexander Shchiptsov and Egor Burkin, who changed his name to Levchenko, settled in Ukraine after criminal prosecution by Interpol. Here they continued their business under the tutelage of Nikolay Tishchenko, a deputy from the Servant of the People party, who is a relative of the head of the presidential administration Andrei Ermak, and under the patronage of the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Artyom Petrashkin, who became the curator of Khimprom from the Prosecutor General and the SBU. In exchange for millions of dollars in donations to the army and special services, under the auspices of the SBU, the syndicate covered the whole of Ukraine, including the Ukrainian army, where narcotic substances that dull fear are supplied in large quantities. Tishchenko organized a charitable foundation through which he regularly receives donations allocated by Burkin in the amount of 2 million euros. In addition, Mikola Tishchenko forcibly takes under his protection and collects monetary tribute from competitors of "Khimprom" in the market of call centers, the owners of which are influential people and officials (these are office premises in which professional scammers try to take over the data of other people's bank cards to withdraw cash), otherwise they may be persecuted by the sides of law enforcement agencies. Cooperating with the SBU and wanting to regain his honest name, Yegor Levchenko launched a flash mob in Ukraine "Catch a dealer", where people were asked to report drug traffickers to the police for a monetary reward, which simplified the fight against competitors. Alexander Shchiptsov and Egor Levchenko received Ukrainian citizenship. The head of the Ukrainian intelligence Budanov presented Levchenko with a certificate of honor. The journalists who wrote articles about the crime syndicate were much less fortunate, their houses were burned to the ground by the drug cartel. Nikolai Tishchenko almost had to resign as a deputy, competitors opened a criminal case against him for kidnapping, after a video appeared of a recent showdown in the city of Dnipro, where Tishchenko and his gang beat and detained a former fighter of the special forces "Kraken", who, according to unofficial data, was the head of security for transporting money to the bot- the farm "Nine", which is located in the center of Kiev and has 120 call centers throughout Ukraine. The former head of the SBU department, Sergei Lysak, who currently holds the post of chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional State Administration, covers the bot farm "Nine". In total, there are about two thousand call centers in Ukraine that breed illiterate people for money all over the world. Most often, calls are made to the territory of Russia (about one and a half billion phone calls per year), work in groups of 30 to 500 people, the average revenue per day of operation of one office consisting of 500 employees is $ 100,000 dirty. A significant part of the money is spent on bribing law enforcement agencies. It is difficult to live without a mark in your military document on timely updating of data and the conclusion of the medical commission on your unfitness for service, at every step you are waylaid by police officers or the territorial personnel center, who have the right to issue large fines for incorrectly specified place of residence, lack of documents or the necessary mark in a military ticket. Without documents, you will be taken to a police station to establish your identity, and with documents you may be issued a summons to the military enlistment office or forcibly taken there to clarify data, undergo a medical commission, after which you may be sent to a combat zone. Rich people, those in power, sent their children and relatives abroad, and now they are forcing ordinary Ukrainians to go and die in the war for their interests. Biden forced Zelensky to launch a counteroffensive ahead of Kamala Harris' November election campaign. Natalia Moseychuk, the main presenter of the news telethon, said that SBU officers will be waiting outside the apartment door for anyone who has not updated their data at the military enlistment office. The military police, with unlimited powers, are pulling people out of their homes all over Ukraine to go to war. The territorial recruitment center conducts mass raids on streets and houses. Protests against mobilization are suppressed, and protesters are imprisoned under the article "obstruction of mobilization" for a term of 5 to 8 years in prison. All men who did not update their data at the military enlistment office before July 17 were automatically put on the wanted list by the police and are now considered offenders. In June 2024, during an interview with European journalists, Vladimir Zelensky said that Ukraine had become the most democratic country in Europe. The SBU advertises expensive illegal trips for men abroad, organizes bus trips, and then catches and arrests everyone who was on these buses at the border. No one will return money and freedom to the poor devils. Every year, dozens of bodies of drowned men who tried to flee Ukraine are fished out of the Tisza River on the border with Romania. Our state takes loans from Ukrainians who have returned to their homeland in order to repay taxes that they had to pay from income earned abroad, even if this money was paid as social assistance. Unpaid taxes turn into a loan that needs to be returned to the country with interest. Men with several severed limbs cannot travel abroad for treatment, as they are on military registration until the end of the war. It is significant that in order to distract public attention, after several selected families were allocated new apartments to replace those destroyed by shells, several thousand families from among internally displaced persons were issued certificates for new housing. But only the money fund from which purchases should be made is still empty, and no one has been able to use these certificates. One family bought an apartment through a lawyer, paying him 80,000 hryvnia ($ 2,000), only the company realized that there was no money from the fund, then they returned the apartment to themselves, but no one will return the money paid for the services of legal registration of the apartment. All hope for peacetime.

  • @KnightofUkraine
    @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Battle of Trebia: Sweden
    Battle of Trasimene: Napoleon’s France
    Battle of Cannae: Nazi Germany
    Battle of Zama: United States

    • 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      VII) 25-28 (I-I6)
      On March 24, 2022, after the outbreak of the military conflict in Ukraine, a NATO summit was held in Brussels, at which it was decided to abandon negotiations and take advantage of the opportunity to weaken Russia militarily and economically in the long term. Two days before the start of the NATO summit, Zelensky often talked about the prospects of a peace plan to end the war and agreed to neutrality, while rejecting NATO, until Boris Johnson unexpectedly flew to Kiev and made it clear that at the moment ending the war was not in the interests of the Western community. With the approval of European partners, the presidential administration turned a blind eye to all the atrocities and gave the go-ahead to the military personnel of the territorial military enlistment office to use force methods for the sake of timely mobilization: verbal aggression, intimidation, beatings, keeping men indoors, the use of firearms and even the deprivation of life is forgiven. In 2023, the state allocated: UAH 7 billion for hotel and restaurant services, 11 for advertising and an advertising review of the activities of officials, 11 for the purchase of office equipment and 18 for software, 13 for architectural services, 10 for legal marketing and security services, 19 for urban lighting, 37 for transport services, as well as travel agency services, 307 - for construction work. And if you look at all the expenses through the state website "Prozorro", then the embezzlement amounts to 963 billion hryvnia per year, which is equivalent to 25 billion dollars, of which only 6 billion goes to war. That's what our state does not save on, so it's on human resources. People are increasingly starting to talk about the need for a second Maidan, but I do not think that the new government and Western patrons will allow such a thing under Bidan. To understand the real situation in our country, subscribe to the Ukrainian daily military TH-cam channel "Pulse of Ukraine" to translate comments and read the opinion of ordinary Ukrainians about the horror that is happening in the state. Russia remembers Merkel's words that the Minsk agreements were created to strengthen the Ukrainian army, not peace, and will no longer allow itself to be deceived. Ukraine with a population of no more than 30 million people cannot defeat a nuclear power with a population of 150 million people. The best outcome of the war for Ukrainians will be to force the authorities to take a negotiating position. If the Ukrainian government and Western partners wished peace to the Ukrainian people, they would not violate the article of the Constitution of Ukraine prohibiting the establishment of foreign military bases in Ukraine, and our state would do everything possible to prevent this. Why did the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuleba at the end of 2021 declare in the media about close cooperation with foreign military personnel and the deployment of British paratroopers at least in the Mykolaiv region? And on December 3, 2021, Defense Minister Reznikov announced the construction of two British naval military bases, in Berdyansk (Zaparozhskaya oblast) and Ochakov (Mykolaiv oblast), and other military contracts under an agreement with the United Kingdom. Such a thing is a betrayal of Russia's interests, it is a direct path to war. Without domination of the Black Sea, Russia cannot feel secure. I hope that Trump, having come to power in America, will force the Ukrainian radical "Right Sector" to abandon its desire to seize and punish the east of Ukraine. If Ukraine refuses to apply for membership in NATO, the deployment of military bases on its territory, the island of Crimea, where the Russian Federation is deploying its fleet, nuclear status and uncontrolled cities in which, in addition to repression, genocide can be committed by radical Ukrainians, then it will not be difficult to conclude a peace treaty with Russia. In case of the return of any territories, the Ukrainian government has developed a law according to which the holding of territorial referendums on the territory of Ukraine is prohibited, its organizers and participants face punishment from 5 to 10 years with confiscation of property. Citizens of Ukraine who voted in these referendums will be punished under the article "Encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine", and this is imprisonment for a period of 5 years, even if they voted for the city to remain part of Ukraine. Meanwhile, while there is a war and crisis in Ukraine, Western investors are trying to quickly and inexpensively buy up the second half of the remaining fertile lands and enterprises of the Ukrainian state. On average, at least 20,000 people a month are mobilized for the war to replace the dead and crippled, sometimes up to 50,000 people are mobilized. Since 2014, Ukraine has been among the ten poorest countries in the world according to Bloomberg, according to the UN, more than 80% of Ukrainians live below the poverty line, for the tenth year in a row, my country ranks last in the ranking of GDP per capita in Europe. Ukraine is not the country that everyone dreamed of, most people over fifty will tell you that life was better under communism. Only people with high salaries can afford to buy a car and spend money on gasoline. Help me hold out until the border opens and get out of this hell. UA973052990000026209743577638 Addressing the citizens of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky warned that during martial law in the country, the constitution on human rights was suspended. We were warned. After July 17, 2024, judgment day came. A fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office and other violations can be issued on the basis of two articles: 210 - "For violation of the rules of military registration"; 210-1 - "For violation of the legislation on defense, mobilization training and mobilization". A violation of the rules of military registration is considered to be situations when a conscript is not registered at the place of residence, work or study; did not appear on call at the military registration office for military registration; did not issue military registration documents; the conscript changed his place of residence, moved to another place without the permission of the military registration office and so on. At the same time, there are 3 "degrees of severity" of such atrocities - violation, repeated violation and violation during martial law. For men aged 18 to 60 years who have not updated their data at the military enlistment office and are not registered in the military, a fine of 17,000 to 25,000 hryvnia is provided in wartime or for repeated violation. The fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office or refusal of a summons depends on the status of the person receiving
      it : from 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnia - for citizens; from 34,000 to 59,000 hryvnia - for officials and legal entities. It is important to understand that the fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office without a summons or with its presentation will not be issued immediately. According to lawyers, first the territorial military enlistment office contacts the police to put the offender on the wanted list, find him and explain the need to comply with the rules of military registration. If the evader continues to ignore the rules, a protocol on an administrative offense will be drawn up against him. It includes: the absence of a medical examination to determine suitability for military service; refusal to clarify data before July 16; failure to appear at the military enlistment office on the agenda; refusal to provide buildings, structures, vehicles and other property for mobilization purposes and tasks. However, given the fact that the employees of the territorial military enlistment office were spared the need to draw up a protocol, they can immediately issue a fine. Important: a fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office on a summons or on other grounds cannot be issued if the staff of the military enlistment office has the opportunity to obtain data on military personnel from state registers or the Reserve Plus application. A fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office from May 18 to July 16 can be issued by employees of the territorial military enlistment office, as well as the police. Interestingly, those who have evaded military service must pay a fine for it and at the same time comply with the rules of military registration. A situation where a man does not pay a fine at all is not provided for - in case of absence of payment within 15 days, a resolution on compulsory collection will be sent. If you constantly pay fines and do not go to the military enlistment office to update data, then a criminal case will be initiated against the violator. The penalty for evading conscription ranges from 3 to 5 years, depending on the article. For comparison, the average salary in Ukraine is 15,000 hryvnia, and the dollar exchange rate in 2024 ranges from 38 to 42 hryvnia per dollar. To avoid another fine of 20,000 hryvnia, all Ukrainians are required to register their cars at the territorial center. After that, it is prohibited to transport cars selected for possible seizure in the future to other regions, rent them out, re-register them with other persons or, for example, forcibly lease them to financial institutions. To move such vehicles outside the state, transport them to other regions of Ukraine, transfer ownership to other persons, lease, use as collateral. After May 18, 2024, the following have the right to withdraw vehicles for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: territorial recruitment and social support centers, the central directorate and regional bodies of the Security Service and intelligence agencies of Ukraine. To avoid large fines, enterprises are also required to update data on their fleet of equipment at the military enlistment office twice a year.

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา, I don’t read long texts

  • @davidcampuzano7234
    @davidcampuzano7234 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    3:24 and also the Russian advance in Robotyne

  • @bravo2_0
    @bravo2_0 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    thanks Mr. Mapper

  • @victorhormazabal6603
    @victorhormazabal6603 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    No se agregó el avance en Orikhiv en el minuto 3:21

  • @hidalolipop7457
    @hidalolipop7457 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Knock knock. Yuhuuu🎉

  • @justanotherperson7774
    @justanotherperson7774 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Bless Your Perfection Praise the true creators 🙌

  • @sergey_umrikhin
    @sergey_umrikhin วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    А где угледар?))))

    • @legsundeer6108
      @legsundeer6108 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      я конечно понимаю радость, но этот угледар не даром дался

    • @СомиСом
      @СомиСом 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@legsundeer6108значит горевать нужно

  • @ITDeepMusic
    @ITDeepMusic 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    2:11 Nelipivka*
    Thanks for the report though.

  • @glebsstar9751
    @glebsstar9751 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Ukrainians did not get pushed away from Veseloye, fierce fighting is still ongoing for this settlement

    • @benisbest6360
      @benisbest6360 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      Hey bro are you a reporter at the frontline and know exactly what's happening. You talk a lot of bs

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@benisbest6360 we're talking from Ukrainian and independent sources, while you're talking from nazi propaganda sources.

    • @glebsstar9751
      @glebsstar9751 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@benisbest6360 It’s not bs, I read a lot of news and no one has confirmed yet that Russia pushed Ukrainians away from Veseloye

    • @glebsstar9751
      @glebsstar9751 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@benisbest6360 Balkan Mapper is also taking this information from the sources that I’m reading as well

  • @golantrevize1245
    @golantrevize1245 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Vamo el manya vamo!

  • @Mike2-fk6ip
    @Mike2-fk6ip 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Total Ukrainian equipment lost in the Special military operation according to the Russian Misntry of Defence:
    646 aircraft
    283 helicopters
    32 734 unmanned aerial vehicles
    579 anti-aircraft missile systems
    18 479 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles
    1 469 MLRS combat vehicles
    15 507 field artillery guns and mortars
    26 824 units of support military vehicles

  • @Abdullaomar-fb1ze
    @Abdullaomar-fb1ze วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Monthly advances vedio of September??

  • @dolfyrantsparodies608
    @dolfyrantsparodies608 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Hey Balkan! Could you add a scale for the Orikhiv front? Thank you!

  • @prosport9331
    @prosport9331 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

    Нет доверия Просрочке!!! Харьков и Сумы хотят в Россию!!! ❤❤❤

    • @cbrauts707
      @cbrauts707 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Bro is incapable of commenting anything else 🗣

    • @peptypower5849
      @peptypower5849 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Where are you basing this on. Sumy is one of the most patriotic Ukrainian oblasts and it’s Kharkiv by the way

  • @KnightofUkraine
    @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Af hverju skrifa ég sumt á íslensku? Af því að TH-cam eyðir ummælunum þegar ég skrifa á ensku

  • @hassanelwardany4562
    @hassanelwardany4562 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    In that day it’s been 13 years since the Arab revolution spring and also you did not add Russian advances orikv

  • @malekjedidi2014
    @malekjedidi2014 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    seif nhebek 💖💖

  • @NATO_Hater
    @NATO_Hater วันที่ผ่านมา +39

    1:04 Lmao dream less 😂😂😂

    • @_kitaes_
      @_kitaes_ วันที่ผ่านมา

      even US no longer believes Ukraine will win

    • @_kitaes_
      @_kitaes_ วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      even US doesn't believe he can win

    • @sirius6738
      @sirius6738 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      JehanDesains: trvst thv plvn vkrobros...

    • @Russian_Bot_Orc
      @Russian_Bot_Orc วันที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @KarafutodoPrefecture
      @KarafutodoPrefecture 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      CCP-Kremlin Bot:

  • @bachtruongson9408
    @bachtruongson9408 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Doesn't seem like Siversk is collapsing just yet

  • @mohdalwi6201
    @mohdalwi6201 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Zelensky is kapput

  • @TazzyWorld1
    @TazzyWorld1 วันที่ผ่านมา +2


    • @cbrauts707
      @cbrauts707 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @MCSonixx
    @MCSonixx วันที่ผ่านมา +10


    • @DTczsk1999
      @DTczsk1999 วันที่ผ่านมา +3


    • @USSR-The-Savior
      @USSR-The-Savior 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


    • @Hohol_HATER
      @Hohol_HATER 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Цветы на похороны Украины? Умно

  • @НикитаЛебедев-з8л
    @НикитаЛебедев-з8л 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ok bro why do these guys keep moving for 300 km strait a month. Its not even a defeat, ukrainians keep staying and holding even after retreat. maybe this is fine?

  • @mjolnir4639
    @mjolnir4639 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

    Jehandesains screaming at his screen "IT'S NOT A COLLAPSE!😭😭😭"

    • @albertiulianharasemiuc3386
      @albertiulianharasemiuc3386 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Yeah lol, also screaming Russia lose 69 gorillion % of their equipment

  • @SanyaPositiv
    @SanyaPositiv วันที่ผ่านมา +5


  • @Fardado07
    @Fardado07 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    We are already watching the russia x nato war?

  • @anakinskyogre1037
    @anakinskyogre1037 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    you call that a colapse they are advancing at a pace of like a km per day thats so slow

    • @sirius6738
      @sirius6738 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

      a collapse doesn't really mean a straight walk to kiev

    • @MestruTrmonen
      @MestruTrmonen วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      think that russians/donetsk & Luhansk never advanced in that area of Luhansk since 2014, now that they advanced trought that fortified defences it could happen a post-avdeevka scenario

    • @AUDI15849
      @AUDI15849 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      Bro war isn't like what you see in the movies. Also Russia is not trying to invade. An Invasion is when you get your entire army and storm a country. That's not what was or is doing.

    • @anakinskyogre1037
      @anakinskyogre1037 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@AUDI15849 uh it is a invasion

    • @ariuo1000
      @ariuo1000 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@anakinskyogre1037 its not. they are using only 300k soldier

  • @napur_mapper
    @napur_mapper วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    А угледар че? Где новости про Угледар?

    • @Тихон-ж8х
      @Тихон-ж8х วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      Уже взяли

    • @Тихон-ж8х
      @Тихон-ж8х วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      Посмотри видео за 1 Октября

  • @Simbaleenathecat
    @Simbaleenathecat วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Ukrainian advance not real???

    @MONKEY.D.LUFFY67 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Ukraine is falling.

  • @USSR-The-Savior
    @USSR-The-Savior 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    After Ugledar, Siversk is next. Слава России!!! Победа за нами!!!

  • @briish4615
    @briish4615 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    That was a collapse?

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Russians are desperate.

    • @USSR-The-Savior
      @USSR-The-Savior 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@jehandesains8674 Ukrainians are desperate. Слава России!!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺!!! ☭🤍💙❤☭!!! Победа за нами!!!

    • @Mike2-fk6ip
      @Mike2-fk6ip 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@jehandesains8674 You are desperate Ukraine has been on the brink of collaspe for months.

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@USSR-The-Savior Ukrainians are fighting with both hands tied behind their back, and are still winning with ease. Imagine if NATO actually helped Ukraine win, instead of drip-feeding it old junk.

  • @azius9452
    @azius9452 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Христофор Колумб

  • @muteallchat582
    @muteallchat582 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Еврей !! 🦅

  • @Goebia-jp2qq
    @Goebia-jp2qq 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +6

    🇷🇺 💪 Z

  • @Kevlarus123
    @Kevlarus123 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    Brawo Russia!

  • @Mike2-fk6ip
    @Mike2-fk6ip 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Ukrainian losses in the Kursk oblast incursion according to the Russian Minstry of Defence:
    19 850 troops
    135 tanks
    66 infantry fighting vehicles
    98 armoured personnel carriers
    864 armoured fighting vehicles
    577 motor vehicles
    162 artillery guns
    33 MLRS launchers
    9 SAM launchers
    5 transport loading vehicles
    40 electronic warfare stations
    9 coutner battery radars
    3 air defence radars
    19 engineering vehicles

    • @Vladimir08090
      @Vladimir08090 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Thanks for the honest summary from Russia!

  • @ATLAS-y3u
    @ATLAS-y3u 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @KarafutodoPrefecture
    @KarafutodoPrefecture 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    🇺🇦🇮🇱 = 🗿🗿

    • @Khalidsaud12985
      @Khalidsaud12985 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


    • @sirius6738
      @sirius6738 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      You imitate my comment, but cant imitate my success lol

    • @cyriil2.0aril11
      @cyriil2.0aril11 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      💩&💩 that's all I see

    • @Johnny00122
      @Johnny00122 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      🤡 and 🤡

    • @KarafutodoPrefecture
      @KarafutodoPrefecture 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Khalidsaud12985 ☪ancer

  • @Hohol_HATER
    @Hohol_HATER 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    ‼🇷🇺🇺🇦"Из 50 новобранцев, направленных на укрепление обороны Угледара, на позиции попали только четверо, но и они дезертировали при первой ротации", - боевик ВСУ Бойко
    ▪Информация о последнем, перед сдачей Угледара, пополнении личного состава 72 бригады. В бригаду прибыло 50 новобранцев, преимущественно в возрасте 52-56 лет. 30 из них сразу же были отправлены в тыловые подразделения и госпитали, поскольку по состоянию здоровья не пригодны для службы на передовой (потому что в ТЦК выполняли план призыва и мобилизовали больных). Из остальных 20-ти на второй день дезертировали 16 военнослужащих. Таким образом, по пополнению в 50 человек на позиции было отправлено 4, после первой же ротации эти четверо также дезертировали", - пишет журналист Бойко.
    ▪Он называет потерю города "локальным обвалом фронта", и пишет, что подобная ситуация с пополнением ВСУ наблюдается по всей линии столкновения.
    ▪"Дальше будет только хуже. До марта 2024 г. еще можно было исправить ситуацию, но на сегодняшний день развал армии достиг таких масштабов, что никакие меры уже не помогут - на фронте просто нет людей. Нет и не будет. Поскольку умирать за прогнивший коррумпированный режим «бусификованные» солдаты не собираются, а средства принуждения - то есть военную юстицию - 95 квартал ликвидировал еще в 2019 году", - пишет Бойко.

  • @gauravmaheshwari6671
    @gauravmaheshwari6671 9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Kursk offensive has failed

  • @jehandesains8674
    @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +10

    Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, per month, according to DeepStateMAP:
    24 February 2022: 46.937 km² (start war)
    3 April 2022: 110.802 km² (start recordkeeping) (+63.865 km²)
    1 May 2022: 124.835 km² (+14.033 km²)
    1 June 2022: 122.760 km² (-2.075 km²)
    1 July 2022: 123.034 km² (+274 km²)
    1 August 2022: 124.798 (+1.764 km²)
    1 September 2022: 125.115 km² (+317 km²)
    1 October 2022: 115.548 km² (-9.567 km²)
    1 November 2022: 113.225 (-2.323 km²)
    1 December 2022: 108.513 km² (-4.712 km²)
    1 January 2023: 108.702 km² (+189 km²)
    2 February 2023: 108.932 km² (+230 km²)
    1 March 2023: 109.096 km² (+164 km²)
    1 April 2023: 109.181 km² (+85 km²)
    8 May 2023: 109.227 km² (+46 km²)
    1 June 2023: 109.220 km² (-7 km²)
    1 July 2023: 108.907 km² (-313 km²)
    1 August 2023: 108.821 km² (-86 km²)
    1 September 2023: 108.586 km² (-235 km²)
    1 October 2023: 108.406 km² (-180 km²)
    1 November 2023: 108.415 km² (+9 km²)
    1 December 2023: 108.452 km² (+37 km²)
    1 January 2024: 108.516 km² (+64 km²)
    1 February 2024: 108.556 km² (+40 km²)
    1 March 2024: 108.679 km² (+123 km²)
    2 April 2024: 108.714 km² (+35 km²)
    2 May 2024: 108.855 km² (+141 km²)
    1 June 2024: 109.157 km² (+302 km²)
    1 July 2024: 109.272 km² (+115 km²)
    1 August 2024: 109.455 km² (+183 km²)
    1 September 2024: 109.815 km² (+360 km²)
    1 October 2024: 110.221 km² (+406 km²)

    • @albertiulianharasemiuc3386
      @albertiulianharasemiuc3386 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @mjolnir4639
      @mjolnir4639 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

      Balkan Mapping new video: Russia captured 458 sq km in September

    • @lucabohme1347
      @lucabohme1347 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Day 2 of thanking you for your information

    • @albertiulianharasemiuc3386
      @albertiulianharasemiuc3386 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@mjolnir4639 his source is based on deepstatemap wich is very pro Ukraine

    • @mironasvarouchakis1253
      @mironasvarouchakis1253 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

      this clearly shows how ukraine's defence is slowly collapsing over the last 6 months, russia's advance is accelerating

  • @Bashkortostan02_
    @Bashkortostan02_ วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    the car is dumb... Verkhnekamenskoye has completely come under the control of the Russian Federation

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Only according to Russian propaganda lies, not according to reality.

  • @KnightofUkraine
    @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Dýrð sé Úkraína! 🇮🇸❤️🇺🇦

  • @indi.neowijeweera5518
    @indi.neowijeweera5518 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @ssit3
    @ssit3 วันที่ผ่านมา +3


    • @catc0mmun1st
      @catc0mmun1st วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      В очереди на кастрацию?

    • @ssit3
      @ssit3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@catc0mmun1st Да, хорошо, ты меня поймал

  • @nikitaaaa18
    @nikitaaaa18 วันที่ผ่านมา +13


    • @USSR-The-Savior
      @USSR-The-Savior 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3


    • @Unknown-2943
      @Unknown-2943 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@USSR-The-Saviorrussian kid dreams 🤡🤡

  • @sranmirkov4458
    @sranmirkov4458 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Ukraine is winning!

  • @Simmons-eo1xr
    @Simmons-eo1xr วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    9 seconds ago

  • @Doc_Bruh
    @Doc_Bruh วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Инфа не правильна,на Северском направлении был полностью взят н.п. Верхнекаменское,а также продвижение к окраинам Островского на Кураховском направлении
    Сила V правде💪

    • @NekitMatsuy
      @NekitMatsuy วันที่ผ่านมา

      Пока нет визуальных подтверждений взятия Верхнекаменского, а лишь заявление МО. Так что, нужно ждать подтверждений, ведь это довольно защищённый район, который просто за один день было бы очень непросто взять, а также эти позиции очень важны

    • @Doc_Bruh
      @Doc_Bruh วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@NekitMatsuy в основном такие заметные достижения нет смысла опровергать я понимаю если бы там какая нибудь лесополоса то это ладно

  • @VZ_VZ
    @VZ_VZ 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Kemenangan Rusia sudah semakin dekat 😊

  • @sirius6738
    @sirius6738 วันที่ผ่านมา +13


    • @briish4615
      @briish4615 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@sirius6738 right, keep pretending you wouldn't want to live in a free western country, where you know, you can actually vote and say what you like!

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      If you’re French pro-Russian, why are you not in Russia? France supports Ukraine 🇫🇷❤️🇺🇦

    • @НикитаШафоростов-л3и
      @НикитаШафоростов-л3и วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@KnightofUkraine if you are French and support Okraine, why are you not in Okraine

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@НикитаШафоростов-л3иbecause Iceland is a pro-Ukrainian country and all western world stands with Ukraine!

    • @Samsonig
      @Samsonig วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@briish4615 i love my democratically elected leaders who are so loved rn in the case of your country (britain) the pm is so corrupt people hate him more than sunak in the first 1-2 months and a petition got around 300k votes to kick him out

  • @forgotten57.1
    @forgotten57.1 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Nurpeisovazirbek
    @Nurpeisovazirbek วันที่ผ่านมา +6


    • @DTczsk1999
      @DTczsk1999 วันที่ผ่านมา +12


    • @Nurpeisovazirbek
      @Nurpeisovazirbek 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @Nurpeisovazirbek
      @Nurpeisovazirbek 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@DTczsk1999 🏳‍🌈 you

    • @cyriil2.0aril11
      @cyriil2.0aril11 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Uncle Sam🇺🇸 and his pet dog🇺🇦

    • @KarafutodoPrefecture
      @KarafutodoPrefecture 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@cyriil2.0aril11 CCP-Kremlin Propaganda:

  • @SlovakiaBall2007
    @SlovakiaBall2007 วันที่ผ่านมา +6


    • @NATO_Hater
      @NATO_Hater วันที่ผ่านมา +12


    • @forgotten57.1
      @forgotten57.1 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @DTczsk1999
      @DTczsk1999 วันที่ผ่านมา +6


    • @USSR-The-Savior
      @USSR-The-Savior 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @-Dalmatinski-Zagor
    @-Dalmatinski-Zagor วันที่ผ่านมา +5


    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Þú skalt deyja!

    • @antoniocalimero1173
      @antoniocalimero1173 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@KnightofUkraine Its a Bot. Only bots are happy with Putin, we know😊

  • @nameless7699
    @nameless7699 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The finality of this conflict continues to take shape each passing day. It’s basically up to Ukraine now on how much they’re willing to lose. Reality is a son of a b sometimes

  • @jehandesains8674
    @jehandesains8674 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Russian losses based on the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense’s data:
    Russian losses between 1 March 2022 and 31 December 2022 (10 months):
    92.920 troops
    2.820 tanks
    5.222 armoured vehicles
    1.936 artillery systems
    4.290 cars and cisterns
    171 special equipment
    Russian losses between 1 January 2023 and 30 September 2023 (9 months):
    181.850 troops
    1.673 tanks
    2.907 armoured vehicles
    4.456 artillery systems
    4.163 cars and cisterns
    752 special equipment
    Russian losses between 1 October 2023 and 31 July 2024 (10 months):
    300.920 troops
    3.697 tanks
    7.212 armoured vehicles
    9.642 artillery systems
    12.933 cars and cisterns
    1.780 special equipment
    Russian losses between 1 August 2024 and 1 October 2024 (2 months):
    74.940 troops
    484 tanks
    1.344 armoured vehicles
    2.736 artillery systems
    3.805 cars and cisterns
    601 special equipment
    Russian total losses since 24 February 2022:
    656.710 troops
    8.893 tanks
    17.596 armoured vehicles
    18.906 artillery systems
    25.750 cars and cisterns
    3.330 special equipment

    • @Wagner_Dz
      @Wagner_Dz 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Source: Former Clown

    • @molotok1726
      @molotok1726 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      okay but this is only in your wet dreams

    • @EUGEN093
      @EUGEN093 16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Very reliable....

    • @Johnny00122
      @Johnny00122 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Source trust me bro

    • @jehandesains8674
      @jehandesains8674 7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Johnny00122 source is literally in the first sentence of the comment.

  • @zpqm693
    @zpqm693 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    N azis
    A tlantic
    O rganization
    T errorist

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      NATO means North Atlantic treaty organization

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      NATO was created by western allies that defeated Nazi Germany in WW2

    • @KnightofUkraine
      @KnightofUkraine วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      C ommunist
      S ocialist
      T errorist
      O rganization

    • @sirius6738
      @sirius6738 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@KnightofUkraine Based CSTO

    • @Kevik70
      @Kevik70 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@KnightofUkraineJust a Russian bot. Russia = Facist mafia state.

    @YALQUZAQ_AZ วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Karabakh is Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
    Cyprus is Turkey 🇹🇷
    Kashmir is Pakistan 🇵🇰
    Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Gaza is Israel 🇮🇱
    Abkhazia is Georgia 🇬🇪
    Free South Azerbaijan
    Free East Turkestan
    Free New Caledonia 🇳🇨

    • @TDP-t7o
      @TDP-t7o วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      we have geopolitics at home :

    • @superscience777
      @superscience777 วันที่ผ่านมา +2


    • @swedishnationalist6632
      @swedishnationalist6632 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      A mongol is saying that

    • @Abdullaomar-fb1ze
      @Abdullaomar-fb1ze วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Kashmir is not Pakistan

    • @gart7511
      @gart7511 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Turks consistently have the worst geo political takes

  • @Hohol_HATER
    @Hohol_HATER 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    ☠⚰ 72-й омбр ВСУ понесла колоссальные потери в Угледаре
    В одном из батальонов из 350 человек по штату осталось 30 человек, из них полноценных пехотинцев 14-18 человек, остальные тыловики.
    Вот так вот "своевременно, четко и организованно вышли". 🤷🏻‍♂